Giant 7-Foot to 8-Foot Skeletons Uncovered in Ecuador Sent for Scientific Testing
More people in various parts of the world are finding these types of skeletons. I feel mainstream science should research, publish more and ‘enlighten’ the public on this as information on our past is important. When I was very young, my foster mother Dana Bugayeff told me in the past people were double or triple our size. But due to poor merits, people have become smaller or rather the size we are now. Merits is considered something that gives better results Buddhists believe. When the merits become less on the whole, the something better becomes less. Why being bigger is meritorious I didn’t understand, but she meant it was better. This was what my mother was telling me. My mother had wonderful stories that enthralled me. She was a very good storyteller. She also said in the future, people will become the size of a forearm as we are getting smaller in stature on the whole.
Tsem Rinpoche

A file photo of a skeleton. (Winterling/iStock)
In Beyond Science, Epoch Times explores research and accounts related to phenomena and theories that challenge our current knowledge. We delve into ideas that stimulate the imagination and open up new possibilities. Share your thoughts with us on these sometimes controversial topics in the comments section below.
Strikingly tall skeletons uncovered in the Ecuador and Peru Amazon region are undergoing examination in Germany, according to a research team headed by British anthropologist Russell Dement. Will these remains prove that a race of tall people existed hundreds of years ago deep in the Amazonian rainforest?
Since 2013, the team has reported finding half a dozen human skeletons dating to the early 1400s and the mid-1500s that measure between 7 feet and 8 feet (213 to 243 centimeters) in height.
Dement told Cuenca Highlife: “We are very early in our research and I am only able to provide a general overview of what we have found. I don’t want to make claims based on speculation since our work is ongoing. Because of the size of the skeletons, this has both anthropological and medical implications.”
In late 2013, Dement received word that a skeleton had been uncovered by a Shuar local, approximately 70 miles (112 kilometers) from Cuenca, in Loja Province, Ecuador. Dement traveled to the site and recovered the rib cage and skull of a female which had been exposed by flooding. The bones were thought to date to 600 years ago. The rest of the skeleton was located and, once assembled, reportedly measured 7 feet and 4 inches (223.5 centimeters) in height.
This prompted the formation of a research team including four researchers from Freie Universität in Germany, and the assistance of Shuar locals. Funding was provided by the university for excavation and investigation.
Because of the sensational nature of this, we have to be extremely diligent in our research. – Russell Dement
Recognizing it is a controversial area of research, Dement noted “Even though I had been working with Freie for many years, I was concerned that they might not give a grant for someone looking for giants. To outsiders, especially scientists, I understand this sounds a little hair-brained. […]
“Because of the sensational nature of this, we have to be extremely diligent in our research since it will be met with a great deal of skepticism,” he said.
Three complete skeletons and two partial skeletons had no disfiguration and they were relatively healthy.
Dement told Cuenca Highlife: “The skeletons show no signs of diseases such as the hormonal growth problems that are common in most cases of gigantism. In all the skeletons, the joints seemed healthy and lung cavity appeared large. One of the skeletons that we have dated was of a female who was about 60 when she died, much older than typical cases of gigantism.”
The burials were elaborate. Bodies were wrapped in leaves and buried in thick clay. This sealed the skeletons and protected against water intrusion, leaving the remains in fairly good condition.
Since the announcement of this discovery, several reports have vastly exaggerated the dimensions of the finds, with 7 feet reported as 7 meters (making them 23 feet tall). The bones have also been erroneously connected with hoax photos, as well as a reconstruction of an “Ecuador giant,” which was a fake skeleton for a now-closed theme park in Switzerland.
Dement had previously studied Amazonian indigenous communities for more than two decades and had heard the legends of “very tall, pale-skinned people who used to live nearby,” he said. Community elders described them to Dement as a race of large, peaceful Amazonians who were welcomed by the indigenous Shuar and Achuar people. However, the locals also believed these people belonged to the “spirit world” and were purely mythical.
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Amazing discovery a skeleton had been uncovered in Loja Province, Ecuador. Few discoveries are as shrouded in mystery and intrigue as those of human remains especially unusually large ones. Myths from cultures all around the globe spin tales of giants on Earth. Some claims more believable with the discovery alongside fossils of giant sloths. Archaeologist and researchers recovered the rib cage and skull of a female at the site for further confirmation. The skull said to be approximately 600 years old. Once assembled they discovered the measurement is fantastic and impressive, about 8 feet in height. Later the 8 foot skeletons uncovered in Ecuador was sent for scientific testing. The research on this could help to prove or disprove claims that giant-sized human roamed earth centuries ago. Interesting read.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing
Wow…..What a discovery by anthropologist, scientists, archaeologists and team. A large mysterious female skull was found and scientists determined the skull to be approximately 600 years old. The discovery of the mysterious skull inspired many archaeologists to search for the rest of the skeleton. Leading to the discovery, dozen of mysterious tall skeletons soon unearth in the Ecuador and Peru Amazon region. Its so impressive that the evacuation team said the size of the bones were said to be belonged to a very tall man and are believed to date back to 1400 and 1500 AD. That’s an amazing discovery. Researchers from around the world since then examined and study the mysterious remains, hoping to unravel the mystery behind them. It look like there were giants in the Earth those days from the ancient settlement. Interesting that such giants exist but nowadays due the lack of merits the size of human is getting smaller. Hopefully the researchers will shed light on the people who had once lived in the Amazonian rainforest hundreds of years ago.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
There is an area near Lumbini, Nepal, they have sightings of Yeti for hundreds of years. So they have signages in the area with Yeti artwork to highlight this. Interesting. TR
Curious about the legendary Yeti? Not sure what to believe? Here is an article that explores a range of sources, from folktales to newspaper reports, detailing sightings and encounters with the elusive creature, who has been a part of the very fabric of various Himalayan communities for thousands of years. Read about religious beliefs, myths, fables and stories by scholars and travellers alike, and realise that there is more to the Yeti than you previously thought.
This is a real awesome documentary on bigfoot. One of the best –
In 1967, Bob Gimlin and Roger Patterson stumbled across an incredible sight whilst out in Bluff Creek, in the California wilderness. At a creek which had been freshly washed-out by recent floods, they witnessed a female Bigfoot swiftly traverse the rugged landscape. Since their filmed encounter with the Bigfoot, who has since been nicknamed Patty, many have disputed the authenticity of their recording but no one has been able to successfully prove that it is a fake.
Credits for this video goes to entirely to windvale for the original footage. ?
The first “giant” that came into my world when I was a child was the community of dull and violent beings who lived between earth and heaven in the fable “Jack and the Beanstalk.” As I read more, I realized there are all kinds of “giants” depicted in different folkores or legends in various cultures. Giants are common in the cultures of Egypt, Greek or Indo-European, Chinese, Hindu and Jain. And now, the uncovering of skeletons in Ecuador prove the existence of abnormally large human aka giants corresponded to the myths. It would be really exciting to see more discovery that gives indepth knowledge into our history. Thank you for this sharing.
It is interesting that such giants exist but it seems that there are a few only. There are also the smaller pygmies who only are on the average about 1m50. We are used to what we know yet there are many variations.
It is interesting that it As mentioned that people become smaller because of lack of merits. We need to take advantage of our positive situation to increase our merits, which will help us in an ultimate way, depending on our motivation.
Hello! Dear all, ??????
I found one amazing video about Giant Skeletons.
Watch “20′ Tall Ancient Nephilim Pre-Flood Giant Skeletons Exhibit in Ecuador for World to See.” on YouTube
While reading this article, my thought is the same as other comments here, where 7-8 feet tall is not some extraordinary in the history, even todate, there are also people with 7-8feet tall, it may not be something very common as there are only a very minor number of people with that height, but yet, it is also not something uncommon because there are still people with that height existed in today’s world, some are because of gene or sickness or hormone inbalance, etc… there are many reasons for people to grow till that height. Unless they found a large number of skeletons with that height, then it is different case.
as mentioned, the research update is only till 2013, I wonder is there anymore development of research done after that, and what else they have found out after 2013.
I read about Chinese history during ancient time war time, some fomour warrior were describe about their height 8 to 9 feet tall. I not too suprice giant is existing just like big foot and alien.
In my opinion with evolution, human size will getting smaller due to envoirament changes and sourviving issue. Look at the scientist had said, human small size will live longer then tall human size in fizikal out look.
People with height 7-8” considered quite common in this century, comparing to those our parents time. With much advance technologies, high tech productions nowadays may help enhance of body system. Hence, we could see the comparison height of youngsters now, than with us on that age are a lot difference.
What I found quite intrigue was this place Amazon rainforest. I heard of many news of this mysterious rainforest where there were survival of “typical” huge size beings compared to other places. So, it won’t be surprised to found giant skeletons there.
AMAZING Discoveries That Prove Giants Actually Existed!
A video combining different sources to show the existence of giant at different places.
It’ll be fascinating if we could discovered what did people in bigger size in the past could do and the reason of being big size in the past was due merits. ?
I think if we are talking about human with the height of 6 to 7 feet tall is quite a common as we can even find those basketball player with that height. What I’m referring as giant are those 5 to 6 meter tall that describe as giant during ancient Egyptian.
I have read about the discovery of the skeleton of giants before but some of the pictures I’m not sure if it’s really genuien. What that really puzzle me is where and how these giants keep their remains just like bigfoot. Whether there still exist or how would they extinct?
Even for dinasours there are so many discovery that make us learn so many type of their species.
I hope there are discovery more about giants so we can learn more about them.
The findings of these skeletons could belong to a certain tall race of people, just like the pygmies who are opposite in size to these giant people. But it is not unusual to find tall people now in modern times. Unless the scientists found a lost civilisation with hundreds of skeletons in that area then it could probably belong to a special race of giant humans. Or were they a race of beings not from Earth that was stranded here a long time ago and could not make it home to where they came from and slowly perished in the jungle? Nothing was conclusive from the team of scientists after these findings, leaving just theories.
It’s not something extraordinary as there are people who about 7-8 feet tall in our time. Perhaps those found are also like the rare tall people we have now.
But what I find interesting is that the tall people lived in a group. I do wonder if their generations continued to be somewhat taller and larger than our average human nowadays. Since the amazon is so big, until there are further discoveries, it’s very hard to prove the race of these tall people.
Giants have appeared in many folklores, around the world. Perhaps we will get more an insight once the work of Robert Dement is published on the Giants of Ecuador.
Human skeletons that are more than 7ft tall are not giants in my opinion. There are many people in this day and age who are more than 7ft tall such as the basketball players. Perhaps the fascination is that the population uncovered are all above 7ft.
It’s like the Scandinavians who are in general above 6ft tall. To us shorties, they are giants. To me, I’m just curious what happened to this “giant” race in Ecuador and why they no longer exist.
This is pretty cool actually, I have read about something similar a couple of years ago. I’m actually not too surprised, if bigfoot or ufos/ extraterrestrials can exist, I believe that giants exist too. I mean even little people exist, so why not giants right?
We still have ‘giants’ living amongst us today and this is a clear proof that giants existed or still exist. The famous Chinese basketball player is one of the great examples, but apparently tall people tend to get more bone issues than average-height people.
I don’t find this discovery too surprising. Human has definitely gone through evolution and adjusted to environmental and social conditions. Hence, the many races and their physical differences in the world today.
Tall genes have not completely been wiped out. The average Scandinavian man is above 6 feet. An average NBA basketball player is around 6-7 feet. China famous basketball player Yao Ming stands 7 feet 6 inches and another less famous player Sun Mingming is 7 feet 9 inches. There are dozens of human that have recorded over 7 feet height in the world tallest people list, more than a dozen are over 8 feet tall with the tallest record of 8 feet 11 inches. In NBA alone, there are over 2 dozens players over 7 feet.
In today’s modern world the conditions are not ideal for people of such great heights. Cars, doors, beds, etc are simply not designed to cater for this. Climate change, diet change, social impact I believe will all contribute to the continuation of human evolution. Evolution aims for best survival and I don’t think being big and tall fits the current Earth conditions or in the near future. In a way, as we fail to control population growth, smaller size human may just be what is needed by evolution to ensure the survival of our species.
Pastor Moh Mei, thanks for the added info above. I agree towards what you have concluded, that smaller size human may be just what is needed by evolution to ensure the survival of our species. Just look at all those animals, the bigger they are, the faster extinct rate they have whereas ants can survive for so long!!!!!!
Thanks Rinpoche for the above article.