Sir Edmund Hillary believed in the yeti
Dear friends,
Did you know that the world-famous mountaineer and explorer Sir Edmund Hillary believed in the yeti and did extensive investigations into the phenomenon? He even gave interviews about his research and his beliefs, and it was based on one such eyewitness account and description that Edwin Duesiester sketched the image below.
![[2:40 AM, 11/1/2017] PDL: Drawing by Edwin Duesiester from an 1979 eyewitness account by Desmond Doig and Edmund Hillary](
Drawing by Edwin Duesiester from a 1979 eyewitness account by Desmond Doig and Sir Edmund Hillary
Sir Edmund Hillary was born on July 20, 1919 in Auckland, New Zealand where he died on January 11, 2008 at the age of 88. He was a mountain climber and Antarctic explorer who, with the Sherpa mountaineer Tenzing Norgay, was the first to reach the summit of Mount Everest (29,035ft or 8,850m).
When the news broke that they had reached the summit, Sir Hillary instantly became one of the most famous people in the world. However, despite the many accolades and honours over the years, he remained humble and unassuming. His main interest was the welfare of the Nepali people, especially the Sherpas which was the community that his climbing partner Tenzing Norgay belonged to. He would often return to Nepal where he started various philanthropic ventures to improve the daily lives of the people and in 2003, he was made an honorary citizen of Nepal.
Sir Hillary has been hailed as “New Zealand’s most trusted individual” and when he passed away in 2008 in Auckland, flags were lowered to half-mast in mourning of his passing. So this was the type of person who believed in the yeti, which Sir Hillary first heard about in the 1950s on one of his many trips to the Himalayas. This sparked a lifelong interest in the creature, prompting Sir Hillary to go on expeditions to try to find the yeti. Over the course of his investigations, he found strange hair and yeti footprints which he photographed, and even came across a purported yeti skull in a monastery that he shipped to the West for testing.
You must remember, Sir Hillary was one of the world’s biggest celebrities at the time so for him to come out and say the yeti exists, he risked making himself a laughing stock and discrediting himself. Why take such a risk if he had no basis to believe in the yeti and make such statements? So what I can appreciate is that someone who was so familiar with the mountains as he was, also believed in the phenomenon. Furthermore, as his search continued, what Sir Hillary discovered did not quell his belief in the yeti and did not deter him from his investigations. That means that what he saw, found and experienced must have been extremely compelling evidence to convince someone as grounded and level-headed as him.

Sir Edmund Hillary with a sketch of the yeti and explaining what he thinks the yeti looks like based on his research and investigations
Personally, I have no doubt that the yeti exists, just like I have no doubt that Bigfoot exists. To the people in the region, the yeti is considered an animal and something very normal and ordinary, as ordinary as it would be for them to see a yak. I just thought that it was interesting for someone like Sir Hillary to talk so openly and persistently about his belief in the yeti and wished to share it with all of you.
Tsem Rinpoche
For more in-depth information about Sir Edmund Hillary and his experiences and research about the yeti, check out
For more information about the Bigfoot and Yeti phenomenon, check out my Yeti/Bigfoot/Sasquatch category here:
For more interesting information:
- The Yeti/Bigfoot/Sasquatch category on my blog
- Five Must See Bigfoot Documentaries
- Finding Bigfoot
- The Man Who Created Bigfoot
- Dermal Ridges
- Bigfoot, cookies and Kechara | 野人、小甜饼和克切拉
- Bigfoot in Malaysia
- China’s Bigfoot
- Nepal is the land of spirituality, beauty and Mystery and the Yeti
- Monsters & Mysteries In Alaska..Sasquatch!
- I was in Willow Creek
- One of the most convincing eyewitness accounts of Bigfoot
- Interesting facts on Bigfoot (Yeren) sighting in China
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There is an area near Lumbini, Nepal, they have sightings of Yeti for hundreds of years. So they have signages in the area with Yeti artwork to highlight this. Interesting. TR
(Part 1 of 8)
This museum in Pokhara, Nepal has a section dedicated to Yetis (Bigfoot). Very interesting. I am including some pictures of the inside of this wonderful museum. Do enjoy. ~ Tsem Rinpoche
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(Part 2 of 8)
In the International Mountain Museum (IMM) in Pokhara, Nepal, there is a small but comprehensive exhibition on Yetis (Bigfoot). Below are some pictures.
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(Part 3 of 8)
In the International Mountain Museum (IMM) in Pokhara, Nepal, there is a small but comprehensive exhibition on Yetis (Bigfoot). Below are some pictures.
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(Part 4 of 8)
In the International Mountain Museum (IMM) in Pokhara, Nepal, there is a small but comprehensive exhibition on Yetis (Bigfoot). Below are some pictures.
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(Part 5 of 8)
In the International Mountain Museum (IMM) in Pokhara, Nepal, there is a small but comprehensive exhibition on Yetis (Bigfoot). Below are some pictures.
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(Part 6 of 8)
In the International Mountain Museum (IMM) in Pokhara, Nepal, there is a small but comprehensive exhibition on Yetis (Bigfoot). Below are some pictures.
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(Part 7 of 8)
In the International Mountain Museum (IMM) in Pokhara, Nepal, there is a small but comprehensive exhibition on Yetis (Bigfoot). Below are some pictures.
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(Part 8 of 8)
In the International Mountain Museum (IMM) in Pokhara, Nepal, there is a small but comprehensive exhibition on Yetis (Bigfoot). Below are some pictures.
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Sir Edmund Hillary, the great New Zealand explorer, mountaineer, philanthropist and first conqueror of Everest, renown as an ice climber. During some of his many mountain climbing expedition, he found a number of strange things which fascinated him greatly. He and his Nepalese Sherpa guide Tenzing Norgay reported seeing large footprints while scaling . Surveying the wild landscapes of the Nepalese highlands, it seemed to him there were many species unknown to science. Since them it leads to many researchers in search of the Yeti or bigfoot and snowman it was sometimes called. He do believed the yeti exists after all even though the researcher did not found much evidence to conclude the search. Sir Edmund Hillary has devoting his life to assisting the Sherpas people of Nepal and well known his contributions. Yet the legend of the bigfoot, snowman, or Yeti, has continued to live on to this day.
Thank you Rinpoche for this wonderful sharing.
Yeti or BigFoot has always been regarded as a mythical creature that lives deep in the woods hidden from mankind. However, there are many sightings of this mythical creature across the globe in several countries and the characteristics of the creature when being recalled by the witnesses are matching.
The creature is said to be very tall and have very large feet. They are covered in fur from head to toe and the fur is reddish brown in colour for BigFoot and white colour for Yeti. Interestingly, Yeti is not something new to the monks who lived high and deep in the mountains of the Himalayas. It is even recorded in their ancient Buddhist scriptures and many lamas had spoken about them.
It was said that Yeti often appear to them and in some cases, the Yeti acted as their messenger for some very high lamas. They are considered animals but they are different than the animals that we see every day because they manage to stay hidden from sight for so long. Nevertheless, BigFoot/Yeti has a huge fan base that believes in their existence and continue to search for the evidence of their existence.