JP treats E-division today!!
Dear Rinpoche,
JP bought E-Div Sushi, Kenny Roger side dishes, good old caffeinated coke with loads of ice. Everyone in E Div are busy working and eating at the same time. BK, Shin, Jean Ai, Lionel, Lew, his wife and 2 kids, Yew Seng, Isaac, Cynthia, Wai Meng are here working. JP is having a short meeting with YY in the front room. See 3 pix below.
The buffet line
E Div staff and Margaret eating and working
Jean Ai helping Lew
That is wonderful when everyone can see how hard other people are working and we just spontaneously go and bring some love, cheer and care. THANKS FOR THE PICTURES AND WONDERFUL UPDATE WENDY.
Very good going JP. We all know you are a very generous, kind and giving person. Thanks for taking care of E-division which is a part of Tsem Ladrang.
Tsem Rinpoche
Jp a liaison of Tsem Ladrang Dept, Bod, KWPC and other compassionate projects. He works very closely with me and makes my appointments. He has done so much in the short time he has joined us and dharma. I appreciate Jp so much. He even oversaw the contractors for whole building of Tsem Ladrang building where we reside now!!
Read more about JP here to get to know him better.
Wendy is a important member of Tsem Ladrang Dept. She is always ready to help the sick, deliver food, do pujas for people, serve a drink, buy supplies, arrange flowers, do accounts, cook, clean, get airline tickets, take guests on tour, check in luggage, make offerings on the shrine, keep track of certain accounts. She does quite alot these days, works hard, stays up late and REALLY JUST HAS HERSELF AVAILABLE TO HELP IN ANYWAY!! Tsem Ladrang is really much better off with this hero in the background. She really joined Kh years ago to learn the dharma, for the dharma, and strictly for the dharma. She loves the dharma and believes in it ALL THE WAY FROM THE BOTTOM OF HER HEART. Yet she is not fanatical, just very sincere in her devotion for the dharma.
Every place has a Girl-Friday who just does so much and so many last minute things. Well, Wendy is our Girl-Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, AND FRIDAY. I enjoy having Wendy in our Tsem Ladrang dept so much. I really do.
I wish Wendy to teach in KWPC in the future. Teach because she loves dharma. Someone who loves dharma and teaches will bless the listener. May Vajra Yogini protect Wendy in all her lives until she attains Kechara Paradise.
She is wonderful for people to ask questions, or to talk to. She is very patient, uncontrived and extremely happy to answer whatever questions she can. She is quite a sweet person. We love her. But very busy these days. Very versatile busy. That is her gift now, to be so versatile to do whatever is just necessary to make Tsem Ladrang run smooth!!! Thank you Wendy my dear!
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6 years on and e-div is still working almost round the clock. And, Kecharians are still feeding others. I guess, they’ve been following Rinpoche’s example in giving care to all.
Rinpoche has been giving love and care to all including the folks of Bentong where Kechara Forest Retreat is.
May Rinpoche’s works bring more benefits to many, many more people.
Both Wendy and JP are extremely inspiring people.
JP has dedicated a lot for the Ladrang to grow to this level and he really does help and care for others in a very sincere way. You can really feel the care when you talk to JP. He is very patient and kind in more ways than one.
Wendy has also been very caring to me from the first day i knew her in Kechara House. She would actually spend time to talk to me and explain many things to me. She gave me a few more chances to do a little more Dharma work, by allowing me to sell 1 booklet of the Setrap Puja tickets (which i did!) although there might be a possibility that i may not be do it or steal the money but she trusted me anyway.
I really admire these 2 individuals and i really wish to develop my mind to their level of care and altruism. As much as i like to receive care, i would like to give it as well…
JP, being one of he Liaisons of Tsem Ladrang is a very inspiring figure within the organization. He has joined Kechara for about 4 years now and in serving Rinpoche, he has very unwavering faith in Rinpoche and the holy Dharma. Through him, we are able to achieve so much within the organization today.
His charisma in him brings out a whole new culture in New Age Buddhists whereby we practice Buddhism in accord with the sacred rules and guidelines of the Holy Dharma without compromising our 21st century lifestyle.
Like JP, the E-division works just as hard in bringing Rinpoche’s message of world peace without compromise into the world who needs it badly today. As our country is not yet a fertile ground for us to work in robes of the Sangha (I don’t think we’re ready to make such a big sacrifice) Rinpoche has compassionately setup many departments for us to engage in spiritual practice through our Dharma work. As these works reachout to more people, many countless people out there will benefit.
Let us give both JP and hardworking people of the E-Division a helping hand by further promoting Rinpoche’s sacred words to Enlightenment!
Thank you JP & Wendy for doing a “KSK” for us hungry staff, hehe…