Yogi’s 1st day Home in 2004
Mumu when he was a puppy… super funny and cute.
Mumu before his haircut.
June 18,2004…this was the great day that I brought mumu home. He just arrived and we took this picture. I loved him from the first minute I saw him at the pet shop. The lady said no one would adopt him cos he’s three months old and it broke my heart. The pet shop owner liked mumu, cos when I was taking him away, she cried and mumu cried. I was amazed how loving she was to him. She told me she has 7 dogs or else she would keep him. I consoled mumu’s crying and called the pet owner store lady back every few weeks to update her because she was concerned. Touching. Mumu here looks like a adorable muppet.
Yogi’s first day home. I put a little yellow shirt on him so he wouldn’t be cold. I gave him a hug and snapped this photo. Yogi is everything I would want in a dog… Tsem Rinpoche
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Tsem Rinpoche at Kechara Forest Retreat, Bentong, Malaysia
You guys are going to have a cute attack with these two super adorable videos of Tsem Rinpoche’s doggies Oser and Dharma.-
The videos JUST came out!
Mumu is so cute! I didn’t know that Mumu’s eyes are in blue color. Mumu really changed a lot over nine years, back then he was still skinny. I remember when I met for the first, I was at Rinpoche’s first Ladrang. I sat on a couch and when I saw Mumu, Mumu jumped and sat on the couch which I sat and He started licking me. HOW CUTE! 🙂
Mumu is a wonderful doggie, he is the cutest of all. I’m so glad that aunty loved him and took care of him very well because if she didn’t, she wouldn’t have cried on the day Rinpoche brought Mumu home. She loved Mumu, she treated Mumu in the way he should be treated. I’m also very happy that Rinpoche got Mumu home. Thank You for sharing Rinpoche.
Love, beatrix.
oh my god, Mumu is sooooo cute!!!!
Its a great dog ! I think he deserves to be in a place like that.