Bigfoot Spotted by Dept of Transport in Arizona!
Dear fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts,
Exciting news! Looks like Bigfoot was captured on film by the Arizona Department of Transportation and it was even posted on their official Facebook page! Imagine, on their official page some more. Some states are more progressive and can be more open now. That is a good trend.
Take a look at the pictures below. Is it an authentic image captured of Bigfoot? Let me know what you think!
Tsem Rinpoche
The Arizona Department of Transportation Says They Spotted a Family of Bigfoots
Did the Arizona Department of Transportation really capture something on camera? Their official Facebook page has posted an image of what appears to be apes near the side of SR-260 and Heber. The road is packed full of snow right now, but this area is actually heavily wooded. Check out the zoomed images below:

Area located 1981 Hwy 260, Heber Arizona
“We might have spotted a family of sasquatches on SR 260 near Heber this afternoon. What do you think?” – Arizona Department of Transportation

This highway is scarcely populated, and runs through the forest
Of course, a lot of people are going nuts over the still images and want to see more. “Can we get a good version of this picture? Super hard to discern and will be considered like all the rest in its current form,” one commenter wrote.
For more interesting information:
- The Mysterious Monsters – narrated by Peter Graves
- China’s bigfoot
- Nepal is the land of spirtuality, beauty and Mystery and the Yeti
- Japanese Mountain Climbers Say They Found Yeti Footprints
- Malaysia Scientists to Hunt ‘Bigfoot’ in Rainforest
- The neatest footage on film!
- Monsters & Mysteries In Alaska..Sasquatch!
- 7 Parts-Very Interesting!!
- I was in Willow Creek:
- 5 Years + USD500,000 = EVIDENCE!!
- Pacific Northwest May Finally Have Evidence Bigfoot Exists
- Bigfoot Hunt Is On By Land And By Air
- Researcher Says Bigfoot DNA Analysis Reveals Human Hybrid … Seriously?
- Is this Evidence of Bigfoot?
- Bigfoot Is Real, And We Have DNA To Prove It: Researchers
- Images of the Wildman Inside and Outside Europe
- Sasquatch (Bigfoot)!!!
- Bigfoot in Kechara????
- Bigfoot hunters claim they have footprint
- Bigfoot Proven?? Must Watch!!!
- Respect Them
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There is an area near Lumbini, Nepal, they have sightings of Yeti for hundreds of years. So they have signages in the area with Yeti artwork to highlight this. Interesting. TR
Curious about the legendary Yeti? Not sure what to believe? Here is an article that explores a range of sources, from folktales to newspaper reports, detailing sightings and encounters with the elusive creature, who has been a part of the very fabric of various Himalayan communities for thousands of years. Read about religious beliefs, myths, fables and stories by scholars and travellers alike, and realise that there is more to the Yeti than you previously thought.
Great discovery by the Department of Transport in Arizona. They do believed in the existence of Bigfoot after seeing and caught them on camera. It has caused a buzz in the world of Bigfoot hunting. After decades of cover-ups, the government conspiracy trying to keep evidence of this amazing animal hidden from the public were finally revealed. Bigfoot were reported to be sighted in other parts in America, China, Canada, Nepal and so forth. No one yet has come up with much more evidence.
The Department of Transport in Arizona who has uploaded pictures of Bigfoot on to their Facebook page show a strong evidence that it exist.
Thanks Rinpoche for sharing this story, it was great.
This is a real awesome documentary on bigfoot. One of the best –
In 1967, Bob Gimlin and Roger Patterson stumbled across an incredible sight whilst out in Bluff Creek, in the California wilderness. At a creek which had been freshly washed-out by recent floods, they witnessed a female Bigfoot swiftly traverse the rugged landscape. Since their filmed encounter with the Bigfoot, who has since been nicknamed Patty, many have disputed the authenticity of their recording but no one has been able to successfully prove that it is a fake.
Credits for this video goes to entirely to windvale for the original footage. ?
It is not easy to see clearly what these images depict. I do hope there are more images of Bigfoot. Bigfoot is indeed an elusive creature. So far the best evidence is the Patterson footage which was released in 1967, 50 years ago. To me, this is quite hard to imagine because Bigfoot or the likes were reported to be sighted across continents from Nepal, Mongolia, China, Canada to Indonesia. They must be very good in hiding from us. Thank you for this sharing.
It’s been quite a while since I last read of the last Bigfoot sighting and to see this latest sighting which according to the timestamp on the picture was sighted on the 1st of January 2015 which is only about a year ago!
Thought the picture is not very clear, it does show quite strong evidence of the existence of Bigfoot.
It is wonderful to see that the Department of Transport in Arizona uploaded these pictures on to their Facebook page for all to see, it also shows that they too believe in the existence of Bigfoot.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing!
Dear Rinpoche,
This is amazing if it is really true but as one commenter said it would be better if we can get good quality pics. It would be so wonderful to know the existence of such rare being. I also really believe in its existence through some documentaries. Thank you _()_
Dear Rinpoche,
It is difficult to tell but for sure that it is interesting that the Department of Transport in Arizona is posting this openly on their Facebook. Seems that the people there want to share with the world who is out there. There are so many reports already in US and in many other parts of the world.
I think that there is evidence that Sasquatch / Bigfoot exists but somehow the very clear picture seems to be quite impossible.
Thank You for sharing,
Pastor Antoinette
Dear Rinpoche, the footage is quite blur. Not too sure if that’s the family of big foot but it could be. But then, wow! A family of sasquatches. However, if we do encounter them, instead of experimenting them, it will be good if we just acknowledge these being, respect and leave them alone. Thank you Rinpoche.