Mumu’s Family Reunion
I visited Wow Wow Pets Shop at OUG some time ago. This is the shop where I adopted Yogi/Mumu 6 years ago, and the shop is owned by a very loving lady called Elize. I would like to share some of Mumu’s family “reunion” pictures with you.
Mumu with striped collar sniffing his dad and behind dad is his cute sister.
Mumu in the centre. Dad on the left and cute sister on the right. Mumu sister came out right after mumu at birth. They are the same batch.
Mumu's dad on the left, mumu's mother sniffing Mumu's sister on the green. Mumu in the back on the green also.
Left to right. Mumu's mom, dad, mumu and sister. The whole family!! Cute. I love them all!!
Mumu sniffing his sister. They look so similar. I instantly liked her. Her name is Gal-Gal. Cute!
Mumu and Gal-Gal. Gal-Gal facing us.
Mumu on the left and his mother Jessie. So cute. When we were there, Jessie friendly but barking and 'scolding' her family like a real cute housewife. I love Jessie!
Mumu and mom!
Above is Mumu on the left and dad Smokey on the right. Smokey very handsome and alert.
This is the owner, Elize. She loves her dogs very much.
Here is Elize & Mumu (below). Mumu wears a protected/blessed string and Manjushri pendant. I want Mumu to be blessed always and plant seeds for his future lives. By Manjushri touching my mumu daily, it will plant powerful dharma seeds in his mindstream. I created these pendants for pets. They are safe and have no sharp edges. I wanted everyone’s pet to be blessed. I have them available at KECHARA PARADISE OUTLETS and online.
Mumu being with me has to bear positive dharma fruits for him in the future hence I created the Manjushri pendants for him. Inspired by Mumu to have it available for all pets. I love my Mumu very much… Mumu is my good boy…
This is me with mumu's mother Jessie and mumu's father Smokey.
I'm holding mumu's father Smokey below.
Well that’s my little Mumu’s family reunion. I guess it will be nice for them to meet up sometimes again and again. I enjoyed seeing them so much together. Very cute family.
Tsem Rinpoche
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Tsem Rinpoche at Kechara Forest Retreat, Bentong, Malaysia
You guys are going to have a cute attack with these two super adorable videos of Tsem Rinpoche’s doggies Oser and Dharma.-
The videos JUST came out!
Dear Rinpoche, all of them are too cuteeeeeee! It will be so fun if I could join them. The other day when me and my sister went to Wow Wow Pets Shop, I saw Mumu’s father Smokey, Mumu’s sister Gal-Gal and a few other dogs. But Smokey and Gal-Gal wasn’t allow to come out. I’m not sure why.
The pictures are very heartwarming, Thank You for sharing Rinpoche. Mumu’s family must have missed him a lot, so nice to see them together again. Mumu’s sister- Gal Gal is so cutee! They sure look alike! They look like a cute and happy family!
Wow mumu’s family is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jessie is so cute compare the rest,though they all look alike.
If we have compassion for dogs, instead of getting from pet stores, why don’t we adopt stray dogs. If you can’t afford to pay for a dog in the pet shop, just adopt some from the streets.
For stray dogs it is harder for them to find food than those in pet stores because the pet shop owner will feed them.
Thank you for sharing this amazing post, Rinpoche.
Dear Rinpoche,
Very cute to see Mumu going to visit his father, mother and his sister! This is such a major cute attack. I just love the part where Mumu’s mom is acting like a real house wife and scolding them!
If i had the space and money I would surely love to take care of Mumu and his family as they are just so cute and they never fail to warm my heart the very instance i see Mumu.
Of course if you love Mumu now you just got to love his other 4 dogie
companions which are Oser, Dharma, Zamkar and Gizmo! It is very fun to see them run, play, have fun and do almost everything together.
What is more fun is of course playing with them your own self, I have played with them so many times and it never gets me bored.
It shows that even our furry friends have a heart and a soul which means that we should treat them well just as we would treat a child.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this wonderful and heartwarming Article on Mumu and his family!
Wonderful photos
I absolutely adore animals! Please, we need more posts like this from you!
I am happy to see mumu have his family reunion. Sister “gal gal” and mumu dady “smoky” look so adorable and cute. Rinpoche always take good care of mumu even think of let mumu meet his whole family. Can see from the picture every mumu family are happy can see mumu come back home to visit them.
Hence, rinpoche always teach us no abuse animal because they are just like us have feeling and senescence. They born at the animal realm because of the karmic recycle has fall of them. We should treasure born as the human and change to meet dharma and practice dharma in this precious human life. So stop harm animal and be nice with them. To practice the kindness to animal, rinpoche has advice be vegetarian to create the cause for the Kechara Animal Sanctuary to manifest.
I found out about the Manjushri pendants when I was checking Rinpoche’s blog. I thought to myself I must have the pendants for my current two cats. So that the cats are blessed by wearing the pendants.
I have adopted two stray cats. One is Patches she has been with me about close to one year, she is white with yellow patches all over, and the other is Mandrake I adopted this black kitty one day as I was driving back from Kechara House I saw a kitten trying to cross the road. I had seen so many roadkills I did not want this one to be one too. So I went to catch the kitten. It took me about half an hour before I managed to throw a sack over it and it was a relief to finally catch mandrake as he was very hungry and exhausted from me chasing him all over the side of the monsoon drain. Thanks to Rinpoche’s creation my two cats have something to bless their bodies.
Mu mu is one special doggie, so fortunate to be with Rinpoche. Due to poor health, mu mu may not have been so well taken care of somewhere else…
It was indeed a HAPPY day..oh my, Mu Mu was so excited. He came into WOW WOW in a doggie pram hehe….and was then let down to sniff sniff around. Mu Mu’s mom is such a fat haha…while Mu Mu’s dad sure is handsome!! Mu Mu’s sista is very shy and super cute 🙂
Elize really loves them all so much and takes such good care of them. I heard that Elize would only let her puppies go if she is comfortable with the family. I wish more pet stores are this responsible and not just about making money.
How many of us will think of a family reunion for our pets ? Rinpoche’s thoughtfulness extends to his beloved Mumu’s family, amazing !
Mumu is indeed a special dog. He absolutely adores Rinpoche. He is always the centre of attraction whenever Rinpoche brings him to our gatherings.
It’s said Mumu in his previous life was Rinpoche’s student. I strongly believe so because I had seen him prostrating to Rinpoche. Sometimes when he is in a playful mood, no body can stops him except Rinpoche. A firm “No !” from Rinpoche will put Mumu back in line. I can’t say the same for some of us students ! Looks like we got quite a bit to learn from Mumu.
My heart feel warms to see the lovely photos of mumu with his family, i remembered that rinpoche discovered mumu father, smoky from where we Rinpoche got mumu from (elize shop) in many years back and it brought a surprise to us to know that mumu just look alike with his father, smoky..
This will be a memorable day for mumu to meet up with his father, mother and sister and to stay and spent sometime, it seem like in CNY that everyone to to meet their family and spent time together.hehe Mumu is a cute.. good boy, he deserved to meet up with his family. Happy family day!!!
It makes my heart feel infinitely warm and fuzzy inside seeing the pictures of Mumu’s little family reunion. Truthfully, I could not tell them apart. They look so cute together. I am seriously happy that animals are getting taken care of very well these days. I think that the picture of Mumu and Gal-gal sniffing each other was so very CUTE!!! I have tried to put the Manjushri pendants on my pets but they make it break easily. I think the picture of the owner, Elize and Mumu looks totally priceless because you can see a look in her eyes showing her happiness to meet Mumu and hug him.
It was a happy day for Mumu and Family! Everyone reunited once again and there was lots and lots of barking!
But the happiest person in the room we could all see was Elize! She loved mumu so much and Rinpoche told us the story about how the first time Rinpoche came to see Mumu, she was checking Rinpoche out to see if He was going to be treating Mumu right. She was firm and very straight forward. She is definitely not a pet shop owner that wants to just make a quick buck. She really does care for her animals and this is a quality you can hardly find in most pet shop owner these days. Now Elize is part of our big happy Kechara family!!!
Her genuine unconditional care and love for animals is something we can all learn.
Even dogs recognises it own family. Its pretty amazing after so long apart mumu able to do so. I wonder why some human’s couldnt do it. Throwing away new born babies , disowned their parents , neglecting their own child and etc… . Futhermore the way Elize taking care of dogs at her shop , carefully selecting who to sold the dogs to its very respectable. In this time of our lives rarely we will have a person that while trying to make a living with her business and at the same times cares so much about all those dogs that are her “product”. Its not easy to balance out both. To elize you are very very kind.
Elize has shown me the true meaning of kindness and care for all living beings even if its an animal.
Seeing Mumu with his family reminds me of my family, my mum, my dad and my brother and me playing together. They are a very good family and I hope that he and his family will plant the seeds of dharma for their future lives. I think that with Mumu being with Rinpoche, it will be good for him and hopefully take rebirth in a good place. And he might be able to learn the dharma in the future. I hope that mumu can see his mother father and sister again soon. cuttttttttttttttte! May he and his family always be free from suffering.
Ha.. Ha… cute little Mumu. Mumu is the mascot of Kechara Animal Sanctuary. Mumu is a rare gem in the sense that Mumu spends the most time with Rinpoche day and night and even sleeps with Rinpoche. He is well trained by Rinpoche and develops a strong bonding with his Master. Mumu is obedient little cute monster. Rinpoche has mentioned before Mumu could be his past life student. Rinpoche is creating the condition for little Mumu to have good imprints of the Dharma for him to gain a precious human rebirth again to practice the Dharma so he may not have to go through countless of lives immerse in samsara. Mumu is so blessth.
It’s really nice to know the family of our pets and let them meet. If they were not separated and remained with each other till adulthood, they might be very closed to each other. My male cat and her mother was super close, it was so warm and fun to watch.
I also want to share about my first pet dog. My first dog because I am more of a cat person. However, she changed my mind about dogs. She was a poodle and her name was Tara. Coincident but I did not name her. She was given to me. Her name was given by my friend Huck who is keeping her mother and her sister, Karma. Occasionally, we will meet up and let them play together. Was such great times together.
2 years back, Tara went missing. I have searched for her for many months via forums, posters in vets, flyer distribution but with no luck. She’s been to the beach, camping, movies and sleeps on my bed every single night. So you see, we were very close. Her lost saddens me deeply, but I have to let go. What upsets me still is that I wished she would have had the opportunity to be blessed with the pet pendant that Rinpoche has created to plant seeds for her future lives.
My advice to everyone who loves their dogs to get a Manjushri pet pendant before it’s too late. You can get it from any Kechara Paradise outlets. Location details here ->
Definitely animals have feelings and can be affected by pleasant and unpleasant sensations.
We should do our best to make animals not suffer. We should not add to their difficult situations. Karma is karma, but we don’t need to make it worse for them.
Be kind to animals, and never hurt them. Never eat them.
Be vegetarian, be healthy, be clean and be human.
It warms my heart to also find that there are people who still thinks of family reunions and extends the same idea to the others (animals, pets included). Even they have their parents, their siblings and family members. Although they do not speak, but they have feelings too. I believe that pictures above have shown how happy Mumu was when he was reunited with his family.
they are super cute!! I love them 😀 i do hope those stray dogs would get help.
Oh..they are so cute and they do look very much alike.
Wonderful photos. Thank you!