Bill Keith, Let me try on your sunglasses now!!!!
I was in a meeting last night with my 21 liaisons. We finished the meeting around 3:30am…we had discussed the enlargements of our KH Gompa (Meditation Hall), the expansion of KH depts and in particular the opening up of Kechara Care Dept under Liaison Suming very soon.
During the meeting Bill Keith was wearing these ‘fabulous’ raunchy glasses as he wasn’t well and the glare of the lights hurt his eyes. Well I had to grab the glasses from him and try them on. He’s got many pairs and they are all white. In fact all Bill Keith’s clothes are white. Everything is white…don’t’s a fashion designer’s thingy.
Looking glam with Bill’s specs!
Got a cordless mic on my cheek and Bill’s glam glasses and I’m ready to enlighten the world..hehe
This was my Super model pose… everybody thought the glasses were super but not the model! *sigh* Back to teaching dharma and building KWPC.
Here’s bill getting some treatment in the hospital with May Ong..another wonderful human being. Bill’s always ready to make ppl smile.
This is a glamour shot of Bill Keith as he does designing of shoes now….He appeared in ICON magazine this month…nice. But Bill is not only designing the shoes, but also wearing?????
This is my beloved Bill Keith who is the liaison of events, design and Outlet decor. Bill is not just another pretty face but very intelligent. He graduated from Bachelor of Arts from York University, Toronto, Canada in Urban Planning, Child Psychology and Creative Fashion. Wow…talk about diversity in learning.
Bill is a well known Local designer with many outlets in the past throughout the city. Many of the who’s who in town will find bill to design something for them always. Hence Bill is very busy.
Bill has become my student. He adds laughter, joy, creativity, and intelligence to any of our meetings and functions. I adore Bill’s sharp wit, sense of humor and he is a very good sport. I can tease him to death and he is perfectly ok.
He has taken time from the design studio, the catwalks, and many clients to be involved in dharma and do dharma work. He really pushes himself. All of our wonderful Kechara Paradise outlets in the city he does the decor and window displays!! He makes all of our retail shops stunning, beautiful and very modern. We have been complimented many times on the asthetics of our Kechara Paradise Outlets..Thank you Bill.
Much Care,
Tsem Rinpoche
I think Bill didn’t eat for a month before taking this shot….eheheheheheh…I should talk…I know..look at me!!!!
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I had not the faintest idea what the heading of this blog means before I opened the blog. Suddenly I saw the picture of Rinpoche posing and wearing a pair of large white framed sunglasses which look more like goggles to me. I couldn’t stop laughing and laughing with the humour and jokes that came with it. Looking so glamourous except he was wearing robes. It brings back memories when he was working as a real model in Malaysia. How the young girls use to tell me they admire Rinpoche and even had a crush for him not knowing he is a monk.
The Liaisons Council meets at least once a month to discuss issues pertinent to the growth and development of the Kechara organisation. These meetings are long, not because we enjoy having long meetings (although we do) but because there is so much happening in Kechara these days that it does take that long to discuss about it all!
Sometimes we hear updates about what is happening in this and that department, other times we discuss plans for big upcoming events and yet other times, there are intense debates about how certain situations should be handled. The debates can be long but that is because every single Liaison takes personal interest in all aspects of Kechara. And Kechara’s phenomenal growth can be attributed in part to the dedication and efforts of the Liaisons Council (the other bigger part is due to the leadership and advice of our spiritual guide H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche of course!)
When we sit around the conference table, it feels like the Board of Directors of a huge multinational company – well, its not too far off. With Kechara World Peace Centre just around the corner, Kechara will certainly be going places!
I still remember my 1st time meeting Bill Keith in Kechara House. He was wearing a white tee, and it had turned semi transparent from wear and tear. Rinpoche looked at him and said “oh jeez! wear a bra!” and instead of freaking out, Bill just laughed it off. It kinda showed me how much tolerance and respect Bill had for Rinpoche.
I also saw Bill did design work for Kechara House. He did the decor for Kechara Oasis during a Kecharian meeting. It was admirable as he was a very busy designer but still he took time out to volunteer in Kechara. And he is a very successful designer now.
Despite being teased to death by Rinpoche, he always takes it with a stride and humbly. It’s one of the qualities i’d like to have. It goes to show that even glamorous fashion designers can practice the Dharma, not just normal people!
Put two great talents together and you have a house full of laughter. Rinpoche really knows how to infuse funnies into dharma – he shows us that it is not that dry after all. Never a dull moment with Rinpoche. Rinpoche understands that not everyone in the audience would be able to sit through the whole talk and still be able to absorb the teachings. He always makes sure laughter is on his agenda when imparting knowledge to us. Bill is such a good sport even when he gets teased to death by Rinpoche. I remember when he first walked through the doors of Kechara, he was all in white with long flowing hair, keeping very much to himself only. Now the long hair is gone but he is still in white, with a little bit of color once in a while. No more is he aloof and he is ever willing to lend a hand. What an impact dharma has on him.
Terima Kasih Rinpoche!
From the first live teaching that I was privileged to have met Rinpoche, I can understand from the photos that there is never a dull moment when He goes into action and no stopping Him either!
And when paired up with Bill Keith, I am sure it will be ballistic!
Who would have ever thought that ‘dry Dharma’ could reduce one to tears if not joy, it would be aching laughter by Rinpoche? LOL
Rinpoche is one of the funniest person I have ever met in my life and I really mean it. I won’t be surprised if Rinpoche the funniest Lama in the world. If Rinpoche is not a Dharma teacher, I am sure he will make millions as a stand-up comedian. Instead, Rinpoche uses his wits, humour and eloquence to teach people the Dharma. Just log on to any of Rinpoche’s teaching on youtube here and you will see what I mean.
Bill really looks skinny in the ads! Or perhaps very good digital imaging and touch-up! You know-lah … the amazing Photoshop software can do practically anything.
What does that matter. Bill is really talented. Everyone who walks into Kechara Paradise Sunway has commented on the esthetic beauty of the store.
Bill look a real funny person. Yah, he looks skinny on the last few photos. It’s good that he tried those sunglasses when he’s irritated with the lights. It looks good on him.
Great shot Bill! Next time we should pose like that during dept. shots. This way the ponch, double chins, eye-bags and face sag don’t show. We’ll look 10 years younger! Why not if it helps…..
I wonder why Bill never wear those glam glasses to KSK committee meetings ! hmmm….
What can I say?! If anyone is looking for a Guru who is amazing, brilliant, never-a-dull-moment, deep and substantial STOP Looking! This is it. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche!
Rinpoche had made learning Dharma fun yet meaningful!
The revival of good human attributes and qualities, especially in these crazy, chaotic times require very extreme means – bring out the Lama with them white shades and let HIM dazzle you with HIS wit, humour and endless COMPASSION. DHARMA THAT MAKES YOU SMILE, LAUGH and sometimes, CRY because you are laughing till yout tummy hurts. Any takers?
That is so funny! I love it when Rinpoche does these little impressions! He is really pure talent a hundred percent!
and yes Sharon – i totally agree with you!!
Oh – that was really hysterical!!!! Rinpoche certainly knows how to work a crowd 🙂 yes – tremendously skilful means… with his profound Dharma, punctuated by his extremely down to earth humour, it is really a magnet for all modern people who may have never considered themselves to be spiritual! RInpoche is a true Renaissance man.
Hahahahahah…. super glamour glasses 🙂
By the way, Rinpoche really WAS a catwalk model before!!!!
Rinpoche’s Dharma talks are always infused with alot of humour & fun. It is never boring; Skillful ways to keep the dharma session alive and mostly to keep us awake so that we can absorb the real dharma essence to transform our lives.