Thierry Does Nori Rolls & Andrew joins in…
Around two weeks ago in the Tsem Ladrang kitchen….
I have really kind friends and students who really help, participate and contribute everything to what Kechara House is today.
Thierry (Left) showing JJ (centre) and Justin (right) how to make delicious Nori Rolls for me here in the Ladrang Dept’s kitchen.
Thierry is from Belgium and he resides here. He is a very talented cook among many things that he does very well..He has been volunteering more and more in the Ladrang Dept of Kechara House I am happy to see and we welcome him very much. Thierry is intelligent and can think very deeply. During my dharma talks, he focuses very intensely and has genuine interest in the dharma. I like spiritual seekers like him.
Thierry joined our KH last year and enjoys learning Lam Rim tremendously..he loves Tsongkapa now….
JJ is a young Malaysian who is in the ladrang also a very good cook of Chinese food and loves dharma… Justin Ripley is from New Zealand and married to a lovely Malaysian girl. Justin does wonderful Western food and is a great Web developer & a good friend to have….Justin and JJ getting lessons on making food in the ladrang from Thierry…
Thierry, I from my heart, want you to be a part of KWPC and all Kh activities. Intelligent and creative people like you can contribute to the benefit of others so much. I sincerely wish you will do that with your wonderful partner for the rest of your life. It is a privilege to serve others through the dharma and it is the best thing both of you can do. I wish you both the VERY BEST AND THE MANIFESTATION OF THAT IS MY WISH FOR YOU BOTH TO BE IN DHARMA AND THE DHARMA BE IN YOU. You have my care, concern and prayers….always….get involved and be firm and steady…go all the way WITH US!!!!
I need you!!!
Much care,
Tsem Rinpoche
Update: Today itself!!
Today there’s a liaison’s meeting. All 21 liaisons will be meeting to discuss important issues and KH’s growth.. When Thierry and Andrew heard, they rushed over to help cook up some surprises for today’s meeting participants…thank you both!! They are very talented in cooking and how nice of them to contribute to the dharma this way!! Food is love. Thank you Thierry and Andrew so much!!! Remember… go all the way with dharma!!!
Cooking Maestro Thierry in Tsem Ladrang Kitchen!!
Cooking Gurus Andrew (left) and Thierry (right).
Martha Stewart move over!! Here’ Grand master Andrew!!!
How nice!!! Welcome to Andrew and Thierry to the Ladrang Dept… you both can definitely do so much to benefit others through KH… you trust my feelings on this!!!
Fantastic Duo working away with a big smile in the Tsem Ladrang kitchen…
Hehehehe… Andrew and Thierry waiting for their delicious home made pizza to finish cooking!!! And so are we!!! Thank you so much!
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I can only tell you that Thierry and Andrew are such wonderful persons. I love them very much, … they are so generous in all the things they do. I’m sometimes so affraid people will abuse of their generosity … Take care of them for me please, because they live so far away from their familly ! I miss them a lot ! You are their familly now too !
Dear Thierry and Andrew,
You not only cook wonderfully, but you both are wonderful people whom I care for a lot.
Thank you for being you, you two !
I absolutely love seeing Thierry and Andrew together! At first encounter, they couldn’t be more different… Thierry, all serious and quiet; then there is Andrew whom I have never seen without a smile, chatty and nothing but good things to say about others. How wrong I was! This lovely pair is wonderful together! You can bet on never having a dull moment with them. Not only can they cook… they are both established in their chosen fields of profession, passionate about the Dharma and of course, respects and love Rinpoche. I have utmost respect for the both of them and feel that there are lots to learn from their example.
Cooking partners in the ladrang kitchen. Thank you Thierry and Andrew for going over to cook for Rinpoche and the council of Liaisons. Your great food helped to see them through a very long day. What a good way to express your offering by serving your Guru. You lead by example that offering to our guru can be in any form – volunteering in any department of the organisation, take care of our members and friends, cook and provide meals not only to our guru but also to his liaisons who are very dedicated to assist in His works and make his vision come true.
Terima Kasih Rinpoche!
“It is a privilege to serve others through the dharma…”
What a timely and poignant reminder…recalling what the Buddha Himself once said about when we minister to the sick, we are ministering to Him.
I also recall reading on how when Ven Master Cheng-yen was challenged by Roman Catholic nuns who asked her how could Buddhists be so uncaring for the sick, poor, suffering and afflicted and she herself had just witnessed a pool of blood and a dying native woman’s hope of recovery and treatment dashed when her family could not come up with the money for it and had to make the arduous journey back to the mountains, Tzu Chi Foundation was born as her response.
KSK and the other 11 Depts are the response of Rinpoche’s heart for the actualization of the statement above for us.
Thank you Rinpoche! Thank you Rinpoche! Thank you Rinpoche!
Thank you Thierry, Andrew, JJ & Justin!
These two Dharma brothers of mine are just a darling couple. They told me that before they came over to cook at the Ladrang for all the liaisons, they had actually experimented and cooked at their own homes many times FIRST until they have perfected the nori rolls. Both Thierry and Andrew have been doing a lot of work for Kechara and its various departments. Although they are newbies, their faith in Rinpoche is strong and firm. It goes to show that it is not a question of time, it is a question of faith and trust. Thierry found Rinpoche by chance while listening to the different Dharma teachings online. He has never looked back since. It was because of Thierry and Andrew’s sincere wish to thank all the liaisons by cooking for their Liaisons’ Council meeting that has inspired me to do the same. Though I am in no way close to Thierry in terms of cooking, but I too wish to express my gratitude to the liaisons for working so relentlessly on our behalf. Thank you both Thierry and Andrew for showing us all how to give thanks to all the Dharma brothers and sisters who have given up their secularly lives to benefit the rest of us. It’d be great if more people could do the same.
Dear Rinpoche,
Nothing beats that wonderful feeling arising in me when I know -without a doubt- that I am doing the right thing.
And doing the right thing can be as simple as applying focus onto cooking a meal for you and the “friends of the world” -aka liaisons.
Further than that, your words of care in the above post brought tears to my eyes -oops it does it again…
These are tears of joy and relief.
Thank you
It is so refreshing to serve for dharma causes and Kechara is so blessed with so many willing volunteers who knows the goodness they can get from it. I sincerely rejoice.
Thierry & Andrew, the dynamic duo who cooked up a storm in Tsem Ladrang kitchen are great cooks! The tomato consomme is to die for (more more!)
They have been featured in Flavours magazine Mar- Apr 2010 Malaysia edition. Read more here:
Hehehehehe… Ooops… I just realized I meant folded hands and NOT folded arms… Folded arms! Gosh sounds like i am a crossed kid!!!! I do apologies… *blush*
We are blessed and indeed given a great pleasure in being able to cook for Rinpoche and your dedicated Liasons who work so tirelessly in the forefront as well as behind the scenes to benefit us and all others… our tiny contribution pales in conparison to all the selfless work Rinpoche, your Liasons and the Ladrang team do 24/7 (and then some!). We are truly humbled and grateful for the opportunity to give back and we are looking forward to cooking and sharing more… the energy and love in the Ladrang is so amazing that time flies while we are there and we didnt really realise how long we have been in the kitchen till Datuk May invited us to join the Liasons during dinner.
As I sat down next to Paris, she asked, “gosh you must be tired” and only then did i reflect on the fact that Thierry and I had indeed been on our feet from 10:30am and at that point it was already 9pm! How time flies indeed when you are having fun ;)!
Hmmmm, perhaps something more exotic like a platter of Shiitake Rendang, Northen Indian vegetable Dhall Curry and Stir fry garlic Quinoa?
Thierry and I always find it hard to leave the Ladrang… its like tearing ourselves from home to leave for a long business trip.. hehehe…
With folded arms and much love… Andrew and Thierry
Lovely! This blog entry makes me feel hungry. I am glad Rinpoche had some good food. It is always a blessing to have good food! Hehehe
They really look their part and great of them to give their time to cook for the Liaions and Rinpoche !