What Leann offers on her birthday
Below is a gift from Leann… she is a 28 year old girl who is very active in Kechara.
Initially, she started volunteering at Kechara InMotion during her free time. During that period, I heard a lot of people expressing how helpful she was and how she would never hesitate to help whenever she could.
Yesterday I got a wonderful surprise… she sent me a card on her birthday, to announce that she has decided to join full-time in Kechara House!!
Congratulations Leann, and thank you very much for the beautiful gift and card!
I welcome you into Kechara. I warmly greet you and ask you to put your heart and soul into in learning the dharma… apply into your life and you will understand even better why you are working for the dharma. Working is just working. But when work makes a huge difference in other people’s lives for the better, then it may look like work, but it is not work anymore… it is much more.
Joining dharma work in Kechara really is an expression of your kind heart to use your life for something more, for others and for a greater purpose. I congratulate you!!!! Be strong, overlook problems, don’t take pain to heart, but always see the bigger picture. I wish you so much luck and offer prayers for you always.
Tsem Rinpoche

A pink plushie pig! What a nice gift and I thank Leann for this gift of the heart…

The front of her card… what a creative card!

Inside the card
Dear Rinpoche,
Today is my 28th birthday and I would like to offer to you this cute piggy to represent me.
I am offering myself to serve Dharma fully by working fulltime in Kechara House. I have started work as Puja Coordinator on 16th November 2011. I feel very blessed and happy because I finally doing what I need and should do instead of doing only what I want.
Thank you Rinpoche from the bottom of my heart for providing me this opportunity to do something meaningful for my life. May you have excellent health. Long life and continue to turn Dharma wheel.
With folded hands,
Leann Lim
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Congratulations Le Ann! Welcome to Kechara’s family! May your spiritual journey grow and benefit more people…
Welcome to the big Kechara family, you will find the steepest learning curve ever! If you love challenges and dharma Kechara is the place to be all the best to your spiritual growth.
很开心你的加入。从当年的摄影棚到今日成为克切拉的同事。也要感谢 秀凤的关怀和带领。
谢谢你James, 对,真的要非常感激秀凤的带领和循循善导,不然今天都无法成为你的同事,哈哈…愿你与佛法同在^^
Leann Lim
Dear Lee Ann:
You are always around helping out. You are so dedicated to Kechara, you always come for the puja, volunteered at events, you always smile and talk nicely to people. We need someone just like you! Welcome to our BIG family! I sincerely welcome you!
Welcome, Leann, and welcome to your first KH committee and staff meeting last night.
Dear all friends,
Thank you again from bottom of my heart for all the wishes and advises here….thank you all sooooooooooooo much. I feel very blesses and happiness. I will do my best to benefit and help others that i can. Thanks again.
Leann Lim
Wow wow wow….welcome to the Kechara family, i am so happy for you Leann, i wish you have a tremendous journey ahead 🙂 ,rejoice rejoice… big hug!! xx
Congratulations Leann for assuming the role of full time puja coordinator for Kechara House pujas. I rejoice for you.I am sure you will bring your care,friendliness and helpfulness to bear on the smooth running of KH pujas.
Dear Leann,
I am very happy for you!
To be working for the Dharma is a rare opportunity, I am glad that you came across this opportunity, that you recognized it and then decided to go for it!
That you have offered to do so on the occasion of your birthday is very inspiring, for you have turned a self-kind-of celebration into an opportunity to give to others instead!
I wish you only the best, may you go all the way and benefit many people.
Thank you for inspiring me.
Hi piggy (hehe…),
Well done for your achievement 😉 Am happy for you doing Dharma work full time. What a hugh step you have taken to ‘swing’ your life into doing something benefitting others. Excellent!!! May you continuously enjoy what you are doing now and may you gain great attainments soonest for the benefits of others. Rejoice!!! cheers 😉
Congratulation Leann,
Welcome to this wonderful family!
How wonderful you celebrate your birthday by offering yourself to do dharma work fulltime. So meaningful and memorable. You will always remember this date not just your birthday but the day you make a different to your life and others.
Happy Belated Birthday!!!
She’s very accomodating and willing. I first met her during the Chinese Setrap puja on the first day when I came to KH. She is helpful guiding me to do the puja.
Last week alone I worked with her and observed that she had her hands full but still patiently put up with my requests without any complain :p Thumbs up to her and keep up the good work!
Congratulations Leann! Welcome aboard.
You have chosen the best career in your life and with meaning. May the 3 Jewels bestow upon you and your family many blessings.
Welcome on board Leann!!
Been waiting so long for you to join us and here you are. Not only that we need more people in Kechara, I think this is the best thing for everybody’s “career”, which you can help so many people while you can give the best you have. Rejoice very very much!!!
You shine like an angel when you are helping around in KH. May you be happy and healthy always.Everything will be very very good here!!!
Dear Leann,
Welcome to Kechara, and to the most fulfilling present that you have ever gave yourself. Never let this chance go no matter what happens. Nothing else in samsara is worth it.
Congratulations Le Ann! You always have a smile whenever I see you in KH. Always helpful and have a kind heart. All the best and I’m sure you will find Dharma very rewarding. 🙂
Dear Lee Ann,
Welcome to our lovely Kechara big family:) You like puja very much, we all know. It is so precious can do something we like in our lifetime. Your birthday offering will be inspire many many people like you, young, energetic and intelligent. I am sincerely wishing your spiritual journey will be grow up very fast while you are full-time in Dharma.
much care, Yek Yee
Dear Leann,
Happy Belated Birthday, and a BIG WELCOME to the family of Kechara! Very happy for you.
Dear friends,
Thank you all your wisher i receive since im join in Kechara. Thanks ya.So meet u all next time at Kechara House.Cheers, Leann Lim
p/s : actually when planning for the gift part, im so struggling, coz want to present something that meaningful and represent beside body speech and mind gift. At the end i decide choose this pink piggy that i LOVE so much, that represented me as a gift to Rinpoche, and quite scare that is bit weird (like never see people give a pig as a gift to Rinpoche:P) Thank you Rinpoche and so happy that u like the gift:)
I rejoice your sincere wish . I know you will do a good job for the sake of others.
Thank you Kevin for your fully support..Thanks ^_^
Dear Rinpoche,
I want to thank you again for all the advise and note here.I believe to serve dharma is the best gift for myself in my life. I think maybe one day when i ‘fall down’ or get confuse in my life. I will look again in this msg that touching me so much- “Be strong, overlook problems, don’t take pain to heart, but always see the bigger picture”…yes, this is the thing that i need to learn very hard.
May i quickly remove my bad habits, negative karma become better person to benefit more and more people.
May you have good health, long life and smile always ^^
With folded hands_/|\_,
Leann Lim
Leeann, you’re now a full confirmed staff of KH and I want to say I am very proud of you 🙂 You have only been here on the job for about 2 months and look at how much you have been able to do and learn already. Don’t stop learning – it will get better and better 🙂 I’m proud of you and very happy to be able to work with you and be your friend 🙂 Love, dragon Jamie (hehe)
Congratulations Le Ann!
I bet this is ur most memorable birthday ever! 😉
Dear Leann,
Congratulations! You are capable and helpful whenever i see
you doing your work.
Congratulations to you, Leann! Welcome on board and let’s join hands to help realise for Kechara to go global!
Congratulations Leann! I’m so happy and rejoice for you! Happy belated birthday =D
Dear Leann
Happy Birthday and welcome to Kechara family! I rejoice in your decision to choose dharma as your career! You have made the right choice!
Dear Leann,
Welcome to Kechara :). Congratulation and I rejoice for you!
Dear Lee Ann
June Kang
May you collect a vast amount of merits!! 🙂
Dear Lee Ann
Congratulation and welcome on board!
That is so wonderful, I am very proud of her ability to completely dedicate herself to Dharma work to benefit others! May your journey in the Dharma be strong and prosperous! And may you spread the Dharma where ever you go!
Welcome to the Big Big Kechara family. You have chosen the best gift in the whole wide world to gift yourself. I’m very happy to hear this. Have a great growing journey in Kechara.
Love Suzan
Dear Leann,
Congratulations and welcome to the Kechara family! What a lovely gift to give on your birthday. I look forward to seeing you more around Kechara! It’s a tremendous and fulfilling experience!
Congratulations Leann!!
I am very happy for you!!
Dear Le Ann,
Welcome to the growing family!! Though I haven’t spoken much to you, I always see you being very helpful, and always smiling around KH. It is great you have taken on this decision and joined the Dharma fulltime – It has made my life more fulfilling definitely. I hope you have a wonderful journey ahead of you.
Oh, and happy (belated) birthday too! Your cake looks really delish…hehe. Look forward to getting to know you better!!
Congratulations. 🙂
Isn’t that wonderful? Another bright and young person wishes to do dharma work to benefit others. I am so proud for her and happy for the lives she will touch. Please give her your encouragements and prayers here. TR