Large Buddha in the Grand Canyon?
Dear friends around the world,
I find it infinitely fascinating that in the Grand Canyons in the state of Arizona, USA you can find massive ancient carvings of figures that look like Lord Buddha. Please read carefully and ask yourself these questions? Who carved these? Why? Are there further evidence this is Buddha or similar? Was there a Buddhist culture in North America prior to the advent of European forced settlement? If so, how is that possible? Did you come across any other information or pictures you can share with me?
If you come across anything interesting in your research, include in the comments section as I would love to read it.
Tsem Rinpoche
Underground City Of Giants Discovered In The Grand Canyon
If only the world’s buried cities would rise up someday… but they won’t. They are almost impossible to find but stories about rediscovered cities once inhabited by a race of giants will always fascinate us.
Amazing discoveries require great efforts or an even greater amount of luck. If we’re to trust early 20th century journalism, we learn that serendipity led to the doorstep of the most famous underground city of giants.
According to an article published in The Arizona Gazette on April 5, 1909, the Grand Canyon was once home to civilization that most likely consisted of individuals of cyclopean proportions. If such a civilization ever lived, surely it would have left behind some structure as a testament of its existence.

The entrance to the city was at the end of a tunnel that stretched for almost a mile underground.
The article mentions the discovery of an enormous underground citadel by an explorer named G.E. Kinkaid, who stumbled upon it while rafting on the Colorado River. It is worth mentioning that Kinkaid was an established archaeologist and had financial backing from the Smithsonian Institute.
First, I would impress that the cavern is nearly inaccessible,” Kinkaid wrote. “The entrance is 1,486 feet down the sheer canyon wall. It is located on government land and no visitor will be allowed there under penalty of trespass.”
[…]Above a shelf which hid it from view from the river, was the mouth of the cave. When I saw the chisel marks on the wall inside the entrance, I became interested, secured my gun and went in.”
The architecture suggested the builders of the underground city possessed advanced engineering skills.
The central hub of the subterranean city was a mammoth chamber out of which passageways radiated like spokes on a wheel. The walls of the main chamber were adorned with copper weapons and tablets covered in hieroglyphic symbols, not dissimilar to those found in Egypt. Another finding that pointed to an Egyptian link were the mummified bodies, by far the most intriguing things inside the citadel.
No mummy measured less than 9 feet and all of them were wrapped in dark linen. Kinkaid wrote he had stood one of them up and photographed it by flashlight, but that photo is nowhere to be found.
Further exploration revealed something about the religion of the city’s giant inhabitants:
Over a hundred feet from the entrance is the cross-hall, several hundred feet long, in which are found the idol, or image, of the people’s god, sitting cross-legged, with a lotus flower or lily in each hand.
The cast of the face is oriental, and so is the carving of this cavern. The idol almost resembles Buddha, though the scientists are not certain as to what religious worship it represents.”
The article records the discovery of pottery and instruments, all bearing the signs of having originated elsewhere in the world. Such a melange of cultures is rarely encountered in archaeological finds, making this discovery one of unprecedented importance.
The last chamber that awaited exploration was what Kinkaid and his partner, Prof. S. A. Jordan, believed to be a ceremonial crypt. It was located at the end of the large room where all the other mummies had been found.
There is one chamber of the passageway which is not ventilated, and when we approached it a deadly, snaky smell struck us. Our light would not penetrate the gloom, and until stronger ones are available we will not know what the chamber contains.
Some say snakes, but others think it may contain a deadly gas or chemicals used by the ancients.
In this Canyon area were such names as the Cheops Pyramid, the Buddha Cloister, Buddha Temple, Manu Temple and Shiva Temple. Was there any relationship between these places and the alleged Egyptian discoveries in the Grand Canyon?
A state archaeologist at the Grand Canyon said that the early explorers had Egyptian and Hindu names, but it was true that this area was off limits to hikers or other visitors, because of “dangerous caves”.
Indeed, this entire area named after the Egyptian’s and Hindu’s in the Grand Canyon is a forbidden zone – no one is allowed into this large area. Our research could only conclude that this was the area where the vaults were located. Today, this area is still curiously off limits to hikers and even, in large part, to park personnel. Conspiracy theorist John Rhodes once said he knew the exact location of the entrance to the city but that it was guarded 24/7 by soldiers carrying M-16 rifles. Another idea floating around the internet says that the underground city now serves as a museum for the shadowy ruling class.
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The Grand Canyon
Additional information from Wiki:
The Grand Canyon (Hopi: Ongtupqa; Yavapai: Wi:kaʼi:la, Spanish: Gran Cañón) is a steep-sided canyon carved by the Colorado River in the state of Arizona in the United States. It is contained within and managed by Grand Canyon National Park, the Kaibab National Forest, Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument, the Hualapai Tribal Nation, the Havasupai people and the Navajo Nation. President Theodore Roosevelt was a major proponent of preservation of the Grand Canyon area, and visited it on numerous occasions to hunt and enjoy the scenery.
The Grand Canyon is 277 miles (446 km) long, up to 18 miles (29 km) wide and attains a depth of over a mile (6,093 feet or 1,857 meters). Nearly two billion years of Earth’s geological history have been exposed as the Colorado River and its tributaries cut their channels through layer after layer of rock while the Colorado Plateau was uplifted. While some aspects about the history of incision of the canyon are debated by geologists, several recent studies support the hypothesis that the Colorado River established its course through the area about 5 or 6 million years ago. Since that time, the Colorado River has driven the down-cutting of the tributaries and retreat of the cliffs, simultaneously deepening and widening the canyon.
For thousands of years, the area has been continuously inhabited by Native Americans, who built settlements within the canyon and its many caves. The Pueblo people considered the Grand Canyon (“Ongtupqa” in the Hopi language) a holy site, and made pilgrimages to it. The first European known to have viewed the Grand Canyon was García López de Cárdenas from Spain, who arrived in 1540.
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I was researching the Wilson Cave in Delphi, Indiana when I came upon Thomas Wilson who worked at the Smithsonian and did a well known study of the SWASTIKA and how it is found in all cultures. He also did a study of GIANTS. Wilson was involved in drafting THE ANTIQUITIES ACT which set aside land that was considered important. The Wilson Cave is near the area where the 2 girls bodies were found who were suspected of being used in an ODINIST ritual. I think it is worth noting that Indiana has the longest navigable River in America, MYST’RY RIVER. Other caves and rivers too in that area and is north of Mammoth Cave in Kentucky. I could not find a connection to Thomas Wilson and the Wilson Cave yet but Jessie Marie Czebotar does a survey of Delphi and says it is steeped in Freemasonry and surely has underground pedestrian tunnels connecting buildings and churches and graveyards. In other web sites she talks about underground rivers going between military bases. If you have followed the Delphi case you know that the “authorities” have tried to keep any mention of ODINISM out of the girls murder case. Delphi was founded and named by Freemason Samuel Milroy in 1828 and many of the families in Delphi trace their lineage to Milroy’s time.
Milroy is buried in the cemetery up the hill from where the girls bodies were found but it is suspected the girls were murdered elsewhere.
You have to zoom in on it
I have a picture of a Buddha or dali lama or maybee a woman but it is in the grand canyon and it looks like a cave but filled in .when I send you the picture ,zoom in on it till you see the tibetan tiger and the enlightened one with to finger held up like a peace sign.
“Major Evidence of Buddhism in pre Columbian North America”
For an identical image of an ancient Mushroom Shaped Rock like those in Mushroom Rock State Park, Kansas Google: “Isan Home to Ancient Dvaravati Ruins Thailand”
For four images of the ancient Buddhist rock carved religious symbol,the Chattra, in
four different states in North America google the following:
1) “Snake Dancers’ Rock Walpi Village First Mesa Images” This Chattra is still in active use today by the Hopi tribe. I believe the Dalai Lama has personally been there.
2) “Balanced Rock Devil’s Lake, Wisconsin”
3) “Mushroom Rock State Park , Kansas”
and 4) “Bend Hoodoo by Ned”
“Fu Sang The Last Wilderness”
“Vajrayana Buddhism in pre Columbian North America?
Google: “Evidence of Buddhism in pre Columbian North America” & “The Wei Chu Hsien White Rhino Head” Rhinos with one horn are from India. Rhinos with two
horns are from Africa. Buddhism originally came from greater India.
“Were the Anasazi People Buddhists?”
Agni Hindu God of Fire – Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
Ancient Buddha Tree of Life Lotus Flower
Church Rock Cathedral in the Desert
As a Buddhist, the statue Buddha in large scale is fascinating. It connects & confirms the existence of other large Buddha statues around the world. There are many myths surrounding Buddha of giants who look like humans so this is interesting. Also could the caves hold bodhisattvas, who reached enlightenment?
This was not for increasing tourism. This was reported and the Smithsonian did a great job of hiding the truth. The truth will set you free. Question Evrything.
Some people want to hold onto this false history that the US was isolated and unknown before the Europeans came; they can’t give credit to anyone else for what they did. It’s not that tough of a trip to go from Asia to Canada in the summer.
its racist rubbish
its Yungang Caves
believing these lies helps racism and genocide
This is certainly FAKE, just a nonsense pubished on internet. It was based in a fake article from 1909. It does not make any sense, and of course if it was real it would had become a major touristic site already by 1910, after all, american’s would never miss the opportunity for profiting of such a discovery. Totally fake.
I cannot believe anyone believes this. They believe it blindly and don’t want to do any research to see if it’s true. That’s the amazing thing here.
I just want to add that, that area of the Grand Canyon is NOT off limits to hikers and it is certainly not guarded by soldiers with M16 rifles. I have spent a considerable amount of time hiking and rockclimbing in that area of the Canyon and have climbed to the tops of ISIS temple, Cheops pyramid/plataeu, Shiva temple, and Buddha temple.
“Many of the canyon’s landmarks were named by geologist Clarence Dutton who published one of the earliest (and best) detailed geologic studies of the canyon in 1882. Dutton believed that the canyon was such an important and impressive feature on the planet, that the names of its features should reflect all the world’s cultures and thus he chose many names from mythologies and legends from around the world. Other examples of canyon landmarks named in this way are Wotan’s Throne, Cheops Pyramid, Buddha Temple, Solomon Temple, Jupiter Temple and Tower of Ra (all of these are major buttes, spires or mesas in the canyon).”
It’s an amazing findings from the Grand Canyon. I think more could be discovered and the history behind this civilization if the government allow the relevant bodies and archeology to do more research. With the carving statue resembling Buddha, I believe the Buddhism has actually spread to many countries.
I believe this is true, As the Smithsonian does not mention any giants or have the remains of any giants that were turned over time and time again. Being from the middle of the U.S. and familiar with the lies that we have been told by the Government, churches and States all in order to control the message, and the people. The Cahokia Mounds, Dixon Mounds, and the Giants of the Midwest Ohio valley prove my point.
I would not put it passed our government to hide the truth.
Archeology has only been around as a science for about 175 years. The hidden information needs to be brought out for Public Display. QUESTION EVERYTHING.
Amazing and interesting discovery of giant Buddha statues inside the underground ancient city in Grand Canyon. Its seem that there was a lost cave city in the grand Canyon.Interesting discover of pottery and instruments indicated its origin elsewhere making this discovery one of unprecedented importance.It also proofs that ancient civilization live in caves below the Grand Canyon.The native Amercivans has been building settlements within and inside the canyon and many caves.
Archaeologist found the idol, or image, and statues of the people somrthing related to the religion of the city’s giant inhabitants, most likely a Buddhaa show that Buddhism existed there many centures ago.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing these amazing and beautiful pictures of the Grand Canyon.
It’s absolutely amazing that old giant Buddha statues were found in the ancient city of Grand Canyon, these are statues who have gone through the huge revolutions that took place in between these centuries. As we can see, Buddhism at some point was very influential, and it’s also a good enough reason to proof that Buddhism has existed since thousands of years ago…
Except for the fact that there are no Buddhist statues in the Grand Canyon. There is nothing in this story that is real.
Sakyamuni Buddha is the 7th appearing Buddha here on earth! Scriptures of Dharma had its record! The 7 Buddhas of great repentance! That includes the very first central Buddha… Vairocana Buddha! This is impossible to miss!
AMAZING finding!The rest is the same old song:The Smithsonian Institute hiding evidences about giants,the American govt hiding things that do not fit its hidden agenda.Conclusion:We should continue UNLEARNING things taught in schools.Mainstream media/institutions are dirty hands of the evil worshiping world-ruling (hidden) elite.
The only photos of these giants came from a photo editing competition. There were no giants.
Younger Dreyfus. Hidden Archeology By Michael Crema.
The world has been destroyed at least 4 times and Rebuilt. Look at the Pyramids, The Sphynx, The Amazon.
READ and form your own opinion.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article. It is interesting to read articles about findings from the ancient times like this one in Grand Canyon. This story presents more questions than answers it seems. Could this be the remnants of a Buddhist civilization.There must be reasons why the ancient civilization building large Buddha statues and one of them could be large Buddha statue can physically last longer for the benefit of future generations.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article. It is interesting to read articles about findings from the ancient times like this one in Grand Canyon. But many question arose from there, for example, who build that place, who crafted the big statue, why were there mummies, why was it kept secret, what was the religion then, etc? These questions can only be answered if the archaeologist were given permission to go and do research and to find out the real facts.
With folded palms,
This is the first time I have heard that Grand Canyon has huge figures that look like Buddha. It would be very interesting if the underground city is open to archeologists for further study.
Would it be possible that these figures are Buddha from previous times? Was it created by aliens tens of thousands of years ago, even before the Buddha Shakyamuni time? It was mentioned in the scriptures that there are many Buddhas before Shakyamuni time, so, if the figures in the Grand Canyon is really Buddha and if they are really ancient, then it would further proof that there are Buddhas in other planets and Buddhism would have existed tens of thousands of years ago.
This is very fascinating indeed!!
There are no Buddhist statues in the Grand Canyon. It came from a story in 1909 (to increase tourism?). Nothing like that has ever been found.
There is nothing in this story that is real
This story presents more questions than answers it seems. Could this be the remnants of a Buddhist civilization.
The current history of human beings stretch back to 6000 years, and this is only fraction of how long the planet was inhabitable. Could human civilisations have thrived way before that and suffered a major decline? And this has happened many times and many buddhas came and left on our planet.
There are no Buddhist statues in the Grand Canyon. It came from a story in 1909 (to increase tourism?). Nothing like that has ever been found.
There is nothing in this story that is real
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for the article. The great archaeological find is astounding!
If only the US government could open up the cave for deeper and better analysis rather than keep it off limits. There must be something mind blowing, and typical of the US government to keep it a secret.
The Grand Canyon itself already is a great site.. coupled with the discovery of what could be images and statues of Lord Buddha is just beautiful. Could be a potential pilgrimage site too. [hehe]
The World is just so huge to have amazing discoveries everyday. I do pray that the giants and Buddha statues can be made to light soon.
Thank you.
Every day we are discovering new animals, new plants and new information about the earth and our natural surroundings that we previously didn’t know about. So it’s totally plausible that such a place exists in the Grand Canyon that has remained hidden for centuries because the ancients were just that good at concealing themselves as a form of protection.
What I find interesting is that of the world’s major religions, it’s singled out that it may have been an image of Buddha within the caves. It matches what scientists have been saying for decades about the genetic link between the Native Americans and those of Mongoloid descent (especially Sino-Tibetan). Herein lies yet more proof that not only is there shared ancestry, but there is now also the possibility of shared culture and faith too.
My sister told me before that Rinpoche has described several times about how similar looking the Native Americans are compared with Tibetans. What I am trying to say is that, Tibetans has been strongly known to be Buddhist practitioners, and I think the Native Americans who built the place might be Tibetans who traveled a long long way and ended up at Grand Canyon. And maybe, there were also Egyptians living there as well, that is why there are bodies mummified in the Egyptian way and there are Buddha sculptures. If I remember this clearly, the Tibetan language itself is mainly made up of Hindi? Centuries ago, Tibetans went to India to study their language and because they did not have their own language, they used Hindi as a base to create the Tibetan language, this is why the Tibetan writings is so similar with Hindi. This might be another prove to why there are places in Grand Canyon has names that sounds like Hindi.
I am curious about why are there soldiers guarding the Grand Canyon? Is it because they do not want people to know that Native Americans are Tibetans and Egyptians? These are just my opinions, please don’t get offended by it. Thank You Rinpoche for sharing this post, I have learnt quite a lot from this blog post.
When I tried to google more about Buddhism in the ancient west, The Lost Cave City (Buddha statue) in Grand Canyon seems to be the only other evidence besides Greco-Buddhism and the Bamiyan in Afghanistan. The trail of Buddhism towards the west is certainly an interesting topic to do some research work on because retrospectively, we will be able to understand how culture influences the adoption of a religion. In my humble opinion, every religion has different characteristic, or at least it was portrayed in such manner by the followers. In order for a religion to prosper, there need to be strong faith and devotion. For example, a free spirit person will not susceptible to religion that is restrictive in nature. Understanding the history of Buddhism definitely will broaden our perspective in looking at religions in the grand scheme of things.
Thank You Rinpoche for this masterful piece of article.
Humbly, bowing down,
Stella Cheang
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for sharing the marvelous and interesting discovery of giant Buddha statues inside the underground ancient city in Grand Canyon. This discovery has supported that Buddhism has been long existed in US since the ancient times. The source of existing large Buddha statues in Grand Canyon is worth to be further explored so that our current generation can learn the spiritual practice in depth from the past ancient civilization, which can be part of our motivation to preserve the pure Buddhadharma and continue passing the Dharma wisdom and knowledge to the next generations. There must be reasons why the ancient civilization building large Buddha statues and one of them could be large Buddha statue can physically last longer for the benefit of future generations.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing various forms of Dharma teachings to the 10 directions for the benefit of many sentient beings.
With folded hands,
kin hoe
It is truly amazing how they have managed to carved this huge Buddha statue in a cave back then. Amazing effort and it occurs to me the strong faith that they have in Buddhism even at that time. There are many researchers that have these mysterious findings of Buddha statues in unexpected places. It is still a mystery how they all ended up where they are. Buddhism was spread to many places even at that time. We must preserve the precious Buddha’s teachings and spread Buddhism to avoid it from degenerating. Nonetheless, the Buddha statue carved in Grand Canyon is amazing!
Dear Rinpoche,
Thanks for sharing this very interesting finding of an underground city in Grand Canyon.
It is a statue of Buddha in Grand Canyon. It is fascinating that Buddha is worshipped there. Hopefully the authority will allow more exploration and findings of this underground city and able to reveal the truth. It will mark a great history in Buddhism and the country too.
It is interesting that such an important archaeology site is off limits to trespassers and no more work is done since 1909 to discover a ancient civilisation in the USA.
Normally such important sites will be explored and more be understood of the ancient civilisation which existed. USA is a country with a lot of advanced technologies which will enable such discovery and yet it nothing had been updated.
The mystery behind this leaves me not choice but to experience what I feel. As I continue to read again on this article, I strongly believe that this ancient civilisation worshipped Buddha and hope that one day more exploration will be done to unveil the importance of Buddhism. If this is true, would Buddhism have spread further than what we know.
This is fascinating! Those huge statues look exactly like Lord Buddha. Before i read the article i instantly thought those statues were Lord Buddha without question. And even after reading the article i still think it is Lord Buddha.
Its hard to explain why those giant statues are located there, but what a discovery this is! The Grand Canyon has been around for a long long time and its quite unusual how nobody has realised these giant statues in the Grand Canyon till recently. Quite amazing actually.
Also since the statues are so big and so old, it is truly mind-boggling how much effort and determination it must have took to carve it out. Since the people at that time would not have had the same technology we have today it must have been so difficult to carve out something that size.
This is a fascinating discovery of ancient civilizations. To have oriental looking statues that look like Buddha in the US is incredible. I always read that the ancient civilizations had advance technology which defies what we learn in school. These discoveries undermines many world religions that preach God the creator.
The fact that many of these discoveries are kept under wraps also shows that there is a bigger governing body that filters what the world needs to know. In my opinion, this is very dangerous because our perception of reality is controlled by this group of people. So what is the truth?
Regardless, this is all part of Samsara. The only truth we should focus on that would ultimately serve us is to become Enlightened.
Korea and Native Mexican Language & Native American Language.
Language does not lie or provide false narrative that we learn in our school …..