Mr. Paul Robeson inspires me to speak against injustice

Mr Paul Robeson was a singer, actor, athlete, social reformer, lawyer, a valedictorian of Rutgers college and the son of an escaped slave. He bravely spoke up against injustice.
Mr. Paul Robeson was such a talented and educated man. He was a singer, actor, athlete, social reformer, lawyer, a valedictorian of Rutgers college and the son of an escaped slave. But he was a black man during a time in America when blacks were heavily discriminated against and had no equality. He was an all-star athlete, studied law and was a talented performer, going against all odds during a time when blacks had very little opportunities. He could not practice law because clients did not want to be represented by a black man. So, he went into acting. He was very successful and used his international fame to fight for the rights of black Americans decades before the Civil Rights Movement, which eventually led to equality for blacks in America. His vocal fight for equality did not sit well with white America and their then leaders. Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy who infamously hunted for communists in America started an era known as ‘McCarthyism’. It was during this era that, in an effort to silence the brave Robeson, the US government smeared his name by accusing Robeson of being a communist. McCarthyism was an era of witch-hunting against communists; “McCarthyism is the practice in the United States of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence. The term refers to U.S. senator Joseph McCarthy and has its origins in the period in the United States known as the Second Red Scare, lasting from the late 1940s through the 1950s.” (Source: Wikipedia)
During the McCarthyism era in America, the US government sought out communists and sympathisers and blacklist them. People were blacklisted for many unconstitutional reasons. Hundreds of innocent people were ruined due to this witch-hunt. Many who were not communists had smear campaigns against them if they spoke out against what was happening, ending with them being jailed, ruining their careers and destroying their standing within the community. The US government tolerated no opposition against their rule at that time. Mr. Robeson spoke out against the heavy prejudice and inequality against blacks in America. For this he was branded a communist although he was not. Senator McCarthy unconstitutionally revoked Mr. Robeson’s passport. Heavy smear campaigns in the media saying he was a communist left him ostracised, his music was pulled from shelves and his celebrity appearances were cancelled. Undaunted, Robeson continued to make appearances across the globe when he could and continued to fight for justice and equality. His fight against injustice and inequality against black people negatively affected his career, family and life, but he was brave and never stopped.
On his gravestone there is an epitaph, “The artist must elect to fight for freedom or slavery. I have made my choice. I had no alternative”. It alludes to his philosophy, that he had to keep fighting until he died. That is very inspiring. Just as is written on his epitaph, he continued to fight for equality for black people until the end of his life.

Mr. Paul Robeson’s career and standing was ruined due to his fight for equality, but he was still not silenced.
Similarly, Dorje Shugden practitioners are segregated, ostracised and demonised simply based on their faith. Their freedom to choose a religion is taken away. They cannot attend Tibetan public schools in India, nor work in the government. Entrance into Tibetan hospitals denied. Identity cards carry marks of whether you are a Dorje Shugden follower or not. They are evicted from monasteries and villages. Signages in businesses have restrictions saying that Shugden practitioners cannot enter. Dorje Shugden practitioners of all social backgrounds, age, gender and religious orientations are branded as Chinese spies, losing their good standing in their communities. Real evidence of them being spies is never produced or presented. Those who stand up to this injustice are not be allowed to join mainstream Tibetan life, participate in any public and secular events or speeches by the Dalai Lama. They are publicly shamed within their Tibetan exile communities in India. Even families are encouraged to split, as has happened to my own family. I know this very well because it has happened to me.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama began this ban against Dorje Shugden followers in 1996 and following encouragement by him, his Tibetan government in-exile continued the ban till the present day. Those who oppose them have smear campaigns against them instigated on social media platforms, and this is paid by the Tibetan government in-exile themselves. Though the Tibetan government in-exile under the Dalai Lama claims to be democratic, no dissension against their views is allowed. Those who do speak up are branded as communist Chinese spies, similar to the witch-hunts of the McCarthy era. What the brave black Americans fought for is similar to Dorje Shugden followers today who are speaking out against this injustice.
I would respectfully ask His Holiness the Dalai Lama to lift the ban and allow full religious freedom. I wish for Dorje Shugden Tibetans to be allowed to integrate with mainstream Tibetans and be able to join in the secular events and speeches of Dalai Lama which is currently not allowed based on faith-based segregation and in their law. Please may no one be segregated due to their religious beliefs as Dorje Shugden Tibetans are today. Dorje Shugden followers have suffered segregation for over two decades now solely due to religious discrimination. I wish His Holiness the Dalai Lama good health and long life always. I wish we can all unite in spiritual harmony and friendship.
Tsem Rinpoche
Click here to learn more about Paul Robeson.
Please watch this very interesting short clip narrating Mr. Paul Robeson’s life.
Video Disclaimer: FAMOUS GRAVE TOUR – New York #4 on the youtube channel Hollywood Graveyard. Reproduced here for strictly educational purposes.
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Our beloved Guru, Kyabje Tsem Rinpoche also fought for the injustice of the ban and discrimination against Dorje Shugden lamas and practitioners all around the world, until his last breath and he still tells he wishes to return to continue Dorje Shugden’s work. This is my live stream video on this blog post which Rinpoche asked a few of us to do, to share our views as well >>>
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Paul Robeson is very inspiring because of his consistency, bravery and fearlessness in going against the American leaders at that time. He sacrificed his wealth and fame for his fight and that didn’t stop him from continuing. He used his talent, expertise and fame to bring attention to his fight and the rights that black American deserves. He feared no stigma and did not care if he had to risk his life for the equality everyone deserves. Because he didn’t fear any loss of his personal possession and success, nothing can stop him from fighting for the rights of Black Americans until he dies.
Robeson showed us by example no matter how difficult things are, we should never back down for what is right. His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche did exactly the same for the Dorje Shugden ban but more as His Eminence does not have the wealth and opportunities surrounded Robeson. Nevertheless, for all the help Dorje Shugden has compassionately given to His Eminence at dire and most needed times, and the continuous help from the World Peace Protector until today, His Eminence continuously fight the Dorje Shugden ban peacefully by educating the mass about the nature of Dorje Shugden and refute the wrong views conveniently imposed on Him by the Tibetan Leadership.
Paul Robeson and His Emience Tsem Rinpoche are the examples we should follow in order to lead a beneficial and meaningful life. Otherwise, our lives are wasted for nothing.
Mr. Robeson was a famous entertainer, he used his fame to fight for equality for his community. Because of how out-spoken he was, he was accused to be a communist and was blacklisted. But he did not back off. His career and family was negatively affected but he was not afraid. It is amazing that such an intelligent, talented, and educated man like Paul Robeson had no client as a lawyer because he was an African American. Luckily, opportunities abound and he established himself through starring on Broadway’s Othello, as well as gaining fame through Show Boat. However, he was ostracised for his political views and denied a passport because the State Department didn’t want him to air his “criticism of the treatment of the blacks in the United States” in foreign countries. Mr. Robeson life story is inspiring because although he had a comfortable existence and a successful career, he did not hesitate to use his celebrity status to promote the cause that is dear to his heart, equality for the minorities. Thank you very much Rinpoche and blog team for sharing such an inspiring and encouraging story of Mr. Robeson ??????
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing with us the story of Mr. Paul Robeson. He was very brave and inspiring. Living in an era where black people were discriminated against and didn’t have equality, he bravely spoke up and stood up to fight for it.
Mr. Robeson was a famous entertainer, he used his fame to fight for equality for his community. Because of how out-spoken he was, he was accused to be a communist and was blacklisted. But he did not back off. His career and family was negatively affected but he was not afraid.
Mr. Robeson could have enjoyed a very good and comfortable life with his fame and money. But when he saw how his community suffered just like how he had, he knew it was unfair and had to do something. He went all the way out to fight for it. He sacrificed his comfort to do something good for his community which most people would not do. Nothing great will happen if we choose to stay in our comfort zone.
Mr. Paul Robeson is very inspiring in that he dared to speak up for equal rights as an African American, especially during a time when “blacks” are segregated in many ways, including different facilities from the whites. The blacks were called “Negros” or “Nigers” and strongly prejudiced against. Robeson actually had a very “privileged” life as he had the opportunities to attend one of the top University, Columbia University, worked in a law firm, gained fame in his singing and acting career, where he had even played the lead role of Othello. Yet, his strong sense of justice for his people who suffered the social inequalities had him courageously speaking up despite his family, career and life being affected negatively. He even fell victim to McCarthyism and had his passport revoked unconstitutionally. With the video documentary that introduced his grave, it showed that he left a legacy, etched into the history of America.
In comparison, the Dorje Shugden ban is also an infringement on the rights of people in their choice of religious practice. Such discrimination, persecution and segregation of Dorje Shugden Lamas and practitioners are against democracy which the Tibetan leaders proclaimed themselves to be. Even Devil worshipping is legal and allowed in democratic countries, where freedom of religious choice is practiced. It really shows how undemocratic the Tibetan leaders are in their discrimination against Dorje Shugden. There are signs on stores, governmental buildings (even hospitals) and places of worship which forbade entrance to Dorje Shugden practitioners. They are also forbidden to attend the Dalai Lama’s teachings. It’s like Huh! Isn’t the Dalai Lama the Nobel Laureate Prize winner for his “compassion”? So why is he creating so much suffering for his own people?? Even if there is a difference in religious belief, public places should never be banned for people discriminated against as it is against basic human rights. In war, a doctor will not refuse treatment to one, even if he was the enemy.
It is sad to see our Guru experiencing the same as Paul Robeson in his stance against the injustice of discrimination and persecution. Rinpoche had suffered so much from the illogical ban against Dorje Shugden practice and yet stood firm in truth and humbleness for the survival of our precious lineage Masters and practices. Rinpoche had always been polite and respectful towards the Dalai Lama in his request for lifting of the unconstitutional ban and to restore the unity of Tibetans and practitioners. Rinpoche had always told us, his students to be respectful to the Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama may have his fame but my Guru is the one who compassionately gave me the Dharma and cares to guide me in my path to freedom. As such, my loyalty is to my Guru and I will abide in not being rude to one who caused so much sufferings to practitioners, due to misuse of an enlightened being to divert attention from their failures of promises to their people.
Thank you, Rinpoche for always sharing inspiring stories with us and for being a living inspiration to us.
It is amazing that such an intelligent, talented, and educated man like Paul Robeson had no client as a lawyer because he was an African American. Luckily, opportunities abound and he established himself through starring on Broadway’s Othello, as well as gaining fame through Show Boat. However, he was ostracised for his political views and denied a passport because the State Department didn’t want him to air his “criticism of the treatment of the blacks in the United States” in foreign countries.
This is exactly like what the Central Tibetan Administration is doing to Dorje Shugden practitioners. They published a hitlist of those who dare to speak up and ask for equal rights for Dorje Shugden practitioners. Already, Dorje Shugden practitioners are not allowed to work in the public service of the Central Tibetan Administration, and staff were forced to resigned because of their religious belief of Dorje Shugden. Many Tibetan monk-scholars were denied travel documents and could not go overseas to teach Buddhism in their effort to preserve or promote Tibetan culture/ Tibetan Buddhism, while the Central Tibetan Administration appeal for funds from around the world for such a cause.
There’s no McCarthyism for Tibetans in exile, but a similar tactic was employed. Dorje Shugden practitioners are branded as Chinese spies so that they lose their good standing, and this is a method to ensure that they are ostracised and despised by the Tibetan community, seen as traitors to the Tibetan cause and His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The Central Tibetan Administration then made it worse by actually publishing a resolution that labelled Dorje Shugden practitioners as “criminals in history” on March 17, 2014. That is why many Tibetans and Tibetan Buddhists chose to keep quiet, and until now, dare not speak up. H.E. Tsem Rinpoche is one of the very few, just like Paul Robe, who had made a choice and “had no alternative”, empathising with the suffering of Dorje Shugden practitioners, especially those who live in exile, directly under the Central Tibetan Administration.
What is admirable about Paul Robeson and people who choose to fight till the end is their courage to risk everything – their good standing, their fame, their family ties and more because they believe in justice, that something must be done to right the wrong, and if they don’t do anything, then perhaps no one would. They could have kept quiet, but they did not, and because of that, they had to face the consequences. For Paul Robe, despite his immense popularity, he was blacklisted from domestic concert venues, recording labels and film studios and suffered financially. For H.E. Tsem Rinpoche, Rinpoche was labelled as anti-Dalai Lama and even received death threats. I learnt that we cannot take things for granted, for even to have equal rights, so many people had to suffer and those who are brave had to sacrifice so much to create awareness about the inequality and the suffering of people who are the victims, and to continue to strive to champion their cause.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing about Paul Robeson, and also for championing the rights of Dorje Shugden practitioners to have religious freedom. It is because of people like Paul Robeson and Rinpoche that remind the wider public of the fact that someone has to speak up and persist in order for change to happen.
Thank you, Rinpoche and the blog team for sharing with us the story of an African American activist, Mr Paul Robeson who put everything that he owns on the line to fight for the equality of the blacks in America during his time. It is very inspiring because of what he fought for, he was being discriminated against and his life, family and career was affected. His courage is the most admired part which is fearless despite the norm of the society back then which was against him.
There is a similarity between Rinpoche and Paul Roberson. Rinpoche sacrificed everything just to fight for the freedom of all Dorje Shugden practitioners to practise the religion that we want without discrimination. Rinpoche had to forgo alot of things in Rinpoche’s life, in order to be vocal about the inequality that Dorje Shugden people suffers. If Rinpoche had chosen to stop practising Dorje Shugden, Rinpoche would be much more famous, accepted and welcomed by everyone and anywhere else.
In my opinion, Rinpoche is even more courageous than Paul Robeson because Rinpoche is disagreeing with an entire government which governs 100,000 Tibetan in exile with donations in millions each year. On the other hand, His Holiness the Dalai Lama is a powerful figure and a Nobel prize winner which add on to the difficulty of fighting for the religious rights of Dorje Shugden practitioners. Rinpoche is setting an example of never to give up and keep trying no matter how minuscule the chance for us to win the fight.
I believe this is what Rinpoche wanted us to learn from this great man and to be inspired by his story.
Dear Rinpoche
Thank you for sharing this information about Paul Robeson. Prior to reading this post, I have never heard of this forgotten hero. During his lifetime, Mr. Robeson was blessed with plenty of opportunities. He had a good education and was a successful athlete and performer.
Mr. Robeson life story was inspiring because although he had a comfortable existence and a successful career, he did not hesitate to use his celebrity status to promote the cause that is dear to his heart, equality for the minorities. He was true to his cause despite experiencing setbacks in his career due to his activism.
Reading Mr. Robeson’s story reminds me of my teacher H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche who continues to fight for the rights of Dorje Shugden practitioners despite experiencing many challenges.
“I must keep fighting until I’m dying”Mr Paul Robeson… this was what Mr Paul Robeson made a pledge to do and he did just so. He used his popularity, his celebrity status and his voice to fight for freedom and the slavery issues faced in America. I feel like Rinpoche is like Robeson who has chosen to fight for the freedom of Dorje Shugden practitioners who are being ostracised and discriminated due to the horrible injustice ban. And Rinpoche has been ostracised and called all kinds of names, accused of being a Chinese spy and basically have Rinpoche’s reputation ruined by the Tibetan government who claims to be democratic, but there is nothing democratic about their laws and ruling.
The oppression that the blacks had to go through is similar to what Dorje Shugden practitioners have to go through, and Rinpoche seems to be the only voice out here at the moment speaking out about. I know other Lamas say they fight the ban in a different way, but Rinpoche’s way is to be the voice for all those who suffer dues to the ban. In this way not only does Rinpoche fight for the freedom of all Shugden practitioners, but Rinpoche is also spreading and educating the world or those who have the merit to find out more about Dorje Shugden.
Hence, in this way, Rinpoche is preserving and spreading the lineage. Ultimately, Rinpoche is spreading Lama Tsongkhapa’s teachings because Dorje Shugden will bless and benefit all those who call for his help to practice the Dharma. One way or another, this is what I think Rinpoche is working hand in hand with Dorje Shugden to do – to save people from the three lower realms.
Therefore, being the voice for Shugden practitioners and to peacefully fighting to release the ban on Shugden practitioners is extremely important and we need to support Rinpoche on this. Hence, this is why we need to do our best and never give up this fight until the day we die as this brings purpose in our life. On a lower scope, it helps us collect merits and eventually save ourselves from the three lower realms.
Paul Robeson the son of a former slave turned preacher. He was a man of muilti-talent been a singer, a 20th-century actor, activist who blended athletics, artistry and humanitarianism into an inspiring legacy. He became famous both for his cultural accomplishments and for his political activism. Been a black man he has inspired many people due to his struggle for the rights of black Americans decades before the Civil Rights Movement. He continued to fight for justice and equality for the black people even though he was branded as a communist in America until the end of his life. Wow…..on his gravestone a phrase written in memory of him as “The artist must elect to fight for freedom or slavery. I have made my choice. I had no alternative” paints a thousand words of his struggle.
The Dorje Shugden controversy has a lot of similarity with the denied freedom to choose what the practitioner like to prayer . The Dorje Shugden practitioners are segregated all times, medical services denied, families torn apart and so forth. They have suffered badly under the Tibetan leardership for over decades since the ban on dorje Shugden.
May H H Dalai Lama lift the ban soon and allow religious freedom.
Thank you Rinpoche for this inspiring post.
thank you rinooche for sharing this story. we should really speak against injustice. we should be treated equally too.