Kid Painter is Mini Monet

This incredible kid to me is another example of reincarnation. He is good at what he was doing in other lifetimes.
Kid geniuses are people who were good in something in another life and they from a young age without or with very little training can do something beyond your belief system of what kids can and cannot do. When I was in the Monastery, I saw young reincarnated tulkus who can recite very complicated passages from certain scriptures with very little memorization or pick out things from their previous lives that belonged to them. They can recall.
Reincarnation doesn’t just happen for Buddhists. It is a universal law for all sentient beings as we are governed by cause and effect. Whatever we were good at, or fears, or traumas, psychosis from previous lives are all stored in our memory or consciousness and brought forth in this life. Nothing we do goes away. Everything is stored in the form of karma for the right time to ripen or open up to experience. Hence kids like this show clearly that their talents or ‘gifts’ come from a previous life. A life they were good at something and it just takes a situation to open that talent or seed again.
Please do watch this interesting video.
Tsem Rinpoche
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Reading about this young adult, he is now 18 years old, I suppose he reconnected to a previous life. Probably that previous life was a very good life too, presumably. As if his previous life as an artist was not so pleasant would the imprints be so strong to get back to that place?
It’s interesting to see how young children able to do something very good at their young age. It’s very impressive and we often say that they are a genius and we stop there. Most people will try to think further than how they able to be so good and is unbelievable. Personally I have been searching the answer to this because it can’t just be genius and how can it happen? After getting in touch with Buddhism and learned about reincarnation and as well as teaching from Rinpoche it makes perfect sense that one has done it before in their previous lives with a very strong imprint and they brought this imprint with them in the incarnation. So when they did it again it becomes very spontaneous and is from their previous memory. This also shows us that nothing we can bring over to our next incarnation except our consciousness or our mind.
This article is a very good example of the parent’s prime responsibility to continuous support and appreciated the child’s interest from five years old.This article is one of the evidence that reincarnation does exist.There are plenty of examples that are similar to this.
Once we accept the law of reincarnation and karma , we can find the answer for many things.Thank you so much for sharing this nice article with us.
It is beautiful that, people can carry on doing what they have done, for many lifetimes.
Especially if what they did before, benefitted a whole lot of people. I suppose the Bodhisattvas are like that they, return always to enlighten beings about the nature of our reality and existence.
Thank you so much for this article. This article is mainly genius kids who brought their talents from their past life to the present life through recalling. Reincarnation doesn’t just happen for Buddhists but it is a universal law for all sentient beings as we are governed by cause and effect.
It is true that nothing we do goes away where everything we did is stored in the form of karma for the right time to ripen or open up to experience. Thank you.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing.
Reincarnation is there since beginingless time .
Some have strong imprint and some do remember their past lifes and are due to karma.
The major religious that hold a great belief in reincarnation are Buddhism and Hinduism. As a Hindu I too belief in rebirth and reincarnation. Hindus believe that all individuals accumulate karma over the course of a lifetime. Good actions create good karma and evil actions create negative karma. Karma is simply earned by an individual and passed down through subsequent lives . One should to know that the purpose of life is to sincerely service others and expect nothing in return without hurting, and by nature it will turn to be rewarded in any forms by generation.
This article is a very good example, of the parent’s prime responsibility to continuous support and appreciated the child’s interest when he was only five. The little boy has an inclination towards painting which was very vast. A special attention was created to developed him and the child became a Mini Monet. This is because of his previous birth talent that belongs to him has been recalled.
There are also many credible testimonies of children to adults that are able to recount memories of their past lives. Almost every child a born to be talented in something, however at times; some talents go overlooked due to the hectic lifestyle of parents. I would like to thanks Tsem Rinpoche for sharing the religious belief in reincarnation.
It is not surprising when young children are embedded with certain talent. If we believe in reincarnation, the talent would have been brought from the past lives. Some religion do not believe in reincarnation that we only live once. However, reincarnation is universal and there are so many evidences showing children remember their past live , some even remember the place they live and their family. Kieron past life certainly a very good painter which he brought it to this current life. May he has success in his art and able to bring many more creative paintings. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this intersting article.
In Buddhism reincarnation definitely exist, I do believe so. Kieron the eight-year-old boy who started drawing at the age of five while on his first family holiday to the seaside in Cornwall, western England. He is one exceptionally intelligent and talented boy and he could be an reincarnation of a great artist in this life. He even sold his first painting at the age of six earning thousands of dollars.
Many children at this age do enjoy drawing and painting, but not many of them are like Kieron who displays exceptional creative and productivity. He has been named the “Mini-Monet” for the quality of his beautiful impressionist paintings. As there is no one that can paints as young as him. Wow ….he made a name for himself as the youngest artist and well established in the art world.
Thank you Rinpoche this inspiring article of a genius .
It doesn’t matter what he is doing now but it did matter that he can paint like a master when he was only a young child. That’s a valid and strong evidence that we do “reincarnate”. What else can be the reason?
Just like any other people who have commented earlier, I agree that we better think twice of our bad thoughts. I know it’s hard to kick off the bad habits but we have to try. At the same time, try to do more Dharma or at least keep to what we are doing now. That’s my thought for this. Thank you Rinpoche
Thank you for Rinpoche for sharing with us this interesting story of the prodigy painter that can paint like the great artist, Monet. This is evidence that reincarnation does exist. This kid did not have the environmental factor that can groom him into a great painter. Hence, what he can do now must be already in him when he was born.
There are plenty of examples that are similar to this. There was another story about a young child that have nightmares about him dying in a plane crash. He is an active kid that loves planes and he would draw about planes too. However, he would draw scenes of battle planes from World War 2. He would draw planes getting shot and fall from the sky and also enemy planes with the Japanese flag on them.
After the parents went to do deep research according to the clues that the boy has given them, they found out that everything he said was true and it is impossible for a 2-year-old to know all those details. Hence, the only explanation for that is the dead pilot had reincarnated as the young boy.
This is just one of the many evidence of reincarnation where kids are able to remember their past lives. This is the link
Have you ever thought why some people have some special talent like painting, playing musical instruments, playing sports, etc., but others don’t? How come someone can be born with it? For example, this boy in the article is extremely good at painting in a very unique style at a very young age without having to go to an art school.
For Buddhists, we believe it is the imprint we bring from our previous lives. How we are and what we like are what we bring from our previous life. What we do, or the qualities we develop in this life, we will bring with us to our next life when we take rebirth. Therefore, how we want ourselves to be, we can decide, it is our choice.
Once we accept the law of reincarnation and karma, we can find the answers to many things. We are the one who hold the key to our future, we can decide how we want our future to be. We are the master of our lives, no one else. Knowing that as long as we are not enlightened, we will continue to take endless rebirth in this samsara that is full of sufferings, we should take this precious opportunity while we are in a human form to practice Dharma, to liberate ourselves from our sufferings.
Dr. Ian Stevenson, who investigated three thousand cases of children around the world who claimed to remember past lives, concluded that we preserve talents from one lifetime to another and explains child prodigies, especially those who have no environmental influences to be prodigies. There are also other researchers who have documented similar cases.
A similar case is that of art prodigy, Alexandra Nechita. Alexandra demonstrated artistic talent as a very young child. She started doing cubist art, drawings that featured two faces and four eyes, at the age of three. Alexandra replicated the style of Picasso in childhood, works in multiple media, as did Picasso. By the age of eight, she was dubbed by the press as the ‘Petite Picasso,’ as she had already mastered cubism by that age. It was also at the age of eight, when she had her first exhibit, that she saw the art of Picasso for the first time in Los Angeles County Art Museum.
What is more interesting is that Alexandra Nechita’s facial bone structure is found to be consistent with that of Picasso. It was also said that on his deathbed, Picasso stated that a young child would be born with his talent.
There are also other cases, such as that of Autumn de Forest. She is said to work in many styles, including abstract impressionism, surrealism, and pop art. She’s never had formal training prior. It was noted that how mature the girl artwork is, even when the girl has been as small as six years old. Typically it will take an artist an entire lifetime to perfect their painting, and she was able to paint stunning lifelike faces, utilizes a wide pallet associated with color, and it is capable of capture emotion on the canvas a lot much better than hundreds of various other painters many times her age. When she was younger, she has an unusual attraction for vintage TV shows and old movies and music.
I’d like to quote Dr. Stevenson who said, “One can find endless examples that are difficult to explain given our current theories. But if one accepts the possibility of reincarnation, one can entertain the idea that these children are demonstrating strong likes, dislikes, skills, and even genius that are the logical results of previous experiences”.
Dear Rinpoche, I strongly believe in reincarnations. If there is no reincarnations then what happens to the dead being, they disappear? And how can you explain that more and more living beings are born? I’m very sure that this little boy is a reincarnation of a famous artist.
In Buddhism, reincarnation is usually referred as transmigration of the consciousness to the next body after death. As in this kid, Kieron, he proves that there is a continuity of our mind streams. He
must have been a great painter in his past life for him to continue to paint so well in this life. It is quite scary to think that if positive imprints/talents can continue to our next life, our negative imprints will also tag along as well.
Since skills can be brought over to this life, so as bad habits, and most scary your fear or trauma happened in previous lives. Understanding these make me understand more about life, myself, others and my life. It really helps. Understanding is always a good start to handle, deal and solve the problems we are facing with. Even cannot solve it now at least we know better and accept better – this always helps in solving it. Buddhism always helps me to understand myself, others and life better; it provides me the foundation to understand the world inside me and outside. And my Guru brings the knowledge and teachings to me…
Reading this story makes me feel that perhaps I was not good in anything profound that is why I am so common and normal now.
How nice will that be if I can draw or play any music instruments very well. It will be good for self-entertaining, achievements and for fund generations using my own talents.
From many articles that I read, I keep coming across the notion of karma. What is good will turn out to be good at the right time and what is bad will ripen at the right time. This is both satisfying and scary at the same time.
The worst is that we don’t really know what good or not good that we have done in our past lives. For me, it feels like time bomb.
We do not know our karma bank, only buddhas do.
Kieron is so cute!! he must have a very strong past life imprints to be able to make such good paintings at a very young age. One of his previous life must have been a great artist. He started painting since he was only 5 years old and making his parents very proud of him. Makes me think of young reincarnated Tulkus being able to take up Dharma and Tantric text practices easily.
Some people say that as a painter, you can only be famous after you die. In this case, it doesn’t reflect that. If this boy was some great artist in his previous life, he has definitely carried forward his skills this life to continue making a substantial living and fame. Lesson is no skills or mastery in anything we do is LOST. I should bear that in mind and do everything well!
Thank you for sharing this blog Rinpoche. It is amazing how this boy can paint really well. I used to wonder why some people have that special talents and being labeled as geniuses. Being a Buddhist, reincarnation and carrying the skills from previous lives seem to be the only logical explanation rather than just to label it as world wonders and unexplained phenomena.
Reincarnation does exist. This 8 years old kid proves that his panting skill able to bring along to his next live. How if you bring your negative quality a long to your next live? aren’t we going to suffer again!….It’s important to pacify it now as we have no idea when our time will come and by then it’s too late….emm scary..
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this video. It is another classic example of reincarnation and imprints from previous lives manifesting in this young boy of 8 years old. It speaks loudly that whatever traits we have accumulated from our previous lives, be they be good or bad, they will surface when the right conditions and circumstances arise in the future.
Yes, we must during our lives, cut off and refrain from non-virtuous thoughts and actions so that these will not be brought forward to our next rebirth.
Nothing is permanent, as we all know, the future is in our hand. We can change the course of our karma by taking proactive measures to get out from our bad habituations.
I really wonder what makes it possible for some people to recall their abilities from previous lives. Many life times of doing the same thing over and over again? I was wondering about this before. Rinpoche did mention that when a blessing happens it has the ability to open up our latent imprints. If we have planted very good imprints, during a blessing it will open up our good imprints. How wonderful!
Dearest Rinpoche, thank You so much for sharing with us this interesting video. Yes Rinpoche, has mentioned to us many times in the teachings.
I believe totally reincarnations and also saw some of the talented members in Kechara House. Under Rinpoche’s guidance, they paint so well, examples Margaret Lee, Lily Ng and etc.
Thank you for sharing this video. This 8 year old is really proof of reincarnation and how our mindstream continues from life to life. It is the only logical explanation of how he is able to paint so well. When we die, what imprints will we bring to our next life and will our next life even be a human one? Scary thoughts. I’d better do more Dharma while I still can…
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this interesting video. This 8 year old kid from Norfolk England. Only 8 years old. And is a wizard in painting. Many kids would only be starting to learn many things at this age. He must have practice and learn how to paint in his past life times and many previous lifetimes. Otherwise he would not have mastered his painting skills so quickly. He must have very good karma to be able to be reborn as a human. Otherwise he will not have the opportunity and ability to paint so professionally. So like BK says we better kick all our bad habituations and only retain good ha bits to bring into our next life.
really amazing just looks like a regular kid, so there is still surprise’s coming after all !
We really don’t know who will be returning here, but maybe the young one’s will lead the way
Thank you for sharing Rinpoche. If something as mundane as painting can be carried through lifetimes, and bearing in mind that painting is a skill that has to be learned, then what about bad habituations, which are subconscious and so much a part of us? On a personal level, I better kick my bad habits quick…
In the same vein, if a skill as mundane as painting can be brought forward, imagine how much more powerful our future lives would be if we gained real attainments of the mind – wisdom, kindness, patience, generosity. Rinpoche has also often explained that once you gain these attainments, you don’t lose them anymore; you just keep carrying them forward more and more into your future lives.