Pastor Loh Seng Piow’s Grandmother Mdm Chin
Pastor Loh Seng Piow’s grandma fold her hand when I am doing prayer for her..she’s very coherent.
Myself with Mdme Chin, Pastor Loh Seng Piow and Mdm Loh.
Recently I made a short trip to Pinang to do prayers for 90 year old Mdm Chin who is terminal. She is Liaison Pastor Loh Seng Piow’s paternal grandmother. Pastor Loh Seng Piow has been assisting me closely for many years and extremely concerned regarding his grandmother. I thought I would make this trip as time may be short.
I was able to stay in the hospital for around 2 hours to do certain prayers and rituals. While doing my rituals, Mdm Chin was very coherent and awake. She was very respectful and prayed along best she could.
I also met some of her relatives and were able to give a short dharma talk to them. It was a trip that I made to make sure that Mdm Chin is entrusted to the Three Jewels.
Several pujas were done in the Monasteries of India for Mdme Chin also. I am very happy regarding that. JJ, Chia and Monlam assisted me to Pinang for this trip. While there I visited temples and Kechara Paradise Pinang branch.
Tsem Rinpoche
Pastor Loh Seng Piow, Mdm Chin and myself...may she be alright always in this life and all future lives. May Gracious Vajra Yogini take good care of this lady always....I offer my prayers for this to be so...
After the prayers for Mdm Chin, I met up with her relatives. From Left to right-Pastor Loh Seng Piow, Mdm Loh, myself, Aunty Betty, Ms Khim.They joined me when we had the prayer session for Mdm Chin.
I was very happy to meet these people. I was very relieved they show concern and wished to serve Mdm Chin. That’s the way it should be. We should take care of our beloved elderly. They are NEVER A BURDEN.
Saturday June 3, 2010 11:58PM
We just recieved news: around two hours ago, Mdm Chin without any pain peacefully passed away in her home with family…..
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Our beloved elderly is Never Burden.
Besides, they are the very reason we practice Dharma. Although selfishly I am thinking benefitting my mum through Dharma, I do hope many other sentient beings will be near Dharma and practice Dharma also. I know Pastor Seng Piow’s grandmother has passed on since but this post serves as a reminder on the reason we practice Dharma. Thank you Rinpoche and Pastor Seng Piow
It is so touching… Nothing is permanent….
Seng Piow grandmother is indeed VERY fortunate to have Rinpoche’s blessings before she passed away. She will have this imprint in her that she will be alright in future life. Also by her grandson doing dharma work and dedicating the merits to her is extremely powerful for her to be alright especially after death.
Due to Seng Piow devotion and serving Rinpoche well, all the merits that he collected he dedicated to his family and loved ones. Seng Piow is very close to his grandmother and due to Mdm Chin’s good karma,Rinpoche travelled to Penang with a few assistants to perform prayers and rituals for Mdm. Chin. I was in the hospital when Rinpoche was performing prayers for Mdm. Chin and I noticed that Mdm. Chin was alert and aware of what was happening. She could even recite OM MANI PADME HUM even though it was her first time learning the mantra. Rinpoche was very caring and showered her with love and care which touched all those present. During her wake, one of Seng Piow’s aunt told me that Mdm Chin was still eating and changing her clothes by herself until her passing away and she had a peaceful and easy death.
I am sure that Mdm Chin, through the blessings of Vajrayogini, has taken a good rebirth.
When I saw Mdm Chin Seng Piow`s grandmother`s picture on Rinpoche`s blog I feel a sense of satisfaction and contentment in her. I am sure she must have done a lot of good deeds for people during her life. Now good karma has come for her. Very few people at time of their death will get such good opportunities to have a living Buddha at tbheir bedside to do prayers for them. Thru Seng Piow`s Guru Devotion and serving Rinpoche so well he has acumulated merits together with Mdm Chin`s good Karma Mdm Chin has a peaceful death. If ever I were to live up to Mdm Chin`s age, I will want to wish for the same good conditions for me when THE BIG DAY comes. To achieve this I must create the cause now for it to happen. This blog also has reminded me of the time I took care of my mother in the hospital before she passed away three hears ago. May Vajrayogini bless Mdm Chin and take her to Kechara Paradise.
Due to liaison Seng Piow devotion and good samaya serving rinpoche for many years as his personal assistant, all the merit SP has collected dedicated to his beloved grandma before she enter the new life. Under Sp request, Rinpoche special make the trip flew to Penang to perform prayer and ritual at the hospital to blessed SP’s grandma, make sure she get protector blessing to protect her until her next life.
It reminded me 12 years ago when my father nearing end his life, rinpoche has kindly instructed me how to take care my father before his pass away. All the instruction I had followed through to help my father. In order we can help our love one, we must always hold our vows and pure samaya close to our lama. The death come us anytime, you can do something to help ourselves and others for the next rebirth by practicing dharma and have strong guru devotion. At the end our life only dharma can help. This is my personal experience many years ago to keep me going do dharma work.
To add to that:
Rinpoche has also often advised us of the importance of Dharma practice not just to ensure a “safe” passage at the time of our death but also because we can dedicate the good merit of our practice to our own loved ones, so that they too can receive the right protection and blessings at this most crucial time, as they pass from this life into another.
As Rinpoche explains, if we really love our parents, friends, family, children we need to do more than to just give them money, education, houses etc. Yes, we want them to be happy, safe and secure, but these material things can only help them to a certain point. If we do Dharma, sincerely and ardently then even if they do not practice Dharma or even understand or believe what we are doing, we create an infinite wave of merit that can be dedicated to help them at the highest level… for this and all future lives.
At the “simplest” level, if we really hold our samaya well, fulfil our spiritual commitments and dedicate our life sincerely to the welfare of others, then by our own huge collection of merit, it is taught that we can call on the help of Dharma protectors at the time of or loved ones’ death. By our merit, our close karmic connection to these people and our firm faith in the dharma protectors/buddhas, the conditions will open easily for us to request and receive their help, and we can be assured that our loved ones will have an extra guiding hand to lead them across during the most difficult transition at death. No better insurance plan than that, I can assure you.
This opportunity to practise Dharma is therefore infinitely more precious than we can ever imagine; the corresponding ripples of benefit we create extends far beyond ourselves and most directly to our loved ones.
My secondary school friend, Chan, is Seng Piow’s cousin. When I visited Penang last year, I had a chance to live in Madam Chin’s house.
When we were there, she took care of us very well, and she is particularly kind to my two daughters. She was very agile and very mindful despite her age was 90+. She even remind the maid to close the windows before going out for dinner.
It also though us that life is unpredictable. Let’s stop giving excuese and start doing good deeds now.
All of us pray that Mdm Chin will have a good rebirth.
In this world where impermanence pervades, death is the single certainty we have. Yet, for many, death is the one consistent thing we avoid…avoid to talk about, avoid to know about and avoid to face.
After reading a little about Dharma and hearing Dharma teachings, I learn to avoid death less. In this process, I begin to think that it is not death that we should fear because, in some ironic way, death frees us from the suffering we submerge ourselves in this lifetime. However, what is extremely terrifying is what happens after death.
What will happen to us after we die? The Dharma tells us that the respond to that question depends very much on our karma, which we create with our own doings. Therefore, in some way, we can pretty much guess what will happen to us based on the things we have done and the results we have created.
* For some valuable information related to this, please check out
I am happy for Seng Piow, Mdm. Chin and his family that they can be at peace with the fate of Mdm. Chin after her passing. This gift of peace and guardianship from the 3 Jewels is the best gift we can offer any being. Seng Piow gave this priceless gift to his grandmother through his devotion to Rinpoche and the Dharma as well as the great compassion of Tsem Rinpoche.
I just received a MMS of the funeral of Seng Piow’s grandmother but knowing Mdm Chin had already been blessed by Rinpoche I ‘m not worried for Seng Piow nor his grandma because from what Rinpoche described in his post, she would be well taken care of by the 3 jewels.
Seng Piow loved his grandma a lot. She took care of him as a child and they were very close.
Sometime ago when Rinpoche considered giving the Ngesung Kundrol initiation to members over a certain age, Seng Piow registered Mdm Chin for it immediately.
I’m glad that even though Mdm Chin didn’t get the initiation but due to her grandson’s vast amount of merits through serving Rinpoche to help many others, she had received special blessings from Rinpoche personally.
Nothing is permanent.We should not fear death for the wrong reasons due to superstition and denial.Death s the best teacher of impermanence and fearing this inevitability will motivate us to make sure that at death we have done something which will enable us to die happy with the knowledge that we will have a good rebirth.
SP’s devotion and practice has now manifested in his grandma passing away peacefully and without having to endure long periods of discomfort and indignity in and out of hospital.Of course it is thanks to prayers by Rinpoche and SP’s close karmic connection n servitude to Rinpoche that his grandma was able to receive those blessings.
It takes a lot of merit to meet a Rinpoche and even more merit to be able to be blessed directly by him at the most crucial point in one’s life.SP has laid his foundation well and I am humbled to follow his example.
The last part of our journey in life is much anticipated. Many Zen masters of Buddhism have the word death carved in the forefront of their minds. Such was the teachings of the Buddha that we need to constantly remind ourself of impermanence.
With this in mind, Rinpoche always reminds us to keep our vows very well, even at the cost of our life. This is the foundation of our practice. By keeping our vows and words of honor, we’ll be able to begin our practice whether by reciting mantras, studying the Lamrim or even our protector practices. When the foundation is laid well, it makes our practice strong and there’ll be less chance of us falling back to our old habits which creates more negative karma for ourselves and those whom we love.
Seng Piow having assisted Rinpoche in serving the Buddha Dharma and also many people who are in need have collected a vast amount of merits by holding his commitments to his guru. As such, moved by his filial piety, Rinpoche has made this special trip to Penang to personally bless Mdm Chin, SP’s grandmother so that she will be in the hands of the Sacred Three Jewels and come what may, SP’s grandma will be alright in this life and the life after.
As I type this comment, Mdm Chin has passed away peacefulling a few hours ago and I am sure she is well taking rebirth in a better place now.
do watch Rinpoche’s talk about death in the link below
It is so touching to see another demonstration of Rinpoche’s constant care and concern. Having received Rinpoche’s blessing, I am sure Mdm. Chin will be well taken care of.
Rinpoche – always practising the dharma that he preaches and showing kindness & care toward others in need.
Rinpoche’s compassion has no boundaries. We are so fortunate to have Rinpoche living amongst us constantly overseeing our dharma practice.
This is such a beautiful story!