Thank you Robert Stone

His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche and myself in 1983 in Yucca Valley, California. His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche was giving the full empowerment of Vajra Yogini, commentary to the practice and the Six Yogas of Naropa. I was 18 years old at the time
When I was 18 years old, a student of Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen, a person by the name of Mr. Doren Harper had picked me up in his van from where I was staying in Los Angeles and took me over to Thubten Dhargye Ling Center. This was just before I had moved back into the center, and I was living on Sunset Boulevard in West Hollywood. He had picked me up so that we could join the Tsok puja in Thubten Dhargye Ling. Tsok is a bi-monthly ceremony we have to do after receiving Tantric initiation. On the dashboard in his car, he had an approximately 3 inch by 2 inch framed picture of His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche. I sat in his car and we were driving to the center from where I was staying. It was a fifteen to twenty-minute drive without traffic. I got a bit curious and asked who the picture was of, and he said: “Oh that is His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche.” I asked: “Who is that?” He said: “Well, he is basically Geshe-la’s Guru and the Guru of many thousands of monks, also, he is an emanation of Heruka Chakrasamvara.”
The minute Doren told me that Kyabje Zong Rinpoche was Heruka Chakrasamvara, I developed very strong faith and an urge in me to devote myself to this lama. I have heard of other lamas being emanations of this deity or that deity, or that saint or that mahasiddha; I am impressed and I have faith. But when he told me that Zong Rinpoche was Heruka, something in me just clicked very deeply, which I cannot describe. This hasn’t happened for anyone or anything else. I instantly felt a connection, I felt tremendous faith, and has the urge that I wanted to devote myself to Zong Rinpoche. It was like when Naropa heard Tilopa’s name for the first time and instantly developed faith. He even went to search for his guru for 12 years traveling the length and breadth of ancient India. So I asked Doren if I could have the picture and he said: “Sure”. Doren gave me the picture and after Tsok finished, I brought it back to my house, I had it framed and kept it on my altar. Doren also told me that after seven to nine months, Zong Rinpoche will be visiting us and staying in our center. I thought, wow, how does a young, basically unknown person like me have an opportunity to get teachings from Zong Rinpoche and get so close to him? So I thought, since he is Heruka Chakrasamvara, I would have to make a lot of offerings, I would need to make a lot of supplications and prayers to make a karmic connection. So, that’s what I did. Doren was always very nice to me.
I placed Zong Rinpoche’s picture on my altar and from that day onwards, I engaged in 100 prostrations to Zong Rinpoche’s picture every single day. I visualized him as Heruka and the emanation of all the Buddhas. I developed tremendous faith and I did full length prostrations every day until the day I met Zong Rinpoche. I made offerings of incense and tea to him and prayed that I may get teachings from him, that i may have a strong connection to him and become his disciple.
Lo and behold, at the stipulated time, His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche came to the center and I was elected to be one of his attendants and cooks. I was extremely honoured to be chosen to do so by Geshe-la. There was one or two people at the center who were not very happy with me having that position so they said some things, but Geshe-la kind of over-rode them. They said that I was not very clean and that I should not be serving Zong Rinpoche. Geshe-la said I am very clean and I would be the perfect person to serve, so what they said was overridden.

The current Thubten Dhargye Ling in Los Angeles, California

This was the previous Thubten Dhargye Ling in 1983 where we all stayed
When Zong Rinpoche was there for six months, he gave teachings nearly every day and I was the cook, I was the clean-up boy, I vacuumed his room, and I cleaned his room. I cooked breakfast and dinner for him, his entourage, guests and Geshe-la nearly every day. I was not a great cook but I managed. Lunch was cooked for him and the others by someone else because I had to go work part-time at Fotomat to support myself at the center. I cooked breakfast and dinner for Kyabje Zong Rinpoche, his attendant Wangchuk, Geshe Gyeltsen, Lodro Rinpoche the translator from Switzerland and his uncle, and two German lady students of Zong Rinpoche every day. It was a big job as I had to go to the supermarket nearly daily and clean up afterwards. By the time Zong Rinpoche had come to our center, I had moved back into the center from West Hollywood and I was living in Thubten Dhargye Ling. So, Zong Rinpoche would be upstairs, Geshe-la would also be living in the center on our property in a camper due to the lack of space and I would be in a small room in the garage. It was a great honour for me because I would help set up for pujas and teachings, I would clean up after teachings, I would help clean up Zong Rinpoche’s room, serve him breakfast and tea; I would do all of that. In the process, I became very close to Kyabje Zong Rinpoche, very close and intimate with him where I could just walk into his room, sit on the floor and basically give him a foot massage; or have very light conversation (through translators of course) because I did not speak Tibetan. While he was there, after accomplishing my daily duties late at night around 1am, I would go upstairs quietly and prostrate in front of Zong Rinpoche’s room, directly to Zong Rinpoche, while he was sleeping. So every day I would do 100 prostrations to Zong Rinpoche right outside of his room. I prayed that I would become close to him, to live with him, to be with him and to never be separated from his attainments.
During the six months, I had told Zong Rinpoche that I wanted to be an actor and also a monk. The reason I wanted to be an actor is because in Los Angeles, if you get good jobs as an actor you can pretty much make a lot of money in a short time and I would be able to support Geshe-la’s center and his Dharma works. I was already doing extra work in some movies and voice over work for tv programs in Los Angeles. That was my motivation. Zong Rinpoche was very kind, he did a divination for me and the divination came out for me that if I do acting I would be very successful, he basically said that anything I do in front of camera would be very successful. If I wanted to pursue it, there would be good results. This was from his dice divination. However, if I became a monk it would be more beneficial than becoming an actor. When Kyabje Zong Rinpoche said that to me, I immediately folded my hands and told him that I would be a monk and that I was committed to it. Zong Rinpoche said, “OK”. So he blessed me and cut a part of my hair as per tradition while reciting some auspicious verses as a sign that I would become a monk. I remember after Zong Rinpoche cut off a lock of my hair himself, he didn’t throw it out but placed it on the lower part of the shrine. I don’t know what he did with it after that.

His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche cutting my hair
I folded my hands and I promised Zong Rinpoche that I would be a monk. A lot of things happened during those six months, but the day when Zong Rinpoche was leaving Los Angeles was the saddest day of my life. One of the saddest. But I thought that I’ll go to India and I will see him very soon, so I was kind of excited but also sad because I wanted to go with him. The last place I wanted to be was Los Angeles, in the city, or in America. After Zong Rinpoche left for India, I concentrated on getting rid of my loans. Then I got a better job working in a bank and I also got a job at a real-estate company. I had worked at Security Pacific National Bank as a Teller and then as a Bank Secretary after Fotomat. Later I worked at John Douglas Realtor as an Office Administrator and I also worked at Fred Sands Realtor’s in Beverly Hills as a Personal Assistant to two power brokers. I had committed to Zong Rinpoche that I would become a monk when i was aged eighteen. So I was working, saving money and trying to survive because it was expensive in Los Angeles.

The most Venerable Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen-la and myself
After three to four years, we moved to a new place already, and I was at the center. I was in the kitchen, cleaning up after Tsok again. Funny how things always happened around Tsok… Geshe-la had a very close student and also a sponsor, his name was Mr. Robert Stone. Mr. Robert Stone had lived with Geshe-la for many years. When I was living there he was also living there. He was Geshe-la’s student and sponsor. He did quite a lot of work for Geshe-la including filming and audio recording. Generally he is a very kind and gentle person, he did not want to get married or have a relationship because he actually wanted to become a monk, but his mother did not agree to him becoming a monk, so he had kind of lived like a monk in the center serving and sponsoring Geshe-la because he was quite well off.

His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche and myself standing near Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen’s camper on the property of Thubten Dhargye Ling in Los Angeles back in 1983.
He stayed very low key as he was extremely humble. He had been a vegetarian his whole life and he used to tell me that Geshe-la was an emanation of Tsongkhapa, he would fervently and enthusiastically attend Geshe-la’s classes and listen to Geshe-la, and engage in a lot of meditations, retreats and practices. So he was basically like a monk except in lay person’s form because he did not want to disrespect his mother’s wishes at that time. He told me he would be a monk later for sure. He had a really good relationship with his mother, I remember her name was Sunny Stone and just like her name she was really sunny and happy, a very wonderful lady. I have met her once or twice. In any case that’s a little background info on Robert Stone.
So one day, I was in the kitchen cleaning up and washing the dishes and putting things away, which is what I usually do after Tsok. I would say about ninety-five percent of the students would take off after Tsok and a few of us would stay behind and clean up, usually bi-monthly. So we were in the kitchen together and Robert said to me,
“You know a few years ago you had promised Zong Rinpoche that you would go to India and you’d be a monk, and what happened?”
I was a little frustrated with Robert’s question because I felt like he did not believe that I would do that, like I had forgotten or kind of just gave-up on it. So I replied Robert in a nice way, although I was a little frustrated, I said:
“Robert, of course I know my promise to Zong Rinpoche. Of course I am gonna go be a monk and that has never, ever changed. But I have a lot of financial issues and problems, I have loans, you know I have credit-card loans. You know, I can barely make it and I barely saved any money. And so I need money to get to India. I need to pay off my bills.” And he said, “OK. If you needed the money to go, how much would you need?”
So I calculated how much my ticket would be to India. I calculated my loans and my credit card. And It came out to about five thousand U.S. dollars at that time. I think I had about two thousand dollars U.S. in credit card loans and I had some other bills outstanding and some loans to people, I mean I was a young kid and also I would need a ticket and some money in India to travel. So I calculated a roundabout figure of about five thousand U.S. and I said to Robert:
“I probably need about five thousand U.S.”
Then he said to me, “If you have that money would you give up everything and go?”
And I said, “Immediately”.
He says, “OK I’ll give you the money, start packing.” And I froze, because people don’t just give people money like that, and five thousand U.S. is a lot.
So I said to Robert, “Are you sure? You want to give me five thousand? To cover my loans, my ticket and go to India to be a monk?”
He said, “Yeah. I want to give it to you.”
And I said, “Why?”
And he said, “Because if you don’t do it now you’re never gonna do it, cause you’re getting older and time is elapsing, and if money is really the issue and nothing else, well, I have the money and I can give it to you. And you don’t owe me anything, just go.”
And I said, “Well I am going to have to get Geshe-la’s permission. I mean you’re Geshe-la’s student. You’re Geshe-la’s sponsor. I don’t think I can just take money from you. I will have to get Geshe-la’s permission. And if Geshe-la says OK, the deal’s on.”
And he said, “OK, go ask Geshe-la.” So I ran upstairs immediately and Geshe-la was around, I ran upstairs real quick and told Geshe-la everything.
Geshe-la thought about it and said, “Good. You can do it.” So I got Geshe-la’s permission to accept the money.
I ran downstairs to tell Robert and he said, “OK, just tell me when you want the check.” So I said, “Like now!”
In the next few days Robert wrote out a five-thousand dollar check for me. I have never seen that much money in my life. I took it to the bank, deposited it and I put in my resignation from work. I resigned from Jon Douglas company and my very kind boss Ms. Liz Bernard sponsored my first set of monk robes for me when she found out my plans. She was a very terrific boss and so pleasant. I often think of her. Then I started giving away a lot of my Dharma books and my statues and my personal items. I did not have a lot but there were some. I bought my ticket, went to the camping store on Santa Monica Blvd in Hollywood to buy purification pills and water filters for India, then I bought some raincoats; all the things I thought I needed for India. So the next thing you know, everything is packed. I paid off my bills. I said goodbye to my friends, I went out with a bunch of my friends. Some of my friends, well, one of my friends was really sad that I was leaving. Some of my friends thought I’d come back and that it was just a stint. But of course, it was not.

Most Venerable Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen who has been kind to me in many ways beyond mention. I prostrate to him always.
Geshe-la himself, Robert Stone and another student of Geshe-la, the three of them took me to LAX. I was at the airport, Geshe-la put a khata on me, gave me his last advice and told me the motivation of becoming a monk. He wrote letters to his contacts in India to assist me so that the minute I step foot in India, I would have people that were Geshe-la’s contacts that would escort me to wherever I need to go, whatever I needed to do. I said goodbye tearfully. I thanked Robert. I said goodbye to the other student, and I got on the plane. The next thing you know I am on the way to India. That’s how I went to India to be a monk. Since then I heard that Robert Stone, many years back, had a gentle heart attack in his sleep and had passed away. I was very sad because he was in his forties. But I heard the good news that he had reincarnated back as the child of one of Geshe-la’s students and that His Holiness the Dalai Lama confirmed that the child was Robert’s reincarnation. So Robert Stone actually passed away and came back into the family of Geshe-la’s students and he is Geshe-la’s student again as far as I know. Talk about good samaya.
I landed in India in around October 1987, Zong Rinpoche’s attendant and Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen’s student Mr. Chatreng Yeshe of Majnukatilla were there at the airport to receive me, and from there I was received in Delhi. Well the rest is history. After that I went to Dharamsala to become a monk and was ordained by H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama in December of 1987. Prior to going to India I directly requested His Holiness the Dalai Lama on his visit to the USA to ordain me and it was caught on film. I have fulfilled my promise to His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche to be ordained as a monk. I have kept my promises of practice, sadhanas, meditations and the Dharma protector he has assigned me back when I was 18 years old in 1983. I have never abandoned any practice given to me by my root guru Kyabje Zong Rinpoche. Keeping my promises and commitments of practice to my guru is the highest importance to me. I will never break my promise of practice, meditations and lineage given by my guru no matter what. I make no excuses. A promise is samaya and keeping samaya to our guru is the crux of gaining higher insights according to Buddha Vajradhara. I want higher insights (attainments).
This blog post is something short and sweet although it is a deep tribute that has been long and overdue. Thanks to Robert Stone for his generosity, his sponsorship and him believing in me that he would donate such a large amount of money for me to become a monk. I don’t know when I would have made it to India if it was not for his generous sponsorship. The very reason I can become a monk and be ordained by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and also joining Gaden Monastery afterwards is all due to the sponsorship of Robert Stone at that time. I know Robert has passed away but my gratitude has never waned. This blog post and many of my works are dedicated to Mr. Robert Stone who was a friend, a kind person, an inspiration to me, dharma brother and a generous sponsor for Geshe-la. He made many things possible for Geshe-la’s works and activities to manifest and I am grateful for that. He was a very fervent disciple of Geshe-la and a very compassionate human being. He inspired me so much. He was a giant of a person back then when I needed good role models being so young and living away from my parents. I had met Robert when I was 16 when I joined Thubten Dhargye Ling Centre as he was living there with Geshe-la and he really gave me so much good advice. Remember, I left home at 16 from New Jersey and hitchhiked to Los Angeles, California. I had many conflicts with my parents as they didn’t allow me to practice or engage in dharma, so I left to seek dharma. I had hundreds of hours of conversations on life and dharma with Robert who really guided me. Thank you so much Robert. Robert’s devotion and faith to his guru Geshe-la really made an impact on me very deeply and I used to think that was how I should be. I will never forget you Mr. Robert Stone and I am forever thankful to you. Humbly,
Tsem Rinpoche
(I do not have a picture of Mr. Robert Stone, if any of the senior students reading this from TDL or related have one and can share, I will appreciate it. You can attach the photo below in the comments section.)
For more interesting information:
- My Childhood in Taiwan…Revisiting…
- The Mala
- We Are Our Parents?
- Visiting my parents – Tsem Rinpoche
- I’m Requesting Ordination in 1987
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1984 Los Angeles-Left to right: Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen, His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche, monk assistant to Zong Rinpoche and the 18-year-old Tsem Rinpoche prior to ordination. Read more-
A poem inspired by seeing a picture of my teacher, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche…
In the sport of correct views,
all that is correct is just a view,
without permanence or substance.
As long as we hold onto views,
our sufferings are gathered
to be experienced without end.
Without the strong methods of emptiness
and compassion, bereft of merit,
we sink deeper without respite.
To arise from this samsara is but
a dreamscape on the deluded mind.
Therefore seek the guru, who confers the yidam,
hold your vows and fixate on liberation
free of new creations. Free of new experiences as
there are none.
~ Tsem Rinpoche
Composed in Tsem Ladrang, Kuala Lumpur on July 7, 2014
Mr. Robert Stone was such a kind-hearted person. Without his help, Tsem Rinpoche would not be able to go to India for ordination before clearing up his debts. What Mr. Robert Stone said was quite right, the clock is ticking and Tsem Rinpoche should go to India as soon as possible to fulfill his promise to Zong Rinpoche and do Dharma work. A day not doing Dharma work is another day wasted.
Tsem Rinpoche is very humble and appreciative, he did not just take the money from Mr. Robert Stone immediately. Because Mr. Stone was Geshe-la’s student and sponsor, Tsem Rinpoche had to seek permission from Geshe-la before accepting it. Geshe-la with his compassion and kindness, allowed Tsem Rinpoche to accept the offer from Mr. Robert Stone.
The offer from Mr. Robert Stone was a big surprise to Tsem Rinpoche. Tsem Rinpoche did not expect his debts could be cleared in this way. It must have been the sincerity of Tsem Rinpoche wanting to do Dharma work that touched Mr. Robert Stone and also the help from the protector. When we make an aspiration to do Dharma work, to pursue the spiritual path and we pray to Dorje Shugden, he will do his part to help us.
A poem by Tsem Rinpoche
I was walking past a second hand shop on Western Ave selling old things. They had a Japanese-style clay Buddha which was beige in colour on the floor, holding the door open. I thought the shopkeeper would collect a lot of negative karma without knowing if he kept such a holy item on the floor as a doorstop. So I went in to talk to him, but he didn’t look like he wanted to talk or that he even cared. So I asked him the price and he said US$5. I purchased it so he did not collect more negative karma. I was 17 years old and that was in 1982.
I escorted my new Buddha home and washed it lightly and wiped it. I placed it on my altar and was happy with the Buddha. I would do my meditations, prayers, sadhanas, mantras and prostrations in front of this shrine daily. When I left for India in 1987, I could not bring this Buddha along and gave it to a friend. It was a nice size and I made offerings to this Buddha for many years in Los Angeles. In front of the Buddha I placed His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s photo. I remember I was so relieved that the price was affordable. But US$5 that time was still expensive for me but worth it I thought. But I was happy to have brought the Buddha home. Tsem Rinpoche
Tsem Rinpoche at Kechara Forest Retreat, Bentong, Malaysia
H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche is very devoted to his root guru, H.H. Zong Rinpoche.
I remember someone said to me that for one to be on the spiritual path, we need someone to kind of ‘sponsor’ us, not just in terms of finances. Kind sponsors can provide a spiritual emotional and physical help and assistance so that a spiritual beginner can kickstart their spiritual journey. When I say it is not purely finances, I mean that sometimes people need encouragement, kind words to steady them into the spiritual journey.
Thank you, Rinpoche, for sharing this article with us. We are grateful to Robert Stone for his help to sponsor Rinpoche to India to be ordained as a monk. It is through him that we have Kechara Organisation and Rinpoche here with us. He gave without hesitation and without any expectations in return. He would be very happy to know that the young he supported is now benefitting so many people. His act of kindness is very inspiring and we should use this opportunity to learn and practice dharma.
It is sad that Robert Stone passed away at a young age but on a happy note, he has taken rebirth as a child of one of Ven Geshe Tsultrim Gyelsten’s student and I hope that in the near future, Rinpoche can meet up with his incarnation.
Robert did wish to become a monk so the money could have been kept for himself for that purpose one day. But since he could not fulfill that dream at that point and there was someone else who wanted badly to go, then why not give it to him instead. It’s like he was rallying Rinpoche along. That shows a great generosity not only of material but also of spirit.
Oft times, people who don’t have generosity of spirit will think “since I can’t have it, then you can’t too”. Or they want to shine and would rather see you fail. But by his act, it was his way of rejoicing that someone else can now fulfill his spiritual aspirations and he gave his full support without expecting anything in return. He was practicing the perfection of giving. It says alot about his practice.
I did a quick search and came across this gem of an interview with whom I believe is the Mr. Doren Harper who gave Rinpoche a ride in his van and also his picture of Kyabje Zong Rinpoche.
In the interview, this is what Mr. Harper said: “When we met Lama Yeshe, I felt as if I had lost my father to death and found my father again. He was what I always wanted my father to be like. There was that kind of connection in the relationship right from the beginning.”
More here:
I remembered Rinpoche said will blog about him one day and voila, here it is. This is really a great blog post about giving and how should we sponsor in Dharma, just like what Pastor Jean Ai has mentioned the other day about ‘jindak’. Due to his huge generosity, we have Rinpoche in Malaysia. I wondered if he would be very glad to see that the ‘man’ he had sponsored decades ago, has now become a very well-known Lama. Besides that, his reincarnation into a boy after his passing has stirred up the importance of having good samaya.
Thank you Rinpoche for highlighting his story here. His story reminds me of Dr.Drolma.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing the inspiring story of Robert Stone. Robert Stone has set a good example for many of us to learn and follow as he was very generous in giving away his big sum of money for someone who wanted to pursue further in Dharma practice, which was becoming a monk back in eighties. The amount of money given to young Rinpoche by Robert Stone at that time has meant a lot to all of us today because that sum of money can enable young Rinpoche to fulfill his Dharma wishes quickly and benefit many people in Kechara from the very beginning until now. Robert Stone was supportive, understanding and even has a strong Guru samaya that enabled him to reconnect back with Venerable Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen after his death in his forties. This has shown that Guru samaya is important in our Dharma practice as it will guide us to the next destination after our death in current life.
May the current reincarnation of Robert Stone continue on his way to fulfill his previous life’s wish and inspiration, which was becoming a monk and benefit many people around him in this life.
Thank you Rinpoche with folded hands,
kin hoe
What I like about Robert Stone is his genuine concern and kindness towards Rinpoche. It was Robert Stone who reminded Rinpoche that he had made a promise to his root Guru, Zong Rinpoche, that he would be a monk. Of course, we know Rinpoche would not have changed his mind even if he had to wait a longer time to pay off his loans and get himself organised to fly off to India. Nonetheless, the swiftness of Robert Stone’s response in agreeing to give Rinpoche the money he needed, is most touching. It shows he was a caring person, who felt the need to help Rinpoche fulfil his promise to become a monk as quickly as possible.
Robert Stone himself had wanted to be a monk but because he did not want to be disrespectful towards his mother who had not agreed to his being a monk, he had stayed a lay person. Yet, except for not taking his vows, he remained a renunciate in every other way.
Yes we are much beholden to Mr Robert for giving Rinpoche the money he needed to pay off his loan and for making it possible for Rinpoche to fly off to India very shortly afterwards to become a monk. He probably started the chain of events, which eventually led to Rinpoche coming to Malaysia and setting up a Dharma center, Kechara House, for us in the Klang Valley.
It is sad that he passed away quite young. However,it is happy and rejoicing news that he has been reborn as a child of one of Geshe Tsultrim Gyelsten’s students. May he have the same aspiration to be a monk in this lifetime and may he fulfil this aspiration.
Sounded like Robert Stones just sponsored without agenda and without doubt, trusting that the receiver would honor his word and promise to his root Guru as well as the power of the dharma. If he had been cheated, he had been cheated, end of story. Nothing more, nothing less. Not many have that kind of trust in karma. Many of us tend to overthink and have doubts and end up not doing anything. So, through one person’s generosity without agenda and doubt, it has brought benefit to thousands.
Thank you, Robert Stone, wherever you are.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this touching story. I would say everyone who benefit from Rinpoche and Kechara owe to Mr. Robert Stone in some big way. I think Mr. Robert Stone has never thought that a young boy he helped at that time would benefit so many people: The people who received so much teachings from Rinpoche, the homeless people who receive food everyday, etc.
I hope one day Mr. Robert Stone’s reincarnation can meet with Rinpoche again. That would be a good reunion 🙂
Oh yes, USD5,000 was a lot of money back in the eighties I remember. One would have to work something like 1,000 hours or about 6 months full time at minimum wage to earn that kind of money.
This narrative makes me conclude that Mr Robert Stone would have had renunciation, among other things, deeply embedded in his psyche due to their realizations of the truths hence it was natural for him to sponsor Rinpoche to go to India to become a monk.
Mr Robert Stone was indeed very kind to helped Rinpoche to settle his debt knowing how important it was for Rinpoche to go to the monastery quickly. Without Mr Robert’s generosity, Kechara won’t have manifested. Mr Robert had indirectly benefitted so many people. If we have the mean and can afford, we should help our Dharma center, support the Sanghas. We may not have the ability to teach Dharma so we support the Sangha members to uphold and continue giving Buddha’s teachings.
One thing that has always stood out for me about Rinpoche’s life story is that the majority of the people who have shown the most generosity towards Rinpoche, with incredible acts of giving without agenda, are not related to Rinpoche at all. Robert Stone, Liz Bernard, Jo Love, Mamie McGee, Carmen Kichikov – they were giving, supportive and encouraging at times when Rinpoche needed it the most. Even people with so little for themselves, like James the rickshaw driver in Hubli, or Vijaya the rickshaw driver in Bodhgaya helped with whatever little they had.
So for me, people like Robert Stone are inspiring because of the ease with which they give, with only your spiritual progress in mind. As someone who is not related to Rinpoche, Mr Stone had no reason to help other than his wish to encourage this young boy on his spiritual path. He gave not knowing if he would ever get the money back and there was nothing a young boy of Rinpoche’s age could do for him that was equivalent to that astronomical sum.
I know Mr Stone has sadly passed away but it feels odd not to thank him anyway. So thank you Mr Stone for your generosity that made it possible for a young boy to fulfil his promise to his lama, and to ultimately lead him here to Malaysia where he has done so much to benefit others. When you gave the gift, you did not know where it would lead to but I guess you had trust and faith in Rinpoche’s conviction having seen him around the centre, and you had trust and faith in Zong Rinpoche and Geshe Tsultrim Gyaltsen’s acceptance of him to become a monk.
On a final note, it also makes me think about who else we could be assisting at this time who will later grow up to do great things with their lives. Being generous with others can open up so many doors into the future that we do not see.
Thank you very much for sharing this story of Robert Stone’s generosity which enabled Rinpoche’s travel to India and fulfilling the promises made. Although we would never have been aware but from Rinpoche’s sharing, I catch a glimpse of understanding the intricate chains that link everything together in us having Rinpoche with us in Malaysia, how we have Kechara as our spiritual home and most of all how we have our precious Lama Tsongkapa practice with powerful enlightened protector Dorje Shugden. Just as Rinpoche’s Gurus played the very important part of Rinpoche’s life, Robert Stone too played a crucial part in sponsoring Rinpoche’s journey to India. Without his generosity, Rinpoche may have to delay the journey and different set of outcome would have happened. So in a way Robert Stone is also our benefactor and the tremendous merits he gained from his generous sponsorship which had benefitted the many blessed by Rinpoche and Rinpoche’s activities. Just like a ripple, Robert’s act of kindness spread far and wide to benefit.
May Robert Stone’s current incarnation be blessed with his previous aspiration to be a member of Sangha.
Appreciate Robert for his generousity and kindness in giving the USD 5K to Rinpoche so he can settled all his loan and buy ticket to India to pursue his promise to be a monk. And he gave Rinpoche money without any condition but with sincere hope that Rinpoche can achieve his promise to be a monk.
Rinpoche also showed to us that if we have good intention and determination in dharma we can achieve our goal. For example, Rinpoche do 100 prostration daily to Zong Rinpoche’s photo in order to create a cause for him to learn from Zong Rinpoche.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing the inspiring story so we do not give up and continue learning and practising dharma .
Its Robert Stone generosity, sponsorship, trust and believing in Rinpoche,he donated a large amount of money for Rinpoche to become a monk. Thats what Rinpoche is today if not due to his sponsorship .
Its was he that paid the air ticket and so forth for Rinpoche to travel to India as promise to His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche as a monk
Due to Mr. Robert Stone generous sponsor for Geshe-la many things was made possible for Geshe-la’s works and activities to manifest .
Its so kind and generous of him which will be an inspiring to all of us.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this wonderful and inspiring story of Robert Stone.