Plant Seeds of Dharma in Your Beloved Pets…
Mumu loves to drive his car…
Mumu can be kinda Garfield from time to time
Mumu’s had a long hard day and he’s resting warm and snuggly in my bed
Mumu doesn’t like to sleep he is all cuddled up with Monlam
Mumu thinks out loud in this picture…
Sometimes mumu licks his paws too much and it irritates them, so he has to wear a little collar to protect him… which makes him look like a space doggie on the Jetson’s.
Mumu and his good friend Zamkar Baby… cute
Mumu had a super short army haircut here, so we can call him Seargent Mumu…
Well the above was your ‘daily’ dose of cute to cheer you up and make you happy. Mumu has that effect on people. Together with Zamkar, they are sure to put a smile on your face.
Have a good day filled with attainments, peace, success and harmony.
Remember always chant Medicine Buddha prayers/sutras/sadhanas, mantra or names to your beloved pets and let them be blessed. Any Yidam’s/Buddha’s mantras/prayers are ok..Let them be planted with the seeds of meeting the sacred Dharma in another life. So that way, their time with you didn’t go to waste.They are with you for a reason, put Dharma in their mindstream and give them that type of great love so that when they seperate from you, they will be ok due to your compassion. Love your pets by planting dharma in their consciousness. Important. Thank you for your compassion.
Tsem Rinpoche
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Having dog can be soul-searching or spiritual awakening. It benefits both sides, no doubt it comes with responsibility.
I don’t have pet dog at home but surprisingly, a few cats will come at night for food, a dog comes often in the morning for us to pet (this one is a real surprise!) and occasionally there’s birds and frogs too, hanging around at our home.
Tsem Rinpoche at Kechara Forest Retreat, Bentong, Malaysia
You guys are going to have a cute attack with these two super adorable videos of Tsem Rinpoche’s doggies Oser and Dharma.-
The videos JUST came out!
A pet by definition means a domestic or tamed animal or bird kept for companionship or pleasure and treated with care and affection. In a way, the reasons for us keeping pets are purely selfish – for our own companionship, even showering them with care and affection can be deem as selfish because it is to satisfy something within us.
How many of us thought about what we can really do for our pets? What can they really take with them? I guess for those of us specially Buddhists who believe in reincarnation and rebirth, it makes even more sense to think about what we can offer our pets in terms of benefiting their mind during their lifespan as animal that they spend with us.
The kindness that we showed animals will plant compassion in their mind stream. As long as I can remembered since I met Rinpoche, whenever and wherever Rinpoche goes and encountered any animals – pets or strays, Rinpoche always recite mantras that’s audible for the animals to hear. I found it very odd but I guess one kind of unconsciously picked up the habit.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing with us such cute pictures of Mumu, and the advises on how to help and benefit our pets spiritually.
I have placed a tsa tsa into the playpen of my guinea pigs. I chant mantras for them when I take them out to play as well. They are very smart piggies, they do no chew on the tsa tsa. Every thing else in their play pen has their bite marks except for the tsa tsa. I guess deep down in them they do know that on the tsa tsa there is a Buddha’s image.
Haha! Cute pictures of Mumu!
Thank you for the advice on blessing our beloved pets. I have both of my dogs wear a Buddha pendant on their doggy collar so that they will be blessed by the Buddhas. I also have a picture of Medicine Buddha near where they sleep always so that they will look at the image and plant these holy seeds in their mindstream which will help them in the future.
These photos are really adorable. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing these images. I always chant Medicine Buddha, Manjushri and Chenrezig Mantras for my animals to hear. This is so that in a future life, they are able to meet the Dharma. Whenever I recite mantras for the animals in my home, they become extremely happy and friendly.
My eyes are captured by the title of this blog. As I have been blowing air onto my pet’s forehead and body after my daily prayer. I want her to be blessed by Buddhas and to have better lives.
There are many things that I am curious about, especially with what Rinpoche has said that ‘…they are with you for a reason…’. I dont understand this, is it that she was somehow associated with me in my past lives?
It was actually by chance that she came into my life. I went to a pet shop and wanted to have a pet. That time, I heard from ppl that when you want to buy a pet, dont choose the dog yourself, let the puppy comes to you. This was what happened.
Rinpoche, if you will ever read this blog again, can you tell me what do you mean by this line – ‘they are with you for a reason…’. Does it mean that, for example, a stranger in my present life will continue to be a stranger in my next life and that my best friends in this present life will continue to be so in my next life?’
H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche created a new range of dog pendants for all the
‘mumus’ to wear. The pendant is made of an egg-shaped acrylic casing. The front part is Manjushri Buddha, which bestows wisdom and the back is a blessed protector’s string. This mumu pendant is then hooked on to the collar.
Rinpoche wanted mumu to be protected 24 hours a day. Hopefully, by letting the mumu have manjushri be worn around his neck, good imprints are planted for a better future life. The blessed protector string is to protect mumu from any obstacles, danger and so that they will lead a happy and peaceful life. It is for mumu to always be protected by the three jewels and in all his rebirths.
Rinpoche gave one of these pendants to Zamkar baby too. So Zamkar baby is wearing it everyday and is protected. I am happy for Zamkar baby!
Yes Wan,
Rinpoche loves us all and Rinpoche loves all both in worldly and spiritual sense. I think most of us whom have not met Rinpoche would not have had the opportunity to love animals as we do now today. We would have not had the chance to even meet with Rinpoche’s precious Mumu. Through Mumu and the love Rinpoche has for Mumu and animals in general, we begin to adapt it onto ourselves and it is very long lasting and satisfying to know that another being is being cared for by you without him thanking you. This tells us how wholehearted we are in loving them.
I know u love Gonpo and Namtse alot and everytime i see u loving and hugging them it reminds me of how a mother would love their children. So warm and touching.
Compassion and kindness are the key to realizing the Kuan Yin in us for these animals and of course for everyone in the world!
With rinpoche thoughful and kindness, i was given a schnauzer puppy in 6years ago. In that time most of time i stay alone at home as my husband and housemate were busy outside with their works. My little boy name is Gonpo, his name was given by rinpoche. Its a name of six arm mahakala, a Dharma protector. Rinpoche told me that everytime i call him with his buddha name he will get a blessing by hearing buddha name. By the way all our dogs ( i and our dharma friends like paul, james ) were given name by rinpoche.. how blessed of them..
Rinpoche very kind to give a little cute gonpo to me so that i not feel lonely when i was at home and because schnauzer is an intelligent dog which i can train him and he also a mini tpye which i able to take him around with me when i go outside as well. I used to have a dog when i stayed with my parents in thai and i never thought that i will have any pets here, i really mean really beyond my thought. I would like to say a big Thank you to rinpoche to gave me a little gonpo.
Rinpoche not only gave me a puppy but he also taught me how to take care of him in worldy way and in spiritual way so that it not just a watse of time for me and gonpo, Rinpoche said since he has karma to born as a dog and somehow he and me have karma to be together, the best thing i can do for him is to chant budha mantra and blow on him daily to plant seeds in his mind which it will benefit to him in his future life.
I have followed rinpoche advice whereby every day i will chant manjushri mantra and blow on him. I always shared this with our customers who i found out that they have pets as i know they love them same as i love gonpo. And the best thing, now we also have pet pendants for pets, it came from a thoughful of rinpoche to help protect and bless pets. If you really love your animals please either get a pet pendants or chant mantra for them.. or if you can do both for them…excellent!!!
Terima Kasih Rinpoche!
It’s Mumu-san and Zamakar-san again!
“Remember always chant Medicine Buddha prayers/sutras/sadhanas, mantra or names to your beloved pets and let them be blessed. Any Yidam’s/Buddha’s mantras/prayers are ok..Let them be planted with the seeds of meeting the sacred Dharma in another life. So that way, their time with you didn’t go to waste.They are with you for a reason, put Dharma in their mindstream and give them that type of great love so that when they seperate from you, they will be ok due to your compassion. Love your pets by planting dharma in their consciousness. Important. Thank you for your compassion.”
Sadhu! Excellent! Well spoken!
Every thing the Guru does has a purpose.
Rinpoche always gets pets for his younger students , in particular those that are still single. Some wonder why, when these young people already working so hard in Kechara and why put more responsibility on them.
Later, in one of his teachings, Rinpoche told us the reason – he wants the young , single people to learn to care for others; to put their spiritual knowledge into practice.
Many of today’s young people especially those from urban areas, due to smaller family structure , don’t have the chance to take care of younger siblings. Parents usually focus all their attention on one or two children. Some children grow up to be very self centered and take things for granted.
When Rinpoche spotted these traits in some of his students, he would buy them pets to help the students in their spiritual training.
Mumu is so cute <3
Pets brings so much love everyday !
Thank you for sharing Rinpoche 🙂
My heart smiles while looking at Mumu and friends. Animals are high teachers. I live with some “wild” animals around like fox,spiders, rabbits, marten and so on – they are teaching myself every day. Greatings bybeat.
You and your dog spreads such good vibrations with these lovely and humourus pictures. It´s such a nice practice to recite mantras for animals. I´ve used it when meeting a dog or other animal. They seem to listen 🙂
Just yesterday kid and me took home one lovely white rabbit. The previous owner cant manage too many rabbits anymore (she got 8 rabbits at home) so decided to give away some of them. I promoted to other friends and both of them agreed to take one for each as well. So three sweet white rabbits now are happily getting new home.
Sometimes when they lick their paws too much it is a sign of a food allergy. You might try some different foods for Mumu to see if this helps him be comfortable. We actually cook special food for our dog with turkey, potatoes, carrots and peas. It’s some extra work compared to store-bought food since he’s a big dog, but he loves it and he doesn’t chew on his paws anymore. And yes, he does love to join us for dharma practice.
Our dogs have taught us many important dharma lessons, both in how they live and how they die.