Last Queen of Mongolia

Last Queen of Mongolia
Queen Genepil (1905-1938) the last queen of Mongolia. She was executed in May, 1938, shot as part of the systematic Stalinist destruction of Mongolian culture, in which a vast amount of the population were killed, including almost all the shamans and Buddhist lamas. Star Wars took inspiration of course.
From FB
Genepil, the last wife of the last Mongol Khan, is a woman shrouded in mystery yet one whose story has endured. She was queen consort for less than a year in 1924 but her story has captivated successive generations. At the debut of a film about the late queen her 70-year-old daughter Tserenkhand recalled the sudden disappearance of her mother as a child saying, “They took her away at night. She did not wake us, only left a piece of sugar on our pillows. I still remember the joy of a sudden discovery of that rare delicacy in the morning”. The 8th Jebtsundamba Khutughtu (also known as the Bogd Khan), married his first wife, the famous Ekh Dagina who was considered an emanation of the White Tara. Then after being with her until her death in 1923, it affected the ailing priest-monarch profoundly.
By that time the 8th Jebtsundamba Khutughtu was monarch in name only with the country effectively under the control of the communist front-men for the Soviet Union. He would have been content to live out his remaining days alone but felt obliged to take another wife. The court was especially insistent, given the situation, that the full image of the monarchy be maintained. The guardians of the 8th Jebtsundamba Khutughtu took it upon themselves to pick a new bride for their sovereign even if she was to be wife in name only. In the summer of 1923 they began searching Khalkha Mongolia for a suitable bride. They finally narrowed their options to 15 girls ranging in age from 18 to 20. Their choice was a beautiful 19-year-old girl from a noble family in northern Mongolia at Baldan Bereeven named Genepil. She had also recently been married herself but the courtiers took no notice of this. As well as the different social norms of the time and place it must also be kept in mind that everyone knew this would most likely be a very short marriage and done mostly for appearances.
Genepil was, as her daughter related, taken in the night and carried to the Khan Palace where she first learned of what was to be her fate. What she thought about the arrangement can only be guessed at but she certainly knew that the 8th Jebtsundamba Khutughtu was 53-years-old, almost blind, practically immobile and very sick and she was assured she would soon be allowed to return to her first husband. When it came down to it though, Genepil balked and formally asked to return to her parents home. This was in keeping with Mongolian custom and the 8th Jebtsundamba Khutughtu had no choice but to agree. So, after only a few months the ailing Khan was single again and Genepil was back in the tent of her parents. However, courtiers soon came to find her and appealed to her to return to the palace. Her country and her monarch needed her and she was prevailed upon to return.
Queen Genepil lived with the 8th Jebtsundamba Khutughtu until his death when the monarchy was abolished. She then returned to her family though it is unknown if she went back to her first husband or ever remarried. Sadly, with the Jebtsundamba Khutughtu gone, the communists were able to drop all pretences and instituted a vicious crackdown against all reminders of the old regime. Because of her former status Queen Genepil was targeted, arrested in 1937 and, along with her family, was executed in the purges of 1938. All that remained of her memory was a secret, forbidden song passed on to a historian by an old man who had been taught it by a former servant of the 8th Jebtsundamba Khutughtu, who taught it to him while the two were imprisoned by the communists.
Footnote: Queen Genepil’s original name was Tseyenpil, but was later changed to Genepil. She was killed when she was just 33 and sadly she was five months pregnant when she died. She was accused of colluding with Japanese forces together with her father and both were executed.

His Holiness the 8th Jebtsundamba Khutughtu (Bogd Khan) of Outer Mongolia. Click on image to enlarge or click here for more beautiful thangkas.
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More information on the picture. You should consider changing the attribution of the photo.
Fuck Stalin, Fuck Putin, Fuck Trump-who wishes he was them!!!
Fuck Biden…
Fuck you.
I’m wondering if the “colorized” photo of the Queen Genepil is in any way historically accurate in regards to the robes she is wearing. I suspect they would be brilliantly colored, no?
Em busca da tal música secreta ainda… Vim através do canal CASANDO VERBO
Carlos Aekson,
Welcome! Bem-vinda! 🙂
Pastor Jean Ai
please could someone tell me the name or lyrics of this secret song by Queen Genepil??
Já pesquisei até em mongol, mas nada ainda.
@Glauco d Santos and @Inscrito do Casando Verbo
If you ever find out what it is, please come back and let us know so the article can be updated accordingly! Thank you 🙂
Pastor Jean Ai
Thank you, Rinpoche and blog team for sharing the tragic story of the last Queen of the Mongol empire. This woman is forcefully taken away from her husband to be the wife in name only to the ruler at that time. She was young and at her prime of her time, but she had to be Queen to serve the people as their Queen.
Tragically, when she finally got her freedom, she was being targeted by the communist and perished alongside all the remnants of the previous ruler. She was even pregnant when she was executed.
Everything aside, it is interesting to know that the inspiration behind Queen Amidala’s costume in Star Wars movies is from traditional Mongolian Queen’s outfit.
The great Protector Manjushri Dorje Shugden depicted in the beautiful Mongolian style. I hope many Mongolians will print out this image and place in their houses to create an affinity with Dorje Shugden for greater blessings. To download a high resolution file:
The powerful Mongolian nation has a long history and connection with Manjushri Dorje Shugden, as expressed in the life of Venerable Choijin Lama, a State Oracle of Mongolia who took trance of Dorje Shugden among other Dharma Protectors. Read more about Choijin Lama:
How was Genepil’s daughter, named Tserenkhand who’s now 70 years old, spared death? Wasn’t Genepil’s entire family killed?
It is bad that Queen Genepil was killed when she was pregnant. And the pictures that were shown are beautiful! Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this interesting story and it is very good to learn about things that I’ve never gotten to learn at school.
Queen Genepil, the last queen of Mongolia and last wife of the last Mongol Khan. Interesting short biography of this Mongol queen. At age 33 in her 5 months pregnancy , she was executed with her father because of her involvement with the Japanese forces . Queen Genepil had in fact concealed many mystery and past secrets in the palace unknown to many. She looked pretty in the queen costumes with a beautiful head gear, just wondering if nowadays the Mongolian Queen wear this . We are considered fortunate able to see this rare costumes. Interesting history to read.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing.
This is very tragedy and cruel story. Queen Genepil have to leave her 1st husband and married to a king by name. At the end she have to be executed because of politic. Worst she was pregnant at that time.
It is very sad to read this article. To me, it show how samsara or karma can really turns against us and make our life so miserable. Queen Genepil is a pretty lady, normally people would think she is a queen and she have everything she want. But, her life turn to be so bitter and painful. How scary samsara could be.
Very interesting and sad ending with an unexpected marriage to a total stranger. Very rare photo of a Mongolian queen, first time i get to see a Mongolian queen in her costume. Very beautiful and eye catching costume. Thank you Rinpoche and blog team for sharing this very sad and interesting story ??
The last Lama-Ruler of Mongolia was 8th Jebtsundamba Khutughtu. He did not have a good ending as Mongolia ‘fell’. Read about him-
The costume design for Queen Amidala’s character in the Star Wars movie trilogy directed by George Lucas was inspired by traditional Mongol royal attire.