Anila is 68 and Learning Computers!!
I am very happy to know that one of my oldest students, Anila (previously known as Mama Jenny as she is ordained now and the 1st nun in Kechara) has been learning to post comment on my blog in her wish to learn more and share Dharma with others. She is reading more and more of the articles on the blog as she wants to understand more for herself and to share with others.
She told me she very much wants to change. She said she had not done anything significant in her life, and Kechara has given her chance to make the rest of her life very useful. Very good!
I first met Anila in 1992 when she attended a Manjushri Initiation I conferred. After that she followed me around as an assistant/secretary for 2 months in my extensive travels of Malaysia during that period.
I received news that she even bought a new laptop YESTERDAY in order to do this and she is 68 YEARS OLD!!!
Now she has a new platform to share Dharma with others – through the internet. I rejoice for Anila’s effort in pushing herself to learn at this age for the purpose of Dharma.
At this age, Anila has dedicated herself fully to the Dharma and Kechara House. She shows age SHOULD NOT BE USED AS A DETERRENT for learning technology.
I’ve heard protests from some students and friends that they are not good on the computer…my answer is ANILA.
Much Prayers,
Tsem Rinpoche
Anila and Uncle Eddie working hard on physical print outs of blogs and
handwriting their comments. They’re working very hard and deeply focussed. Good for them
Anila learning to read my blog and comment online
Anila has mastered the usage of the computer she purchased yet, but she will. She comes to Tsem Ladrang to practice every single day
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Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for sharing this inspiring act by Anila. She is willing to push herself to learn new things in order to have access to more dharma. This is a very good example of how we should push ourselves more for dharma. This reflects how a person treat dharma.
[…] Anila has been working hard learning how to use the computer and surf the web, in order to share Dharma with others and also to improve her skills. (Read more about: Anila is 68 and Learning Computers!!). […]
Please forward this message to Anila, as she has inspired me.
Precious Anila,
I have wanted to become ordained for at least a year now, and I remember being discouraged and thinking that there was NO WAY I could become ordained and there was NO WAY I would be able to devote myself to the Dharma 100%. Seeing you recieve ordination on Youtube helped me change my mind on that. You showed me that it isn’t impossible.
I am devoting myself more and more to the service of others and to learning the Dharma so that, when the time comes, I will be able to hold my vows well and benefit so many people through that. By reading this article, I realize that even things that are foreign to us like learning Tibetan or learning to use the internet for the first time might be hard, but with effort, it is definitely possible.
I rejoice so much in your decision to become ordained and I hope to one day inspire someone as much as you inspire me. I can clearly see that you are an asset to Kechara House.
Thank you so much, Anila,
Tyler Mihalson
Anila, is fondly known as mama Jenny before, is an old friend of mine. I met her long time ago. We met Tsem Rinpoche in the same year. She has traveled with Rinpoche and stayed in Malacca for quite a while in the Dharma house to assist Rinpoche. She is a friendly and a energetic lady and I can see from the beginning she has already shown the sign of guru devotion by following Rinpoche wherever he traveled and mama Jenny seems to be very happy by following Rinpoche. Mama Jenny and I have made our first pilgrimage trip to Ganden Monastery the following year. And since then we have been friends until today. I admire her loyalty towards Rinpoche and feel happy and proud of her by becoming the first sangha member of Kechara House. She has the courage to take the challenge in learning new techology, and her spirit in pushing herself to learn things she doesn’t know is very inspiring. I also noticed that Anila has become stronger physically and full of energy after she became Anila. I rejoice. May all her wishes be fulfilled.
Anila you are great inspiration to me. I am one of them guilty ones who does not go online and read the blog and post comments. I did not see the significance of it. Then, I see you going about enquiring about getting a notebook and finally you purchased one. After that you were busy with getting to learn and make posting. It is then that I realised that you are practicing real guru devotion and you are not letting any excuses to get in the way. Thank you Anila.
Anila deserves a big round of applause. She goes beyond the stereotypical image teens have of the elderly. She has a constant smile and is always friendly. Even with her weak eyesight and limited budget, she overcomes her obstacles, giving her all to dharma work. She breaks all barriers of age and proves that there are no excuses to being committed to dharma. She is neither embarrassed nor afraid to ask for help. Well done Anila! If someone were to ask Anila’s age, instead of asking how old is she? The question should be: How YOUNG is she?
This wonderful old dog is still learning new tricks!
I love Anila, she is the source of my inspiration in many ways including this post of her writing comments to benefit many peoples in this world. She inspired me for doing comment posting considering she never have experience of computer, she did it. She inspired me for being the first Buddhist Nun in Kechara House considering it is not easy to practise renuciation, she did it. She inspired me for her guru devotion to Tsem Tulku Rinpoche, she follows and carried out Rinpoche’s requests, she did it. She inspired me for so many ways, may she live long, very healthy to continue showing us that we can be like her too, be inspiration for others too. Slowly, one day at a time. we can too. Thank you Anila. Take care.
Sure she can! She’s an Anila! I would reckon learning the computer is but a piece of cake for her! You know what it takes to be an Anila? It must be the most courageous thing a person can do in life and that is to give up everything to be a renunciate. (Hard for some of us to even give up our ATM cards) Not to mention the millions of prostrations, committing of lengthy mantras to memory, intense visualisations, meditation and constant practice of mindfulness day in and day out. Way to go Anila, if you can be an Anila in mastering the trickiest of all things to master which is the mind, surely the computer is a breeze!
Anila effort is true a inspiration for any of us that says we cant do this , we have no time , we are too busy! At 68 it could be quite tough for Anila as computers might be abit hard to comprehend at times for her age but she did not choose to give up instead she pushes on and on simply because she Anila would like to contribut and because she has received an instrutions from Rinpoche to do so.
She sets an example for all of us. Congrats Anila and we support you all the way ! Now this is what I called Guru Devotion.
I came to know anila since year 2000. She was one of the early and elderly person that I have met before KH was build. Now it brings me back to the old old momories. Henry and I used to send and picked up anila from her house to weekly Guru Yoga Puja in Ruby’s house. Anila known as ( mama Jenny) not until last year December when was ordained. When we were on the way to weekly puja, anila used to share with us her personal experienced with Rinpoche, travelled here and there. Anila was also one of Rinpoche’s assistant when Rinpoche just came to Malaysia.
Our FAITH were so strong with Rinpoche today, it is one of the reason that anila HAS DONE A GOOD JOB! She used to share with us, what she has gone thru. The words that she used to mention MUST TRUST RINPOCHE 101% ,WHATEVER HE ADVICED YOU! I thank her so much for telling me again and again! That’s when our faith with Rinpoche have increased tremendously.
Love, angel
As the saying goes…We never stop learning until we die.
Seeing Anila using the laptop reminds me of when I started to use the computer but I am not as old as Anila lah! Now I read and reply emails, sometimes MSN, read and write comments on Rinpoche’s blog, look at website; learn to copy and paste, etc.
Kecharians can look forward to seeing Anila with her new laptop when she goes to Kechara House to volunteer. Have laptop will travel….
Good for Anila and Eddie, setting good examples to those who fear modern technology. And some of us with fear are far younger than Anila!
I met Anila at KH2 yesterday,she was busy with her new laptop and doing the assignments that Rinpoche gave to us.
ANILA show us a good example,at her age and she is still putting the effort to learn and push herself,how shameful if we just sitting there and doing nothing.
No matter how big or small your contribution to our Organisation,as long as you push yourself and put your heart ,souls and mind on it..
you are helping dharma grow within yourself and benefit others.
Anila is one of Rinpoche oldest student,what she did really remind us that don’t ever slow down and give up in dharma,theres nothing you can’t do for dharma.
Wow Anila, way to go. You are beautiful Anila, you are always smiling. To think I was having problem trying to post a comment, and I am suppose to be quite computer literate. Hehehe. Setting an example of Guru devotion to all of us. Never question your Guru teachings and requests. Please please continue to lead us by example and share your experience with us. Yesterday you told me something so beautiful, you don’t have to do anything for me, I am happy to see you here. So inspiring. No more excuse lah not to turn up for Pujas or retreats or activities
Wow…age can never be an excuse to stop anyone to do dharma. Anila wants to improve herself and want to learn more in order to help more people. . Anila is truly inspiring. Fyi, there quite a number of new people love to talk to Anila. I’m glad that Anila willing to learn the e-tech as now this medium will be very common and even Rinpoche is very active in spreading dharma with it. Anila had proven this to us! What a shame if Anila can take this step and we still finding excuses! Anila has shown her dedication and strong believe in Rinpoche. We should set Anila as our example.
I am very proud of Anila for buying a laptop to do posting on Rinpoche’s blog. Not because she is attempting to master technology at the age of 68 but for her Guru Devotion for trying her best to comply with Rinpoche’s request as best as she could. On her own she probably would not have done it. She may be thinking why would she want to learn computer skills at the age of 68. Of course, Rinpoche has his reasons for asking Anila to do posting on his blog. I believe it was for Anila to read and learn about what’s happening in the organization and everything else that is in the blog. However, Rinpoche never requested her to get a computer. Rinpoche just requested that she reads his blog, write out her comments and assigned someone to help her type and post her comments. However, Anila went one step further by buying a laptop. This shows her sincerity in complying with her guru’s request whom she trusts and believing that whatever her guru requests of her, no matter how bizarre it seem is for her own good. Good for Anila. I rejoice for her.
Well done Anila. It shows that age is no barrier if we put our mind to anything we want to achieve. You have been an inspiration to a lot people, young and old and there is so much we can learn from you. Often we make up our own excuses or put up artificial barriers or imaginary obstacles on the road to progress.
You have made much change to your life, by being the first nun of Kechara and devoting your life to dharma service and now learning how to be computer savvy. You display so much courage and determination to make such changes possible at this stage of your life.
Yes Anila, you rocks!
You have set such a good example for so many that age, is not a barrier for learning new things. You went against all odds, bought a laptop and got members to teach you how to operate it! And now you are an ‘expert’! Yeah…
Anila’s determination shows us that if we put our heart and soul in doing something, we will definitely rise as a winner. If we don’t ever put forward the first step, we are bound to be loser!
Now Anila can go to Rinpoche’s blog, post comments and share her years’ of experience serving Rinpoche with many around the world. What a wonderful way of sharing and benefiting others!
Anila’s actions just show how she must have really reflected, contemplated and embraced how precious, rare and meaningful our human life is!
How truly wonderful that she is not wasting any precious time but tries her utter best to learn so as to reach her fullest potential in every possible way!
Using this rare opportunity not just to learn Dharma, not just to share and spread the beneficial teachings but more importantly show by example by simply practicing.
Making the most of her talents to live life to the fullest and contributing in whatever, whichever ways she can – she takes challenges in her stride with a smile, acknowledge the “hits and misses’ with humour – we should all learn that!
What better way to live one’s life than with love, kindness, grace, purpose and meaningful activities?
I am humbled, touched by her courage, inspired by her “thinking and acting out of the box” adventurous spirit and sincere motivation…
Dear Anila,
I feel very inspired by your willingness to pick up the computer and contribute to Rinpoche’s blog. I do not like computers very much, but I am now thinking of getting a computer and join you in contributing to the dharma. I feel that Rinpoche’s blog is a really fun and interactive way to know the Dharma and also get to know Rinpoche’s way of life. I hope that with your new tool, you will blog more often and continue to inspire others like myself to overcome our laziness and break out of our fixed beliefs. Thank you very much for your joyous effort.
With folded hands,
Wee Liang
I first met Anila in 1998 in Thailand, she went to visit Tsem Rinpoche in wat khao ruk chang with blackforest cake from kuala lumpur at that time , she told me Rinpoche like to eat cake so she brought along the cake, her devotion toward Rinpoche never change from last time untill now, she always care for other and always sharing her dharma knowledge with newbies at kechara house, it is so inspiring that she is learning computer now in the age of 68 years old because she want to benefit other through the internet world, she showed us that the age is not the obstacle if we want to learn.
Am so happy for Anila who is one of the most generous, kind hearted persons I met when we started at Kechara and who gave Dr Chong and I so many items that currently are part of our altar today. I have so much to thank her for and am proud of her achievements and commitments to the Dharma. She puts many of us to shame who procrastinate about learning how to Facebook because it is “one more password to remember” or out of laziness think it’s going to be time consuming, or complicated. We have so much to Thank our Guru, HE Tsem Rinpoche who cares about us so as to create this portal of learning and aid to our Dharma practice.
Thank you Anila for proving to everyone that age is not a hindrance when one wants to sincerely acquire new knowledge. Rinpoche recently tweeted that the mind’s potential is limitless. If we say the mind is limited then we are contradicting Buddha’s teachings. I’m so happy she will be a nun soon so she can spend the rest of her life doing retreats and benefiting others. Well she might be slow in doing what she does but at least she gets there. Many people are techno-phobic, thats is because they have probably forgotten the joys of learning and enjoying the feeling of not knowing.
oh yarrr… I wanted to add that Anila hasn’t just been doing all this recently. She’s been with Rinpoche since the first time he came to Malaysia in 1992 and served and followed him with much devotion all these years.
She told me once that Rinpoche has always “pushed” her beyond a comfort zone, and would get her to do all these things that she never thought was possible. In the early days, he would paint her up in all kinds of outlandish makeup, make her dress up in these crazy get-ups and put feathers on her hair and then push her out of her apartment block to walk around the neighbourhood.
She told me she’d get into the lift to go downstairs and fellow apartment-residents would literally jump from fright at seeing her. She was mortified, having to go walk around the apartment block – and Rinpoche would watch her the balcony and laugh his head off.
Then, now, she told me that she realises that it was all to break down her ego, soften her up and prepare her for when she eventually took ordination. Now, her mind is much more peaceful and ready for full ordination and she looks forward to her old age with a lot of happiness and calm.
To think – so much peace and happiness can be achieve with makeup, feathers and a laptop! Am so happy for Anila, and it is all I can hope for to have what she has when I am her age.
Anila is really living by one of Rinpoche’s quote: “Never say you Can’t cause that’s not the real you speaking”. Woohoo Anila, you show us that age is not a barrier if you have the will to learn. And it’s never too old to learn. Anila has recently taken Rinpoche’s advice to be a nun and to dedicate the rest of the life towards Dharma. Now she has even gone to the extent of purchasing a notebook to help spread the dharma via blogging. All her actions speak lower than words as she is showing us her Guru Devotion and following Rinpoche’s advice.
It is very nice to see Uncle Eddie & Anila, elderly students of Rinpoche supporting Rinpoche’s Dharma work. You are indeed setting a good example for the younger generation. Keep it up!!
You know what Anila, I’m going to print out the pictures of you learning how to use computers for all my friends who are 10 to 15 years younger than you.
Anila and Uncle Eddie have shown us age is not a limitation to learning.
Anila and Uncle Eddie are two of Rinpoche’s most senior students. They are at KH almost every day making sure visitors are attended to. They are a rich source of informations on Rinpoche’s earlier days in Malaysia. Often, Anila brings her precious collection of Rinpoche’s pictures to KH to share with her listeners the bodhisattva deeds of Rinpoche. They are a good example of guru devotion to new people.
You followed Rinpoche for so long now and you continue to follow him, even if it means learning a whole new skill – computers! I am proud of you Anila because you inspire others with this and the fact that you stayed and stuck by Rinpoche through the years!You were Rinpoche 1st assistant (now 1st off
and doing everything, following Rinpoche around Malaysia and Gaden. How lucky you are in this life to be able to find the perfect teacher.
You were Rinpoche 1st assistant and doing everything, following Rinpoche around Malaysia and Gaden. How lucky you are in this life to be able to find the perfect teacher.
Yes you also gave anyone younger then you a huge slap – IF YOU CAN DO IT AT 68! What is there more to say 🙂
Anila has shown by her example that it’s never about how much we can or cannot do something – IT’S HOW MUCH WE WANT IT.
Today I went in KH2, I saw Anila swift on her new laptop read Pabongka Rinpoche post in Rinpoche’s blog. I am so inspired. Do you believe a 68 years old woman, how many years she didn’t touch this kind of technology tool. Now she has promised her Guru to change then she has used action to show how sincere she is. We are all same; want to transform or change or not, always depends on our decision.
Yes, Anila is great!! She really make many of us shut up.
If 68 years old Anila can bought a laptop to tweet, blog, post; we are not excuse say we cannot!!!
I came and read you blog after my friend, Cynthia suggested it to me. I was quite curious to its content as the URL was quite unusual.
Anyway, congratulation to Anila, and also Chia (I think that was his name, there was a blog about him in an earlier post) who have conciously made an effort to pick up a new skill. I have much respect for people like them, who move out of their comfort zones, to learn and see new things, to continuously improve themselves, to challenge themselves.
I recently resigned from my job, as I felt that my passion for it is gone. I am now taking the time off to think about what it is that I should do. Having done it for many years, it was quite daunting at first, and I until now (4 months later) I sometimes wonder if I did the right thing.
Reading these posts, I feel inspired, to look for something else which may be more fulfilling. Not being afraid to fail, or take up new challenges. I will wake up tomorrow with this in mind, and seek out new endevours.
I will also share this article with my 72 year old father, who insists that he is too old to learn how to use a computer 🙂
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, ideas, experiences and stories. I am sure they are an inspiration to many !
Good night.
Good for Anila! Like everything else, it takes getting used to. Once she overcomes that initial “fear” she might not want let go of it! Soon she might have to learn to break her attachment to these worldly gadgets….he he.
I draw a parallel to another blog that Rinpoche recently posted on “how to break bad habituations”. I mean no disrespect to Anila for using this example, but it perfectly explains why it is so hard to change if we have been doing things a certain way for a long time. Conversely, it is also very difficult to start something new, break new frontiers so to speak, into unfamiliar territory if you have been in a comfortable situation for a long time. Most important, we can.
That first step is the most difficult, but again, it takes getting used to. If you break through the initial inertia, you might discover a whole new world you wouldn’t have known if you had not tried at all. As the cliché goes, it’s better to have tried and failed than to not have tried at all.
The key is, whether it is beneficial in the long run. So breaking the habituation, whether it is to stop doing something that is harmful, or to start doing something good that is perceived as “difficult” is a necessary process of mind transformation in spiritual practice. These are the kinds of subtle trainings that we receive from Rinpoche, sometimes in no relation to dharma and sometimes directly related, but I am grateful that these daily examples are there for us to learn from everyday.
Therefore along our spiritual journey, a Spiritual Guide is so necessary, to prod, nudge sometimes shove, otherwise we are always crippled by our fears and have no impetus to change and how then do we become Buddhas?
It’s truly inspiring that Anila, despite her old age, is keeping herself abreast with the new age – technology! In fact, there are many other elderly students of Rinpoche like Uncle Eddie, Mr. & Mrs. Ngeow, Mdm Lim Han Nee, Mdm Chua, Crystal, etc are all living examples to show us that age is just a number, it’s never too old to learn, and we should never stop learning & improving ourselves. Like the old Chinese adage always says, we should “eat til old & learn til old”.
This reminds me of my father who is incredibly hard-working…he never stops working and learning (acquiring new skills, knowledge, etc), though he is already 69 years old and a retiree. He constantly keeps himself busy with lots of activities, and devoting much of his time & energy to charitable work.
I am proud to say that my dad, despite his age, is technology-savvy, he is well-versed with even the latest technology, amazing! If I remember correctly, about 10-15 years back, he actually took the initiative to sign-up for a basic computer course to learn how to use the computer. Shortly after he has completed his course, we were very surprised indeed to see him on newspaper, with picture of him sitting in a classroom attending class attentively with many other students of all-walks-of-life, mostly youngsters, learning computers together…the picture mainly focused on him, with the rest of the students and the teacher in the background. My dad was being commented in the newspaper as the ‘oldest student’ in class that learn computer, wow! He was equally surprised to see himself on newspaper when we showed it to him…and he was humble about it.
My father is such an inspiration, not just to me & my siblings, but also to people around him…they admire and respect him for his devotion and commitment towards his work, and certainly value his contribution towards the charitable organization he is actively involved in.
I am so happy to see you contributing your time to benefit others at the same time enhancing your own one. You indeed age gracefully. This reminds me of the story of my aunt. I have an aunt who is now residing in old folks home where recitation of Buddhist Mantra or reading Buddhism related books are not allowed, this makes her moments being home with me in the weekends especially precious to refresh her dharma practice. There was one incident, in the beginning of her practice she insisted on chanting only 1 or 2 rounds of mala of Amitabah Mantra, hence I got worried with her deteriorating memory as well as old age that time is extremely precious for her, and that I hope she may lay her mind in peace with chanting rather than focusing on past sad memories, and one fine day while she was chanting with her malas, the head bead fell off 🙂 as she could not remember how many rounds of mantra that she had recited, hence from then on she goes on chanting non stop till she gets really tired. May Buddha please bless and guide her to enter the sacred gateway at ease.
Thank you Anila for setting good example to all of us now.
Thank you Rinpoche.
It’s really inspiring that at her age, Anila is willing and determined to learn new technology and to work for Dharma. Age is really not an excuse to staying away from technology or Dharma.
I remember the first puja I attended two years back, I was rather scared (of new experience and don’t know what to expect); Anila (Mama Jenny then), with her genuine friendliness and smile, makes me feel warm, welcome and at home. And she still remembers me whenever I went to Kechara after that, even though I work outstation and rarely go back to KL. Thank you, Anila.
I rejoice in the work and effort you put into Dharma, Anila; and may you always be an inspiration for others to grow.
Anila, you went all the way because you really want to benefit others with Dharma. What an inspiring example for us to follow!
Your joining the cyber community will benefit many especially people who are new to Dharma. How would that be?
Rinpoche’s blog is full of information and is a gateway to Dharma for many people in the world who communicate through the internet. Through participating in Rinpoche’s blog, you impact precious Dharma knowledge and experience which you had acquired from Rinpoche over the years. When you share your thoughts and comments on Rinpoche’s blog, you provide readers another perspective about Rinpoche and Dharma; you help realize Rinpoche’s visions and spread Lama Tsongkhapa’s teachings far and wide!
I rejoice in your effort!
I agree with every one’s posting about Anila. Her devotion towards Rinpoche is very strong and this blog about her getting a laptop and learning to be computer savvy really benefits and encourage people that age is not a factor if one is determine to learn.
Even Anila and Uncle Eddie do not know how to use the computer; it didn’t stop them to wanting to write comments on Rinpoche’s blog. Anila and Uncle Eddie did it in the olden way of working on the hard copy from the start and didn’t even complain a word at all and they just comply with what Rinpoche have for them.
It also shows that Anila and Uncle Eddie have benefitted a lot having been a follower to His Eminence for many years. They surely have many things that they are able to share/ want to with us over the net in the near future.
Rinpoche is always looking for ways and means to help us grow by pushing us out of our comfort zone. This is another fine example how by learning to use the computer, Anila become IT savvy and get updated news but also benefit others when sharing her Dharma knowledge and experiences with via the Internet.
Anila at 68, has all the excuses not to embrace the Internet. But she chose to follow Rinpoche’s advice to learn. By doing this, the imprint of “I can’t change or I can’t do it” will lessen. Anila, you are a shining example of JDI! (Just Do It!), an inspiration to others to push and challenge oneself.
Way to go Anila! I am laughing and rejoicing at the same time when i saw all these photos. Especially the first photo. Both you and Uncle Eddie look so professional. Its like you both in a boardroom going through some very important documents intensely before signing the papers! Haha! Then in the next photos you look techsavvy. Cool! It must be quite challenging for you to do this. In fact when you declared that you will buy a computer and learn how to use it, i was flabbergasted. It is an expression of your guru devotion and i am sure will be an inspiration to many other senior members in our organisation. Uncle Lai? Mrs Chuah? You not only have learnt how to go on the net now, you also OWN a computer! Double whammy! I am so looking forward to more people like you now that you have set a leading example!
Anila has set the trend for a new generation of computer savvy senior citizens! Anila has mastered the courage to take up what most people would put off at her age. I am very sure by now, her persistence and hardwork has paid off, and she can log on to Rinpoche’s blog and Kechara news everyday and update herself at the click of a mouse! This goes to show that if we yearn to do something, nothing will stop us from getting there. It is just a matter of time. In fact, Anila’s generation has something that is hard to find in younger generation nowadays, which is loyalty, and she has been with her Guru. Bravo Anila! We rejoice with you!
Dear Anila,
You’re an inspiration to all of us. This is will be my 2nd blog reply 🙂 I will show this to my dad give him some inspiration!
Thank you Anila,
Jeffrey Gan
Anila here shows us that our mind is never too old for anything. Our mind is actually measured by the strength of our will to do certain task. Anila has also been benefitted with the constant guidance by Rinpoche and she has known Rinpoche since 1992. Classic example of Guru Devotion, Anila went on to purchase this new laptop (not even knowing how to start the laptop) just to post comments on Rinpoche’s blog.
This also shows Anila’s sincere effort here as she doesn’t want to borrow a computer from others and she wanted to do it long term too. Uncle Eddie is very supportive of Anila and takes very good care of her. It is very important that Uncle Eddie and Anila supports each other in their Dharma work.
Thank you Anila!
Anila was one of the first person I was introduced to when I first visited Kechara. I was very surprised by the amount dharma knowledge she has. Anila was able to explain everything clearly. With her friendly and always smilling demeanour, it’s very hard not to like her !
Soon, as I got to know more about Anila, the amount of time and effort she has put into dharma, I have nothing but respect and admiration for her. She an example of what I want to be like when I grow older, wise , light and joyfull.
Anila is learning computer is because she always want to share more Dharma with others. I said so is because whenever I met Anila, she would share Dharma, story with me which really helping my life. I really respect her for her compassion that always wanted to benefit others.
Anila is the first member I met in KH. At that time, Anila and Uncle Eddie were there when I first time step in to KH. Her humorous and the way she was sharing the Dharma is very fun had attracted me to join KH. At that time, I was so curious that why there is such a Buddhist Association that can share Dharma in a very fun way because to me Dharma should be serious. And I got the answer ……
Anila was the first kecharian I met, together with Andrew in 2008, and I feel like I have a debt to her in a great way. She was very kind to us that day, and I remember she told us that at Kechara House “we are a very nice group of people”. And indeed, as time came to show, kecharians are very nice people to count as friends, because they do want to improve on themselves.
Anila did not talk to us empty words that day, she is actually walking the talk as we can see in this post, she is overcoming many obstacles that stood in her way when the use of modern technology was involved, and now she can go online,she can participate to Tsem Tulku Rinpoche’s blog, she can go on facebook, etc… Then her example can be more widely known, she can reach more people, and affect more people’s lives for the better.
I am very happy for her and for those who will benefit from her actions.
I am very happy for Anila for taking this leap as in doing so she is benefiting herself AND also those she WILL inspire to get off their butts and STOP making excuses. I will be the first to admit my shortcomings and from this beautifully inspiring act, I too will cease to make such mundane and poor excuses as “but I don’t know how to” or “I am not good at it”.
I also find it incredibly uplifting that at 68 years of age, Anila is capable of change. Who says an old dog can’t learn new tricks? (Sorry Anila, the reference to a dog is purely as a metaphor). Hence this also shows us that it is never too late whilst we have the use of our mind and bodily functions.
Isnt it amazing how one single act of selflessness could have such a multi-pronged effect and results? Thank you Anila and thank you Rinpoche in always pushing us past our comfort zones to benefit us and others!
this story reminds me of my mother.
because of her poverty when she was a child, she did not have the privilege to pursue her education.
being chinese educated and seeing that her children and husband converse in english, she took up English lessons. this happened in her early 40s.
i know many elderly people who refuse to change and evolve together with technology as they fear its complication. or how it replaces familiarity with new.
again, my mom – she took the effort to learn how to SMS and when she found out how to MMS, she was so delighted. so when i read this post, it reminded me of my mom. she is fearless. she is not afraid of change.
Thank you rinpoche to share inspire news with us.
Dear Anila,
I’m very proud of you, you really do what it take to make Dharma grow, and i know it not so easy for people in this age to start learn and use computer, your devotion will inspire other to do so. We really need people like anila for our kwpc to manifest.
In the past anila help in rolling mantra but now beside that she also assisting in kechara house 2 to talk and explain about kechara and its activities to newbie which is also one of the main point to bring newbie to kechara house, today anila go beyond that by spreading rinpoche teaching via internet. Anila really use her life to benefit other.
Anila is really a good person. She is very kind and soft. It is good that she is learning how to use computers as computers are important during this era. It is very good that she wanted to change as changing is one very good thing. Changing equals to transforming. Transforming from an average joe mind to a Dharma practitioner’s mind is extremely hard. But it benfits the person a lot. Thanks for the information about Anila. I don’t really know much about her yet but she still is everybody’s friend. I like this paragraph the best:
“At this age, Anila has dedicated herself fully to the Dharma and Kechara House. She shows age SHOULD NOT BE USED AS A DETERRENT FOR learning technology.”
It is 100% correct, not false at all! All the pictures are very cute haha!
I really admire people like Anila because with her determination drive it shows no matter how old we are we are still learning everyday. People like Anila can motivate the older generation to think ahead of time and be current rather than not learning and making excuses that they are old. I really hope that she would share her determination drive to others. For the younger generation, this shows that no matter how old we are we are always learning and heading forward. Anila you are the best and carry on keep the good job and share your experienced to others. Syabas!
Way to go Anila. It’s really never too late to learn and get with the times.
This is great motivation to push ourselves and our boundaries when we realise it really is never too late, too difficult or too ‘canggih’….to do something beneficial,especially when it benefits others .We just need to get over our complacency, laziness, lack of confidence and as Nike says, “just do it!”
It’s great how Kechara reaches far and wide using technology. it reflects the true spirit of Rinpoche and how he is unique, a modern day spiritual advisor and this really appeals to many, even non- Buddhists.
Anila is one the most cheerful person I have ever come across. Always smiling and greeting the people she sees. Volunteering at Kechara House and events. To be able to learn how to use a computer at her age is truly amazing and great courage. Not worried about not being able to learn and the wish to learn came from the heart for the purpose of benefiting others and learning more Dharma at the same time. At 60 plus, Anila is still learning so many things and no complains even Uncle Eddie is lending a helping hand. So proud of you Anila!
Anila is a wonderful lady who has served Rinpoche for a big part of her life since Rinpoche began his Dharma work in Malaysia. She has been instrumental in assisting Rinpoche during his first few trips in Malaysia.
As she ages, she is blessed with the grace of the Lama, Three Jewels and our sacred protector. With all these in mind, Anila gives back to repay the kindness of her Refuge by going beyond herself to be tech savvy at this point of her life. Rinpoche commented that she was sincere with her offering to get a laptop and start posting comments on Rinpoche’s blogsite.
An amazing inspiration for others who do not have such an initiative and devotion to their guru.
May Anila continue to inspire us more.
I rejoice in Anila that she took up the challenge to learn something technologically new to her, like buying a laptop and learning how to use it.
She has offered a very precious gift to Rinpoche that is to promote Rinpoche’s dharma teachings, his work and practice. Now who can say he or she cannot do this or that. This is a challenge we have to face with now. If she can do it, then why can’t we? We are the ones who placed our obstacles in front of us when we say we cannot. We are the ones who created the obstacles for ourselves. Therefore we should be able to clear the obstacles we have created by purification practice. I salute to you, Anila
Bravo Anila for your work and your dedication to support Rinpoche’s work.
Anila is a shining example of the benefit of ‘continued growth through learning.’ In her late 60’s, she decided to buy a laptop and determine to learn how to use it. Why did she do so, when many at her age (or younger) are intimidated by technology? Where did she find the motivation and courage? These are just a few questions I found myself asking, after reading Rinpoche’s post. Concentrating on what we are able to do rather than being discouraged by what we can no longer do or fear to do, we can retain a sense of self-worth and usefulness. Rinpoche is the only ‘Hi-tech’ guru I know and till today, this fact still amaze me. Indirectly, Rinpoche’s actions encourage people of all ages and backgrounds to keep up with technology… to aid the growth of Dharma education and spiritual sharing. Imagine the distance and number of minds Rinpoche’s teaching now reaches! Wonderful.
Oh hey… Dell, Fujitsu, Sony, Toshiba, Acer – yea, you hi-tech company lot. Time to think out of the box and have a Buddha endorse your product! Call Kechara! 😉
age is not a problem ! even my dad learn computer now n he is 63 dis year ! as long as we have heart n faith , nothing is impossible ! Congratulations Anila n keep up the good work !
Anila does not let age be the excuse of her not learning. At 68, she is willing to learn and be part of the growing fans in Rinpoche’s blog and it’s nice to see Uncle Eddie giving his support in the cyber world too.
She has gone all out to cooperate and follow Rinpoche’s advice by getting herself a laptop. Wow, with the vast dharma knowledge that Anila has as she is one of the oldest and senior student of Rinpoche, she will be able to benefit others by sharing her dharma knowledge in the cyberworld.
Congratulations Anila and welcome to the cyberworld!
Bravo Anila! You are great. At 68 you are learning to be technology savy. You put many people younger than you to shame. You made Rinpoche and all of us proud of you. Rinpoche has a big part to play for all of us to become a good sport. He always brings out the best in each and every one of us. This is not only true in our everyday endeavours but also in our spiritual attainments and good rebirths. He worries about us day and night and has big plan for each and every student. We definitely have very good karma to have Rinpoche as our teacher!
Dear Anila, you ready prove most of us no excuses not learn the computer. Your faith and devotion toward to rinpoche has no change for many years. I congratulate your improvement to push your own self to the next level, write more comments in rinpoche blog will inspire more people in the future.
In Kechara organization, you can find many examples of people come across the dharma and find the true spiritual transformation. Kechara people are real Buddhist, all Kecharian must to talk, encourage more and more people come and join Kechara. Eventually we will lead them to the real vajrayogini paradise under our spiritual guru Tsem Tulku Rinpoche guardian.
: I love the way Rinpoche puts it that “technology is not a deterrent to Dharma”. I’d like to add that nothing should deter anyone from the Dharma and nothing should be allowed to in the first place. Not age, not family, not work – nothing. If we know the true value of Dharma, nothing would be able to stop us from getting the Dharma and practicing the Dharma. It is when we do not know the value of Dharma that we treat it like a hobby, or a past time, or an escape, or worse, we think of it as a prison. If someone does not know how to tell the difference between a pebble and a diamond, then this person will never know the real value of a jewel. Hence, for some people, they rather hide behind their lame excuses so that they can continue being a loser but look like a winner. I don’t know why people are more interested in looking good, rather than being good. And they would actually invest so much time and effort in maintaining that superficial façade. Isn’t it better to acquire the missing skills, and improve for real? Well, for those who wish to continue allowing every single thing to become a deterrent, then they will have no progress throughout their lives. Whereas people like Anila who refuses to give up, will be enjoying every aspect of their life and find themselves still loving life – no matter at what age or stage they are at. That’s the ageless beauty of Dharma – it actually prevents us from growing old – we will always have the enthusiasm of a child, the passion of a teenager and the compassion of an eternal mother. Becoming good and being a winner never gets tired or old. It is always in fashion to be updated and fresh!
If age can be used as an excuse. I wonder what excuses younger people use then? In fact, I know quite a few people without FB accounts. I have no idea why. It could be a display of ego trip. They probably am thinking … My life is too private for others to know. I think others are just lame and wasting time. Their post irritates me.
I truly admire people who are willing to move forward with technology instead of being stuck in the past. Moreover this tool can benefit so many many people. The internet will be the most effective tool to spread the Dharma in the near future. What Anila is doing, proves Anila is really going all the way out for the Dharma. It’s not easy learning technology at her age ya. It’s like me learning how to do programming. It’s possible, but takes more effort.
The lesson is being able to accept change quickly, and to keep an open mind. When we have an open mind, we are free from projections as we are not so stuck in OUR ways. With the crazy stuff we are doing in Kechara … one better have an open mind.
Anila is truly amazing! i find her very genuine, sincere and truly
caring. Besides of all the great qualities that she have and her great responsibilities towards
dharma work, she find no limits towards learning more and now she is computer savvy. Ooh la la! 😉 I am impressed . Anila had proven to many others that age is just a number and its never too late to learn new stuffs. She had totally set a good example to everyone.
2 weeks ago, after my setrap puja .. While i was cleaning my serkym set, Mrs.Chua had asked me if i could help to teach her how to use the computer to go online. i say to her “sure, i can teach you to surf the net the next day when i see you.Actually, all she wanted to do online was to read Rinpoche’s blogs and response to it. I am touched! I feel that i should help all the aunties and uncle to operate the computer.Today , after my setrap retreat puja, i ask Mrs.Chua.. can you already operate the computer ? She answered : Not Yet because she dont have a computer and she will buy one. By then, i will be able to help her.I wish that we can start a cyber class for our seniors , so that no one will be left out from Rinpoche’s teachings online!! YeeeHaw!!
How inspiring to see Anila with her new laptop, Rinpoche’s student has always set a good example for people to learn.
Dear Anila,
I’m so glad to see your new improvement, it’s true, and age does not matter, no matter how old we are, we can still learn new skill, as long as we wanted to learn.
When there is a will, there is a way…
Never take age or health as a condition for you to not wanting to learn, cause this attitude will take you down, 2 days ago, I saw Anila with all the papers on her table, trying to spread Rinpoche’s teachings with her writing, but now with her new laptop, she can do work much more and faster.
If Anila can what’s your excuse? I’m so happy for her that she has taken up a new undertaking this late in life. Outside of Dharma, the oldies would just curl up and err die. Not this one. If it wasn’t for Dharma she would probably join the millions of others that just fizzle out and take their next rebirth.
Thanks Anila for showing me that when I get on in life I can still do more, age is not an excuse to sit back and do less. Sure the eyes aren’t what they used to, the joints aren’t as nimble, but something that doesn’t age is will / motivation. Thanks for showing us that this is still with us till the day we die.
Anila,I rejoice in your determination to prove a point- that its never too late to learn and esp if its dharma work with the purpose of benefitting others.
I have taken up the cue and today took lessons from Shin, Justin and Wai Meng at Ladrang. Now I can communicate through MSN, Facebook and Tweeter and do postings on Rinpoche’s blog.
I now understand why people get hooked on the internet. It can get addictive as the world opens up.
If we are serious about the doctrine of Lama Tsongkapa and Rinpoche’s teachings spreading far and wide- the internet resources is one great way to do that fast.
Anila, you’re such an inspiration! I am so impressed with your determination to learn how to use the computer.
You’ve obviously realised that Rinpoche’s blog is a great source of info and by learning to blog and comment, you’ll be able to share so much more with others who step in Kechara House. Thank you for your dedication and loyalty to Rinpoche!
You are truly a shining example to everyone who uses age, time or health as an excuse to not learn a new skill. In truth, they’re just too lazy to move beyond their comfort zone. But you have proven that it CAN BE DONE! I am also extremely moved to see how you and Uncle Eddie do it the old fashioned way, with pen and paper, prior to the arrival of your new computer! So for everyone who makes excuses for not improving and learning new skills, please look at Anila’s example. And look within yourself and be ashamed.
It is Dharma to push oneself for the Dharma! Anila is an amazing example for pushing oneself to learn to use a computer and get involve with Rinpoche’s blog and check out what’s on in Kechara House through the website. This will make things a lot of people who assists her and she can get the latest information easily at literally her fingertips.
Thus, all of us have something we can offer to the Dharma. For Anila, it was her purchasing a laptop to learn how to get onto the blogs, websites and email. For someone else, it could be committing their time towards a department, or donating money or caring for their loved ones. You see, it is different and like Anila, if we really have heard so much Dharma from Rinpoche, it is time we do something for all that we have learnt. Time to practice and learn to benefit others. Kudos to Anila!
Hello Anila. Good to see that you are now computer savvy. Truly Anila you are an inspiration to the people around. You have not allowed age to be your deterrent by pushing yourself to the next level. Now you have your lappie, you can share more of your thoughts with us and of those early years when you were serving Rinpoche. Next you will be teaching Uncle Eddie to make friends with the computer. You have put into action what Rinpoche has always told us – push yourself to the next level, and you have not allowed anything to be in your way. I have much to learn from you.
wow! finally mama jenny, er, anila is learning how to use a laptop! she can really push herself for Rinpoche and for others! There is very little excuse to not learn something new now that even Anila can do it! Oooh I wish i could tell this to some of my collrgeagues hehehee.
But more importantly it did show me that for the sake of others, nothing should be or could be considered as difficult as long as it is to give benefit to others. Something for me to internalize when i find doing or learning something new whether at work or when in the Dharma that i perceived as difficult: anila learnt to use computers. what else is hard? hahah. very good way to stop myself from giving up or defer from learning a new skill especially if it helps others.
Dear Rinpoche,
Your wonderful student Anila is excellent proof that no challenge is ever so big that we cannot work to overcome it. She also shows through her example how, when we say “I can’t do this/This is too hard/Poor me, such difficulty!”, this is really only our ego talking through our fears that we might look bad if we stumble, and our laziness to try anything that requires a decent amount of effort, hard work and awareness.
The thing I have come to love about teh people I know and continue to learn of at Kechara is that, despite the many backgrounds, strengths and weaknesses, everyone works so hard for the organisation, those around them and for themselves in order that they may benefit others through the Dharma. Kechara really is such a fantastic example of engaging Buddhism.
Thank you for sharing this post – it is always a joy to see others doing so well.
Kindest regards,
Dharma is truely beautiful. I remember in one of Rinpoche’s Dharma talk on the night Mama Jenny(then) was having her ordination ceremony in December last year, Rinpoche said ususally when people grew old, they would become more and more useless and be dependent on others, to the fact that they could be a burden to their family. It would be great if lay old people would take on monk or nun vows and become an onject of veneration, their lives would be so much more meaningful. Their lives won’t be wasted doing the same useless things that they have been doing for years which get them nowhere. I am so happy to learn that Anila, at her age (68) joins in the cyber wave to learn to connect with those geeks and nerds,share her accumulative years of Dharma knowledge and experience with those on the net. How wonderful and meaningful to spend her time in this way. Great to see uncle Eddie supporting Anila !!! Anila boleh!!! Anila no fear!!!
Terima Kasih Rinpoche!
OMG! Anila! Finally you got the needed laptop!
Now you can read all of our comments here and also a great proof that AGE is just a number when it comes to learning!
I am so proud of you and your great strides under the kind care of Rinpoche and Kechara.
Thank you so much for your great support so far and a living testament to what is faithfulness and persistence!
Anila is an inspiration to those who think they are too old to learn. Anila doesn’t have to do this. But she is pushing herself. She wants to learn how to use the computer and be able to go online and post comments on Rinpoche’s blog. She is showing her guru devotion. We should follow Rinpoche’s blog closely because we learn a lot of dharma and receive updates regarding Kechara House activities and members. We are very fortunate to have a lama that blogs, facebooks and tweets! How many lamas do this? Probably only Tsem Rinpoche. Now that Anila is going online, we don’t have any excuse anymore.
its never too late to start anything … anything !