A group finished reading the autobiography of H.H. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche

His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche’s autobiography which was released this year 2018
Congratulations to the first group who finished reading the autobiography of His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. I have a few thoughts for you.
It is wonderful to have these readings TOGETHER about Trijang Rinpoche. It is wonderful to read about a REAL Buddhist practitioner like Trijang Rinpoche. He faces all the challenges, downfalls, plots, hatred and backstabbing with perfect grace, dignity, and compassion, as a real Buddhist should. He is a big fish like a whale in a large cold ocean filled with enemies and danger. This ‘whale’ of a person is majestic, powerful, big and beautiful. Although whales are so much less in number, their presence overrides the pettiness of the smaller fishes.
We often get unpleasant news about this person or that person. This person didn’t act according to the dharma or that person is a hypocrite. We get news about this naughty practitioner, or that naughty ex-monk. Or that uninspiring nun, or that demotivating Tibetan student and so on and so on and so on. Or this person from here that ran. Or someone is ungrateful. Or a relative or friend who backstabs. Or someone whom we treated well was ungrateful. Or someone has been in dharma for umpteen years and still behave like a barbarian. And if we are not strong, it can take a toll. It can demotivate us. But those are the small fishes although their numbers are huge. Small fishes are abundant but hardly noticeable and do not make much impact if we just don’t focus too much on them. They just swim here and there super fast without much presence.
But when we read about a genuine Buddhist practitioner (forget the titles of His Holiness, because even some people with big titles act like little fish), regardless of their titles and they may be just a real genuine spiritual person, it invigorates us! It gives us hope. It gives us inspiration. It tells us we can make it. When we read about them or know about them, they give us a powerful injection of kindness, compassion and wisdom that can and will prevail. We will prevail. We need this. We need to hear about genuine people who hold their head up high in times of trouble. We have to hear about people who apply the teachings of Buddha even when their lives are threatened. We need to hear about the thoughts of people that no matter how difficult the circumstance, they will still be kind, compassionate and act in ways that are humane, fair and spiritual. They are like the big whales among the many smaller fishes in the big, huge and cold ocean. When we follow the big fishes here and there, we are inspired by their majesty. When we follow the big majestic whale, we are moved.
In life follow the majestic whales and not the unreliable small fishes scampering around. Whales are less in number but we shouldn’t get lost amongst the abundant smaller fishes. Reading Trijang Rinpoche’s bio gives us hope, inspiration and we realize our problems are so much smaller and we can handle them. We will handle them. We will get over them gracefully and with wisdom. Trijang Rinpoche had unimaginable problems and dealt with genuine monsters in human form and he handled them based on the teachings of the Buddha so beautiful. Yes he suffered tragic losses and disappointments, but he didn’t react in ways that harmed anyone or his own faith. He lost so much prior to 1959, so much in 1959 itself and post-1959 and yet he continued his spiritual practice and his way of handling things according to Buddha’s teachings so well and came out of it a true hero. A true human. A human with humanity. A person we know we should be and will be. The impact of his autobiography will be felt for the rest of our lives. Because goodness has impact. Because kindness has meaning. Because the wisdom that goes with doing the right thing in life will prevail. Because being a genuine person makes our cold world easier to live in. Because in life, we can choose to immerse ourselves in kindness, love, forgiveness, understanding and tolerance because that will benefit us and everyone we meet.
Tsem Rinpoche
(About 17 Kechara students upon my request spent the last few weeks daily reading the autobiography of this great master. They spent two hours a day and took turns reading out loud with each other and ending with discussions. I felt it was a beautiful learning and sharing of time in something useful for their lives. Tsem Rinpoche)

His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, the source of all blessings and inspiration
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it’s really wonderful and rejoice to know that KFR can form a group reading to Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche’s autobiography. I would love to read Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche’s biography and wish to invite a copy in the near future. Thank you Rinpoche and everyone for this wonderful sharing. 🙏😍🌈🔥
Rejoice to the group of Kecharian having completed reading the autobiography of H.H. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. How wonderful reading a book of a great master . I have not got hold of this book yet, love to read it .
Thank you Rinpoche for profound and inspiring teachings. I loved reading those quotes . A beautiful learning and inspiring quotes. With folded hands…….thanks again.
(In life, we can choose to immerse ourselves in kindness, love, forgiveness, understanding and tolerance because that will benefit us and everyone we meet.)…..quoted Tsem Rinpoche
With deep devotion to the guru, higher meditational insights will arise. Because of not having higher meditational insights, one will not realize the need to have devotion to the guru in order to gain higher insights. They are interdependent.~Tsem Rinpoche
With deep devotion to the guru, higher meditational insights will arise. If one does not have deep devotion to the guru, it is a clear sign one does not have higher meditational insights.~Tsem Rinpoche
Wonderful and exciting to think of the group gathering in a common cause of the study, contemplation and analysis of The Magical Play of Illusion: The Autobiography of HH Trijang Rinpoche. I was most fortunate to receive the book last month, due to HE Tsem Rinpoche (Thank you profusely), and I too have finished reading, with the exception of the footnotes. I might add, I don’t think we will ever really be finished with this translation (Thanks to Sharpa Tenzin Trinley), and I am positive it will be revisited again and again, each time proving that much more enlightening, entertaining and revealing. To think of all that was endured, sacrifices which were made, persons who were influenced, permissions and initiations which were given, blessings which were received, miracles which were performed, traditions which were celebrated and preserved, and the unity shared between various schools of Buddhism, all are marvels to consider as remarkable achievements. Having it shared with us in such a way to behold and revere is a precious jewel. Thank you for posting and I rejoice for you having such great fortune in your endeavors. Well wishes and continued success to you in all you do, with the kindness and compassion you show for the benefit of others, I am eternally grateful.
I would love to read Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche’s biography !
Thank you Rinpoche for the encouraging words in guiding us on how to handle challenges whilst on the path in Dharma or otherwise. Our minds are so easily distracted. Even worse when the delusions manifest into a monster and we get depressed or angry or discouraged to continue our practice. It’s at times like that we need so much to have a knight in shining armour to lead us back on the right path.
Special beings like H.E Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche manifests in this world to show us the path, to teach the Dharma and to inspire us on how to overcome our darkest days. So blessed are the people who have had the chance to meet him, to be taught by him, to have served him and to have been inspired to transform to a mind that focusses on benefitting others.
Just as Rinpoche has so beautifully quoted above on being a true human
“”Because goodness has impact. Because kindness has meaning. Because the wisdom that goes with doing the right thing in life will prevail. Because being a genuine person makes our cold world easier to live in. Because in life, we can choose to immerse ourselves in kindness, love, forgiveness, understanding and tolerance because that will benefit us and everyone we meet.””
Thank you Rinpoche for this inspiring teaching. With folded hands.
I learnt that all the challenges downfalls plots hatred and backstabbing i s better to face witg perfect grace dignity and compassion
Indeed, I also love and eager to read stories from monks and nuns or any other Buddhist practitioners about their life and particularly the rough side of their spiritual path. Rinpoche has put it aptly, that we should learn from the big whales and of course the genuine ones. When I learnt about their problems and the situations that they have gone through with tremendous difficulties, it will put me to shame for proclaiming the problems that I’ve encountered which were so trivial.
In His biography, Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche also have to face people who were not genuine and many times being taken advantage of, yet He just took up the challenges and move on. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche didn’t even speak out against the injustice and this actually gives us hope and inspirations that we can do it and it can be done. Kindness and compassion are real. There are genuine and real Buddhist Masters in these days too! Thanks to Pastor Jean Ai for having it live the other day. It’s indeed better to learn as a group with discussions as it helps our mind to learn better and faster, and with focus. Learning together is not only fun but as a support system that very much needed nowadays.
For those who were against Dorje Shugden, I strongly suggest that they should read this as Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche has mentioned many times in His biography on how Dorje Shugden has been very kind to Him on many occasions. He even mentioned on how His Holiness Dalai Lama escaped from Tibet and particularly the instructions given and the tense situations that they faced during their escape. https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/free-downloads-texts#sub-2