Guhya Manjushri | 密德文殊室利佛
Brief Introduction About Manjushri

Guhya Manjushri or Secret Manjushri in this special form where he has six faces. Five faces on one level and the sixth on top. He has two hands both holding a lotus that support Dharma texts. He is saffron in colour and sits in full lotus position or padmasana. This form of Manjushri, although imported from Tibet, was worshipped by the royal elites in the Forbidden City of China. This Guhya Manjushri was considered the ‘protector’ of the Forbidden City and his worship was highly prized by the emperors of China as they prided perfect wisdom and intellectual accomplishments as something very important in a person’s life and the growth of the country. Manjushri is a deity the Chinese emperors established strongly and worshipped in their royal courts.
Manjushri, whose name means ‘Gentle Glory’ or ‘Sweet Splendor’ in Sanskrit; ‘Wen Shu Shi Li’ (文殊师利)in Chinese; ‘Monju Bosatsu’ in Japanese; ‘Moosoo Posal’ in Korean; ‘Jampel-yang’ in Tibetan) is one of the most important Bodhisattvas in the Mahayana and Vajrayana traditions.
Manjushri is also known as ‘Manjugosha’ (the Gentle-Voiced One); ‘manju’ refers to how the continuum of his life has been rendered ‘gentle’ by his grasp of transcendental wisdom, and ‘gosha’ refers to his perfect ability to communicate the Dharma verbally and in written form, in which he destroys illusions, delusions and ignorance that keep all sentient beings within samsara.
Manjushri’s name has become synonymous with that of the Buddha of Wisdom. However, he is also thought to be the Buddha Vairocana, the ancient Buddha that existed from the beginningless time. Manjushri is said to have vowed to return lifetime after lifetime until all beings are free from samsara. There are many versions of the origins of Manjushri but undoubtedly Manjushri is the embodiment of Transcendent Wisdom that all practitioners of the Buddha dharma seek to attain.
Buddha Shakyamuni mentioned in the Avatamsaka Sutra that Manjushri is, in fact, a Buddha who became enlightened many aeons ago but chose to return to assist the present Buddha to turn the wheel of Dharma.
Manjushri’s Role in the Gelug Lineage
Manjushri as Guru

Top to bottom: Lama Tsongkhapa, Gyaltsab Je, Khedrub Je and Dorje Shugden
The Gelug lineage, the newest school of Tibetan Buddhism started with Tsongkhapa (1357-1419), who founded Gaden Monastery in Lhasa, Tibet in the year 1409. Tsongkhapa is considered an emanation of Manjushri, and is the lineage teacher or Guru of all Gelug disciples.
In terms of meditative tradition, Tsongkhapa merged three main classical Indian lineages of the Mahayana Buddhist path into a single major lineage. Among the three, one of the lineages is the lineage of “The Profound View”, which Buddha Manjushri received from Buddha Shakyamuni and passed the lineage down through an unbroken line of masters who holds and protects the pure teachings.
Apart from appearing as Tsongkhapa, Manjushri also emanated as a few significant yogi-teachers who had a profound impact on Tibetan Buddhism in general, such as Longchenpa, Sakya Pandita Kunga Gyaltsen, the fourth forefather of the Sakya lineage and so on.
Manjushri as Yidam
While Manjushri is a Bodhisattva associated with transcendent wisdom in the Mahayana school of Buddhism, the Vajrayana school treats Manjushri as a fully enlightened Buddha in whom one can take refuge as a Yidam (meditational deity).
Manjushri as Dharma Protector

Top to bottom: Manjushri Aparachana and Dorje Shugden
Manjushri manifested as the Guru, Yidam, as well as a Dharma Protector to protect practitioners and to ensure their spiritual journey is smooth and conducive.
The most well-known Dharma Protectors who are the emanations of Manjushri are Kalarupa, Four-Faced Mahakala and Dorje Shugden. Kalarupa is the special protector of the Yamantaka tantras, while the Four-Faced Mahakala is the protector of Guhyasamaja and Chakrasamvara tantras.
Out of the three Dharma Protectors, Dorje Shugden is a relatively new Dharma Protector, who arose as a Dharma Protector approximately 360 years ago. So, we have a strong karmic proximity with him and thus, he is able to give us his blessings and assistance much quicker compared to other Dharma Protectors who have less karmic proximity with us. Dorje Shugden is also the special protector of Lama Tsongkhapa’s teachings on Emptiness and is highly regarded by the highest Gelugpa lamas of modern times.
Guhya Manjushri – A Special Form of Manjushri

A variation of Guhya Manjushri found in the Forbidden City. This Guhya Manjushri has two arms and six faces, but the faces are on two different levels; one face is on the top and the rest at the bottom.
There are many different forms of Guhya Manjushri and they can be found in several Gelugpa Refuge Tree paintings. One of them is from the lineage of Mitra Yogin. In the Mitra Yogin lineage, Guhya Manjushri is saffron yellow in colour with two arms and six faces, where all the faces appear on the same level.
In both forms, Manjushri is sitting in a full meditation posture, with his hands displaying the teaching mudra at the heart level; each hand holding a stem of a white lotus with the lotuses appearing on both sides of the shoulders. On top of each lotus, there is a Sanskrit text. Both forms of Guhya Manjushri are equally valid although they have slightly different appearances.
Guhya Manjushri in the Mitra Gyatsa

Mahasiddha Mitra Yogin
Mitra Gyatsa’s Guhya Manjushri is found in a series of teachings known as “The One Hundred Transmissions of Mitra” or Mitra Gyatsa, which is a collection of one hundred and eight Tantric Mandalas compiled by Mitra Yogin in the 12th – 13th century.
Mitra Yogin, also known as Mitra Dzokyi, was a 12th century siddha from India who received teachings from Avalokiteshvara. He was a highly regarded teacher who flourished in the final days of Buddhism’s prominence in India and he is best known for his tantric collection, the Mitra Gyatsa and his Letter to King Candra. Born in Eastern India, in the town of Radha in Mayarabanj district of Orissa, Mitra Yogin became a disciple of Latitavajra, who was the disciple of Tilopa. He was invited to Tibet by his disciple Tropu Lotsāwa.
Click here to download a PDF copy of The One Hundred Transmissions of Mitra

Guhya Manjushri in padmasana position from the Mitra Gyatsa lineage of teachings according the Mahasiddha Mitra Dzokyi of India. All six faces are on one level and the remaining two hands hold lotuses supporting texts on wisdom. He is saffron coloured and hands are in teaching mudra. This slight variation from the Forbidden City version follows the 3rd Changkya Rolpai Dorje who was the guru of Emperor Qianlong.
A copy of the more recent Mitra Gyatsa was published as a book in 1938 in Beijing, after a lama by the name of Losang Tenzin Jigme Wangchuk (Ngagchen Rinpoche), who was a Gelug lineage lama from Tashi Lhunpo Monastery, taught the teachings from Mitra Gyatsa and Vajravali to 548 monks and laymen in Beijing in 1934. Ngagchen Rinpoche was very close to the 9th Panchen Lama and assisted the Panchen Lama in many diplomatic matters with China and Japan. He was also appointed as the Khenpo (abbot) of the Tantric College in Tashi Lhunpo.
Guhya Manjushri in the Forbidden City
This Guhya Manjushri can be found within the Palace Museum in the Forbidden City in Beijing. The Forbidden City was built from 1406-1420 by the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Yongle Emperor (1403-1420) and it served as the residence and court of twenty-four emperors from Emperor Yongle to Emperor Puyi in its 600 years of imperial operation. It consists of 980 buildings and covers over 180 acres.
The Forbidden City complex was declared a World Heritage site in 1987 and UNESCO, listed it as the largest collection of preserved ancient wooden structures in the world. Since 1925, it is under the control of the Palace Museum that houses extensive collections from the Ming and Qing dynasties.
Liu Pin Fo Lou (Six-Class Buddha Temple)

Guhya Manjushri statue in Bao Xiang Lou (宝相楼), one of the Six-Class Buddha Temples in the Forbidden City (click to enlarge)
Emperor Qianlong was a great patron of Tibetan Buddhist art and translations of the Buddhist canon. Apart from building a complete Tibetan Buddhist temple behind Yangxin Pavilion, he also studied the Tibetan language, as well as “The Stages of the Path to Enlightenment” (Lamrim). At 35, he received the Heruka initiation from his teacher, the national preceptor the 3rd Changkya Rolpai Dorje. In order to welcome the Sixth Panchen Lama to Beijing, he constructed the Xumi Fushou Temple in Chengde and Zhao Temple on Fragrant Hills. However, the biggest religious project in the Qianlong period was from the year 1757 to 1782, which Qianlong personally participated in the design and construction of the “Six-Class Buddha Temples”.
According to the official website of the Palace Museum, the “Six-Class” are related to Prajna (representing Exoteric Buddhism), Kriya tantra, Charya tantra, Yoga tantra, Father tantras of Anuttarayoga Tantra and Mother tantras of Anuttarayoga Tantra.
According to the Qing dynasty archives, Qianlong personally examined the style of each Buddha statue and revised it until he was satisfied before approving the casting. In the tenth month of the 22nd year of Emperor Qianlong’s reign, because of the rough workmanship and uneven gold-plating in rushing to complete the statues, Emperor Qianlong lost his temper after he saw the statues. Not only were the statues sent back for rework, but the officials supervising the work were also made to pay for the expenses themselves.
There are a total of eight such temples, built at the Forbidden City, Chengde Mountain Resort, and Yuanmingyuan Park. Six of them were destroyed by fire and war. The only one remaining that is well preserved is the Fanhua Lou in the Forbidden City. Many of the Buddha statues and other cultural relics from the Baoxiang Lou were moved south to the Nanjing Museum.
According to the information, each of the Six-Class Buddha Temple has seven open space, with three rooms on each side that make up six rooms. There are nine large bronze statues in each room and one hundred and twenty-two small bronze Buddha statues from the six classifications. There are three inscriptions on each of the small bronze Buddha. On the upper side of the lotus platform, there is a section with the words “Made in the Year of Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty”, and the name of the deity at the lower edge. There is also the name of the room the statue belongs to at the back of the statue. This was to ensure that there would not be any confusion.
The source for Guhya Manjushri from Mitra Yogin lineage is clear and there is evidence of the teachings being transmitted by a Gelug lama (Ngagchen Rinpoche) to an audience of 548 monks and lay people in Beijing in 1934. As for the Guhya Manjushri in the Forbidden City, the depiction of the deity is slightly different compared to the Guhya Manjushri of the Mitra Yogin lineage. As Emperor Qianlong’s teacher was the 3rd Changkya Rolpai Dorje, who was also the national preceptor, it is highly likely that the lineage of this form of Guhya Manjushri in the Forbidden City was received from the 3rd Changkya Rolpai Dorje.
Guhya Manjushri sculpture in the Forbidden City, the grand palace of the powerful Emperors of China.
Guhya Manjushri Mantra
Om Wa Gi Shwa Ri Mum
The seed-syllable of this form of Manjushri is “Ah”
This 262-year old bronze statue of Guhya Manjushri made in China during Emperor Qianlong’s reign. Qianlong personally oversaw the making of these statues and made sure they were accurate as well as elegant in appearance.
文殊师利菩萨(梵语念曼殊室利;日语念Monju Bosatsu;韩语称Moosoo Posal;藏文称强呗央)又名妙吉祥或柔德音,是大乘与金刚乘佛教中最为重要的一尊菩萨。“文殊”(柔德)二字指的是文殊菩萨对超凡智慧的掌握,使得他的相续变得温和。柔德音中的“音”字代表着文殊菩萨能以文字和语言传达佛法的奥义,使众生的无明得以消除继而得到解脱。文殊菩萨象征着佛门智慧之本尊。佛教经典中记载,文殊菩萨乃是原始佛毗卢遮那如来,但因起慈悲心,誓愿生生世世返回娑婆世界令众生得解脱。文殊菩萨的来历众说不一,但毫无疑问,我们都想达到文殊菩萨的超凡智慧。
藏传佛教教派中最新的教派,格鲁传承始宗喀巴大师 (1357-1419)。宗喀巴于1409年在拉萨创立甘丹寺。宗喀巴是文殊菩萨的化生,也是众格鲁传承弟子的传承上师。
密德文殊室利佛深藏在北京紫禁城的故宫博物院中。 紫禁城建于1406年至1420年间,由明朝第三位皇帝——永乐皇帝(1403-1420年)所建。从永乐皇帝到溥仪皇帝当朝的近600年里,紫禁城曾先后是24任皇帝们居住和办公的地点。紫禁城由980栋建筑物组成,覆盖面积高达180英亩。
根据资料,每座六品佛楼均为七开间,左右两边各三间,共六品间 。每间有9尊大铜主尊佛像,122尊小铜佛像出于六品。正面刻有“大清乾隆年敬造”款和佛名,背面有“瑜伽根本”、“无上阳体根本”等六品字样。在佛像的下方,则刻上了该本尊的名号。刻上刻文的目的是避免佛像出现混淆的情况。
嗡 瓦 吉 刷 里 穆
- Himalayan Art Resources, Publication: Mitra Gyatsa Main Page, (accessed: 23 April 2019)
- 雅昌拍卖, 1725 安钦呼图克图金刚上师百法灌顶时绕坛城时留影之一, 21 May 2017, (accessed: 23 April 2019)
- The Treasury of Lives, Mitrayogin, February 2019, (accessed: 23 April 2019)
- 中濠典藏,Lot 号— 茶桑像, (accessed: 24 April 2019)
- 乾隆造佛和清宫六品佛楼, (accessed: 24 April 2019)
- Wikipedia, Qianlong Emperor, (accessed: 24 April 2019)
For more interesting information:
- All About Manjushri | 关于文殊菩萨
- The Many Forms of Manjushri
- Dream Manjushri
- White Manjushri Daily Practice
- 1000-armed Manjushri!!!
- A Concert of Names of Manjushri | 圣妙吉祥真实名经
- Manjushri the Magnificient
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This is a very unusual and rare form of Manjushri that caught my attention.and a very beautiful one.? This Guhya Manjushri can be found within the Palace Museum in the Forbidden City in Beijing. The Forbidden City was built from 1406-1420 by the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Yongle Emperor (1403-1420) and it served as the residence and court of twenty-four emperors from Emperor Yongle to Emperor Puyi in its 600 years of imperial operation. It consists of 980 buildings and covers over 180 acres. Emperor QianLong is a devoted practitioner and he contributed a lot to Buddhism by building temples, creating statues and etc during his reign. Because of his effort, we are able to see this special form of Manjushri. Thank you very much Rinpoche and blog team for sharing this very interesting and brief history of Guhya Manjushri.?????
Thank you, Rinpoche and the blog team for sharing with us this unusual and rare form of Manjushri. It is amazing on how Buddha Manjushri manifested so many different forms to benefit sentient beings. This special form can be found in China specifically the Forbidden City and he is practised by the ancient Chinese royalties.
Emperor QianLong is a devoted practitioner and he contributed a lot to Buddhism by building temples, creating statues and etc during his reign. Because of his effort, we are able to see this special form of Manjushri.
Any form of Manjushri is very beneficial for us because his practice is the direct antidote for our ignorance. The highest form of healing is the destruction of our ignorance which gives rise to all of our untold and innumerable sufferings from previous lifetimes and beyond.