Kirlian Photography & Aura Healing – Science or Myth?

An ‘aura’ is the electromagnetic energy field that surrounds, encompasses and permeates the body as well as all living things
Have you ever heard people saying “Oh this person’s mood is really black” or “that person is really glowing”? If you say yes, this is probably true and believing in aura colours will not be as farfetched as it may first seem. I’ve always been fascinated with energy fields and auras. I believe that every living being definitely has an energy field and what people often call a ‘life-force’. I believe our body make-up is not just limited to our physical body of flesh and bones. Seeing auras is nothing new nor is it anything particularly mystical. In the past it was believed that people were able to see auras easily, it is just that we have forgotten about this and have not trained our eyes to see them. Hence, today auras can only be seen by a special few who are more sensitive and have the gift of seeing colours around people and objects.

Kirlian photography is used to capture images of a person’s aura
In this day and age of materialism, we’ve become less sensitive and more skeptical about things as we tend to focus more on obtaining objects to prove our worth. Consumerism is the core of our society now, and it is as if the more ‘advanced’ we become, the more disconnected we are with our own true nature – our spiritual being. Perhaps this is why there is a great rise in depression, sickness and ailments, especially in advanced countries and as compared to 20-30 years ago. This increase in sickness leads people to find solutions in different places, even seeking help from alternative medicines when modern medicine fails.
One of the many alternative healing methods that are being used today is aura reading, in which our aura is captured through a photograph using a Kirlian photography machine. Using this, it is said that alternative medicine doctors or healers are be able to diagnose our illness even before they arise.
However, there are skeptics of the paranormal who have long disputed the claims made concerning auras and Kirlian photography. If you ask me, there will always be skeptics but I am not here to judge or to take sides, instead simply to present to you what has been experienced and researched on both sides. Then you can choose to decide for yourself if you believe in this method of healing or otherwise. So before we move on any further, let’s first understand what exactly an aura is.
What is an ‘Aura’?
An aura is the electromagnetic energy field that surrounds, encompasses and permeates the body as well as all living things. The colours and patterns within this energy field is like a blueprint of the energy we radiate from our feelings, thoughts, to our physical being.

Every living thing has an aura, including plants and animals. Here we see the aura of a cat.
Every living thing on earth radiates a field of energy, which is called an aura. For humans, there are seven main centres in the body that produce the aura energy, and these energy centres are called ‘Chakras’. These energy fields can be scanned over long distance and then interpreted by healers or alternative medicine doctors. The analysis provides an evaluation of the individual’s physical health and spiritual status.
Since the early Vedic period, Indian sages have related aura (Tej or Abha Mandal) with divine and spiritual powers. The luminous halo around the paintings of gods and saints are just a visible expansion of the aura, the energy fields that interpenetrates, express and permeate both our gross and subtle realities.

It is said by those who believe in auras, that the luminous halo around the paintings of Buddhas, gods and saints are just a visible expansion of the aura

Those who believe in auras say that halos are physical expansions of a person’s aura.
What is Kirlian Photography?
Kirlian photography is a high voltage, contact print photography. The process is simple: a film sheet is placed on top of a metal plate, called the discharge or a film plate. The object to photograph is placed on top of the film.
Kirlian photography is named after the founder Semyon Kirlian, who in 1939 accidentally discovered that when an object on a photographic plate is subjected to a high-voltage electric field, an image is created on the plate. Today it is commonly used to reveal visible auras of objects photographed. The technique has been variously known as ‘electrography’, ‘electrophotography’, ‘corona discharge photography’ (CDP), ‘bioelectrography’, ‘gas discharge visualization (GDV)’, ‘electrophotonic imaging (EPI)’, and in Russian, ‘Kirlianography’.
Kirlian photography has been the subject of mainstream scientific research studies, parapsychology research and art. It has been used in alternative medicine research and even healing. With the help of Kirlian photography, scientists have been able to study, observe, and take pictures of small bioplasmic articles such as fingers, leaves, etc.
About the Inventor
Semyon Davidovich Kirlian, married to Valentina Khrisanovna, was a Russian electrician in the town of Krasnodar. In 1939, Kirlian witnessed a lab demonstration of a high-frequency d’Arsonval electrotherapy device, which caused a small flash of light between the electrodes of the device and the patient’s skin.

Semyon Davidovich Kirlian (1900–1980)
The experience, and his interest in electricity, led him to experiment with trying to photograph the phenomenon. After successfully photographing an energy discharge around his hand (not without severely burning himself in the process), he and his wife proceeded to perfect a technique for electrical discharge photography that is known today as Kirlian photography. It’s a technique that involves electrical voltage, photographic film, and no camera is actually required.
Over the years, the Kirlians accumulated what they considered to be ‘proof’ of the human aura through the photographs. They claimed they could photograph the declining life of a picked leaf through a series of photographs, and eventually claimed they could provide an index of a person’s physical health, and could identify acupuncture points after treatment.

Semyon Davidovich Kirlian was a Russian inventor and researcher of Armenian descent, who along with his wife Valentina Khrisanovna Kirlian, a teacher and journalist, discovered and developed Kirlian photography.
Although the Kirlians invented this photographic process in 1939, they didn’t publicly release information about their experiments until 1958, and Kirlian photography wasn’t a well-known phenomenon to the general public until 1970.
The Skeptics
Kirlian had proposed that the images he captured of living objects were evidence of the life-force or aura of that particular living being. He promoted this idea and supported it with an experiment which involved cutting off a part of a leaf. It was said that even though part of the leaf was cut off, it still showed the leaves as whole, as though the cutting had not happened.
Skeptics have tried to disprove the existence of the aura using experiments with Kirlian photography
However researchers at Drexel University claimed that they were unable to reproduce the same effect when the glass used to capture the original leaf was replaced with new glass before the freshly cut leaf was photographed. This led them to conclude that the ‘cut leaf’ phenomenon was caused by microscopic etching in the surface of the glass which occurred during preparing the images of the uncut leaf. They also reported on a number of demonstrable causes such as surface moisture and pressure which can account for much of the variations in colour, shape, and size of the resulting image.
In addition to living material, inanimate objects such as coins will also produce images on the film in a Kirlian photograph setup. In the 1980s, Polish scientist K. Wrona applied Kirlian photography in forensics, specifically dactyloscopy.
The accepted explanation amongst scientists is that the images produced are those typically caused by a high voltage corona effect, similar to those seen from other high voltage sources such as the Van de Graaff generator or Tesla coil. In a darkened room, this is visible as a faint glow but because of the high voltages, the film is affected in a slightly different way than usual.
Colour photographic film is calibrated to faithfully produce colours when exposed to normal light. The corona discharge has a somewhat different effect on the different layers of dye used to accomplish this result, resulting in various colours depending on the local intensity of the discharge.
Skeptics of the paranormal have long disputed the claims made regarding the auras captured by Kirlian photography. There are however also many who say otherwise and use this method to help people heal especially when all else fails.
There are many scientists and healing practitioners who believe and use Kirlian photography as a tool to predict a patient’s illness before it happens. It can also be used to determine a person’s emotional state or qualities.
How Kirlian Photography Helps with Healing
In traditional eastern medicines such as acupuncture and Reiki, healing methods are based on the energy fields in our body. It is commonly acknowledged that all living beings have an energy life-force and this is called ‘qi’ in Chinese medicine. Kirlian photography is sometimes used to assist healers in capturing the patient’s energy and aura colour as this can be very helpful in diagnosing and evaluating the patient’s health.
Kirlian Photography has many uses, including both the medical and spiritual fields
For example acupuncturists can take an image using Kirlian photography of a person during an initial evaluation and see specifically where their energy is out of balance. It is not a replacement for the acupuncturist’s traditional diagnostic skills but rather a supplement and a way for them to demonstrate their assessment to a patient visually.
There are many scientists and healing practitioners who believe and use Kirlian photography as a tool to predict a patient’s illness before it happens. It has also been used in detecting cancer and other devastating diseases. For example, many tests and research have shown plants with cancer would be seen with very vivid corona or electrical field surrounding them compared to healthy plants – this is due to the high metabolic rate of cancerous cells.
It is said that Kirlian photography may also be able to treat patients under psychiatric care. This is because the images taken are able to expose the emotional state of the person being photographed. Based on numerous studies conducted by Dr Thelma Moss of UCLA in the 1970s, she could determine a person’s relaxation state with the colours that appear. A blue-white corona is seen when a person is relaxed and if a person is aroused, or if there is tension, anxiety and or emotional excitement, red blotches will appear superimposed on the fingerprint areas.
Therefore although Kirlian photography has its skeptics, there is also a very strong foundation in the scientific and healing world on its benefits. Many professionals have used this ‘accidental’ discovery to help the lives of their patients around the world. This form of alternative healing along with many others should not be simply ignored just because it does not conform to the widely accepted concepts of western medicine. With more people seeking help through alternative medicine, hopefully this method of healing will be embraced by traditional western medicine for the diagnosis and treatment of major diseases such as cancer. Meanwhile alternative healers have been utilising the Kirlian photography method as a diagnostic and healing tool to help them determine their patients’ illness. Below is a general list of benefits of using Kirlian aura photography and the meaning of the colours that appear in the photograph.
Uses and Benefits of Aura Photography
- To know the present and future health problems of the body.
- To check the negative effects of radiation of mobile phones on health.
- To check the positive effects of pranayam and other yogic exercises.
- Healers and therapists can get before and after reports of the effectiveness of their treatments.
- To check the increase in energy of the room after group meditation.
- To show both chain smokers and heavy drinkers the increase in health problems due to their habits and addictions.
- Variations in the shapes, colours and intensity of images produced are said to provide clues to the patients’ overall health and energy level.
- Acupuncturists can, for example, take aura photography of a person during an initial evaluation and see where the energy is out of balance. It is not a replacement for the acupuncturist’s traditional diagnostics skills but rather a supplement and a way for them to demonstrate their assessment to a patient visually.
- Scientists or medical practitioners also theorize that aura photography has a role in detecting cancer and other devastating diseases. For example, plants with cancer show a very vivid corona or electrical field as compared to healthy plants. This is due to the high metabolic rate of cancerous cells.
- Kirlian photography may also be able to treat patients under psychiatric care. The images can exhibit the emotional state of the person being photographed through various colours.
The Meaning of Colours
Every colour in the spectrum of an aura indicates a specific meaning and reflects the true status of the individual at that moment. The colours of one’s aura changes based upon one’s mental, emotional and physical state. Some of the common colours that we can observe in the aura around people are:
- AQUA: Healer.
- BLACK: Often seen around abused children, divorcees, drug addicts and torture victims.
- ORANGE: Strong motivation.
- IMPERIAL PURPLE: Heightened dream activity.
- GRAPE: Laziness.
- VIOLET: Humbleness.
- RUSTIC RED: Short-tempered.
- SCARLET RED: Indicates ego.
- GOLDEN YELLOW: Inspiration.
- INDIGO: Strong psychic ability.
- AMBER: Personal strength and courage.
- RAW SIENNA: Indicates poor thinking process.
- FAWN: Period of problems is coming to an end.
- DOE-SKIN: Found in people who are very orderly.
- MUSHROOM: A slowing of destiny.
- CHOCOLATE BROWN: The colour of environmentalists and farmers.
- RUSSET-BROWN: A hard-working person.
- TERRACOTTA: People who challenge convention.
- DARK BROWN: Indicates a person with common sense.
- GOLD: A higher level of consciousness, etc.
Below is a very interesting documentary on auras from a popular television series in the late 1970’s called ‘In Search Of’ which investigates all types of paranormal phenomena. This particular episode I stumbled upon showcases exactly what I am writing about. Titled ‘The Human Aura Is Real’, it is a look at the multi-coloured rays we transmit, which seem to change with our moods.
Or view the video on the server at:
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7 chakras are present only in vedic, yogic, shaivic traditions
Thank you for the interesting sharing of Kirlian Photography and Aura healing. The Kirlian photography technique is a very interesting method to capture the coronal discharge of certain subjects. Whether it is coloured aura or energy, I believe there are a certain energy that you emit out by what you are always of.
Naturally, a lot of myths related to the subject emerged over time. And just like it is the case with many other spiritual and paranormal practices, there are plenty of believers who are ready to vouch for it, in spite of science having disproved their convictions.
Some people can read about others aura. What i understand before our aura represent our energy level. But through Kirlian Photography we can even find out one personality and health problems in a more specific aspect. This is wonderful as it save time and avoid mistakes. it also helps to faster the diagnosis process by understanding the condition of a patient more accurately by reading his aura during treatments.
I hope this will be widely used in the hospital and health care centres, even nursing home in order to help the patients more effectively.
Indeed, the more ‘advanced’ we become, the more disconnected we are with our own true nature – our spiritual being. Everything we tend to get clarification with science , when science couldn’t explain, it indicates that it’s false and busted. When things happened and we see it with ours own eyes & science couldn’t explain, we then ignore it by social pressure or we strongly do not believe such things could exist because of our ego.
It’s fine to have our own belief system as it’s everyone’s rights. However, we have to be open minded and accept others comments and beliefs. Or else, disharmony and things would go wrong.
I heard about Aura reading before but d know that it can be used for healing. It is amazing to see the pictures and even the leaf has an aura. I think it would be helpful to learn Aurareading as it helps us to see the state this person is mostly connected at that time. It is amazing how my ways have been developed to help others. I think it is good to investigate in many ways to find help when sick.
It would be interesting how aura healing and the Kirlian photography has developed in our time and how it is used now in healthcare.
I did few test of Kirlian photography before in different occasion. The result of the test told how my energy level changes. I text it when i fall sick , auras around me show it clearly my energy level and my auras is weak. When i get well and healthy, my auras get changes and enegitic. You can see auras colour changes.
Final test of my Kirlian photography after i had stated my spiritual journey. It changes completely my auras around me. I belieave when you in the spiritual path, people can feel your energy become calm and peaceful.
First time came to know about the Kirlian photography. It says in the article that ” There are many scientists and healing practitioners who believe and use Kirlian photography as a tool to predict a patient’s illness before it happens” My question is how to control not to be happened because this all happened was related to our Mind and Karma. Nothing else. It is the human mind which the creator or the only source of universal energy. And in Buddhism, it involve the Karma we have and of course we still can change our Karma by purification the negative karma and collect merits. But Mind actually is the very strong creator and everyone of us have the problem on how to controlling our mind. So, what we see in Kirlian photography is related to our mind.
I don’t doubt that auras exist, emitting from around living beings because all living beings release energy. Most people cannot see auras, some who cannot see may feel a person’s aura. Often times we have heard of people saying that they do not have a good feeling of someone or something, maybe these people may have felt the aura of the person or thing. It is beneficial for those who can see auras, for they may benefit others through their ability.
Well I have to say I didn’t give it a serious thought when told to me initially by my friend. I in fact once were invited to have someone looking at my aura. I didn’t believe into it to be honest but the longer I am in Dharma center the longer I noticed we cannot take it likely afterall. We are what we emit out energy wise. Whether it is coloured aura or energy, I believe there are a certain energy that you emit out by what you are always of. Like for example being nice compared to nasty person.
I’ve heard about the picture that can show one’s aura, I didn’t know what it’s called, until I read this article. This is a very interesting topic. Yes, I believe every living beings on this earth has their own aura and energy. Different beings bring up different energy. And it is because of our aura and energy, certain people attract certain people, that’s why some people can be close with certain people, and some bad guys, although they are bad, but they still have their own friend that doing bad things together. It is because negative energy attract people with the same negative energy. Whereas, positive energy attract and can influence other people so that they can have positive energy. But, taking a picture that shows their aura and energy is really amazing. I heard before some acupuncturists cure a certain patient depend on reading on their energy picture, they know what “Qi” flowing in their body. This is really amazing!
Although we are not trained or have the ability to see the auras from humans, I believe everyone has some kind of good or bad energy in them that we can feel. For people with good and positive energy attracts a lot of people while people bad and negative energy attracts the opposite. Kirlian photography is something new to me as I have not encounter this kind of photography before until I read this article. It is interesting to see how the camera is able to capture the aura coming from a human body and also plants.
Such an interesting article to read more about Qi, Aura, Kirlian Photography and Energy from human bodies. In outlet i met a lot customers ( Energy Healer ) who always share with me their experience of Energies, how they using their energy to heal people and some of them even told me they can sense a Spirits Energy too.
So, humans can generate an Energies? Qi? Kirlian Photography & Aura Healing? Yes, i definitely believe it. Because not just one person told me this ( most if the Energy Healers that i spoke with are from Vipasanna Meditation School ).
Energy is everywhere. If we can see this energy field that surrounds your body be it good or bad then I believe we can see how it impact our life. For example you know how you just sense a particular feeling or vibe from each individual person around you? One person might make you a bit anxious, while another chills you out? Well, a lot of that has to do with their aura, which informs one’s attitude and overall disposition.
It’s a unique creation of Kirlian photography in order to allow us to see our aura and how it being used for healing. Since the aura will change according to our feeling, thoughts, to our physical being mean we can change this energy with good motivation and practice such as dharma practice which encompass so many positive value.
My friend once told me she can see aura on certain people. I was amazed by it. I started to ask her questions of how it looked like and how does she know what the different colors meant. She told me she searched for more information and asked around so that she can understand better.
It’s a very fascinating topic as I do believe that aura exist but not proven scientifically for many to have faith and believe. Perhaps in time with more studies and research, scientists can prove that there is indeed such a thing.
It took me quite a while to visualise how the Kirlian Photography works and during our discussion tonight, we were fortunate that a member of our team had the experience of taking this Kirlian photograph of herself and her experience of healing with the wearing of crystals.
I believe that the aura of a person is visible and some people have been trained to see that “halo” of aura around a being with their eyes. I suppose aura is the energy emitted by individuals.
However, the non acceptability of the Kirlian photography as being scientific is unusual as seeing the aura can in some way diagnose the mood and any ailment of a person under screening. Could this simple and easy method of diagnosis be unacceptable because there is no documented scientific method for this mode of photography which can be studied and learnt?
Having said that, if there is faith in this method, scientific, myth or otherwise, I am sure that this alternative method of healing can work as in many other form of alternative methods of healing.
I have no doubt about the Aura reading, because i heard not only 1 time, but few times from different people including high lamas.
Qi, is a type of energy that flow surrounding and inside our body, this has over thousand years history, I’m sure there is the purpose of it’s existence and it is real, but with the world today, how much can we believe when there are so many fake cases.
And 1 thing I’m wondering while reading this article and watching the video, if since the aura reading thru the glass/screen is so accurate and it can help so much in diagnostic or evaluating the patient’s health, why don’t the medical sector invest into it and bring it to a bigger ground to help more people?
Too much profit is being made by conventional, allopathic medicine. The less we know, the sicker we get. The pharmaceutical companies are a billion dollar profit generating system.
Thank you Joy for this interesting about Aura. I do believe in such thing as bright and dark aura. And as far as i know that crystals can help to improve the aura. I’m not sure how effective it is. But this KirLian Photography is very useful to detect our Aura. Hope we can have it in KFR in the future 🙂
I first get to know aura electromagnetic energy when I was on a day trip to Kuala Lumpur many years ago. I was quite fascinated with the facility the crystal shop provide where they will capture a photograph of you. Before they start take your picture, you have a sit on chair that had provided with 2 boxes at the side.You need to placed your hand on the boxes for few seconds before they start taking the picture. After that, the consultant will introduce type of crystals to you according to the aura in the photograph.It’s believed that crystal have a healing power for aura.
I think the machine do benefit many.It helps identify a person’s health, mood, emotion, character and even the past and future.
Thank you Joy for sharing this interesting article.
Thank you Adrea for your comment. I’m glad you found this article interesting. I also had a similar experience as you, I suppose many people would have since it was quite a big trend in the 90’s. For many people, I think what’s fascinating about it, is being able to see or capture one’s aura when before it was only something we imagine and see on holy images. To be able to understand oneself and one’s health is what everyone always wants right up till today, as it is our hope to be able prevent unnecessary problems.
If this Kirlian machine can save someone’s life or make us understand each other better, than this invention would certainly be of great benefit to others. Sadly it is mainly used these day to provide us with a quick fix buy a crystal, make a quick sale from most of the crystal shops.
Maybe we can have this machine in KFR on our healing Medicine Buddha Hill, where it houses many different healing clinics. This could be a feature that could help people identify their health and mind set.
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Warm Regards,
I think we do have auras around us, and that it is generated by the electromagnetic field and it is just an extension from our physical body. It is probably generated by the vibrations generated by the cells of our body. I don’t think a electromagnetic field, can be generated without motion or vibrations.
If somehow this can help us identify, future illnesses thats a good benefit. Furthermore if the move on to find ways to influence the electromagnetic field, then perhaps this can be a new way to influence a persons’ health.
Thanks Rinpoche and Joy for this interesting article.
I always believe that our human eyes is limited, and if we only believe what can be seen, we will miss a lot things and limit our understanding to the world we live in.
However, the science theory that we are living today have certain requirements to certify if a theory is true or correct, part of it is to have the theory repeated for same result in different labs. We have been growing up in this science theory that only things can be seen and repeated are true, other than that are subjected to imagination or not reliable.
Sometimes I do doubt that it’s the limitation of our human science that cannot prove the real phenomenon rather than those things have no basis. But I also appreciate that this theory does contribute to human development and prevent unnecessary tricks.
For me, the best way is to learn and keep and open mind.
Thanks for the article.
Thank you Joy for the interesting article about Aura. Although I have no personal experience with taking photograph of such, I do believe in aura. For those who are looking for alternative medicine, it is good to know the uses and benefits of aura photography to help diagnosed what is wrong with the body.
I believe in aura. I went twice to a shop at Amcorp mall many years ago to take the aura photos. I had rustic red and indigo aura printed on the photos on both occasions and they exactly reflected my personality at that time ie short tempered and spiritual. I felt the technology was really awesome at that time as it was like a fortune teller that can read your character and the trained photographer would be able to provide advices on health, career and etc just by basing on the aura photo. I never know the history of this technology until today. Thank you Joy for sharing this interesting article with us.
Many years ago, I walked in to a shop selling crystal jewellery in Kuala Lumpur with a friend. The owner then introduced us a photography machine that captures the aura of a person to check the state of the person’s body, whether mind or the energy emitted out through colors and we had our aura image taken. That was before I knew dharma and spiritual practice.
Many years on, I went to a different healer to get another aura image taken and the colors differed. Like what was researched above, these aura images reflected the activities of the mind and body through different emissions of color. I was given certain advice and exercises to do to improve certain areas in my aura picture related to the heart or chest area. I have yet to get a 2nd aura image taken but due to those recommended exercises, I must say it has improved my health.
So I can’t say whether this method works or not but for someone looking for alternative medical assistance, this may be another method to use to help others.
HI Joy . thanks for the very informative and write up about auras. I actually had mine taken a few times over the past 15 years. I must say for some it does have some truth to it.If I can recall correctly I remember the consultant informing me the aura on my left side was what was experiencing , current state of health spirituality etc now while the right side was what was to come 🙂 I remember mine was always different each time I went while Mums was fairly consistent. probably due to my monkey mind and restlessness hehe 🙂
Hey Gary, Thanks for sharing your experience. Yes I have had similar experience like yours. It is really interesting how it changes all the time. It is another way to tell how we are feeling at that moment.
I just wish we have proper alternative clinics or doctors who could have given us some forecast about our health so we can deal with the problem ahead of time. Imagine how much people would benefit from this! 🙂 Do you remember anything else?
I am a believer that colors has linkage to a person’s blueprint of the energy. Hence I am glad that Semyon Davidovich Kirlian and his wife Valentina Khrisanovna Kirlian discovered and developed Kirlian photography in 1939. Semyon Davidovich Kirlian was a Russian inventor and researcher of Armenian descent, while his wife, a teacher and journalist. They only publicly release information about their experiments until 1958, and Kirlian Photography wasn’t a well-known phenomenon to the general public until 1970. Kirlian Photography has it uses in both the medical and spiritual fields; scientists and healing practitioners would use Kirlian photography as a tool to predict a patient’s illness or to determine a person’s emotional state or qualities.
Thank you Rinpoche and Joy for this educational article, it is good to know how Kirlian Photography can benefit.
Humbly, bowing down,
Stella Cheang
Thank you Joy for the interesting article of auras. I’ve always been a believer in auras. In science we learn that we are made up of energies. It’s just some energies are more dense than others. Auras are the visual effects of energies.
I have a friend who can see auras as well since she was a kid. She could see all 7 layers of a human aura. Because she could see the auras so clearly, she developed a way to help relieve “clogged” energies that were manifesting into illnesses and pains. She’s a very famous energy healer in Malaysia.
The Chinese uses acupuncture to move blocked “qi” or energy throughout the meridians in our body, and it works based on my personal experience. However, this “qi” can’t be tracked by scientific equipment.
Just because some things can’t be measured or tracked by modern equipment, it doesn’t mean they do not exist. We just don’t have the technology yet to monitor it.
Hi JP, How interesting you have a friend that can actually see auras, seven layers some more and help heal them. Healers are very kind soul’s I believe but I just wonder at times how exactly do they heal? Like from Tibetan Buddhist masters it would be through say our Dharma Protectors who is an enlightened being, but what about them? Who do they actually channel their energy from? How can they be for sure it is from a good source? I’ve also been curious and intrigue by this because how do we know who we are hooking in to help us and is it dangerous? Do share more if you can 🙂
This is an interesting article that opened my mind and the willingness in accepting new ideas previously unknown of. Personally, I believe in aura and CHI that are essential in making the Chinese and alternative treatments effective. The Chinese medicine has been in existence for more than 5000 years, a time before x-rays, scanners etc. and it has been treating illnesses successfully for as long as it has been available. The basic principle of Chinese medication is that the body is like a small universe and every organ, liquid, vein etc. are interrelated. The flow of CHI is also part of it. If the CHI can’t flow smoothly, that is when sickness occurs. I think this is very logical.
I am happy that this Kirlian Photography and Aura Healing are now accepted in many fields to help people in dealing with their emotional and physical problems. These methods are closer to the nature of our mind and body and when apply, should improve our situations pairing with modern technologies.
Thank you, Joy, for this interesting and useful read.
Thank you Pastor Adeline for comment and yes I do agree with you on the existence on CHI in ancient Chinese traditional medicine that has a longer history and track record of healing. Similarly with the Indian traditional medicines that explains about our chakra energies. So Kirlian or aura photography is a great invention that allows us to actually see these so called CHI or energies that runs through us. I particularly liked the fact that it is even used in acupuncture to assist the acupuncturist’s traditional diagnostics, not as a replacement but a supplement and a way for them to demonstrate their assessment to a patient visually.
There should have been/are scientific experiments conducted on Kirlian’s equipment to prove/disprove his claim.
One easy one is to have a few of his equipment randomly selected and performing the aura finding task on the same, also randomly selected photo.
A main scientific basis is that results must be repeatable. If the auras turn out the same, then there could be something to it. If not, then it would not be a logical result.
Similarly, if chanting a mantra can turn the “aura” to a certain color, then it must also be repeatable, that is, each time the same person chants the mantra, the “aura” turns out to be a certain color.
I was always intrigue by aura and the aura photography. I saw such an aura photography booth once but was unsure and scared of being cheated so I gave it a miss.
Anyway, I believe very much in qi and acupuncture as I have benefited from it previously. If qi is energy, it surely can leak somewhere not just neatly contained in our body like water. So, maybe aura is edges of qi? Recently, my backache was so bad, I saw an acupuncturist and after a session with a needle in my hand, the backache was very much better. So, I believe the acupuncturist managed to “unblock” my meridian. Now I do believe in what I cannot see with my eyes. Just as someone once asked me – have you ever seen the wind?
In my opinion, the question in this article here is whether Kirlian photography is really reliable, not whether aura is a myth.
Thanks, Joy for a very interesting and informative article.
Hi Fong, Thanks for your comment. Yes I do wonder about that too whether this Kirlian method of finding out one’s illness is reliable. However there are many who vouch for it, especially alternative medicine and clinics overseas. Of course there are the usual western medicine sceptics but somehow I lean more towards holistic alternative healing because I do believe that we can heal ourselves naturally if we knew how using whatever nature provides unless we’re at a critical stage where natural remedies are not able to help, then no choice. But apparently this method is being used in alternative medicine to help people detect cancer at an even earlier stage which I think is super awesome because it means people’s lives can be saved at an earlier stage.
It would be interesting if we had one here in KFR and we can test on participants especially before and after retreats to see if their mantra recitation create a change in them. I am sure many people would be interested in seeing their aura and what it says 🙂
I’ve grown up believing in auras and the subtle energy body that we all have, especially in relation to chakras. I remember going to a fair once, and their was a booth there that were taking Kirlian photographs, the queue was huge! I managed to take a picture, but can’t remember what i’ve done with it. I do remember though that it had a lot of blue. It was really something else to see a photography of myself with colours around it.
I like how some scientists are using technology to investigate parts of reality that are not widely excepted anymore. I really believe that there will be more such interaction in the future. Thank you Joy for your research and information.
Thank you Pastor Niral for being my editor on this 🙂 Yes I too took a photo of my aura before and at one time this Kirlian Photography thing was such a huge trend. Crystal shops will usually have this and provide aura photography services and from there they would use it to advice you what crystal suites you best based on your aura’s colour. The colours interpretation by the consultants are usually quite accurate. Wish we had one here in KFR and then we can take pictures of people before and after retreats 😀
Thank you Joy for your wonderful writing. This subject is indeed fascinating and I do believe it is real and that real aura was captured using Kirlian’s method. I recall years ago when I was working for Kechara Paradise outlet and one of the customer came in excitedly to tell me about his experience with aura photography.
He said he took a normal picture himself and a second one was taken after he began reciting a mantra – if I am not mistaken, it was migtsema. He said the first picture was just the normal colors but the second picture that capture him reciting the mantra, the color of his aura completely changed to yellow. I thought that was amazing and I was tempted to repeat that. Nonetheless, I remember this incident clearly and I thought I share it here. Yellow is the color of growth and spirituality.
Wow that’s is really interesting Pastor David especially after reciting MigTseMa mantra. Wouldn’t it be neat if we have this Kirlian Phtography machine here are we take pictures of people after they’ve done their retreat? Wonder what kind of colour we would see then. But what’s most inetresting I find is that it is able to indicate what illness we have before it even happens, now that is good as it can save so many lives.