How wonderful the perfect Buddha revealed so many practices to improve the various facets of our lives in accordance to our karma:
Lady Blue Buddha Ucchusma is very powerful to remove defilements of the mind, deluded mind, negative thinking, broken promises resultant karma, illness, faulty memory, memory issues, body pollution and negative energy. Rely on her short mantra for everything mentioned. Rely on her long mantra to increase memory and memory capacity. Do her long mantra daily to increase the power of your memory.
Tsem Rinpoche
忿怒佛母秽迹金刚 | Wrathful Dakini Ucchusma
肤色照,忿怒佛母模样,三只慧眼;双手于胸间抱住盛满清洁甘露瓶,披头散发,全无一饰,散披黑丝,双腿并立于莲花日轮之上。 此尊消除身、口、意方面的晦气与污移。其修持秘诀由智慧空行女授予朱邦匝而得以传承。
In the form of wrathful dakini, Ucchusma has 3 eyes; with both hands holding a vase with nectar at her heart level, her hair loose, and no ornaments. She wears a garment of black silk, with two legs, feet together, standing on a lotus and sun disc. This deity functions to remove negative energy and pollutions from body, speech and mind. The practice was conferred by a Dakini to Drupangsa.
Mantra: Om ar-kham zir-kam bu-ma-na-se ou-cus-ha-ma ma-ha tro-da hung phet
note: please refer to the Tibetan in the original source attached in the image below for accuracy as the Chinese one is a transliteration of the Tibetan mantra
以上摘自《藏传佛教神明图谱 福神》P73
Taken from “Illustrated Guide to Deities of Tibetan Buddhism” Page 73
Uchusma mantras
Short Ucchusma mantra (female form, from Rinjung Gyatsa)
Long Ucchusma Mantra (Male form, from Sukha Gyatsa)
ཨོཾ་བྷུ་རྐུཾ་མ་ཧཱ་པྲ་མ་ཎ་ཡེ་བྷུ་རྩི་བྷུ་རྐི་བི་མ་ན་སེ་ཨུ་ཙུ་ཥྨ་ཀྲོ་དྷ་ཧཱུཾ་ཕཊ། ཨོཾ་བྷུ་རྐུཾ་རི་ལི་ཤུ་ཐར་ཤ་ཧུར་ཤི་བི་མ་ལེ་ཨུ་ཙུཥྨ་ཀྲོ་དྷ་ཧཱུཾ་ཧཱུཾ་ཕཊ་ཕཊ་སྭཱ་ཧཱ།

Ucchusma depicted together with Dorje Shugden. Click image for high-resolution file for download. Or click here for more free downloads.
Ucchusma (Main figure)
(Top to bottom): Buddha Akshobhya, Ucchusma and Dorje Shugden
Deity: Ucchusma (Sanskrit)
Alternative name: Tromo Metsek (Tibetan); Krodhini Bhurkumkuta (Sanskrit)
The practice of the black dakini Ucchusma arose from a pure vision beheld by the Indian Mahasiddha Drupangsa. He had a vision of her in the forest and received the initiation of her practice through the purifying nectar poured from the sacred vase that she carries in her hands. Her appearance is that of a wrathful black dakini with one face, three eyes and two hands which hold a sacred vase containing purifying nectar at the level of her heart. Her body is corpulent, her hair is loose and her legs stand straight upon a sun disk on top of a lotus.
The main benefit of Ucchusma’s practice is to gain complete enlightenment via the purification of one’s body, speech and mind. Her mantra is used to purify negativities in order to gain the realisation of emptiness. Hence, the practice is traditionally recited while bathing and brushing one’s teeth. The water used is visualised to be derived from the sacred vase of Ucchusma. Thus, the water is empowered with the purifying blessings of Ucchusma in order to clean one’s negative karma.
Deity: Akshobya (Sanskrit)
Alternative name: Mitrugpa (Tibetan)
Buddha Akshobhya is one of the Five Dhyani Buddhas and represents the consciousness aspect of the five aggregates purified and in its enlightened form. The other four purified forms of the aggregates are represented by the other four of the Five Dhyani Buddhas. In the scriptures, he is known as the Lord of the Eastern Pure Land Abhirati, also known as ‘The Joyous’. His name literally means ‘immovable’ and his practice pacifies anger. Pujas and rituals to Akshobhya are performed to purify the heavy negative karma of taking rebirth in the hell realms. Ucchusma belongs to Akshobhya’s family meaning that her purification practice also pacifies anger and the negative karma associated with actions performed out of anger. Her practice also purifies the heaviest of negative karmas such as those causing rebirth in the hell realms. Akshobhya is depicted with one face, two arms and is blue in colour.
Deity: Dorje Shugden
Dorje Shugden is recognised to be an emanation of the bodhisattva Manjushri and he arose from a long line of incarnated lamas who strove to proliferate and protect the Buddhadharma. Furthermore, Dorje Shugden is a protector of recent origins and hence, he is widely renowned to be efficacious and powerful in overcoming our obstacles and creating favourable conditions for our practice.
More free downloads: https://bit.ly/2oxb4qU
Read more about purification practice: https://bit.ly/2NiY2eN
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Another of Rinpoche’s skillful means to help us generate merits even when we are doing something a mundane as bathing and brushing our teeth. This would be an excellent practice for many of us who are struggling with horrendous memory, delusions, illness and negative energies.
Thank you, Rinpoche for yet another easy practice to help us transform our minds.
I love this female version of Ucchusma, not just because she looks witchy and so super easy to visualise, but we can actually recite her mantra in the toilet!
I love how skilful Rinpoche is in introducing this practice to us so that we can use every single minute of our time beneficially including bathing and brushing teeth which I considered a mundane necessity.
Thank you.
I’ve never even heard of this deity before. Learn something new each day. Thank you Rinpoche for kindly bringing us different methods to purify our karma and gain realizations.
This is really good that we can recite the mantra while bathing and brushing teeth. Thank you Rinpoche for always think of how to help us to purify our negative karma so that we can get closer to Buddha and dharma.
Have included this during my morning prayer. It’s short and easy to do while getting a whole day blessing! An awesome deal right ? Thank you Rinpoche