Why put mantra stones under water?

Manjushri Koi Pond at Kechara Forest Retreat, Bentong, Malaysia
Mantras represent the blessings of the enlightened beings in the form of sound. When we recite mantras they stimulate the various parts of our body to heal itself, to clear itself, to purify itself and to gain higher states of consciousness. Therefore, mantras are very powerful. They can be written, visualised or recited out aloud. The mantras of enlightened beings bless ordinary beings, animals, ethereal or formless beings and everyone in the environment.
In Kechara Forest Retreat, Malaysia, we have a koi fish pond, on which sits a magnificent statue of Manjushri, the Buddha of Wisdom. When the fish circumambulate around Manjushri they are blessed by his divine presence. At the same time, people who come to visit the pond and circumambulate around Manjushri receive the same blessings.
Along with the Manjushri fish pond, we also have a lake in Kechara Forest Retreat. In the middle of this lake is a Shakyamuni Buddha statue. In both these places we have placed Manjushri mantra stones underneath submerged under the water so that the animals, humans and beings who circumambulate these holy statues, not only circumambulate the images of the Buddhas but also sacred mantras. The is done in order to plant the seeds of enlightenment in their mindstreams so that in the future they are able to realise Bodhicitta, the realisation of Emptiness and higher states of consciousness. So, I thought I would share this little video with everyone. Thank you.
Tsem Rinpoche
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Rinpoche is very considerate, he placed a magnificent statue of Manjushri in the fish pond of KFR, so the fish are blessed by divine presence when they circumambulate around. At the same time, people who circumambulate around Manjushri receive blessings too! I feel this is really a creative way of letting people collect more merits in a short amount of time which I have never thought of! It’s really kind of Rinpoche, which he understand new generations might have so much obstacles to resolve when it come to recite mantras.
Mantras represent the blessings of the enlightened beings in the form of sound. When we recite mantras they stimulate the various parts of our body to heal itself, to clear itself, to purify itself and to gain higher states of consciousness. Therefore, mantras are very powerful. When more people offer mantra stones around a particular Buddha statue, when we circumambulate. Each mantra stone represents the Buddha himself because the mantra is the manifestation of Buddha in the sound form. Hence, if the mantra stones are piling up around the statue and we go and circumambulate around the statue, it will be very powerful. Thank you very much Rinpoche and blog team for sharing this short and nice write up?????
thank you rinpoche for thinking the ways to help us to accumulate more merits. The idea of putting mantra stones in the pond it a very good. I thank you for everything you did.
Thank you, Rinpoche for constantly thinking about ways to let us collect more merits in a short amount of time. Rinpoche is so kind to have placed numerous 9ft outdoor Buddha statues around Kechara Forest Retreat for us to circumambulate daily and collect merits. On top of that, Rinpoche also made mantra stones which can be invited from Naropa’s Cave to offer up to their favourite Buddha and placed them around or near the Buddha statue in Kechara Forest Retreat.
When more people offer mantra stones around a particular Buddha statue, when we circumambulate, it will be more effective. Why? Because each mantra stone represents the Buddha himself because the mantra is the manifestation of Buddha in the sound form. Hence, if the mantra stones are piling up around the statue and we go and circumambulate around the statue, it will be very powerful.
The whole place will be very powerful and we can get tons of merits and the person who offered the mantra stone will get tons of merits too! This is just one of the many ways that Rinpoche constantly coming up for us to earn merits in a short but effective way. Thank you, Rinpoche for kindness and compassion.