Interesting Signs of Reincarnation
Dear friends,
I am glad you are visiting this blog post. Reincarnation is not a truth or phenomena restricted to only people of certain faiths. But there are over 2 billion officially in the world who officially adhere to the doctrine of reincarnation namely Buddhists, Hindus and a sect of Islam. But there are many more who believe in it from what they experience, see or remember.
Reincarnation is being proven true (not that it needs to be proven to be true) more and more by ordinary secular people who come across three indications of reincarnation. Do read and ponder further.
Tsem Rinpoche
3 Unusual Signs That Show Evidence of Reincarnation
Reincarnation, in one form or another, is a cornerstone of several religions around the world. However, scientific-minded people have denied it completely. To them, the notion of a second life is too ludicrous.
However, several peer-reviewed studies published in fringe science journals, like The Journal of Scientific Exploration, have talked about the plausibility of the soul passing from a deceased body to a living one – reincarnation in simpler terms.
From inexplicable memories to recurrent birthmarks, here is some scientific evidence put forward in these studies to give plausibility to the concept of the cycle of life.
Repeating Birth Marks
People in several Buddhist-dominated countries in Asia, like Cambodia and Myanmar, have a firm belief in reincarnation. Partly, because their religion explicitly states so.
So, family members often mark their dead with a soot mark on a certain area so that their reincarnated form is born within the same family. Many such instances were recorded in Myanmar by two researchers, Jim Tucker and Jurgen Keil. Both renowned professors.
In one case, a boy, Z, was born with a birthmark on the same place where his grandfather’s body was marked. It is pertinent to note that there was a gap of 11 months between the birth of Z and the death of his grandfather.
Furthermore, at around two years of age, Z started to call his grandmother by her full name. An instance that didn’t go unnoticed because no other child in the family used to do it. It further made the relatives think that Z indeed was a reincarnation of his grandfather.
Regression Episodes
Brian Weiss, a prominent psychiatrist associated with Mt. Sinai Medical Center in Miami was once treating a nurse who worked at the same hospital. During one of their sessions, the nurse reproduced a past-life event in excruciating detail. Weiss, a classically trained psychiatrist, was dumbfounded when the nurse assumed the role of a Native American woman hiding from a hunting party.
She talked about how her baby, who had a crescent-shaped birthmark beneath his right shoulder, was having a hard time keeping quiet. When the baby spontaneously cried out, the mother unintentionally smothered the child in an effort to keep the hunting part from discovering them.
Several months after the regression episode, the nurse started to get attracted to a patient admitted for recurrent asthma attacks. The patient seemed infatuated with the nurse as well. So, it came as a surprise to her when she noticed a familiar, crescent-shaped birthmark beneath the patient’s right shoulder!
Dr. Weiss has since become a leading reincarnation researcher and maintains that asthma attacks are associated with people who have memories of being suffocated in a past life.
Psychiatry professor Ian Stevenson, researched the phenomenon of xenoglossy in several individuals. In it, an individual seems to know a real language that they have had little or no exposure to.
In one study, the professor investigated the case of Philadelphia-based woman, named E. During several hypnosis sessions, E assumed the role of a Swedish peasant by the name of Jensen Jacoby.
Despite having no prior experience with Swedish, she seemed to answer questions posed by the investigators in fluent Swedish with an impeccable accent. However, the vocabulary was noted to be limited to only around 100 words by the investigators.
So, in essence, it can be deemed that reincarnation has a lot of scientific evidence but no associated empirical data. Hence, it cannot be accepted into mainstream science. However, this doesn’t mean that reincarnation doesn’t exist.
It may well do so with the work of several researchers around the world alluding to its existence. This existence is thought to be there due to the potential presence of a soul cognizant of memories from an earlier life. That may very well be so, since the soul is one thing that is still quite obfuscated under the drapes of mystery.
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Reincarnation has become a fairly popular belief because there are amazing stories about memories of people usually refers to the rebirth of the same person at different place after death.
As a Hindu I strongly belief that reincarnation is connected to the belief of karma, which bears the impression of our own action and to be accounted for every good and bad deed we perform while we’re alive.
Never knew there are some indications to recognize reincarnation. These signs seems to be interesting especially regression episodes of past life event.
Reincarnation is the philosophical or religious belief that the non-physical essence of a living being starts a new life in a different physical form or body after biological death. The major religions in Asia hold a belief in reincarnation, especially Hinduism, Buddhism ,Jainism, and Sikhism accept that the reincarnation of a being depends on the past karma and merit accumulated. Reading this interesting blog, we get to understand better, we could look around in our friends or family members for signs that show us evidence of reincarnation. Interesting to know about these unusual signs of reincarnation as mentioned in this blog.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
It’s indeed very interesting to know about these three theories. The first one, I’m a bit skeptical on the fact that some family members often mark their dead with a soot mark on a certain area so that their reincarnated form is born within the same family. Can this be done even after death? The second one on regression is quite common nowadays and have been accepted globally although it’s not a mainstream. The third one…. there’s a question that arouse my curiosity on how some Christian can pray in tongues? Do they have something in common for xenoglossy mentioned above? I am curious to know… …
Many people do not believe in reincarnation and only relates it to certain religion such as Hinduism and Buddhism. However, there were many instances and signs that proven reincarnation exist. As Buddhist we will believe in reincarnation and karma. It is by understanding that everything has its cause and effect that we should learn to live life in the correct attitude and mindset. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this interesting articles to remind us of karma and the importance of doing dharma practise.
I always enjoy reading about reincarnation posts. I always find them very intriguing. Especially those who can recall their previous life/lives at a very young age and when the claims they made, are true! Evidences to show that they didn’t make stories up, its what they remember. In time, maybe science can find a way to prove that reincarnation is real.
In Buddhism, we can look at the great masters that reincarnate and come back for the sake of benefitting sentient beings. Looking at their qualities and how they always benefit others in this lifetime, show that they have been practicing for many many lives. After all, those qualities don’t ‘appear’ suddenly or in just a short period of life.
For example, our Guru is in His 25th reincarnation as confirmed by Dorje Shugden when the oracle took trance.
His Holiness Dalai Lama is in His 14th reincarnation. He is believed to be the emanation of Chenrezig.
Reincarnation is a beautiful topic to know.When you believe in karma ,you will believe in reincarnation.I do belive and do enjoy reading stories of reincarnation. In Buddhism we do believe in reincarnation as you can see those high Lamas can described their life before,which at times nobody can explain and know that.With modern and advance technology,researcher are begining to accept it sooner or later as you see like in case of Philadelphia-based woman and the nurse reproducing a past-life event in details.
Thank you Rinpoche for this interesting article. A good reminder for us to do good ,close to Dharma to have a good rebirth.
Reincarnation had always fascinated me as since young, I had always wondered about life beyond death. I remembered asking my father why do we visit the graves annually at Ching Ming or pray to our ancestral plaque at home daily since we also believe in reincarnation. He answered he had also wondered and since no one could answer then we just continue with tradition. Now with better understanding of reincarnation according to Buddhism, at death we move on to another life with no guarantee of whether it is in human form again. Our mindstream is one and not like the Taoist tradition of having 3 where at death, one will stay at the grave, one at the ancestral plaque and one to report to the God of Hell who decides our fate.
Its interesting to read or watch the scientific research on reincarnations especially Brian Weiss’ regression hypnotism. The nurse he regressed went so far back, even to the time before Buddha’s time. As the nurse experienced her past lives, karma plays such an important role. She is reaping or suffering what her actions had planted in the past. Brian Weiss himself a Jew who traditional do not believe in reincarnation was shocked by his patient and now believe wholeheartedly in reincarnation.
Thank you Rinpoche for this interesting article that also teaches us the importance of our practice to prepare for the good future rebirth that we wish for. Believe in reincarnation and believe in karma.
Even in this modern age of technological advances, it is still very difficult to prove reincarnation. In the eastern culture, it is taken matter of fact, and it just is for most of us.
There are many stories out there that only reincarnation can explain, but it is a matter of acceptance. It is a very difficult concept to explain and convince but once we accept it, then a lot of things will fall into place. This in turn will make us want to be better people.
From there, one will be better able to see the truth of the Buddha’s teachings even in the basic teachings starting from the Four Noble Truths and the 8 Fold Path.
But, the first step is always the hardest to take.
Reincarnation and the theory of multiple rebirths is an important theory to consider. It is important because understanding and even acceptance of of such a theory is life changing. As people come to terms that their very existence and their lives are greatly influenced by their own actions and doing, and that the very life they live now is predominantly they are wholly responsible for it. Wow, they might stop and take stock of what they are doing RIGHT now.
We are truly masters of our own fate and an understanding of the great law of karma gives us a better sense of why we are here and where we are going. We can see our experiences in life for what they really are – a series of lessons from which we can learn and grow. Seeing life in this light can allow us to take greater control over our lives and improve our karmic pattern.
Scientific study of life after death is revealing more and more about the belief in incarnation with supporting evidence. It has also been claimed that reincarnation is stated in various religious scriptures that has been reinterpreted by man over time. Perhaps men who want control.
Proof of reincarnation returns the power to ourselves as the law governing reincarnation is karma and karma is determined by the choices we make and the actions we take.
Below is a link to a man of science who did not believe in anything outside the realm of scientific formulas.
I don’t think reincarnation can be conclusively proven by acceptable scientific measures at this time. Perhaps it would be possible in the future when science and technology are able capture and hold on to the essence of mind as it leaves one physical body until it reappears in another body. That is not to say it is not true. There are too many signs that infer and support the existence of reincarnation. We can only claim coincidence so many times.
In fact by accepting the existence of reincarnation, we would be able to answer so many questions about human behavior. Even what we call love at first sight, the sense of familiarity with a person we have never met before can all be so easily explained with reincarnation. Child prodigies are another example.
In some culture like Tibet, reincarnation is so common a belief, it’s probably shocking to the Tibetans there are people who doesn’t believe. His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama is the 14th incarnation. Tibet has long established system of recognizing and validating the incarnation of high lamas.
I only started believing in reincarnation after learning Buddhist dharma. It makes a lot of sense and explains a lot of things I was questioning in life. For example how is it that some people have certain gifts, talents, skills, likes and dislikes naturally. In fact I’ve always sense that there is more lives we’ve lived than just this life.
However, Buddhism explains reincarnation and karma really well and made me accept a lot of things in life that no other religion could logically explain to me.
I am glad to hear that more and more scientist are agreeing and acknowledging reincarnation. This goes to show that Buddha is perhaps the most brilliant of all doctors and professor for discovering this fact thousands of years ago, but it has taken science this long to finally accept it. At least there is some headways.
If we can acknowledge that reincarnation exist then we can acknowledge that karma exist and with that we can take note that definitely there is a future life. With this understanding hence we should not get so attached to everything in just this life but instead work hard especially in dharma to prepare for our next life.
This gives people a lot of opportunity to re-habituate, correct or transform themselves from negative behaviour so that they will not experience a negative effect. Therefore reincarnation reaffirms karma’s existence as well.
The phenomena of remembering past lives is intriguing and currently not explainable by science. Much like other experiences that cross spiritual and scientific boundaries… this does not necessarily prove or disprove the validity of the occurrences by itself. reincarnation,,, repeating birth Marks and memories passing through different lifetime.. in our Hindu religion also believed we will reincarnate in life after life..
Reincarnation is the continuation of one’s existence of the mind lifetime after lifetime. Recent years, there are scientific evidences even though without associated empirical data yet to prove the existence of reincarnation, but it cannot be discounted or dismissed lightly as well. Having said so, the deeper meaning of reincarnation ties to the law of Karma and knowing that we are the designer to our own destiny. By knowing that our so-called “destined” shortcoming in this life is actually a result of our wrongdoing in our previous life, we should be motivated and inspired to do the right things now in order for our future to be better. It is very liberating because we are not forever bind to the situation we are in; we can always improve our situation.
Thank you very Rinpoche for sharing this blogpost.
Humbly, bowing down,
Stella Cheang
I personally believe that reincarnation does exist, there have been many accounts of people remembering their past lives automatically, especially children whose minds are unstained. I remember watching a documentary about a boy whom remembers his past life being a pilot, what’s more astonishing is that he could even remember his name during that time. When researches carried on with the investigation, sure enough they found someone with the exact same name, same occupation and etc, just like what the little boy had described. I find it very fascinating, this means that after we are dead, our mind stream or conscious mind does carry on into a new body, the same one lifetime after lifetime. Most of us do not remember what we did in our past lives of course, but just because we can’t remember it and science does not have the necessary equipment or machinaries to study about reincarnation, it doesn’t mean that it’s not in existent.
Reincarnation is the belief that when one dies, one’s body decomposes but something of oneself is reborn in another body. I am glad that in this day and age, more and more methods or signs are being discovered to validate reincarnation.
Hypnotic regression – a patient being asked to go back in time beyond the date of their birth and describe their impressions, some of them tell stories in which some characteristics match those of past and distant cultures or people in human history. Usually, the information they produce could not have been acquired or learned during their current life, hence, it is supposed that they really recall past lives.
There are also other methods, such as those used by Dr. Ian Stevenson who collect thousands of cases of children who spontaneously (without hypnosis) remember a past life.
However, even when methods are found to validate reincarnations, questions are asked, such as that by a researcher on this topic, Ian Wilson writes in his book: “Somewhere, somehow, the show must have a ‘director’. It is like watching a puppet show; we can see the puppets, see some of the strings by which they are made to work, but cannot see the puppet master.” Who could be this hidden director of the multiple personality show?
As Buddhists, what is more important is to think beyond reincarnation, to remember the force that propels this continuity, which is karma. Karma is not fate, but simple action and reaction, cause and effect. I believe this gives us great hope and encouragement to take charge – knowing that the karma of past impacts our present life, but change is always possible, and we can make that change so we will have better future lives.
There are many accounts of people remembering their life and actually revisiting the place that used to live in their previous life. They even recognize the people there and call them by their names. I’m not sure what type of empirical evidence scientists are looking for, but through accounts similar to this, I am convinced.
Hence, we are immortals. We take on different life forms in an existence that Buddha calls Samsara. So whatever we do in this life will somehow affect us beyond our current life. We can change if we want to. It only requires effort and consistency.
Reincarnation is definitely not something made up. Although it is not fully scientifically proven yet, doesn’t mean it’s not real. Many people from different religions also believe in reincarnation like Buddhism, Hinduism and surprisingly also a sect of Islam.
I knew that some people after tacking another rebirth, they might remember some things or have the same behavior of how they do things or be able to speak in a foreign language fluently, but one thing for sure that I don’t know is that some people can even carry the same birthmark from their previous life. This is really astonishing and it is also a great way to proof that reincarnation is real.
What made this post interesting to me was the fact that it is even possible to reincarnate in your own family, I mean out of 7 billion people in the world and countless other beings in this world, this person took rebirth in his own family and becoming his own grandchild. Thank You Rinpoche for sharing this article, I have learnt that reincarnation functions in many different ways, and I believe there are much more ways to reincarnation as well.
Thank You Rinpoche for this interesting post on reincarnation. There is no denying that Reincarnation exist,Reincarnation, believe it or not exist. The talent we have, the proficiency of languages is not mere coincidence, but an imprint from past life.
Have always found reincarnation and past life regressions utterly fascinating. Am really curious about my own past lives as well. Will be interesting to know about my past lives. Thank you for this post, Rinpoche.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this research on reincarnation. Reincarnation it definitely exits but I have to said some people out there are do not believe in reincarnation do exits so they said they only have just one life so they will enjoyed fully everything just focus about themselves nothing is about others and develop the attitudes of don’t care about others very self cherishing .
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for sharing these wonderful accounts of existence of reincarnation.
For Buddhists like us, it will be beneficial if we could use our past experience to help others and to share our past life mistakes so that no one should go through those episodes.
It’s just a thought on how we can fully utilize our abilities (provided we can recall our past life) to help others.
Humbly yours,
Lum Kok Luen
Reincarnation has intrigued and still intrigues many people. It’s similar to the search for evidences of the existence of UFO, extraterrestrials, Bigfoot/Yeti/Sasquatch, Nessie. I guess even if there’s proof of it the government of most countries, if not all, may prevent the truth to be heard. It may be about politics, wanting to have the power to prevent their people not to be influenced by other faiths and beliefs.
Through this, it shows more evidence that reincarnation does exist even when people choose not to believe and think that when we die that is the end of it. It shows that what we do in this life does affect our next life and it is not just a saying to “scare” us as it is true.
With more and more of these investigations showing that reincarnation do exist and more people having recurring memories and sharing these memories, together with their family members having an open heart to this situation helps to allow people understand what is going on for them, I believe that soon scientist in the main stream science will be able to pick this up. Developing a way to investigate what is going on, and giving an explanation so that people that did not believe before that will also see the significance to it.
With that, more people will know that they do not only live once and they should focus their life in doing something meaningful towards the society even if it is just playing a small part for a cause as that will help benefit not only the community, but create merits for their next life. They can also prepare for the death and not be so scared about death and not talking about it as though it is a crime to even say that all of us will die one day.
It is just amazing that people see these signs that acts as evidence for reincarnation.
It’s always interesting to see how people investigate about reincarnation, with their doubt being cleared with the evident proven it exists. It can be an interesting phenomena but it’s a cycle of life for some to believe. Basically by just knowing that there is a rebirth is not good enough, what important is what are we going to do about it. In Buddhism we know that karma is the key factor to determine our next rebirth and thanks a lot to Rinpoche who teaches us the way to collect merits and practices to purify our negative karma to prepare for our future.
Hope more people will believe in it for their benefit and positive action to prepare themselves in stead of hiding and be passive about death.