A Dorje Shugden Miracle | 多杰雄登创造奇迹

Making offerings to Dorje Shugden such as light offerings, sponsoring his sacred images like statues, and engaging in his holy puja has many great benefits. Here is one such story of the sister of one my students, Julia Tan. Her sister Polly overcame health-related problems due to the power of Dorje Shugden.
Dear friends,
Over the many years I have come to witness just how effective Buddhist prayers and practices are in creating miracles in the lives of people who really need them. Out of the many practices, I know for a fact that the practice of Dorje Shugden is extremely effective in our day and age. I myself have benefited from Dorje Shugden’s practice and many of my students have as well. Here is another miracle story of how Dorje Shugden helped the sister of one of my students. It is due to incidents like this, that I promote the practice of Dorje Shugden to others. Do take a read and learn how Dorje Shugden can literally help to save our lives.
Tsem Rinpoche
On November 1, 2018, I received a call from my brother-in-law. He asked for the contact of my family doctor who has a clinic in Cheras. He sounded worried but he tried to cover it up by telling me that everything is ok. He said my sister was not feeling well, hence he needed to take her to see the doctor. Then he asked if my doctor does drip service in his clinic. Obviously my sister’s condition was bad. He explained that my sister was diagnosed with dengue fever by the doctor from Kilnik Kesihatan but that she was not admitted to the hospital at that time because her condition was still ok. My sister had difficulty in breathing, hence my brother-in-law thought of getting a drip to make my sister feel better. After three bags of drip my sister felt better and went home to rest. I was a bit worried but after speaking to the doctor I felt better, knowing that her condition was still stable and it was ok to let her rest at home. That day I was in Kechara Forest Retreat hence I ordered Dorje Shugden Puja for her and made 108 candle offerings too. I called and spoke to her, she seemed better. I hoped this would release her discomfort.
The following day was the monthly Dorje Shugden Puja. When I called my sister around 4pm, she was already in the hospital and doing her blood test. I was very worried because her condition was complicated due to her being diabetic. She was at higher risk compared to other dengue patients. Her platelet count was dangerously low at only 21. I needed advice from Rinpoche, hence I sent a message to Beng Kooi explaining about my sister’s condition. About an hour later, I received a message from Beng Kooi that Rinpoche advised to conduct three Dorje Shugden pujas immediately, a Medicine Buddha puja every day for seven days, make incense offering everyday to Dorje Shugden and offer 1,000 candles to Dorje Shugden to request His help. Looking at the list of what needed to be done, on top of that Rinpoche even mentioned if I need help financially, Rinpoche will help me, I knew my sister was in deep trouble. I was very worried but deep in my heart I trusted that my sister would be fine due to my Guru and Dorje Shugden’s blessings.
Although everyone was very busy setting up for the Dorje Shugden Puja day, Pastor Yek Yee immediately arranged the three Dorje Shugden pujas for my sister. The Puja team was extremely efficient, after the first Dorje Shugden puja was done, my sister’s blood sugar drastically dropped from 19 to 9.5. I felt a lot of relief. My sister was alert and she was chanting Dorje Shugden’s mantra all the time and turning her prayer wheel in her hand. At that moment, I knew she needed a lot of merits to survive. The next thing I knew was Rinpoche instructed the writers team to prepare 1,000 candles to be lit and Rinpoche also personally offered a Dorje Shugden statue and dedicated the statue to my sister and had my sister’s photo placed under this statue. At the same time I received many messages from Dharma brothers and sisters. They were praying for my sister during the Dorje Shugden puja.
Rinpoche also sent my sister a voice message and gave her a teaching on how to do visualization together with her mantra recitation. She understood and she followed through.
After my sister settled down in the hospital, I rushed back to join the others for the Dorje Shugden monthly puja. My son William was waiting for me at the puja because it was his birthday, but he was happy praying together for his aunt. Half way through the puja my sister told me she was sent to ICU, checked and monitored by a few doctors and nurses. At the same time, the writers team was lighting the 1,000 candles in Kechara Forest Retreat and dedicated the offerings to my sister. After puja I went back to the hospital to check on her. It was already 1 o’clock in the morning. My sister was alert and smiling with a oxygen mask on her face. The doctor said her blood platelets had bounced back to 32 and hopefully that it would continue to go up. He also said her condition seemed stable, there was no internal bleeding or whatsoever but there was very mild liver damage. He told me not too worry, and that it was normal for dengue patients.
On the second day in the hospital, she looked much better in the afternoon. Her blood platelets were at 35 and she was moved to a normal ward. Her platelets were at 68 by the evening. She looked much better. Sugar level was good at 7.5. She was happily discharged from the hospital on the 4th day.
We are very grateful to Rinpoche’s swift divination, prayers and offerings made and dedicated for her to save her life. When diabetics get dengue, it becomes complicated and very dangerous. My sister’s body became badly dehydrated. When I saw doctors and nurses around my sister and they kept checking on her, my heart was really pounding. When I received the videos and messages from Rinpoche via Beng Kooi, Pastor Seng Piow and Pastor Jean Ai, and I felt relieved knowing that my sister would be alright. We were very touched by the care, love and support shown by Rinpoche and my Dharma siblings. I knew I was not alone and I will not be alone in any situation.
Once again I witnessed how powerful Dorje Shugden is and how swiftly he works. When Rinpoche makes offerings and asks for his assistance, miracles happen. Dorje Shugden never fails in giving us His helping hand and protection. I’m grateful to have received Dorje Shugden’s practice from my Guru and to be staying in Kechara for many years. Dorje Shugden is given by my Guru. If the practice helps Rinpoche for his massive Dharma work, then to protect me is much more than enough. This is not the first time Rinpoche and Dorje Shugden saved my family. Many years ago Rinpoche and Dorje Shugden saved my brother who was in a coma due to some unknown virus attack.
Rinpoche has shown me compassion and wisdom in action.
With folded hands,
Julia Tan
Offerings and Prayers to Dorje Shugden for Polly
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2018年11月1日,我接到了姐夫的电话。他要求与我位于焦赖的家庭医生联系,从他的语气透露出他的担心,但他不断地告诉我一切正常来掩盖其忧心。他说我姐姐感觉不舒服,所以需要带她去看医生。然后他问该诊所是否提供打点滴的服务。显然我姐姐的病情很严重。他向我解释说,姐姐被Klinik Kesihatan的医生诊断为登革热(骨痛热症),但当时她不允许入院,因为她的病情仍然受到控制。我的姐姐呼吸困难,因此姐夫决定让她打点滴以舒缓其不适。经过三包的点滴,姐姐感觉好些,于是便回家休息。我有点担心,但在咨询医生后,得知她的病情受到控制,可以让她在家休息。那天我在克切拉禅修林,因此我为她安排了一场多杰雄登护法法会,并燃了108盏灯。当我再度电联她时,发现她有了好转。当时的我只是希望此举能缓和她的不适。
Julia 陈宝甄
For more interesting information:
- Dorje Shugden Retreat: a Powerful Practice to Fulfill Wishes
- Shize: a Practice for Healing and Long Life
- How Dharma Changed My Life
- The Miracles of Tsem Rinpoche (True Story 1) | 詹仁波切的奇迹(真实故事 1)
- The Miracles of Tsem Rinpoche (True Story 2) | 詹仁波切的奇迹(真实故事 2)
- The Miracles of Tsem Rinpoche (True Story 3) | 詹仁波切的奇迹(真实故事 3)
- The Miracles of Tsem Rinpoche (True Story 4) | 詹仁波切的奇迹(真实故事 4)
- The Miracles of Tsem Rinpoche (True Story 5) | 詹仁波切的奇迹(真实故事 5)
- The Miracles of Tsem Rinpoche (True Story 6) | 詹仁波切的奇迹(真实故事 6)
- The Miracles of Tsem Rinpoche (True Story 7) | 詹仁波切的奇迹(真实故事 7)
- The Miracles of Tsem Rinpoche (True Story 8) | 詹仁波切的奇迹(真实故事 8)
- The Miracles of Tsem Rinpoche (True Story 9) | 詹仁波切的奇迹(真实故事 9)
- The Miracles of Tsem Rinpoche (True Story 10) | 詹仁波切的奇迹(真实故事 10)
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Beloved master May you always be victorious and happy 🙇♀️
Dorje Shugden is a protector that is karmically very close to us which enables him to help us with such effectiveness and speed. There are many similar testimonies which prove to us that this protector is very beneficial for us.
Due to the power of Dorje Shugden , miracles happened and she is well after many offerings such as incense, light and pujas following Rinpoche’s advice.Thank you for this amazing miracle story of Dorje Shugden.
This is not the first time I have heard miracles performed by Dorje Shugden before. Due to Tsem Rinpoche’s kindness, we are able to connect with Dorje Shugden and be protected and blessed. Many students of Tsem Rinpoche have encountered obstacles in their lives and Dorje Shugden is always one of the practices Tsem Rinpoche advises them to do.
Julia’s sister is very lucky that through Julia she is able to connect with Tsem Rinpoche and Dorje Shugden. Julia trusts Tsem Rinpoche and Dorje Shugden very much, immediately after hearing her sister’s condition she asked for divination from Tsem Rinpoche. As soon as she received the instruction, she executed it immediately. Due to her trust in Tsem Rinpoche and Dorje Shugden, her sister managed to get through the sickness and recovered.
Dorje Shugden’s help is very swift and effective, that is why Tsem Rinpoche spreads and promotes Dorje Shugden practice so heavily. He has benefited from the practice himself and he wants us to be helped too. Dorje Shugden arose about 400 years ago, his manifestation is to help modern people to remove obstacles and help the practitioners in their spiritual practice.
Rejoice for Polly and glad that she recovered from critical moment. We are so fortunate to have Rinpoche to provide us the guidance and give us the very precious practise of Dorje Shugden. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this touching story.
Thank you for Rinpoche and the blog team to share with us this beautiful and inspiring story of how Dorje Shugden can help with us when we are in need of his blessing. It is very common for Rinpoche to prescribe Dorje Shugden puja and also candle offering during emergencies.
The puja and the candle offering can accumulate a large amount of merits in a short amount of time. When dedicated, these merits are the one that makes a difference in the outcome of the situation.
Dorje Shugden is a protector that is karmically very close to us which enables him to help us with such effectiveness and speed. There are many similar testimonies which prove to us that this protector is very beneficial for us. Learn more about this supreme protector here.
I rejoice for Polly’s good fortune to have her sister Julia being so dedicated in Dharma. Because of H.E. Tsem Rinpoche’s blessings, help and advice, and Polly followed through the advice she got better fast and is well now.
We are very lucky to have Dorje Shugden as a protector as he protects us on our way and helps us to practice Dharma. Here are more accounts of miracles :
A 1 in 1000 Miracle | 一个千分之一的奇迹
Dorje Shugden Miracles
Truly amazing when we relied on our Dharma Protector sincerely will help us in the most difficult times. It’s a story of our kecharian sister recovered completely and in fact escaped death in her critical condition at the hospital. Patients with complications having dengue fever is really bad and serious case. Due to the power of Dorje Shugden , miracles happened and she is well after many offerings such as incense, light and pujas following Rinpoche’s advice.
Thank you Rinpoche for your timely advices that have had saved Polly and thanks Julia for this miracles sharing.
Dear Julia,
I’m glad to hear that your sister has recovered and out of danger. We’re all very very fortunate to have such a wonderful Guru and so many dharma brothers and sisters to care and help us when we need help urgently. And with very strong faith and trust in Dorje Shugden who is very swift to help us overcome obstacles. I still remember very well that when my dad got admitted to hospital for a minor brain surgery, many dharma brothers and sisters came forward with prayers and sponsored pujas for my dad’s swift recovery. And last year it was my uncle who got admitted to ICU with stomach internal bleeding and ordered urgent DS and Menlha pujas for him to overcome obstacles. He is so far so good. Thank you Rinpoche and blog team for this amazing miracle story of Dorje Shugden.????☘️