Rinpoche Through My Eyes – A Being From Another Dimension

An artist’s impression of an Orang Minyak or ‘oily man’, a creature from Malay folklore.
By KIMSIANG (https://kimsiang.artstation.com/).
Joy has been a student of His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche for over 15 years. Through the years, Joy has witnessed Rinpoche’s compassion and the unconventional methods he uses to benefit others. Some of the short stories she shares will tell interesting miraculous events that Rinpoche will not mention due to his humility. She hopes these stories will serve as an inspiration in your own spiritual journey.
Rinpoche Through My Eyes – A Being From Another Dimension
A while back, I had a bizarre experience. It was so strange that I remember it to this day. At the time, I was not preparing to become a nun and I lived with my partner, my late husband, Justin Ripley. It happened one fine day when we were sleeping. Well… at least I was sound asleep because I did not realise anything had happened until the next day. After I woke up, Justin asked me if I realised that he struggled with something in the middle of the night. I replied that I had absolutely no idea. That is when he told me that while he was sleeping, he was being pulled about by something or someone. Apparently, something held him by the legs and tried to pull him out of the window, like it wanted to kill Justin by throwing him out of the window. Since we lived in a condominium 20 storeys up, being thrown out of the window definitely would have ended badly. I did also think to myself, “Duh! The window is too small for Justin to be pulled through.”
Strangely however, I really did not hear or feel anything when I was sleeping. I was not even aware that Justin went through such a traumatic experience. I guess this is proof that if you do not have the karma to be haunted or tormented by spirits or unseen entities, you really will not feel, hear or see anything. It is either that or I was too deep in sleep, in my own dreamland.
Either way, the entire experience freaked me out. How could I not know that Justin, who was next to me the whole night, struggled with such an experience? It is scary, to say the least. But Justin decided to play down the incident and suggested it was just a crazy nightmare. To calm our nerves after the mysterious event, we decided to forget about it and get on with what we needed to do for that day. So we went and dropped by Kechara Paradise (KP), Tsem Rinpoche’s first Dharma outlet in SS2, a suburb of Kuala Lumpur. I was volunteering there, helping them to paint Buddha statues.
Rinpoche also arrived not long after we did, and we felt so happy and blessed to see him. The next thing I knew, Rinpoche asked Justin point-blank if he had recently experienced something unusual. Perhaps it was an unexplained disturbance of some sort, something that seemed like it wanted to harm him. Justin replied ‘yes’, and Rinpoche immediately gave instructions to his assistants to prepare his ritual items.
Rinpoche must have had a premonition about what happened to Justin. That is why Rinpoche probably came to KP to do a protection ritual for him. Everyone else present also received this incredible protective blessing too. As Rinpoche would say, it was our “lucky day.”
But before performing the ritual, Rinpoche acknowledged Justin’s experience, saying that what Justin felt was real. It was not a dream because Justin was fully awake when it happened; Rinpoche explained that a malevolent being from another dimension came to disturb him. It wanted to harm Justin, to take his life. It was not a spirit; Rinpoche described what the being looked like and asked Justin if his description was correct. Justin told Rinpoche that he was spot on.
Rinpoche described the being as having long hair up to his shoulder. It looked wet and it did not have a face. His arms were long and his body was black. When Rinpoche described him, it immediately reminded me of Orang Minyak or ‘oily man’ that I used to hear about from Malay folklore. Orang Minyak is a supernatural being coated in shiny black grease who is known to abduct young women during the night. Although Justin was definitely not a woman, it is very possible that the being might have mistaken him as one since he had dreadlocks at the time.
According to Rinpoche, it is naïve of us to assume we are the only living entities in our gigantic universe. There are many different worlds and different dimensions out there. Thinking about it, I guess that Justin had some strong owing karma with this particular being, perhaps from a different life. Over the years, I have seen Rinpoche help people who have spirits follow them lifetime after lifetime, for thousands of years, to seek revenge for a particular wrong. In Justin’s case, Rinpoche did not tell us why the being wanted to harm Justin, probably so it did not scare us.
Rinpoche then performed the special protection blessing for Justin. It is a tantric ritual known as Vajra Yogini gakko. During the gakko ritual, a qualified tantric master or practitioner invokes the supreme Buddha Vajra Yogini and her entourage of dakinis (enlightened female assistants) to protect us by guarding the various chakras in our body.
Chakras are points where psychic energies converge in our bodies. They can also be openings, like doorways, and harmful elements can enter us at these points. When such elements enter us, they can influence and possess us. Therefore the gakko ritual helps to close these ‘doors’ and to request Vajra Yogini and her dakinis to stand guard at each point; as Rinpoche conducted the ritual, he placed his vajra on specific points on our body where the chakras are. After the ceremony was complete, he explained that in doing so, he had placed the dakinis there in our bodies.
How did Rinpoche know about Justin’s scary encounter, and how did he know we were in KP? None of us mentioned it to Rinpoche. No one else knew about the incident besides Justin and me, and we had not told anyone. To me, this was a clear indication of Rinpoche’s clairvoyant ability although it was not something that Rinpoche would have ever admitted. In our lineage, the practice of humility is a key focus, not supernatural powers. Maybe that is what makes great tantric masters really attained; they never boast of their abilities yet selflessly help you if you genuinely need assistance.

Rinpoche, Justin and myself. This photo was taken during one of the teachings held in the early days of Kechara House.
That was my first experience of receiving a Vajra Yogini gakko. Rinpoche explained that the dakinis were with us from that day on, guarding and protecting us, and we had nothing to fear from then on. Sure enough, Justin never experienced another disturbance after that. We are indeed very blessed to have had a guru like His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche to protect us. Even though Rinpoche is not physically with us anymore, I sense that he is still all around us, watching and protecting us all the more so now.
The most significant protection any of us can really have is faith and devotion to our guru, in the teachings and the advice that Rinpoche gave us to transform our minds. Because ultimately, we are our own protection from negative karma, when we change for the better.
For more interesting information:
- Rinpoche Through My Eyes – Looking for That Switch!
- Rinpoche Through My Eyes – Taboo Words
- Rinpoche Through My Eyes – Cooking For Rinpoche
- Rinpoche Through My Eyes – Vajra Yogini or Anger?
- Rinpoche Through My Eyes – The Assignment
- Rinpoche Through My Eyes – Change Karma
- Rinpoche Through My Eyes – Creating The Causes
- Rinpoche Through My Eyes – Buddha Images and Imprints
- Rinpoche Through My Eyes – Food and Dharma
- Rinpoche Through My Eyes – Spreading Dharma in Jonker Street
- Rinpoche Through My Eyes – What’s the New News?
- Rinpoche Through My Eyes – Mission Impossible
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