Adeline’s Requested To Be a Nun!! How Beautiful!!
This is the short but meaningful card from Adeline requesting for the holy vows. I am happy for her. I received this just an hour ago with flowers.
These are the lovely flowers that came with Adeline’s heartfelt request.
This evening around one hour ago… I received a request from my long time student Adeline from Melaka to be a nun.
I met Adeline for the first time in 1992 in Melaka, Malaysia. I went to meet dharma friends. I was staying at a Dharma house and having evening get togethers there every night with lots of people. Adeline would come after work everyday to talk, listen in and generally to hang around with us. That is her hometown.
She would bring pizzas, cakes, soft drinks, local delights, pastries and lots of cheesecakes (my favorite at the time).I was rail thin and around 79 pounds in weight as I had not gotten a lot of food in Gaden. It was my first trip to Malaysia. In Malaysia food is love. If they like you, they feed you till you become as big as a house (that is me now)….hehehe But at that time I could eat anything and I did, and didn’t gain any weight but started to look less anorexic. People felt sorry for me in Melaka because I was so thin. Sometimes Adeline would take the monks and I for a drive. On weekends, she would take us for various places of interest in Melaka. She was and is very generous. We developed a friendship and student-teacher relationship. I went back to India and she wrote me always. We have stayed in contact since 1992.
Adeline has travelled to India to stay at my Ladrang in the Gaden Monastery in the past. She has joined me on pilgrimages to Bodhgaya and other places. She had no problems travelling..she liked it.. She enjoyed it and got alot out of it she told me. We have had good times together and wonderful spiritual adventures. I see her like an elder sister to me. I have gone to her house to help her set up a very special Tsongkapa Altar. She does her prostrations, offerings and prayers at this altar every night since it was set up many years ago.
Whenever I am in Malaysia she would be around. One thing about Adeline is she is a very loyal person. She sticks with you once she is your friend. She does not hop to this centre or that place or this teacher and that teacher, she sticks to one and I never even told her to stick to one. It was in her. She has met many of my holy teachers together with me and I am happy for her. She planted alot of dharma merits for her now and future from the meetings..
She has done one million migtseymas,3 million protector mantras, over 100,000 prostrations over the years as I have instructed her to. She does it after work every day diligently. She does the guru yoga of Tsongkapa daily for many years now. She will do many practices as I have instructed her over the years.
Recently she had fought cancer and won!!! I was so HAPPY AND WORRIED FOR HER. I had many pujas done for her. She is ok now…I am happy to share!!!
Adeline, myself with a group in Gaden Monastery.
I have told her over 17 years ago that she should be a nun. She said no, no, no for many years. Just recently I reminded her to use the rest of her life for dharma, dharma work, dharma practice and to hold the vows of a nun. She has agreed. I am extremely happy for her. She has sent a official request card with flowers to be a nun!!!! Fantastic.
I care about Adeline very much. I want her to be ok in this life. If I am around I can help to make sure she is ok. But I am more concerned regarding her future fact all my students’ future lives. I want her always ok. I want everyone ok, I sincerely worry alot for them. They may not know.
Sometimes they don’t understand how one action can open karmas to other undesired results. Everything may seem ok now, but everything can turn for the worst almost overnight. So it is urgent that we do dharma work, dharma practice, dharma transformations and have good samaya with our teacher.
Teachers can talk, speak, act or do things sometimes that students do not understand. But if you have checked your teacher out before taking him as a teacher, then afterwards you should just trust and things will turn out right. Things cannot turn out right for other things your teacher have done for others and not for you. That is illogical. Sometimes your karma needs to work its way through and you need to be patient. The teacher never gets anything out of hurting you. Even if the teacher is really a bad person, by being nice to you, he would get more from you right? We have to be patient with ourselves and trust a teacher we have been following or many others have been following for many years. Actions/Results would speak louder than words for sure.
Adeline and I in 1992 Melaka. We were standing outside of the Dharma house I was staying at… time goes by fast.
By Adeline taking nun vows, she will change the course of her immediate and distant future for the better. Much better. This will be the most worthwhile thing she has ever engaged in. The nun vows originate from Buddha so there is no doubts on it’s benefit and blessings. I will conduct the pre-nun ceremony for Adeline at the right time. Adeline will take the vows of a nun and create the very causes for good rebirths in the future, extension of her life in this life, and plant the seeds to gain full enlightenment when these vows are taken from a Bodhicitta motivation. She will be one of the Sangha members when our Retreat Land in the mountains (Kechara World Peace Centre)is ready in the near future. She will enjoy the trees, mountains, cooling air, and beautiful environment. I was thinking of telling her we have Bigfoots/sasquatches/yetis up there that kidnap nuns to tease her….heheheeh..she falls for most of my dumb and ridiculous jokes hundreds of times over the years..she is a good sport with me at least. She may not know this but I love her very much and want her to be a wonderful nun and benefit/inspire people which I know she can. Deep inside of her, she has a soft and nice heart..she may not always show it, but I know it’s there. I am so happy for her because she will be safe!!!!
Her hair just grew back after the cancer treatment and now we have to cut it off again..and I will tease her about that because she likes her hair…hehehe. But for a supreme reason she will cut it off..good for her.. I am so happy for Adeline because SHE WILL BE OK because of these vows.
I am at rest for her. My worry for her is less. I worry about all my students tremendously. Even some students I do not see anymore, I still do pujas for them, light candles, offer prayers and remember them. I pray their minds and heart will open and realize time is short and come home and do dharma with us… i really wish that for them. I cannot forget anyone. Good and bad passes, but my love for them will not. My care for them will never pass away. How can I forget anyone who has had a spiritual connection with me?? No matter how much time has passed. What we did in the dharma is incredibly important and so it cannot be forgotten. They cannot be forgotten ever. Their minds have to transform from the realization of impermanence and their actions become dharma from their realizations, and that is the most important. I will always pray for my students not out of duty, but care and concern.
Tsem Rinpoche
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Dear Adeline,
Rejoice for your loyalty to Tsem rinpoche and wishes to become a nun is fulfilling soon in the near future. Looking at your picture and the continues to serve rinpoche and your practices are so inspiring. I’m touched with rinpoche’s kindness and caring for his student, just like how Zong rinpoche concerned for Lama Yeshe.
I have known Adeline Tan when Rinpoche 1st arrived in Malaysia at the request of H.E.Lati Rinpoche to raise funds for the buildng of apartments for Gaden Monastery monks to stay. At that time I was the only one assisting Rinpoche on his tour in Malaysia together with Losang Yeshe. Adeline Tan was staying in Melaka. She drives Rinpoche around in her sporty red honda prelude car. After Rinpoche returned to India in 1993 he invited us to visit him in his Ladrang in India. Adeline was one of the people that was in the group. And we were so fortunate to be the first to visit Rinpoche. I think visiting the Monastery with so many Sanghas has inspired her to be a Nun. So Adeline welcome to the family of Sanghas.
Terima Kasih Rinpoche!
How wonderful each time we hear of people who want to be called to the renunciate’s life!
As far as I have met her, she is soft spoken and amiable. I am wishing her the fulfillment of her wishes and may all causes and conditions be ripened for her benefit and for all sentient beings.
It would be great to have her as the second Anila in Kechara, inspiring us with her role model and guidance in assisting Rinpoche in the magnanimous task of realizing and fulfilling the manifestation of KWPC!
Oh my! Rinpoche was so lean back then! Sadhu!
Thank you deeply for this beautiful writing.
Dearest Rinpoche,
Thank You for the wonderful news regarding Adeline. It’s a very touching message. I am very happy for Adeline and knowing that she will be all right in her future lives by Rinpoche’s guidance. CONGRATULATIONS TO ADELINE!:-)
Always close to heart and never forgotten.
Thank you for the inspiring decision made by Adeline! It is an act of great courage and generosity that Adeline chose to use her precious human life for the benefit of sentient beings. It is wonderful that we can start the week with this message in our hearts and minds so that, in our own way, we will use ourselves to be of benefits to others this week and the weeks to come.
With deep admiration and respect to Adeline.
It’s very moving to read this wonderful news. It brought a tear or two to my eyes on a Monday morning!
This guru-student relationship stood the test of time. Rinpoche never gave up and constantly cared and loved the people whom he knew and nurtured, and that is so important to encourage new people to join the Dharma. It gave us hope. Thank you very much Rinpoche.
Adeline: We may not know each other, but I am very happy for you in that your Guru loved you and has ‘nursed’ you back to health! Please take care and warmest regards.
I am very happy for Adeline. This is very inspiring!
Wow.. Rejoice, Rejoice, Rejoice. The best news on a Monday morning an Auspicious one. Thank You Rinpoche for everything and congratulations to Adeline
Dear Rinpoche,
I’m new in Dharma, there are still many things that I don’t understand or can relate at this moment. But I’m so moved by this excellence news (before this I don’t even know who she is)!
When I read your last paragraph, I just couldn’t stop my tears, I don’t understand why this is happening to me. Am I focus too much on how I feel?
I never know what is compassion all about until I came to KH. You and your liaisons, HODs and senior students has set a great example for me to learn.
Thank you for what you did and it changed my entire understanding.
Rejoice to Adeline.
Dear Rinpoche,
Excellent news!
A BIG Sadhu to Sister Adeline for prolonging the Buddha Sasana.
Life is changing all the time but not the Middle path as taught by the Buddha, for our true happiness, Nibbana.
Dear Rinpoche, i read through this beautiful blog over and over again. Its so touching. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this and more so for never giving up on us.
Most people would imagine that being a nun is anything but living one’s life to the fullest. Most people would like to believe the monastery is the place to go when you have no where else to go. That is a most misunderstood myth and a fallacy. A nun or a monk chooses this “vocation” simply because they care about others beyond themselves. Yes, even people they have not met and may never get to know. They choose to be a monk or a nun to serve the greater humanity and not just their own human needs. It is not easy for anyone to realise that our human life can be groomed towards a higher purpose and for many lifetimes to come. It is a real investment that will reap thousands of merits and bear beneficial fruits for all humankind from one life to the next. So, I deeply rejoice for Adeline. We are all very much blessed to have found a teacher who cares do deeply about all of us for all lifetimes.
What a news to rejoice! Now we have 2 anilas to be 🙂
Adeline is very lucky to have Rinpoche always looking after her, and to have survived cancer.
Congratulations Adeline that you have the good merits to take on the holy vows to be a Sangha member!
What a wonderful news i received the first thing I open my email today.. So fortunate that she could put down everything in samsara and indulge herself into dharma 100% for the rest of her life. She will accumulate vase of merits to meet the dharma and the lama again for her future life. Tears running down my face when I read about it. This is what we are looking for by the end of the day. Look at the pictures. Adeline met Rinpoche in her late thirties i guess, just like me. I feel safe and fortunate to be one of Rinpoche’s student. Rinpoche always pray for us and take care of us. He always make sure all of us go on well. I want to stick around until the end of my life with Rinpoche just like Adeline. Rinpoche, please leave very very long.
This is such wonderful news and I am happy for Adeline that she can spend the second half of her life doing something so meaningful!!! She sets a huge example for many people (like myself) to aspire towards spending our life after retirement doing something that is really great, beautiful and beneficial. For all that she has gone through recently, this is definitely the best thing she could have done for herself. Thank you Rinpoche.
Congratulations to Adeline! What excellent news to rejoice! I’m delighted to hear about this!