Tweety gets a friend?
Lately I have been thinking about the canary in the aviary, and whether or not to get a friend for him. He is a very cute, spunky, lively, adorable canary and I think he deserves a friend.
He lives in the Ladrang aviary which is quite big and has a lot of space, so getting another canary will not be a big problem as he/she will have plenty of space to fly and explore.
One of my personal attendant, Joy did some research online and found the info below:
“… I was told by a woman who has all her males together that they will sass each other just when they first go in together. Then this stops. The canaries are fine, except, they do not sing as often. Only the dominate males will still sing…”
“… Canaries are generally bred in the spring. Males in top breeding condition will sing loudly and stomp back and forth on the perch while pouring forth their song. They may quickly throw their wings out. Hens will also engage in the throwing out of wings when in breeding condition. They often appear hyper and jump from perch to perch almost frantically. Hens will also carry nesting material (if available) and tear up the newspaper at the bottom of their cages if they can get to it. They may stuff whatever material they can find into seed cups in an effort to create a nest. Some hens will begin to lay eggs in seed cups or on the bottom of their cages.
Many canary breeders like to use divided cages to introduce a male and female. The hen is placed on one side with a little nesting material while the cock is placed on the opposite side with a plate full of greens and goodies. The nesting material encourages the hen to think of nesting, while the greens in the male’s cage encourage the hen to beg the male for food.
Once the male begins to feed the hen or “kiss” her through the bars, you can remove the wire divider and introduce the nest with more nesting material. When the hen is ready, she will invite the male to breed by peeping like a chick and simultaneously raising her back end. Some canaries will breed right away, while others may only breed in privacy or not at all. Some pairs will constantly fight and prove to be incompatible. If the hen fails to begin building a nest within a week or two, she may not like the male you have paired her with or she may not be ready to breed. In this case, separate the pair and try again in a couple weeks …”
Sunday, July 04, 2010
Thanks to Dr. Hank and Kien, little Tweety gets a new friend today.
We will have to observe and see whether the 2 of them get along well in the next few few days to decide whether the new female will stay.
Below is an sms update from my assistant BK, with some pictures of the 2 birds in the Ladrang aviary.
Dear Rinpoche,
Dr Hank & Kien brought over a female canary to be a companion for our male one. We’re trying to see if they get along.
The new female is VERY interested but our male is kind of ignoring her at the moment.
Kien will adopt the female canary if our male dislikes her.
Thank you,
Tweety is in the black cage while the new female canary is in the green cage
The 2 cute canaries say “hi” to each other.
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Tsem Rinpoche at Kechara Forest Retreat, Bentong, Malaysia
Dear Rinpoche, now I have just googled canary singing. I only realized that when the canaries are chirping the sound are actually quite relaxing but it would be very annoying for sleepers like me while we sleeping hehe. They might a very good alarm clock. LOL
Tweety looks super cute in the pictures! He doesn’t look like any other birds, somehow I find him different. It’s very kind of Dr.Hank and Kien to get him a new birdie friend. Hope that he will not be lonely anymore. May all of the birdies live in peace.
Thank You for sharing Rinpoche.
Love, beatrix.
Yes animals need companion too! You can see some of them really loves to stick with their friends or us. I just can’t believe it at first, but when I stay longer with animals, then I understand. They have the feeling of loneliness and happiness too! When our pets see us, they will become so happy and when we go away, they will be sad literally. They have to be well taken care, physically to mentally. Rinpoche is caring enough to think about having a friend for the bird. No one deserves to be lonely. 🙂
RInpoche’s kindness and compassion is the same regardless it’s human, animals, or any beings in the six realms like the local deities as shared by Beng Kooi.
A lots of people have pets just for their own pleasure that they like to have company or fun by seeing the pets. However, from my observation, Rinooche’s pets are all the dogs, birds, fishes, etc that he saved when he saw them living in bad conditions. When Rinpoche brought the animals back, he takes very good care of them and puts their happiness and welfare in top priority. For example, I just couldn’t imagine that one will get a very big fish tank for a fighting fish. He wants to get a company for tweety because “he deserves a friend”. These words really touch my heart.
Rinpoche is continuously showing me the great living examples for me to practice to be having the great compassion like him. Thank you Rinpoche.
[…] Tweety gets a friend? […]
The posts on this blog is just superb and it highlights the rigidity of the human psyche. Bless you all who are making leaps and bounds in your spiritual practice and the wonderful posts that will soften the rigid mindset of many. I still have a dilemma – little red spiders crawling all over my lap-top screen as I post. What shall I do with them? I have exhausted my breath blowing them off the screen – perhaps it is time I take a break and leave the garden and head back into the kitchen for some snacks. LOL.
Tsem Rinpoche is very passionate about the welfare of animals. On his library shelves there are many books about how to care for certain breeds of dogs, birds and so on. He bothers to find out about their characteristics, natural habitat, behaviour, their favourite food etc so that he can take care of them better. Rinpoche teaches by example. His students learn to take care of animals and develop compassion. At one time, all his students in the Ladrang and KMP got a pet to take care of. I think it was a fish. I wonder how many are still alive today?
I am so happy that another lucky bird has enough merits to find its way to the aviary at the Ladrang. This bird will be very well taken care of and loved by all the Ladrang staff and volunteers. They even get the merits to listen to Mozart everyday, the Ladrang aviary plays a piece from Mozart to sooth them bird brains. But most importantly, these bird gets to be close to dharma in its highest level!!
It is also a good sight to see that the new canary gets along with tweety, now tweety doesn’t have to be lonely anymore. I wish for them to be healthy and may continue gaining more merits and have a good rebirth.
To quickly free from Samsara is to quickly free from our delusion, past karma may still exist, but due to new karma is no longer created from our delusion, we are beginning to set free from Samsara. Rinpoche, please continue to show us the way to remove our delusion, Rinpoche, May you live long and healthy to help us.
I wish one day, the birds will be freed from the cage of Samsara, we all be freed form the cage of Samsara too through the care and guidance our Tsem Tulku Rinpoche, learning from him, practising what he shows us, I love the comments here, Rinpoche shows us the to be kind and compassion person, not just to human, but including animals, even birds. Thank you for this wonderful teachings.
Looks like the birds got on well after all,looking at their candid Public Displays of Affection shot.Tsk tsk.
Since I was a little girl, I’ve always wanted a pair of budgies. I already had mine picked out. At that Barbie inspired age, I wanted them both to be shocking pink(much to my little brothers despair). But after much explanation and consoling from my parents about the limitations of genetics to turn birds the colour of over ripe dragonfruit ,I came to terms with it and settled for one in cerulean blue and another in mustard yellow. We were all set to buy them .Then came the bird flu epidemic *drumroll*
My rather conservative and traditional grandmother (yes,the type that thinks its taboo to cut fingernails past 7pm)insisted that we abandoned the idea and I gave in.
This post has now inspired me to reconsider adopting 2 birds,thank you Rinpoche!
Like most people, I viewed animals as pets for companionship and a hobby, until recently. I thought there must be something more profound than that when Rinpoche start bringing them home or give them as presents.
After reading Rinpoche’s blogs and the comments posted in the blog, they confirmed that our pets are actually gifts to us to start cultivating the 6 Perfections (Giving, Proper Conduct, Patience, Effort, Focus and Wisdom). Instead of thinking that they are a burden or we are doing them a favour, we should silently thank them for giving us the opportunity to serve others and to transform our mind. Animals do not judge us….they love us regardless of who we are. This is another Rinpoche’s skilfull why of teaching the Dharma and touching our lives.
Very well explained Beng Kooi. In short, attained beings practice equanamity, meaning they have the same amount of compasssion for their father and mother to a being who disparage them down to a being in hell. No discrimination and they extend the same amount of care and love. Rinpoche’s actions here in putting so much effort in A BIRD speaks volumes of his equanamity. I remember reading somewhere a story about a monk who was with a group of meditators. This monk kept getting up to save some ants that were drowning in a river nearby and they were struggling to get out of water. The other meditators told him to just sit down and meditate. He replied, “how can i sit to meditate pretending that i did not see anything when i know that they are suffering?”. Story learnt: No being is too big or too small to deserve the same care and love .
This topic on tweety may look like there is nothing for you to learn. But in fact it has a much deeper meaning then that like what Bonita, Wai Meng and others had shared. There are many beings out there that we can’t directly help, other then animals that we can physically see. To me personally even when Rinpoche give us a plant is also a part of a training of our mind….hehe…over the years Rinpoche has also given potted plants to some of us and some fishes and some have dogs.
Like a pot of small table plant, most of us would think just give them water once a day would be enough. But how much is enough? During the one time how much water can a mini potted plant needs also we are not very sure. Most of us do the guess. Some plant can go without water for 3 to 7 days indoor and also depend if the pot is in a air condition or non air condition place. When we don’t give enough water or when there is to much it will die. Most of the time we don’t bother as it was just a plant but it would be different for people that have cultivated love for plant. To them basically is abused…. Even a plant that Rinpoche give there is meaning. Like flowers, it shows us everything is “impermanent”. Today is beauty, tomorrow it will start to look haggard and the day after it will change color/dry up and then die.
Fish, cats, dogs, birds are living things that we can see moving around and making sounds to get our attention. They can’t communicate hence we have to always look out for them. I remember when one day I was visiting the old Ladrang I saw this book on birds and fishes. About the species, temperature and the do’s and don’t. I’m very touch and very surprised that Rinpoche wants them to learn up on how to take care of them. In return they can’t say thank you. Like dogs, when you show them respect, care and concern they will do the same for you in return. This little act of kindness daily helps us to plant seeds to generate compassion.
Tweety is such a cute and lucky mumu bird. I think he is really happy to get to stay with another tweety mumu. The Tsem Ladrang Aviary is one of the first few steps for animals in the city of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to be saved. The aviary is one of the first few steps for the Kechara Animal Saunctuary (KAS) to manifest. Rinpoche cares for animals very much. We should too. They are just one realm under us, humans. They show such lovely affection towards us to sing lovely melodies and they also show affection towards each other. I thought that the last picture was very nice as it looked like they were kissing but it shows that they really are true friends!
Thanks Beng Kooi for the amazing story. Again and again, Rinpoche shows consistency and equanimity to everyone, even those that are invisible and this is one of the incidents that show Rinpoche’s compassion which is that of a Bodhisattva’s: unending and without discrimination.
For each and every one of Rinpoche’s students, he endeavors to provide them with the best possible solution and facilities, not just for the Dharma but so that they can live their lives to the fullest, to the very least.
In fact, many of the seemingly undharmic posts that Rinpoche makes would usually have a deeper Dharma-related meaning to them — it’s only that we limit ourselves with expectations: that Dharma has to be this and this…as for me personally, although i cant figure out the Dharmic meanings behind some of the videos and postings at this moment, i will eventually find out 😛
Thank you BK! Loves the little tale of Rinpoche’s kindness… 😉
Rinpoche not only takes care of his students, he is constantly aware of the needs of his pets. I think Rinpoche’s pets are very lucky to receive the care of a lama. This ensures their happiness in this life and future lives. Most probably they will be born human to serve Rinpoche. How fortunate. Now Rinpoche wants to start an animal sanctuary to take care of stray and abandoned animals. I fully support this because by helping other sentient beings, we gain merits to support our practice. I have been sponsoring the WWW Malaysia for almost a year now, giving the organisation a small sum of money to preserve our rainforests and protect the animals living there. It is my contribution to this planet and fellow inhabitants. There’s no where else to go. So it’s important to protect whatever resources we have.
Wow, just to take care of the birds, there are so many things need to learn, we have to be familiarizing with their culture, habitual, and even their feelings, and it will not be easy to take care of an animal if we don’t understand them good enough.
Dharma teaches us to be caring, kind and generous, so by taking care of animal is the best practice as they can’t tell us how they feel, they can only show by their action, so we need to have a lot of care and enough patients to observe their habit and their feeling. Care can’t be forced, it has to generate step by step and it will become our nature to be a caring person.
Who would have thought the posting of helping tweety to find a friend can generate a series of Dharma talks here, that itself is wonderful learning experience. No doubts we always have our lenses to view the world as it should be, Rinpoche is using his skillful means to bring forth Dharma from another angle.
We always have our priorities in life and to care for something as small as a canary would probably be last on the list of many.Rinpoche does not see a canary as a canary, but a being that deserved equal attention. There is no distinction between the care and love for a canary to a human. His mere wish it to bring hapiness to ALL BEINGS, be they in the human, animal or the rest of the 6 realms.
Yes I agree with Sharon, Rinpcoche always set a very good example as a role model for us to follow and constantly finds ways to inspire us.
When Rinpoche first got this idea of adopting and getting birds, a lot of people did not understand the significance of it and why! Some of my friends even said think it was silly because they say we were buying birds and not releasing them but still putting them in the cage. Yes although that statement is true but only to a certain extend. This is also one way that Rinpoche skillfully cultivate care and compassion in all his student by making them care for another living being that cannot say thank you openly.
This is because in Tsem Ladrang’s animal sanctuary – the aviary, the tortoise run and the mumus (doggies) are being given ample love and care even more then what they could get from outside. Some of these birds have been confined since birth in the pet stores are so pitiful due to the disgusting condition they are in, if they were set free they may not even survive. So in Ladrang we take good care of them and sometimes through careful observation if we feel they can for sure survive, we actually release them at Parks.
Dear Rinpoche,
Tweety definitely needs a friend. He is so cute! I love the aviary in Ladrang. It look so spacious and best part of it, it is so beautiful! So many of the beautiful birds. I wish I could have such a big aviary and keep a few budgies or love birds inside. Having such big space, it will be much easier for them to fly all over the cage and without feeling being pressure inside a compressed area.
Would definitely wish to see a bigger aviary one day and we can get to have more beautiful birds. Oh ya, I love the tortoises as well in Ladrang next to the aviary. They look so cool.
From one post and the comments that follow on a cute Tweety and what do we get? Not only a humbling teaching but also incredible wealth of imfomation and insight:
1. Teaching on Care and Compassion for those who cant help themselves however little or large, significant or insignificant we think they may be.
2. Knowledge/information on one particular bird that we would not have otherwise knowned or cared to know about. And what is more incredible is how similar we are to them in behavorial patterns!
3. An openness to share and not fear ridicule in wanting to learn and better oneself. A step towards eliminating the ego!
4. Sharing one’s own personal experiences to cast light and “teach” others pertinent lessons.
All this from ONE post! Imagine the wealth of information/insight we would all potentially have after reading each and every post!!!! AND through a way/medium that is easily absorbed and learnt to suit our lives (otherwise we would have to be living in a monastery for many many years just to benefit from the teachings we have on this blog…)
Saying thank you Rinpoche for me pales in comparison to the deep gratitude and respect I have for my guru, whom indeed is “my Precious One”
In this post, what is extraordinary, really, is to read all of Tsem Tulku Rinpoche’s students comments in reacting to earlier comments explaining, and exemplifying how much Dharma there can be in taking care of a bird.
I am at the end of a european trip at the moment and I have been able to share some Dharma “knowledge” with those that have asked. Depending on who I am talking to, Dharma is more or less difficult to explain.
Well, here, Rinpoche directly shows us what Dharma is, it is about taking care of others, it is about worrying about the happiness of others and stop worrying about our own. Our happiness is directly dependant upon the happiness of others. And that includes birds? Yes it does. Why? Because it excludes no-one!
Sometimes, “small” acts of kindness can teach more efficiently than long discourses.
All beings great and small deserve care and attention, Rinpoche cares for the animals just as much as he cares for his students. As animals are in an obscured existence, they are limited in their capacity to be benefited by special beings like Rinpoche. Though the fact they live in Ladrang they already get a lot of benefit and also for them to get a better rebirth in the future as they lived in a blessed environment.
Animals who get together are also very much like humans they have their own ‘karma’ whether or not they end up together. I believe Rinpoche trains his students to know how to look for information on how to care for animals, then from the information extracted to use the information to execute the plans to help or benefit the animals. All leading up in preparation of the future Animal Sanctuary.
No being is too small or insignificant to escape Rinpoche’s attention. From his family, to his students, to people he meets on the streets, to those who seek his advice from afar, down to pets, stray animals and even spirits, anyone who is fortunate enough to enter into Rinpoche’s sphere will receive the benefit of his care and attention.
Even for this little canary, Rinpoche spends much thought on how to provide him with the best possible environment, food and companionship for the duration of his short life.
Here’s a little tale to share: We were once at a dilapidated factory and Rinpoche sense a great sadness at the far end of the enclosed compound. Walking over in the darkness, we saw an abandoned shrine to the local deity of the area (these are quite common in Malaysia). Rinpoche immediately arranged for food, incense and candles to be brought, for the area to be cleaned, and made extensive prayers for the spirits to feel less sad and depressed. My point? Every sentient being, seen or unseen receives Rinpoche’s boundless care in one way or another.
I have been lucky enough to personally witness Rinpoche’s compassion in action many-a-time. And for those who have not, the teaching from this post and many other similar posts is that we should all adopt the same attitudes when dealing with any being, no matter how large or small.
This is too cute: how the female bird was very interested but the male bird wasn’t. It’s like a scene out of sex and the city. Poor Tweety just overcame the trauma of living in bad conditions in a pet shop; all he wanted some space to recuperate and heal and enjoy the new freedoms of the Ladrang aviary.
Then Tweetette came along and was demanding and pushy and all, “Why won’t you commit to me? What’s wrong with me? Are you seeing other birds? What’s wrong with meeeee?”
Tweety said, “There’s nothing wrong with you, but don’t you think we’re moving a little too quickly? Let’s just be friends for awhile.”
Tweetette was devastated. She sulked in a corner and went to consult the other birds. “Is he always like that? Or is he just playing hard to get?”
The sun conures, bright, cheeky, well-adjusted, social pretty creates fanned their wings, winked and said, “Honey, perhaps he’s just not that into you.”
Animals are helpless and are very much dependent on our human care. If we don’t take care of animals, who else in this 6 realms would? Animals can’t express themselves whenever they are sick or not happy.
Some animals like fishes can’t even make sounds to plead to the seller so that the fish will not be killed. It is very sad that some hunters out there actually hunts animals for fun and some kill animals for their fur and skin.
Taking care of animals is just the same like taking care of our daily lives. Rinpoche showed us here how meticulous we should be in taking care of others physically and mentally. We should apply this care in attending anything in our daily lives activities.
Dear Irene
Thank you for your generosity. RM1 at first may not sound much but granted that you have a lot of patrons in your restaurant, this would amount to quite a sum.
Pets are very good companions and they have feelings, too. They are not there just to guard the house or give you a tweet and a bark when you go near them.
I remember very vividly last year when I had a fall. I had led my dog to run around in the garden. Her leash went round my ankles and the next moment before I knew it, I was seeing stars and everything around me went lightning bright, then total silence for a while. I had landed right smack with my head bouncing off the concrete floor twice. And where was my doggie? She stood very very still!!! She was watching helplessly as I was being lifted (aiyo – it sure was painful). The next few days I refused to go near her and everytime she saw me, she would give her guilty sad look. She knew I was in pain; in fact, I know for sure that she also felt the pain. After that, she would come near me as if to comfort me and that itself was a healing time for me.
Lesson learnt : take care of your pets and in return they will give you love, unconditional love – just like our Rinpoche who loves all of us, no matter how much of a pain in the neck we are to him.
Thanks to both you and Paris for stating what might’ve been the obvious for the both of you regarding the Dharma in this article.
I had the same reaction as Lings when I read it, especially since I’m sitting in the Ladrang (which I feel very fortunate to be able to!) and the only sound that’s filling my head is the squawking on the other side of the window from the aviary!! lol
It’s true what Paris says though, that we all have a fixed perception of what Dharma is and is not. Most of us think that it just implies to chant mantras and to be all nice and holy-schmoley. I remember Tsem Tulku Rinpoche saying before that it’s not hard to practice Dharma because Dharma is already in our life — I think it’s time to open my eyes and think a little bit outside my current frame of mind! I should follow Rinpoche’s example and put in more effort to care and think about everything other than me..maybe even down to little cockroaches (*bleurgh*) 😛
Dear All, thank you for the sharing in this post. The deep teaching this simple post presents its readers is in itself a great learning!
The busy-ness of today’s lifestyle make it convenient to forget and neglect taking time and effort to care for friends and family. If we can neglect humans who are supposedly precious to us, what more other beings like Tweety?!
This post reminds me to be humble and about true compassion to offer care and kindness to all beings…beyond the limited circle we created for ourselves.
At the same time, this post also reveals how many simple things in our daily life provide an opportunity for us to learn and practice Dharma. Here, Tweety’s story broke some of our fixed beliefs on what Dharma teaching should look like.
Therefore, we get a chance to develop “the Buddha within” every moment with every being in every situation. How wonderful!
There are rules for you to follow and should know how to keep the bird in good appearance; how to feed it; how to house it; and something about song-training also. Not easy though, it needs interest, care and love otherwise these canaries just cannot survive for long.
For the sake of your bird’s health, choose the cage location with care. Pick a spot in the house that is light and sunny in the daytime-not directly in the sun, shade should be available, however. a spot that is free from excess heat . Sudden temperature drops are a source of danger, and direct sunlight, while beneficial for short periods of time, should never be prolonged. Cage life presents a few health hazards that it will be well to avoid. Even temperature in the room is better for the bird to thrive. In climates where an even, warm temperature prevails, the birds will benefit from life in an outdoor aviary.
Rinpoche’s comment and observation on whether the canary needs another mate indeed reflects his compassion and thoughtfulness whether it relates to a human or a bird or an animal. Most living things find it difficult to exist on its own and having a friend or a mate is important for the survival of the specie. It is interesting to read about the research done by Joy on the behaviour of the bird when either a male or female is introduced. Believe me or not, the bird communicates with us in its own ways and a times we are able to understand the message even though no words were exchanged. This shows the close interdependence and relationship we have with all sentient beings, be it animals or humans. Therefore Rinpoche’s teachings on cruelty to animals are timely and we must take heed of it and practise kindness and extend loving care to all beings.
Truth is most of us who “claims” we “love” animals but actually it is more we “love” ourselves and we buy a “pet” to keep us company, to make us feel loved and accepted. It is more for “US” then for “them”. Most people don’t realize that this is a selfish mind. And when they are sick and tired or too busy, moving house etc. at the drop of a hat they can easily part with their pet friend.
The motivation sets the difference and I think Rinpoche has skillfully transformed our perspective and encouraged our care for others through these animals that we have in the Ladrang. Yes Tsem Ladrang is a mini animal sanctuary for now. It is Rinpoche’s way of creating the causes for us to one day have a real Animal Sanctuary where we really can save many helpless lives.
To care for another being that cannot say “Thank You” allows you to practice compassion, Tsem Rinpoche would say to us all the time. This was a great teaching for me and I am sure everyone. If anyone would like to make our dream possible to help more animals find out how at
At Kechara Oasis, after customers dined and paid bill we return RM1 for them to donate themselves the RM1 into the charity box contributing towards the animal sanctuary. This will create awareness our Kechara Animal Sanctuary as well as instilling generosity.
There are rules for you to follow and should know how to keep the bird in good appearance; how to feed it; how to house it; and something about song-training also. Not easy though, it needs interest, care and love otherwise these canaries just cannot survive for long.
For the sake of your bird’s health, choose the cage location with care. Pick a spot in the house that is light and sunny in the daytime-not directly in the sun, shade should be available, however. a spot that is free from excess heat . Sudden temperature drops are a source of danger, and direct sunlight, while beneficial for short periods of time, should never be prolonged. Cage life presents a few health hazards that it will be well to avoid. Even temperature in the room is better for the bird to thrive. In climates where an even, warm temperature prevails, the birds will benefit from life in an outdoor aviary.
All these minuet detail of care will ensure the manifestation of Kechara Animal Sanctuary.
The care and love of animals as can be seen from this research done on this posting shows Rinpoche’s care for all beings of the six realms. Animals’ sufferings are greater than human as animals can’t talk, complained or expressed themselves. By doing this type of research on the different types of animals or birds, Rinpoche can have a better understanding of how each and every type of animals behave and would know how to take care of them.
As what Bonita commented, so much thoughts and care has been put behind even with the setting up of the aviary in Tsem Ladrang. Rinpoche used this skilful ways to teach his students that caring for animals itself is a teaching on compassion.
Thank you, Rinpoche, for the many hours you spent in front of the computer posting up interesting articles and information for us. It’s another act of your compassion.
Very interesting posting…how detailed the observation is as to what the canaries like, the ideal condition for them to breed, etc..
I find people who works with animals seem to communicate better with animals than with humans. Could it be because the only way to understand/communicate with beings who are not able to speak is if we exercise more focus to observe every movement and pattern of their behavior. Well, behaviorist concludes that body language plays a pivotal role in communication. I think in general, we will be able to understand and communicate better if we care enough on others’ needs.
I agree with Shirley, there’s always a teaching behind every blog posted by Rinpoche. This also shows how compassionate and skilful Rinpoche is in training the students.
Caring for animals itself, is a teaching of compassion. This is because animals can’t say thank you and they can’t tell us when they are not feeling well. By taking care of animals, it trains us to help others without expectation and also for us to be more attentive towards their needs.
By taking care of the animals, students are also collecting merits and extending their lives as they are taking care of other living beings.
So much thoughts and care has been put behind even with the setting up of the aviary for example there must be enough perch in the aviary but not too many that it blocks their flying path, there must be sufficient toys for them to entertain themselves etc. Every action is an opportunity for students to learn, to collect merit and to practice giving.
What other better ways can you think of in training to become a better person! This is also to create causes for the manifestation of Kechara Animal Sanctuary. Thank you Rinpoche for showing us the way.
Kechara Animal Sanctuary, a place where unwanted animals will be safe and have love and care.
I am truly humbled by the effort and time Rinpoche puts into every post. Doubt not, that it is a teaching in itself. Whether it is a bird, a dog, a horror movie, anything and everything Rinpoche puts up here are not placed here by mistake. And certainly, it is NEVER because Rinpoche has nothing better to do with his time, or that Rinpoche has taken up a new hobby, which in this case, it may appear to be birds. We cannot use our normal samsaric, everyday ‘lenses’ to try and justify why Rinpoche posts this or that. By the virtue of the fact that it is posted here, the purpose is established. Like what Sharon explained in her commentsd. A lot of time has been invested in researching and gathering of all pertinent info. If you just look at how this post is crafted in itself. So much love is already expressed through each word. Rinpoche took the time to share so much knowledge and info about a canary. If I did not see this post, I would not even come to learn so much about a bird. And usually, if I do not understand or know something well, I do not end up appreciating it at all. With knowledge, we gain deeper understanding. And with understanding, a greater appreciation of all life forms – great or small, bird or man. The attitude in which we treat all life should always remain the same. Hope this helps. Thank you, Rinpoche. I truly feel ashamed as to how much time and effort Rinpoche puts in to teach us all, and yet I learn so little. Thank you for your immense patience and kindness, Rinpoche.
I really like what Paris had said earlier regarding Lings’ comment. I don’t think that he/she is the only one but many out there have a fixed view of what Dharma should and should not be. Sometimes, I do realise that some of my own views are fixed as well and from time and time again, Rinpoche’s teachings and various activities and actions just blows away my preconception.
I think that this little research shows the extent that Rinpoche would go to make everyone and every little animal within his immediate surroundings is well taken cared of. To me, this little article reveals his level of compassion and how he wishes to extend that beyond his surroundings to his students as well by having his student’s research and help take care of the animals. That is a work and teaching of a real Lama.
Further to what Elena said – the Dharma teaching in this post is the care we should have for another being. Tsem Rinpoche always goes the extra mile for any being – be it human, animal or even spirit. His only wish is to make other beings happier and alleviate their suffering. With people, he teaches the Dharma and with animals and spirits, he gives the care which each individual being needs.
Rinpoche’s hardworking attendants will pull out all stops to research and find out about what the different birds in the aviary need, what the different fishes in the aquarium need etc. And Rinpoche is always very disturbed by people who do not care for animals and pets. Rinpoche is a wonderful role model for us in how we should go about caring for others who cannot care for themselves.
The message looks simple but i think it has substance,
Dharma teachings starts from a being, happiness of a being….
To love and care on animals do make people transform, we should not take this for granted
Thank you Rinpoche for posting this.
Animals are helpless and depend on humans to fend for them especially domestic animals. They can’t telephone or speak to us when they are sick, hungry, cold, hot…..
If we practice care to animals and people around us, it’s a start to benefit them. For now, we can’t be of benefit to the whole world. And that’s just two of the six realms.
@lings, please do not be offended by what I have to say, but I think your reaction itself is your teaching! We have projected, fixed ideas of what a Dharma teaching should or should not be like – all it takes is a little change in perception to get a deeper understanding. As Elena has said, look a little deeper at the very strong message of care that Rinpoche has written out here.
Also, there are MANY, MANY articles about Rinpoche’s and Kechara’s efforts to save, heal, rehome animals or give them a better condition of life. read all the amazing stories here:
These are all incredible teachings in themselves <3 <3
@Lings: I think it’s that no matter how big or small a being, they are equally deserving of happiness. And because they are equally deserving of happiness, our effort in lessening others’ suffering should not change just because it is a bird or a human. If you look at the amount of care, effort and thought that Rinpoche puts into ‘just’ a bird, it is comparable to how much care he shows for humans 🙂
In isolation a single bird will start to interact
with humans, and they do sing and chirp a lot more.. I think though isolation is just as devastating for animals and birds as it can be for humans.. we’re all interdependant aren’t we..
I think when his friend arrives in the Aviary, they will both be very happy ..
Thanks Rimpoche
Pardon me for being so stupid and ignorant, I could not understand any teaching contained in this otherwise wonderful article posted by Rinpoche.
Just like humans do…Two nights ago, I found a fledgling that has fallen out of its nest. Not wanting it to be the next meal for some fox or cat, I placed it in a box in the garage. I was reading on the internet how to care for it but it seemed just too much work involved – type to food to feed it and every 15 minutes. The next morning, I saw its parents flying about the garden with food in their beak and so I placed the box with the baby bird under the tree and observed its parents feeding it every so often. It was very touching to see such devotion in the animal kingdom… Sadly it is a different story with the fish in my aquarium. I have to provide lots of plants and rocks for its babies to hide from the adult fish.