Burning Eyes
This is the first video from Tsem Rinpoche’s Paranormal Zone. With this, the blog is now officially launched.
In this episode, I tell you a little of what you can expect from this paranormal blog. I also explain where my interests in the paranormal stemmed from.
To mark this special beginning of the blog, I have decided to share a chilling story from my late mother’s childhood as a young girl in Yugoslavia during World War 2.
Imagine a ten-year old child coming into contact with a tall dark figure with ‘fire’ for eyes. Now, imagine what the family had to do in order to protect this child. The outcome is both surprising and enlightening.
Watch the very first video blog from the Tsem Rinpoche’s Paranormal Zone to find out more!
Tsem Rinpoche
Or view the video on the server at:
For more interesting paranormal stories, please click here.
Spirits have no definitive form and just like humans, some may be benevolent and some malicious. They are trapped by their negative karma, hence they exist as spirits for thousands of years. Only when their karma is exhausted can they then take a new rebirth into another existence. A malicious spirit can attach itself to us, causing interferences or harm, such as accidents, negative dreams and in some severe cases, even death.
Dorje Shugden’s practice, especially in the form of Trakze, is efficacious for overcoming negative and harmful energies. This practice also offers protection from negative speech, negative mantras, spells or charms, sudden deaths and fatal accidents. To learn more, please click here.
Note: All articles published on the blog are conceptualised, approved and edited by H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche. For further assistance and any urgent enquiries, please write in to mail@tsemladrang.com
For more interesting information:
- The Tree
- Red Face
- The Hand
- The Stairs
- Wenatchee
- Snake Spirit
- Banging Pots
- The Little People
- Nun from Seremban
- Questions on Ghosts
- Paranormal Protection
- The Power of Sak Yant
- Toyols: The Child-Spirits
- Pastor Chia on Wah Lai Toi!
- Zozo – The Ouija Board Demon
- Malaysian Ghosts: Orang Minyak
- Burmese Temple & Floating Heads
- Spooky Haunted Hotel Experiences
- Tsem Rinpoche’s Paranormal Stories
- Sleep Paralysis – Medical or Paranormal?
- Boo! Why Do We Love The Things That Scare Us?
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Thank you Rinpoche for this very interesting series which I do enjoyed. When mentioned of ghostly encounters many of us out of curiosity and interest will like to know more. Yes there are unseen beings or spirits every where its only that we can’t see them. As long as we do not disturbed them its fine. They are trapped by their negative karma. What we can do is doing prayers and dedicate it to them. Now we have Dorje Shugden’s practice, to overcome negative and harmful energies and for protection against spirits or unseen beings. We can also arrange prayers through Kechara for them. Interesting stories , watching the first series video .
Thanks for the interesting topic sharing where most people have great interest and
curiosity about. Whether we choose to believe in the paranormal or not, we all have to realize that there are many strange things that has happened to all of us that are unexplainable.
To me paranormal activities are considered as something close to religion too because in every single religion they always talk about spirits and etc. It’s whether you believe in the spiritual world or not sometimes it’s eerie and fascinating to read about all the things that go bump in the night.
Thank you for sharing this amazing story of the young Dana Bugayeff. She must have been very caring to go out in such a scary and dangerous situation to find food for her family. She had also a lot of courage and most would not like to face this being and luckily she was protected.
I like to hear these stories about Rinpoche’s mother and it gives a deeper picture into who she was and how much she inspired Rinpoche by being the person she was when she was well.
Here are some links to Rinpoche’s bio:
The 4th Edition of ‘The Promise’, the Pictorial Biography of H.E. Tsem Rinpoche Is Out!
My Short Bio in pictures
H.E. the 25th Tsem Tulku Rinpoche’s Biography
Visiting my parents – Tsem Rinpoche
I used to be fascinated and yet scared of ghost stories. Guess, we have to believe they exist for us to fear. But, learning about Buddhism and the 6 realms of existence has made me think twice about the 5th dimension. As Buddhists, we are taught to have compassion for those caught in the lower realms or 5th dimension. They, too, are suffering like us if not more.
So, instead of fear, we should think kindly of them as they too are caught by the karma they created and have to let the negative karma exhaust. We should just chant some mantras and dedicate it to them and leave them alone. As beginners, we are unable to help them beyond that.
But, these episodes still makes for interesting viewing.
This is when it all started – the Paranormal Zone. It’s been five years! Thank you Rinpoche for conceptualising this very interesting series. This is a topic most people have great interest and curiosity about. There is fear of the unknown but at the same time people like to find out if there is truth in these things. Li Kim and the team have been doing a fantastic job. I look forward to more of these.
感谢仁波切开始了这个panaromal的网站, 让大家对灵异事件, 外星人, 幽魂, 蛊咒等等, 拥有更多的资讯和了解。
在视频里仁波切讲解到在他还小的时候, 妈妈曾经有提到在世界大战时, 出去外面寻找食物给家人所看到的一位黑衣人,双眼一直一直冒着火焰, 一直看着她, 看到这里, 我心里蛮佩服她的勇气, 她还向前接近那眼冒火焰的黑衣人。
而且, 在有一則视频访问仁波切的姐姐的专访里:
希望一直不断有更多的视频供大家参考, 让大家对灵异事件更加明白和了解 !
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for creating the Paranormal Zone series. The stories are very interesting and I enjoyed watching it.
These stories can serve as a good lesson as well. It makes me think about the life after death. If we will be gone and becomes nothing, then why are there so many sightings of Paranormal beings and Paranormal experience. This simply proves that there are life after death and when we die, we will become something else.
We should start understanding the concept of rebirth and karma so that we can start prepare for our next life.
Rinpoche has all the rights to blog and talk about paranormal stuffs, to me paranormal activities are considered as something close to religion too because in every single religion they always talk about spirits and etc for example: Christianity and Buddhism. I don’t think Rinpoche should be questioned just because Rinpoche is an extraordinary monk who is interested in paranormal stuffs, I’m here to support Rinpoche and I would like to say that I love pretty much everything that is related to paranormal. It is so fascinating how you can protect someone or yourself by just your daily Sadhana. It is cool but yet dangerous for someone to be able to see spirits or whatever a normal person will not be able to see it. I’ve heard that spirits will be able to sense that whether a person is able to see them or not, if they noticed someone who can see them, they will tend to get closer in order to seek help or just haunt the person because of some reasons that nobody knows. Thank You Rinpoche for sharing this story and I hope there will be more videos of Rinpoche sharing paranormal stories.
Dear Rinpoche, I like this story very much! There is a lot of supernatural things that I don’t know but I really want to discover more of them. I really interested in this spirit that has burning eyes and the only spirit that I know that has burning eyes is the Ghost Rider. But I have to admit that Rinpoche have a brave mother.