Zamkar, Mumu’s Friend
Mar 9, 2010 | Views: 389

This is mumu’s best friend, Zamkar baby. Zamkar comes over to play around 2-3 times a week. Zamkar is super cute too.

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1984 Los Angeles-Left to right: Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen, His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche, monk assistant to Zong Rinpoche and the 18-year-old Tsem Rinpoche prior to ordination. Read more-
I have met with Zamkar a couple of times, but not enough to be friends, However, i did hear of his antics where if he did not like you, he will show it without much ado, or should I say poo. I also heard that he gets on really well with Rinpoche’s mumus. It is sad that currently, he is in the last stages of his life. I do pray that he will last longer so that he may gain the blessings from our prayers for him. May Zamkar’s parents be strong and our hearts are with you.
Tsem Rinpoche at Kechara Forest Retreat, Bentong, Malaysia
You guys are going to have a cute attack with these two super adorable videos of Tsem Rinpoche’s doggies Oser and Dharma.-
The videos JUST came out!
Zamkar is the first friend of Mumu in Tsem Ladrang. He is very cute and smart boy. When he arrived in Ladrang he very small and nauty eat everything he find on the floor. Paul trained him everyday. He was not easy in the beginning . Rinpoche likes him very much. His eyes always very poor me look. Ha ha ha
Zamkar baby is so cute, so adorable. I love playing with him! He looks like a really fat bunny. Hahaha. I really want to play him more often.
Dear Rinpoche, when I’m about 7 years old. I don’t really like Zamkar because whenever I visit Rinpoche’s old Ladrang Zamkar will always bark at me nonstop. But now, I like Zamkar the most in all the 6 doggies, because his has changed his character. He don’t bark that much anymore. And he is so adorable! Hehe
Zamkar is so cute!!!
Nowadays little Zamkar stays together with all his friends
Schnauzers are all so cute.
Back last time Zamkar was owned by Paul,but now he stays with Rinpoche.
I know that Zamkar is really having fun with Rinpoche and all of his friends.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing these cute pictures of Zamkar .
Hehehe…Zamkar baby is super adorable too! He has a very beautiful silver coloured coat, it makes him look even more cuter! He used to be quite naughty in the early days, but he has improved a lot. Uncle KB sure is a good trainer, I wonder if I should ask my dad to send Edward to Uncle KB for training??..hehe 😛
Thank You for sharing the photos Rinpoche.
Love, beatrix.
Zamkar means White Dzambala. The White Dzambhala is a wealth granting aspect of the Compassionate Buddha and in this form sits on a turquoise dragon, surrounded by four dakinis each signifying a Buddhist cosmic family and a compass direction. Dakinis are powerful female angels who help Dzambhala bring riches into the lives of those who do the water ritual daily while reciting their mantras.
To me Zamkar looks kind of like a fluffy little bunny with adorable floppy ears. He is extremely capable of pulling an innocent looking face as shown in the Mumu Poopoo? Video ( Very cute.
Zamkar baby is so cute and cuddly. He looks like an oversized bunny with his adorable bunny like ears. I think that Schnauzers are a wonderful breed of dog. They are very obedient and cuddleable.
Zamkar is a really cute mumu! He is mumu’s long time best friend. They always look so cute together. It is very nice that Zamkar visits Mumu once in a while, because sometimes a dog can get easily lonely without other animals to play with him. Now, Mumu Yogi has Oser to play with him and Zamkar has a new play mate to hang out with in Tsem Ladrang once he comes and plays. Zamkar is another of the first few steps that the great Kechara Organization are taking to make the Kechara Animal Sanctuary manifest so that it can benefit many other animals and Mumu, Zamkar and Oser can have tens or hundred of friends to play with. They only can play with the nicer ones though. Ha ha!
You’re wrong! Zamkar is not a polar bear, he is a miniature sheep! Yes, its true. Zamkar is lovable, cute and cuddly, but be sure to watch your food when he’s around. Otherwise it will be gone the minute you turn your back!
Zamkar and Mumu certainly are the best of friends, and recently, we’ve got a new companion for Mumu, a lovely little female white schnauzer puppy called Oser. She’s integrated really well and although a little mischievous, we all love her very very much. Check out this link for a collection of videos of Mumu and Oser playing:
Zamkar is very cute indeed.
There are so many Schanautzer in and around the ladrang, what is it with schnautzers and Rinpoche or Rinpoche’s students? What is the connection? What is the affinity?
I myself, have had schnautzers before I even knew of Kechara House and Rinpoche, I have three schnautzers, and more of his students also have schnautzers under their care.
Thinking of it, to imagine and to see Rinpoche playing with Mumu, and Mumu playing with his friend Zamkar, makes Rinpoche more accessible to me. Having grown up with dogs and dogs lover around me always, it is comforting to see my Dharma friend and my Teacher interacting with dogs. I like it.
One more of Rinpoche’s many skillful means to make Dharma attractive at our level?
There were a few years between when I first met Zamky baby, and when I next saw him again. In that time, he turned into a polar bear. Funny thing about Zamky is that he’s such a monster to everyone else, but absolutely devoted to his daddy Paul Yap who is the liaison of Kechara Discovery ( ). Paul, despite his busy schedule and portfolios, showers him with a lot of love…I’ve heard that whenever Zamkar thinks Paul is coming home, he runs to the living room, stands up on one of the chairs and peers out of the window very expectantly. Just think – if animals can respond to love like this, and feel so happy, how will they respond to abuse?