I’m Requesting Ordination in 1987

I am requesting His Holiness to ordain me here in Washington, New Jersey (1987). In the background is a large man in a grey jacket, white shirt and black pants looking at us, that’s my Uncle Giga. My uncle Giga looks on from behind.
I was on Facebook the other day and noticed a sharing by Susie Gugajew-Carton. Thank you so much Susie! I didn’t pay much attention at first as the description of this video was very abbreviated so I didn’t understand at first. But there was nothing else on Facebook that caught my eye so I thought, “Just take a look at the video.” To my surprise, the video clip had me meeting His Holiness the Dalai Lama in 1987!!! I didn’t even know such a video existed but I am glad it does. It brought back so many holy and beautiful memories. What a nice surprise!!

His Holiness the Dalai Lama with Geshe Wangyal to his left, surrounded by members of the Kalmyk-Mongolian community
The video was shot in Washington, New Jersey. Washington is in the northern part of New Jersey and it’s the tail-end of the Appalachian Mountains. Beautiful place. The Mongolian Geshe Wangyal established a wonderful Dharma centre on one of the mountains there and had invited His Holiness to visit, give Dharma talks and blessings. So all the Kalmyk-Mongols (approximately 1,000) rented buses from the tri-state area (New Jersey, New York and Philadelphia) and went to Geshe Wangyal’s centre to have audience with His Holiness the Dalai Lama. I was living in Los Angeles at the time in Thubten Dhargye Ling, which is Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen‘s Dharma centre, so I flew from Los Angeles to New Jersey to attend the teachings. After the teachings, we had the great fortune to go up and get blessing from His Holiness!!! Even writing about this now gives me goose bumps.
Well, when my turn came up I directly requested His Holiness to please ordain me as a monk and expressed my wish to go to India permanently. His Holiness replied, “No problem, come to India” AND HE WILL DO IT!!!! I was so excited, I held my tears and was blissed out. My uncles, cousins, adoptive parents, family and many friends were also there. My adoptive parents were not happy at all but I had to do what my calling was and I was going to do it no matter the obstacles.
I left for India in October 1987 and stayed in Delhi. Around late November, I went to Dharamsala where I stayed at the Gaden Shartse Puja House for one month. I absolutely loved it. I did pujas with the monks, did my sadhana and waited for my ordination. Dharamsala is 12 hours’ bus ride from Delhi and is a former British hill station where His Holiness resides. Then in December 1987, myself and two other boys had the fortune to spend three hours with His Holiness and senior sangha like His Eminence Denma Locho Rinpoche. That is when I received my ordination vows. His Holiness gave me my vows, cut my hair and touched my robes to bless it.
Can you imagine, His Holiness did this for me!! I was so happy, I had finally become a monk after years of wanting to be one, starting from a very young age. Now, I was 22 and had just became ordained!!! It was a lifetime’s dream come true to be a monk and His Holiness, the highest of the high, ordained me himself!!! I was given the ordination name ‘Tenzin Zopa‘ by His Holiness.
I offered my fruits and various other items to His Holiness then went outside after the ordination ceremony. None of my family, friends or anyone from the USA was there to greet me. I had made one friend in Dharamsala, whose name is Ven. Sharpa Tulku Rinpoche (he is translator). He alone stood outside the palace of His Holiness the Dalai Lama with a khata to greet and congratulate me after the ceremony. He was the only person there for me. I realised then that my spiritual journey would not get support from anyone, perhaps because no one really understood it. I am sure my family had good reasons for why they weren’t there. I do not mean to blame anyone, it was just what happened…
I was so happy to be a monk but at the same time, I realised that I was alone. I appreciated Sharpa Rinpoche so much for being there. He was a good friend to me in those days, and patiently explained to me so much about our Tibetan culture, the monasteries, the people, etiquette and any other questions I had. Apart from Sharpa Rinpoche and one other lama, I had no one else in Dharamsala so I spent a lot of time with Sharpa Rinpoche before my ordination. (The other lama was Ven. Sangtsang Rinpoche who helped me to prepare my robes and offerings because Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen wrote him a letter requesting him help me prepare for my ordination)
Anyway, Sharpa Rinpoche was very patient and spoke English so eloquently. Can you imagine travelling halfway around the world to take the biggest step of your life and when you finish and come out, there is just one person there to greet you, and it is someone whom you have just became friends with? I saw that the other two monks who were ordained with me had so many family and friends waiting for them outside of the palace with khatas, gifts and congratulations. It was lonely for me but it’s ok, I accepted. I knew becoming a monk was the right thing and I would never turn back. The only thing that mattered was I had requested His Holiness and he had ordained me, and I was going to go all the way with my decision! I had fought hard to get to Dharamsala.
After Dharamsala, I would have to go to Nepal then to Gaden!!!! Gaden!!! Gaden!!! Gaden!! Every bone in my body wanted to go to Gaden and live in the monastery!!! Every fibre in me ached to go to Gaden!!!!
Tsem Rinpoche
Here’s a spectacular video taken by Ben Moschkin and posted on Facebook, capturing one of the MOST IMPORTANT MOMENTS IN MY LIFE which is when I requested and was accepted to become a monk. I thank Ben so much for taking this video and posting it as it means a lot to me. It means a lot to many.

His Holiness accepts and says, “COME TO INDIA!!!!!” I almost collapsed with happiness and fulfillment.

I am 22 years old here and meeting a living Buddha who holds my unworthy hands…
Thank you whoever you are who took this video. It means so much to me and means so much to so many people in Kechara.
Important related articles:
- Happy family for Kalacakra
- My First Guru in New Jersey
- Kalmyk People’s Origin -VERY INTERESTING
- Tsem Rinpoche Bio Group Goes to USA
- Avalokiteshvara, Turkey Swamp, Marc & Me
- When I Had No One Else…
- The Promise – Tsem Rinpoche’s inspiring biography now in ebook format!
- My Previous incarnation
- Tsem Rinpoche’s heritage in China
- Tsem Rinpoche’s Torghut Ancestry | 詹杜固仁波切的土尔扈特血统
- My Childhood in Taiwan…Revisiting…
- My Short Bio in Pictures
- It Wasn’t Easy in New Jersey, but My Cousins/Aunts Helped…
- Fotomat and Me | 我和Fotomat
- Tsem Rinpoche in an American ‘Tantric Dress’!!!
- Kyabje Zong Rinpoche Cuts My Hair
- Why I Conceived of Kechara Soup Kitchen or KSK
- How Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen changed my life
- The Cowshed That Was My Home in Gaden
- Kyabje Zong Rinpoche with Lama Yeshe and Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen
- Dharma Work, Attitude & TDL | 佛法工作、态度及图登达杰林佛法中心
- Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen’s special thangka | 属于格西簇亲格而辛的非凡唐卡
- My Precious Kyabje Zong Rinpoche statue
- His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s Precious Teaching Collection
- Short sharing about Kyabje Zong Rinpoche | 关于嘉杰宋仁波切的简短分享 | ༧སྐྱབས་རྗེ་ཟོང་རྡོ་རྗེ་འཆང་གི་སྐོར་བགོ་འགྲེམས་མདོར་བསྡུས།
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Wow. I cannot even imagine how lonely Rinpoche must have felt to be all alone – even despite his determination to follow the Dharma…so I feel happy that Sharpa rinpoche was there. 🙂
Everyone should have friends, no one should feel lonely. Even if it is just one true person, I think it makes a world of a difference 🙂
It’s ironical, but true. Rinpoche had to take in and go through so much suffering to be able to help so many people now.
If he hadn’t, what would have happened? The alternative is scary!
Great to see something this rare – one of the main points on the path.
1984 Los Angeles-Left to right: Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen, His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche, monk assistant to Zong Rinpoche and the 18-year-old Tsem Rinpoche prior to ordination. Read more- https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/category/me
A poem inspired by seeing a picture of my teacher, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche…
In the sport of correct views,
all that is correct is just a view,
without permanence or substance.
As long as we hold onto views,
our sufferings are gathered
to be experienced without end.
Without the strong methods of emptiness
and compassion, bereft of merit,
we sink deeper without respite.
To arise from this samsara is but
a dreamscape on the deluded mind.
Therefore seek the guru, who confers the yidam,
hold your vows and fixate on liberation
free of new creations. Free of new experiences as
there are none.
~ Tsem Rinpoche
Composed in Tsem Ladrang, Kuala Lumpur on July 7, 2014
Tsem Rinpoche is very inclined to Buddhism since very young. There were a few Dharm centers closed to his house in the US and he liked to go there to listen to learn Dharma and do prayers. Unfortunately, his parents didn’t like that because they were worried Tsem Rinpoche might want to become a monk which is against their wish.
However, the urge for Rinpoche to pursue on the spiritual path was very strong. He tried several times to run away in order to learn Dharma. He had many difficulties but he never gave up.
Finally, in 1987, Tsem Rinpoche was ordained by the Dalai Lama and became a monk. Even though the life of a monk is very simple, but Rinpoche just loves it. Tsem Rinpoche gave up everything, including his family in order to benefit all sentient beings, people he doesn’t even know. He is such a compassionate person. Thank you Rinpoche, may Rinpoche live long and in good health always.
I was walking past a second hand shop on Western Ave selling old things. They had a Japanese-style clay Buddha which was beige in colour on the floor, holding the door open. I thought the shopkeeper would collect a lot of negative karma without knowing if he kept such a holy item on the floor as a doorstop. So I went in to talk to him, but he didn’t look like he wanted to talk or that he even cared. So I asked him the price and he said US$5. I purchased it so he did not collect more negative karma. I was 17 years old and that was in 1982.
I escorted my new Buddha home and washed it lightly and wiped it. I placed it on my altar and was happy with the Buddha. I would do my meditations, prayers, sadhanas, mantras and prostrations in front of this shrine daily. When I left for India in 1987, I could not bring this Buddha along and gave it to a friend. It was a nice size and I made offerings to this Buddha for many years in Los Angeles. In front of the Buddha I placed His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s photo. I remember I was so relieved that the price was affordable. But US$5 that time was still expensive for me but worth it I thought. But I was happy to have brought the Buddha home. Tsem Rinpoche
Tsem Rinpoche at Kechara Forest Retreat, Bentong, Malaysia
The picture below was taken in Gaden Shartse Monastery’s main prayer hall during Lama Chopa puja. In the front row is His Holiness Gaden Trisur Jetsun Lungrik Namgyal when he was the abbot of Gaden Shartse Monastery. Next to him is His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche and His Eminence the young Tsem Rinpoche. Sitting behind wearing the hat is Venerable Geshe Lobsang Phende as head chant master.
How blessed and fortunate to have this moment on video. Rinpoche’s story of perseverance is so great and inspiring. You are so far away Rinpoche la but thanks to your videos and blog I can receive teachings from you. I really love you so much. Long life and health always to H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche. ?❤️?
Came across this rare video and interesting article. Such a beautiful moment meeting someone whom you respected and looking forward to is indeed beyond words. The rare video clip of Rinpoche meeting H H Dalai Lama in 1987 paints a thousand words. Rinpoche is so determined and committed to dharma that brings him to where he is with us today. Even though its such a short clip I am blessed to watch a very special moment of Rinpoche life requesting ordination from a living Buddha.
Thank you Rinpoche , Ben Moschkin and Susie Gugajew-Carton for sharing
H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche is very devoted to his root guru, H.H. Zong Rinpoche.
From this blog post, it was very touched Rinpoche so passionate and committed to be ordained as a monk. This is an inspire for us to learn as a student, the strong guru devotion and deep imprint in dharma path. we are blessed to learn under Rinpoche mandala and receive valuable dharma. Thank you, Rinpoche.
Beautiful meeting. This must be such a remarkable moment for Rinpoche. He could happily and openly state his wishes to be ordained as a monk to Chenrezig. I am pleased for Rinpoche. This moment was also a reunion/ reconnection from previous life between these awakened beings. I refer to when Rinpoche in his previous life offered great merits off of his long life retreat to The 13th Dalai Lama considering the turbulent time the great 13th had to face in Tibet as the political and spiritual head of the land. After this act, it is said Rinpoche quietly entered clear light. Here, they meet again. And Rinpoche did receive full ordination from the 14th Dalai Lama in Dharamsala amid bittersweet moments. Long live all great masters.
It is amazing that this important moment in Rinpoche’s life was captured on camera by a stranger and the video found its way to Rinpoche. I don’t believe in coincidence, I believe this moment was captured on camera and found its way to Rinpoche’s blog 20 over years later precisely because it bear witness to how a sincere 22 year old boy in USA had such display of reverence to sangha and integrity in dharma. This video will become an inspiration for many to pursue the path of sangha-hood.
We often seek people to share and celebrate important moments of our lives. Spiritual practice is a path of renunciation and it can be a lonely path. Thank you Rinpoche for not being deterred by being alone but kept Rinpoche promise knowing this is the right thing to do.
[…] I’M REQUESTING ORDINATION 1987: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=19322 […]
[…] https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/me/requesting-ordination-in-1987.html […]
[…] knows that I am a big fan of Indian food. I started to like Indian food when I first went to India in 1987. When I came to Malaysia many years back, I thought I would not have Indian food while I’m […]
[…] I’M REQUESTING ORDINATION 1987https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/me/requesting-ordination-in-1987.html […]
I was touched when reading thid blog. Eventhough Rinpoche was alone yet he determined to follow the decision in order to becone monk and benefits sentient being. Rinpoche give up everything in USA and never regreted, we are blessed to met him and receive valuable dharma from Rinpoche. We grateful for the things done by Rinpoche, Thank you, Rinpoche.
Dear Rinpoche,
I am very blessed that you were so happy to see the video that I took back in 1987. I was standing to the right of His Holiness the Dalai Lama about five feet away. My intent was always to share the videos with the Kalmuck people and with Youtube this was made possible.
Your servant,
Ben Moschkin
Dear Ben,
I was not aware such a video was ever taken. When I found it on facebook accidentally I was astonished to find myself on it with His Holiness the Dalai Lama. In that same year after the video was taken I left the United States for good to be ordained as a monk by His Holiness. After which I joined the great Gaden Shartse Monastery in South India.
From there, the Abbot and Abbot Emeritus of Gaden Shartse instructed me to go to Malaysia to teach and bring Buddhism to people. I had to agree although my first choice was not to teach or be a teacher. I wanted to be in private meditations for extended periods. It is disrespectful to not agree with one’s teacher of which both of them were my teacher.
I thank you very much for posting the videos which was a very important part of my life. I have shared it with thousands of people as well as close students. I have always wondered who took the video and now I am glad to know it is you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate it very much.
I am also very happy you visit my blog. I personally blog and today in fact I posted 5 new posts. I have just completed them.
Do visit the blog regularly and I hope it will benefit you. You are one of the few Kalmuks who do visit my blog. Emoji
You have my gratitude and prayers.
Most Humbly,
Tsem Rinpoche
Dear Rimpoche,
During one of my seldom meditations I focused on the smallest sub-atomic particle that I could when during the visualization I shifted focus to the empty area next to it, then a feeling of love came to my gut, the same feeling of love that I felt for my wife at the beginning of our relationship. I came to the conclusion that emptiness is love. I wish to ask if this is a correct conclusion as a Buddhist. I haven’t meditated since then, but am I on the right path when I do meditate?
Your servant,
Ben Moschkin
Dear Ben, Emptiness is not love per se. Love in Buddhism is not based on attachment. True love is something that has no barriers and labels for those close or far. Emptiness is the correct view of the existence of all phenomena. So correct view is extremely important to release ourselves from samsara’s predicaments.
It would be good if you purchase the book: Liberation in the Palm of Your Hand by Pabongkha Rinpoche and read this well and meditate on the contents in the comforts of your home. It will benefit you very much.
I wish you well. Tsem Rinpoche
Dear Rinpoche,
Your insight and guidance is deeply appreciated with many blessings.
Your servant,
Ben Moschkin
I am from Thailand. I have come across to your wonderful website while I was searching for some information. It is really my pleasure to have watch a very special moment of your life…..
seems like this was a big time in both our lives…
i took birth the month you left for india,
may the path you walked be illuminated for other…
❁ ❁ ❁
Dear Rinpoche,
i would like to be a Monk ,too.
iam 26 Years old and want to be a Monk since 4 years now.
im studying the Dharma every day in my life.on every action that happen to me iam practicing,every moment.
i hope to be a Monk as soon as possible to study the Dharma full time and be with the Sangha.
i have to ask the venerable Gonsar Rinpoche,its the Rabten Choeling Monastery in Switzerland,im from Germany,but its no problem.
im happy to see You asking H.H.the Dalai Lama,Buddha Avalokiteshvara,and holding His hands.What a good Karma,what a bless,to be alive in a time where Buddha Avalokiteshvara is incarnated on earth at these times,and then have the luck to see and meet Him,and holding His hands.
Its a great luck for me,too,to have met You dear Rinpoche,only on a screen but it doesnt matter.i have the same opinion like You,and every time i hear You teach the Dharma,i hear You saying “my” words that im thinkin.
You are my authentication for that im on the right way 🙂
of course You have opened my eyes a lot.THANK YOU FOR THIS.
i wish You dear Tsem Tulku Rinpoche a very long,healthy and happy life without any obstacles.
greetings from Germany
sincerelly Yours
Dear Rinpoche,
Eventhough i maynot be the one who practice with my head shaved….I am learning abt the buddhism and trying my level best to do it properly….At times i face many difficulties and its hard to handle it. By going through Your story i got encouraged knowing that nothing is easy and if we try and take our decision carfully..its best…thank u beyound the earth and sky….
[…] 此外,克切拉精神导师尊贵的詹杜固仁波切曾在1987年要求尊者授予出家戒。请点此观看仁波切要求受戒的视频。1995年,尊者认证仁波切为转世杜固;此前,仁波切被至尊堪殊强巴耶喜和甘丹萨济寺的金甲衣护法认证为甘丹萨济寺的第72任住持堪布根顿越达的转世。 […]
i do not know wether you are a reincarnation of any lama… but as a buddhist believer, any person who chose the path of Dharma or any other for the good of themselves and other people have my upmost respect…
i only heard of you from the internet and i don’t believe it to be necessary of lamas or formalities or anything of the sort as you often speak of…
i rather seat in a place where only the wind and the sun can hear and see me… and maybe become a walking path for ants and other insects and becoming one with them all… it’s poetic but it is my belief that maybe this is the path to illumination if such thing is possible… What is your opinion?
sorry for no “his holliness” but i believe honesty is much better than formality or education and manners…
i also have another question that you might debate…
lately i have come to believe that having nothing except the ground under ones feet and the sun above one’s head and nothing else (no money, house, nothing to call our own) must be a really great sense of freedom… what do you think of that?
Thank you so much, Rinpoche, for this post. Geshe Wangyal was my first Buddhist teacher and I revere his memory and example.
Combining this post with the interview with Anila (Ani Thubten), the point that stood out most is Rinpoche’s conviction to be ordained no matter what. Rinpoche was very clear in Rinpoche’s heart how Rinpoche wanted to use this precious human life and this clarify is reflected in Rinpoche’s actions as confirmed by Anila when she said in her interview that “he (Rinpoche) could not be stopped”.
When Rinpoche chose the Dharma, Rinpoche REALLY CHOSE THE DHARMA. For all the ups and downs, bliss and pains etc. I think it is good to check in on our own level of motivation and conviction when we say we choose the Dharma: how much conditions do we have? Do we choose to stick by through the thick and thin?
I think it is good to reflect this way because the attitude in which we choose the Dharma is the same attitude we apply in every other choice we make. So, if we can become fully committed to our choice to practice Dharma, we will expand this and develop a good habit in our other secular decisions. This in turn will develop us into better people spiritually and secularly.
Lastly, Rinpoche went through so much just to bring the Dharma to us. As intelligent adults who made the choice to be Rinpoche’s students, we should cherish this gift of Dharma and realize the difficult background from which this gift was made possible and available to us by practicing and creating visible results in our lives and those we can impact.
brought tears to my eyes to see this as it is one of the greatest moments in a persons life to recieve ordination and for one person to be there to greet you when you came out must have been dissapointing but since then you a have made a lot of changes in peoples lives just like his holiness your life is one to hold up as an example to others. om mani padme hum homage to jewel in the lotus
Dear Timothy, No one from the centre I was at in L.A., or family members or ‘friends’ came to join me. Sharpa Rinpoche who I befriended while I was in Dharamsala was standing outside His Holiness’ residence when I came out. The other two monks who were ordained with me had their family members with khatas and smiles greeting them. This was the same thing to follow later when I joined Gaden, no family helped or assisted me in anyway. I had so little to survive on in Gaden for a few years….I am not writing this because I am bitter or angry or trying to blame them or anyone, it is what happened….No one shared or supported my dream or was too caught up in themselves… But honestly speaking, I was not important enough for any of them to be there I would guess. That is ok…I understand. I understood at that time I will be alone on this journey and expected no support or sharing from most people I have known. Many times during those days I shed tears, but I have been alone most of my life being adopted and abandoned a few times. Now Timothy, I accept…it’s ok. TR
you are not alone if you can accept a nyingma ngapka like myself I hope to help realise you wishes for all sentient beings
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this short video..
It is wonderful video that how Rinpoche meet H.H Dalai Lama.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this video. This is a precious video for all of us too as we can see with our own eyes, the process of Rinpoche requesting for ordination! With this ordination, today I can have you as our Guru and you give us so many teachings.
May you work spread far and more people can benefit from you.
With fold hands…
A truly life changing moment caught on camera , for ALL of us! If rinpoche chose to be an actor we would probably see him acting and making us laugh next to the likes of Eddie Murphy ! And we would never have met the guru in him , in this life time at least. Thank you, rinpoche for following your guru’s instructions.
At 22, Rinpoche has this precious experience of meeting with HH Dalai Lama and requesting ordination from him.
At such a young age when almost everyone else would probably be planning and taking steps to fulfill one’s dream of a career, Rinpoche had already made up his mind that he would be a monk and dedicate his life to Dharma and to benefiting others.Since that moment, there has been no wavering in his decision, no turning back. Every day of his entire life has been spent in benefiting others through teaching the Dharma, the best form of giving to others.
Thank you, Rinpoche, for bringing up this post again and reminding us about how life is made meaningful only when we use it to benefit others. Best of all is when we can work towards becoming teachers of Dharma.
Knowing Rinpoche, it is clear to me that Rinpoche would have been very successful in any worldly career, Zong Rinpoche himself predicted that Rinpoche would have been a very successful actor had it chosen that path. But, then where would we be if He had done so?
Rinpoche did put aside whatever other aspiration he had in this life because only the Dharma, and taking the vows to live the Dharma, was the path that would benefit others. And others were and are always more important than our personal worldly and unreliable pursuits.
Gratitude to Rinpoche!
Thank you Rinpoche, for bringing this post to the top again. My heart leaps a little each time I see this video – the tremendous respect that Rinpoche has for the Lamas at such a young age and the huge amount of focus and determination in Rinpoche’s eyes, for this is all you ever wanted since your youngest childhood.
How pivotal this very moment for everything that has happened since – Rinpoche going to India, taking the vows, entering Gaden, meeting more of the teachers and then finally coming to Malaysia. For every moment and teaching that we now have with Rinpoche, we have this moment to be grateful for.
In asking the Dalai Lama for ordination, this was like sets another chain of Promises into action. Subsequently, Rinpoche taking the ordination vows, remaining with his teachers and his lifelong commitments to them and to his practice has led to everything now: His Promise, Our Happiness.
paris your book is incredible
The passion and motivation of a high Lama never fade no matter what circumstance they have to go through. They are just like beautiful lotus growing out of a pool of muddy water untainted. Rinpoche’s love and compassion for all beings never fade despite what he has to undergo from the beginning to end – so worthy of respect and veneration. Such a GEM is rare to find. We love you Rinpoche.
Indeed, this is an historical event, a very precious video to share.
The biggest step in Rinpoche’s life result in benefited thousands of people around the world through dharma, I am fortunate to be one of the student who benefited from Rinpoche teachings.
I pray that many, many, many more will have the karma and the good fortune to receive teachings with Rinpoche and uphold the authentic Buddha-Dharma for generations to come.
If Rinpoche had not pursued his dream all the way, fighting, sacrificing and suffering in the early years, we fortunate ones in Kechara would not have met the dharma. Yes, we may read dharma books and attend dharma talks by visiting lamas from abroad. But nothing beats that when we have Rinpoche in our own backyard, in Kechara. Rinpoche NEVER gives up and pushes himself to the max to benefit everyone he comes into contact with, near or far.
This shows reincarnation exists. If not, how to explain Rinpoche’s deep desire to become a monk? And against all odds.
From this rare and precious footage, we get to witness how much did ordination mean to Rinpoche. His facial expression, his body language showed the reverence he held for HH Dalai Lama and the burning desire to be ordained.
In Rinpoche’s biography book , “The Promise”, we know the strong wish he had to be in dharma even at a very young age – which boy of 8 or 9 would think that he’d rather die if he could not get dharma teachings except someone with powerful imprints fom previous lives?
People who criticise Rinpoche are people who do not know the history of Rinpoche. In Kechara, new people are always taken for a guided tour at Kechara Care Gallery where a pictorial history of Rinpoche is displayed systematically. Please contact Kechara Care @ 03-7880 8031 or Kechara House @ 03- 7803 3908 for tour arrangement.
[…] Would you get ordained? What were most of us doing when we were 22 years old? Or if we are younger than that now, what are we doing now? When he was 22 years old, H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche was not yet officially recognised as a Rinpoche, yet his powerful, unstoppable Dharma imprints from previous lives have already been evident throughout his youth and culminated in this request for ordination. A year later, Rinpoche's dream came true when he was ordained by H.H. the Dalai Lama himself in India… Read about it in his own words and see the rare footage… I’M REQUESTING ORDINATION 1987 | Tsem Tulku Rinpoche […]
Dear Rinpoche
If you had chosen to become an actor in the USA, we Malaysians would have been very disappointed and Kechara would not manifested. Thank goodness you chose to be a monk and benefited many of us now and in future lives.
I also thank the person who took this rare video footage to share with us here online.
As time goes by, in one word, outstanding.
Thank you so much to the person who took this video and post it on facebook.THANK YOU AGAIN! It is so rare and precious moment captured on video.
With this ordination,we have Rinpoche here with us in Malaysia.We are so fortunate.May Rinpoche be in excellent health always and be with us for a long,long time.
I want to become a monk just like H.H Dalai Lama, Lama Zopa Rinpoche and you!!!
My dearest Lama
Your decision to take ordination changes the course of my life and thousands perhaps millions of others.
Much love and care
Thank you Rinpoche for being so selfless, regardless of the objection from the family, Rinpoche has never given up the wish wanting to be a monk to benefit people. If Rinpoche did not become a monk, we will not be able to receive so much precious teachings from Rinpoche and be benefited.
WOW!!! Reading about and seeing your experience, I’m completely over joyed and happy for you and all of your fortunate students. As one who that same desire burns deeply in I can really really truly appreciate the greatness of this ,most beautiful and monumental event. Thank you so kindly for sharing it and for the great positive force that you and generating in our existence.
This video is a true unearthed gem.
Rinpoche’s drive and determination was already as strong as we can see today. Nothing could be more important than getting ordination, nothing.
All of us that wish to reflect on the hardship of our own lives, on our obstacles, on our depressions, on our family problems, on our financial problems, etc… should learn more about Rinpoche’s biography to find the inspiration and to understand that the way forward is not to focus on our problems but to focus on other people’s potential to solve their problems TOTALLY.
By becoming part of the solution for others, our problems dissipate, or at least the way we see them changes and we do not suffer from them anymore, we are emancipated from them.
There is a good old saying that goes:
By requesting for ordination, Rinpoche wanted to be part of the solution, it was so clear in his mind at a young age already.
Why does it take most of us 20, 40 or 60 years (or more) to realize that?
We should all pray that if we have not managed to free ourselves from suffering this lifetime, we get the courage and the determination in our next life time and seek for ordination sincerely and with resilience, at a YOUNG AGE, so we do not waste any more time…
It is a great privilege to witness the seed marking the beginning of Rinpoche’s journey into monk-hood which empowered Rinpoche to benefit so many through the Dharma.
Looking back after 24 years of Dharma work Rinpoche has achieved for the benefit of millions of sentient beings, i am saddened but “understand” the difficulty and alone-ness Rinpoche had to endure. Throughout history, exceptional individuals who had big dreams and the destiny to make a significant difference were always alone because others did not see what these individuals saw.
I thank Rinpoche deeply for Rinpoche’s compassion to go through so much suffering for the benefit of others. I thank Rinpoche for all the sacrifices Rinpoche had to make to benefit others. I pray that Rinpoche’s students will have the merit to learn from our Guru and make choices to challenge ourselves so benefits others.
We are indeed fortunate to have H.E Tsem Tulku Rinpoche with us right here in Malaysia. although im am only 3 month old in Kechara, but am fortunate to have met Rinpoche, and the encounter with Rinpoche was definitely a true eye opener to me, as Rinpoche teaching is very close to our daily life and the way Rinpoche teach although is unconventional, but because of H.E compassion, we able to absorb and practice what Rinpoche share with us.
The video here very clearly show to all of us the strong determination of Rinpoche wanting to be ordained as a Monk, to help other sentient and benefit others. Like what Margaret said, what would most youngster at the age of 22 will do, beside staying at home, it will be going out for clubbing, partying and indulge in the samsaric life, which has no benefit but more harm.
Although Rinpoche maybe an “Unconventional” Lama to some, but i find the unconventional-nes of Rinpoche has benefited so many lives, human and other sentient beings, what inspired me the most is Rinpoche vision for the manifestation of Kechara World Peace Centre which is truly a magnificent project which would benefit many people, beside KWPC, there is also animal sanctuary and Menara Kechara, which all of this together with the current 13 department of Kechara is a prove of Rinpoche great compassion to bring Dharma in different “unconventional” way to suit different “unconventional” people, so many could benefit from the practice of Dharma.
We are truly grateful for having Rinpoche with us to guide us in the practice of Dharma to benefit many more sentient beings.
There are three people who have replied saying they wish to be ordained. I’m sure there are others although they have not mentioned it. This video of Rinpoche requesting for ordination from His Holiness has inspired others to follow in his footsteps.
Dear Rinpoche,
Like Lim YL above, I find that the most poignant moment in your sharing of the above post re your ordination by HH the Dalai Lama, was that moment when you came out to find that there was no family member or old friend waiting to share that great moment with you. Only a new,but warm and caring, friend.
But then, despite this moment of ‘aloneness’, you held on to your determination to stay the course so as to benefit others and to fulfill your promise to your Root Guru, Zong Rinpoche.
Teaching the Dharma and benefiting others – that’s what Rinpoche has never stopped doing since then.
I find this post very inspirational.As I look around me and find that my close ones and my close friends (from my world before Dharma) seem to find me different and even weird ( in my all-consuming endeavor to drink as deeply as I can from Dharma and from keeping close to my Lama and his precious teachings), I actually do not find this ‘aloneness’ frightening or daunting.
Thank you, Rinpoche, for not being disheartened by your aloneness, in that defining moment of your life. Because of your determination to benefit all and your unexcelled Guru Devotion, we, in Malaysia, have benefited by your coming here to give us the precious teachings and practices of the Gelugpa and Ganden lineage.We are deeply grateful to you our most precious Spiritual Guide.
This is such a rare and precious footage of Tsem Rinpoche embarking onto fullfilling his promise to his root Guru, Kaybje Zong Rinpoche to become ordained as a monk when he was in Los Angeles.
In the Monastery, the late Lati Rinpoche has requested Rinpoche to come to Malaysia to teach the Dharma, though it was not Rinpoche’s wishes as Rinpoche would really loved to do retreats in the Monastery, but due to the unwavering Guru devotion Rinpoche has for the late Lati Rinpoche, he came to a foreign land where basically he had to endure much hardship and start from zero.
Here in Malaysia, we are indeed so fortunate to have H.E. Tsem Rinpoche with us, working with Rinpoche to spread Dharma to all corners of the world is a journey not to be missed.
I agree with what Lim said above, I don’t care what others may say to criticise Rinpoche, just take a look at this footage and see the determination the young Rinpoche has at such young tender age of 22. What were we doing at this age??? Most of us would probably be partying, clubbing, shopping or engaging in some sorts of silly samsara activities.
Indeed Rinpoche is an “Unconventional” lama, who has brought an unconventional student like me to Dharma. Without Rinpoche’s brilliant, witty and unconventional methods, I wouldn’t be anywhere near the Dharma and have since received so many great teachings that have changed my life.
With much gratitude and respect always,
Dear rinpoche,
“Can you imagine travelling half way around the world to take the biggest step of your life and when you finish and come out, there was just one person there that you just became friends with? The other two monks who were ordained with me at the same time, had so many family and friends waiting for them with khatas, gifts and congratulations and were outside of the palace waiting…I saw them… It was lonely for me, but it’s ok…I accepted. I knew becoming a monk was the right thing. And I will never turn back.”
After reading the paragraph above, it really touched my heart. If not because of your determination and wish to benefit others, it is not easy for a lay person to make such a decision. Somemore you are just 22 yrs old at that time. Therefore, no matter how others criticise you or label you as “unconventional” guru, i still respect you from the dept of my heart. You went through so much hardship just to become a monk with the aim to benefit sentient beings. We are very fortunate to be part of your mandala to spread your teachings.
Hi Dr Lim,
Yes,I remembered Rinpoche once saying the measure of how worthy of respect a person is by how much the person was willing to ‘ sacrifice’ worldly pleasures and endure hardships for others. If we reflect sincerely, we will have to come to the conclusion that such a person is not ordinary and there is a huge gap between us and them when it comes to going all the way to benefit others.
This video just proves that Rinpoche practices what he preaches and a perfectly suitable object of our Refuge.
This is such a Precious video clip. Thank you for sharing it Rinpoche.
Seeing events in real life will be more exciting then only reading or talking. You can see Rinpoche’s Ordination in real life on videos. We are very lucky that someone had video taped Rinpoche’s Ordination event and put on facebook. Rinpoche was only 22 years old when he went for Dalal Lama’s teachings in New Jersey. At that time he was living in a centre in Los Angeles. He had flown all the way from L.A to New Jersey to attend Dalai Lama’s teachings. After Dalai Lama’s teaching everyone was allowed to get blessings from Dalai Lama. During the blessing Rinpoche took the opportunity to request Ordination from His Holiness to which Dalai Lama agreed and ask Rinpoche to go to India. Rinpoche went to stay in Ganden Monastery for a month while waiting for his Ordination. He went to Dharamsala to get Ordination with two other monks. After the Ordination Rinpoche had no one to rejoice and congratulate him besides his new found friend Sharpa Rinpoche. While the two other new ordained monks had relatives and friends to share their joy.Even though he has no one to share his joy he was still very happy that his wish to become a monk had been fulfilled. After Dharamsala he went to Nepal then to Ganden Monastery where he stayed on permanently.
It’s so wonderful to have one’s very special moments in life captured and yet we didn’t even know about it until much later. Now, to see this for ourselves, it is so surreal.
H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche has always displayed such great reverence towards all Rinpoche’s Gurus. Every time Rinpoche speaks of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Rinpoche would fold his hands and place them at his forehead. Rinpoche does the same whenever we make our dedication prayers to His Holiness’s Long Life.
This is really such a gem of a find. Thank you for sharing this, Rinpoche. Now, we can all witness the great moment and celebrate with Rinpoche. Although Rinpoche had no one then, by Rinpoche’s side, Rinpoche has many friends and students now who are so touched by Rinpoche’s teachings. Many friends and students around the world celebrate this beautiful moment with Rinpoche over and over again because Rinpoche has benefited so many of us.
Thank you deeply.
Dearest Rinpoche thank you very much for sharing this precious moments with us. It must be a great moment. It refreshes my memory when you cut Anila’s hair. I wish I can be ordained one day too. In order for me to get to that stage I must now be commited to my preliminaries. Thank you for the great reminder. Thank you Rinpoche.
How amazing it is to be able to see such a defining moment.
It is my wish also to be ordained, how amazing it would be if I too could ask His Holiness to ordain me.
Thank you so much for sharing this.
Beautiful. I’ve been gibing it a lot of thought about getting ordained. =)
But first I must finish university. I have promised my parents I’ll give them that. And they deserve much more.
Hello A.E.S.,
I hope Tsem Rinpoche’s video inspired you to pursue this path of becoming ordained. I am not ordained myself but would very much support those who do because I do believe that is an extra blessing for anyone to be ordained. On top of that, monks and nuns are the only ones who would create the powerful blessings for the Dharma to grow in a particular area. I believe that monks and nuns are great motivated people whose sole purpose is the practice and propagation of the Dharma. Therefore, if you are reading this, please share with us who you are and tell us more of your story and why you want to be a monk. That would be interesting and inspirational.
Finally we get to see THE MOMENT….. I am so happy to be able to watch this. Really really super happy !
Dear Rinpoche,
I wanted to share my Happiness with you! I am going to see His Holiness next weekend, here in Southern California at a public talk he is giving sponsored by Thubten Dhargye Ling, the dharma center in Long Beach where you practiced!
Coincidentally, it will also be my birthday — and what a wonderful, blessed way to celebrate in the presence of His Holiness! I am writing this because it was through your dharma teachings — whatever ounce this restless mind of mine might’ve understood and can hear clearly to practice — that I can deeply and fully appreciate the opportunity to see His Holiness next week. Thank you for all the ways you show, express and embody your gratitude to your Teachers. This is something of the Practice I know I have learned directly from you. So, next Sunday, in the crowd of thousands at the Long Beach Convention Center, wherever I may be, I’ll be sure to offer a smiling moment of thanks to you dear Rinpoche, for helping to me understand, appreciate and cherish this chance to see His Holiness!
As I read your post here about the initial difficulties of taking the step to ordain, I want to let you know in my small way, I have definitely benefited from the fruits of your practice.
Thank you, thank you, thank you…for other things I do not yet have the language to write about clearly, but am grateful for because of your teachings.