Tsem Ladrang Aviary
At Tsem ladrang (where I live) we have a large outdoor aviary with Cockatoos, Conures, Cockatiels, Malaysian Parrots, sparrows. They are outside with lots of greens and natural rain.
I also have gentle nature music playing for them.
They are divided into two sections, one for the larger birds and the other is for smaller birds. By taking care of these guys, I hope to create the karma to have a large animal sanctuary. One of my dream projects.
Inside the large airy aviary there’s bird houses, hanging toys, lots of perches, mineral bars, fresh water, plenty of food/fresh fruits, plenty of sunshine.
Tsem Rinpoche
Another angle of the aviary. The happy home for our birds
Conures will groom Cockatoos in our Aviary
I love for animals to be well taken care of and happy
Our cockatiel couple gave birth to four baby cockatiels who are very friendly
Beautiful cockatiels. Inside a huge aviary with all the amenities. May they enjoy a happy, calm and peaceful life
There are medicine Buddha statues inside the aviary to bless the birds and Shakyamuni in the garden near the aviary to bless the wild birds that fly in daily
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Tsem Rinpoche at Kechara Forest Retreat, Bentong, Malaysia
Thank you Antonio! We have since greatly expanded our aviary, to a 4000 sq ft main aviary and a recovery aviary for sick birds. You can learn more about the ongoing activities and our birds here:
To support our work, click here: http://www.vajrasecrets.com/animal-care-fund
Dear Rinpoche, in these cages. my favourite birds are the two cockatiels and the Conures because they are too cute! I don’t know if they will peck people and I don’t really like the sound they are making because the sound is too sharp but other than these two. I would love pet and live with them.
The Tsem Ladrang aviary is different than most aviaries in the world. Other aviaries are usually just for human entertainment. However, Rinpoche’s aviary is a way for the birdies to get the karmic seeds sowed into their minds and create the causes for their future rebirths to be rebirths in the human realm. I remember that once Rinpoche said that feeding animals while reciting mantras or showing Buddhas to the animals will give them good karmic seeds. This is because they associate with food being good. Buddha’s mantras or Buddha’s image providing food. They then come to the conclusion that Buddha is good and respectable.
This is really nice, I love cockatiels 🙂
Do you let them earing mantras and practices? We do it for our ferrets 🙂
With love.
I really love the aviary…up in KWPC I wish to have a much bigger aviary also.
And huge place for mumu to run around also.
Tsem Tulku
I love these birds. They are very adorable & the best experience I had with the birds was watching the baby cockatiels grew – there were 4 of them!
Many visitors love the aviary and are impressed with how well the birds are being taken care of. I do hope that our Animal Sanctuary will manifest soon!
Rinpoche even has arranged for soothing classical music to be played inside the Aviary for the birdies. At different times of the day, different liasons will go into the Aviary and recite mantras and blow onto the birds. The birdies are having a grand time in there!