My mother’s White Tara
My adoptive mother, Dana Bugayeff, had an image of White Tara that was extremely special and precious. It had once belonged to the previous Telo Rinpoche (1883 – April 7, 1965), who was known to be a reincarnation of the Mahasiddha Tilopa, the famed teacher of the Mahasiddha Naropa. The previous Telo Rinpoche had lived in Mongolia and during the Communist upheaval in his country, he was imprisoned along with many other monks and religious figures. Telo Rinpoche prayed to this image of White Tara, which he had with him and in the middle of the night, his cell doors miraculously swung open and he was able to just walk out. Later, with the help of some American scientists, he escaped and travelled to the United States where he connected with the Mongolian-Kalmyk community there, which included my parents.
This turned out to be a fortunate meeting because later, my mother became extremely ill and fell into a coma. My mom was in such a bad way and her vitals were falling so fast that the doctors told her sisters, who are my aunts, to start making preparations for her passing. Beside themselves with worry, her family invited the previous Telo Rinpoche to pray for her. Placing this sacred image of White Tara on the headboard of my mom’s bed, just behind her head, Telo Rinpoche engaged in holy rituals to the goddess and the next morning, to the amazement of the doctors and everyone around her, my mom woke from her coma.

Left: White Tara image which belonged to my mom that she treasured dearly. This is the image that was behind her head when she was in a coma in the hospital. It was placed there by the previous Telo Rinpoche. Right: My painting of the same image. Click to enlarge.
The episode converted my adoptive dad Boris to Buddhism from being more of an atheist and since that time, my mom kept Telo Rinpoche’s White Tara image on her altar, making frequent offerings and prayers to the image. My mom always said that the image was very powerful and sacred and whenever she was sick, she would hold it. She always kept this precious White Tara near her. As a child, I loved drawing Buddha images so I was fiercely admonished when I duplicated this image because my mom believed that by copying it, the blessings of the original would somehow diminish or reduce. This is not true of course, but she still believed it and was quite, quite upset when I copied it. Later, I discovered that even though she had reprimanded me for the act, privately she had admired the accuracy of the artwork and set my White Tara drawing on her bedroom bureau and kept it there. I was very happy to hear this.
Tsem Rinpoche
This is not the only miraculous story associated with White Tara. In 2012, a White Tara statue in Surabaya, Indonesia showed some miraculous signs as well:
I love these creative depictions of White Tara. It seems many others love White Tara too:
Some White Tara images for free download
I created these images together with my students to make it easier for people to connect with White Tara. I want everyone to be able to experience the benefits and results of her practice. If you would like to see more high resolution Buddha images, please click here.
Diluwa Khutugtu Jamsrangjab

The previous Telo Rinpoche (also known as Diluwa Khutugtu). This grand lama saved my adoptive mother’s life by blessing her with the practice of White Tara when she was in a coma.
Diluwa Khutugtu Jamsrangjab (Mongolian: Дилав Хутагт Жамсанжав, 1883 – 7 April 1965) was Mongolian Khutugtu, a Tibetan Buddhist tulku, politician and Mongolian-American scholar. Jamsrangjab was a Durved-Mongolian. His autobiography was published in English.
When Jamsrangjab was born to commoners, Bashlu and Gimbeles, in Zagdsambar of Zasagt Khan (in modern Zavkhan Province), there spread mysterious but amazing tales about his birth. At his age of 5, Bogd Khan declared Jamsrangjab to be the after-life of the late Diluwa. Jamsrangjab with his parents moved to the capital city Niislel Khuree. He studied the philosophy of Buddhism so hard that he was awarded religious dignities at the age of 7 and 21.
In 1916 the Diluwa Khutugtu was sent to the south-eastern frontier of Bogd Khaanate Mongolia with the Mongolian general, Khatanbaatar Magsarjav to ease the conflict between the Mongols and the Republic of China.
Diluwa Khutugtu Jamsrangjab was arrested in 1930 due to the accusation that he was linked with the so-called anti-communist leader, Eregdendagva. He was freed later after he didn’t accept the trial. On 26 February 1931, the Diluwa Khutugtu was fled to China. After he had gone, false rumours about him spread among people. At the time, he didn’t know he would never come back to his homeland again.

The previous Telo Rinpoche with Owen Lattimore, the scientist who helped him come over to America. It was in America where he later joined the Mongol-Kalmyk community and established a temple.
After he came to the United States in 1949 with the assistance of Owen Lattimore and fellow professors, Jamsranjab worked at the Johns Hopkins University. There he joined American-British professor Owen Lattimore’s the Mongolia Project. In New Jersey, he founded a Monastery with Kalmyk American lamas in 1950-1952. He was elected the chief lama of the Monastery there. When he was in the USA, he still worked for the international recognition of Mongolian independence.
He influenced Chan Kai Shek to declare “Mongolia can be a member of the United Nations like other independent nations” in 1960. On 7 April 1965, the last Mongolian Khutugtu, Jamsrangjab, died at the age of 82 in New York City. In 1990, the supreme court of Mongolia proved his innocence and abolished all decrees that accused him of false political crimes.

Myself (standing, right) with the current Telo Rinpoche (standing, left) and His Holiness Khutughtu Khalkha Jetsun Dampa (seated). All three of us are Mongolian lamas. The photograph was taken in Gaden Monastery, in South India when I had the great honour to have His Holiness, the Supreme Spiritual Head of the Mongolian Buddhists in Mongolia, visit my house. The current Telo Rinpoche is actually my cousin, and the Spiritual Head of the Kalymk Republic in Russia.
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Very beautiful and touching story of how the sacred image of White Tara blessed and healed Rinpoche’s mother from her illness given by Telo Rinpoche who also performed prayer of the goddess White Tara for her recovery from coma. And thank you very much Rinpoche and blog team for sharing a very interesting write up on Telo Rinpoche. ?????☘️
我个人非常喜欢这幅白度母小唐卡的故事。 也是仁波切小时候见证佛法奇迹的时候。
前世Telo Rinpoche 在战乱时期被关在监牢, 透过向这幅白度母小唐卡祈愿, 监狱的门竟然自动打开, 让Telo Rinpoche在完全没有人察觉下离开监狱。
而仁波切的母亲在昏迷中,且被断定为救不活的情况下竟然因为Telo Rinpoche 把这张唐卡放在仁波切母亲头上祈愿而奇迹般痊愈了。
度母也被称为救八难度母, 其中一难就是牢狱之难。 而白度母也是长寿佛, 让仁波切母亲度过生命危险。
谢谢仁波切让我们知道这些故事, 让我们对度母信心大增。
Wow …..there is a story behind the original White Tara image which belonged to Rinpoche’s adoptive mother, Dana Bugayeff. It precious indeed which belong to Telo Rinpoche a reincarnation of the Mahasiddha Tilopa. Interesting story of how he escaped in a locked cell and later travelled to the United States. Having meet Rinpoche ‘s mother and miraculously helped her to recover at one time. Telo Rinpoche did engaged in holy rituals and soon Rinpoche’s mother got well. This is one of the many miraculous stories associated with White Tara.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
Dear Rinpoche,
In Rinpoche’s drawing, the head of Buddha White Tara was slightly tilted to the left looking upwards but other than that, the drawing is exactly the same. Looks like Buddha White Tara ( by Telo Rinpoche) was hand drawn as well and it’s so powerful that it dispelled the sickness of Your mum at that time.
Rinpoche really have a strong connection with Telo Rinpoche (previous life of Mahassidha Tilopa) & White Tara. That’s how enlightened beings benefit others in so many lifetimes through these unbroken sacred relationships.
Among the Taras, White Tara was my first Tara that I propitiated. I am drawn to Her white radiance body feature that has a calming effect, smilling brightly always. At first, it was a mantra accumulation project in dedication for Rinpoche’s long life at that time. Later, I continue to chant her praises and the mantra whenever I can, almost everyday till now. I hope Rinpoche will have a long life? too