Adeline Woon Joins Full-Time
Another young and passionate person has joined Kechara full-time! Adeline Woon is a beautiful 35-year-old lady, who is now fully devoted to Kechara’s main gompa (temple), Kechara House. In July 2012, she graduated with a Master of Arts in Religious Studies at the Dharma Drum Buddhist College, Taiwan.
Prior to her 4 years of studies in Taiwan, Adeline was at Auckland University of Technology pursuing her Bachelor of Arts in Communication. She then decided to continue to live in Auckland for the next 7 years working as a PA to various CEO’s, MD’s and GM’s. Something felt missing in her life, and I guess that her Dharma imprints were strong, as she felt the urge to study Buddha’s teachings in Taiwan…
She told my Ladrang staff that she had stumbled on this blog at the end of 2010, which then led her to Kechara’s Facebook and my fanpage. She said that she really liked the straightforwardness of my teachings, and was impressed with the rapid growth of Kechara. Thank you for the kind words…
To put her studies to good use, after getting her Masters, she decided to return to Malaysia to do Dharma work full-time. She told Jean Mei that she has some Dharma knowledge to share with others, and that she was still seeking to learn…
Since July 2012, she has been appointed as the Senior Education Executive of Kechara House.
I would like to warmly welcome Adeline Woon to our Dharma family. May she continue to serve the Dharma.
Tsem Rinpoche

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Thank you Rinpoche for the sharing. Pastor Adeline Woon a is very kind person. She shares Dharma on every Wednesday with us in Gompa. She also encouraged me to buy the Lama Tsongkhapa box set and do the sadhana at home.
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[…] “The usual Green Tara is called the Drolma of Sandalwood Forest (Tibetan: tsenden ngachi drolma), who holds a lotus flower, sometimes with a wheel on it, usually blue lotus or utpala flower that is bluish. Her activity is to summon (call) and to give fearlessness. When Tara became enlightened she dedicated all her positive actions saying “Whoever is connected to me in any way, may they be able to have very swift progress, may they have swift benefit, may my swift actions effect them.” 18″ Partly gold copper Green Tara on throne. Indian style. Available at Kechara outlet Viva Home Mall.” – Pastor Adeline […]
Rejoice to Adeline. Now Adeline is a sangha to be and Pastor to be.
Really happy that we have another Pastor that will benefit more people!!
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Another young, intelligent and talented person has joined Kechara!
Welcome to Kechara, Adeline. You have made the right choice! May you spiritual practice continue to grow and may you always be protected by the Three Jewels.
Its such a great thing that such young person had joined kechara to share her knowledge with our kecharians.
Its so great that more people are getting to know kechara.
Nowadays more and more are coming to kechara.
More people know about kechara through this blog.
I am so grateful for all of the blog team people.
If it was not for this blog we would have this much people joining.
Rejoice for Adeline.You are such a beautiful person . May your spiritual path be good.
Young, intelligent, talented, got very good opportunity out there, but give up the opportunity and come here to work in an Dharma organization, Adeline Woon is definitely one of them. Who say joining dharma is a failure? Who say Dharma is only for people who has free time or retiree?
Dharma can be a very fulfilling career one can ever find in their lifetime, yes, earning may not be as much as the outside company, but what we get back at the end of the day is not just work, not just an empty work without meaning, in Dharma, we bring back much more than just a paycheck.
Many people who work whole life, but find themselves living in empty life, fighting for whole life but realized they are actually fighting for unhappiness, how many people end up gaining bitter life after they have contributed their everything. Yes, there are many people who have great life, but what’s the ratio of comparison?
Adeline is a very smart young pretty girl who is making a daring decision from others, she chose the path that not many people dare to walk / willing to walk, yes, she is showing the example of in life, it is not necessary to go where the herds goes, because even a place where majority goes, it does not promised happiness, so since so many unhappiness case already in the majority path, why not make a change? Maybe we’ll find a surprise in the different path?
I’m glad that Adeline joined us full time, I’m looking forward to working with you too 🙂
COngratulations Adeline. Although i have yet to meet her personally, but the amount of comments that are left here by her peers are nothing short of positive. =)
I rejoice in Adeline’s choice to join Dharma full time. and she is so knowledgeable too! Sometimes when i scroll back to previous chat messages, what she wrote and the opinions she shared are not simple at all. Would be nice to learn from her. =)
May the 3 Jewels blesses you and in everything you do.
See you around, Adeline!
Thank you for sharing, Rinpoche!
Dear Adeline, Congratulations!
A friendly and knowledgeable person, when met Adeline in KH, we always shared about what we know ( Dharma, meditation ans etc.. ), Thank You for always sharing with me. Welcome to a Big Dharma Family ( Kechara ).
Best Regards : Eric kksiow
Congratulation Adeline and Welcome to the Kechara family!
Adeline is helpful, honest, direct, diligent and always with a great smile.
Love to work with her and see her around!
Wish you all the best may you always be with Guru and blessed by the three jewels!
Adeline is a very lovely and honest dharma sister. She is absolutely dedicated to Rinpoche and Kechara, very helpful and always cheerful even with her very full schedules everyday. Her actions are very dharmically motivated and definitely embodies the values of Rinpoche’s teachings and what Kecharian should have. I wish her well in her dharma progress and may she go all the way with Rinpoche towards the ultimate goal.
Congratulations, Adeline! Welcome to the Dharma family.
I know that Adeline will continue to apply single-minded focus to her work in the Education Division and whatever she is assigned to do. She does not fear work or being given heavy responsibilities. She is always ready to take on any job that needs her.
She will shape up to be a great leader, as she has the makings of one already.
Keep it up, Adeline!
Congratulations Adeline. She has studied so much about religion and even went on to do her masters, well done, and still say she is seeking to learn more is so humble. She looks like a friendly and an enthusiastic person, may she be a benefit to many sentient beings and hope to see her become a pastor soon. 🙂
Welcome my dearest Adeline and rejoice for joining Kechara Family! I love Adeline as a person, a friend and a Dharma sister. She is always helpful in anytime, anywhere. She is friendly, cheerful and lovely 🙂
Happy for you baby!! muaks muaks!
Congratulations to Adeline Woon! I’ve worked with Adeline for some time now and find her hard-working and conscientious. She has a pleasant personality and a good attitude towards work. May her Dharma work bring her lasting happiness.
Congratulations Adeline! Welcome to Kechara’s family! May your spiritual path continue to grow, good health and may the 3 Jewels Bless you always!
I personally know Adeline, she is a very nice, loving and kind person. And i am happy for her that she is now in Kechara full-time. I am sure she is having a great time so far. As i have always seen her with a smile on her face. Very good. Thank you for sharing Rinpoche, and may more and more people join and become full members of Kechara House.
Congratulations to Adeline – it is wonderful that she decided to join Kechara full-time. She must have checked Rinpoche and Kechara out thoroughly before making the decision to move back to KL to join us. Although this is not new.. there are many Kecharians who have moved from other countries to Malaysia because of what they saw here. For example, Beng Kooi moved back from London, Niral Patel has also moved here from London, Moh Mei moved from Singapore… and there are others contemplating moving to join us from Canada, Luxembourg…
We live in very exciting times! Please join us on this wonderful journey…
Congratulation Adeline, first time met you at KH ,you were very happy and excited for sharing your knowledge.
I still remember Rinpoche said that “Working for Dharma is not a prison or work, but it is purely spiritual practice. It is purely collection of merit and purification. Actually not doing Dharma work is the real prison “.This is great, Dharma work is so fun and can benefit others , May you always be blessed by the 3 Jewels and healthy 🙂
Adeline is a great person to work with. She is smart, responsible, meticulous, punctual, aggressive in a good way and very flexible. Flexibility is one important thing when we work with others and this beautiful lady has it. Working with her surely is a pleasant experience and u know what Adeline, your aspiration to be a nun is somewhat inspiring, because you walk the talk. 加油姐姐! hehe…
I am very happy for aunty Adeline, she is a very wonderful and beautiful lady, from the inside and outside. She is always very cheerful and helpful, she’s the kind of person that will help anyone who needs help. During last year’s Wesak Day, she was the person who’s in charge of the kids choir, she did a very good job on helping us out with choreography and stuffs, she’s just simply amazing. It’s great that she decided to join Kechara full-time, she will help a lot of people.
Thank You for sharing Rinpoche.
Congratulations to Adeline!
Adeline is a straight talking, no non-sense kind of lady, able to get to the point of any matter she’s talking about. This shows one of her qualities – caring – so she doesn’t beat around the bush. She is the one of the people I work closely with so I know that this is the case.
She is also a fantastic teacher, leading the Junior group of our Kechara Sunday Dharma School and as the Senior Education Executive she is involved with the creation of the syllabus from which all of our Dharma classes are taught. Using her background in Religious Studies, she is able to use her Buddhist knowledge and combine it with modern and suitable approaches to teach her students.
She is actually quite a fun person to be around, making sure you have a good laugh every now and then and at the same time takes her work very seriously, making sure she keeps to her word. I rejoice that she is here at Kechara House, and I know for a fact that this is only the beginning of her Dharma career. She will be able to share the Dharma and Rinpoche’s teachings with many people in the future and has already begun to do so.
Congratulations again!
Congratulation for Adeline Woon for making the right choice to join Kechara for full-time !! Thank you for your hardwork and effort to helping Rinpoche to spread his Dharma to benefit more others.I wish you have great happiness and fulfillment through your dharma journey in Kechara.All the Best… ^_^
Another young and educated person who has joined Kechara in the quest for spiritualism. You will look what you have been searching for, Adeline, here in Kechara. Welcome to the big and growing family of Kecharians!.
Welcome to our Kechara family, Adeline.
May you be blessed by the 3 Jewels always along your Dharma journey. May your spiritual path be fruitful.
Congratulations Adeline Woon on joining Kechara full time….. I am very glad that you have chosen the right path to learn more about the Dharma as well as so that you can share you knowledge to the rest of the people in Kechara.
I totally rejoice on your joining and Happy working ahead!!
Till Then
Dear Adeline, Congratulations!
I rejoice for your decision to join Kechara full-time. By you coming in to help in the Education Dept, you are directly involve in helping Rinpoche to spread Dharma and especially Lama Tsongkhapa’s teachings far and wide. You are dedicating your life in the most meaningful and beneficial way.
You are bright, dedicated and always ready to help; a wonderful teacher to the kids in Kechara Sunday Dharma School. I have so much fun working with you.
Keep up the good works my dear dharma sister 🙂
Congratulations! Adeline for making the right decision to join Kechara full time. May your spiritual path be fruitful and keep up with the good work … xoxoxo
It is extremely happy to hear that she has already joined Kechara in full-time Dharma work and is trained to be a Kechara’s pastor soon. May she shared her knowledge and the wisdom of Dharma with all of us. A sincere and humble practitioner in Kechara.
Welcome my dear Dharma sister Adeline!
I can’t express how appreciative enough I have for Adeline to join Kechara that she is really a gem.
Head of Kechara House Paul Yap assigned me to “nurture” her when she first joined. I don’t think I did a good job hehe as I really didn’t really “nurture” her, I just show her the real me and how we work.
Well, she is also a straight forward person and I really admire her knowledge and her ability. The thing I like her the most is, she will keep her promise to get things done. She will tell you honestly if she can’t do, or she will inform you when she can’t make it before the deadline.
I think this is very important when comes to teamwork as we need to know the progress of works together.
I see her shines in Kechara as I saw much care and patience she has developed along the way.
I love you sister! May you shine even more along the spiritual path and all the best! =)
Congrats Adeline =)
Nice to have you join us in our Dharma Family!
Dearest Adeline,
Congratulations! I rejoice for you! You are such a beautiful person and wonderful Dharma teacher. You are one of the nicest people that I met when I first step foot into KH. I wish you all the success in your upcoming Pastorship and may your Dharma work continue to flourish smoothly and swiftly.
Much love and care, Sharon, Hayden and Aldan
Adeline,you are very,very dedicated to your Dharma work and this news is the greatest gift you can offer to benefit others.You are a joy to work with and a very beautiful and patient person.
I wish you lots of spiritual wealth and personal growth always.
Congratulations and welcome to the Dharma family.
Rejoice for you Adeline. Congratulations
Rejoice Rejoice Rejoice that Adeline has gone full-time. I really admire people who go on full time and committed to Dharma. it is a great choice of work to benefit others. Congratulations Adeline. I hope more people can be like you.
Rejoice for Adeline, may u always good health and good fortune and able to continue ur Dharma path smoothly…
U make the right choice to help Rinpoche spread Dharma hence use ur knowledge to benefit more peoles… Thanks you!!!