Practicing Tantric Buddhas without initiation or commitment

Shri Heruka Chakrasamvara. Click on picture to download high resolution file. Or click here for more beautiful thangka images for download.
Question: Hello everyone! Is there a way we can pray or practice Shri Heruka Chakrasamvara without an initiation?
Regarding the worship of Heruka Chakrasamvara without initiation, formal transmission, oral transmission (lung) or formal permission, you can:

Pabongka Rinpoche’s personal Heruka statue in Tibet. It is highly blessed. Click here to read more.
- Make prostrations to him daily accumulating 100k or more. Engage in preliminary practices.
- You can make mandala offerings to him daily.
- You can recite OM MANI PEME HUNG to him as he is an emanation of Chenresig.
- You can light incense to him daily.
- You can offer light to him daily.
- You can recite the KING OF PRAYERS directed to Heruka daily. Everything in the King Of Prayers, you request Heruka to bless you to accomplish. Since Heruka is a Buddha then by requesting and reciting the prayers, we plant powerful imprints in our mind as well as generate spiritual merits.
- You can focus on him standing on your head, the size of your thumb, full of brilliant light every day and visualise powerful healing lights (blue in colour) covering your body as you recite OM MANI PEME HUNG and removing your negative karma and imprints. At the same time blessing you with wisdom, compassion and protection. And believe this is happening. The lights envelop you and represent his wisdom, protection, love, compassion and attainments. He blesses you strongly and completely daily with this meditation.
- You can make water offerings daily. Make as much as possible.
- You can take layman’s precepts and hold vows on auspicious days in front of Heruka. Resolve to hold the vows for the length of time you promise to Heruka and dedicate the merits to the achievement of enlightenment. Dedicate to ascending to Kechara paradise the holy abode of Heruka.
- You can take vegetarian vows in front of Heruka and dedicate that all animals never get beaten, hurt, tied up or killed anymore.
- You can do tonglen practice and use Heruka as the object you pray to for success in this powerful practice. Do research online to tonglen as it is found in many websites these days.
- Ask for blessings from Heruka to comprehend the dharma and whenever you are free, engage in readings of Lam Rim in front of your Heruka image or any other dharma book reading. Very good to do reading of Dharma in front of your shrine as you will be blessed by Heruka or any Buddha.
Those listed above and many other things can be done to practice Heruka Chakrasamvara without initiation, oral transmission (lung) and formal permission and collect tremendous merits. For now the 12 items listed will suffice and anyone can do them anywhere. You can do the above focusing on Heruka solely if you feel a connection with him. In this way we make a powerful connection to Heruka or any other tantric deity without taking initiation or holding on to the extended tantric vows and commitments. You do not need a guru for this and there is no danger. You are not breaking any tantric codes either.
In fact, you can do this with any tantric deity without initiation, formal oral transmission (lung) and formal permission such as Kalachakra, Hevajra, Vajra Yogini, Cittamani Tara, Yamantaka, Guhyasamaja and so on. Even without tantric initiation by doing the above, you can make a stronger connection to these Buddhas, collect merits, purify karma and create the causes to gain wisdom. Since OM MANI PEME HUNG is the mantra of great compassion of all the Buddhas, you can use this mantra while meditating on any of the deities. It is perfectly acceptable and filled with blessings. Again, you do not need a guru for this and there is no danger. You are not breaking any tantric codes either.
You can print out a picture of Heruka, obtain a statue and or tsatsa and put on your shrine as an object of focus on Heruka or any Buddha you are attracted to. Click here to see free images of Heruka and many other Buddhas that you can print out for your shrine. The above 12 methods to practice a Tantric Buddha or any Buddha will bring great benefits. Good luck to you!
I hope this short advice helps,
Tsem Rinpoche
For further information on how to practice any tantric deity without needing initiation please click here to learn more.

Eye of Heruka that spontaneously arose from stone in His Holiness Pabongka Rinpoche’s retreat cave in Tibet. People offered gold and paint onto eye to collect merit. Click here to read more about Heruka’s Eye.

His Holiness Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche Jetsun Dechen Nyingpo who was the root guru of His Holiness Kyabje Ling Rinpoche and His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. Both Ling Rinpoche and Trijang Rinpoche are the root gurus (tutors) of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. Click here to read more about Pabongka Rinpoche.
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Thank you Rinpoche for Your advice on how we can connect to Heruka without initiation. One of the precious advices that Rinpoche have left us with so that we can progress further..
I hope many can connect with this powerful Yidam Heruka, our Lama. As mentioned by Pastor Jean Ai, Rinpoche is one with Heruka and hence, we welcome You home soonest.
Thank you Rinpoche for this information as this information would help those who are lack of time to really sit down and pray
Thank you, Rinpoche, for this important sharing. Those who are aspired to be bestowed with tantric iniatitions can start with this and plant the seed for the initiation soon.
相信在这个资讯发达的时代, 很多人都听闻过佛教密续、密法之类的佛教法门。 不过想深入了解的时候却无法找到更详细的资料呢?
那是因为在佛教中, 密续属于不共法门, 不可公开宣说。 一位合格的上师只会传授密续给已经准备好了的学生。而且在得到密续灌顶后是有一定的戒律、仪轨需要进行, 并不是所有人可以做到这些需求。 那么是不是我们在有资格修习密续之前是无法修行这些法门呢?
仁波切就在这篇文章分享我们可以如何在得到灌顶之前简单与密续本尊胜乐金刚结缘,并累积功德、净化我们的业障。 而且如果您有其他特别喜欢的密续本尊也可以做以下的修持。
Wonderful …..we could practice Tantric practice without initiations. A useful guild line for us and its filled with blessing. With this practice we could make a stronger connection , collect merits, purify karma and create the causes to gain wisdom.
Thank you Rinpoche for this teachings which will benefit all of us.
Tantra practice is for those who have realization of the three principal paths or are actively practicing the three principal paths although they have only understanding on intellectual level. Grounded by the preliminary practices, one’s mind will be more stable and qualify to receive higher tantra practices and teachings.
Enlightenment is difficult, but samsara is even harder. We have to thank Rinpoche showing us how to practice tantric deities without initiation. The list of practices is ours to do homework and ground work to stabilized our mind and prepare us to be able to keep up with commitments. It is crucial to take initiation seriously, fulfill the commitments and we shall gain attainment and ultimately enlightenment.
Thank you rinpoche for sharing this practice. Hope that many more will practice dharma and be blessed
Thank you very much Rinpoche for sharing how everyone can practice Tantric Buddhas without initiation or commitment . Such a wonderful and blessed news to benefit so many practitioners ?????
Thank you so much Your Eminence. This short teaching provided us clear directions to practice any tantric detity without initiation and no fear of breaking any codes.
Humbly yours
Lum Kok Luen
How wonderful. Thank you Rinpoche for a list of things to be done to develop better affinity with the higher Tantric Deitites!
This is perfect for those with higher tantric aspirations. Very useful and comprehensive list which I will definitely refer to again and again. Thank you. ?
thank you rinpoche
This is just what many of us need. A potent Tantric practice without initiations. Thank you, Rinpoche and blog team for this post. Very useful list of practices for us to engage in order to connect with Tantric Buddhas so that we may get initiations in the near future.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this information. Many people will find it beneficial and useful. ?