Gigi, Dolma & Zamkar visits!!!

Here they are!! A group photo after their playing…cute!! We are going to have them get together at least twice a week when schedule permits… They are all friends….
Tonight I had Gigi, Dolma, Zamkar brought over to play with Mumu, Oser and Dharma. They all got along real well and played alot. It’s nice for them to run around together in fresh air and mingle.
I watched them really enjoy themselves. After playing they had fresh vegetables snacks and a good cleaning wipe down. On the way home, Gigi and Dolma fell into a deep relaxing sleep from all the play.
Mumu, Oser and Dharma were all very tired after the playing. Very cute. And now sleeping deeply.
Tsem Rinpoche
July 2, 2011
Gigi and Dolma are Chris & James dogs. Gigi used to be abused by the previous owner very much that people couldn’t touch her or she would growl… but ok now with Chris and James giving her alot of love. She is friendly and loving….. Dolma was lost lost dog… Chris and James took her in…nice. She was lost and then found a new loving home….now she is fine with Chris and James… Zamkar is Paul’s doggie.
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The Chair
I have one chair I usually sit on to do my sadhana, watch a program, read, write, research and so on. But many times I return from my bathroom, Oser girl has taken over my chair. She gives me this look like, it’s her chair! She’s a spunky little schnauzer. The room has so much space, other sofas and places of interest, but my Oser has to hijack my chair always. I have to gently move her over and squeeze in next to her like I did last night into the same chair. We sat together for hours and she fell asleep in my chair huddled against me. Love is sharing a chair even though it’s meant for one occupant at a time. ? Tsem Rinpoche
It is incredible how smart Oser girl is. She can steal the treat away from Dharma boy and so casually. Wow. She is so smart. A must watch short video!! Tsem Rinpoche
Mumu boy was Tsem Rinpoche’s little Schnauzer. Partly because of Mumu Kechara was started and you must find out why that is. Do read more and see very cute adorable pictures:
Tsem Rinpoche’s two adorable cute Schnauzer dogs Oser girl (white) and Dharma boy up to their various antics. Short videos that will warm up your day and give you a ‘cute attack!’ Enjoy!
“Tsem Rinpoche’s Schnausers Oser and Dharma trying their luck”
“Tsem Rinpoche’s adorable Schnauzers Oser and Dharma have a challenge!”
“Friendly Encounter”-Oser and Dharma meet Johnny & Casper
“Friendly Encounter”-Soer & Dharma meet Johnny & Casper (2)
“Tsem Rinpoche’s Pet Schnauzer Oser’s Treat Time!”
“Tsem Rinpoche’s doggie Oser girl and Dharma boy getting treats”
“Dharma fights Chip! Showdown between Tsem Rinpoche’s pet Schnauzer and a dog on wheels!”
“Dharma & Oser Getting Treats in Playhouse”
Tsem Rinpoche at Kechara Forest Retreat, Bentong, Malaysia
You guys are going to have a cute attack with these two super adorable videos of Tsem Rinpoche’s doggies Oser and Dharma.-
The videos JUST came out!
I am smiling all the way Watching this video. The dogs are super cute. They deserved love just like human. I pray that those people who kill and consume dog meat to stop doing that. I pray that the government of Yulin to stop the dog killing festival.
Hehehe. In the very beginning of the video, Mumu and Oser couldn’t wait to meet and play with Gigi, Dolma and Zamkar. Mumu just kept scratching the glass door. And during the vegetable snack time, Gigi and Dolma just kept on refusing to eat the vegetables maybe because is fresh or they are just not use to it. HOW CUTE!
they are so cute i am going to die!!!!!!!!!… hehe. it is so cute and nice how they play, i am sure that they are all special doggies, i played with some of them in the past. i hope they had a good time and have plenty more in the future.
I’m very glad to see that they enjoy themselves a lot. Poor Gigi, she did nothing to deserve that from her previous owner. Luckily James and Chris had them home. They are now very safe and loved, good for them.
Thank You for sharing Rinpoche.
Love, beatrix.
my landlord won’t let me have a dog so i enjoy the videos very much.
Super duper cute to see them happily playing together!!!
How nice to watch the six dogs frolicking around the pool and then, after all the play, become so quiet, peaceful and happy.
Mumu, Oser and Dharma must have been delighted with their visitors. How easily they all became friends.
James, thank you for sharing the story of Gigi and also Rinpoche’s Dharma talk on animals that we adopt as pets. Now, i will relate better with my 5 cats (abandoned cats whom I rescued and have adopted as pets).I have a seven-month old cat who has been terrified of us from the very start(We found him when he was only two months old). He still runs away every time I come near him. He only stays for the food and then disappears. Now, I must chant Om Mani..with him.
Thank you Rinpoche for letting them play together and also the all the care given to us and our dogs.
When Gigi first came to our home, she was so scared, every time when we wanted to pat her, she would ran away or even bite us.
For the first 2 weeks I told myself, well maybe that’s it, we can only feed her and that’s all we can do, but Chris said no, lets try and see maybe she will change, so daily we chant Om Mani Padme Hum, hope she will be “softer” with people.
True enough, she become softer and closer to us. Now every night she will jump to the bed, and sleep next to me (Dolma sleep with Chris.)
I like animals but on a superficial level, until one day, when Rinpoche asked Su Ming and I went to his apartment, to get dog house, food and install Fan for Patches which rescued by Adelyn, Rinpoche gave a teaching from there it changes.
When dog or any animals be with us, it is because we have “Bad relationship Karma”, maybe the dog had done something not good during pass life to us and this life they have to rely on us whether food, medication etc etc.
“Bad relationship Karma” can be purified by taking care of the dog well, give them love, give meditation, shower them, play with them then our relationship with the dog and other people will be better(karma is karma whether is with dog or people).
Knowing I’m attached to relationship, I gave a try then. I play with Gigi and Dolma more, shower them (which normally done by groomer or Chris), trim their hair…I would say, my relationship with my friends and family become better and even closer.
Whether the “Bad relationship Karma” been purified or not, but I think in certain way when taking care of the dogs, it soften my heart too.
Super cute and sweet.
Spending time with friends are the simple pleasures of life. Animals are not that very different from humans on this and various other aspects.
It is important to recognize this so that we are able to care for and nurture our pets in a comprehensive way.
Gigi, Dolma, Zamkar, Mumu, Oser and Dharma are very fortunate to find loving homes.
Hehe… This is so nice and feel warm to see them gather together. Can’t stop my smiling when watching them run around and busy with others, hehe! They look really really cute and very happy, hehe..
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this video and also for giving our dogs to Rinpoche’s place and mix with Mumu, Orser and Dharma and also to have them get together at least twice a week when schedule permits.
And also thank you KB for taking care of them. KB is such a good daddy. He always takes good care for all these animals.
It’s super cute to see them greet each other! Dogs are social animals and it’s good for them to bond.
African wild dogs stay in packs of between 30-50 strong. some dogs stay behind to mind the young ones while the rest go hunting. Those hunting dogs feed the left-behinds by regurgitating food when they returned after the hunt.
It is a huge job to get them post for the picture, LOL. So cute!
Nice to see them play together and play with them. Its makes their mind happy and less stess being in the house alone most of the time. If we can give litte bit of happiness in their lifes whay not. As Rinpoche said having pets its not just a hobby or they are cute. Its because we love and care for them. Today they really enjoyed playing together cute Mumus muuuuuuua see u soon. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this video