Mumu was so sick but NOW HE IS WELL AGAIN!!!!
On May 4, 2009 my little Mumu had been very sick. First he was vomiting food, and then he became lethargic and very weak. He lost his appetite and had to be force-fed. I was very worried so I sent my assistants to bring Mumu to Dr Prem’s Veterinary Clinic in KL. At first the diagnosis was Mumu could have eaten something that upset his stomach. But after two days, Mumu was getting even weaker so we sent him Dr Prem again. Dr Prem did a blood test and concluded that Mumu had pancreatitis (see bottom more for info on pancreatitis), and his enzyme level was alarmingly high, five times higher than normal. It was very urgent so Dr Prem immediately put Mumu on drip, cutting off any food and drink so as not to aggravate the situation. KB was very kind and volunteered to stay with Mumu throughout the night at Dr Prem’s clinic. This was Tuesday. In fact KB lovingly stayed every night at the clinic for four nights to sleep with Mumu to keep him company. Dr Prem generously allowed it as it is not normal procedure.
(Dr Prem is such a loving, caring and a wonderful doctor. He really cares about the animals that come to his clinic. He is so well known here in Kuala Lumpur. The animals and animal owners are so blessed to have Dr Prem here. And he is so experienced in taking care of animals. I highly recommend him please. Dr Prem in his medical expertise saved my Mumu’s life. I am grateful to this great man! Thank you so much Dr Prem. A great Namaste to you!)
On Wednesday, Dr Prem performed an ultrasound on Mumu to check for abscesses or cancer. Thank goodness none was found! Also, Dr Prem concluded that Mumu’s lipid level was normal and he did not have hyperlipidemia which is another cause of pancreatitis.
Many of my students visited Mumu at clinic, Ruby, Elize, Henry and Angel, Adeline, etc…
On Friday morning, the enzyme test results came out and showed that Mumu’s enzyme level was 1449, pretty much back to normal, while it was 9945 when he was admitted on Tuesday. This means Mumu is well again!
Above is Elize together with Dr Prem. I got Mumu from Elize five years ago. She owns a pet shop and she loves dogs. She will not simply sell dogs to people she doesn’t trust will take care of the dogs. Elize owns Mumu’s dad, mom and sister. She loves Mumu also. So her experience was very welcomed and she helped with Mumu at the clinic every day. I appreciate her help very much. Can you imagine, I got Mumu from Elize five years ago, and she comes around to help Mumu get healed!!!! What a great lady!!!!
Inserting the needle for the drip for my Mumu because he can’t eat, very weak, very lethargic, can barely walk around. My poor little innocent Mumu. My poor Mumu. I wish his disease comes to me and he can get well. I would gladly suffer it for my Mumu. My poor dear little Mumu.
My poor sweet Mumu. Although weak and in pain, he never complained and just cooperated all the way. I was so worried, I could not sleep. He stayed still for whatever was done to him. He is such a wonderful and cooperative little guy.
Precious KB sitting in with Mumu and slept in this small space with Mumu for four nights to keep Mumu company!! And to make sure Mumu is ok. So much love, so much compassion, I am so grateful to KB. I didn’t assign him but KB wanted to stay with Mumu. Mumu was very happy to have KB there also. I thank KB so much for his care and love. I am so appreciative.
Elize above with my Mumu at the clinic. Elize visited a lot. Thank you Elize.
KB having his meal, while Mumu sleeps next to him under a warm blanket.
Mumu was getting better so KB had glasses on my little Mumu as the lights were bright and Mumu is a STAR after all…hehehe. Seriously, here, Mumu was getting better already. Can you see a laptop? Well KB had the webcam on all night so I can see Mumu and how he is from my end. It was KB’s idea and KB is so thoughtful. I couldn’t sleep. I watched Mumu on the webcam all night. It helped a lot.
Dr Prem gently shaves Mumu for an ultrasound. Everything ok except the inflamed pancreas which has since returned to normal!!!
Ultrasound. Nothing horrible found except inflamed pancreas which has since subsided!!!! HUGE RELIEF!!
Ruby visiting Mumu
More friends visiting Mumu
Beng Kooi with Mumu at the clinic
After around two days, Mumu could go back on light solid foods like rice porridge. This is Mumu’s first solid meal after entering the clinic. My poor Mumu was starving even with the drip. When I saw this picture of Mumu eating, I WAS SO RELIEVED AND SO HAPPY.
Mumu taking a nap at the clinic. Rest my Mumu boy and heal…never get sick again!!!
Chris and Ms Han of KIM dept visiting little Mumu. Chris has two schnauzers and is a dog lover also.
Monlam, KB and Mumu. Mumu loves these two guys and these guys really love Mumu. They always try to get my ok for Mumu to sleep with them at night… hehehehe cute!!
Angel visiting Mumu
Card from Paris (Jamie) and Monlam (below)
Card from Henry and Angel’s kids from Edward and Beatrix
Offering from Edward and Beatrix for Mumu to get thoughtful!!!
Mumu got Get Well cards and flowers…how thoughtful, sweet and touching.
I did Medicine Buddha puja, Black Manjushri practice and White Tara practice for Mumu daily for four days. To dedicate for his healing. The flowers and offerings are set up for Mumu’s pujas.
Medicine Buddha statue obtained and dedicated to Mumu’s healing.
Offerings above are for the Medicine Buddha pujas
Tara Pujas
My Mumu above on the third day at the clinic, already gaining strength and barking and wailing at the other dogs!!! Cute!!
The adorable chow chow who was staying next to Mumu at the clinic. Our people went to visit this chow chow to cheer him up also.
Mumu at the clinic, just woke up.
Prince Mumu having a walk around the clinic for fresh air with Su Ming carrying him and Paris holding up his drip…hehehe cute…
Mumu eating porridge
Taking off Mumu’s drip!
Above, Adeline went to visit Mumu and Mumu kissed her to say hello. Mumu is very friendly and a very good boy.
Mumu’s first meal in Ladrang (home) after spending four nights in clinic. Welcome home Mumu!!!!!!
Kind KB giving Mumu his first bath after coming back from the clinic
Mumu and Monlam
I thank KB and Beng Kooi (BK) who did everything meticulously when Mumu became seriously ill. With a lot of love, care and focus, they were with Mumu every step of the way until he was healed going through a battery of tests. They meticulously updated me every step of the way. It was frightening to read the SMSes but of course I needed to know what is happening.
Basically BK and KB SAVED MY MUMU’S LIFE because of their care. I can’t thank them enough. Everything that KB and BK does is from their heart. They never rush anything or take anything for granted, they really are CARING, WONDERFUL AND CONSCIENTIOUS PEOPLE. I am lucky to have them. Mumu is lucky to have their love. They are assets to Kechara House.
KB went to Nepal around eight days ago. Tomorrow, on Saturday May 29, 2010 KB is getting married! We congratulate KB very much. After his wedding and a few things to do, he will return. We miss him but we are happy for him. I look forward to his return. Everyone does. So many people love and respect KB!
I had special pujas done at the monastery for Mumu, and he is on a meticulously-planned and careful diet. Mumu enjoys the new food very much. He gobbles it down. Mumu has made a full recovery!!! THANK YOU TO THE THREE JEWELS!!! THANKS TO Dr Prem, KB, BK AND OTHERS WHO HELPED SO MUCH.
Mumu is back with me and sleeping with me nightly and up to his little routines again. How nice. As I type this, Mumu is playing on the balcony with his friend Zamkar with little Oser looking on…hehehehe cute cute cute!
BELOW IS INFORMATION FOR YOU SO THAT YOU CAN SEE THE WARNING SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF THIS FATAL SICKNESS THAT CAN REALLY BE DANGEROUS FOR YOUR DOGS, so that you might catch it quick without delay. If the symptoms come up, you must rush to a good clinic, don’t take chances. It was the quick thinking of BK and KB that saved my Mumu’s life. May none of your dogs suffer this fatal sickness or any sickness, ever! Om Mani Peme Hung. May no animals ever suffer anything!
Tsem Rinpoche
Pancreatitis (Inflammation) in Dogs
Veterinary Services Department, Drs. Foster and Smith, Inc.
The pancreas is a V-shaped organ located behind the stomach and the first section of the small intestine, the duodenum. It has two main functions: it aids in metabolism of sugar in the body through the production of insulin, and is necessary for the digestion of nutrients by producing pancreatic enzymes. These enzymes help the body promote the digestion and absorption of nutrients from food. Acute pancreatitis is a sudden onset of pancreatic inflammation.
Multiple factors can contribute to the development of pancreatitis. Certain medications, infections; metabolic disorders including hyperlipidemia (high amounts of lipid in the blood) and hypercalcemia (high amounts of calcium in the blood); obesity; and trauma and shock can be associated with the development of pancreatitis. Middle-aged dogs appear to be at increased risk of developing pancreatitis; as a breed, Schnauzers and Yorkshire terriers appear to be more prone to pancreatitis. Nutrition also plays a role. Dogs with diets high in fat, dogs who have recently gotten in to the trash or have been fed table scraps, or dogs who ‘steal’ or are fed greasy ‘people food’ seem to have a higher incidence of the disease. In addition, dogs who have previously had pancreatitis or abdominal surgery appear to be more at risk.
Common symptoms of the acute form of pancreatitis in dogs include a very painful abdomen, abdominal distention, lack of appetite, depression, dehydration, a ‘hunched up’ posture, vomiting, diarrhea and yellow, greasy stool. Fever often accompanies these symptoms. Animals with more severe disease can develop heart arrhythmias, sepsis (body-wide infection), difficulty breathing, and a life-threatening condition called disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), which results in multiple hemorrhages. If the inflammation is severe, organs surrounding the pancreas could be ‘autodigested’ by pancreatic enzymes released from the damaged pancreas and become permanently damaged.
The diagnosis of pancreatitis is made through information obtained from the history, the physical exam, and laboratory testing. Dogs with pancreatitis generally have an increased blood levels of the pancreatic enzymes called amylase and lipase. If the liver also becomes inflamed, liver enzymes as measured in the blood may be increased. A rather new test, serum cPLI (pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity), may prove to be a valuable diagnostic aid. The white blood cell count is generally increased in acute pancreatitis. Radiography (x-rays) and ultrasound can also help in making the diagnosis. biopsy can result in a conclusive diagnosis, but is not commonly performed.
The goal of treatment is to rest the pancreas, provide supportive care and control complications. If vomiting is severe, treatment usually begins with a withholding of food, water, and oral medications for at least 24 hours. The lack of oral intake stops the stimulation of the pancreas to produce digestive enzymes. Depending upon the animal’s response food intake can be started again after a day or more. The pet is generally fed small meals of a bland, easily digestible, high-carbohydrate, low-fat food. Over the course of a week or more, the size of meals and quantity of food fed are increased. The dog may need to stay on a special diet for life, or it may be possible to gradually reintroduce the former diet. High-fat diets or treats should be avoided.
The second major component of treatment is fluid therapy. Dehydration and electrolyte imbalances are common in dogs with acute pancreatitis, and water intake is often restricted so fluid therapy is usually needed. Fluids are either given subcutaneously or intravenous.
Dogs who are experiencing severe pain can be treated with pain relievers such as meperidine or butorphanol. Antibiotics are often administered prophylactically to protect against infection.
If the pancreatitis was caused by a medication, the medication should be stopped. If it was caused by a toxin, infection, or other condition, the appropriate therapy for the underlying condition should be started.
In rare instances where there are intestinal complications or the development of a pancreatic abscess, surgery may be necessary.
Long-term management and prognosis
Pancreatitis can be a very unpredictable disease. In most cases, if the pancreatitis was mild and the pet only had one episode, chances of recovery are good and avoiding high fat foods may be all that is necessary to prevent recurrence or complications. In other cases, what appears to be a mild case may progress, or may be treated successfully only to have recurrences, sometimes severe.
Dogs with severe pancreatitis can recover, but may also develop fatal complications. The risk of developing fatal pancreatitis is increased in dogs who are overweight, or have diabetes mellitus, hyperadrenocorticism, hypothyroidism, gastrointestinal tract disease, and epilepsy. Pets who have repeated bouts of pancreatitis may need to be fed low-fat diets to prevent recurrence. Even so, some animals develop chronic pancreatitis, which can lead to diabetes mellitus and/or pancreatic insufficiency, also called ‘maldigestion syndrome.’
In pancreatic insufficiency, the nutrients in food are passed out in the feces undigested. An animal with this disease often has a ravenous appetite, diarrhea, and weight loss. Even though he is eating, he could literally starve to death. Treatment for pancreatic insufficiency is lifelong and expensive, but is possible. The pet’s digestive enzymes are replaced through a product processed from pancreases of hogs and cattle which contain large quantities of the digestive enzymes. A change in diet with added nutritional supplements may also be necessary.
Acute pancreatitis can be a life-threatening condition, and early recognition and treatment can improve chances of recovery. In dogs, fever, lack of appetite, depression and vomiting are the most common signs. Treatment is based upon reducing or stopping all oral intake to rest the pancreas, correcting the dehydration and maintaining proper fluid and electrolyte balances, and treating any complications or underlying conditions.
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Tsem Rinpoche at Kechara Forest Retreat, Bentong, Malaysia
You guys are going to have a cute attack with these two super adorable videos of Tsem Rinpoche’s doggies Oser and Dharma.-
The videos JUST came out!
Rinpoche cares for all equally be they his students or his pets, and shows his gratitude for acts of kindness by all towards Mumu. As most mothers feel for their children, Rinpoche practices compassion and tonglen in wishing to bear the burden of pain and discomfort for Mumu.
Thank you for being the example for us all to follow in our daily lives and interaction with out beloved pets. Mumu is very blessed to be with Rinpoche.
As human beings, we are as capable to help animals as we are to destroy them. The choice is ours. Mumu get well again.
Thank you so much for the kindness of all the people who took part to save Mumu’s life. I am so happy to see Mumu is healthy now. Life is equal, animals feel pain as human does, for the people who own pets, must really be observant as animals does not express their feeling clearly. Our careless might cause dangerous situation happen. Thank you Rinpoche for your kindness to Mumu, he is so lucky to have Rinpoche with him.
i am so happy that mumu is okay now, he is so fortunate to have Rinpoche love him so much the way Rinpoche does. please stay healthy mumu and live long so you can always keep Rinpoche happy.
Great to know that Mumu is well now. He’s just like a human to me, he seems to understand everything. He knows what’s good for him and just listened. He is the smartest dog ever, and very obedient of course. He is very friendly, will always greet people with kisses. I love him very much. May you live long Mumu!
Thank You for sharing Rinpoche!
Love, beatrix.
nice to know that mumu is okay, i love him so much. a dog like mumu doesn’t come aroung all the time so you should appreciate him. hahaha have fun mumu
I thought I would let everyone know that since this post was written, Mumu was ill with the same problem (pancreatitis) another two times. Each time, it was unexpected, silent, without warning and really quite scary, simply because you dont even know it is there. Both times, we were alerted to the problem by KB, who is Mumu’s main caregiver. KB loves Mumu and the other dogs, and spends lots of time each day caring for them, feeding, grooming, cooking, playing etc.
KB noticed that Mumu was a little more down than usual, and immediately warned the rest of the team. Lo and behold, when we went back to Dr Prem’s, it was that horrible pancreatitis again! We finally solved Mumu’s chronic pancreatitis with a long-term treatment of antacids, frequent meals, and regular blood tests. The antacids suppress the activity of the pancreas, which is a huge help. Along with the frequent small easily digestible meals, this reduces the chances of the pancreas acting up. And the blood test is just to make sure.
And the many pujas that were done for Mumu made a huge difference…
These people are changing the way we look at animals through their actions, right?
Good work!!!
I have a lot to thank Mumu for. It was due to Mumu’s illness that so many Kecharians were there at Dr Prem’s clinic at the same time i was there. The “adorable chow-chow” pictured above is Chedee, my dog. I placed her under the care of Dr Prem when i was at a certain cross-road and had tough decisions to make.
I was first introduced to Kechara on May 6 by Su Ming who happened to be at the clinic when i was visiting Cheedee and she talked to me about Tsem Tulku Rinpoche and Kechara.
It was also when saw Beng Kooi for the first time there. BK was in the little cubible sitting on the floor with the door shut. Mumu was on her lap and out of sight. So all i saw was a person sitting on the floor in a cubicle of an animal clinic. It was a confusing day.
Thank you Mumu…and 0h, Su Ming also.
It is inspiring to see so much care and attention for Mumu. Mumu is not just a dog, he is a being with feelings, emotions, worries, joys and sadnesses; animal, human or other beings share the same aspiration to be free from suffering and to be happy. As spiritual practitioners, Rinpoche and his students care for Mumu the dog as a being in need of help, and they give unconditionally and sincerely. They give with no hidden agenda, they give because it is the right thing to do.
The fact they they care so much should be seen as an inspiration for all of us to do the same with the beings around us, family, friends, neighbours, colleagues, pets and more.
Thanks to the skills of Dr Prem, Mumu is now back in good health. Beng Kooi and KB who have made great effort to care for Mumu also contributed tremendously to Mumu coming back from the brink. Elize and Johnny from Wow Wow Pets came regularly to check up on Mumu. Many Kecharians were very concerned about Mumu’s health as Mumu is the mascot for Kechara Animal Sanctuary and Rinpoche’s pet. Much guru devotion is shown by both Beng Kooi and KB who nursed Mumu back to health. KB even slept at the vet with Mumu and updated Rinpoche regularly, what devotion and love.
Terima Kasih Rinpoche!
It is very encouraging to see so much tender loving care invested in Mumu by Rinpoche, KB and the team. It is truly a lesson to behold when it comes to the idea of an animal being a ‘mother sentient being’ and they have all proven it for us in action!
Yes, as always, Rinpoche’s eye for detail and a heart to educate his Kechara family and the rest is proven in this blog post so that all can learn more on how to care for their fellow mother sentient being and create the right and wholesome causes.
It will be for sure that KAS will not be the typical dingy old shelter for animals but a Pure Land, a Kechara for their benefit and cause of liberation!
Mumu is Rinpoche’s little darling. Rinpoche loves mumu alot. When it comes to sickness , I do not see any difference between the suffering an animal would feel compared to that of a human. We feel the same pain, same discomfort. Yes I must say Mumu is very fortunate to be under the loving care of Rinpoche and the ladrang team, and it is under this constant and consistent care that our dear mumu could recover so fast. KB even offered to stay with mumu in the clinic, how wonderful! He kept mumu in company and that was very important as it gave mumu a sense of stability and companionship. Mumu would know that he was not alone.
Rinpoche is very kind to provide a detailed research on pancreatitis so that pet owners could watch out for the early symptons and bring your pets to receive treatment soonest possible. Rinpoche does not want any being to suffer.
So much love and care for a lil doggie. I am a little jealous.
Dear Rinpoche,
I am very happy that Mumu is well now. I can understand what you felt, for my little rat Tito I was praying everyday to have his sickness instead of him… unfortunately he did not survived…
It is so good when our animals are healthy and happy again after a sickness.
This is great that Mumu had so much friends to be with him at the clinic and that you have a really good veterinary.
You will be abble to rest a little at night with Mumu now 🙂
I send much love to Mumu !
Glad Mumu is alright, may he has continues good health n long life!