Why Our Guru’s Birthday Is Special|为何上师的生辰如此殊胜

H.E. Tsem Rinpoche in Kota Bharu, Kelantan|摄于马来西亚吉兰丹州哥打巴鲁
Video Transcript
If our samaya is clean, the most important day of the year is our Guru’s birthday. Why? That is the person that gives us the Dharma. So, when that person gives us the Dharma, it is worth more than all the statues and all the living Buddhas in the world because they didn’t give us Dharma.
Why is that so important? Because when we receive the Dharma, it changes our life. It changes our death. It changes our future birth. And it changes the dynamics of our relationships with other people. So, this all comes about from the Dharma. This all comes about from someone who took the time to compassionately speak the Dharma. Who compassionately raised funds to create a Dharma institution, a Dharma centre, Dharma people, Dharma facilities for all of us to get Dharma. This arises from our teacher, from our Guru.
Therefore, the day that our Guru is born, is the day that we are destined to meet him or her. So, every year on our Guru’s birthday for us, it is of personal significance. Because that is the day that our Guru took birth, that due to our affinity to him or her, we will be meeting them and receiving the Dharma and changing our destinies. And, perhaps some of us have met our teachers in previous lives. Therefore, the celebration of our Guru’s birthday is the most important event of the year for purification and I’ll explain more. And I will tell you why, so it doesn’t become something like, you know, why?
In Tibet, if the teacher tells you, that’s it. But outside, where the Dharma is not strong, you have to explain why. And that’s alright. That’s no problem. So, I’ll explain Tsongkhapa’s birthday, Kuan Yin’s birthday, Shakyamuni’s birthday and slash/or our Guru’s birthday. Depends, okay? So, for me, Tsongkhapa’s day is very important but more important is Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s day. For myself, personally. Alright.
On your Guru’s birthday, when you make offerings, you take vows, you do practices, you take special commitments, it’s very powerful for your personally healing. Do you know why? Let me tell you the truth. Let me tell you the truth. And I don’t mean it towards me, okay? Your personally Guru’s (who you have a good relationship with) birthday is even more sacred than Tsongkhapa’s birthday. Because that is the day your Guru chose to take rebirth to connect with you. Simple.
If you are connected with your Guru, it’s definitely from another life. From another time, another prayer. So, that’s the day your Guru rebirth, in order to reconnect with you and you with them, somehow. So, that’s the day they chose to come into the world. If you can’t celebrate that day, or take special vows, or show up, or be there, you don’t take your Guru seriously. Simple as that.
In the monasteries, our Guru’s birthdays are a big event. Very big event. Even for me, people like me who hates parties, I show up. Because it’s not a party. So, that day we take vows. If we can take it with our Guru, it’s even better. We take Refuge, wonderful! Or we repair our Refuge vows. Or we make wishes for health, long life, realisations. Or sometimes, if you are very lucky, if you have the merits, your Guru will give initiation on his birthday. Oh, very profound. Or give bodhisattva vows.
On that day, you should create statues or tsa tsas. On that day you should do more prostrations. On that day, all secular activity, you should stop. You should spend one 24 hours on spiritual activities. Your Guru’s birthday, Tsongkhapa’s day, Shakyamuni’s day. All secular activity should stop or become more minimal. If your Guru’s birthday or Tsongkhapa’s day falls on Sunday, very easy right? If it’s on a Wednesday, well, you’ve got to make do. You’ve got to work 8, 9 hours and then go do your spiritual thing. It’s the best you can do. That’s the most important.
Why? That is the day that they chose to benefit you. So, why wouldn’t you celebrate? For example, Tsongkhapa’s day is coming up very soon. It’s a very big event in Gaden, do you know in Gaden, the high lamas, even the old lamas with walking sticks, will come out and go to the temple make prayers and light butterlamps. Even the old ones, like 81 years old. They come. When you see them walk to the temple, tears flow down your face. Do you know why? They spent their whole lives benefiting others. Usually, they don’t even come out because they are too old. And they don’t travel much. But they will come out.
So, it’s very, very precious. Tsongkhapa day is a very special event. Ever year KH plans it wonderfully, and does it wonderfully. That’s beautiful. That’s beautiful. I’m not interested in my birthday, because there is Tsongkhapa’s day. Why should I call a bunch of people to celebrate my birthday? Is my ego that inflated? What is there to celebrate? I showed up, big fat me, what’s the big deal? Why should have a whole bunch of people come and sing happy birthday to celebrate my birthday? I should celebrate everybody else’s life. Not make people focus on me. That’s called spiritualism.
So, therefore Tsongkhapa’s day is a very powerful day to take vows, purify karma, and heal. Very powerful. Very, very powerful. Then on that day, the day before, you should clean up your altars very well, prepare beautiful offerings. When you wake up, make beautiful offerings to Tsongkhapa. Go to the centre, do activities. If you are really far away, you cannot help it. Then you do wherever you are. Very important. Alright?
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We are blessed meeting Tsem Rinpoche in this life, learning , practicing Dharma from Rinpoche. Its important then to remember Rinpoche’s birthday. Every Dharma knowledge we learn and practice is all because of Rinpoche ‘s kindness , compassion that have us change our destinies. Reading this post inspired me to do more Dharma works and so forth .
Thank you Rinpoche with folded hands for sharing this profound teachings.
Happy 56th Birthday Rinpoche. We all miss Rinpoche very much wherever you are now. Hope you come home to Kechara Forest Retreat very soon and teach dharma again. You’re forever living in our hearts and minds and shall never be forgotten. 🙏😘🎁🎈🎉🌻🌹🌺
Incredible master, i take refuge in you. May I practice and perfect your teachings in my mind, body and speech. May all your holy wishes be true and real for each sentient being. How fortunate to know of you. How fortunate we are to have your presence with us with the end of samsara. Your birthday is indeed truly and incredibly special. Thank you ever so much.