Drupon Khen Rinpoche in Africa | 主奔堪仁波切的非洲之行
Dear friends around the world,
I wish to share with you on the amazing Drupon Khen Rinpoche and his effort in spreading Lord Buddha’s teachings in Africa. Africa is the second largest continent after Asia, covering about one-fifth of the total land surface of Mother Earth with a staggering population of 1.3 billion in 2019. With such a big population, many of them are still living in poverty and their living conditions are not the best. Furthermore, not many lamas go to Africa to spread Dharma.
Drupon Khen Rinpoche’s first visit to Africa was on August 2017 when he flew to South Africa and teach at Tara Rokpa Centre in Groot Marico and Samye Ling in Harare, Zimbabwe. The trip lasted for about 2 weeks and Rinpoche generously sponsored meals for 150 locals on his last day in Groot Marico, as a session to know them better. Drupon Rinpoche’s subsequent visit to the African soil was in 2018.
In 2019, he will be giving teachings in 5 Buddhist centers, a significant increase compared to the last 2 visits he made to Africa.
It touched me deeply to see Buddha Dharma arriving in Africa, may Buddha’s teaching flourish in this continent to benefit many more people. I myself have always wanted to go to Africa also in the past to bring Dharma but didn’t have the chance to. So I am happy to see this development. I have no connections to Drupon Khen Rinpoche nor have I ever met him. I obtained the pictures and information from the internet. I am simply sharing how happy I am to see a Buddhist teacher share the Dharma in Africa. It brought tears to my eyes. Most lamas never visit developing countries to share the Dharma but only to affluent countries, that is why this touches me deeply.
Below is a short article about Drupon Khen Rinpoche’s trips in Africa with pictures and videos. I pray that Drupon Khen Rinpoche will be able to make the Dharma grow in Africa. I pray Lord Shakyamuni Buddha, Tara and Guru Rinpoche will bless the works there and it will grow. May the beautiful people of Africa be blessed with meeting the Dharma.
Tsem Rinpoche
Biography of Drupon Khen Rinpoche
Drupon Khen Rinpoche is a lama from the Karma Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. Rinpoche was trained from an early age under the direction of highly accomplished masters of Mahamudra and Dzogchen. His list of lamas comprised of famous and unknown yogis of all lineages, especially from Kagyu and Nyingma. Rinpoche started to learn rituals and procedures for many Vajrayana practice when he was seven years old. At fourteen, Rinpoche went to Khenpo Palga and received novice ordination.
By the time he was seventeen, he already had a deep renunciation for the mundane everyday activities and decided to enter into a retreat. During this time, he received teachings from the retreat master, Drupon Rinpoche Karma Sherab, and from Lama Senge. Lama Senge often met with Rinpoche to answer his questions and offer him advice. Rinpoche was able to have full understanding on the topic of meditation and the mind, making Lama Senge his root guru.

Thrangu Sekhar Retreat, Bhaktapur, Nepal
After Drupon Rinpoche Karma Sherab and Lama Senge had passed into nirvana, Rinpoche went on to receive teachings from several high lamas such as the revered Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche, Khenpo Munsel, Khenpo Pentse, Adzom Drukpa Rinpoche, and more. After receiving such wealth of teachings, Rinpoche, then left to reside at Thrangu Vajra Vidya Institute in Varanasi. At Thrangu Vajra Vidya, he gave teachings to the shedra students and was appointed as the retreat master for Thrangu Sekhar Retreat center near Bhaktapur, Nepal by Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche. He also taught at Thrangu Monastery Shedra (a Buddhist college) and Thrangu Tara Abbey (a nunnery).
Later, Rinpoche was invited to Kagyu Samye Ling monastery in the UK at Lama Katen’s suggestion. Akong Rinpoche and Lama Yeshe Losal Rinpoche requested Rinpoche to devise and teach a part-time shedra course at the monastery and to be the retreat master for the retreat centers on the Isle of Arran and Holy Isle. To date, Rinpoche continues to guide the retreats and give teachings in Samye Ling annually.
- Kunga, “Drupon Khen Rinpoche Karma Lhabu”, http://www.druponrinpoche.org/an-introduction/drupon-khen-rinpoche-karma-lhabu/ (accessed: 23 May 2019)
- Creedon, Dónal, “An Introduction to Rinpoche by Dónal Creedon”, http://www.druponrinpoche.org/an-introduction/an-introduction-to-drupon-khen-rinpoche-karma-lhabu/ (accessed: 23 May 2019)
Rinpoche’s Visit to Africa
Rinpoche’s first trip to Africa came about due to the sincere wishes and invitations of many who attend and practice at the centers there. Finally, on 30th August 2017, Drupon Khen Rinpoche arrived in Johannesburg, South Africa for the first time. It was a one-week meditation and teaching retreat at Tara Rokpa Centre in Groot Marico. On the morning of the last day, Rinpoche invited over 150 locals to lunch so he could get to know more of them.
After the meal, Rinpoche boarded a flight to Harare, Zimbabwe. Upon arrival, Rinpoche was received by members of the Samye Ling related centers in Harare and two renowned spirit mediums, Sekuru Motota and Sekuru Shumba, who are highly revered holy men in the local community. During Rinpoche’s visit, he was invited for lunch in Sekuru Shumba’s village where he witnessed the life of rural Africans.
On the 10th of December, 2018, Rinpoche landed on African soil again. This time, he went to Lubumbashi in The Democratic Republic of the Congo. The primary purpose of the visit was to get the feel of the locals and their situation. During this visit, Rinpoche gave refuge and refuge vows to 215 people, it was an occasion full of joy and enthusiasm.
Four days after the event, Rinpoche travelled to Zimbabwe with Lama Katen where he visited the region and people of Chikukwa in a remote area right on the border of Mozambique. Here, Rinpoche engaged in a fascinating cultural dialogue with the region’s elders and spirit mediums. The dialogue lasted for two days before Rinpoche returned to Harare and taught for one and a half days in Samye Ling Harare.
Rinpoche has scheduled teachings from 25th October to 3rd November, 2019 in a total of 5 different Buddhist centers in South Africa, Zimbabwe, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The Five Chosen for Trial from Africa
During the time of Dharma King Trisong Detsen, seven Tibetans were chosen to be the Seven Chosen for Trial to go forth as monastics to assess whether Tibetans were fit to uphold the precepts. Eventually, they went on to become translators whose work benefited many people by making the teachings available to them. Drupon Khen Rinpoche has chosen five African children to undergo his training and nurturing in the hope that they will become wonderful propagators of Buddhism in their homeland just like The Seven Chosen for Trial.
Drunpon Khen Rinpoche has said that these children will be a central part of his primary purpose for this current life. He hopes to be able to groom and nurture these children into brave, caring, and wise men and women who can spread the philosophy of peace and non-violence in their own country in the future.
Drupon Khen Rinpoche feels most Tibetan lamas have focused on developed and affluent countries, neglecting developing countries such as those in Africa, therefore, he wishes more Tibetan lamas will start to focus on spreading Dharma in the developing countries of Africa.
Pictures and Videos
Samye Ling Harare, Zimbabwe 2017
Sekuru Shumba’s Village
Samye Ling Harare, Zimbabwe 2018
Kagyu Samye Dzong, Lubumbashi, Congo 2018
Drupon Khen Rinpoche and Lama Katen, the deputy abbot of Kagyu Samye Ling, spent three days with the members of Samye Dzong Lubumbashi, where 215 people took refuge with Drupon Rinpoche, with many travelling from far and wide to see Rinpoche and seek his blessing and advice. Here are a few pictures and clips of film showing the Congolese offering a traditional welcome to Rinpoche, and a few other general pictures taken during the last few days.
Drupon Khen Rinpoche visits Lubumbashi, Congo
Traditional welcome
for Drupon Khen Rinpoche in Lubumbashi, Congo
African people chanting praises to 21 Taras in Tibetan language
Chikukwa, Zimbabwe 2018
Drupon Khen Rinpoche and Lama Katen spent three days in the village of Chikukwa in the Chumanimani region of Zimbabwe. Here they engaged in a cultural dialogue with the community elders, royal family and highly regarded spirit mediums. It was a joyous occasion filled with discussion, meditation, praying, singing and dancing.
- Kunga, “Drupon Khen Rinpoche Karma Lhabu”, http://www.druponrinpoche.org/an-introduction/drupon-khen-rinpoche-karma-lhabu/ (accessed: 23 May 2019)
- Creedon, Dónal, “An Introduction to Rinpoche by Dónal Creedon”, http://www.druponrinpoche.org/an-introduction/an-introduction-to-drupon-khen-rinpoche-karma-lhabu/ (accessed: 23 May 2019)
2018 年摄于刚果卢本巴希的噶举桑耶宗
- Kunga, “Drupon Khen Rinpoche Karma Lhabu”, http://www.druponrinpoche.org/an-introduction/drupon-khen-rinpoche-karma-lhabu/ (accessed: 23 May 2019)
- Creedon, Dónal, “An Introduction to Rinpoche by Dónal Creedon”, http://www.druponrinpoche.org/an-introduction/an-introduction-to-drupon-khen-rinpoche-karma-lhabu/ (accessed: 23 May 2019)
- Kunga, “In Zimbabwe with Drupon Rinpoche”, 27 October 2017, http://www.druponrinpoche.org/2017/10/27/in-zimbabwe-with-drupon-rinpoche-by-kunga/ (accessed: 23 May 2019)
- “The Five Chosen for Trial from Africa”, 21st January 2918, http://www.druponrinpoche.org/2018/01/21/the-five-chosen-for-trial-from-africa-2/ (accessed: 23 May 2019)
- “Rinpoche’s Impressions of Africa”, 27 October 2017, http://www.druponrinpoche.org/2017/10/27/rinpoches-impressions-of-africa/ (accessed: 23 May 2019)
- “Tour of East Asia and Southern Africa”, 22 December 2018, http://www.druponrinpoche.org/2018/12/22/drupon-khen-rinpoches-tour-of-east-asia-and-southern-africa/ (accessed: 23 May 2019)
For more interesting information:
- Buddhism in Congo, Africa
- When You Kill Ten Million Africans You Aren’t Called ‘Hitler’
- Dharma is For Everyone
- Dharma Bites
- The Mystical Land of Shambhala
- The White Old Man (Tsagan Evgen)
- Tibetans Welcome Mountain Spirits in Faith Ceremony
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Dharma is spreading and flourishing around the world, that’s wonderful. Especially to countries such as Africa, we have Drupon Khen Rinpoche Karma Lhabu to thanks. Africa is a massive continent with diverse religious traditions, it’s a up hill task teaching Buddhism . Buddhism is a quiet new religion in South Africa, most Lamas would prefer going to Asian or European countries to spread Dharma teachings.
Drupon Khen Rinpoche Karma Lhabu is a monastic teacher in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. While in Tibet he received extensive training in Dharma and Meditation. He studied under many accomplished masters of mahamudra and dzogchen. All from Kagyu and Nyingma lineages whom are famous lamas and unknown yogis . He travelled all the way to Africa to spread Dharma and working tirelessly , going to remote parts of Africa . Truly compassionate of him.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
Thank you, Rinpoche and blog team for sharing this good news. Africa is the second largest continent in the world but Buddhism is not popular there. If Buddhism is able to take root in Africa, a lot people will be able to connect to Buddha Dharma and be benefitted from the supreme teachings of Lord Buddha.
Africans are generally spiritual people due to their culture and also living conditions which made them to rely on spirituality and outer divine beings to continue to have hope in their difficult life. Life in Africa is not a stroll in the park and often times, people have to rely on an outer source to have the strength to continue with their life.
Drupon Khen Rinpoche is a very compassionate lama as he is willing to travel to the foreign country to spread Buddha’s teaching despite of all the difficulties. From his trip in Africa, we can see that he is willing to work hard to maximise his time with the community and give as much teachings as possible. May Drupon Khen Rinpoche’s endeavours in Africa flourished and have maximum benefit on the people there.
Buddhism, as a major world religion, is practiced in many part of the world except few in Africa. Africans were aware of Buddhism yet today Africa is the least Buddhist of the inhabited continents. Drunpon Khen Rinpoche realized that while there were religious and cultural Tibetan Buddhist organizations all around the world. Inspired by the Buddhist teachings, he decided to dedicate himself fully to spiritual life against the odds in Africa. In the early years he has to face many challenges. His first visit to Africa was in 2017 followed by more subsequent visits to spread Buddhism. By 2019 he visited few center than sharing Dharma in Africa.
May Drunpon Khen Rinpoche continue to guide them and give Lord Buddha’s teachings to more people in Arica.
Thank you Rinpoche for this inspiring sharing.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this heartwarming news with us. Traditionally, Buddhism is not a very common faith in Africa. It started in Asia and had spread across Asia, and the Middle East in the early days. Later, Buddhism was brought to western countries. Africa is one continent that Dharma hardly reaches.
What Rinpoche said is very true. Most of the Buddhist teachers go to countries in Asia or developed countries to spread Dharma, not many go to Africa. Actually, African people also need Dharma badly. In general, Africa is still a very poor continent, there are many internal wars and fights, many people are starving due to famine. Material help can only solve their problems for the short term. However, with Dharma knowledge, it will help them to get through the difficult period and give them hopes.
Drupon Khen Rinpoche is very compassionate and he is sincere to help the Africans. He made trips to the villages so he could understand their culture and custom and it will help him to impart Dharma in them. Buddhism can be accepted easily by the locals because they are not asked to forego their traditions and custom, they can still maintain it and at the same time practice Dharma.
This is amazing, Rinpoche!
It’s extremely heart warming to see Dharma is spreading around the world & people are interested & have faith (Friends from Africa are chanting praises to 21 Taras:O).
It’s scary if the world has degenerate until there is no Dharma.
May more & more people who are with pure hearts can share the teachings of Buddha to many people.
Thank you very much for sharing, Rinpoche?
I wish His Eminence Drupon Khen Rinpoche success in nurturing and training the Five Chosen For Trial. It takes time for Dharma to take root in a new environment and it depends very much on training indigenous people who will in turn nurture and train others in the local community and from there the Dharma will spread. My best wishes to Rinpoche in all his endeavours.
很高兴看到佛法在非洲这片大地上萌芽发展,形成具有地方特色的佛教。期待在日后 的国际佛教大会上能看到非籍僧人的踪迹。