Mumu and Family
Jun 28, 2010 | Views: 312

My cute little Mumu.

Mumu's mother Jessie

Another rare cutie - Mumu's sister Gal Gal.
I love my mumu so much!!
Tsem Rinpoche
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Tsem Rinpoche at Kechara Forest Retreat, Bentong, Malaysia
You guys are going to have a cute attack with these two super adorable videos of Tsem Rinpoche’s doggies Oser and Dharma.-
The videos JUST came out!
HEHEHE! Gal Gal looked just like Yogi. They are so adorable. But on the other side, Jessie looked sick and very weak. I really hope that Jessie took a better rebirth than being a animal. And may Mumu and his family stay healthy and may they live long. By the way, what happened to Smokey (Mumu’s father)?
The attention Mumu gets from His Eminence is different than what a “normal” dog gets from a human. Mumu is taken care of within a much larger picture than simply dog/master. I love my dogs, and I miss them when I travel, I miss their re-assuring company, their unconditional love, the softness of their fur, they way they fall asleep in my arms or next to me. Yet the training Rinpoche gives to his dog is all that but more, as he cares for him as Mumu the dog but also as a sentient bein trapped in samsara. Hev trains him to be attentive, he fmiliarizes him with mantra, etcetera… Well, if I was to be a dog, I’d rather be Mumu…
Cool MUmu. The 1st time meet Mumu is in TSEM LADRANG! Mumu is really cute! Mumu is the PR KIng in there! He always give very warm welcome to all the staff and visitor!
How lucky Mumu was? Coz he always can stay beside Tsem Tulku Rinpoche!He can always get blessing from Rinpoche! When Ripoche chanting he also can have chance to stay beside to listen!In youtube also have some mumu exercise video, and have some exercise together with mumu! Keep fit with mumu! Love your pets like your own child!
I love Mumu so much. He has such a nice family reunion. I bet he was extremely ecstatic to meet his parents and brothers and sister again. First picture gave me the feeling that Mumu is giving a, “Why did you wake me up” kind of look. That look is just priceless. Mumu’s mother Jessie seemed to be totally tired. I guess that age is catching up on her. May Buddha bless her soul and let her have a joyful life now and be reborn as a human in the next life with a chance to learn the glorious Dharma. Mumu’s Sister, Galgal looks so cute with the little toy by her leg as if she is saying, “Ok, playtime is over, now it is picture time!” Mumu was always a good boy. Every time I meet him, he will smell me then either bark at me or let me pet him. I do not understand what he means by that. This is an example why we should take care of animals as they will repay your kindness by doing the best they can by giving you comfort and companionship!
Such a great family reunion!
I was reflecting of how fortunate Mumu is to have all of his family members together and how many others out there whose families are lost or separated …and recalling this Sutra….
(Link: )
“Some happy fellows’ fathers and mothers
Enjoy long lifespans, contentment, and ease.
Where is the source for rewards such as these?
They protected orphans in times now past
And regarded all elderly ones as their own.
Orphans must live without fathers and mothers
Since before they shot down birds for sport.
If you care to know of past live’s causes,
Look at rewards you are reaping today
If you wish to find out about future lives,
You need but notice what you’re doing right now.”
Mumu & family are so fortunate to have come under Rinpoche’s care and how oft He has taught us as how that Sutra quote rings a similar tune: “It cannot happen if causes aren’t planted.”
I got to be honest in this post , this is the most interesting blog for me to comment. I am never an animal lover , due to the fact that my brother asthma sickness while he is very young prohibits my family from ever keeping a pet that has furs. The only pet i had was a fish. It died due to my negligence ! But ever since ( of my luck ) to be able to join in during the animal food purchase at Elise animal outlet in old klang road. It absolutely change me. I dont know how to care for animals , i dont know nothing about loving animals.
But because of the care , love & dedication of Rinpoche towards mumu & oser. i learnt ! period! i admit i am not there yet , i hold back when it comes to caring for animal but i shall improve and develop boddhicitta even towrds the smalles animals that my eyes ca see.
I know for sure the displays of affections by Rinpoche towards all animals, towards mumu , towards Him setting up KAS. He simply using his positions as a spiritual leader to many to promote love and care for animals, so that all other people can see Rinpoche actions and have reactions!
Mumu and family very cute indeed Galgal,Smokey and the mother Jessie.
very good team as well they are very lively. They teach a lesson on compassion because of their barks shows that they are very happy and it is cute to watch them play and run. And they make companions as well. and it is a path to enlightenment because caring for animals is a good thing like our monthly animal liberation. It makes you very happy when you are in a grumpy mood! and it’s a good thing to brighten up your day! They are very smart as well. They follow instructions and do whatever you ask them to do! thank you for having such a kind heart to have Mumu and Oser.
So true what Henry said! mu mu good boy. mu mu come here! And mu mu will listen and pay attention to every command Rinpoche gives him. He is so attentive and will seat by Rinpoche. Rinpoche worries about him very much as he’s got skin condition and other health problems. Rinpoche said before that he is so happy that he has mu mu as he can take good care of him. Mu mu does require special attention. He doesn’t eat properly and when he doesn’t eat, mu mu gets sick. Rinpoche made many prayers for him besides medical attention and special diet.
Seeing Mumu meet up with his parents and sibling reminds me of Rinpoche’s blog on the time when he was in his Mother’s presence yet he did not know that she was his mother. It must have warmed his heart to see Mumu and family running around together.
For Rinpoche’s assistants who helped take care of Mumu, it was a lesson well learnt in giving and compassion. Doggies cannot talk, they can’t tell you where it hurts, they can’t tell you that they feel your pain – we have to be sensitive to their needs, otherwise we are allowing them to suffer. I have my doggie back in my home town and I can feel how much she misses me – everytime I am home, she will not stop barking nor jumping until I go say hello and give her a little pet. She will then settle down, all happy and contented.
Ha.. Ha… cute little Mumu. Mumu is the mascot of Kechara Animal Sanctuary. Mumu is a rare gem in the sense that Mumu spends the most time with Rinpoche day and night and even sleeps with Rinpoche. He is well trained by Rinpoche and develops a strong bonding with his Master. Mumu is obedient little cute monster. Rinpoche has mentioned before Mumu could be his past life student. Rinpoche is creating the condition for little Mumu to have good imprints of the Dharma for him to gain a precious human rebirth again to practice the Dharma so he may not have to go through countless of lives immerse in samsara. Mumu is so blessth.
I still recall the first few times that I was in Ladrang. Mumu jumped onto me and tried smelling my clothes and tried to kiss me. I must admit that I am not too animal friendly those days and thanks to Rinpoche for his teachings and my later experiences with dogs have made me changed my perception and became acceptable to touch them and even kiss them.
Everybody loves Mumu so much and they often play with Mumu whenever they’re in Ladrang. In Ladrang, everyone is trained to be observant to Mumu and how to ‘communicate’ with Mumu with standard commands.
I was amazed of the amount of care Rinpoche has given to Mumu (and all of his students too).
Rinpoche really spent a lot of time training Mumu. In fact when Mumu first came to live with Rinpoche, Mumu was missing his family and he cried and Rinpoche was with Mumu all throughout that time. Rinpoche’s care for humans and animals is similar, there is no difference to him, all are sentient beings. Mumu is a very unique dog that eats mainly vegetarian, I wonder if that was Rinpoche’s blessing and influence to his dog to avoid eating animal corpses.
In the Ladrang there is the aviary, two turtles, aquariums and Rinpoche’s pet schnauzers. I see that as Rinpoche’s plan to train up his people to genuinely care or animals. Animals can’t say how they feel, so we have to be pretty observant when they are not ok. I have two cats and another cat owner told me one sign the animal is not alright is that they refuse to eat, that is a very clear indication something is not right with your pet. Medical attention should be provided to your pet the soonest when such signs manifest.
Rinpoche also came out with the concept of a pet pendant, do get them from the Kechara outlets ( at a very affordable price. I‘ve got my two cats wearing the pet pendants, don’t let your pets miss out this opportunity, the pendants blesses your pets all the time and plants seeds of enlightenment in them!
The link below talks a bit more about Pet Pendants
Pet Pendats for sale
Rinpoche little cute male schnauzer dog name yogi or “mumu” has been company rinpoche for the past six years. He is so adorable and friendly to everyone. Most of the people first contact with him, your will fall in love with him. Mumu also is our animal sanctuary mascot.
I remember rinpoche first day see mumu at the Old Klang road pet shop. He said this little mumu will follow him because mumu eyes look warm and he is super cute. After discussion with the owner- Elize, rinpoche promise will take good care of mumu for his future, Alice finally agree to let mumu go home with rinpoche came back to ladrang.
When mumu at ladrang, we have to trained him follow the comment and train him how to behave. As the result, mumu is very well train dog. During mumu baby time. At the process of training mumu, I had learned lot to be care more for the animal, especially animal can’t communicate with us directly through our language. You don’t know how suffering they are when they fall sick. We only can give extra care for them. This is good practice of compassion for other sentient being.
Mumu is so cute……!!!! His gal pal Oser is super cute and adorable too!!! There have such good karma and blessed.. to be well taken care of and loved. Both of them are so fortunate to be under Rinpoche’s care. Everyone loves them too.
I love mumu. Mumu is cute and adorable. He is the only dog that I fall in love with. I remembered the very first time when I saw mumuin Kechara House, I was very scare of him no doubt he was small about 2 to 3 months old only.
I’m not a animal lover at all. Thru Rinpoche’s patient, courage and training, slowly I began to accept mumu and started to play with him. Now I love mumu.
Tsem Tulku Rinpoche’s LOVE and CARE towards animals are EXCELLENT! Mumu is very fortunate to be Rinpoche’s pet. Mumu is so so lucky, the way Rinpoche treat him is very special. Sometimes human being also do not get such priviledge.
Mumu is a good dog! I use to hear from Rinpoche praise him, the praises Rinpoche use are I LOVE MUMU, MUMU IS CUTE, MUMU STAY STAY AND DADDY LOVE MUMU!
Two months ago, mumu was not well and hospitalised. Rinpoche was very very worried for him day and night. Rinpoche personally arranged PUJA for mumu so that mumu will get well soon. The LOVE Rinpoche has given to mumu is INFINITE..!!
Now, mumu is heathy and cheerful again. Thanks to Rinpoche’s puja to mumu.
Love, angel
I relate to what Raowenzen wrote. Although Mumu is a dog, but he happens to be the pet of H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche and that already makes a whole world of difference. Rinpoche personally trained him, and have said many, many, thousands or millions of mantras and blows onto Mumu to this day. When Mumu was very sick, Rinpoche even arranged for a puja to be done for Mumu. Though Mumu is a dog in this life now, but I am very certain Mumu will have a higher rebirth in his next life because of Rinpoche’s love and kindness. Some of us may have been blessed with a human rebirth and high intelligence, but we do not even use that for a higher purpose. And that high intelligence may even become the cause for us to be reborn as animals instead. Hence, the loving kindness towards all beings are essential in every life.
Mumu cute! Mumu good boy! Mumu bad boy! Daddy loves you! Mumu stay! Mumu go home! Mumu sleep, sleep! These are some of Rinpoche’s expressions and commands to adorable little Mumu. Mumu is so friendly, well mannered, well behaved, well trained…..personally by Rinpoche
Rinpoche’s compassion to all beings is evidently shown in the exemplary examples shown and given to little and cute Mumu boy.
Mumu loves to greet everyone who visits Tsem Ladrang by barking at and sniffing each person. Recently Mumu has for company another cutie in the form of Oser. Mumu is happy! Mumu is not so lonely now!
Yes, you are right Raowenzen. Even though Mumu is reborned in the lower animal realm, “a bad throwing karma” at the time of his death, he has what Rinpoche once said, “a good completion karma”. being adopted in our lama’s residence, Mumu’s dog life is so much more fortunate and privileged than the many who are wondering along the streets, being bitten, abused or suffer from hunger.
Mumu must have practised Dharma or practised generosity in one of his past lives to have the fortune to be so close to our Rinpoche.
Rinpoche’s love and care for mumu is exactly like that to a normal human being. No difference at all. I remember a few months back, Mumu was sick and Rinpoche was worry sick for him. Under round the clock care by Rinpoche’s liaisons like Bengkooi, Su Ming, and attendant KB, Mumu slowly recovered. Rinpoche even did puja in his ladrang and dedicate the merits to Mumu’s fast recovery.
Rinpoche told us that by not killing, going for vegetarian and taking care of animals, we will create the causes for the manifestation of an animal sanctuary, which is another great vision of Rinpoche. In Rinpoche’s ladrang, there is a bird and tortise sanctuary. You can help sponsor food to any of these sanctuaries. The merits collected in such a deed is like saving one’s life. Dedicate it to your parents or loved ones for a long and healthy lives. How wonderful!!!
If you want to help or sponsor to the animal sanctuary, contact JP Thong at 012-2073503, or email to
Mumu is such a cute boy and he is so fortunate to have Rinpoche as his daddy because he is really well taken cared of. You know, I have heard a few times, that some people don’t mind being reborn as such pets, where the owners just love them to death.
However, people don’t realise the sufferings of animals. They think it is so nice to be taken cared of but it is deceptive. Animals don’t have opportunities like humans to communicate their feelings and wishes. Whatever they are feeling, we may not know. Our pet could be having a huge migraine but we may never know about it. On top of that, our pets will never have the opportunity to study the Dharma and practice to become enlightened like us. They can only receive small blessings of mantras that plants seeds for future better rebirth.
What I have mentioned is just a tip of the iceberg of sufferings that animals endure whether as posh pets owned by rich owners or wandering wild cats and dogs on the street. It doesn’t matter because they suffer and we should have awareness for their sufferings and rejoice in our human rebirth for all its opportunities and endowments.
A dog that is a pet adopted by a holy being like Rinpoche must have prayed a lot in his past lives and had practiced generosity.According to karma, even though he is in a lower existence he is receiving good care,living friendlier environment and having holy imprints planted -normal dogs do not get this.
aiyo just soooo cute. Mumu looks just like his family doesn’t he. It’s quite amazing how even a little puppy can be so gentle, kind, alert and intelligent – more than some humans, I daresay!
Mumu (and his family) is not just cute, but a highly intelligent dog. And Rinpoche “makes use” of this intelligence to train him up, keep him mentally alert and focused. Rinpoche has often explained that even the training is to bring him to Dharma – he may not be able to understand Dharma deeply now, but by training his mind to be alert and to listen to instructions, Rinpoche will be able to help at the crucial moment of death, guiding him to good places and rebirths. Things are never just arbitrary with Rinpoche.
Mumu’s sister look like Mumu actually!!! So cute::)
Indeed, mumu is so lovable. The first time I bumped into mumu, he climbed onto me and wanted to smell my i held him, he has this special energy in him…it felt very unique. Very loving, very adorable, very composed, very enthusiastic, very passionate and very smart. Very special dog.