Can Never get tired of Cute!
Mar 20, 2010 | Views: 183

Zamkar is Mumu’s friend and Paul’s doggie. Paul is the Liaison of Kechara Discovery.

Mumu and Zamkar say good morning. Sometimes mumu goes to stay at Zamkar’s house.

Huggable Zamkar baby at his home.

Mumu has alot of cute poses -a natural model.

Yogi-mumu has his protection string on. Tsem Rinpoche
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Looking at post with cute pictures of Rinpoche’s doggie. So absolutely adorable . Haha can’t resist those fury eyes.There are not just a pet but our family too. We can’t buy happiness but we can adopt it. A wagging tail is a universal language of happiness.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
Tsem Rinpoche at Kechara Forest Retreat, Bentong, Malaysia
You guys are going to have a cute attack with these two super adorable videos of Tsem Rinpoche’s doggies Oser and Dharma.-
The videos JUST came out!
Dear Rinpoche, both Yogi and Zamkar has always been cute even on the first day when I met them. I agree with Rinpoche very much about Yogi is a great poser. There are many pictures about Yogi posing in cards that are sold in KH departments. I love them so so so much.
About a few months ago, I read about a fact on a blog. The scientists said that cuteness inspires aggression, which I think it’s true because whenever I see cute animals especially puppies, I kept on having the feeling of wanting to squeeze them.
I really want to visit them as soon as possible. HEHEHE!
Zamkar is so cute! AWWW! Yogi looks sleepy. I love it when they play with each and other, they looked just so adorable. When they have the chance to see each other, they would always appreciate the time and and do everything together. I hope Rinpoche and the mumus, MAY THEY HAVE GOOD HEALTH AND LONG LIFE.
They are super cute! Now they are all grown ups, time really flies.. I still remember seeing Yogi and Zamkar baby when they were small. I will never forget their cute and innocent faces. All of the Mumus are so cuddly! I hope that I can spend more time with them in future. Thank You for sharing Rinpoche.
Love, beatrix.
I really love these picture. Thank you, Rinpoche for sharing this. There is nothing that can beat Rinpoche’s mumus when it comes to cuteness.I hope that one day all the mumus in the world will be happy as there are many mumus that are not as fortunate as these cuties here..
The love you have for the dogs and animals is spread in your pictures :)))))))))))
May many hearts be touched and open up for love and care for animals.