Tsem Ladrang USA
After many house-hunting retreats, and part of the team making a trip to Los Angeles just to meet with realtors and view prospective homes, and countless moves from house to hotel (and back again!)…WE DID IT! We have found a house for Rinpoche and have fully moved in to the new *Ladrang.
Our search began five months ago when we first arrived in New York. It was then that we considered the idea of moving into a permanent Ladrang. Living in Manhattan was costly and space was at a premium. Since we were soon to complete our work there, we began to consider the idea of moving to upstate New York or to New Jersey. Rinpoche however, had developed a cough which would not subside and fearing it would develop into something more serious, the decision was made to move westwards, towards warmer climes and milder winters.
We arrived in California on February 2, 2014 and checked into a hotel. We spent the next week using the hotel as our base before moving in to a vacation home, because the hotel was proving too costly. The next few weeks thereafter were spent house-hunting.
The search was not easy. We were facing difficulties with our movers who had failed to send our belongings from New York, and we were faced with our lack of credit history and lack of funds in general. Moving into a place large enough to accommodate the whole team (4-5 rooms) would cost approximately USD$8000 to $10000 per month (which we do not have), and would also require a security deposit and at least two months rental upfront.
Tougher still was our lack of credit history, crucial for landlords to judge how likely we are to pay our rental on time. American landlords are generally reluctant to rent to individuals with no credit history, because they have no way to determine whether the person has a habit of paying bills on time. None of the team had a credit history – Rinpoche had not been in the US for 26 years and as a result, had never developed a credit history here whilst the rest of us had never spent any significant amount of time in the US.
So for the over-100 houses we viewed, and the many houses we found and applied for, we were often stopped by the owners’ straightup refusal to lease to us, or their unreasonable requests (for example, one year’s rental upfront to make up for the lack of credit history). To say our house-hunting was a period filled with many false hopes and disappointments would be an understatement. So often we would get the impression a landlord liked us, only to be told much later they were not comfortable renting to us.
You can therefore imagine our excitement when we finally identified a home that was both suitable for Rinpoche, AND had an agreeable landlord. On May 9th, 2014 we moved into our new Ladrang. We will definitely pay our rent and bills, we have no intentions otherwise. Set in the hills of Los Angeles, this home sits on 0.6 acres of land and is perched along a steep slope with views over the city. The land is filled with beautiful, mature eucalyptus, juniper and pine trees with plenty of grass and space for the flowers that Rinpoche loves so much. Although we have neighbours, our trees block out much of the view and the predominant sound heard here are birds who come to eat in our back garden.
It took one week for us to pack up our vacation home and move everything out, and four days to clean, move and unpack everything in the new Ladrang. Another two more days saw us clean up the front courtyard and back garden, and do some minor landscaping. In between, the team went shopping for new furniture and over 200 trees and plants for the garden, as well as Buddha statues…and went to the foundation to do pujas and give teachings.
We also set up a wonderful Appreciation Shrine, to generate merits that are dedicated to the wonderful sponsors of Kechara who made it possible for Rinpoche to spread Lama Tsongkhapa’s tradition all over the world. With this shrine, Rinpoche paid particularly great care and interest, going himself to a shop in Malibu to get outdoor furniture, candle burners, mani stones, crystals and pedestals, and bringing it back (in a U-Haul truck, no less!) before overseeing the team who set it up and composing the dedication prayers for the wooden plaques.
The house has two bedrooms, a gift room, living area and a back garden that Rinpoche has already spent many hours in, enjoying the peace and quiet. Rinpoche will stay here with one assistant, Pastor Loh Seng Piow, while the rest of the USA team can now focus on finding accommodation for themselves. We hope you enjoy these pictures of the new Ladrang, and rejoice in our lama having a comfortable place to live. We plan to, in the near future, begin an organic vegetable garden on one of the terraced slopes on the land, to plant fruit and vegetables that we can harvest for Rinpoche. Keep your eyes peeled for more news and information!
*Ladrang in Tibetan means a lama’s private residence and office
(Article by Pastor Khong Jean Ai
Photographs by Pastor Loh Seng Piow and Clifford Khong
Proofread by JP Thong, Clifford Khong and Nicholas Yu)
The inviting front courtyard where visitors are greeted by a shrine of Manjushri
The Manjushri shrine in our front courtyard
The main entrance as seen from the Manjushri shrine
The Ladrang’s main door. On the left are signs wishing ‘Namaste’ to guests, and stating this is ‘Tsem Ladrang’. On the right is an image of Vajrapani and a framed Namgyalma’s mantra
Signs wishing ‘Namaste’ (greetings) to guests, and stating this is ‘Tsem Ladrang’
An image of Buddha Vajrapani, one of Buddha Shakyamuni’s original disciples who repels negative energy and invites light, healing and love into the house. On the right is a framed Buddha Namgyalma’s mantra, traditionally placed over doorways and entrances to bless all beings and animals who enter the house
The living room. Rinpoche had us print and frame various holy beings’ images to hang up around the house, including Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche
The living room’s high ceilings and many windows make it a nice room to hang out in
The main ‘feature’ of the living room is our altar, with a 3-ft Shakyamuni statue and Manjushri. We make offerings at this altar twice a day to generate merits for our work, and do our daily pujas here too
We have had pleasant meals in this dining room, which doubles as a working space. The floor-to-ceiling windows provide a lot of natural light during the day. This is one of Rinpoche’s favourite rooms
The french doors lead into the back garden, and are opened during the day to provide fresh air. In the background is our pantry area, used for food storage and preparation
The pantry area
The kitchen area is small but functional
Pastor Loh Seng Piow’s desk in his bedroom
Pastor Loh Seng Piow’s altar. He does Kalarupa puja every single day
The gift room which has doubled as accommodation for Nicholas and Clifford, who are staying in the Ladrang temporarily while we set up
Tsem Rinpoche’s room, at the far-right is the “Bigfoot corner”
The “Bigfoot corner” in Tsem Rinpoche’s room, Rinpoche is an avid Bigfoot fan!
Bigfoot paintings on Rinpoche’s room wall
The Zen garden just outside Rinpoche’s meditation room. The entire garden was constructed by the team (supervised by Rinpoche, of course!) who cleared the area, poured the gravel and moved the plants into place
Being up in the hills, we are fortunate to get breezes throughout the day. The fluttering prayer flags, hung up in our back garden, make for a very pleasant sight
Rinpoche likes to place stupas and Buddha statues scattered throughout the land to bless the animals and the surroundings
The back garden seating area, with the Appreciation Shrine just behind it
A view of the house, as seen from the back garden. To the left are the french doors of the dining room
The back garden seating area. Rinpoche enjoys sitting here under the shade of the trees
One of the first ‘objects’ to enter the new Ladrang was the cement Buddha statue in the far left, weighing well over 500lb. It took five men to escort the King of Dharma onto the outdoor shrine, created from an already-existing tree stump
A closer look at the outdoor Buddha shrine that features the cement Buddha
The back garden and back of the house, as seen from the outdoor Buddha shrine
Rinpoche and the team take a break from the landscaping work
Since this back garden seating area was set up, Rinpoche has sat out here often enjoying the quiet and calm
On the day we set up the Appreciation Shrine (on the other side of the garden), this pink flower bloomed right in front of another Buddha statue we had escorted to sit under our pine tree
Path leading to the future vegetable garden
Tilling the land to create a vegetable garden
Chinese translation:
A close-up of the second dedication plaque. I had composed the messages on both plaques, and instructed that they be hand-painted and easy to read
Chinese translation:
詹杜固仁波切 合十
I purchased this Buddha to specially dedicate to my landlord Gail, her family and especially her mother Gladys who was a Buddhist and lived in this house for many years. This Buddha is here on this shrine and dedicated to Gladys’ memory. May all goodness bless Gladys and her family always. Thank you.
The Appreciation Shrine, featuring Shakyamuni, Medicine Buddha, Kuan Yin and Tara. Offerings of candles and incense are made here everyday in dedication to Kechara
A close-up of the Appreciation Shrine. Rinpoche personally created this shrine, buying the candle holders, plants, stones and inviting the statues himself
Every single day, incense and candle offerings are made and dedicated to Kechara’s sponsors
Precious crystals, mani stones and aspirational prayers are offered to the Buddhas everyday, on the sponsors’ behalf
May Kechara’s sponsors have long life, good health and always be reborn into places where there is Dharma
Bird seed is placed next to the Appreciation Shrine. This plants imprints in the birds’ mindstreams when they come to eat. Also, in feeding animals, the merits thus generated are dedicated to the long lives of Kechara’s sponsors
Rinpoche really enjoys feeding animals and seizes every opportunity to do so. With such beautiful mature trees on the land, how could Rinpoche resist hanging up bird feeders?
This back garden foundation is a firm favorite amongst the birds who visit our land
A small lawn runs along the back of the house, parallel to a verandah
The verandah to the left, and the lawn in the foreground. Laid out on the lawn are platters of bird seed and water, which are cleaned and refilled everyday
The dining room by night, with the view of Los Angeles in the background
It is very pleasant working in this dining room both during the day and at night
The Appreciation Shrine by night
Please support us so that we can continue to bring you more Dharma:
If you are in the United States, please note that your offerings and contributions are tax deductible. ~ the tsemrinpoche.com blog team
1984 Los Angeles-Left to right: Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen, His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche, monk assistant to Zong Rinpoche and the 18-year-old Tsem Rinpoche prior to ordination. Read more- https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/category/me
A poem inspired by seeing a picture of my teacher, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche…
In the sport of correct views,
all that is correct is just a view,
without permanence or substance.
As long as we hold onto views,
our sufferings are gathered
to be experienced without end.
Without the strong methods of emptiness
and compassion, bereft of merit,
we sink deeper without respite.
To arise from this samsara is but
a dreamscape on the deluded mind.
Therefore seek the guru, who confers the yidam,
hold your vows and fixate on liberation
free of new creations. Free of new experiences as
there are none.
~ Tsem Rinpoche
Composed in Tsem Ladrang, Kuala Lumpur on July 7, 2014
I was walking past a second hand shop on Western Ave selling old things. They had a Japanese-style clay Buddha which was beige in colour on the floor, holding the door open. I thought the shopkeeper would collect a lot of negative karma without knowing if he kept such a holy item on the floor as a doorstop. So I went in to talk to him, but he didn’t look like he wanted to talk or that he even cared. So I asked him the price and he said US$5. I purchased it so he did not collect more negative karma. I was 17 years old and that was in 1982.
I escorted my new Buddha home and washed it lightly and wiped it. I placed it on my altar and was happy with the Buddha. I would do my meditations, prayers, sadhanas, mantras and prostrations in front of this shrine daily. When I left for India in 1987, I could not bring this Buddha along and gave it to a friend. It was a nice size and I made offerings to this Buddha for many years in Los Angeles. In front of the Buddha I placed His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s photo. I remember I was so relieved that the price was affordable. But US$5 that time was still expensive for me but worth it I thought. But I was happy to have brought the Buddha home. Tsem Rinpoche
Tsem Rinpoche at Kechara Forest Retreat, Bentong, Malaysia
H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche is very devoted to his root guru, H.H. Zong Rinpoche.
Wow! this house is so beautiful and I love the Zen garden so much.It seem quiet and sure is relax sitting there. How I wish I could live in this kind of house…lol 🙂
Loved Rinpoche’s idea of having an appreciation shrine, in this case Rinpoche shows us that we need to be appreciative when others help and benefit us.Thank you Rinpoche and blog team for sharing _/\_
Such a beautiful place …Rinpoche found the new US ladrang ,looks so spacious in the interior,well designed,lovely zen garden ,are some of the those neatly decorated areas.
Rejoiced to those involved making it possible for Rinpoche to stay after a long house hunting in US. Great work ,well done do enjoyed looking through all the beautiful photos showing parts of the ladrang.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing .
A belated thank you to everyone who made it all happen. I remember fondly the blogchats/quizzes hosted by Rinpoche and the team from Los Angeles. Thank you.
Thank you PJA for this sharing. What I saw is a beautifully set up Ladrang and this is a result of work done with care, love, tenacity and perseverance. Apart from setting up the house nice, finding a suitable place and a willing landlord to rent a place is also difficult and I congratulate the team for doing that.
Rinpoche deserves a beautiful and comfortable place to live in for Rinpoche’s kindness to us is unlimited and as students we should always be appreciative of what Rinpoche have been giving us. Finding Rinpoche a decent place to live in and assist in Rinpoche’s work is one of the best ways to repay Rinpoche apart from mind transformation.
There is definitely a karmic link with Gail and her family, who’s mother Gladys was also a Buddhist who stayed here till her passing at the age of 92. I am very happy to know that the appreciation shrine was being set up by Rinpoche to dedicate/generate merits for people who have contributed in their many ways present, past and FUTURE. It shows that Rinpoche never forget anyone and always being appreciative on kindness received by others.
Rinpoche always find ways to benefit others in every way Rinpoche can. I thank Rinpoche for sharing the video teaching and the focus is not on the beautiful set up of the Ladrang but I feel should be appreciation to a REAL Lama, to the sincere students and people who have contributed and will contribute in the future. We should not take everything for granted and just take take and take. We should always appreciate. Thank you!
Wow, this house is so nice and I love the Zen garden so much,it seem quiet and sure is relax sitting there, how I wish I could live in this kind of house..Non stop looking for a house is tired, and I know the feeling is not good, I am happy Rinpoche finally got such a nice house and I hope Rinpoche dharma work grow vastly in USA
Dear Tsem Rinpoche, I visited Kechara in KL last year. During my visit you gave me a Vajrayogini pendant which I truly feel bringing me closer to my path in this world, I listened to your Dharma talk almost every single day. Not only you bring me closer to my Guru but you help me transform my mind. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for that. I would really like to meet you in person if it’s even possible, that would be something really special.
I am planning to visit Los Angeles during the week of 24-30 October and would like to visit Tsem Ladrang USA during that week. Please let me know if it is possible to visit your Ladrang in LA, that would be a true honor that I can meet you in person in this lifetime. I will be traveling with my husband only.
I hope there is a chance for me to meet the person who brings so much wisdom and knowledge to my life.
Thank you Rinpoche.
My deepest respect,
Elizabeth Wahyu
Dear Elizabeth,
Thank you for your kind message. As Rinpoche is in retreat, it is not possible to visit the ladrang at this moment and I apologize for that. Alternatively you may visit us at Tsem Rinpoche Foundation at Santa Clarita, we have puja and class every Sunday from 12pm to 3pm, check out https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/foundation
Thank you.
Pastor Seng Piow
Loved Rinpoche’s idea of having an appreciation shrine, in this case Rinpoche shows us that we need to be appreciative when others help and benefit us. Actually no matter how much support or help we think we can render to Rinpoche, ultimately the best giving from Rinpoche is the dharma which can transform our minds. Hence in my opinion Rinpoche gives us so much more in comparison to what we can offer the lama. It is not fair exchange but it is that exchange which is made possible by the teacher’s altruism that enables a spiritual student to become better and eventually progress on the spiritual path and to be enlightened or transformed to a better state.
It is good to know Rinpoche finally found a place you like. May Rinpoche’s dharma work quickly come to fruition in the US. May Rinpoche stay in good health to turn the wheel of Dharma.
This is amazing! It looks great and well maintained. Good job to everyone who helped out in the making of this. Its fabulous!!! Im happy you all are safe and happy! Its great to see people committed and that you guys help our guru so much. Thank you!
I really love the Zen garden and prayer flags hang outdoor, it reminds me of the holly places in Nepal, specifically Manjushri Hill.
Dear Rinpoche,
It is only after reading this post that I now know how hard it has been for Rinpoche and the team that have been assisting and helping Rinpoche in the U.S.
It is really amazing how far Rinpoche has preserved from feeling unwell, viewing a countless number of houses, being turned down by house landlords, traveling to many places to look for furniture and so many other problems and obstacles that Rinpoche had to face in order to get this Tsem Ladrang up and fully operational.
Also apart from that getting funds was also a problem.
Thank you Rinpoche for working tirelessly just to spread the Dharma to people in the U.S.
Looking at the above pictures of Tsem Ladrang I am totally in awe how beautiful and peaceful it is.
Great job also to the team assisting Rinpoche all the way and congratulations on the successful moving in to the new Tsem ladrang
Rest Well!
Wow, reading the article, I can only imagine the ordeal Rinpoche and the USA team had to go through to even rent a property. It must have been so mentally tiring, to have kept being ‘shot down’, but having to get up and keep trying again until it’s done. The fighter attitude will lead to success eventually. When you give up, you lose your chance at becoming better than who you were yesterday.
Anyways, the Ladrang looks splendid. I am happy that it finally came around. The work put behind it, getting it ready, packing, cleaning, moving… it must have been hard work, but I am sure the USA team was just as glad to have a place for Rinpoche to comfortably stay in as are we. I love the Buddha statues all around the Ladrang, inside and out, and I love the prayer flags. It makes the Ladrang look more calm, peaceful, bright and inviting.
Reading this reminds me of the time when we were involved in setting up the Ladrang in Bangkok.. It was hard work, due to language barriers also, but it was one of the best times I had and to see something come about and improve on a daily basis till you get a desired end result gives satisfaction.
Hope Rinpoche will return to KL soon!
Thank you
Dear Rincpoche, thank you for constantly taking care of us spiritually wherever you are. May you and your team live a long life for our well being.
Dear Rinpoche, I feel so blessed to have the good fortune to so freely benefit just by reading your blog. You and your team so are totally devoted to the Dhamma for our well being. My family and I wish you and your team long life and may many more people benefit from your generosity and teachings. I bow down with respect.
The US Ladrang looks very nice and comfortable. A very nice place for Rinpoche to do the blog works. Thank you US team for working so hard to make this place so nice and comfortable for Rinpoche.
I salute to the US team who work tirelessly for dharma and also truly practiced Guru devotion, good examples to follow, i rejoice! I am very happy to see Rinpoche has finally settled down into a very cosy, peaceful and holly new ladrang in the US. Thank you for sharing all these beautiful captivating photos of Tsem Ladrang.
I am glad that Rinpoche has finally able to settle down and found a ladrang in the US. Rinpoche deserves something like this ladrang to reside in while Rinpoche is in the United States. I hope whatever Rinpoche wishes to accomplished being the US come to fruition quickly. And may all obstacles on Rinpoche’s works be pacified and that Rinpoche’s lineage thrives and endures very long.
Wow, after watch the pictures above i feel like just finish a tour to US Ladrang… hehehe…
Thanks Rinpoche for sharing, the hard works of US team as Rinpoche mention in video can be feel by us through the pictures above.
The particulars works before, in between and after set up US Ladrang is not easy. But with Rinpoche blessing, US team work harmoniously to make it happened…
Rinpoche Big smile and US team smiling face in the picture above really touch our heart…
It really looks like Rinpoche Is having a good time in the us. The Tsem Ladrang is looking really good and it looks very comfortable to live in. I would love to someday come and visit it 🙂
Very beautiful and touching introduction of Tsem Ladrang in USA.Thanks for the team hard work and overcome many difficult to find a suitable place for Ladrang. May Rinpoche ‘s Dharma works flourish to all ten directions.
This set of photos is very beautiful and so good to see that H.E. Tsem Rinpoche, that you have a lovely and peaceful Lodrang.
Much Love and Appreciation for H.E. Tsem Rinpoche’s extensive good works.
This Ladrang is so beautiful. I am so happy Rinpoche has found a suitable place to stay and is affordable for the USA team. Thank you for sharing Rinpoche and I hope you are okay in America.
The Tsem Ladrang is very nice, Rinpoche. It look really cosy, its simple and yet creative. It gives me a very comfortable feeling after looking at the photos. Must be really nice to be working around all the greens and buddhas surrounding you. And I like the prayer flags a lot, I always love to see prayer flags all around for some reason. I hope Rinpoche is healthy, live long to teach the dharma and also all Rinpoche’s work in USA be flourished. Thankyou for sharing, really like the photos. 🙂
Thank you Rinpoche for your kind sharing.We are glad that the Tsem Ladrang USA had finally materialise after a long and tedious search.We are fortunate that the few but relentless liaison could accomplish the guru wish in such a short period.
We are happy that Rinpoche could finally settle down and we hope that you could start your retreats now as mention so often in the past.
We would like to thank Rinpoche for his blessing, to all those who had contributed generously to him in the past and present.
We would remember his generous dharma guidance and hope that all the departments of Kechara would be able to spread the wisdom of Dharma Globally as intended by our kind guru Tsem Rinpoche…
I am so happy so happy for Rinpoche and his precious team to have find a very special home. Thank you for this beautiful video, thank you for all the work you are all doing with Rinpoche and sharing with us daily all the time it is so inspiring and my deep deep respect and admiration goes to all the Kecharians in Malaysia and Asia and in USA.
With folded hands~
It is a very nice house, hope Rinpoche enjoy staying there and have a comfortable lifestyle in the rest of the days in USA.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing the beautiful pictures from US Tsem Ladrang. The place to me is like a heaven on earth with everything that is nicely and neatly decorated. I can observe the team in US Tsem Ladrang has put in a lot of hard work, time, energy and effort for Tsem Ladrang. Rejoice for the team and I am happy Rinpoche is having a good place to stay.
I rejoice that Rinpoche has found a new home, and a really nice one at that. It really shows how hard working and devoted the staff are to work tirelessly for this. I am so happy to see that Dharma is flourishing so well across the world.
Dear Rinpoche,
Very happy and touching when see new ladrang’s photos. Able to see Buddhas image in every corner, feel nice and comfortable. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing and US Team put so much effort to look for new ladrang. May Rinpoche good health and long life.
Such a serene place with so much for the beings in the area, be it seen or unseen. Thank you, Rinpoche for showing us yet again how to benefit the environment. Thank you, Pastor Jean Ai and all involved, for sharing these wonderful photos and write-ups.
It really looks like Nepal with the trees, hill-slopes, relative aridness and prayer flags.
Wow..! Thank you Pastor Jean Ai for sharing the beautiful picture of US Tsem Ladrang. Through the picture the house seems to be at the high land. I feel so familiar when i was looking at the pictures because this house got lots of similarity with Nepal Ladrang. I like the garden with tall old trees and big plants. It’s cozy because it’s an old house with a matured garden. Those ideas are brilliants like those little stone with wishes. I will find a nice place at Rinpoche’s Cabin and set up something similar. Many people and almost daily people visited Rinpoche Cabin’s to seek for blessings and made their wishes. It’s nice if they can write their wishes on the stones and place it outside Rinpoche Cabin to collect merits..
Really love these beautiful pictures Rinpoche shared.The ladrang is simply gorgeous in a country setting surrounded by appealing ,mature garden.The front courtyard is simply fantastic and spacious.
The appreciation shrine is a superb idea!Thank you Rinpoche for taking Rinpoche’s time to create the shrine with amazing and striking craved messages on the stones to benefit others.
May Rinpoche have good health always and may all of Rinpoche’s wishes come true,but most of all may Rinpoche return home soon. Rejoice and best wishes to the hardworking US team. Thank you.
Beautiful, really beautiful. So charming, so natural with flowers, trees and landscape.
Very happy that Rinpoche and US Ladrang team found this lovely place. Must have good vibes with past owner Gladys being a buddhist. How blessed to have pictures and statues of holy beings everywhere the eyes see. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing with us pictures of your abode.
Dear Rinpoche,
The US Ladrang looks amazing, no less to the great efforts of Rinpoche and the US team that is dutifully serving Rinpoche.
The place looks nicely set up, cosy, and very holy, with so many Buddha images and statues all over the place.
The bird feeds are all over the back yard. Rinpoche really wants to leave Dharma imprints and bless the birds in that area.
The appreciation shrine is beautifully set up too. Thank you for mentioning support from Melaka as well, Rinpoche.
I pray for the great achievements Rinpoche and team will achieve in US, and may Rinpoche return soon.
Thank you.
Thank you the US Ladrang team for working very to set up a place for our guru to stay. I m glad Rinpoche like it indeed is very important for Rinpoche to have a permanent home in US so that Rinpoche can spread the holy Dharma to more people, I rejoice for the team affront and may all Rinpoche wishes come true.
Rejoice in Rinpoche and your teams’ hard work. Very happy that Rinpoche has found somewhere from where you can do your work in such beautiful surroundings, and spread Dharma to many more in the US. Fantastic work by everyone there. You guys are a real inspiration of dedication, patience compassion and commitment.
Thank you for sharing the US journey with us… the new ladrang looks really cosy… would like to thank the US team for their tiredless efforts and care for Rinpoche. They set a good example for us to learn and follow. The outdoor shrine for sponsors is beautiful. Thank you again Rinpoche for teaching us and reminding us to always show appreciation for the kindness received from others. May the dharma continue to flourish in the ten direction!
I AM SO SO SO SO SO HAPPY! Rejoicing! Please stay. please spread the dharma here in the US. Please may this home continue to be shelter and and excellent, peaceful place for you to do this work.
Thank you for the photos and update, Pastor Jean Ai. The US Team should be renamed Super Team for the remarkable job (Superheroic feat if you ask me!) you guys did in setting up such a beautiful ladrang for Rinpoche while keeping up with the Tsem Rinpoche Foundation work. I particularly love the hand painted plaques for the sponsors. The simple but meaningful words touched me deeply.
Clearly there was a lot of physical and mental labour put into making this happen. Good job to the hard workers it looks really awesome. It also looks really exclusive, like the cool kids club ( or does that make it sound uncool :(? ). I hope there will be more success like this in the future. Stay strong! 🙂
Rinpoche I am so happy you found a new home. It’s so lovely. And bravo to all the hard working (and I mean HARD working staff) who have been tireless in their care. I am so very happy for all of you. May you enjoy this new ladrang for as long as you wish to remain. (I’m thinking decades <3 ) Love and hugs to all.