On March 19th… You may be surprised by what you will see or have seen…
For the first time in 18 years, the moon will swing around Earth very closely, lighting up our skies from just 221,567 miles (356,577 kilometers) away! Not only will the moon be very close to Earth but it will be in full as well. IMAGINE A FULL MOON SO CLOSE TO EARTH!
The moon that orbits during this period is popularly known as the ‘Supermoon’. This name was given by a noted astrologer, Richard Nolle in 1979. Many scientists however, refer to the phenomena as a ‘lunar perigee’.
In short, during this period, the Earth, Moon and Sun are all in one line… with the moon in its nearest approach to Earth.
There is a debate going on between astrologers and scientists on whether or not the ‘Supermoon’ will bring chaos to Earth. According to many astrologers, the recent earthquake may be caused by the upcoming ‘Supermoon’.
It is interesting to take note that, although the moon wasn’t in full, during the previous ‘Supermoon’ encounters in the years 1955, 1974, 1992 and 2005… these years had their share of extreme weather and other natural events. One news article pointed out that the last ‘Supermoon’ occurred on January 10, 2005, around the time of the 9.0 Indonesia earthquake.
The question is, are these ‘Supermoon’ phenomena and natural events a coincidence? Hmmm… interesting.
Many scientists have refused to acknowledge the claims of ‘coincidence’. One scientific explanation to this is that the weather is caused by an incredibly complex interaction between the Earth’s rotations, the heat input from the sun and the way the oceans and seas absorb and radiate heat.
However, it is also said that if the Moon contributes in any way, it is very, very small compared to other major factors.
So did the earthquake in Japan happen because of the ‘Supermoon’… will there be more natural disasters when the Moon reaches its perigee? No one knows… but I guess we will find out on March 19th.
Tsem Rinpoche

When the moon is at 406,357km away from Earth it is called by scientist as the Apogee, when it is as 356,790 it's called the Perigee... will we see the Perigee in 1 day's time??
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Seeing this post, it reminds me of super blue blood moon on 2019.
When the moon occurs at the closest point to the earth during the obits , it appeared brighter and larger is known as Supermoon. Its recorded as much bigger and far brighter than the moon on any other night. Its not unusual. Interesting it seem on that day Supermoons also been credited with influencing the weather, earthquakes and volcanos but there is no scientific evidence of this. Well whether it’s a coincidence no one know.
Interesting to know of these supermoon. Looking at those pictures tells us all…. amazing.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
A supermoon is a new full moon that nearly coincides with perigee as it appear a little brighter and closer than normal. Its not a monthly sighting of it , considered rare occasion. It is hard to spot with our naked eyes. Scientist concluded that it is an astronomical phenomenon in which Earth’s moon is full, on the opposite side of the Earth . Fantastic discovery …..the different gravities of the Earth, sun and planets all have an effect on the moon’s orbit. Many scientists even have conducted studies, whether there is any link the Super Moon to natural disasters. They haven’t found anything significant as many as claims that when the full moon appear, natural disaster will happens in certain areas. Malaysians has the opportunity to see a glimpse of the supermoon, last April and the next supermoon or Blue Moon will come on October 31, 2020.
Thank you for this sharing.
Astrologers especially the Hindu astrologers believe very much in the influences of moon and planets in our lives. Example, when Saturn (and perhaps its energies) clashes with our karmic birth, it will bring negative situations in our lives. This planet is like doom period for 7 years. Interestingly, I have experienced such coincidences until I have started practicing dharma.
There may be truths to astrology, however, after meeting the dharma, I understood that negative occurrences happen because of our own actions. Therefore, purification of karma via learning, practicing and applying dharma can help us avert any moon and planetary effects in our lives. ?
To imagine that the planet closest to Earth gets 50,000km closer and can be seen brighter and bigger, how fascinating. The moon possesses a mysterious influence on the earth, for example the basic change in the ocean tides and also the dependant of the Lunar calendar on the cycle of the moon. Therefore it is not surprising to witness other influence of the moon on Earth. It will be interesting to learn more how the moon affect the lives on Earth. Thank you for this sharing.
I have always been fascinated by the night sky. Most of what we can see without a telescope are points of light interest me. Very interesting just last month 31 january was the happening of a phenomenal lunar spectacle of “Supermoon’ or Bluemoon. Sky gazers across the globe were able to witness an incredible phenomenon . , A supermoon is a full moon or a new moon that coincides with the closest distance that the Moon reaches to Earth in its elliptic orbit. It seem to be slightly bigger and brighter than average. Amazing the Earth, Moon and Sun are all in one line. Some astrologers said that there will chaos happening during these time. What a coincidence barely 2 weeks we have Supermoon and now Taiwan experienced earthquake and in Indonesia has a very bad floods in the city which don’nt normally happened. Many natural events has happened even before these phenomenon. Interesting….. is it coincidence?? I am glad somehow manage to see this Supermoon from my house.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this interesting article.
This is extremely interesting, especially since there was a Super Moon yesterday. However, the Malaysian haze covered it up.
I remember reading on many forums about magic and the supernatural, it is said that astrological differences like the moon coming closer to Earth can cause catastrophic events. So far, none has been shown. Thank goodness.
Is this event taking place on March 19 2012?
If it was 2011, then the episode of the Indonesian earthquake in 2005 could have repeated itself off the coast of Japan…
If it is 2012, well, it reminds me of the movie 2012…
This shows how inter-dependent we are, whether we want to see it or not, when the tsunami wave comes, there is nothing to stop it!
Please be well your eminence. Thank you for everything.
Facinating stuff, but do you realize that there is a writen comennd on these things ? Writen between 2-3000years ago?
Anyhow keep me posted on your discoveries, I’ll be keeping a eye on your website regulary.
Nice website!
This is very interesting. I have often read that certain Tantric meditational practices, chakras and ruels that we can wear to avert astrological influences. It appears that even in Buddhism, there is a belieft that the heavenly bodies above does influence us. Perhaps it is gravity, perhaps it is much more. I don’t know much on this matter.