Talented Lily Chew ~~ ~~~ WISHING TREE FLORIST
Talented Lily Chew with her daughters Kimberly and Angel.
Lily has a nice florist shop and makes very interesting and wonderful creations with flowers. This is what she sent me around two days ago. Wow… very creative… Like a magic flower box. I have offered to Vajra Yogini for Lily so she and her lovely daughters will be blessed, protected and be alright.
Lily Chew has a wonderful place called WISHING TREE at F-10, Faber Imperial Court, Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur. Telephone: 03-2732 5501/5502. Nice work at this florist shop owned by Lily and very creative!!! I love Lily’s creations and exotic flowers she throws together. I love exotic flowers to offer to the Buddhas or to present as gifts.
It’s always nice to have a florist shop to call from anywhere around the world and order flowers to deliver to people on special occasions in that city….thanks Lily.
Thank you Lily for all your wonderful talented offerings of flowers. I wish you and your daughters the best.
Tsem Rinpoche
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wow.. this is so beautiful… and who better to offer the most beautiful offerings than our Guru.
Lily – It’s been such a pleasure to get to know you over this year – from meeting you on that Wesak day, and your coming to the Manjushri classes and our occasional lunches! I liked reading your post here very much. Like you, I had also planned to leave for Australia or Canada as soon as I could. I had lived in the UK for 17 years and I wasn’t used to life in Malaysia – of course, all my own projections!
In fact, the time that I met Rinpoche about five years ago, I was literally on the verge of getting the application forms to move to Australia. However, since then, everything has changed, and I will be staying in Malaysia 🙂
Rinpoche has taught me that wherever we go on this planet, we cannot run away from samsara and samsara is suffering. So the only way to get out of samsara is to stay right here and learn the Dharma, and do Dharma work to purify my negative karma (and I have loads of it!) and accumulate merits. We are so fortunate to have our Guru here, and that he has created for us such conducive conditions to practice and gain positive karma. So many people out there don’t.
So i hope you’ll be staying with us and see KWPC become reality 🙂
Hi Lily,
This floral basket is very unique and colorful! Such good work from you and your team.
Your story is very inspiring too, having such deep commitment and passion learning the Dharma right from the start. We are glad your kids enjoy Manjushri classes. Kechara is truly unique in that there are many depts with various activities that can cater to anyone and will benefit everyone.
Dear Lily,
From a Singaporean to a Singaporean… I kinda understand how you feel … how strange things turn out? That we spend more time here than in Singapore even though we are both running back and forth. Home is where the heart is…
It is a pleasure and honour to teach the kids, cos I just love all the kids! Teaching is one of the best way to give back! Learning is 2 ways – the kids do open our eyes and teach us – all the MKC teachers many wonderful things too!
And I do try to be back in KL and not miss Lamrim on Fridays and MKC on Sundays. My best birthday present last year rushing back in time for Lamrim was the Lesson on the Wheel of Life – priceless!
Having a full fledged centre with the many departments, activities, classes to nurture us is something to be grateful for. Likewise I feel very blessed to have the good fortunate to meet Rinpoche and the rest of our Dharma brothers and sisters to learn, grow, be better persons and help benefit others!
May everyone have the good fortune to sit before the Lotus Feet of Buddhas to listen to the Sound of Dharma, and spread the Teachings far and wide!
My prayers and gratitude to Rinpoche always!
And to you and your family for your kind contributions, generous gestures and love,
Dear Rinpoche,
My Sincerest gratitude for your kind thoughts of and blessings on my daughters and myself. It was a very lovely surprise to appear on your blog and with your compliments on our creations.
Thank you for blessing me with a team of talented and committed staff, who pay extra attention and care when excuting their tasks and responsibilities. We are truly blessed to receive an order of flowers to present to you and therefore treasure every opportunity that comes along.
The flower “box” was a creation of one of my talented team members, Adrian Poon, who has worked with me for the past nine years. Wishing Tree is blessed to have him, and we have all enjoyed these years of working with him.
Before I joined Kechara about a year ago, I had planned to retire in 5 to 6 years and move to Australia with my daughters who would be attending university. I had always looked forward to that day and learn to cook and bake and spend quality time with my girls. However, I dont’ seem to look forward to that anymore. During the recent lamrin retreat while reading, I suddenly felt very sad at the thought of leaving you and Kechara, and tears rolled down. I don’t understand why I would feel this way, since I have only been with Kechara for a year. Now I want to spend as much time as possible to learn about dharma to help myself and others, and so that I can keep in touch with you in my next life as well as continue to learn and practice.
I am so grateful that my husband bought tickets to the 2009 Wesak Carnival, without which I would not have had the chance to know Kechara and to meet my guru, Tsem Tulku Rinpoche. I am very blessed and forunate that, as a Singaporean living in Malaysia, I have had the chance to know and learn about dharma from my guru who is based in Malaysia. My two daugthers enjoy the Manjushri classes so much; Angel loves Aunty Ling for her creative arts and crafts, and Kimi loves Wee Liang for his fun and loving character. Thank you so much, Ling and Wee Liang for your kindness and patience with them.
And to you, Rinpoche, my deepest gratitude for your compassion and blessings.
May Buddha’s blessings you always be with you and bring you good health and long life.
Much prayer and blessings,
Lily Goh
wow! never seen such a creative arrangement. Lily is very sincere in learning dharma. Got to know her last year around wesak when she started attending Manjushri Class. Then she started to bring her lovely children to Kids classes also. There are so many talented people in Kechara and lily sure is one of them!
What a creative piece of floral arrangement!
What an utterly creative, ingenious arrangement! It takes a beautiful soul to do such an inspirational work of art – I am flower-struck!
Well what can I say except I can’t wait for her to teach both kids and adults with flowering lessons on creativity? I will be the 1st in line…
Congratulations to Lily and her Wishing Tree Team! Keep these great blooming creations coming!