Don’t Make Me Go….

Picture is of my first trip to Malaysia in 1992…Kyabje Lati Rinpoche insisted I travel and teach. I begged him please not to make me go. I begged to the point of respectfully debating with him till he told me to not debate and just follow …his instructions. I really did not want to go..i wanted to go into retreat in N. India or join Mother Teresa to do charity works as a Buddhist monk in Calcutta. When I was ‘debating’ with Lati Rinpoche, about 300 monks were seated and listening as we were in a meeting. They were all silent and never dared say a word. I really begged Kyabje Lati Rinpoche to not send me, I was so distressed, but in the end, I had to follow his orders and direct instructions…
Thoughts now:
Why teach the dharma when no one wishes to transform or sincerely tries. You only offend them, make them angry, and because they can’t face themselves, become hateful of you. They even run away… These days, one of the best ways to make enemies, is to teach others dharma or tell them what needs to change… So teaching less dharma is better during these times…transformation creates the causes for more dharma. Every time you break your promise, or give up or just run from what you are supposed to do adds to the drop teachings becoming less….Making excuses creates the causes for dharma teachings to lessen and then to stop….
The most disheartening sight for a teacher is to see a student not change after years of teachings, hundreds of repetitions of the same advice although the teacher cares so much..teachers must be compassionate towards students but not to the extent of allowing them to harm others/themselves….students must be kind to teachers goes both ways… Excuses and justifications for the same mistakes arising from pure laziness and selfishness. Not caring about burdening others. This all creates such powerful karma for the teacher to go away, pass away or just remain silent. It creates karma for yourself to become harder, lazier and even more closed up…remember results resemble causes…. For projects not to take off or filled with zillions of obstacles arise from this type of karma also… If the karma is so strong, then even if the teacher wants to help, your karma or collective karma will somehow stop it. The degeneration of Buddhism will arise from ‘practitioners who don’t practice…this will create the main causes for the demise of Shakyamuni’s teachings…You may think you are happy and free because your teacher stopped pointing things out to you, but the so-called happiness and freedom is temporary…karma catches up and the teacher with tears in their eyes watch you experience the effects of your karma…the teacher stopped speaking to you or stopped teaching because your karma to receive it is not supportive…dangerous…never let it go that far…never…but if it has…then it has….
Not wanting to listen to one’s teacher you say you are committed to is a sign that you have broken many promises, samayas, practices and trust. The karma that arises is any good advice given to you cannot be heard, understood or followed. Good advice might even make you angry. The sight of your teacher might make you unhappy. The sight of something that creates happiness or dharma might make you uncomfortable or run. Why? The karma to receive good, is not enough. For example, when someone due to drinking has lied so much, cheated or hurt so many family members over and over, there is this very strong karma collected and bursting to open. The karma returns and makes him not hear advice nor want to follow giving up drinking. He/She may know the harm and understand, but cannot stop. Or run away from loved ones who truly care…the loved ones watch with tears and apprehension as they drink themselves to oblivion or worse… The karma to harm is too strong. The karma controls the person already….A tiger needs to kill due to it being born in that state as it’s karma has opened…opened to make more negative karma in that state…
We must repair…must repair the karma. No matter how bad, samsara has so many worse states you cannot even imagine. Negative karma leads to more negative karma, it does not stand still…Do not be not let laziness and selfishness rule anymore. Remember commitment, stability and consistency are the keys to anything…repair as no one can hurt you or punish you, only your deeds returning…for some it is truly too late..for some it only seems that way…whatever the cases, try……
It’s different for everyone and every teacher though…
Tsem Rinpoche
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Dear Rinpoche,
In writing, I know it’s relatively hard to comment on the truth, it’s even harder to share the truest feelings. So grateful to be able to read and try to understand Rinpoche’s feelings over the years.
Just recently, one very good Dharma in KFR has just passed on. Another one was a Dharma sister whom I was fortunate enough to do pujas with her, together with others at the Bayan Lepas Penang Chapel last time. Death can bring about unity and changes in us, and it affects those people around us too. However, on the other hand, it may harden one’s feelings about life too. I chose the former.
Thank you, Rinpoche for teaching the Dharma. I know saying thank you it’s not enough, and hence, I will try to push myself to continue with Dharma and also stick with Kechara. Then again, the word ‘ try’ here is rather cowardly and cautious to commit more. There are times when I hope I can involve more in Dharma. However, when I encountered problems, I prefer to be left alone and don’t like being pushed. Mmmm… *self-reflection
Thank you Rinpoche for the blessings, time, gifts, care, and above all, Dharma teachings. I’m grateful for the Dharma that Rinpoche has imparted to us.
1984 Los Angeles-Left to right: Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen, His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche, monk assistant to Zong Rinpoche and the 18-year-old Tsem Rinpoche prior to ordination. Read more-
I was walking past a second hand shop on Western Ave selling old things. They had a Japanese-style clay Buddha which was beige in colour on the floor, holding the door open. I thought the shopkeeper would collect a lot of negative karma without knowing if he kept such a holy item on the floor as a doorstop. So I went in to talk to him, but he didn’t look like he wanted to talk or that he even cared. So I asked him the price and he said US$5. I purchased it so he did not collect more negative karma. I was 17 years old and that was in 1982.
I escorted my new Buddha home and washed it lightly and wiped it. I placed it on my altar and was happy with the Buddha. I would do my meditations, prayers, sadhanas, mantras and prostrations in front of this shrine daily. When I left for India in 1987, I could not bring this Buddha along and gave it to a friend. It was a nice size and I made offerings to this Buddha for many years in Los Angeles. In front of the Buddha I placed His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s photo. I remember I was so relieved that the price was affordable. But US$5 that time was still expensive for me but worth it I thought. But I was happy to have brought the Buddha home. Tsem Rinpoche
Tsem Rinpoche at Kechara Forest Retreat, Bentong, Malaysia
The picture below was taken in Gaden Shartse Monastery’s main prayer hall during Lama Chopa puja. In the front row is His Holiness Gaden Trisur Jetsun Lungrik Namgyal when he was the abbot of Gaden Shartse Monastery. Next to him is His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche and His Eminence the young Tsem Rinpoche. Sitting behind wearing the hat is Venerable Geshe Lobsang Phende as head chant master.
deep and kind thoughts for students…
[…] […]
It’s been two years since this article was put up and it is sadly as relevant today as it was then. Buddhism will be destroyed in this degenerate times because people refuse to put aside their attachments and habituations in order to progress on their spiritual journey. The irony is that it is the student who benefits. Our egos are large and untamed, and the job of a spiritual teacher is to assassinate the ego. Rinpoche is extremely skilful in that aspect. However, as many great lamas have observed, many people fight against the methods of the teacher out of sheer ignorance. May we all be blessed to have right view of our spiritual teachers and to follow our teacher’s instructions.
Dear Rinpoche,
It is very true that Dharma is declining. It is more true Dharma destroy by (internal). Transformation of mind create karma for Dharma seeds to grow in me. Thus, i pray may i catch myself and transform. May i be persistance, may i able to create seed for Dharma to grow to more people.
Rinpoche, thank you for coming to Malaysia and put in so much afford to teach us. with holded hand _/\_
This post was written about 1 year and 3 months ago, and every single point raised here still applies now… Karma is ruthless, and we are ruthless to let karma control us and not the other way around. Whatever we are experiencing now is not because of any particular individual or certain group… I imagine its like how Buddhism started and spread in India, but then it degenerated and flourished in Tibet instead. I hope there is no “too late” in trying to reverse a ripened karma…
Poor Rinpoche looks so skinny in that picture. I feel I am a bad student. I have so much anger.
Rinpoche used to say that teaching dharma in this era in country like Malaysia is very hard. Thus one of the reason why in Malaysia, you do not Working in Ladrang, I’ve seen Rinpoche being disappointed many times by his own students whom Rinpoche has given them so much support, love and attention and when Rinpoche tries to change their negative habituation ie lying, sneakiness, and etc, some will shut down, some will run away and some will just show black face. They will conveniently forget all the things Rinpoche has done for them and also their family. Once confronted, their ego will win. Rinpoche has to deal with this almost every time.
” During the degenerate times, I will appear as a spiritual guide manifesting flaws ” – Buddha Vajradhara
Thank you, Rinpoche, for being here with us. Due to your strong Guru Devotion even though you dislike coming out to teach, yet out of compassion you chose to stay here to teach the dharma and started Kechara which is now one of the fastest growing Buddhist center in Malaysia and creating a cyber dharma to benefit so many all across the world.
May Rinpoche have a long, stable life. May you live long to turn the wheel of dharma to benefit more and more in the future.
Dear Rinpoche, although you have debated and don’t want to come to Malaysia to teach Dharma. You still come because of your strong praactice of Guru devotion to your Guru Lati Rinpoche and overcome what you don’t like to do. And because of this action which you have so unselfishly undertook. You have brought so much Dharma to so many people in Malaysia. Many people have benefitted from your teachings because of your compassionate sacrifice and charisma. Yes, many people have come and gone but more people have also came along, otherwise Kechara Organisation will not expand so rapidly in just 18 years. I think KH Organisation is the largest Buddhist organisation in Malaysia with 13 departments. You were also very tirelessly spreading Dharma through your blog which benefits people all over the world too. Thank you Rinpoche for staying with us.
“Even if the instructors of the teachings seem to despise and to ignore those who want their teachings, do not challenge them. Persist tirelessly and respectfully, and diligently seek the teachings.” Lama Tsongkhapa in the Lam Rim Chenmo quoting the Perfection of Wisdom in Eight Thousand Lines (Asta-sahasrika)
Dearest Rinpoche, I have heard from you many times how much you dislike teaching and how you wish you could stop. I must tell you that even though you don’t like teaching, it comes naturally for you. I watch your videos over and over again on a daily basis and I keep reminding myself of why I watch them: to gain the teachings from them.
I admit that I have seen both the good and bad in my practice of Buddhism and I have only been practicing for a couple of months now. It is amazing what I have accomplished and what I could accomplish if I knew where to go. I have you to thank for giving me a push in the right direction.
It is because of Buddhism that I have learned to change and I love it! Before I was very angry, attached, and I wasn’t satisfied. It was through Buddhism I have learned to let go of who I was for what I am now.
Every once in a while, I do slip up, but before it was a slip up that was beyond repair. Now, it has gotten better. I can honestly say that I have become a better person because of what you taught me and my will to change.
Surprisingly even though we live in the age of technology where everything is so available (especially in America), it is hard to find important texts in Buddhism that could further my practice or benefit me further. But I know as long as I keep your teachings in my heart, I will be set free from samsara.
“May the holy teachers have long lives.
May the enlightened activities be fully displayed in the ten directions
You are the source of all benefit and happiness
May you remain in this world until the end of existence.”
I read this advice on starting in Dharma for the would be student, “Better not start, once started, better finsish” The quote has stuck with me.
Jon 🙂
Dear riinpoche,
You are very extraordinary lama who focus more onto daily dharmma than ritual which somehow I felt very impressive about. I am happy to see your center have growth so much and thank you for teaching here in Malaysia. I have been following the growth of kechara since early 2000 and this center ouf yours does create a “hu ha”(great) in Malaysia Buddhism. Many others would think kechara as an luxury Buddhist organizations for only rich people due to how kechara have portray through the new gompa and ur visual identity.
In my humble opinion to enable Buddha teaching to spread “money” is always a concern and to self sustain, attracting others in the modern age to religion is getting harder as we simply think religion is conservative. Kechara have show a new trend toward religion aspect but hence is can this go on if this isn’t because of your present rinpoche? I doubt in deep respect.
Dear rinpoche, I know that rinpoche have gone through a lots of dissapointment from students that comes and than go. I am so sorry you have to go through this. Now I thoroughly understand why my guru would never want to built a center as he said it will be good enough to hv a small room and spread the dharmma just to few very committed students. I wish many of your students ESP those who work closely with you will transform before you go. Because when you leave, your hardwork will go down the drain if kechara house liaisons and committee don’t start changing and dear liaisons remember your lama life depends on how you as liaisons changes yourself n never take others for granted. ( sorry all liaisons for my humble advice which I don’t have the rights to.) may all of you be able to expand your lama life.
Thank you!
An important requirement: The student must withstand a long time effort.
very well said Lawrence…
If you ever decide to come visit let me know and I will help set up teachings for you. Your teachings on Youtube have tremendously helped my practice for four years. You have brought Dharma to the Internet as Atisha brought it to Tibet.
(from Jason on Facebook. I put it here because the message is so nice)
Why teach the dharma when no one wishes to transform. You only offend them, make them angry, and because they can’t face themselves, become enemies with you. Or they avoid you, or just run away….These days, one of the best ways to make enemies, is to teach others dharma. So teaching less dharma is better during these times…it’s sad, but true…transformation creates the causes for more dharma. Making excuses creates the causes for dharma teachings to fade and end….Buddha mentioned the Dharma will be destroyed by those on the inside (Buddhists), not from the outside….Nothing on the outside can destroy the Dharma. If you examine inside, how many teachings have you received yet not put into practice or ignored..isn’t that destroying the Dharma. You can reverse that of course….up to you…Tsem Rinpoche
Dear friends, Requesting the dharma sincerely with the thought I will practice all the way, creates powerful causes for the dharma to grow. In this day and age, that method is fading. Dharma and how it’s done will have to be downgraded or changed..I come from the old school, request, listen and practice, no excuses. Anyway for a silly teacher like myself, going cyber and meeting less people and not giving tantra is the best for now…Tsem R
Dear Rinpoche,
please with your kind blessings, may i be able to create the causes to listen to your speech again, and to put into practice what has been taught, and deliver results so that you may remain here to help the many who needs your help. may i have your attainments, so that i can help reach out to the people who needs to be reached out..
i must work harder to give out less excuses to everyone…if i miss this chance with Rinpoche, i am not sure if i will have another chance with the Dharma in this lifetime…real Dharma, not just those that make me feel happy for a while and then continue harming others and bringing down Buddhism in the eyes of others….