Psychic Power & Sabine Thing
Sometimes we come across a very interesting documentary. It is riveting and keeps you interested as it did me. There are two subjects discussed in this documentary which is totally not related but both very interesting. One is about the Sabine Thing. Even the Native American Choctaw Indians living along the Sabine River area have been talking about the ‘Sabine Thing’ for centuries. The Indians call them Nalusa Falaya or the Long Black Evil Being. They have a long oral history of Nalusa Falaya. I tend to believe the Native people of any country who are familiar with their land and creatures for thousands of years and what they have to say. They have no reasons to make up something. This group of bigfoot-like creatures along the Sabine River seem to exhibit very strong territorial traits and are very ‘violent’ against intruders, which is not what we commonly hear about Bigfoots in the Pacific Northwest, Canada or other parts of the North America. At the same time, the Yetis of the Himalayas are often violent in stealing yaks, women or attacking herders we hear often from the locals. Tibetans and Nepalese always mention Yetis steal Yaks and women and are also very territorial. The Russian Almasty seem to be more prone to violence as well it seems on the whole. We can learn more from this documentary. Interesting.

Nalusa Falaya
The second part of the documentary is also very fascinating. They talk about people whose psychic abilities are enhanced or gained after being struck by lightning. They describe scientifically why that occurs. Very interesting and logical. People can gain special abilities because lightning damages brain cells as well as stimulate other activities. Huge amount of neurotransmitters are released into the brain and floods the brain when struck by lightning. It excites the brain for a period of a few weeks. This process can create new connections in the brain. The new connections can give people abilities they didn’t have before. One of the abilities can be variant degrees of psychic powers. This does not happen to everyone and certainly we should not get in a situation to open ourselves to lightning strikes as it could be fatal too in some cases. I don’t recommend this to anyone of course. But it sure made a lot of sense from the perspective of my Buddhist learning.

Sabine Thing or Nalusa Falava
In Buddhism, there are sacred words of power (mantras). These words formulate sounds that can active the brain or release various types of ‘transmitters’ in our brain creating heightened awareness, bliss, calm, de-stressing and also possible psychic abilities. The mantras do not destroy brain cells though. Mantras chanted daily and consistently over a long period of time have been reported by many Buddhist practitioners for thousands of years to increase memory, help them remember events from decades ago that were lost, closure to past painful events, give a sense of calm and well-being and elevate psychic abilities. How powerful the effects of mantras is dependent on how much we chant daily and how much effort we apply. Consistency is the key to unlocking the powers of our brain through mantras. Mantras can give clarity to dreams and dream states also. The way the lightning affects the neurotransmitters in our brain to allow ‘extra’ abilities that are not ‘normal’ is similar to how mantras can affect us. Meditation and mantra chanting has been long cherished in the Far East for their abilities to open up hidden states of the mind which elevate awareness, calmness, psychic abilities and insight. Many have out of body experiences due to mantras also. So many holy people of the East are well known for their psychic abilities arising from mantra practice. Memory is very much improved as a by-product of certain mantras. When the neurotransmitters are activated, they can also effect healing in various parts of our body by mantra. Mantras are sound waves that travel throughout the body and balances us affecting healing. After all the body is controlled consciously and subconsciously by the brain and these transmitters send and receive messages. Our five ordinary sensory abilities also become heightened where Clairaudience (ability to hear beyond the physical hearing; such as voices, music and sounds) and Clairsentient (ability to feel or sense beyond the physical; such as gaining information through the five physical senses (heightened), intuition or ‘gut feelings’. Hearing and seeing forms that are not normally visible to the ordinary senses. Also Clairvoyance (ability to see beyond the physical sight; could be in the form of telepathy, precognition. Can receive information in the form of symbols; mind pictures; overlays {example: seeing past and present at same time}) can be gained.

Certain outer conditions such as lightning can heighten our psychic abilities
Some mantras that are very effective to raise heightened awareness are Manjushri’s mantra (Om Ah Ra Ba Za Na-Dhi), Tara’s mantra (Om Taree Tu-Taree Turee Soha) or Dorje Shugden’s mantra (Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha). They can be chanted in a clear calm space daily as much as you are comfortable. Daily is the key. It is good to have a mala for this. It helps to keep count. Other mantras where I have met people who have gained heightened awareness and psychic powers are from chanting Pelden Hlamo or Yamantaka’s mantra. Yamantaka is not for the general public. In general the mantras are very powerful but they can serve different functions. For example the mantra of Norgyuma (Om Basudharini Naketra Soha) can open up the energies in our brain and body to develop a sense of letting go of something painful and becoming more generous in our emotions. Tsongkapa’s mantra has been reported to give the mind a deep sense of calm, powerful in healing to overcome trauma and contribute in healing depression. Tsongkapa’s mantra also very effective in increasing memory, insight, understanding and healing sickness. Many have experienced healing when reciting the sacred mantra of Saint Tsongkapa of Tibet. Tsongkapa’s various mantras are highly prized and held sacred.
This documentary opens our mind to information that is mysterious yet logical. I am sure you will enjoy it tremendously. An interesting combination of the Sabine Thing and psychic powers.
Good wishes,
Tsem Rinpoche
Or view the video on the server at:
This is a must see documentary. Do enjoy and learn. Get out the popcorn and makes sure you can give your full attention so you don’t miss anything.
Tsongkhapa, the prince of peace, love, wisdom, insight, knowledge, mental perfections, giving, concentration and when invoked daily has a gentle blessing that grants bliss, calm and freedom from mental pain and distortions. This mantra has powerful healing sound waves that activates within one’s body to restore health or keep it in balance. Many who experience depressions find some relief when engaging in this mantra long term daily. One of the most prized practices from the mystical land of the snows, Tibet.
Sacred five line mantra of Tsongkapa:
Earth, Sky, fire, wind and all phenomena are under your control. You who appear as divine emerald maiden, who bestows gifts of protection, growth, knowledge and the future, Goddess Tara, we submit to you. (Click here for the praises To The 21 Taras and mantra) Click here for hi-res picture of Tara.
All sciences of the mind, learning, art, music, poetry, wisdom, memory, debate, intellectual perfection are embodied in this divine Manjushri Buddha of learning who is also a seer of all to be known past, present and future. Grant us the perfections. (Click here for Manjushri’s prayers and mantra) Click here for hi-res picture of Manjushri.
Manifested from pure wisdom and compassion, appearing in a wrathful guise to those who supplicate, protector of the weak and giver of prosperity. Your wrathful yet compassionate visage keeps negative energies and beings at bay and protect the supplicant. Great sacred divinity of foretelling the future, Dorje Shugden, bless us with knowledge and abundance. You bestow great insight and knowledge into the future to those who invite your energies from Shambala the mystical land in the Himalayas. Your ability to grant wishes is famous in the land of Tibet. You abide in Shambala blessing and assisting those who call upon you. You have five principle forms which are Shitzey, Wangtzey, Gyentzey and Trakze in which you work your miracles. Homage to the wrathful angel and ascended master Dorje Shugden. (Click here for the practice of Dorje Shugden Trakze to dispel black magic and spirits) Click here for hi-res picture of Dorje Shugden.
Goddess who is the overlord of all that exists, whose wrathful and fearful countenance frightens negativity away, powerful lady of prophecy Pelden Lhamo grant us supreme insight!
(Click here for the history and mantra of Palden Lhamo) Click here for hi-res picture of Palden Lhamo.
Lord of dispelling ignorance, eradicating fears and protector from deeds of the negative ego, Lord Yamantaka purify all that obscures our mind, chakras and knowledge and grant us perfect sight! This mantra is only for those initiated into the practice by a qualified teacher.
(Click here for the teaching on Yamantaka) Click here for hi-res picture of Yamantaka.
When we are overwhelmed with grief from the past and worry about the future. When our mind is tight, cannot give or feel we have nothing left to give, this is the special Golden Lady Norgyuma whose sacred mantra Om Basudharini Naketra Soha will liberate us from these suffering states of mind. She is also a granter of resources and wealth. She grants both spiritual wealth of love, compassion, patience, tolerance as well as material wealth. Click here for hi-res picture of Norgyuma.
Click here to read about prayers and sadhanas of various deities.
Click here for downloadable hi-res deities pictures.
Some of the More Common Psychic Abilities:
Channeling – ability to communicate with non-physical energies, such as ‘masters’, angels, guides and other world beings.
Empath – ability to sense and/or feel others emotions, or residual emotions. For those empaths who are untrained, the emotions can feel like their own ad can be confusing. Public places and/or large crowds can be overwhelming. Shielding exercise can help. The number of empaths on planet Earth are on the rise, and are usually coupled with one or more other abilities.
Far-See – ability to see far into the possible future (or past). This is closely related to the Probability ability. Both abilities rely on the ability to foresee the most likely outcome based on the current energy patterns. Far-See example: While driving, one can catch glimpses of the houses, buildings, landscape, etc. in the far future (or distant past). Probability example: knowing what is going to happen shortly, based on the current energy patterns (closely related to Precognitive).
Healer – a very broad category. Healings can come in as many ways as the healers, themselves, develop. A word of caution to new healers: please never take others ailments into your own body. Often beginner healers may start to see patterns during daily interactions. Friends and acquaintances may appear to feel better, cheerier, more up-beat or energetic when around you. Some healers pray to heal. There are also: laying on of hands; visualization; manipulation of energy; auric healing (working on re-balancing the aura); chakra healers (re-balancing the seven primary physical energy vortices on the human body); Reiki, and much more.
Medium – ability to communicate with those who have crossed over (deceased). It can be getting messages from a deceased loved one or strangers.
Multi-talented Sensitive (my term) – one who has more than one working ability. A lot of people are now in the category, and it is growing.
Precognitive – ability to know things/events, etc. beforehand.
Premonition – ability to sense or feel an upcoming event – usually a ‘gut feeling’ about something. (Closely related to Precognitive.)
Psychometry – ability to touch an object, item or person and receive information. This information can be received in mind pictures (like still photos or short snippets of moving film); or sudden a knowing of information.
Telepathy – the ability to hear others thoughts, ideas, etc. (receiver) and/or send thoughts, ideas, etc. to others (sender). The ability to be both a sender and receiver is growing.
Tool Readers – ability to use a tool to provide a focus to access information about another. Examples can be (but not limited to): tarot cards, other card types, tea leaves, crystal ball, stones, minerals, ‘doodles’, etc.
Short video on “How does Mantra heal us?”
For more interesting information:
- The Mysterious Monsters – narrated by Peter Graves
- China’s bigfoot
- Nepal is the land of spirtuality, beauty and Mystery and the Yeti
- Japanese Mountain Climbers Say They Found Yeti Footprints
- Malaysia Scientists to Hunt ‘Bigfoot’ in Rainforest
- The neatest footage on film!
- Monsters & Mysteries In Alaska..Sasquatch!
- 7 Parts-Very Interesting!!
- I was in Willow Creek:
- 5 Years + USD500,000 = EVIDENCE!!
- Pacific Northwest May Finally Have Evidence Bigfoot Exists
- Bigfoot Hunt Is On By Land And By Air
- Researcher Says Bigfoot DNA Analysis Reveals Human Hybrid … Seriously?
- Is this Evidence of Bigfoot?
- Bigfoot Is Real, And We Have DNA To Prove It: Researchers
- Images of the Wildman Inside and Outside Europe
- Sasquatch (Bigfoot)!!!
- Bigfoot in Kechara????
- Bigfoot hunters claim they have footprint
- Bigfoot Proven?? Must Watch!!!
- Respect Them
Note: All articles published on the blog are conceptualised, approved and edited by H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche. For further assistance and any urgent enquiries, please write in to
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It is interesting that there are certain people who have psychic power or some sort of ability that a normal person may not have. Hard to explain why they are special scientifically but I believe each person have different capabilities in this world. For me if a person if gifted with certain capabilities, then they should use it to benefit others and not bring harm for own benefit and greed. Many however, will abuse the abilities to make profit and for personal agenda.
On the other subject on mantra, it is powerful words of Buddha which brings benefit to not only to the person who recite it but can be dedicated to all sentient beings. Appreciation to Buddha for providing mantra for us to recite and opportunity to change the situation to be better.
As we can see in the video these people can help others through these powers , such abilities can also be developed through reciting mantras consistently on a daily basis.It is really interesting of to understand the existing of psychic, which may come from birth or by disaster like lightning.
Always fascinated by people who have psychic powers. Wonder how it feels like to be able to know and see things the way they do. Personally I don’t know anyone with this ability.Thank you very much for this interesting and educational article.
Curious about the legendary Yeti? Not sure what to believe? Here is an article that explores a range of sources, from folktales to newspaper reports, detailing sightings and encounters with the elusive creature, who has been a part of the very fabric of various Himalayan communities for thousands of years. Read about religious beliefs, myths, fables and stories by scholars and travellers alike, and realise that there is more to the Yeti than you previously thought.
This is a real awesome documentary on bigfoot. One of the best –
I believe there are many people born with psychic power due to their karma or practice from their pass life. Some have it after doing some pure spiritual practice. However if we do not put this super power into good used to benefit others then it would not serve any purpose of having it and it is kind of wasted.
The great Bodhisattva Gen Nyima who gained many types of super power through his pure tantric practice and benefited countless people during his life time. He is one who can control his death and next life.
We are not alone living in thi world. The sabine thing existing just lïke big foot and yati. Mankind should respect and don’t harm them living harmony together in this world.
l’m alway believe people have psychic power. I’m had fortunate meet high attain lama like Gen Nyima and H.E Gangchen lama using mantra to heal the sick people and control weather. Ordinarly people can aheive the psychic power.
through meditation and retreat. What had written in this article, what deity practise is very imformative. Thanks for rinpoche sharing this interesting article.
正如我们在视频中所看到的,有些人可以通过受到闪电击中培养出这种特殊能力,但我认为这些可能造成伤害自己,而佛教能更有效通过每天一致地朗诵咒语来发展这种能力, 因诵咒语将使我们的思想平静,集中注意力并意识到自己,佛菩萨也不会伤害众生,佛菩萨是来利益众生, 所以我更相信这种修行。
Sabine Thing 事情可能像其他人所说的关于大脚,雪人,我们需要的是尊重他们。
Psychic powers are like hidden potential of human beings, they need to be activated etc,. Strike by lightning, reciting mantras. Indeed, consistency is the key to success, not just to activate psychic powers but to be successful in anything else in life.
It is very interesting that some people develop such psychic abilities through the trauma of being hit by lightening fire. As we can see in the video these people can help others through these powers and as Rinpoche shares, such abilities can also be developed through reciting mantras consistently on a daily basis.
The other topic in the video is the Sabine Thing, which is a kind of Bigfoot or Yeti but which seem to have a bit more scary characteristics in their behaviour towards intruders. I think it is best to not wanting to disturb them. We should always be respectful in the forest or in general towards the environment.
Although these two are different topics, but these are very interesting topics. I’m always curious about people who has psychic power. Whether is it like what we watched from movie, where they can hear voices talking to them which is from kilometers away? Or, they could actually see what one is thinking like images or a movie popping up in their head? I don’t know anyone with psychic power, I think it’ll be interesting to know one.
I believe there are other beings living in the planet. But I wonder with the technology we have now, why is there nobody interested to find out the detail of the sabine thing, bigfoot and yeti? Maybe nobody is willing to invest money in the research? Or, could it be those are the original living beings on earth that lived ways earlier than human? So, human decided not to disturb their habitat or to disclose where they live. But if there’s really a research tracking bigfoot, yeti and sabine, I think it’ll be very interesting.
I was once electrocuted working as an electrician when I was 18. It was a frightening experience and I would not want to relive that. The real fact Electric can charge and enhance your cells funtionality if not productivity remains to be seen. My bad experience mentioned the then electrical shock did not seem to worked on me. Obviously
with my mum and suddenly my ear was smacked very hard by current. The phone literally just flew out of my hand. It was really painful and I believed that one of the poles was struck by lightning and it travelled.
Always fascinated by people who have psychic powers. Wonder how it feels like to be able to know and see things the way they do. Personally I don’t know anyone with this ability.
However, I have seen and know people who changed for the better from chanting mantras. They become more calm and wiser. As for myself, I noticed the same. Much better than who I was before doing the mantras. Therefore, I really believe that mantras can elevate many ‘abilities’ and very effective, done through time and practice
It is really interesting of to understand the existing of psychic, which may come from birth or by disaster like lightning. Others common psychic like channeling, mediums, healers etc. I was captivated in the healer category, where practitioner of Reiki will use “universal energy” that transfer into palm to heal.
My experience was applied healing on my dog who went jerking after surgery. Vet can’t give solution and my dad came up this idea to heal her thru “adjustment” (meditation). Surprisingly, her ailment subsided in 2 weeks without any medication!
Besides this, meditation could heal our mind to be more calm, peace and gain wisdom. Therefore, with combination of mantras chanting would be more beneficial as for calming and controlling our body, speech and mind. ?
This sabine thing could be real like what others say about bigfoot, yeti and other creatures sighted all over the world. They are very elusive even though sightings of them have been claimed by many people all over. Earth is so huge with dense forests and jungles, high mountains with freezing temperature, deep waters that are frigid – the chances of such creatures that have not been discovered by man and science are high.
Since scientists speak of the high probability of people gaining some kind of powers after being struck with lightning, then there’s also the probability of some humans having other greater superpowers. Like those displayed in Stan Lee’s Marvel Comics now popularised on the silver screen. Not just through lightning, maybe superpowers gained from chemical reactions and genetic modification. Who knows.
Reading this article again after more than 3 years, makes me realise that my mind has expanded and not to find the sabine “thing” scary but more accepting to the fact that even though I have not had experienced such paranormal sightings, such occurrences can happen to many others. The question that now pops in my mind is whether we shall ever find evidence of this being. It really does not matter but that we should not doubt that special beings do inhabit this world.
It is not easy to survive lightning strikes but if one does so, it is highly possible that special changes can be happen.
As always I am a firm believer of the recitation of Mantras as the holy words will calm our minds to focus and be aware of ourselves and thoughts and environment and the space we are in.
Psychic abilities are fascinating to many people, however unknown to most in terms of direct experience.
A mantra is a series of sounds, vowels or words that have a vibrational affect upon us. Psychic faculties are qualities of the consciousness, and as such they are more effective when the consciousness is activated with awareness.
As such the mantras need to be practiced daily to keep the chakras activated and the faculties awakened.
This is my first time knowing that a person who got strucked by lightning and survive and gain psychic powers. Normally a person would not survive a lightning strike. But it is good that these 2 survivors use the psychic powers in a good way by helping others. Same goes with the particular deity or mantra that some practitioners are meditating on, they will gain some better wisdom or attainments.
I remember when I was on the landline phone with my mum and suddenly my ear was smacked very hard by current. The phone literally just flew out of my hand. It was really painful and I believed that one of the poles was struck by lightning and it travelled.
Always fascinated by people who have psychic powers. Wonder how it feels like to be able to know and see things the way they do. Personally I don’t know anyone with this ability.
However, I have seen and know people who changed for the better from chanting mantras. They become more calm and wiser. As for myself, I noticed the same. Much better than who I was before doing the mantras. Therefore, I really believe that mantras can elevate many ‘abilities’ and very effective, done through time and practice.
Im not surprise to read about other beings that exist in this planet with higher power or more intelligent than human, despite with so many sighting from so many people around the world, but yet, until today, with the technology we have today, not even 1 single person or any group of people can locate them and their living places, they are huge, alert and action very swift, to trace their trial, it is almost impossible.
Im always very curious about their populations, how they live their life, how long they can lives and how they communicate with each other, are they moving alone or they have other companion when they travel? I wonder what will happened when people invest in equipment to trace their location, we would probably be shocking of the number of their populations and their civilizations.????
In 1967, Bob Gimlin and Roger Patterson stumbled across an incredible sight whilst out in Bluff Creek, in the California wilderness. At a creek which had been freshly washed-out by recent floods, they witnessed a female Bigfoot swiftly traverse the rugged landscape. Since their filmed encounter with the Bigfoot, who has since been nicknamed Patty, many have disputed the authenticity of their recording but no one has been able to successfully prove that it is a fake.
Credits for this video goes to entirely to windvale for the original footage. ?
Thank you Rinpoche for this very interesting article about mantras and psychic powers.It’s one of my favourite :). I really find chanting mantras amazing because it helps to heal and transform the mind.i have personal experience of Tara healing me of Hives. And Dorje Shugden tapping answers into me when I need them.I think I must have very good affinity with Tara And DS.Especially Green Tara and Dorje Shugden.This is not only from my own personal experience, but two of my dharma sisters had the same experience with DS as well.
I have always been intrigue by all things supernatural or extraordinary. I feel that the Sabine thing, bigfoot, yeti, etc. can get aggressive due to environment conditioning, ie. experienced attacks by humans, need to protect, survive and pro-create. All these could possibly made them illusive and aggressive.
I am amazed that the people even survived lightning attack and won’t be surprised that their powers are enhanced by that tremendous electrical charge. However, there are still damaged to the brain cells and I find mantra recitation so much more gentle and can be recited wherever we may be. I find that having chanted Manjushri’s mantra (Om Ah Ra Ba Za Na-Dhi) does help in clearing a little of the fogginess of my mind. Chanting Lord Dorje Shugden’s mantra helps me overcome the obstacles that I faced and Je Tsongkapa’s mantra helps calm my mind. All mantras are our connection to the Buddhas and therefore in mantra we will receive the blessings.
Thank you Rinpoche for this interesting article and may more be blessed by the recitation of mantras to help in all areas of their lives.
A few points stood out for me from this blogpost, summarized as followed:
• The sacred words of power (mantras) formulate sounds that can active the brain or release various types of ‘transmitters’ in our brain creating heightened awareness, bliss, calm, de-stressing and also possible psychic abilities.
• Mantras chanted daily and consistently over a long period of time have been reported by many Buddhist practitioners for thousands of years to heal and elevate psychic abilities.
• It is similar to the way the lightning affects the neurotransmitters in our brain to allow ‘extra’ abilities that are not ‘normal’ is similar to how mantras can affect us.
• When the neurotransmitters are activated, they can also heighten our five ordinary sensory abilities; such as Clairaudience (ability to hear beyond the physical hearing; such as voices, music and sounds), Clairsentient (ability to feel or sense beyond the physical; such as gaining information through the five physical senses (heightened), intuition or ‘gut feelings’, Clairvoyance (ability to see beyond the physical sight; could be in the form of telepathy, precognition).
Thank you very much Rinpoche for this interesting and educational blogpost. I learnt something new from reading it.
Humbly, bowing down,
Stella Cheang
The psychic power is intriguing, how lightning can bestow such an ability. I wonder in simple layman terms is it similar to one’s body becoming more subtle hence they can see ethereal beings?
It is just really cool and amazing that there are so many people that say things like this Sabine Thing, Bigfoot, and Yetis exist.
I believe that these creatures are all very nice and calm in actual fact. It is only when they are faced with danger then they would be reacting violently. Although there are instances where people see Yetis stealing yaks and women, but I feel that they are doing so for survival. Yaks for their source of food, and women because they may felt threatened when they are in face with a human being.
In the video, Jeff and Mike both faced the Sabine thing when they are carrying weapons. With that, the Sabine thing may misinterpret their intention as wanting to hurt them. Hence, they are so violent towards them. I am saying this because for the case of Bruce, he only heard the sound of the Sabine thing, but did not get any violent attacks for his situation as they were not being attacked as there was no sign of wanting to hurt the Sabine thing.
As for the case for Jeff and his father’s fishes being eaten by the Sabine thing, I think it is normal as all beings would need food. And when the Sabine thing saw the food there, it would go have the food. Hence, they are once again not hurting any one.
Thus, I feel that the Sabine thing is not violent in nature, but only when they feel threatened, then they would react in order to protect themselves.
I believe that the people who got the abilities after having struck by lightning is really cool. I rejoice that they are still alive after the incident, and I am happy that they use these abilities that they have now to help those sentient beings.
I do believe that it is because of the electric current that went through their bodies that has peaked their neutral cells that allowed them to have these abilities. I believe that the effects is actually the same like what Rinpoche has mentioned about how by us reciting mantras would benefit us, allowing us to elevate our awareness, calmness, psychic abilities and insight.
I find psychic abilities to be something interesting especially since my biological father has been a practitioner of pagan arts. Thank you for sharing this interesting article and thank you especially for sharing about the benefits of mantras.
The sounds made by us as we chant mantras are actually really effective in realising our psychic potential due to the vibration of the syllables. This concept is actually used in pagan rituals except their “mantras” are from unenlightened sources. Therefore, the Buddhist mantras are , in theory, stronger and safer.
So far, I haven’t seen any real benefit from mantras so I guess it is clear I am not doing enough! Haha.
I have always been curious about psychic abilities and find people with these abilities terribly fascinating. This is a very interesting piece and I thank Rinpoche for this.
It is very interesting to know how far the human mind can expand to accept the unknown and that which are paranormal.
Most people live within a box and limit ourselves to our own experience and capability. Watching this documentary enables me to realise that there is so much out which is logical and possible.
Personally I find the Sabine Thing scary and the lightning strikes beyond comprehension of such survival but accept what it is and that it is there. The unknown is scary but with acceptance, our minds will open to much more and enhance our ability to be more useful in life.
Mantra recitation has been very helpful for me and it is something that can be done by anyone at any one time.
When I used to travel often to Shanghai and be stuck in airport lounges, Rinpoche would always tell to to recite OM BENZA WIKI BITANA SOHA. As it is the best way to spend our time in solitude.
Wow! That is fascinating stuff here! I am personally fascinated by psychic abilities and I think they are excellent means not as a parlour trick or to get monetary benefit but a means in which one can help others and of course help myself to avoid unnecessary problems and difficulties. I would love to go into retreat on one of these especially on Manjushri, Je Tsongkhapa or Dorje Shugden.
Unfortunately, my practice had not yielded any psychic abilities so far as I had not done the practice that intensely yet. However, I did notice that when I recited 10 malas of Manjushri’s mantras a day or more made my dreams a lot more lucid and the subject matter of my dreams always seemed to be of Rinpoche during this period. This is not to mention it has improved my memory and comprehension of subtler and deeper subjects. So, I can vouch for these benefits.