Rinpoche Through My Eyes – Buddha Images and Imprints

Left: White Tara image which belonged to Kyabje Tsem Rinpoche’s mom that she treasured dearly. Right: Rinpoche’s painting of the same image. Click on image to enlarge.
Joy has been a student of His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche for over 15 years. Through the years, Joy has witnessed Rinpoche’s compassion and the unconventional methods he uses to benefit others. Some of the short stories she shares will tell interesting miraculous events that Rinpoche will not mention due to his humility. She hopes these stories will serve as an inspiration in your own spiritual journey.
Rinpoche Through My Eyes – Buddha Images and Imprints
There are many ways that Tsem Rinpoche helped open up imprints in people’s mind. One of Rinpoche’s special ways of doing this was by giving a person a Buddha image, be it a poster, thangka or a statue. The question is, how can giving a Buddha image trigger an imprint to open up? And if we were the recipient, how do we know it opened up an imprint in us? There are many countless ways this can happen, but let me share with you my story as one example.
It all started when I met Rinpoche for the very first time. I was invited by my sister to join her and some “friends” for dinner. It was supposed to be casual and nothing out of the ordinary. I waited for my sister to pick me up and when she arrived, she swerved dangerously into the next lane, almost hitting another car. Shocked, I started telling her how dangerous she was when I got into the car, all without realising that there was someone in the front passenger seat. My sister’s friend quickly and quietly indicated to me that there was someone in the front seat and to my surprised, it was Rinpoche!
When we arrived at the restaurant, the moment we all stepped out of the car, I was warmly greeted by a very lively 6-foot-plus tall Buddhist monk in deep maroon robes. Rinpoche spoke in perfect English with an American accent. I was flabbergasted, as I had never met a monk before, let alone one this big, friendly and loud. Rinpoche cracked a joke to break the ice about how he went everywhere wearing 8 meters of maroon cloth, despite the hot Malaysian weather.
Everything about Rinpoche was so animated and captivating. He was the first monk I met and broke my concept that monks are quiet, distant and somewhat sombre. I was even suspicious that my sister was actually playing a joke on me and that Rinpoche was probably another comedian friend of hers! Of course, later I was told that Rinpoche was a real Tibetan monk. Throughout dinner, Rinpoche cracked joke after joke about everyone around him and shared many stories about his past, about when he was in L.A. and about how he had the opportunity to be a Hollywood actor but choose to be a monk instead.

This is my first Buddha image given by my dearest Lama, Kyabje Tsem Rinpoche that must have opened up some imprints in me which led me to reconnect with Rinpoche and the Dharma in this life. Click on image to enlarge.
As it was getting late and the day after was another workday, I signalled my sister to call it a night. Before I knew it, Rinpoche pointed at me and started telling me about my problems and the many things I was unhappy about in life. I was stunned that Rinpoche knew what I was going through and my problems. It was then that Rinpoche introduced me to the Buddha Tara.
All kinds of thoughts went through my mind. At first, I started rejecting whatever Rinpoche was saying and in my mind, I had all kinds of doubts and questions. I thought, “Who is this Tara?” I was not interested because I was of the Christian faith, so I thought. Rinpoche spoke right back at me, answering every question that popped up in my head which shocked me. It was as if he was reading my mind! I knew at that time that Rinpoche was not an ordinary person or ordinary monk. Rinpoche was a special being.
Rinpoche comforted me, saying I had nothing to fear because Tara was like Mother Mary and that enlightened beings can manifest in many forms to suit different people at different times. That immediately calmed my mind down and I began to open up more to listen to what Rinpoche was trying to convey to me.
It was all very strange as I did not know anything about Tibetan Buddhism. Rinpoche very skilfully explained to me about Tara, her form, colour, how she looked and what she does. He then asked my sister’s friend to pass me a picture of Tara later when we got home. Rinpoche said I did not need to do anything except keep her picture with me.
As we were driving home, I felt excited and eager to receive this image of Tara. When I was finally given her image, I was awed by her divine beauty and gentleness. I felt warm, comfortable and a sense of familiarity, as though I had found something precious that was lost. Could this have been an imprint from the past opening up? Whatever it was, seeing the holy Mother Tara’s image gave me some sense of peace and led me to reconnect with Rinpoche and the Dharma a year later.
It is said that an image of Mother Tara is so holy that it does not need to be blessed or consecrated by anyone. Rinpoche told us the story of how someone once asked His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche to bless a Tara statue, he replied that it was not necessary because if it is an image of Tara, it is already blessed.
Hence, I believe receiving the holy image of Mother Tara was Rinpoche’s skilful method of opening up an imprint in me. Later on, I would see and recognise more of these actions by Rinpoche. It was then that I understood why Rinpoche loved giving Buddha statues and images to people all the time. Not only do Buddha images bless people and plant seeds of enlightenment in their minds, but they also invoke our positive imprints to open up. This can help us reconnect back with our spiritual path. Till this day, whenever I feel lost or down, by just looking at the Tara image that Rinpoche gave me, I feel my faith restored, giving me hope and strength to move forward.
For more interesting information:
- Rinpoche Through My Eyes – What’s the New News?
- Rinpoche Through My Eyes – Mission Impossible
- Rinpoche Through My Eyes – Invoking the Buddhas to Come Forth
- Rinpoche through my eyes – Food and Dharma
- I Witnessed the Compassion of Tsem Rinpoche
- Stories from a Chela – Spiritual Nourishment for All
- Stories from a Chela – Supernatural Protection
- Growing up with Rinpoche: Necessity, not convenience
- Tales With My Lama : Audience With Tsem Rinpoche
- Tales With My Lama : Laugh Away Your Ego
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I really enjoyed reading this interesting write up about how Rinpoche helps others to open their imprints. And Mother Tara is my fav female protector. Saw her came into my half asleep dreams few times when visualised and called her when i wasn’t feeling well…and miracles did happen everytime I needed her help. Thank you Rinpoche and Joy for this wonderful sharing…😘👍🙏🕉☸️
Thank you Joy Kam for this wonderful sharing of how Rinpoche and the beautiful image of Tara had opened your heart to be connected with Dharma . That’s the reason why Rinpoche had always loved giving Buddha statues and images to people then. Merely by seeing the images of Buddha is a blessing. Interesting read …tells us more of Rinpoche’s activities and understand better of Rinpoche’s way of getting people to Dharma.
Thanks again Joy.