For those who seek spirituality

Apr 4, 2014 | Views: 4,429

 Afternoon sky at Kechara Forest Retreat after the rain

For those who seek true spirituality,

The reason we find a teacher or spiritual mentor, join a dharma centre or study dharma is solely to incorporate the methods of Lord Buddha’s teachings into our mind streams. We do so by applying the dharma and the results gained will definitely benefit ourselves and everyone we meet. We all have room to become better than what we are now. This is not to say we are bad, but quite the opposite. On a more vast level, we all have the potential to become a fully enlightened Buddha just like the historical Lord Shakyamuni and Tsongkapa.

Our goals within a dharma centre should not be to obtain financial benefits, borrow money from members, get more business contacts, find a romantic partner, a place that listens to our excuses for failure, to seek unending attention, to endure our endless tantrums, or to find praise. A dharma centre is not a place to seek miraculous solutions to problems you created through ignorance or attachments from wrong behavior. You cannot commit all types of harmful actions and when the results hit the roof, sprint to the dharma centre and ask for instant remedies and if you don’t get it, you are upset. There are remedies, but they take time. You have to understand karma, your habituations, why your actions bring certain results, study the dharma and apply the solutions taught by Buddha. If you don’t want to make consistent effort and hence your problems are not solved, you don’t blame the teacher, sangha, members or the centre itself. You created the problems and holding an envelope containing a small monetary donation (*angpow) presented to the centre, you want all the time, effort, solutions and instant results in the world be given to you now? Not logical. It’s not about how much you donate or don’t donate at all. But sometimes the expectations are not real. You have to take responsibility, learn the dharma and apply the solutions consistently and in time you will see things get better. There will be relief. Sometimes the problems become ‘instantly better’ because due to hearing dharma, you change your perspective towards it. Don’t hold everything fast and hard. Allow space for change because nothing is permanent and set in stone for most. Drinking hot tea in the middle of a blistering dessert may not quench your thirst, but if you are in freezing Antarctica a hot drink would be very welcomed. The hot drink in this analogy is not what causes the displeasure but our emotional environments. Our problems may not be problems when we look at it through the wisdom of a dharma perspective. Don’t look for solutions only your way. There are other ways so be open. After all if you are omniscient, then you wouldn’t have problems would you? Since you and I are not all-knowing, be open for other solutions. Important is to apply the solutions long-term, be it change of view, restraining from negative habits, study of dharma, sadhanas, retreats, offerings, practices, mantras, etc. Be open. Think long-term because whatever you do in the dharma can be not only solutions for immediate problems, but for other problems that have not arisen yet but you have sown the seeds for in the distant past already.

If you meet a teacher or a senior student who offers you genuine solutions and you don’t apply fully, it’s like taking medication halfway and then stopping but blaming the doctor or medicine that you are not well. If you want to get well, you don’t need to debate, delete, add, modify, start, stop the methods that have been compassionately given to you to heal by your teacher or senior students.  If you knew better in the first place, you wouldn’t be seeking help. This is not to sound arrogant, but if you are seeking spiritual solutions, your teacher or senior students would know more than you simply because they have studied and experienced it much longer. Of course you have to gain trust in the teacher and senior student through observation, before applying into deeper practices prior to full commitment long-term. But once you commit, you should go all the way like anything in life. Look for reasons to succeed and not fail. Initial recommendations like prayer, meditations, mantras, visualizations, studying the Lam Rim, refraining from negative habituations, overcoming fear and selfish attitudes, pujas, refuge teachings are not something you need to test or observe. They are time-tested and deemed effective by hundreds of masters in the last 2,500 years of Buddhism. There are methods you can trust immediately, for example meditation on compassion, making offerings to the Three Jewels, reciting blessed mantras and so on. In fact many. You do not need to question everything from starting point. You can google and read plenty of information online from hundreds of sources to prepare yourself. You should do your homework prior, during and after. Do not leave others to clean up your problems you created. Since you don’t give control over your life (no one should) to others prior to dharma, you have to take responsibility and apply spiritual methods with consistency, to gain control over the problems you seek solutions to. You are the solution, not anyone else. You are only learning the method from others, but you have to apply the methods over time. Over time is the secret formula here.

Everyone in the world within dharma and without dharma have their problems, habituations, karmas, results, fears, anger, bitterness and regrets. So what? Don’t be in a dharma centre and judge others and not look at yourself. You didn’t join the dharma centre to change the members but to enlighten yourself. You should be the light and not always look for the light. After all, no one can hold your hands 24 hours a day for years unending. No one should. When senior students or your teacher have spoken to you about a problem and offered a solution, be grateful by applying the solutions and give good news. Don’t always fail over and over again, and wanting constant sympathies and a easy way out. Then when you have ‘run out’ of sympathetic ears because of your broken record complaints and failed promises due to laziness, don’t run or blame. Don’t avoid a place because you are ashamed. Opinions about you can change and you should make it change in front of everyone. Be a phoenix. Rise from the embers.  Remember, no one but you created the problems. No one can further aggravate your problems unless you did not train your mind. Are there people in dharma centres that do not practice and are perhaps not ideal examples of Buddhism? Of course there are. Are there people who enter surgery and not recover? Of course there are. The point? There are people in dharma centres who are good examples too and there are many who are recovering after surgery. Focus on them till you are more practiced to see ‘errant’ people as objects of compassion and inspiration and not disdain. Yes, inspiration. They are the results of their karma unheeded. You have a chance to do something. So do it. You yourself should improve to give an example to uplift those ‘errant’ people who struggle instead of abandoning them altogether mentally at least. In other words, see them as inspiration to make it and not use them as excuses to fail again. You are born alone and after death journey alone. In between get used to achieving alone.

If you have offended a friend, student or disappointed your teacher, apologize, swallow the false pride and DON’T DO IT AGAIN. Simple. If you keep doing it and keep apologizing, it defeats the power of apologies. Apologies are not emotional words to buy more time to fool people so you can keep harming. Apologies are that you understand your faults and you are truly sorry, and you will amend immediately. Or at least show consistent progress. Doesn’t your teacher and friends deserve that from you? Doesn’t your teacher deserve you to keep your promises and have integrity? After all, if your teacher doesn’t have integrity and keeps apologizing, how would you feel? How would anyone feel when someone always breaks their promises because they just don’t want to effect a change and still want the benefits of respect, love and admiration? Don’t run from dharma, your teacher and friends because they are really your last stop. Once you get on the runaway train, it’s hard to come back. Karma is very strong and virulent. Before the train fully takes off and gains momentum, take up your practice and this time do it with integrity. Integrity makes you happy and content. It makes others smile at you. Try it and you won’t regret.

For some students a teacher has spent very little time on or given ‘very little’. Yet they still improve, do their practice and show positive results. They do more, hold responsible positions in the centre and even bring dharma to many others. They become better and better. Some students receive higher teachings, love, advice, jokes, travel, direct phone contact, monetary assistance, gifts, subsidies, housing, loans, assistance and food for their pets, opportunities, sponsorships, salary, car, divinations, phones, laptops, time and much teachings and still complain the same complaints as when they first joined. Why? They still choose to think negatively or quit or threaten with emotional blackmails. How come? Each student must think for themselves. Again, why? Are you with your teacher for the wrong reasons? If so, make the reasons correct right now. Improve. Your teacher loves you and has opened a dharma centre for you and the benefit of many. You should join forces with your teacher to make the dharma centre a powerful institution to relieve the sufferings of others.  The dharma centre is not perfect, but nothing is. Your girlfriends, boyfriends, spouses, parents, relatives, friends, peers have perhaps given you much more heartaches with no solutions in the past and you still stick with them. Don’t be patient with just samsara but loyal to your teacher too. So why not stick to your guru, dharma friends and centre? Of course you should. It’s very blessed to meet a teacher who cares and imparts dharma. It’s equally important for the teacher to meet genuine students who apply effort and gain results. When a caring teacher combines forces with sincere result-oriented students, the rest is history! They will climb higher and higher destinations together and bring tremendous benefit to others. They will bring dharma to vast amounts of people. Just like Lord Buddha and his first five disciples in Sarnath or Tsongkapa with his 8 main close students.

When you blame, begrudge and seek vengeance against your teacher, dharma centre or fellow students, it shows that you have degenerated. Why? Wherever you go, you will meet the same circumstances. “But it shouldn’t be like that in dharma,” you may counter and you are right. But people in dharma are not tenth level Bodhisattvas! They are just like you and me, and maybe even worse prior to dharma. Change your mind, remain silent and transform. There were things I found should be changed or ‘wrong’ in Gaden Monastery when I first joined in 1987. But I found many things right also as time went on. I saw the illustrious masters Gaden Monastery in South India produced and realized the system in Gaden is not perfect but still very good. So I focused on the good points of Gaden Monastery and have grown to respect it very much. Enough that I don’t have to always find fault. There will be fault everywhere. Your karma invites fault. You live in a faulty realm. Your future lives will be surrounded by many problems and faults, and it will not end till you end it with the full awakening of Buddha-hood as Tsongkapa did. Buddha Shakyamuni started an incredible inner revolution and revelation. We are not permanently fixed in suffering, there is a way out. Start the inner revolution now. The revelation is that there is a way out and it’s inside of you. Start the ‘war’ on anger, bitterness, depression, selfishness within oneself now by applying Buddha’s teachings and gaining hope from the doctrine of cause and effect (karma). If you start the inner war, outer wars in your life will decrease. You will find peace.

I decided to share the above because I was inspired by this note from Frederick Law. I have not had much interactions with him or know him very well. Yet what advice I have given him he has carried out and updated. I do not have any direct contact with him and not even by email, yet he progresses. He respects the commitments given to him, the gentle regulations in Kechara and shows gratitude to senior dharma students who nurture him. His message really makes me happy. The water offerings is one of the main preliminary practices to be done in preparation for higher teachings. Frederick works a full-time job in Pharmaceuticals and his free time is spent doing his practices, volunteering in Kechara, studying the dharma. This really makes me happy because again, this is why I opened Kechara and went through the thousands of obstacles and setbacks I have had to endure for Kechara for over a decade now. The difficulties I endured melts away when I read messages from students like Frederick.

Frederick, I miss students like you too. I thank you for your commitment, devotion, sincerity, hard work and sincere practice of dharma. Truth be told, I have endured very difficult people and situations in the past for Kechara and prior centres, but people who practice like you give me hope and a reward I was not seeking. I do not seek reward nor am I complaining. But it has never been a bed of roses for me at all from day one. Why do I continue? Because I made a commitment and promise to my guru and myself . Reading about others who endured so much but never gave up inspires me greatly and I want to be like them. I don’t want to be a failure because I love myself the right way. I want to love others the right way by providing an institution that helps relieve sufferings – Kechara. Make our vision of Kechara come true with diligence, compassion, study and effort.

Frederick, please continue your practice. Volunteer. Learn up more, and start holding positions of responsibility in Kechara after your retreats. After a few months rest, do a Tsongkapa retreat of 5,000-10,000 at a go over your weekends. Accumulate up to 100,000 of Tsongkapa’s Migtsema mantra combined with Gaden Hlagyema over many weekends over time. Go to my blog and learn up on Tsongkapa’s practice as I have several teachings on it please prior and during retreats. Master Tsongkapa’s practice and history. Learn from senior students how to do Tsongkapa retreats and where. Continue your respect of senior students especially those that nurtured you as they are very kind. They patiently gave you dharma knowledge because they patiently learned from their teacher by being patient for years too. Bring dharma to others tirelessly and skillfully. Respect other religions. Build Kechara into an institution of great benefit that brings benefits to society. Develop compassion and wage war on your inner habits that bring you down. We all have to. That is the essence of why we practice. To become better and better to serve others. By serving others we truly find happiness. Attend the pujas. Eat well and rest. I am very happy about your water offering retreat and you set an example to many others that working a full-time job out of dharma and still doing dharma practice is fully possible. No excuses please. Even after you finish your 100,000 water offering retreat, you should continue to do water offerings on the basic amounts (8 or more daily) until enlightenment. Do teach and encourage others to do this retreat. Share about it on blog chat and social medias.

Water offering retreat has great benefits as described by His Holiness the 13th Dalai Lama in a book called Bodhisattva Warrior (English) and explained in detail by His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche to all of us when he was in Los Angeles. Your practice and sincerity makes me miss Kechara. If there are sincere students who genuinely show results and not talk big with empty promises and endless apologies to buy time, then like bees to honey, I shall flock there too. Yes I will.

Think carefully and ask yourself; Are you in the dharma centre (Kechara or any centre) to get benefits for yourself  only and success? Or are you in the dharma centre to help it to grow so it benefits others? Or both? Think what you really want and if it’s so. Whatever it is, you have to put in the efforts either way to fulfill your wishes. You have to put aside your smaller mental encumbrances to fulfill the bigger picture of which you will be included automatically.

With folded hands, I thank you for practicing in order to benefit all beings. I thank you Frederick, the many Kecharians who are doing the same and all dharma students around the world. I thank all those who spread peace and bring benefit to others.

“As long as space endures, as long as sentient beings remain, until then, may I too remain and dispel the miseries of the world.”~Maha Pandita Shantideva, 8th Century

You are in my prayers and in my heart Frederick, I thank you for contributing that others may obtain the dharma.

Tsem Rinpoche  

*angpow is a Chinese term for making a donation which is traditionally in a red envelope offered to the teacher to create affinity. It is a usual custom and it can be any amount.


Frederick offering serkym


Dear Rinpoche,

I am Frederick Law, hope Rinpoche is in good health. I really miss Rinpoche presence here in Malaysia, especially the Dharma teaching Rinpoche gave in Kechara House Gompa. I really wish Rinpoche will come home to Malaysia very soon.

I would like to take this opportunity also to update Rinpoche on my Water Offering Retreat which Rinpoche advice me to do.

Currently I had done 100,000 bowl of water offering, currently doing the extra 10%, and still have 1157 bowl of water offering left to complete total of 110,000 bowl of water offering.

I usually will do my retreat after i came back home from work, and after freshen up and had my dinner i will start my water offering retreat.

Although sometimes I feel tired  from my work, but i still focus to never stop my water offering retreat. This indirectly had cultivated a self-discipline to myself to continuously do the water offering retreat without fail.

I would never thought this water offering retreat discipline had became just like part of my Sadhana too.

I really thank you and appreciate Rinpoche giving me this opportunity to do this water offering retreat, which through this practice not only i am making 110,000 bowl of water offering to Buddha Shakyamuni and all the Buddhas and Bodhisatva, but at the same time through this it help my mind to be clear and calm after each session, most importantly is the self-discipline that i have cultivated through it and applied to my daily life too. Thank You once again Rinpoche.

I am targeting to complete my water offering retreat by end of April 2014. I will update  Rinpoche once i have completed 110,000 bowl of offering.

I wish to dedicate this water offering retreat to Rinpoche Good health and Long Life,  and may Rinpoche stay long with us to continue to turn the dharma wheel, and May Kechara Forest Retreat become an icon of Peace to the world and many sentient being benefit from Rinpoche Vision.

Thank you.
with love,  Frederick Law 







若我们加入某个道场,我们不应该是为获钱财上的利益、跟道场的同修借钱、为生意“搭门路”、找个情人、找个会聆听我们为自己失败所找的借口的地方、找个能给自己无止境关心的地方、找个能承受我们无底洞般的恶劣情绪的地方,或找个能得到赞美的地方为由,而加入某个道场。佛教道场不是个让你找寻奇迹般的解决方法的地方,因为你所面对的种种问题,都源自你错误行为中的无明或执念。你不能做尽坏事、大难临头了,才急急赶到某个道场,求个马上解决难题的“万灵丹” ,而你在求不得的时候又感到气恼。我并不是说你面对的种种问题没有解决方法,但真要解决问题总会需要一点时间吧!你必须理解业力的运作,了解你的习性,你更必须知道为何自己的一些行为会带来某一些结果。在理解这一切之后,你必须研读佛法并依法实践佛陀所传授的“方法”。如果你不愿意持之以恒地付出努力,那么如果问题依然不得解决,你责怪的对象不应该是道场中的上师,不应该是僧伽众,更不应该是道场中的成员或是道场本身。你制造了那么多的问题,手中却只拿着一小封的红包给道场做供养,然后你期待拥有这个世界上的所有时间、成就、解决方法及即刻的成果?这并不符合逻辑。其实关键也不在于你捐多少钱或者一分钱也没捐,而是在于我们有时候的期待并不符合现实。你必须承担起责任,学习佛法并持续地实践教诲所给予你的方法。过了一段时间后,你会看到事情有好转,你能松一口气。有的时候,你在听了佛法开示后便改变看待问题的方法,于是问题马上有了转机。不要将每件事都那么用力、牢牢地抓着不放。正是因为万法无常,所以我们要记得给事情留下改变的空间,因为大多数时候,没有什么是不会改变的。给大家打一个类比:在酷热的沙漠中喝一杯热茶或许不能帮助你解渴,但是如果你身在寒冷的南极洲,一杯热饮却会是你所期待的。这个类比中的热饮,不是导致我们不快乐的原因,而导致我们不快乐的原因,是我们“情绪所处的环境”。如果我们透过佛法的智慧来看待你所谓的问题,你的问题也许并不是什么问题。不要执着只用你的方式去寻找出路,事实上还有很多其他的方式,所以一定把心打开来。说到底,如果你真是无所不知,那你就不会面对问题了不是吗?既然你我都非无所不知的圣者,那我们就要打开心,接受各种解决方法。更重要的是要长时以行动实践所找到的解决方法,不管那个解决方法是改变看法,还是控制自己的负面习惯,抑或研读佛法、进行日常修持、进行闭关、做供养、修持或持咒等。对于解决方法,我们要敞开胸怀,目光要放远,因为你的修行不只能替你解决眼前的问题,也能解决那些还未发生,但你已在老早前“种下祸根”的问题。

如果你有幸遇见给予你指引的上师或资深的同修,而你又不照着指示完全地实践某个方法,这样的情况就有如服一半的药后便停止服药,然后将久病不愈的状况归咎在医生或药物上。如果你想痊愈,你就无需针对上师或资深同修出于慈悲所给予的劝告进行辩论,或是否定它、或自行添加或更改什么,又或者半途而废地没跟着劝告而做。如果当初你知道有哪些更好的办法,估计你也不会寻求帮忙了不是吗?我这不是嚣张,但事实是,如果你寻求的是灵修管道的出路,你的上师和师兄师姐们会懂得比你多,这纯粹是因为他们的学习和经验比你多很多。当然你必须在投入更深入的修持及长期的完整修持前,透过观察,培养对上师和师兄师姐们的信任。然而一旦你决定投入了,你就应该像做生命中的其他事情那样全情投入,从一而终。无论我们做什么,我们都要以成功为目标,而不是以失败为目标。给初学者的建议如祈愿、禅修、持咒、观想、研读《菩提道次第》、戒掉坏习惯、克服自己的恐惧及自私的态度、进行法会或皈依三宝的法教这等等的建议并不需要测试或观察。这些修行方法的效果经已获得佛教2,500年历史中成百上千位高僧大德的肯定,并且也已经经过时间的考验。 对于一些方法,你能在当下就对它生起信心了,比如禅修慈悲、给三宝做供养及持咒等修行方法。事实上还有更多的方法呢!在一开始的时候你并不需要对每件事都抱有质疑的心态。你可以上“谷歌”(Google)搜查及查阅多种来源的大量资料以做好自我准备。无论是在修法前、修法的过程中或修法后,我们都应该“做好功课”,别让他人来替你收拾你自己造成的残局。既然你在学佛前没有把自己生命的主控权交到别人的手中(没有人应该这样做),那么现在你也就必须担起责任,持续地实践修行的方法,以掌握你需要出路的那个问题。你就是问题的症结和解药,没有第二个人了。虽然你是向其他人学习解决问题的方法,但随着时间的发展,你还是必须把那些方法化为行动。这其中的秘诀便是“随着时间的发展”。




我决定跟大家分享上面的那些话,主要是因为我受到劳康凯(Frederick Law)写给我的信件所启发。我跟他之间没有太多的互动,对他的认识也不深,但他将我给他的建议都做足,并向我报告进展。我跟他没有直接的联络,甚至连他的电邮地址也没有,但他在修行上仍然有所进步。他重视和尊重我给他的指示及克切拉佛教中心的软性规则,同时也展现出他对培养他的师兄师姐们的感恩之心。他写给我的信件让我觉得开心。水供是几个前行修持中的其中一项,修行人若有意思接受更高阶的修持法,前行修持就是一种必修。劳康凯全职在制药业工作,他把工作后剩余的时间都腾出来进行修持、在克切拉佛教中心充当志工及研读佛法。这让我非常高兴,因为这正是我创办克切拉佛教团体的原因,更是我十多年以来为克切拉佛教团体忍耐无数障碍及阻扰的动力和原因。当我看到像是劳康凯这样的弟子的信件时,所有我过去所经历的苦难也就变得甜美。



第13世嘉瓦仁波切曾在其《Bodhisattva Warrior》一书中提及水供闭关有巨大的利益。而至尊宋仁波切也曾在美国洛杉矶向我们详细地解说水供闭关的好处。你的修持和诚意让我想念克切拉了。如果弟子们都诚意十足地展现修行成果,不说大话、不开空头支票,也不毫无止境地光道歉来拖延时间,那么好比“哪里有蜜蜂,哪里就有蜂蜜一样”,我将“蜂拥而至”。是的,我会这么做。


 “乃至虚空世界尽,及无罪垢无逼恼, 此中愿我恒安住,尽除一切众生苦。”——寂天菩萨

















劳康凯 敬上

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152 Responses to For those who seek spirituality


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  1. Samfoonheei on Oct 24, 2021 at 1:22 pm

    Thank you Rinpoche for sharing what it means to be spiritual . A well explanation and easy understanding for everyone of us.
    Everyone of us came to learning Dharma at centre for a reason. To me learning , practicing Dharma is something I wanted to do since retirement. From nothing and someone like me who knew nothing , learning from scratch get to learn and practice Dharma is indeed blessing. I wanted to make use of my finally journey meaningfully. We came to this world with nothing hence we leave with nothing. Life is ironic. Time is short though yet I am glad coming into dharma….gave me a peaceful mind especially in recitation of mantras, learning to let go of things, attachments and so forth. We are fortunate to have meet Rinpoche who cares more for us than himself. That’s truly a teacher. Reading those articles in the blogs have me learn a tiny fragment of what is like to be spiritual.
    Thank you Rinpoche again with folded hands.
    Well said by Rinpoche ….There is no such thing as you are ready or not to do dharma intensely or seriously. As long as you are in samsara and enduring birth, sickness, old age and death, YOU ARE MORE THAN READY.

  2. Pastor Antoinette on May 15, 2017 at 9:09 pm

    Thank you Rinpoche for sharing with us what it means to be spiritual. We all have our projections and expectations and often they are one of the reasons we join the Dharma Center. But we have to remember what Rinpoche wrote:

    “But sometimes the expectations are not real. You have to take responsibility, learn the dharma and apply the solutions consistently and in time you will see things get better. There will be relief. Sometimes the problems become ‘instantly better’ because due to hearing dharma, you change your perspective towards it. Don’t hold everything fast and hard. Allow space for change because nothing is permanent and set in stone for most.”

    It is such a blessing to meet the Dharma and especially a precious teacher, Rinpoche, is most fortunate.

    I rejoice for Frederick accomplishing the water offering retreat. May many follow his example.

    Here is an article with more information on Making Water Offerings to the Buddhas

  3. Julien Roth on Jul 12, 2015 at 5:57 pm

    Firstly, i would like to agree to what Rinpoche has said.

    Over the years i have been in Kechara, i have witnessed first hand of people who use the Dharma for selfish needs. They come into Dharma centres like Kechara and expect an instant effect. But from the article we know that consistency is needed to have effect. So when these people come to Dharma centres, they are very very good for a short period of time. They are dedicated for as long as their problems still arise. But then they realise and start to question why their problems have not gone, even though they are doing Dharma work. Its people who think like this who bad talk about Dharma centres and say the work done there doesn’t work. This is a very selfish way of thinking. Because individuals are too lazy and too impatient to stay in the Dharma, they do not have the benefits and they go against the Dharma.

    I have witnessed this happen to people close to me and i hope that because of this post, people now understand to appreciate the Dharma and its centres. Also i hope that people learn that in order to benefit from Dharma practices, determination and consistency is needed.

  4. Hee TS on Dec 21, 2014 at 6:50 pm

    感谢仁波切这甚深及强有力的教诲,譲人时时刻刻審察起心動念,是否如法。Frederick Law 體现出绝对依止上師,服从上師给于的指示,將之贯彻達成,這也是我们該学习的好榜样。

  5. Rena Wong on Oct 7, 2014 at 12:56 am

    Dear Rinpoche,

    Thank you for this profound teaching & explanation on seeking spirituality.

    It is important to understand ourselves why we wish to seek spirituality and join a Dharma centre. The aim is to help use understand ourself when faced with problems and difficult situations. We learn the Dharms and apply the practice or methods. Through consistent effort & commitment we will see improvement and have better control of our problems. We will be able to set ourself as an example and help to benefit others.

    Everyone of us have weakness and strengths. Everyone have problems, bitterness, regrets, difficulties to overcome. In the Dharma centre we should not judge. We should improve and help with good motivation to help errant people in the centre who are our objects of compassion & inspiration and not disdain. 

    We must learn & apply the Buddha’s teachings, gain hope from the doctrine of cause & effect(karma). When we learn to counter the inner war, outer wars in our life will decrease and we find peace. We will become happier, more positive in life and help more people.

    Thank you Rinpoche for your inspiration and opening Kechara House to help many beings relieve from sufferings through methods & practices ie. puja, meditations, reciting mantras, making offerings,  study the Dharma , volunteering or working as full time staff. This are time-tested and deemed effective by hundreds of masters in the last 2500 years of Buddhism.

    We are the solution and not anyone else.

    With folded hands,

    Sent from my iPad

  6. Lum Kok Luen on Oct 4, 2014 at 4:28 pm

    Dear Rinpoche,
    I thank you from the bottom of my heart for another inspiring teaching. This teaching has brought more meaning to the Kechara Volunteer Class that some of us have been attending over the last two weeks.

    1) I am truly blessed and appreciative of this teaching as it has pre-empted me to expect what to expect when we start on our Dharma journey in a center (in this case it’s Kechara)

    2) It makes me revisit my motivation and ask myself several again am I prepared for this journey of being in a Dharma center to volunteer with a clear and simple mind that I should not expect any selfish returns/ benefits. I am truly convinced now.

    3) I am prepared to be rejected, told off, ignored or even disappointed along the journey and Rinpoche’s teaching here certainly prepared me to go all the way in Dharma.

    4) I hope to be an example to my friends and family that I can be transformed through a well rounded mind transformation as prescribed by Lord Buddha 2,600 years ago – with a sincere motivation to benefit others.

    Thank you Rinpoche _/\_

  7. SL Boon on Oct 3, 2014 at 12:28 am

    Thank you Rinpoche and Rejoice to Frederick! I will keep these in mind as I progress forward to my future days in Kechara.


  8. Judy Chen on Oct 1, 2014 at 5:43 pm

    Dear Rinpoche,

    Thank you for this blog post.

    By engaging or volunteering in dharma, we should always follow what our teacher, senior students have been practicing. We should not just seek a dharma centre to resolve problems.
    We should learn, practice like our teacher and senior students have done with honesty, integrity and sincerely as we are not enlightened. This will bring about improvements in our lives if let go of our ego and make effort to learn and practice dharma just like our Guru and seniors. If we set our motivation right, volunteer for engaging in dharma work, will bring merits and improvement to our live perception.

    With folded hands,
    Thank you Rinpoche

  9. Toh Cheng See on Sep 27, 2014 at 11:49 pm

    Firstly , Rejoice to Frederick . Thank you Rinpoche and Frederick for sharing on the importance to listening to Guru’s advice and to carry out Guru’s instruction .

    A Dharma centre is a place for us to learn and practise Dharma for the benefits of others. The joy of being able to help others is a feeling that can be felt within our hearts. Helping others make us feel lighter and happier. Dharma centres and not to be taken as merely a source for networking to benefit oneself. It should be a place to network in order to understand , learn and practise Dharma, to help others and for us to be a better person than we were yesterday.

    If anything should go wrong it is best to take out the mirror and look at the person in the mirror that looks back at you and think on how that reflection can change in order to change the world. We can’t change others but we can change ourselves.

    Looking forward to my future days in Kechara.

  10. Wan Wai Meng on Jun 24, 2014 at 4:13 pm

    From the moment we wake up all we think of is trying to either reduce our unhappiness or suffering and do our best to increase our pleasure. Being satisfied in our realm is just a reduction of our discomfort or dissatisfaction. An example would be hunger, we just can’t eat one time and we are done, and because of our suffering in the stomach we can do a lot of things usually negative to make sure this hunger satisfied. Hence to me our suffering is pervasive and continuous anywhere in samsara.

    If we truly wish not be subject to duality and one day break free completely of this never-ending dissatisfaction, Buddhism offers a method. We have found the true wish fulfilling gem, a human life with the 8 freedoms and 10 endowments. It is a wish fulfilling life as the conditions allows us to achieve whatever future we wish to have. Actually most of the time we want to achieve something or a life in order to be happy. Happiness or to feel less suffering or no suffering is the goal of us all. Perhaps instead of indirectly trying to achieve our happiness we may find more direct ways to achieve happiness within the Buddhist faith.

  11. Uncle Eddie on May 3, 2014 at 4:36 pm

    The practice of making water offerings to the Buddhas is for the success of our spiritual practice. I greatly rejoice in Federick’s deligence, devotion and commiment as embodied in the completion of his water offerings. May our spiritual guide who review this excellent path and all sentient beings who practice it, all live long. Federick has displayed deep faith and determination in his search for spirituality, and today has been rewarded with a perfect master. May all his outer and inner hindrances be fully pacified, so as to ensure him to attain a higher state of existence in his future life for the benefit of all beings. Om mani padme hung!

  12. Michael C. on Apr 27, 2014 at 3:21 am

    Hello. Everyone (First Pastor Adeline, then someone else, and finally Abby F)keeps posting in the Blog-chat about how good this article is so that’s what motivated me to read it. These sentences stuck out to me especially –

    “…failed promises due to laziness, don’t run or blame. Don’t avoid a place because you are ashamed. Opinions about you can change and you should make it change in front of everyone. Be a phoenix. Rise from the embers. Remember, no one but you created the problems… Once you get on the runaway train, it’s hard to come back. Karma is very strong and virulent. Before the train fully takes off and gains momentum, take up your practice and this time do it with integrity…

    …Master Tsongkapa’s practice and history…

    …Develop compassion and wage war on your inner habits that bring you down…

    …You are born alone and after death journey alone. In between get used to achieving alone…”

    I want to be like Fredrick Law!

  13. Wei Theng on Apr 23, 2014 at 4:45 am

    If we truly seeking spirituality and do Dharma work, we should not be wanting things to be “our way” but instead be responsible, work hard to practice and apply Dharma in our lives, change our bad habits, cultivate good habits and find the solution within ourselves.

    Just like Rinpoche said,
    “Do not leave others to clean up your problems you created. Since you don’t give control over your life (no one should) to others prior to dharma, you have to take responsibility and apply spiritual methods with consistency, to gain control over the problems you seek solutions to. You are the solution, not anyone else. You are only learning the method from others, but you have to apply the methods over time. Over time is the secret formula here.”

    Do not blame the center, anyone or Guru for whatever things that happened. Instead, use the situation to practice Dharma and train myself to be a better person. Be responsible, be committed, be devoted, sincere, work hard, learn more Dharma and practice and apply Dharma in our lives.

    Rejoice with Federick on his practice. He is inspiring and urge me to even do more since I am full time working in Dharma now. I am grateful to have this chance to do Dharma and just keep pushing myself to do more and work harder to support Rinpoche and Kechara to spread the Dharma to others.

    Thank you Rinpoche for the precious teachings.

  14. Elizabeth on Apr 23, 2014 at 12:45 am

    Cant help but notice the comments above. Do you guys get paid for working for a religious body in Malaysia. Does this apply to all the countries in Asia?

    In US & Canada, they don’t pay and we have to seek financial means ourselves. You guys are very lucky & I would said fortunate.

    In relation to the apple becoming and orange, a priest once said to me many years ago that :
    “A diamond doesn’t start out polished and shining. It once was nothing special, but with enough pressure and time, becomes spectacular”

    He said that I am the diamond and it is the priest duty in this case your teacher duty to guide you to become that diamond. I don’t think the priest wanted me to become a topaz.

    Just my thoughts.

  15. Sharon Saw on Apr 22, 2014 at 6:44 pm

    I rejoice for Frederick’s diligence, commitment and devotion which is embodied in his completion of this water offering and resulted in this teaching. I agree that many people come to Dharma (or spirituality in its myriad of representations) for different reasons. Mainly it is to feel good – whether for altruistic or selfish reasons, though at our current level i think that many of us are in Dharma for selfish reasons.

    Even if it is to benefit others, we do it to feel good about it. As we progress on our spiritual journey, we encounter different problems which are at different levels of difficulty depending on our personal dispositions and karma. Some people will leave for good reasons or not (usually depending on who is looking at the situation).

    It is true that no matter what dharma centre we go to, there will be people who are less than perfect, but that is the same wherever we go, because people are less than perfect. I have always said that you can’t expect an orange to be an apple. An orange is an orange and an apple is an apple. So if someone is being nasty (whether in an office or a dharma centre), it is just the way it is. We just use that situation to develop our own patience and other positive qualities. After all, we, and the people around us, are not Buddhas yet.

    • BC on Apr 22, 2014 at 7:33 pm

      Dear Sharon, I don’t fully agree with what you are saying. Apologies. I’ve been following Tsem Rinpoche’s blog quietly although I have my own teacher and center because the wisdom contained here really has helped me tremendously. But I had to comment on your comments.

      Most people do not come to dharma centers or Monasteries for the right reasons due to initial ignorance. I came to my teacher and center because I separated from my husband and I was lonely. But as I listened to the dharma and the years rolled by (5 years), I corrected my motivation. Everyone can. You don’t stay ignorant. My motivation prior was not because I was bad but simply ignorant. So we don’t have to stay in that manner forever.

      Leaving a dharma center or leaving the dharma is bad full stop. It does not matter who is looking at it. If you are talking about people who have no karma for dharma, of course they might find your reasoning as valid. If you leave the dharma center due to moving away, work or disaster which leaves you no time, that is different. Something that is out of your control, it’s different. But if you leave due to reasons of non-transformation how can that be good? We had a student who left and then sued our teacher and bath mouthed our teacher because he wanted his offerings back. He wanted our teacher to cover his mistakes and back him up and our teacher would not. He was angry and wanted revenge. We did unfortunately ended up in court and he lost the case.

      You sound like you are challenging what Tsem Rinpoche is explaining. I think you miss the point or perhaps wanting to feel better about your own situation. I am not sure, but you are missing Tsem Rinpoche’s point.

      You definitely cannot expect an orange to be an apple. But Buddha is not asking you change from an orange to be an apple. But Buddha is asking you through dharma practice to transform (Dgogchen-mahamudra) to become awakened. To find your inherent nature through practice and not be caught up in our current situation as permanent or solid. Because our true nature is enlightenment we are working towards that awakening. When you say an orange cannot be an apple that analogy does not apply because we are not apples and oranges. You make it sound like we are fixed and permanent and we are not. We are sentient beings with a muddled consciousness through practice can be transformed. The way you put it sounds like you can never transform. That is not correct as clearly stated by the Dudjom Terton texts on Dzogchen which all schools have their equivalent. If we are innately or inherently stuck, then Buddha would never teach the various methods for us to transform. Thus your analogy infers we cannot change and just leave it alone is not applicable.

      If someone is being nasty, it should not be left that way if it can be helped. Yes, we can be patient and talk to them and really try our best with them. But if their nastiness and harm continues, we have to protect the sangha, our teacher, our center and ourselves. Why have the law, courts, police force, security if that is just the way it is? If someone tries to rob you, you must stop it. We definitely have to use all adverse circumstances to develop our patience and practice, but then if we are an orange how to become an apple if we use your example. How to develop into something we are not? Again, of course we can develop. Because we are not becoming something we cannot be. Do not make greater clarity, wisdom, practice and improvements as something impossible. It is a choice. But the point is while we are developing, these persons might harm our place of practice until there is nothing left to practice. We have to use various means to stop them if not from compassion for them and us.

      I think if you don’t wish to create a spiritual change or wish to advance in your practice, that is your karma that you choose, but please don’t generalize it for everyone. Dharma centers and monasteries have their flaws but much more benefits for sure. Do reconnect with your spirituality, your teacher and the bigger picture of enlightenment.

      I am at my dharma center now for the right reasons. I have improved and many of my dharma sisters and brothers are committed. I have a long way to go and far from perfect, but I will not give up. People have left our growing center, people have attacked our teacher. People have disparaged our practice but we will continue. Our teacher is female and Western so that itself presents unique problems. If people wish to leave, then leave quietly and with appreciation for the time, teachings, love and opportunities given to them while they were at the center. They received the most precious gifts from our teacher, and so appreciate that and wish the center well. Appreciate the reasons why the center exists and the challenges the center has to face. If you cannot help, don’t harm.

      Just my thoughts and I hope I don’t offend you.

      • BC on Apr 22, 2014 at 7:40 pm

        People should not hurt or damage a center and the teacher so someone else may benefit. Leave it for others and let others decide for themselves. No one needs to influence their decisions. Just because someone does not want it, does not give them the right to demolish it so no one else may benefit. Lucky Devadatta was not successful in his mission. Connect with your spirituality, practices, meditations and your teacher. This time around, be determined to apply internally all efforts not just externally to gain results and feel the true freedom achieved. Do not be stuck with the orange and apple analogy. It does not apply. You are greater than an orange!

    • Patrik on Apr 22, 2014 at 7:56 pm

      I was wondering, do you or the people that have left take salary, gifts or material benefits from your center? Does your bills get paid by it? Do many others in your center get salary also? Or is it strictly volunteerism? If you do have salary, then the motivation should be doubled and corrected even more so because you get dharma and livelihood. Tremendous appreciation should be expressed. So during these economic hard times, be grateful to your center as it provides employment. Preserve it for others. The success rate for dharma centers is very low. We must cherish the centers and make sure they flourish. If you and others don’t get salary, you received something much more precious-DHARMA.

    • Patrik on Apr 22, 2014 at 8:16 pm

      Just because some people don’t appreciate the teacher and center does not give them the right to persecute it. If they are not happy, then discuss honestly and find a solution. People have the right to leave. But people also have the right to stay. So don’t create obstacles for those who stay. If they cannot find a solution after genuine attempts to resolve an issue, then leave quietly and don’t make trouble afterwards. The ferocious dharma guardians are watching. If they have helped in the past, then they exist. We can change if we choose. If we choose, and no one is to blame.

      Because in the end, no one has the right out of their ignorance to damage a center that is beneficial for others. If they don’t like the supermarket, there are others who still shop there and acquire their needs. I guess my point is don’t be vengeful and look inside ourselves to find the root of the problem.

    • Anonymous on Apr 22, 2014 at 8:31 pm

      Dear Sharon,

      1. Precisely! Because the people around you and you yourself are not Buddhas, your opinions are not reliable. That is the nature of samsara and our self made karma. Nothing surpasses dharma practice and dharma activities no matter what we justify in our minds when we are down. When our teachers give us opinions that counter ours, most likely it will benefit us. That is why we have difficulties with it because the teacher is ‘battling’ our karma against something good.

      2. And from reading Tsem Rinpoche’s background, teachers, the high esteem he is held in the monasteries and by his teachers it seems, and the decades he has put all his time into the dharma, we can rightly conclude he is not an ordinary being but a real Tulku. Someone developed spiritually from previous births. You should put your trust in the teacher Tsem Rinpoche that has been standing in front of you. How lucky there is even this blog that benefits millions just to start with.

      3. Look at our activities as compared to the teacher’s before, during and after our meeting of the dharma. This is not to mean to belittle. Our activities are always about entertaining ourselves. The teacher’s is about hard work, struggle and efforts in benefitting others although so much backlash. These actions show the state of mind of a teacher.

      May the prayer flag of your spiritual practice flutter strongly always against the winds of karma.

      All auspiciousness to you and your kin. Trashi Dhelek!

    • Anonymous on Apr 22, 2014 at 8:44 pm

      Apologies, but you sound like you are countering the teachings by Rinpoche here. He is teaching the dharma on this post and you are insisting people can’t change and leave them to their imperfections as they are not Buddhas. Do you want Rinpoche to agree with you? Therefore just stop teaching the dharma because oranges cannot be apples? Because no one can change? Then that counters the whole doctrine of Siddhartha. That is the exact reason why we join dharma centres, to become better.:) Why join if we are Buddhas?

      You don’t sound like you actually rejoice. I could be wrong.:(

    • David Cheong on Apr 23, 2014 at 8:57 am

      This is an interesting comment with interesting replies and with due respect as a close student(editor of some of HE’s remarkable books too!) of Tsem Rinpoche, I don’t think you are painting the right attitude here. I am not judging but I personally have benefited from Rinpoche’s teachings and His in depth Dharma penetrates into my innermost core. Sometimes I feel disheartened and even scared for Rinpoche shows who I really am inside whether through his youtube teachings or even the books I read.

      It is essential for everyone to have a pure view of the teacher. We can opt not to listen to the Tantras which says our guru is one with Vajradhara, but look at the countless hours of Dharma talks Rinpoche gives and time and gifts…. I cannot do it myself and humble down to His advise and teachings. Even though in proximity, I am not near Rinpoche, it does not mean I do not repay his kindness by remembering his kindness and practice earnestly…

      Sorry I may be too jugdemental in my comment but these thoughts arose after reading your reply. I’m sure Rinpoche took time off his busy schedule to write such a long handbook of how to deal with our spiritual practice and THANK YOU RINPOCHE!


    • Siew Lin on Apr 24, 2014 at 1:03 am

      Dear Sharon,

      The many replies above drew my attention to your comment. I feel obliged to comment after reading yours. You’re right about all of us not being enlightened but you cannot deny the fact that we all have the potential to be one. I sense a lot of resentment in your reply and feel that you’re hiding your own situation with these incorrect way of thinking.

      I used to read your posts on Facebook and follow you to get all the exciting updates on Kechara. You wrote sincerely and convincing too. I believed all the things you’ve said and truly convinced that Kechara is a modern and lively dharma centre. It is through your sharing that I was introduced to His Eminence.

      This comment of yours lack sound grounding and was expressed in a vengeful way, I feel. It is written in a way to express your dissatisfaction and anger towards the organisation, its people and the founder. It made me wonder if you are still in Kechara.

      Leaving a dharma centre with a qualified spiritual guide like His Eminence regardless of all the good reasons one may have, it is still not ok, because by leaving means you choose to abandon the dharma, you choose to continue be ignorant, you choose to be ungrateful to your guru who has unconditionally showered you with all the dharma teachings, gifts, love and care showered throughout your time in dharma.

      The essence of dharma is emptiness and impermanence. By using the apple and orange analogy, you are saying that things remain the way it is. If this is true, your comment should match the person who used to be compassion about dharma and her work.

      I wish very much that you’ll read the post again and all the replies to your comment. Please contemplate all the kindness the guru has given you and others, how you’ve benefited from the dharma he gave you and transform your mind for the better.

      I wish you all the best.

  16. Gim Lee on Apr 22, 2014 at 5:31 pm

    Many people who have joined dharma centre, volunteering or working, came with different motivations, in the beginnings most come to clear one’s own obstacles or for hopes of helping oneself or loved ones. Some with strong previous imprints will have higher motivations and for spiritual improvements.

    When we are involved in Dharma works and gained the benefits, we started to getting even more involved and wish to introduce to our family and friends; some may even chose to work full-time for dharma.

    However, once we are fully involved, we will have to face all kind of challenges; just like any other works that involve dealings with people, and in this case dealing with lots of people that have their own set of problems or baggage. Rinpoche mentioned before, dharma centre is like a mental hospital and the Guru is the doctor, we are the patients, all of us. So definitely we will be facing issues of differences in the way we manage or work. We are brought up differently and some from totally different cultures with totally different views.

    Then there are the inner demons to fight… working for dharma means we are working to help others and thus the issue of putting others’ benefits and comforts before us… of fighting jealousy, anger, righteousness, of fighting laziness, of getting out of our own comfort zones…

    “You have to take responsibility, learn the dharma and apply the solutions consistently and in time you will see things get better. There will be relief. Sometimes the problems become ‘instantly better’ because due to hearing dharma, you change your perspective towards it. Don’t hold everything fast and hard. Allow space for change because nothing is permanent and set in stone for most.“

    Rinpoche’s advices are always timely and right-on-the-spot. We have to take them to heart as all the advices or the ‘prescribed’ instructions are for our own benefits. And “They are time-tested and deemed effective by hundreds of masters in the last 2,500 years of Buddhism.”

    Similarly, we have to take the advices from pastors and senior students as they are advices from Rinpoche himself.

    Be kind to ourselves, cut our ego. As true spiritual seekers, we have to be truthful to ourselves. Dharma practice / spiritual practice is not to show others… it is for our own spiritual progress. Rinpoche said, when no one is watching, that is when we truly practice dharma.

    Gim Lee

    • JC on Apr 22, 2014 at 8:58 pm

      I like what you are saying here. Keep it up and thank you for the pujas you did for me last time. You are in the dharma centre under the guidance of a great monk Tsem Rinpoche. You are fortunate.

      When are you going to be a nun? I heard you will be?

  17. Lam on Apr 22, 2014 at 4:54 am

    Thank you Rinpoche for this teaching of true spirituality and also the advice.

    A lot of people who visit the Dharma Center are not for taking up the spiritual path and learning Dharma. They only go to the centre when they face problems or obstacles and they hope that the Dharma center and the Guru will be able to solve their problems instantly.If their request is not granted, they will leave with the impression that the Guru is not good or effective.

    A Dharma center should be taken as a place to gain Dharma knowledge. The precious teachings and advice we learn from the Guru will be able to transform us to better and happier persons.

    I knew Federick Law when he first joined Kechara. I rejoice for him that he has transformed so much spiritually. He will be an inspiration and encouragement for the new Kechara members to come.

  18. abby f on Apr 22, 2014 at 2:57 am

    Dear Rinpoche,

    To always let the heart and mind opened and the analogy of having a hot drinks in Antarctica or dessert stood out to me.

    I understand and agree with the analogy that Rinpoche mentioned above very much and I started to open my mind more after meeting with Rinpoche and Dharma. Basically Rinpoche is the one who open my heart to let it become wider to accept everything no matter good or bad. I very much wish to learn to accept everything, even things that make me feel horrible, angry, miserable and sad. I know I have to overcome all these, therefore I chose to seek spirituality a few years back. Even though some of the people that I know, they think I deserve better ‘career’, but to me, to overcome my self-created unhappiness is much more important than having a lot of money. Money can’t ‘buy away’ our unhappiness, money is not the real solution, nothing material is the real solution.

    But to let our heart open to embrace good and bad is the real solution. Especially the advises and suggestions from those who helped us so much in the past ie the Guru who has spent so much time, energy for us, no matter how we perceive, we must at least open up our heart to listen, not just the superficial words, but listen to their intention, to the deeper meaning of their words. Shutting down ourselves not only hurting others who really care for us, it is also hurting ourselves by us shutting down good things for ourselves. Never lie to yourself, if you do, you will hide more and more and eventually your heart is closed because you want to hide and deceive others. By doing so, you create more pain and bitterness for yourself.

    We cornered ourselves if we don’t keep an opened mind. Why would we have a closed mind? There must be something in the past that hurt us , made us unhappy and bitter so we chose to close our heart. So we are not mentally ‘healthy’, so when people give advises and suggestions, especially the advises from the Guru, why we would reject them? We might find some advises are not pleasant, but this is the root cause of your unpleasantness, that is the closed mind. If you keep an opened mind, nothing is unpleasant, nothing would be considered as bad/negative. Everything should be neutral. This is how we examine our mind.

    I especially like the keep our mind opened teachings from Rinpoche. When we open our heart, our eyes see differently! We speak and act differently. It basically changes our lives. Good or bad, beautiful or ugly, there is no need to distinguish them and label them and hold on to them. They exist just within your mind, they are not big deal, we can deal with ourselves. Keep an opened mind and always think in accord with logic, remember the kindness of others, these are the few things that Rinpoche always says and which I found very very effective for self-improvement, on the spiritually and worldly level.

    This teaching keep me moving forward, to keep my heart open more and more. There is no way but up, we have no choice but moving forward. Be kind to yourself, practice the Dharma and just move forward. The feelings we have always change, why hold on to it and go backward? Thank you Rinpoche for the timely teachings.

  19. Pastor Lanse on Apr 22, 2014 at 2:49 am











  20. Ericchoong on Apr 21, 2014 at 11:34 pm

    感谢仁波切的开示和分享了这遍文章。读过后我心中重現许多的往事和感想,心中某处有些激动。。。使我想起和永远都忘不了当初 “境由心转” 这句上師的经典教诲,因为这样它使我有了信仰的信念,它成了我心灵上的寄托,也找到了失去了的信心,使我有

  21. Ericchoong on Apr 21, 2014 at 11:23 pm

    感谢仁波切的开示和分享了这遍文章。读过后我心中重現许多的往事和感想,心中某处有些激动。。。使我想起和永远都忘不了当初 “境由心转” 这句上師的经典教诲,因为这样它使我有了信仰的信念,它成了我心灵上的寄托,也找到了失去了的信心,使我有

  22. Penang Studying Group Comment on Apr 20, 2014 at 1:50 pm

    Attendance : Soon Huat, Leonard, Swee Ching, Mr Loh Ann Leong, Jacinta & Kai Lynn

    1) Why we need dharma centre?
    To motivate , fellowship, learn from other dharma brothers and sisters, methods to face our obstacles and a place for us to help others.

    2)Is dharma a quick fix for our problems?
    No. It is a very long process.It takes time. We need to accept all the obstacles and collect merits to purify our karma. So long we are persistent, with effort and time, we can overcome all obstacles.

    3)Why people leave dharma centres?
    When some people don’t see results due to their karma. The person came to the dharma centre with the wrong motivation. More for the benefit for their own well being and not for others. Dharma centres will help us to correct our habituation. People leave when they fail to change their habits due to their delusions.

    4)Is our problems created by ourselves?
    yes. Due to our habituation. Due to our attachment to our ego and our bad habits, we are unable to leave the circle of samsara.

  23. Tsa Tsa Ong on Apr 19, 2014 at 10:48 pm

    The dharma is a guideline for us to open our mind and transform ourselves to improve and be a better person.And not think like a hermit…to cut our ignorance,attachment,fear, be true and sincere to ourselves and others.

  24. Pastor Adeline on Apr 19, 2014 at 8:44 pm

    A dharma centre is not for us to join and then to feel happily ever after. In the contrary, finding one marks the beginning of our spiritual practice, a journey that unfolds our darkest sides. Meeting the root guru in the dharma centre is a total bonus we can never dream of. The guru is very precious as he is one of the few people in the world who really cares about our spiritual growth and our general well-being deeply and sincerely. No one in our family even does 20% of it, really.

    His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche of Kechara House Buddhist Organisation Malaysia is one of a kind Spiritual Guide who is so rare to be found. For the past 20 odd years, he has gone from not understanding Malaysian and their culture to one who works wonders with them. His Eminence has never been defeated regardless of the challenges that came along his way; he keeps going today with the unending challenges that continue to arise.

    Due to His Eminence’s kindness in sharing the dharma that people started to learn, practice and transform. As a result, a dharma centre was founded. From there, it has expanded to Kechara Forest Retreat for His Eminence foresee the organization can benefit many more and the people in Kechara are the main force in helping His Eminence to do so.

    The dharma centre serves as a solace for many, be it the new comers, volunteers or old students. It is a place that is blessed by His Eminence for those who walk in the door or choose to be part of will gain realisation and spiritual growth if they apply what has been taught to them. The centre is a place for us to seek advice to solve our problems if we apply the advice and start healing ourselves. Whether we are new or old to the organisation, we all bring with us our emotion baggage, our lives experiences, our perceptions etc. We are in the dharma centre because we wish for something different in our lives, something meaningful and perhaps something that can give a positive impact onto other people’s lives. We know very well whatever we were doing outside cannot get us close to that, so we choose to be in a dharma centre for that to happen.

    Finding a dharma centre and meeting the guru is just the first step for a yet to come challenging path. Everything we do in the dharma centre can be totally different from how we would normally do; some people we meet in the dharma centre can be 1000 times nastier than people we meet outside, instead of looking at the difference, why not pause and see what the similarities are, look at how much they have contributed towards the growth of the organisation? If we look close enough, we will not be surprised that all of us share similar behaviours, good or bad, and we are not different after all. Everyone in the centre is trying their very best to work on transformation, to kill the enemies inside. Along the way, some decided they will continue to strive regardless, some struggle, some felt and bounce back again, some decided to leave, and all that are perfectly normal in samsara!

    If we have live our lives for the past 30 years without dharma, we formed a certain ways to do and perceive things based on the environment we live in and the people we met. When we come into a dharma centre, we will see many things and people we consider wrong and imperfect, because we were seeing them with the dissatisfactions that we have deep down inside – a projection of our deluded mind to say the least. A dharma centre though formed by a qualified spiritual guide is run by people who are learning and practicing to be qualified, people who are just like you and me, people who deserves love and kindness just like you and me. There is no need for us to judge and complain about anything from the beginning because we have not walked the path they had and they deserve all the respects for what they have achieved so far. They have followed through the guru’s instructions and have benefitted many with the time and effort they have put in.

    The guru is so kind that he put his all into the dharma centre and its expansion. He put himself into endless secular responsibilities on top of taking care of our spiritual growth. The extend he goes to taking care a student’s secular needs so that he or she can concentrate full time in dharma is really amazing and unbelievable. He can be helping us to pay for our food, lodging, clothing, transportation as well as sending us on pilgrimage trips, giving us gifts from time to time so that we can continue with our dharma practices. With some students, the guru even goes as far as spending hours to “hang out” with them, to council them, to watch out their relationship for them, so that they won’t create further obstacles for them to continue with their practices. Can you imagine how a guru can do all that for all of us, but we can’t even perform a simple task that he wanted us to? How ungrateful of us who do that!

    The dharma centre, its people and the guru do not owe us anything, but we owe them everything because due to the kindness of the Gurus and its people, we have a dharma centre to go to, a place for us to learn something more enlightening and for us to change for the better. They do not have to do all that, but they did it anyway, because they know the preciousness of the dharma and put that into practice. If we are seeking for a dharma centre, a guru, be ready that we are there to learn to be liberated from our miseries and obtain real happiness. Do not waste time in seeking fault and self indulgence. Otherwise, why seek for one in the first place?

    • Chen on Apr 22, 2014 at 9:03 pm

      Dear Rev Adeline,

      What you have shared here is truly profound. You inspire me to become a nun also. Please continue to teach and become the best nun. We need more sangha.

      I wish to study in Kechara in the near future and also aspire to be a nun. Your statement here is so powerful:

      “The dharma centre, its people and the guru do not owe us anything, but we owe them everything because due to the kindness of the Gurus and its people, we have a dharma centre to go to, a place for us to learn something more enlightening and for us to change for the better. They do not have to do all that, but they did it anyway, because they know the preciousness of the dharma and put that into practice. If we are seeking for a dharma centre, a guru, be ready that we are there to learn to be liberated from our miseries and obtain real happiness. Do not waste time in seeking fault and self indulgence. Otherwise, why seek for one in the first place?”

      I can see you think and form your opinions from dharma dharma knowledge and study.
      Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!

    • Chen on Apr 22, 2014 at 9:09 pm

      Dear Pastor,

      You sound grounded, firm and apply your dharma knowledge. I like what you share here with us. We can see the power of a teacher through his students. I have never met Rinpoche but by reading his famous blog, opinions by students with great wisdom like yourself and the activities of Kechara, I can conclude Kechara truly is a very beneficial dharma centre.

      I am very happy to read the comments as well as the post. Can learn from both.

      • Pastor Adeline on Apr 24, 2014 at 8:23 am

        Dear Chen,

        Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. It humbles me. You are right that our Guru really teaches us dharma and Kechara is formed because Kecharians put them into practice. Please join force with us and support Rinpoche’s work to make dharma grow and benefit people like how it has benefitted you.

        Thank you for taking your time in commenting,
        Pastor Adeline

    • Freddy on Apr 22, 2014 at 9:15 pm

      This statement you wrote here REALLY helps me a lot. Due to the blessings of your teacher, you can really explain the dharma well.

      “If we have live our lives for the past 30 years without dharma, we formed a certain ways to do and perceive things based on the environment we live in and the people we met. When we come into a dharma centre, we will see many things and people we consider wrong and imperfect, because we were seeing them with the dissatisfactions that we have deep down inside – a projection of our deluded mind to say the least. A dharma centre though formed by a qualified spiritual guide is run by people who are learning and practicing to be qualified, people who are just like you and me, people who deserves love and kindness just like you and me. There is no need for us to judge and complain about anything from the beginning because we have not walked the path they had and they deserve all the respects for what they have achieved so far. They have followed through the guru’s instructions and have benefitted many with the time and effort they have put in.”

      Thank you for this. I am an open-minded Catholic that combine Buddhist practices together with my faith. We have a lot of issues at our church and this really applies to our church and probably many spiritual organizations. Some have left our church because of pride and anger and I do pray for them. My wife is a Buddhist and introduced me to this multi-faceted blogsite. I enjoy this blogsite very much and recite Om Mani Padme Hung also!


      • Wendy on Apr 22, 2014 at 9:20 pm

        Amen Freddy!!

        I was a Catholic and now a Buddhist. But I still respect Catholicism.

      • Pastor Adeline on Apr 24, 2014 at 8:30 am

        Thank you Freddy for being open-minded and I rejoice that you’ve a supportive wife. I’ve never thought anyone will read the comment and find anything useful in it. So thank you for letting us know. It is true that the explanation if is well done is done through the blessings of my guru without which it’ll not be shared with any impact. Please continue to learn from His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche and support his works that truly benefit others.

        With much appreciation,
        Pastor Adeline

  25. Cynthia Ng on Apr 18, 2014 at 12:50 pm





  26. KYC on Apr 17, 2014 at 10:03 pm

    I don’t know Frederick Low very well but the few times I’ve had occasion to meet and talk to him, he struck me as a responsible and reliable person. Although he has a full time job, he still finds the time to do outcall pujas with the puja team. I think he finds meaning and purpose as a volunteer in Kechara House. Pastor Yek Yee has done a good job nurturing him.

    Students like Frederick are truly spiritual. There are not many who can do 100,000 water offerings. We should encourage more students to do retreats as part of their preliminary practices. These are essential practices at the beginner stage of the Vajrayana path. It is through these preliminary practices that we build a firm foundation for higher practices.

  27. Angelshooi on Apr 17, 2014 at 4:11 am

    Thank You Rinpoche for such an enlightening articles and also thanks to Frederick for your sincerity towards Kechara Organization and your wishes to Rinpoche!

    I like Rinpoche’s compose “SHOULD BE THE LIGHT NOT ALWAYS LOOKING FOR THE LIGHT!” From this phrase that I learned, always be a giver instead of receiver.

    Thank You Rinpoche for opening up Kechara House for us as your students to learn Dharma and the activities for us to involve to gain bliss and towards liberation. Thanks again Rinpoche

  28. Cynthia Lee on Apr 17, 2014 at 12:20 am

    Everybody comes to a dharma centre for many different reasons. Not all motivation are pure with the wish to practice dharma sincerity and to become a better person. In fact, most people including myself comes with a baggage, bad habituation and problems which needed resolution. Whichever the reason, everyone is not free from karma. Some ripened and some not yet ripened. Hence, we are not in the right position to judge anyone of their motivation. The point is once we have met Buddha’s teachings, we try use it to correct ourselves and motivation.

    It can change and I have seen people’s motivation changed to seeking real spirituality instead of trying to “get” something. All this is possible through Rinpoche’s teachings. Rinpoche has taught and given us various spiritual solutions which can help make our current and next next next imperfect life better IF we apply the methods. Only if we ourselves do our homework, it will have guaranteed results. This alone is comforting to know and this is the last stop to one’s problems, without a doubt.

  29. So Kin Hoe (KH Ipoh) on Apr 16, 2014 at 9:58 pm

    Thank you Rinpoche for all the precious advice and sharing to benefit many of us. In this degenerate age where many sentient beings are heading to lower realms due to lack of Dharma knowledge, lack of spiritual practice or not yet meet with Dharma, we need Dharma and Buddha’s teachings rather than Dharma and Buddha’s teachings need us. We need to continuously discipline ourselves like how Federick did in his retreat after coming back from his daily work everyday. Thank you Federick for showing a great example to us and we are truly inspired by your determination and 100% devoted to the Dharma practice without fail.

  30. Victor Choi on Apr 16, 2014 at 4:56 pm

    Dear Rinpoche,

    Thank you for sharing such a good news from Frederick and your valuable teaching.

    We should set an example of him within ourself in daily life or in dharma work.

    I rejoice in Frederick retreat even exceeded 10% of it.

  31. Choi Sheem on Apr 16, 2014 at 3:24 pm

    Firstly, I rejoice and congratulate Frederick for his persistence and following Rinpoche’s advice and almost completing is 100000 bowls water offering. May you inspire other students with your dedication and consistencies.
    Truly, it is often many people would join or go to a dharma centre when the have some problems in life. It is a misunderstood concept that our problems can be solved by another person. And usually most of our problems are caused by ourselves.
    Ii am so relieved to learn that everyone have a potential to be a better person than they are now and can benefit other people that they come across. Thank you Rinpoche for this most valuable lesson of teaching us to change our mindset and be flexible in any situations we end up in. Truly, only we ourselves can solve our problems and not some other higher beings. We must listen and follow our Guru’s advice/instructions all the way.

  32. Daisy Sun on Apr 16, 2014 at 3:04 pm

    Rejoice Frederick for your efforts and continuous practices!It’s such a real inspired example for most of us. Thank you Rinpoche for your kind teaching on how to work well in the dharma center (to cure our root problems). It is essential to to observer our self (thought, speech, actions every minute and seconds,like having a police or guardian making sure these 3 are behaving), cherish the moment! If bad situation arise, dharma would be our safe suit to be applied. There’s nothing to fear or angry some about… Most of all, rinpoche has pointed clearly and guiding us on the processes. Having faith, dedicated,determination,flexibility are the keys to success. I sincerely rejoice for those who able to work for dharma directly or indirectly. Afterall, by understanding the purpose of life and the ultimate happiness that we are yawning for is serving or helping others! Spiritual is a journey, not a trip, hope we are able to receive rinpoche teaching and blessing along the way. We love you dearly rinpoche.

  33. ron wong on Apr 16, 2014 at 2:40 pm

    Spirituality is about understanding & accepting Karma. The law of cause & effect. Due to all the previous actions in our lives past & present, we had accumulated the causes for us to experience their effects again later, be it good or bad. In particular the negative karma, we will have to experience the problems, obstacles & unpleasant events in our lives. Spirituality let us understands the cause of our dissatisfaction (karma) & gives us the method (Dharma) to go around it without experiencing the suffering. To me, spiritually is about mindfulness of our actions of body, speech & mind, applying care, patient, kindness to others & the environment at all time. It is not something that you can acquire but need to be practice daily, modifying our behaviors & hence experience its truth benefits of joy & peace.

    Thank you Rinpoche for reminding & sharing this inspirational effort from Frederick.

    I rejoice!

    With folded hands,

  34. Michelle Chua on Apr 16, 2014 at 11:32 am

    Dear Rinpoche,
    All of us have our own problems and we are all so called sick. In order to solve these problems, we search for a solution or a remedy and in this case our solution is by learning and practicing the dharma. Dharma is the medicine. We have to consume the medicine to become better. If we don’t practice it and just sit on it, expecting our problems to miraculously disappear, nothing would happen. The problems or difficulties we face would only worsen. We have to practice the dharma we’ve learnt and overcome our inner self. We have to walk the talk.
    Thank you Rinpoche for this profound teaching and thank you to Frederick Law too for being an inspiration. This blog post has made why we all join a dharma centre clear. I would continue to change my mind, remain silent and transform.

  35. Li Kheng on Apr 16, 2014 at 8:36 am

    Dear Rinpoche

    Thank you Rinpoche for this teaching and for sharing the inspiring teachings of Frederick Law. This post prompted me to reflect on the purpose I joined Kechara in pursuit of the Dharma teachings and inner growth.

    I reflect that I am in the Dharma for my own progress and development. I hear myself and others say: “What about them? They are not showing good examples as Dharma students…” However, Rinpoche’s teaching in this post reminds me that I am in Dharma to practice the teachings of Lord Buddha that is compassionately imparted to me by my kind Guru, Tsem Rinpoche. I am not pursuing Dharma to reinforce my habits of judgment and justification for non-performance. It is also true that sincere practice is when we are able to uphold virtuous behavior even when dealing with people and situation we don’t like.

    I related very much to Rinpoche’s statement: “ Change your mind, remain silent and transform.” Through my journey in the Green Project at Kechara Forest Retreat, I was given a lot of opportunity to work quietly. Through the silence, I was able to hear my thoughts purely, i.e thoughts that comes from within without any external stimulation as being in nature, there is complete silence. I heard a lot and had the opportunity to see where my mind is and contemplate on where I want it to go. I noticed my inflexibility and impatience. I saw the harm of my old habits and had the opportunity in the silence to monitor and control my automatic reflection so as to re-habituate more constructive behaviors. I have a long way more to go, but I am already most grateful for this opportunity.

    Rinpoche’s illustration of our tolerance and devotion to samsaric elements like relationships that have brought us more heartache is very kind. Rinpoche is basically telling us we have got what is takes to succeed with in our lives, we just need to re-direct our commitment, devotion, effort, patience, tolerance, intelligence etc. to more constructive purposes and methods like the Dharma. After we win the inner battles against our habits, we will be able to tackle the outer obstacles better and also impact others in a positive manner. This simple yet profound statement is very empowering.

  36. Jill Yam on Apr 16, 2014 at 12:03 am

    It’s just so amazing that just through an update by a sincere student that Rinpoche has given us a teaching here.
    Frederick is a shining example to all who practices what the Guru ask him to do no matter how long it takes. He is one person who will keep his promise and also very committed to his Dharma work as well.
    We must not take things for granted but to give and help others. Let’s hope that there will be more Frederick around so that our Dharma centre will continue to grow stronger.
    Let’s not look for faults in others but in ourselves.

  37. Soon Huat on Apr 16, 2014 at 12:03 am

    After reading this article, whatever suffering and excuse we have made toward the Dharma practice is nothing compared to what Rinpoche has gone through to setup Kechara to benefit us. Sometimes, i do think Rinpoche is going through the same path of Buddha Shakyamuni has gone through by setting the Dharma center and sangha to benefit others.
    I am not perfect and I do have complains as well. However, I feel refresh again after meeting up the Dharma friends from Kechara, and join blog chat & puja etc. Kechara has helped to keep ourselves warm in Dharma path.
    Tsongkhapa retreat and sadhana do help to train our discipline. I am in progress of training up my persistence. I do believe it is like medicine, it takes time to see the effect but consistency is the key. I do Thank You for my Guru (Tsem Tulku Rinpoche), the pastors, senior center members and my peer Dharma friends (even some of them meet just in blog chat) for the tireless guidance and encouragement. I do hope my Guru, Tsem Tuinpoche, will come back to Malaysia soon. I do miss him even I have not yet had chance to meet up him in person but I do receive his teaching in distance and I still try to keep it and correct my wrong behavior.

  38. HelenaChin on Apr 15, 2014 at 11:29 pm

    Dear Rinpoche, first of all I rejoice for Frederick. May his Dharma practice continue to grow.
    For me, spiritual practice is meant to seek for self peace and enlightenment. Before that is to have self transform and be a better person and be a good human. It’s contain good qualities of self behaviour such as being polite, responsible, being integrity and so much more. I would say its so much more to learn and practice.
    It is so true that what Rinpoche has said “You are born alone and after death journey alone. In between get used to achieving alone”. After all we ourself have to be responsible instead of blaming the world! We must also know the cycles of karma if we are practising Buddhism. Hence blame no one instead of ourself if we think that our life is sucks, I believe we created it our own.
    I have so much hard time too but when I think of who doesn’t huh??? It’s makes me realise how lucky am I to met and have so many beautiful peoples in life that loves me. Especially I have met Rinpoche and Kechara. I can see some transformation in me but I will continue to be a better person to inspired more people and bring Dharma to more people too. I want all my friends and love ones to be connected with Dharma to practice good self quality. Thank you Rinpoche for this tremendous teaching with my folded hands. Still need to read few more times to contemplate deeper hehe.
    Much love and care from Helena

  39. sarahyap on Apr 15, 2014 at 11:06 pm

    Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this profound teaching, I feel that my spiritual motivation was realigned after reading this article.

    Also thank you, Frederick for your sincere letter to Rinpoche… just a simple update to Rinpoche and it brought out a beautiful Dharma teaching for all Dharma students around the world. I rejoice that your actions has delighted our Guru, an action that follows the ’50 Stanzas of Guru Devotion’ as written by Ashagosha.

    Many times, we allow ourselves to be complacent about our spiritual growth especially when we are overwhelmed with work… But we forget that the whole reason we came into Dharma was for spiritual improvement.

    I know that some people may think that they did not search for the Dharma… but instead they were brought there by a friend, or they chance upon one of Kechara’s outlets in the shopping mall… but the very fact that we can even chance upon Dharma, such rare precious teachings is a factor for us to have great gratitude towards those that actually put in the effort to have it available for us.

    The Dharma is truly like the medicine, and our teacher is the Doctor… Some may think that they came to a Dharma Centre to seek help to cure them from certain negativities… We should not think like that, irregardless if we came with or without our ‘problems’, we stayed because deep down we know the Dharma is good for us and it is the one path that can provide us with lasting happiness through enlightenment. So, we should never think if we came with or without our problems… that is just laziness and our self deception talking with us, in fact, the very fact that we are in samsara IS A PROBLEM! So, I strongly feel with this thought in mind, I should put aside my ego and laziness, and take my spiritual medicine so that one day I too can benefit others.

  40. gary foo on Apr 15, 2014 at 9:55 pm

    Dear Rinpoche,
    Thank you for the wisdom imparted and thank you also to Frederick for being an inspiration to us.
    I can relate to the part where our karma invites fault for if we were already so super holy we wouldnt be in this form with so much negativities to change for the better. Indeed when seeing things now from karma and dharma perspective we can be at peace with ourselves. example if someone had harmed us, immediately our reaction would be all profanities and thoughts of revenge..but wait a minute, what if it was us who harmed that person earlier, did I create the causes to be hurt too? with dharma we can stop ourselves from creating further negative karma.
    On the part of meeting ‘errant’ persons, its true if the person is so nasty the easiet way if we could have is hit a ‘delete’ button and he/she vanishes from earth 🙂 But life is not so simple, again perhaps we could try to understand why he or she behaves this way, maybe a bitter experience in life made them this way, think of ways to uplift the person – without dharma we wont be doing such things and we will follow the bodhisattva path when we practice compassion. I also have thank Rinpoche I now do not need to whip out a ‘spiritual machine gun or sword’ to cut the spirits into pieces should I encounter one because Rinpoche has taught they are even more suffering than us. We should perhaps recite the Heart Sutra for them and dedicate the merits. Thus Rinpoche has taught compassion to not only seen beings but unseen beings too. With folded hands.

  41. wansan on Apr 15, 2014 at 7:37 pm

    Thank you Rinpoche for the teaching. Frederick’s sincerity and consistent attitude towards his spiritual practice is definitely an inspiration, motivation and also a reminder for all of us to do the same in our spiritual path. Frederick proves to us that even though we are “busy” with our work outside, he still finds time to volunteer and does his water offering retreat everyday without fail. Water offering may seem “easy” as it appears, just by pouring the water into the bowls and offer to Buddha. Well, it’s not. I remember last year when my mum, Jill Yam, was doing her water offering retreat, she was sweating all the way but keeping focus at the same time. Retreats like this, as mentioned by Frederick, indirectly had cultivated self-discipline to him to continuously do the retreat without fail.

    As Rinpoche mentioned that a Dharma centre is not a place to seek miraculous solutions to problems we created and we don’t expect to have things turn better immediately when the problems created by us hit the roof. It is not logical. Just like when we know we are sick but we didn’t want to see the doctor and when the sickness worsen and we blame the doctor for not giving the “fastest” medicine for us to heal. Everything takes time. Sickness takes time to heal, wounds take time to heal… what more to say to resolve problems that were created through our own ignorance and negative habituation. We have to follow all the way the “medicine” given by our teacher or senior student and put into practice and examine our mind constantly.

    Another point mentioned by Rinpoche “ you should be the light and not always look for the light”. We should be the inspiration, motivation, a good example so others can “follow the light” and be inspired and motivated in their spiritual path. Rinpoche always mentions that a Dharma centre is like a hospital where everyone came here to look for “medicine” , something to heal our mind and soul and ultimately to find inner peace. We don’t judge the others nor do we comment on the others’ actions. “The dharma centre is not perfect, but nothing is” We should learn and practice the Dharma and inspire others to do the same. Saying sorry and always apologizing to others will soon not carry any weight as it doesn’t mean anything anymore. The important thing is not the “sorry” but the results that we produced after saying sorry.

    Rinpoche says “Our problems and faults will not end till you end it with the full awakening of Buddha-hood as Tsongkapa did.” We should all stop blaming others for the problems we created but do something about it. Thank You Rinpoche again for this profound teaching. Frederick is indeed an inspiration to many to practice the Dharma diligently.

  42. charlie kok on Apr 15, 2014 at 6:02 pm

    Dear beloved Tsem Tulku Rinpoche,
    Thank you very much for sharing the inspiritional water offering retreat by Federick. He has a full time job, yet he spend all his free time immerse in his dharma at Kechara.
    I would also like to Thank You vey much for all your teachings, you constance remainder to seek the Buddha’s teaching which are time-tested by hundreds of Buddhist great master for the past 2,500 years. Also your constance remainder of life and death, that we are bone alone and after death – journey alone.
    You also mentioned that Karma is very strong and virulent, lets take the pratice and do it with integrity. We should all join forces with our teacher to make dharma centre a truly great centre. To the MBF centre, I would like to Thanks PJJ and Joshua, for their dedication, guidance and relentless teaching and patience.
    May I wish you, Rinpoche – excellent health, long life, please continue to turn the Dharma wheel for all of us at Kachara and MBF.
    Eevery morning I do pray for you, PJJ & Joshua, that you will have excellent health, you will be free from migraine and your tail-bone will miraculously heal.
    Thank you once again for your spiritual guidance, all your wonderful video at Youtube, for sending PJJ to start-up MBF.
    From charlie

  43. Ong Moh Mei on Apr 15, 2014 at 3:12 pm

    It seems when you join a dharma centre one of the question often asked is why? What is your true motivation? Why are you here? What are you seeking?

    These questions in themselves signify that people go the dharma centers because they are looking for something. Everything we do, we do for a reason. When I was a teenager, I was very active in my church and I have a bible study teacher. He used to ask me why, why, why, why all the time. I found it extremely annoying because in most cases, I just wanted to reply “no reason, just because”.

    I grew up, travelled round the world, did lots of crazy adventurous stuffs, etc but I never escaped the “why”. I guess it’s universal so to speak. Why do I do this, why do I do that? Why do I behave in such a way? Maybe it is not the “why” that I was trying to escape from, it’s the answers to the “why”. To answer the “why”, one has to search deep inside oneself and truly confront oneself. Maybe I was afraid of the answers I would find if I truly tried to answer all the “why”s in my life. Maybe I was afraid I would not like what I may find.

    Tenzin Palmo in her video “Cave In the Snow” talked about the role one constantly played to others. The world is like a large stage and we are all actors and actresses involved in this continuous play. We played many roles – the dutiful daughter, the faithful wife, the obedient son, the good student, the rebellious teenager, the cold hearted villain, the hero, the martyr, etc. When do we play ourselves? I mean our true self? When does the act stop?

    So what is this spirituality that we are seeking? HH Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche is said to have quoted “The goal to practice daily is not to be better than the other person, but better then your previous self.” Everyone comes to the dharma centre for a reason, some may not even be seeking spirituality but hopefully and inevitably that is what they will incidentally get anyway in the end. Since all who are here are seekers of something, we should not compare. There should be no expectations of others but only of oneself and what we came to seek. For me, perhaps it is time to face all the answers to the “why”, to ask myself what am I truly seeking and why am I seeking it.

  44. Jeffrey Khor on Apr 15, 2014 at 1:31 pm


  45. Li Kim on Apr 15, 2014 at 3:42 am

    When I was young I would hear my grandmother “complain” that so many people bring their problems to the temple and expect immediate solutions and relief. I never really understood why and just thought people are like that. They go to a holy place to confess and lay their problems to the Gods and then wa lay! all solved. My grandma would tell me, “If so easy to get rid of problems then everyone at peace and no more crying la. All become Buddha la.” I just thought my grandma was being bitchy (with all respect to her).

    I now understand that people are looking for a quick fix. No wonder drugs sell because all other real remedies take too long. Problems exist, pain follows, doubt builds and anger prevails. Depression is the final end. Morbid yes…but only until we accept the realities of how creative we are in creating so much suffering in our lives. I am not giving a preaching here, when I say we I totally am guilty myself.

    When I met Rinpoche, I had decided to get a divorce. I had it all planned. I had spoken to my mother. I was an unhappy person and it was all my ex-husband’s fault. Then I received my first teaching just by looking at Rinpoche’s eyes at my first ever audience in 2009. Rinpoche’s eyes were all kindness and compassion. Rinpoche always has a sense of humour and he said some funny things to me but the pain was in me anyways and it was in his eyes that I felt comfort and realisation. With time after Rinpoche assessed my mind through conversations, he told me the truth about me. I will save you the details but I can tell you the truth really hurts! Rinpoche was not telling me about my divorce but about myself.

    I went through with my divorce 2 years later after my face up with the truth of who I am and my faults. I had no right to blame anyone but only myself and then come to terms with it. My relationship with my children is amazing and there is no negative repercussions. Today, my relationship with my ex is one that is amicable, understanding and even enjoyable.

    My point: when I met Rinpoche and became a part of Kechara, i learnt that I have issues and I am imperfect. But Rinpoche also constantly reminded me of my virtues and Kechara is a place I practise being a better person. Do I still have monster traits? Yes I do but I know that there are other ways.

    Life is too short, so why waste time being right about the wrong things? I have a Guru and I am still learning. I have a dharma centre and I am practising. Thank you Tsem Rinpoche and Kechara.

  46. sweekeong on Apr 15, 2014 at 1:16 am

    Very happy here good news from one of Kecharians. I have met Frederick a few times when I first came to participate in the activities here at Kechara. Later I got to know that Frederick is also one of the few people who accompany Pastor Yek Yee regularly to outcall pujas and visits. At the same time he is doing his daily water offering with the goal of achieving 100K water offering. Besides his day job he spends much time doing Dharma activities. This makes me strongly believe he has his heart set for the Dharma and the benefits Dharma can bring peace and happiness to others.

    Rinpoche has mentioned many times in the past, in his Dharma teachings, the essential, the core attitudes one must apply and start living with when one do Dharma otherwise outwardly it looks like Dharma but inwardly it doesn’t bring any sense of peace and satisfaction. The main point here is since we can actually step into a spiritual community to do something good and beneficial for ourselves and for others, if we do half heartedly the result will be so and so which is kind of wasted. Why not do it in full since we are already here? Otherwise it is a waste of our time and everybody’s time. In my own words half heartedly can get some mixture of positive and negative karma due to our motivation, why not give more to generate merits which is more valuable and positive?

    Without remembering the positive thought one would always do whatever that comes to mind. The strongest habituations will always be foremost on our mind. Without someone telling us what brings positive results and what brings negative results we would continue in our own endless habituations which bring more pains and disappointment. Friends and families have advised us many times but I am still the old me, hard to change. Then we meet our guru and he advises and reminds us repeatedly what is good and what should be abandoned. The end goal is we can become better ourselves, be responsible, and be spiritually responsible without any more reminders. The guru is doing us a favor by pointing out our weaknesses just like how our parents did when we were young, they do not expect any return but our change in attitude to become better. Normal parents want the best for their children.

    Coming back to Frederick he did the best he can while still keeping a day job and other personal commitments. These entail pushing his comfort zone of how he spends his time. As working adult we have fixed amount of time which we have no control of ie fixed time during work, and time we have control ie after work. How we spend our time we have control of benefits us in the long run, or simply wasted which bring nothing in our future. Some spend polishing their skills and learning. Some spend time enjoying themselves as the saying goes enjoying the fruits after we spend so much sweat earning a good salary. Well the truth is this is for people who are fortunate where they have healthy bodies. It doesn’t apply to people who have poor health and don’t get to work enough to earn a decent salary to live and pay medical bills. It could be we haven’t reach the time to experience unfortunate period. Fortune don’t last forever neither do misfortunate but what determines or how do we cope if we meet with misfortunate. People say experience is the best teacher but the unfortunate thing is many have experience it and live with the circumstances they are in. It is good they accept the situation but the Dharma taught us more than just accepting a situation. There is more than accepting a situation in life. Otherwise whatever happens to us we will keep accepting only but not do something or act on it in a positive way. This boils down to how much we care for ourselves and others. It is hard to do it alone. It is easier to do it in a group because the strength of many can overcome many obstacles. It is definitely a fortune we meet the Dharma but the guru is living the Dharma. It is the most precious treasure that we have a meet guru who not only live and teach Dharma but also provide a ground for us to walk the path.

  47. June Tang(khjb) on Apr 14, 2014 at 10:32 pm

    人生就是一场修行,这修行的路上,会有太多的负面情绪、消极因素来阻挡我们前进的脚步。我们要学着从痛苦、伤心难过、各种负面情绪当中出离出來。没有什么是永恒的,痛苦不是,所以不要太执着。快乐不是,所以不要太沉迷。 大多数人在碰到問題且需要去面對這一切時,卻想到放棄,或者以消极的心念經去消除碰到的問題。可是修行的核心不是用念經去消除,而是去面對現實,解决问题。雖然經文可以幫助消除業障,但更多還是需要親身去解決,這樣才能修行圓滿。若通過佛經去消除業障,而自己沒有醒悟,沒有意識到自己所做的錯事,那么即使業障消除,還是會再重復自己過去所犯下的錯誤。能在今生遇到我们的上师詹杜固仁波切,是我们的因缘福报,若不从基础做起,扎扎实实地修,法再好也不会受益,真正的解脱要靠自己的觉悟,自己不觉悟,谁也没有办法。有些人整天找借口忙这忙那,不肯修行,恐怕当你真想修行时,却来不及了!!!

  48. susan liew on Apr 14, 2014 at 9:09 pm

    Dear Rinpoche,

    Thank you for sharing Frederick’s inspiring story with us and Rinpoche’s powerful and profound teaching about people who seek spirituality. When we study, contemplate and apply Rinpoche’s teaching, we sure learn a lot and experience less suffering which are caused by our ignorance. Dharma is a powerful method to help us in facing our everyday mundane problems. I am very grateful to have come across Rinpoche’s teaching and have emerged a stronger person. Thank you Rinpoche, for bringing the precious dharma to us.

    With love,
    Susan Liew.

  49. lewkwanleng on Apr 14, 2014 at 4:38 pm

    From one of Rinpoche’s youtube, I have learnt that there is no quick fix to our problems (problems which are created by us in the first place). Religion cannot be used as a way to clear our problem by just reciting mantra or praying. We need to listen to the advice of the teacher and/or senior students and apply them all the way. Also, our perceived way is not the only way and we need to be open about other ways.

    Before I meet Rinpoche, I have heard other Buddhist teachings, but may be I didn’t hear from the correct person, it usually sound very pessimistic to me. I am really happy to hear such teachings because it taught us to be responsible, caring, self transform, etc. and apply the Dharma in our daily life.

    Also, previously when my Dharma brother and sister didn’t do their job and pass the job to me, I get very upset. I always thought, why didn’t you do what you are supposed to do? But now I also learnt that it is my practice to be patience and my Dharma work is between me and Buddha anyway, and never between me and others. LOL.

    I miss Rinpoche very much, but I know I have not done enough to “win” Rinpoche back to Malaysia yet. I will need to participate and engage with others more, speak up and lead to relief the burden of others so that we all can grow even faster.

  50. cnyong on Apr 14, 2014 at 11:41 am

    起心动念,言行举止,毕竟是人世间修行/心的重要课题。遇到行为恶劣或言语粗暴的人, 难免会感觉沮丧, 懊恼和愤怒,却不该让自己平静的心起涟漪。他/她们会是一个很好的借镜,不让自己犯同样的错。接受不完美, 让自己改变心态吧!记得任波切说过, 佛法的修持是心灵的修行, 转化心灵, 令身边的人快乐, 也让自己感到快乐。 爱,宽容和同理心盖过一切。

  51. Lilyn Tan on Apr 14, 2014 at 10:52 am

    Dearest Rinpoche,

    Thank you Rinpoche for spending times sharing this precious teachings. We are so fortunate and blessed to have Rinpoche to help us to work with all the challenges in our lives, the Dharma Rinpoche gave is to help us see into our nature -self and be free of mental affliction and illness, that lead us out of Suffering and Liberation.

    I rejoice for Frederick in his spiritual advancement which inspire many of us! Please continue to contribute more in Kechara 🙂

    I miss you Rinpoche.

  52. Tan Soon Hua on Apr 14, 2014 at 12:09 am


  53. Yvonne Yap on Apr 14, 2014 at 12:03 am




    • abby f on Apr 24, 2014 at 4:26 pm



  54. Denise Kuek on Apr 13, 2014 at 10:58 pm

    Hi Rionpoche, reading this post made me recalling back another one u have posted, that is about maybe at this moment you still cant see any difference by practicing dharma and doing homework, but if you keep doing, things will change..yes, i do believe, just do it and continue without doubting is the way for the beginner like me.

  55. freon on Apr 13, 2014 at 10:22 pm

    Dear Rinpoche,

    From bottom of my heart, I sincerely thanks Rinpoche for saving me by written this articles. Saving me from my mind that causes harm to myself and others.

    From this articles the points that I have pick up

    1) We joined a Spiritual teacher or Dharma Centers is to learn the methods to transforms our mind and eventually to reach the Buddhahood in us.

    2) Solutions given by Spiritual Guide or even senior student is out of their kindness to study and they have learned the Dharma and they willingly to share to me the solution generously. Thus, I should not debate or alter but to follow.

    3) We do not join in a Dharma center to be a “policeman” or “judge” because it is not necessary and not needed. I joined the Dharma center not to find faults from others, not to win from others, but to learn to tame my wild mind and reach the Bodhi seed.

    4) If we have done mistake, apologies and don’t do it again. If we keep apologies, the apologies became harmful action

    5) Don’t run from Dharma as this is the last resources before my next uncontrolled rebirth come to me

    6) As years go by, by joining a Dharma center I should have improved yearly.

    7) Our teacher loves us and has opened a dharma centre for us and the benefit of many. We should join forces with our teacher to make the dharma center a powerful institution to relieve the sufferings of others.

    8) It’s very blessed to meet a teacher who cares and imparts dharma. It’s equally important for the teacher to meet genuine students who apply effort and gain results. When a caring teacher combines forces with sincere result-oriented students, the rest is history

    9) Start the inner revolution now. The revelation is that there is a way out and it’s inside of you. Start the ‘war’ on anger, bitterness, depression, selfishness within oneself now by applying Buddha’s teachings and gaining hope from the doctrine of cause and effect (karma). If you start the inner war, outer wars in your life will decrease. You will find peace.

    10) Commitments and promises to my guru and myself- I should make it happens and consistent on it. By sincerely practice and applying the promise, will move Rinpoche’s heart. And make it worth for Dharma teacher to continue turning the Dharma Wheel.

    11) Kechara build by Rinpoche to benefits others. Thus as a student of Rinpoche, I should prepare to do more , be patient and apply the solutions in daily life. Bring Dharma to people tirelessly.

    The remedies for me to remember
    (1) Study the dharma and apply the solutions
    (2) Consistent effort
    (3) Don’t hold everything fast and hard. Allow space for change because nothing is permanent and set in stone for most.
    (4) Don’t look for solutions only my way. There are other ways so be open.
    (5) Think long-term because whatever I do in the dharma can be not only solutions for immediate problems, but for other problems that have not arisen yet.
    (6) I am the solution to the problems that I have created, therefore, gain control over the problems that I am seeking solutions for.
    (7) Apply the methods/ solutions over time.
    (8) Others opinion about me can change over the time, don’t keep on failing over and over again.
    (9) Be the light
    (10) Karma is very strong and virulent, thus don’t be on runaway train
    (11) People in dharma are not tenth level Bodhisattvas. Change your mind, remain silent and transform.
    (12) Shows gratitude to senior dharma students who nurture us

  56. stella on Apr 13, 2014 at 9:42 pm

    After reading this post , I feel very motivated to be more discipline in my practice

    And thank you H.E. Rinpoche for his teaching.

  57. Yee Mun on Apr 13, 2014 at 11:24 am


    My own experience of people coming to dharma center are they need help to solve their problems. If their problem are solved, they will start volunteer or serving the center. Some after problem solved, they also dissappeared. If their problems not solved, they will said the center is not good and they will find another one. When we are in good time, many will not think of practising dharma. They will said wait till I retired. When young is the time to make more money and hopefully can retire early and enjoy life. But they have forgotten that no one can be sure we still breath tomorrow or will live till the age of retirement.

    Recently, I was being offered a promotion with increase responsibility and transfer to another state. I rejected the offer cos I said my priority in life is not on career advancement any more, I want to do more on dharma work. My boss laugh at me and said it is too young for me to forgo my career advancement and concentrate on spirituality and it is a waste of talent. 有得必有失。Well, you gain something, and for sure will lose something else.

    Buddhism is about transforming ourself to be someone better, so that we can live in harmony with our family, colleagues, friends and others. Is all about our daily life. Therefore we can actually practise now, change now and no need to wait till such and such a date. Practise make perfect. Therefore, we need to do it now and not wait till the last minute. It is very fortunate of us that we have a Guru that always remind us to practise and guide us unceasingly.

    This is an article that worth reading again again. It served as a reminder to us what we should do and what we should not do. Will share this and hopefully many can benefits from reading this. Thank you Rinpoche.

    Rejoice to Frederick Law.

  58. PB on Apr 12, 2014 at 11:13 pm

    Frederick sets a good example for us. We have to take responsibility, learn the dharma and apply the learning consistently. Thank you Rinpoche and all for creating and maintaining the dharma centre which brings benefit to all.

  59. Girlie OOI on Apr 12, 2014 at 5:34 pm

    Thank you Rinpoche for this teaching and thanks also go to Frederick for his water offering retreat update.

    Before joining Kechara, I was always of the opinion that members of a Dharma Centre are very perfect people, practicing the Dharma and walking the talk. Well, there are very good practitioners because they have taken the Guru’s advice to heart and transformed for the better, for themselves and for others. There are also those of us who have not transformed as much, those who are still on the “blame game”, those having drama in Dharma, and the list goes on, living out our lives in samsara.

    If we want to forsake/abandon what our Guru has taught us, why seek Him out in the first place? After all, were we not the ones who went seeking Him in the first place?

    You are born alone and after death, journey alone.

    This reminds me of a message that I received from a friend recently:

    Life is like a journey on a train …
    With its stations …
    With changes of routes …
    And with accidents!

    We board this train when we are born
    And our parents are the ones who get our ticket

    We believe they will always travel on this train with us

    However, at some station our parents will get off the train
    Leaving us alone on this journey

    As time goes by, other passengers will board the train
    Many of whom will be significant –our siblings, friends,
    Children and even the love of our life

    Many will get off during the journey
    And leave a permanent vacuum in our lives

    Many will go so unnoticed that we won’t even know when they vacated their seats and got off the train!

    This train ride will be full of joy, sorrow, fantasy, expectations, hellos, good-byes and farewells

    A good journey is helping, loving, having a good relationship with all co-passengers …
    And making sure that we give our best to make their journey comfortable

    The mystery of this fabulous journey is:
    We do not know at which station we ourselves are going to get off.

    So we must live in the best way – adjust, forget, forgive, and offer the best of what we have

    It is important to do this because when the time comes for us to leave our seat …
    We should leave behind beautiful memories for those who will continue to travel on the train of life

    Thank you for being one of the passengers on my train!

    Have a very pleasant journey of life … !!

  60. Irene Lim on Apr 12, 2014 at 4:04 pm

    Thank you Rinpoche for always showing your love and care to whoever come your way. I am always grateful to your words of advice.

  61. June Kang on Apr 12, 2014 at 3:18 pm

    第二次看时是问自己当初为什么耍做佛法事业,而后发觉自己的动机是私心 太重,又不爽,又逃避不理,
    再检查自己的念头,原来抱怨是来自念头里是利益自己(虽然间简有利益他人),比如说我只想快点把事做完,所以从不理会其他人可能没有能力,所以开始抱怨,自己的不快乐是來自 I don’t care。 开心了解这一点,我不要抱怨了,看到我抱怨请提醒,我要去关心更多人。


    笫五次看时, 我才真正的掌握到佛教中心是最好修行的道场,因在外工作沒辦法去想如何將佛法实践在生活中,因很多时候是急向老板或员工交侍,做到就好,所以修行是很難更上一層楼,但我现在是向自己的业报交侍,所以,有那个道场是明白所谓业报呢?


    感谢   Federick  所做的功德成就我们的修行。

  62. pat on Apr 12, 2014 at 10:23 am

    Thank you , Rinpoche for sharing this teaching , a reminder to check ourselves again & again. It’s always inspiring to know someone who is practicing dharma well and achieving self realization .Frederick is one good example of truly practicing and applying dharma in his daily life …transformation, self-discipline,gratitude and making effort to change for the better…..Frederick was very lucky cos he met a great Teacher (Rinpoche)who guided him with advice and dharma teachings . Also thanks to the Pastors in Kechara who have been guiding him ,giving him support all the way.Everybody should make an effort to practice well ,liberate from suffering and benefitting others.

  63. Wan Wong on Apr 12, 2014 at 4:31 am

    Thank you Rinpoche for sharing Frederick’s messages which reflect his sincerity in learning Dharma, devotion to Rinpoche and Kechara by volunteered in Kechara and followed Rinpoche advice to do his retreat which he has gained so much benefit as we know water offering is one of the preliminary practice which Buddhist practitioners should engage in order to prepare ourselves to higher practice. In order for one to complete the retreat, one need to be discipline, patience and effort to do it continuously which Frederick did it through the way of his retreat. The determine mind to complete his practice is inspired.

    Dharma centres are the places that bring benefits to people who seek spirituality and Kechara is one of the Dharma centre which represent it very good. Countless people have received tremendous benefits from Kechara currently and in the past through Rinpoche teaching, pujas,Dharma classes etc. With sincere/devote students, Kechara is continue growing to benefit and reach out to more people.

  64. Pastor Yek Yee on Apr 12, 2014 at 12:57 am

    对我个人而言,灵修是生生世世必须持续前进的道路,它充满了挑战、警喜、意外和最崇高的收穫。 灵修就好像我们在自家的庭院种一棵树,从一小粒豆子,埋在泥巴里,经过大自然的滋养,然后慢慢地茁壮成长。。。可是在整个过程中,身为行者,必须要走出自己旧有的框框,调整自己,因为灵修这条路要一直走下去,首先个人必须要将自己训练得有自律、坚持、坚强、勇于面对自己;茁壮了内在的自己,那么在过程中遇到了棘手艰难的事情,都不会因而退缩,反而会因困难的到来,越战越勇。




  65. jimmy tan on Apr 11, 2014 at 9:50 pm

    i am so proud of you my dharma brother Frederick . I knew you since 3 years ago when i new in Kechara. You set a very good example for me as junior .And you really show your guru devotion by action .It touched my heart too when u said u missed Rinpoche especially Rinpoche have Dharma talked in Gompa. I sincerely hope Rinpoche will come Malaysia too as soon as can. I miss you too Rinpoche .

  66. louise on Apr 11, 2014 at 8:15 pm

    人生总会起起落落。拥有佛法才可以让我觉得踏实, 不会做错路。 可是非常悲哀的是, 总有一些利用上师与佛友的一份善良的心, 做一些事。在克切拉4年来, 看到了许多。也因为仁波切给了我佛法知识, 让我多了一份爱心去对待每一位。

    刚来来到佛堂的目的很重要, 如果为了改变自己,了解佛陀的教诲,这些人都会比较踏实。如果另有目的, 不到三个月就会慢慢离开或者做一些奇怪的动作。仁波切非常的慈悲,非常的有耐心对待每一位。 就算是记录不好的学生,仁波切还会爱护他们。

    我们身为仁波切的学生就应该好好的思考一下。到底是。。。。。。。 坐在那里等待? 还是主动的做多一些!

    学佛的道路是一条难行的路。我们会不停的看到自己丑陋的一面, 我们一定要坚持!

    非常开心, Fredrick 他坚持完成了他的retreat. 希望很快的你也可以再次的闭关!

  67. Lim Tat Ming on Apr 11, 2014 at 7:41 pm

    There are many definitions of what spirituality mean. According to Wikipedia, “some social scientists have defined spirituality as the search for the sacred which is broadly defined as other than the ordinary and is worthy of veneration. Spirituality has evolved in modern times and it connotes a blend of humanistic psychology with mystical and esoteric traditions and eastern religions aimed at personal well-being and personal development.” Being a practicing Buddhist, I personally feel that spirituality means more than just being religious. Spirituality is an expression of our truest human potential i.e. to realize one’s mind and to eventually become a fully-enlightened Buddha.

    It is essential to find a right guru in the search of ones’ own and realization of spirituality. It says in Yonten Shigyurma, The Foundation of All Qualities as composed by Lama Tsongkhapa,

    “Well-realising that the root of the path, the foundation for every realisation,
    is to properly rely on my kind Guru, bless me to do so with great effort and devotion.”

    Having found the right guru whom we have an affinity with, we then surrender ourselves to that guru in order for him or her to guide us on our spiritual path. Right guru means the guru comes from a proven lineage that originates from Lord Buddha. Right guru means the guru is qualified to teach us the methods (Dharma) to transform our mind. To surrender to a guru does not mean we blindly follow the guru’s instructions. Instead of being subservient to our ego and bad habituation, we surrender to our guru i.e. allow our guru to train us in the most skilful way. Bear in mind, we are solely responsible for our spiritual endeavour. We must take personal responsibility for all positive or negative outcome arising from our spiritual training.

    The Buddha is likened to the specialist doctor who help us to diagnose and prescribe the medicines (Dharma) for our illness (our delusions). The sangha (spiritual community in our Dharma centre) is likened to the nurse who assist the doctor to take care of our wellbeing after the treatment. In Tibetan Buddhism, the Guru is the embodiment of the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha i.e. the Three Jewels. By relying on the Guru, we receive the blessings of the Three Jewels. With the blessings we can then progress faster along the spiritual path. In other words, the Guru provides an environment conducive for us to practise Dharma. If we have complete faith in the Guru, Buddha, Dharma and Sangha and persevere in our spiritual training, we can turn all our obstacles into the path.

    Many spiritual practitioners had failed to realize the importance of knowing the purpose why they are practising Dharma and setting the correct motivation when they go to the Dharma centre to practise. Some students had become worst off than before pursuing Dharma practice! Some students had taken advantage of the kindness of the Guru and the Sangha community. One of the most detrimental effects to the growth of Dharma in a Dharma centre is the lack of harmony among the Sangha community. Without harmony there will not be growth but instead degeneration of Dharma. In other words, all these ignorant students are very much affected by the Eight Worldly Concerns, the very cause of our suffering. There is no sincere or pure practice of Dharma. We must put the Guru’s teachings (or Dharma) into practice otherwise it defeat the purpose of Dharma Practice.

    Having studied Dharma, we would at the very least have understood intellectually the Law of Cause and Effect. Every negative action no matter how insignificant it is that a student had committed towards the Guru, Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, unless it is completely purified, will manifest into a negative effect. Hence be very mindful and well aware of our thoughts and actions. Always practise virtues.

    It is so rare that we have found a right guru and Dharma especially as presented by the Incomparable Lama Tsongkhapa. Without the Guru and Dharma, we would still be wandering aimlessly and meaninglessly in samara. We will continue to be suffering endlessly life after life.

    The above are some of my thoughts that arose from this blog post.

    It is essential for every new or experienced spiritual practitioner to take to heart these precious teachings from our kind and compassionate guru H. E. Tsem Rinpoche. Every instruction here is a personal advice for us. They are objects for our meditation.

    Thank You Rinpoche for these invaluable teachings.

    Congratulations to Frederick Law for your accomplishment of 100k water offerings! I rejoice in your fine example, commitment to the practice and devotion to our guru. You had truly inspired all of us.

  68. Choo Weng Loong on Apr 11, 2014 at 4:13 pm

    Thank you Rinpoche for this wonderful write up reminding us what are the reasons for joining a Dharma center and how one’s behaviour & attitude should be when one seeks spiritual knowledge & practice. The phrase ” look for reasons to succeed” really strikes me as I could still remember when I first joined Kechara I’ve noticed a lot of shortcomings which I did not expect from a Dharma center , however I keep reminding myself the reason of me joining a Dharma center in the first place and that is for the Dharma and nothing else I persevered and now I found the answer to some of my earlier doubts . I got to know Kechara after inviting home a Wealth Vase from KP and I made up my mind to attend the Dharma classes with my family . Now looking back I am so pleased that I made the correct decision and rejoice that my 2 children has met the Dharma at an early age. I hope they will eventually become useful citizens & successful Dharma practitioners. Rejoice for Frederick who successfully completed 100000 water offerings . Actually met him when he came to my house for house blessing during CNY and the picture above of him doing serkym was actually taken in my house haha .

  69. Vivian Ong Chwee Kooi on Apr 11, 2014 at 11:40 am

    I thank Rinpoche for the above detailed explanation and rejoice to Frederick for his great determination and achievement. I started off quite blur and have taken Refuge in the year 2012. But as time went by, and I attend weekly Setrap pujas, dharma class and started to set up my altar in a very simple manner with only water offerings, a stupa, a book and 2 tsa tsas. This is because my money was tight at that moment. Later on, a Kechara friend (Justin) gave me a Green Tara statue. I am really thankful and grateful to Justin for his lovely Green Tara statue. I started to upgrade my altar by doing more offerings by adding the sensory offerings in one row and water offering in another row. I noticed there were some improvements in my life for example in terms of money which allowed me to upgrade my altar which I am very happy that I finally did it. I also noticed good relationships with spouse,friends, etc. I started volunteering in KSK last year and I just started my volunteer training 2 weeks ago. I hope I am able to help and bring more people to the centre so that more people will know and study dharma. By doing this, eventually the sufferings and problems will be lessen and eliminated.I am really thankful and grateful to have known Rinpoche and Kechara. I am doing my best everyday to apply whatever I’ve learned from Rinpoche’s teachings.

    With Love,
    Vivian Ong

  70. Fong on Apr 11, 2014 at 8:44 am

    i must admit that it took me many readings of this particular article to even get a glimpse of what Rinpoche is teaching.

    At the bottom of it, to me,is that we have to make sure that we are seeking dharma for a bigger goal than asking for divine help in everyday matters that have gone wrong. We have to accept and take responsibility for our actions – good or bad. from there, if good,how do we make it better or if bad, how do we make it right. Facing my faults seemed like facing the worst demons of my nightmare, but, thank you, Rinpoche, I know that I have to face them to get ride of the demons. If not, the bogeyman will always stay under my bed.

    we also have to be mindful of our thoughts as that is where actions or words will come from which may create more ‘problems’ for us. We are all different, so what is given and practiced by one may not be suitable for another. Just as I look at my husband, an intellectual who did well academically, I used to feel like dumbo. But at second glance there are areas where I can out perform him. So, who is better? Neither. we are just different. therefore our approach will be different and thus, walk a different path towards the same destination. So, no need to feel inferior or jealous of his perceived progress. NOW, time to find a way to coordinate and help each other!

    I also know now that I am allowed to fall. The shame will arise if I do not pick myself up, dust myself off and continue to be better.

    It is very difficult to keep all that in mind. There are days when emotions take over and I feel defeated. That is where Rinpoche’s teachings is like a net that catches me. The altar, the sadhana, all the Buddha images around the house, serves as a reminder to me to be consistent, to read and to catch myself thinking my thoughts. It’s like going to kindergarten to read and write. Reading and listening to teachings is like learning to read in kindergarten. If I do not do my writing, which is applying the dharma, the ability to read and comprehension will come slower. So, off to kindergarten I go.

    With folded hands and much gratitude

  71. Uncle Lai on Apr 11, 2014 at 12:13 am

    I join Kechara House to seek spiritual knowledge and learn the Dharma.
    I was a angrysome person. The slighest thing would blow my head off.I was also a very jealous person and impatient.

    For years I suffered under this false image not knowing how to change. It was about 10 years I met Rinpoche through my son David.

    I started attending Rinpoche Dharma talk and I found him very humourous and very knowledgeable. The Dharma talk is not less than 3 hours so he added humour is to keep us awake. Rinpoche is very clear and detail in his explaination.

    After sometime Rinpoche told me to do the prelinary practise of water offering, prostration, reciting the migsema etc. After sometime I voluntee a couple of days at Kechara House to help out.

    After a few years I was still volunteering in Kechara House and attending Rinpoche Dharma talk. In one of the Dharma talk Rinpoche hinted and pointed at my weakness. I tried to smile but could not so I looked stupid. Rinpoche saw that in me and he continued his talk.

    I went home that night unhappy and told myself not to go to Kechara House again. I got up next morning and forgot everything but the next volunteering day I was fighting myself go or not to go. Ya I won so I went to Kechara House as usual.

    Not long after that Rinpoche gave another Dharma talk and I attended. I sat further away at the back so that he wont notice me. As usual before Rinpoche start the Dharma talk he would look around and see who are the familar faces. Rinpoche spoted me and I tried to look away to avoid the eye contact. He immediately commented ‘Dont try to avoid me. I can help you. You know? At that moment I was frozen and I couldnt move. I tried to move my head to face him with difficulty, like I have a stiff neck. When I manage to face my eyes were burning trying to wink.

    After awhile Rinpoche came to mingle around the people. He came near me and I offer to shake his hand. He touched my hand and looked into my eyes like telling me, remember what I said.

    These 10 years I spent in Kechara House was a great experience. At the time of challenge I stood firm reminding myself the purpose I come to Kechara House.I am a happier person now learn how to let go an move on

    You look at the front face of Kechara House you see a big picture of Rinpoche face. It is beautiful, more beautiful then the word itself.
    It is a face of compasion, love and care for all sential beings. Rinpoche main purpose of coming here is to teach Dharma to relief us from the suffering of this samsaric world.
    Om Ma Nee Pat Mee Hum.

  72. lucy yap on Apr 10, 2014 at 11:23 pm

    The path to personal development never goes in a straight line,there are many detours and it is easy to go astray or even get lost.
    The guru has been down this road before us,therefore is ready to help us to navigate the path more easily.Only from within,can we awaken.We have to take responsibility for our own actions,recognizing the interpendent and impermanent nature of things
    This is a beautiful teaching.Thank you for sharing,Rinpoche.

  73. Niral Patel on Apr 10, 2014 at 6:59 pm

    Rinpoche, thank you for this teaching and your spiritual advice to Frederick, I am certain he has benefited a lot from his water offering retreat. Rinpoche’s advice always gives benefit if carried out sincerely with discipline and diligence.

    When i first came to work at Kechara I was told that Dharma work is itself a “retreat” that can purify a lot of negative karma and accumulate merits. I always wondered how and why this may be and the reasons I’ve come up with, which may be entire incorrect, is somewhat linked to what Rinpoche mentions in the above blog post. Rather than coming to work or study at a Dharma centre with the same attitude as a “normal” job or lifestyle will not get you far and in this instance can even exasperate a person’s need for attention, money etc. But the real transformation occurs when one is studying the Dharma and one is able to see habitual patterns and ways of thinking when dealing with others and then transforming these to be a more compassionate and beneficial person. This way real transformation occurs both on the external level and the internal level.

    Rinpoche, thank you for all your hard work, sacrifice and heart ache in building Kechara. Thought some people over the years may have come for the wrong reasons, Kechara surely helps those who really want to transform along their spiritual path, just like Frederick, and I dare say myself as well.

  74. AdelineTan on Apr 10, 2014 at 2:03 am

    After reading Frederick’s letter to Rinpoche, i can see that Frederick Law is eager to learn the dharma and has taken Rinpoche’s instructions and advice seriously,a sincere and genuine student by offering his dharma practice to Rinpoche. I can still remember some 18 years ago after my first pilgrimage tour with Rinpoche to Bodhgaya, Rinpoche had kindly set up an altar in my house for me to do 100,000 full prostration and Migtseyma recitation retreats to purify my negative karma which i have completed 10 years ago and i am still reciting Migtsema prayer and the Vajrasattva mantras every single day. Currently i am attending the sponsored pujas and help to do tormas in Puja House,also attending the Sunday dharma class in KH. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing the benefits of water offering and Tsongkapa retreats.

  75. Karen Chong on Apr 10, 2014 at 12:57 am

    我想,这篇开示里举的几个例子,例如人们加入佛法中心的发心及所期盼得到的成果等,正正刺中了许多人的要害。詹杜固仁波切在开示里赤裸裸地分析我们由还未遇见佛法,学习佛法,直到进入佛法中心,我们的动机,发心与行动是如何影响着我们的日常生活,包括那些缠绕着我们不放的各种烦恼与痛苦。 我们因为习性,业力与缺乏善知识而为自己制造了很多问题,带着某种自私的心态来到佛法中心寻求解脱。 有时候当我们的期待不能被满足时,我们就开始蛮怨,这并不附合逻辑。

    我向詹杜固仁波切学习佛法已三年, 这三年所学到的佛法教诲足以让我受惠一世!甚至几世!学校与家庭教育并不能给予我在这里所学到的知识,它不止是知识,而是一种毕生受用的智慧。詹杜固仁波切教导我们不止要拥有智慧,还要将之付诸于行动中,让他人受惠。利他,就是与自己心中的愤怒,苦涩,忧郁,自私等负面因素开战,从而生起慈悲心,处处为他人着想与奉献。当我们不把自己看得那么重的时侯,我们会发现我们的心会松懈很多,也能找到内在的平静。

    这一世能够有幸遇见上师是我们莫大的福报。 上师的尊贵在于他能够像佛菩萨一样慈悲,无私地爱你,照顾你,给予你人生最大的财富-智慧。智慧是内在财富,它只会增值,它不像你的路易唯登包包一样随着时间而降值。如果你还在寻找一项可靠的投资计划来保障自己的财富,那么,去寻找一位您所信赖的上师吧!您将会慢慢地发现,上师给予我们的各种教诲将让我们受益无穷。

  76. Pastor Shin on Apr 10, 2014 at 12:54 am

    Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this teaching. Congratulations Frederick for completing 100,000 water offering (and doing the extra 10%).

    I sincerely rejoice for Frederick because I know it was not easy. He is busy at work, and on top of that, I know he is a regular volunteer for the monthly Animal Liberation, and assists in Puja Team. He is not so “free” although it is said he does his water offering during his “free” time.

    I got to know Frederick when he started to do water offering in the Dharma House I am staying, Jamyang House. He comes daily, diligently and after he is done, cleans up and leaves quietly. Frederick doesn’t rush through his water offering, he does the water offering carefully with focus.

    “Slow and steady wins the race”, and Frederick has shown us that despite his busy schedule, he does his very best and humbly offer his practice up to his Lama. As what Rinpoche mentioned above, we should study the Dharma and apply the solutions consistently, and Frederick has shown us a good example by completing his water offering retreat.

    Rinpoche’s teaching above is very relevant to today’s people as we are quick to judge. I find this phrase very apt – “You should be the light and not always look for the light”. I think Frederick embodies this very much, instead of waiting to be inspired, he took his spiritual path seriously and is now an inspiration for others.

    “Are there people in dharma centres that do not practice and are perhaps not ideal examples of Buddhism? Of course there are.”

    “You didn’t join the dharma centre to change the members but to enlighten yourself.”

    It is important for we ourselves to practice the Dharma, and not expect everyone else to be kind to us and cater to our needs just because it is a Dharma centre and people “should be kind to me”. In any spiritual practice, it is we ourselves who has to be kind, be the giving person, be the one who endure hardship for others in order to grow and become better than “the others” , if not why come to a Dharma centre?

  77. Carmen K on Apr 9, 2014 at 10:06 pm

    I think the best question to always ask yourself is what is and was your reason in joining a Dharma Centre. If it started with a wrong motivation but later, after learning the Dharma, and your motivation changed, then you will be able to “change” with the Dharma because you start to value it. However, if your motivation and intention was wrong and remained wrong, because you could not fulfil your expectations, then when difficulties arises because you don’t want to change, eventually, you will leave.

    Your bad habits are characterized as a solid hard rock, and Dharma, the chisel. Your want, choice to change and flexibility is characterized by a hammer. How much you want to shave off the rock is up to you and the strength in which you use the hammer on the chisel (which is the Dharma). In other words, how much you apply the Dharma. Not intellectualise it, but really apply and practise it.

    Because nothing is permanent, especially your perceptions and projections, that is why when your view changes, it can make a world of difference for you, and for those around you. It takes an instance. However, if you choose to remain as a non-driven, comfort based being, then you can have the best counselor in the world, and it will not make a difference for and in you.

    I think that realising that things are not fixed is very important. And realising that you want to be out of a situation you are in and to want to succeed will lead you to beneficial outcomes eventually because you are willing to change and achieve. Everything is within your control, and everything you experience arise from what you have created. There is no one to blame for your failure, or lacklustre state, because everything is in your own hands. You make the difference for yourself. Blaming others is a easy way out, of wanting something to be fixed for you, without you putting any effort.

    Chancing upon the Dharma through Rinpoche and Kechara has been the best thing in my life because it taught me, and gave me a way, a path, to pave the road ahead of me for myself. It can be a lonely journey, but then, like what Rinpoche said, you came into this world alone, and will leave alone. I didnt know what there was and the Dharma was like a shining jewel – it offered hope from the dullness of an ordinary, samsaric, ignorant life. You can never have enough of knowledge, and the Dharma, teaches you that. The best thing is that you can continuously progress, until you reach a state of bliss where you cannot turn back and fall into the traps of life. You think that you know everything, but when you meet and learn the Dharma, you realise that what you know thus far from life is only the tip of an iceberg.

    Thank you for this post Rinpoche. I am grateful, having learnt and continue to learn from Rinpoche, and having the senior students at Kechara be my guiding light on my spiritual path. It has been the best medication for the mind – the centre of our existence.


  78. Edwin Tan on Apr 9, 2014 at 9:32 pm

    Dear Rinpoche,

    Thank you for the wonderful teaching. Deep and concise through a simple update from Frederick.

    I like what Rinpoche wrote about:
    “The reason we find a teacher or spiritual mentor, join a dharma centre or study dharma is solely to incorporate the methods of Lord Buddha’s teachings into our mind streams.”

    I am very glad I met Rinpoche at a young age, to learn about Dharma, to have my guru to avert my negative karma and never giving up on me. I am glad I understand the cause and effect, or why I am born in this life, in my family, and why I can meet Rinpoche. I know what I must do to improve my behaviours, attitudes, towards my parents, siblings, family, friends, fellow Dharma brothers and sisters. And whatever I do, I will always think twice because of karmic reactions, as what I was told when I first met Rinpoche.

    I also liked the fact that we go to a Dharma centre to contribute, and not to ask for help or any monetary or romantic gains. If I am not able to contribute, to at least listen and gain more wisdom of the Buddha’s doctrine.

    If everyone of us go to Kechara and help and contribute, Kechara will definitely grow bigger and more solid [financially and emotional support to those that need].

    I am happy and humbled that despite all the pains Rinpoche receives from us, you still in all ways, nurture us, and give us teachings.

    Thank you Rinpoche.


  79. Jun Wen on Apr 9, 2014 at 9:26 pm

    Dear Rinpoche,

    I hope all is well with you and your companions in America, you are sorely missed.

    It is likened to a well meant advice from a mother to her indulgent child but the child does not understand the goodness of the advice until the child experiences setbacks and think back retrospectively “I should have listened to my mother in the first place.” I confess I am such a child and after I grew up I wished I could have done things differently but the time is lost which makes the lessons learnt and the time left even more precious.

    Thank you Rinpoche for the kind revelations, may Rinpoche be happy and may the Holy Dharma shine forever like the sun.

    Please take care,
    Jun Wen

  80. Jennifer Yuen on Apr 9, 2014 at 5:15 pm

    Dear Rinpoche,

    Thank you for this profound teaching. It is a good reminder to all of us why we are in a dharma centre.

    Many are attracted to dharma in the beginning because it feeds our needs at that moment in time. It makes us feel good being there. After a while, we must start taking the medicine (the dharma) prescribed by the doctor (the Guru). If not, our focused in ourselves would lead us to have negative emotions with people or happenings we come across. Rinpoche has explained it so well why the course of prescription should be taken whole heartedly and not half way in between. And if we encounter problems along the way, we should never blame others but look inwardly to check our mind and practice what we have learned.

    Rinpoche showed us by the example of Frederick Law the qualities a true dharma practitioner should have, i.e. commitment, devotion, sincerity, hard work and sincere practice of dharma. I rejoice for Frederick!

    May we all too be inspired by the example and not delay further to practice in the way that pleases our Guru!

    With folded hands,
    Jennifer Yuen

  81. Su Ming on Apr 9, 2014 at 4:46 pm

    It is a wonderful what Rinpoche wrote to Federick.

    This is what often others talk about. Their failed expectation when they join Dharma or even when they are in Dharma for years. And normally, the expectation comes because they want a quick fix and also when other Dharma members do not behave in accordance to what we want them to behave. If everyone was perfect then the person who complain or have that expectation should also be perfect. If they put it this way. Why have that type of expectation on others when u don’t walk the talk.

    I like what Rinpoche said in this article/letter. YOUR KARMA INVITES FAULT. It is so true cause if u really think about all the struggle/obstacles/problems we had is due to our own action. Of course u will admit this if u are truly honest with yourself but will blame on others if u do not want to take responsibilities. I am now 36 yrs old but if I reflect back at my previous action, I realised I have self created the problems I have today. It was nobody’s fault. This is just this life, what about my previous life faults. It will never end if we blame others.

    So I decided NOT to blame and just take my own action into my own hands. Believe me, it is very refreshing when u do not blame others and easier to handle cause u are only handling urself and most importantly, ur own mind.

  82. Han on Apr 9, 2014 at 4:17 am




  83. Kelvin on Apr 9, 2014 at 2:11 am

    Hi Rinpoche, thanks for sharing Federick’s retreat and it is an inspiration for all. I met your teachings while browsing through youtube and it has benefitted me tremendously. I also have to thank Pastor JJ, Joshua and members of MBF to enable me to practice the dharma with them. Have learnt a lot from them and learning more each time we meet.

    There are always obstacles or unforeseen circumstances during the spiritual journey, the important thing is not to give up and move on from it. Learn from it and share the experience with other dharma friends so they can apply or get inspiration out of it. After all, changes come from within oneself and emerging stronger and overcome from it would benefit others besides oneself.

    Thank you Rinpoche for bringing the dharma to us and I wish that Rinpoche will live on and continuously benefit the numberless sentient beings.

  84. Wah Ying on Apr 9, 2014 at 1:29 am

    Dear Rinpoche,

    This is a great reminder from Rinpoche. It come timely for me and I believe it will always a good reminder whenever I read and read again this post. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing Frederick Law’s letter and giving this teaching to us.

    The first teaching stood out for me is get rid of the thinking mode of holding thing fast and hard. It tells me being not open and not flexible in seeing things and getting solutions, had me lead myself to a narrow end, and seeing less possibilities and more negativity. And, from there start seeing only bad sides of one thing and forget about the positivity and opportunities it might have.

    I realize that whenever we are determine to define things or circumstances in front of us as “bad encounters”, it will without fail become bad and may be the worst thing could ever happen in our life. Since I could see or make neutral thing or not so bad things become the worst thing in the world, from the other aspect of it, I could also turn it or view it as neutral or good things or opportunity I might ever have. And make the best out of it.

    The second teaching for me is only fight against the inner war of our negativities, by applying Buddha and Rinpoche’s teachings. When we could conquer the enemies within, we will see no outer enemy. The way to “conquer” the world is by conquering oneself.

    And save some of the doubts that are time proven can save so much of our time and instead the effort on doing more meaningful things is a reminder I will keep in mind.

    Thank you Rinpoche for the teaching and Frederick Law for your letter and I could have opportunity to hear this teaching. I rejoice for you Frederick, gambateh.

    Thank you, Rinpoche. May Rinpoche and USA team rest well.

    With folded hands,
    Wah Ying

  85. Wan Wai Meng on Apr 9, 2014 at 12:36 am

    Dharma is precious because it is not something that helps us temporarily, it helps us to overcome suffering for countless lifetimes and leads us towards enlightenment. Which is one reason why the lamas are on the thrones, because they carry the buddha dharma in them.

    Buddhistic thoughts or buddhism accepts people who to its doors via three levels of motivation the most basic of which is the motivation to have better rebirths, followed by the wish to be liberated and the most altruistic of all which is the wish to be enlightened for the sake of all sentient beings. Though Buddhism doors are open for us, and perhaps when we first entered it is not even close to any of these three motivations , we should work to develop such motivations. It is hoped that when the teachings, sadhana or all the buddhist attributes help us to solve our problems and issues, we should develop some form of gratitude and appreciation towards the buddhist ideal. The buddhist ideal demands that we continuously improve and be better people and keep improving our lives and the lives of others around us.

    If we are in dharma and working for a dharma organisation, not having the correct motivation will make it very stressful and not make us progress at all. If everyone is working towards one goal and one motivation and we are the black sheep or divergent from that then every encounter with others within the same organisation will be like meeting with something that burns and hurts us. How long can we stay on the organisation?

    I rejoice in all that Frederick has achieved and I do hope to see more of him and his dharma works within Kechara in the near future. I am glad he stuck through it and finished his retreat.

  86. Wong Suet Moi on Apr 9, 2014 at 12:23 am

    当我第一次讀这一遍文章时深深的觸动了我的思维,我好感动仁皮切語意深長的娓娓道出我们应該以何許心態進入道场。我们应該以学习佛法为重点而進入道场,把佛法螎合自我从而提升自己,这是我们应該有的方向。其实無論在那里,有人的地方就会有是非,这包括任何一个道场。往往我们進入一个道场总是認为这个道场应该完美無瑕的,没有鬥爭,没有不公,沒有白臉和黑臉,处处和顏悦色,事與願違,总会讓我裹足不前,今天終於讓我茅舍盾开。在道场里面,我们应该抱着非常正面的態度去看每一个人和每一件事, 凡事总有我们学习的空间,好的吸取,壞的做为借鏡,时时警惕自己千勿模㧍。还有切記万万不能互相指责,挑剔師兄師姐的弱点和道场的不足,要知道大家都在学习中,凡事应把我執放下,把自我放小,確定自己進入道场的方向,清晰的朝着这个方向前進,再把目标放大再放大,相信如此一切会有意義的多。


  87. Adrian Chow on Apr 9, 2014 at 12:22 am

    Thank you Rinpoche for tirelessly giving us powerful teaching even though Rinpoche is not physically here in Malaysia and yet still care for us tirelessly, this will never change. I believed Rinpoche taught us well as i can see most of the people who is involve in Kechara be it part time or full time have great respect for Rinpoche and the Dharma and they really wanted to strive and transform themselves to be better. Some will change immediately and some might take a longer period of time to realize due to our own habituation. We all have ups and down but at least knowing some Dharma it could help us in the long run and change how we look at things maybe not immediately but eventually.

    I thank you Mr. Frederick’s commitment and the discipline towards his practice on Dharma, it is really inspiring and definitely will influence many into practicing and strive to be better. 110,000 water offerings is not easy but you choose not to think of the effort but instead have focused your mind into achieving the goal. May your practice continue to be fruitful! Thank you.

    With folded hands,
    Thank you Rinpoche

  88. William on Apr 9, 2014 at 12:22 am

    Dharma is definitely not a bed of roses and there are no quick fixes in Dharma. This is the reality which people refuse to accept and go on thinking that by just chanting and saying a prayer will solve our problems. There is no magic wand that with a swipe will make your wishes come true. I have been in Dharma and Kechara for not that long and the journey has been quite exhilarating where my thoughts are being challenged everyday. My habits are being magnified simply because i know a little bit more about karma. However, it also made me understand more on why things happen, whether it is bad or good, and it will not last. Rinpoche has always taught us that we should always focus on others and give to them, whether to give our time, efforts or a present that will make their life better. That in turn will make our lives worthwhile.

    In any situation, people can choose to look at it in a positively or a negatively. It is all about perspective. if we find faults, there will always something that you are unhappy with. But there is also more to be happy about, why not focus on that and grow from there. I choose this option most of the time. And over time, it has been easier and easier.

    There are many people who are shining examples of practitioners of Dharma and follows Rinpoche’s advice in Kechara. They should be the ones we look up to and be inspired with. They are the people who work hard for others and put their emotions before those who are in need. Here in Kechara, we have all the opportunity to practice this and all through the kindness of our Guru.

    Thank you RInpoche for this post as it serves as a reminder to me on why am I in Dharma.

  89. tenzin llhamo on Apr 8, 2014 at 11:57 pm

    Dearest Rinpoche,

    Thank you for such wonderful teachings!

    It is so very true! Everything arose from my own karma. And because of Rinpoche’s teachings, I learned to forgive, let go and move on in many stages of my life.
    The moment I met Rinpoche on TV, I just felt attracted and wanting to know more. As time passed, I am so Blessed to be in Kechara. To be able to learn from my Dharma brothers and sisters for all of them inspire me to check myself in different ways and be better!
    Kechara have grown so much since I joined in 2008. So many here and around the world have benefitted and inspired because of His compassion and love for us by giving us teachings online, a Dharma center, a beautiful blog filled with the most precious teachings that money cant buy. And now with Kechara Forest Retreat, many many more will continue to benefit.
    Because of Rinpoche, I have learned so many things that I never thought I could do. To be able to care, love, forgive, apologise, kind, compassionate, let go, learn, unlearn, relearn, etc. All the good qualities that Rinpoche taught for me to better myself.
    I check myself everyday and remind myself what Rinpoche said to me – Go for Dharma all the way!
    It is the BEST and MOST precious remedy ever that I can receive. And I never let go of that advice.
    Although Rinpoche is not here with us now in Malaysia, that doesnt mean that I can slack in my practice. I continue to do my very best, transform and create the causes for Rinpoche to come back to Malaysia. Rinpoche please take good care. May Rinpoche and all of us in Kechara continue to grow to benefit countless beings. May all of us be Enlightened.

    Thank you Frederick for inspiring us with your love and perseverance. Nothing is impossible.

    Much love, Pamela

  90. Chon Kong on Apr 8, 2014 at 11:55 pm

    谢谢您宝贵的教法,看了心里很激动! 从中获益良多,更唤醒我自己,不能有任何理由和借口,去推迟学习佛法和修行。 劳康凯是我学习的榜样。谢谢他的用心和付出,他的坚持修行感动了您,才会有这次的教诲。回想三年前接触佛法,不是偶然,而是需要!我和太太需要它,因为我们面对了一个不能解决的问题。很感恩当时愿意协助我们的克切拉佛教中心师姐师兄们,带我们进入这个大家庭,然后成为您的学生。了解到最殊胜的供养于上师,是自我转化。只有在修行上精进,才是最好的回报。虽然懂,但在行动上往往缓慢了很多!太过依赖同修给予帮助,而忘了自己其实可以胜任,甚至去承担责任。就如您所说:不要等到光明的到来,让自己成为那道光!读了您的文章,心理面很激动。感受到您为了弟子的佛法修行,花了太多心思和付出,但都不求回报。我深感悔疚!因为自知让您失望了。

    Chon Kong敬上

  91. yenpin on Apr 8, 2014 at 11:44 pm


  92. Pastor Chia on Apr 8, 2014 at 9:10 pm

    Is very important to have our clear view to have dharma centre and why are you here for.It will remind yourself we are not come in the dharma centre to creating more problem for our emotion up and down and learn from dharma teaching to overcome our problem.

    Guru always very kind shown us our weak point to help us to overcome our ego, attachment not to let us fall too much our self cherishing mind. Seeing more and more hard working volunteer and like Frederick ,learning up dharma brought back a lot of memory when i was first join in Kechara.
    Now Kechara organization has grown so much and having nice retreat centre. All the hard work and dedication for all the student and sponsorship not let it be wasted. What we have learn from Kechara, we can sharing our knowledge for many people who need help. Create harmony and spiritual in ourself and sharing for others.

  93. Wendy Loh on Apr 8, 2014 at 6:19 pm

    Thank you Rinpoche for this profound teaching and reminder to all of us. Many thanks to Frederick for creating the cause so that Rinpoche could give this teaching to benefit a lot of people. 🙂

    Every second of the day, we are presented with many choices. As Rinpoche explained above, be vigilant of what we are choosing because our actions, speech and thoughts will bring about the results that we must endure, be it positive or negative. And being stuck for the moment in this faulty or desire realms, we are in an orchard that has plenty of soil for bad fruits. When these negative fruits greet us, then, it is time to apply the Dharma and practice our virtues. It may not be easy at first because our deluded minds will probably win or maybe even the first 20 times. But being under the mandala of the Guru like Rinpoche’s and being part of a center like Kechara, we are offered guidance, care and love by our teacher and the senior students to progress and to ultimately transform our minds. Therefore, we must appreciate this opportunity to sincerely practice and be grateful to the sponsors, students, volunteers, staffs and our Teacher for building and maintaining the Dharma center.

    By being steadfast, diligent and unyielding in our practice, we are creating the causes for positive fruits to grow in our orchard. Other then being a source of inspiration to many, we also attract more people to Dharma and sponsors to further develop our temple to benefit even more people. So, when we hold this in our hearts when we practice, when we do our Dharma work, when we speak to others, when we are with our family and friends or even while taking public transport, we are essentially exuding and radiating positive Dharmic energies and we become the embodiment of our Teacher’s teachings. This unspoken “chi” will magnetize others into checking out our practice because they too want to be happy, calm, peaceful, loving and caring like us.

    Thus what Rinpoche spoke of here is the truth and it has been passed on for generations since the era of Buddha Shakyamuni.

    Thank you again, Rinpoche for this invaluable teaching that I will put into practice.

    With folded hands and much love,

  94. Poney Sim on Apr 8, 2014 at 5:02 pm


  95. Shelly tai on Apr 8, 2014 at 4:44 pm

    Thank you Rinpoche for this inspiring teaching. When I first came to Kechara my motivation is more to help myself to resolved m y own problem but as time go my motivation is different because dharma have make me realise that we do not focus on on our own problem we should look out and help others by helping others our own problem will resolved because we are less selfish as day go we are more willing to do more for others. I rejoice for Frederick pratice and may he continue to do more for Kechara.

  96. Pastor Han Nee on Apr 8, 2014 at 3:58 pm

    Thank you Rinpoche for this beautiful, all-encompassing teaching.

    Thank you Frederick for creating the cause for all of us to receive this teaching.

    First of all, Rinpoche’s teaching has made me examine carefully the reason why we seek a teacher and a Dharma centre, and why we are studying the Dharma. Yes, the reason lies in our spiritual goal, which is to attain enlightenment. To attain this goal, we have to study the methods that Lord Buddha taught, methods he himself used to attain enlightenment – methods which have been successfully tested over 2600 years by hundreds of great masters. So we find a teacher and center and study the Dharma to realize this goal.

    We did not find a guru and a center to get quick fixes or short term solutions for our never-ending problems. First of all our problems are self-created out of ignorance, attachment and aversion.In samsara problems are endless. Samsara, after all, is in the nature of suffering and problems. So we find a guru and centre to study the dharma and find long term solutions.

    As we had created our problems through our mind of delusions and through karma, then it is only logical that we turn to the Guru to guide us in the use of the time-tested methods of Lord Buddha, which we apply to our mindstream, to train and transform it.However, these methods- such as change of view or perception, restraining from negative habits, overcoming selfish attitudes and fears,and practice of compassion – are long term methods and require persistent and patient effort, and consistency.

    “You have to understand karma, your habituations, why your actions bring certain results, and study dharma and apply solutions taught by Lord Buddha. If you don’t want to make consistent effort and hence your problems are not solved,you don’t blame blame the teacher, the sangha, members,or the centre itself”.

    Once, we have found our guru , we must develop strong and unshakeable faith and trust in him, and commit to go all the way in the practices and instructions he gives us to lead us to enlightenment.”Your teacher loves you and has opened a Dharma centre for you and for the benefit of many. You should join forces with your teacher to make the Dharma centre a powerful institution to relieve the suffering of others…Don’t be patient with samsara but be loyal to your teacher too”.

    Lord Buddha’s teachings contain a strong joyous element of hope. Buddha Shakyamuni discovered and revealed a revolutionary truth : “We are not permanently fixed in suffering; there is a way out, it is inside you”.Nothing is permanent. As Rinpoche says,” Don’t hold everything as fast and hard. Allow space for change”. Change comes when we study the Dharma and listen to our Guru’s advice. Then, with the wisdom of Dharma, our perspective will change “and our problems may not be problems after all”.

    As this is samsara, created from our karma, nothing is perfect. Not even a monastery like Gaden Monastery in India, let alone a Dharma centre. So we should not look for perfection in our Dharma centre, but,like Rinpoche with Gaden Monastery, look for and focus on the good qualities in our centre. Focus on the fine example of senior students in their practice of Dharma and Guru Devotion.

    We have to begin with ourselves. We must not bend to our ego and want things done our way. We must instead be open to all the methods and ways that our Guru and senior experienced students show us. Our Guru is undeniably the perfect spiritual guide, whom our merits have brought us to encounter. Senior students know much more because they have experienced it much longer.”Look for the reasons to succeed and not to fail”.

  97. Jace Chong on Apr 8, 2014 at 2:50 pm


  98. Chee ks on Apr 8, 2014 at 1:38 pm



    來到克切拉之前,我也是一个面对嚴重财务冋题的人,以债养债的过日子,因为生意跌到谷底,感觉很痛苦,心里总是觉得辜负了太太与孩子们。有一天晚上,遇见尊贵的詹仁波切上師说法,上師说不论好事或圷事总会过去的,不用去执着,好的事情发生或不好的事情发生都是过去所造的因。听了上師这一席话,心里感觉舒服多了,感觉上来对了地方,这里有我想要改变命运的秘方,於是就问资深的佛友有什么可以做的 ?第一个就见到了郭月谊讲法師,从此就加入志工的工作,也担负起一点佛法工作的责任。郭讲法師知道我的状况后,给了我一些方法去改善困境,上師说得对,改变需要时间,我也相信这一点,畢竟一分耕耘、一分收获。

    至少现在不用每个月入不缚出,生意也好了,人缘也好了,心情也好了,更加积极了,总之就是往好的发展,当然有时还会有收入不夠还债的状况,但是我相信上師,郭讲法師,事情总是会有结束的一天 !(可能我做的不夠多,所以时间会长一些,哈哈哈)
    我由衷从心里表达我对Federick Law 的敬意,很佩服他敢于面对自己的冋题,去解决它,他对上師依止心的坚定,也是我学习的模范,今天的Federick,可以从他身上感受到他的慈悲心多了,笑容多了,更加和蔼可亲了。


  99. Sharon Ong on Apr 8, 2014 at 1:34 pm

    I have always wanted to join a Dharma centre namely to learn about the Dharma and perhaps do something more meaningful with my life. My intention to learn the Dharma earlier on was more on an academic and intellectual level, to understand more about Buddhism. Little that I know what finding and learning the Dharma in Kechara is so much more. I discovered that Dharma is not just teachings from the Awakened One but it is in essence the true meaning for our existence.

    Although there is no one widely agreed definition for the word “spirituality” but I found that here in Kechara. To me, spirituality is not just about knowing the rituals, meditations and the Lamrin. To paraphrase Rinpoche’s words of wisdom, spirituality is the 23 hours off the meditation cushion. I truly am grateful for Rinpoche’s vision to start Kechara and your boundless compassion and strength make Kechara to what it is today (and more to come!) despite the odds and challenges. With folded hands and love in my heart, I prostrate at your feet.

  100. Karen Gan on Apr 8, 2014 at 12:32 pm

    The most important thing of learning Dharma is to transform our mind, implement it into our daily life to become a better person and help and care for others. Joining a Dharma centre, we should continue spreading our guru’s teachings by listening and doing what our guru tells us.

    Rinpoche’s compassion and love to teach us Buddha Dharma, and his effort of building Dharma centres is to benefit us, therefore we must do our best and go all the way.

    After joining Kechara Forest Retreat as a full time staff and being nurtured by senior students of Rinpoche, I’ve realised that doing Dharma is practising what I’m learning. Also my daughter Victoria will grow up in a Dharma environment. I will go all the way to continue learning and practising Dharma.

  101. Julia Tan on Apr 8, 2014 at 12:04 pm

    Thank you Rinpoche for the profound teachings. I was recalling the whole night what was my intention when I first join Kechara. It was not for Dharma nor searching for enlightenment but solely for myself. Something that had been disturbing me and I don’t know how to react and I was srucked. It was Rinpoche’s teachings that made me understand what is life, what is karma, how human mind functioning, about myself and about how we all interdependent on each other. I am ashamed that I didn’t jump into Dharma from the start due to my personal attachment and the problems that I dwelled into for years hence a lot of time wasted. I am very blessed and grateful that Rinpoche and many senior Dharma brothers and sisters that has been bearing with all my bad attitude patiently for years.

    Understand that problem does not go away because it was already set due to my own karma. Same goes to everyone, my mother, my children, my partner etc. whatever sadness and happiness that I have with them is the karma we shared together. Hence I do not want to dwell into it more to create further crisis and I do not want to attach more to create bitterness. When I die, nothing I bring along but karma.

    Kechara Forest Retreat is built for the purpose of creating more happiness to all sentient being. When we leave we leave with peace and happiness behind and we bring merits along with us. What is important to me is KFR and Rinpoche now. Rinpoche brought us Dharma and had helped us in our lives and now is time for us to help others and to extend to love to others.

  102. Albert Ratchaga on Apr 8, 2014 at 11:31 am

    Thank you Rinpoche for posting this teaching, it makes so much sense when reading this article and it is a great reminder to us. Many of us always thought that Buddha is the almighty god, who will take away our suffering and difficulties just in a blink of eye, and if he doesn’t, he is not good, he is not compassion, he is fake, Buddha does not exist, he does not suit us, he is not effective, and a lot more scolding that anyone can think of.

    I too used to think like that in early days, especially when I’m going into exams, I always will hold the jolt stick and ask for good score, then when I got it with my request, I’ll offer a dozen of jolt stick and that’s it. It became that the Buddha is supposed to help us. Even though the problems are created by ourselves, but because we are just normal human being, we made mistake, so the Buddha will have the responsibilities to settle it for us, just like how parents solve the problems of their children.

    Being in a Dharma center is not being in a magical place which we came here to seek for immediate solution, a Dharma center is a place for us to participate in the healing activities, which takes time for us to heal, it’s just like when our leg is broke due to accident, after treatment, doctor ask us to do a series of physiotherapy, but we wanted it to heal immediately, tomorrow and refuses to follow the doctor’s instruction, then we blame the doctor is not doing his job, the doctor is not good and we go to another hospital but get the same result again, when we keep hoping everywhere to seek for immediate comfort, we couldn’t and we will end up being sick and the longer it stays, the harder to heal in future, because it’ll became permanent on our body. Likewise, our mind also the same, the longer we keep with our negative mindset, the bitter we’ll be when we get old, no remedies if we do not apply it, there is no magic in this world, we need to apply it step by step, being it just a baby step, we shouldn’t stop.

    A Dharma teacher is not here to comfort us when we are doing wrong, he know where we heading, he know how badly we will ended in our life, so he will try whatever way to stop us from going there, he want to correct us from our wrong action, to turn in around, to make it better, so in future we will reap the good seed we sow. This does not make him a bad person, because his intention is not to hurt, not to bring us down, but to pushes us up further. Fake friend will comfort you in whatever way and trying to use you, whether you are in good condition or bad condition, it does not matter to them, they just want something from you, but a real friend will say harsh words to us, will scream at us or even slap us very hard when it’s needed, at that point of moment, we may take them as an enemy, but after that moment passed, we will be thankful to them because when we are at the border of going into wrong direction, they are the one who bring us back. Well, what do they get by doing so? They may get nothing or maybe they’ll become our ‘enemy’ for the whole life, they may get heartbreak by doing these, but they don’t mind, because their intention is not for themselves, it is for ourselves. So our spiritual teacher is definitely one of the real friends that we should treasure and not pushes him away. Overall, what our guru get from this? It is us who get all the benefit.

    The Dharma is there and it has proven for 2500 years, many people who follow the path and become better, when I’m in the same path, but it brought me nowhere, then I should think why? Not blaming on the path, not blaming on other people, not blaming on Dharma or even my guru, it is not anyone’s fault, it is mine, because a method that worked for everyone, but why not me? Am I the special one that needed another better path? Answer is definitely no, when the path does not work properly for me, then I have to ask myself why I am here? What’s my intention when I come here? If my main motivation is not right in the first place, then who else to be blame? Obviously… Myself.

  103. Fiona chan on Apr 8, 2014 at 10:50 am


  104. Cliff on Apr 8, 2014 at 9:01 am

    There is a majority that has the mind-set that giving an ang pow to a temple or a monk is enough as being a Buddhist or when you visit a temple. Only coming to Dharma Centres or Temples for a quick remedy to their problems using monetary rewards to find a solution, quick and easy is not what Buddhism and Dharma is about. We cannot look at Monks or Dharma teachers as if they are witch doctors granting your wishes and all you have to do is give money in return. A true Dharma teacher would want to see change in you, a transformation that is beneficial for your mind, those around you and society.

    We cannot expect to have caused so much harm to others and yourself and then think by praying or accepting god your sins and problems would be washed away immediately, it doesn’t make sense. The remedies that you receive from Dharma, does not fix the problem but allows you to gain a clearer state of mind to the problem that allows you to think of how to overcome it through hard work and action. By having the mind-set that by donating an ang pow to a temple and receiving a teaching or a blessing to remove your problems is just pure laziness that is not what learning Dharma is about. If we always go to teacher for blessings or solutions and not put in the effort to follow instructions it’s pointless because your intentions were initially just to use them.

    Dharma teachers and senior students offer their help to solve your problems and unhappiness; if you’re going to them to seek help means you already know they possess more wisdom than you. Buddhism/Dharma has already proven effective thousands of years and shown miraculous results but that doesn’t mean everyone can be enlightened overnight when joining a Dharma centre, it requires effort to learn and transform our minds and remove our habituations and after many lifetimes eventually reach enlightenment. But for now instead of seeking quick solutions take the time to learn the dharma, contemplate and transform.

    Our Dharma teacher’s main intention is to help us be free from suffering from the causes we have created through ignorance, by coming to a dharma centre to create schism, be uncooperative, lie and give excuses it defeats the purpose of saying you’ll listen to your Dharma teacher. If we are suffering so much yet not follow our Dharma teacher’s instructions, it would only lead us to more suffering because what initially caused your suffering was from our own habituations which we never took the effort to stop.
    The person we should be criticising and analysing most is ourselves, by learning the dharma and improving ourselves it would allow us to point out our faults and habits and learn from it to not continue it anymore. By blaming others it would only incite more anger in us and those around you, it creates disharmony externally and internally which means more suffering for us.

  105. Valentina Suhendra on Apr 8, 2014 at 8:52 am

    Dear Lama

    Reading about Fredrick email updates really reminded me of how I started when I first met you. You assigned me to do prostration retreat. I know how he feels coming back from work exhausted and yet still do his retreat.

    I thank you for the advice you have given above. I did not know why I join Kechara in the first place. I think the sole reason must be you because I live in other country. I was not immune to wanting fame or being recognized for what I do. For the first few years it was very important. It was frustrating for me that I did not see you much for the first few years. But I think, recognition and fame does not matter much for me anymore. It is really between me and my practice and devotion to you. It is the words of honor that I say when I take refuge with you that matter the most.

    The Dharma Center and the people in it as you say is not perfect but some people really rise up and do their parts despite all obstacles. I truly respect them.

    Thank you for enduring so much challenges and obstacles to bring Dharma to others.

    Much love and care


  106. Pastor Loh Seng Piow on Apr 8, 2014 at 8:29 am

    This is a great and kind reminder by Rinpoche. Rinpoche always teaches very practical aspects of spirituality, the real-life spirituality. Many people have a very idealistic of views of Dharma centers, and they expect Dharma centers to solve all their problems, and when that did not happen, they blamed the guru, the dharma brothers and sisters, they blame the protector, the buddha, they say the Dharma is not effective, and they left. Here, Rinpoche, again, compassionately reminds us the correct motivation and attitude to attend a Dharma center, in a gist, it is not to take, to get things, to get people, to get business, to get lovers, to get money…not all these personal gain, on the contrary, we attend a Dharma center to give, to help, to learn, to do real and sincere practice like Frederick Law. I have personally experienced many cases where people come to Dharma center with very “sincere” and almost fanatical attitude, they joined a lot of pujas, attended a lot of Dharma talks, then after a while, they started to complain, about people not doing things the ways they thought should be done, and they started to talk bad things, create schism, and eventually left. Rinpoche mentioned many times before, a Dharma center is like a hospital, do not expect everyone to be perfectly fine, in fact they are ill, that is why they come to Dharma center to be healed in the first place! So, instead of finding faults in the hospital, blaming why everyone is sick (isn’t it why this is a hospital?), one should consult the doctor, apply the medications, cooperate with the nurses, and help fellow patients! Only then will the hospital fulfill its very purpose of healing the sick. Please watch these amazing 16-part videos of His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche’s teachings on guru-disciple relationship, and the proper attitude to have in a Dharma center, amazing and precious Dharma talk you won’t find anywhere else:

  107. David Lai on Apr 8, 2014 at 7:16 am

    Dear Rinpoche, this is a beautiful offering of practice from Frederick and I rejoice. I have read Rinpoche’s message above and I relate to what Rinpoche is saying because I have observed everything that Rinpoche wrote in there. People often come with misguided ideas of what they can take from the Dharma. This is normal in society as people are out to get something all the time.

    However, in the Dharma, people don’t realize how much they stand to ‘receive’ from the Dharma if they had a sincere motivation instead. The Dharma can potentially be much more and undo so much negativity and pain for the practitioner. I have learnt this along my own path and relationship with Rinpoche/Dharma. I have learnt to give instead of just opening my hands to receive. This is a huge step for me and not something I am used to but a learning process for me. But I can already feel the immense rewards it has for me. I am sure it would be others too especially those who have preconceived ideas of ‘taking’ if only they learn how to change that.

    • Patrik on Apr 22, 2014 at 8:13 pm


      I do enjoy your blog.

      Your statement here is very powerful. Your perseverance will be rewarded in the end.

      “However, in the Dharma, people don’t realize how much they stand to ‘receive’ from the Dharma if they had a sincere motivation instead. The Dharma can potentially be much more and undo so much negativity and pain for the practitioner. I have learnt this along my own path and relationship with Rinpoche/Dharma. I have learnt to give instead of just opening my hands to receive. This is a huge step for me and not something I am used to but a learning process for me. But I can already feel the immense rewards it has for me. I am sure it would be others too especially those who have preconceived ideas of ‘taking’ if only they learn how to change that.”

  108. jp on Apr 8, 2014 at 7:15 am

    Dear Rinpoche,

    Thank you for sharing with us the Federick’s letter to Rinpoche and reminding us on our motivation of joining a dharma centre, having a guru,and what practising the dharma entails. Federick is one of the many examples that if we put out heart and soul to our whatever we want to do, it can be accomplished.

    There are 2 things that Rinpoche wrote that stood out for me.

    1. “You are born alone and after death journey alone. In between get used to achieving alone.”

    When I was very down a few years ago, I realised that I have 2 choices. Either I dwell in my “poor me” state and expect others to come and talk to me or stand up and do something about my situation. No one came to talk to me nor help me resolve my situation. I realised that I was alone in my journey after all. Many people have come and gone in my life. No matter how I’d like to grasp on to people and situations, they will never be with me permanently. It was a very rude awakening that I needed and a powerful one for my self cherishing mind.

    As the saying goes which I learned from a corporate training many years ago, ” If it’s to be, it’s up to me.” No more looking outwards for help and certain situations to arise before I get the work done and aspirations fulfilled. I just get started and keep going until it’s accomplished. A lot of effort is needed along the way. So no pain, no gain. No pep talks and reminders were needed. With and sometimes without the team, I just kept going. Many times I did things alone. But I never felt lonely. Now that I think back, it’s because I was always focusing out. Most of the stress and mental sufferings melt away as a result. Focusing out is what Rinpoche used to tell me about and I experienced the results of it.

    2. “Start the inner revolution now. The revelation is that there is a way out and it’s inside of you. Start the ‘war’ on anger, bitterness, depression, selfishness within oneself now by applying Buddha’s teachings and gaining hope from the doctrine of cause and effect (karma). If you start the inner war, outer wars in your life will decrease. You will find peace.”

    This 2nd teaching stood out for me. Most of us fight a losing battle internally because we don’t have the knowledge, deeper understanding and skills to counter our anger, bitterness, depression and selfishness. Having an attained teacher like Rinpoche helps tremendously because not only does Rinpoche give us the knowledge and methods to fight the inner war, Rinpoche also puts us to a test to expedite our learning process and help us identify our egos better.

    I have always understood intellectually that all unhappiness, anger, bitterness and depression come from us. But when reality sets in, one just begins to react automatically. When this happens, the comprehension of teachings is being put to a test. Breaking out of this automatic mode takes a lot of effort and constant contemplation of the teachings. After awhile the automatic mode disappears.

    It’s really so true that how I feel is ultimately not caused by people or situations. No one or situations are to be blamed for how I feel because I can always choose how to react to these external factors. Rinpoche told me many times I have to change my projections of others as the projections are empty of existence.

    With dharma knowledge, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The knowledge has proven track records that if we study and practice them wholeheartedly, we will be able to achieve greater things in life beyond our self limiting belief system and attain Enlightenment. As Rinpoche always taught us, the perceived “self” doesn’t exist and never did. So why put so much energy holding on to it?

    Thank you Rinpoche for this profound article because it is a reminder for us all to always learn and practise the dharma with a sincere motivation. This is the light at the end of the gloomy tunnel. Being in denial and choosing otherwise, only leads us to more suffering.

  109. Patsy on Apr 8, 2014 at 6:20 am

    Frederick is a shining example of a true dharma practitioner. He showed us the correct motivation of dharma practice. Even though he hardly had any contact with Rinpoche yet he followed Rinpoche’s advices without hesitation.

    Real dharma practice is transformation of the mind and that is the best offerings we can offer to our Guru. Our Guru is so kind to guide us on our spiritual path and if we seriously want to transform we should apply the teachings into our daily lives. We may not change overnight due to our habituation but we must never give up, put in extra effort and keep trying. Never put the blame on others when negative emotions arise but apply the methods that we received from our Guru. Once we accept a Guru we should follow his advice and hold our commitments well. By having good samaya we will be able to see the results of our practice.

    Frederick, I rejoice in your trust in Rinpoche and may your spiritual practice be an inspiring for others.

    Thank you, Rinpoche, for sharing this teachings

  110. Leonard Chia on Apr 8, 2014 at 5:26 am

    When i have finished reading Rinpoche’s post above and begin to scroll down to this comment box, I notice these 2 post by Rinpoche in “What I am writing now” 4 months ago appear beside my comment box !!

    1) When your teacher wishes something for you, you should do your all to fulfill it, as it is within your karmic capacity to do so otherwise the teacher would never say so. After your teacher has passed, all that is left is a memory and memories. Let those memories not be empty, happy or sad but fulfilling by accomplishing something to benefit many sentient beings. This will be beneficial to the memory of your late and most wonderful compassionate teacher. This would be a wonderful offering. Start now and immediately! -Tsem Rinpoche

    2) “His Holiness Song Rinpoche stressed the need to continue to practice even when we came up against obstacles, and that we should continually review our progress. He stated that a happy, luxurious life was like a good dream, and that obstacles and difficulties were like a bad dream. We should give them no significance, but simply carry on working towards real, everlasting happiness.” -His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche.

    I am sure Frederick have realized these way before me and I normally will “slow down” on my practice once I am up against obstacles but now, I know ,I should double up my efforts once I am up against obstacles.

    Thank you Fredrick for initiated Rinpoche to write the above post and Thank You Rinpoche for the above teaching, otherwise , I will still be the same as before.

    With Folded Hands.
    Leonard Chia.

  111. Aw on Apr 8, 2014 at 3:52 am

    It is so true that our life should not be just obtain financial benefit,look for relationship ,find praise , etc.. when i join the dharma centre , i have my own perspective that what a dharma centre should be , what my teacher, dharma brothers and sisters should be. After many years in dharma centre i learned and yet i still haven’t change much and found the inner peace due to lack of knowledge because i want to do it in my way .

    My karma is so strong that cause the fuel of my bad habit but at the mean time i know i shouldn’t be hiding , run away and give up just like that as it doesn’t help at all. Time is short and i can’t keep create problems to myself and others, especially to my teacher who spent lots of time giving advise to me . We are all spoilt in the way that it’s all given to us free and generously by our guru . All of us including the big fat lier me should have pay back the kindness of our guru by now who been teaching us with love and care for so many years tirelessly .

    Yes i have to open to solution and not look for it only my way . For years i’ve been checking myself constantly whether i have improve or not but i keep forgetting what i’m really searching for which is happiness and that can be achieve by serving others and develop compassion.

    Frederick Law show a very good example on how consistent he is by respect the commitment given by Rinpoche . I rejoice for Frederick who have completed 100 thousand water offering and still continue to do so . Frederick really inspire me a lot . Consistency is the key principle that lead to success if the solution been given by our teacher. I sincerely thank Rinpoche for sharing Frederick’s update of his water offering retreat and also Rinpoche teaching.

  112. Pastor Jean Ai on Apr 8, 2014 at 3:30 am

    The irony of this statement blew me away “obtain financial benefits, borrow money from members, get more business contacts, find a romantic partner, a place that listens to our excuses for failure, to seek unending attention, to endure our endless tantrums, or to find praise.”

    Those are the very actions and motivations that got us into trouble in the first place, and led to our suffering. The point of the Dharma teacher and the centre is to stop us from committing all of the actions that created our suffering. So why come to the teacher and centre being motivated to gain those results and WANT to find excuses, seek attention, throw tantrums, etc., when those acts created our suffering in the first place?

    And once you have accepted your teacher, why doubt what advice he / she gives you? If you trust them enough to diagnose your problem, why not trust them enough to give you the best solution? It’s like going to the doctor and saying, “Well I know better than you how to treat my illness.” Do you really? Did you study medicine for years in order to make that diagnosis, or did you spend 15 mins searching for something on WebMD? Concerted, consistent effort in study and practice is how our teachers developed the ability to help us; concerted, consistent effort in our practice is how WE can develop the ability to help ourselves. Consistent effort is the direct opposite to blaming other people, because consistent effort means we are taking responsibility for our own actions.

    Blaming other people on the other hand, puts the responsibility for our sufferings and problems on an external, impermanent factor that we cannot control. Since we cannot control it, it means we will never be certain if the problem is fixed. And since we cannot be certain if the problem is fixed, we will never be certain if our suffering is over permanently. So where’s the attraction in blaming?

    That is why the whole “accept me and you are saved” spiel never worked with me. I don’t think that when you commit sin, forgiveness alone is enough to ensure you are saved. Forgiveness can be a beautiful thing when done right, and when the repentance is real and true, and accompanied by a genuine wish never to commit the negative act again. However, that’s not how EVERYONE who believes it will practice it; for most, it’s like a “get out of jail free” card. Because where are the changes in the mind and attitude that are necessary for the sin to never be committed again? It seems illogical to me that 40 years, for example, of bad habits can be wiped out overnight without any real effort towards our practice.

    What this post also highlighted for me is the importance of good friends. In a Dharma centre, all kinds of people will be in attendance. Is our own practice strong enough for us to (a) ensure our minds are stable against people who come to the centre with less-than-pure motivation? (2) support those people who come to the centre with motivations stained by the eight worldly concerns?

    And if it isn’t, why not? What are we doing about changing ourselves to ensure we gain the most out of our spiritual practice? And what Dharma are we practicing when we don’t improve ourselves for the sake of others? “The sake of others” being two-fold meaning we improve ourselves so we can support ‘weaker’ minds, and we improve ourselves so we don’t influence ‘weaker’ minds in the wrong way.

    Lots to think about in Rinpoche’s post, which I’ll revisit over and over again.

  113. nicholas on Apr 8, 2014 at 3:23 am

    The right attitude and correct view is important when we learn and practice dharma because most of the times what make us give up are those behaviors that we carried from our habituation. Those mentioned by Rinpoche on the above are the entire right attitude we need to cultivate not only for our Dharma practice in fact for some of us we have been practicing it but just for different cause which mainly to achieve samsara pleasure.

    Frederick is one of the good examples that show us the right way and attitude to learn and practice Dharma by take up the advice and work it out all the way. Is just like what mentioned before if we found that we are sick and we want to heal by seeing a doctor and we have to follow through the doctor advice and prescription. This is logic and which most of us understand clearly. What could be wrong along the way is only us when we are lazy, selective……and we just want to find easy way out and start to act as our own doctor. I believe we can be our own doctor when we learn up and practice dharma consistently and showing the consistent results. If we are not there yet is better to learn from the Guru that have shown the positive changed/results on so many people.

    At this modern time the dharma value is important for us to steer our samsaric mind and behavior. At this degenerate time our attachment and wrong view on our needs is just getting bigger and bigger. Meeting the dharma and the Guru is extremely rare. If we don’t grab the opportunity to learn and practice especially when we met the great Guru it will waste our life.

    Thank you Rinpoche for creating the platform such as Kechara to benefits so many people and is also our responsibility to make it grow and move along with Rinpoche’s mission reach more and more people for their benefits and eventually our own.

  114. Ruby Khong on Apr 8, 2014 at 3:12 am

    Although what Rinpoche wrote is in relation to a dharma centre, it also applies to other aspects of our lives, either in our work place or home. That is the profound wisdom of dharma as it transcends all aspects. It is universal TRUTH, not just Buddhism.

    I think most issues arise when we start projecting our non acceptance of ourselves onto our partner/friend/colleague/dharma student and call him/her the one to blame from our victim stance. And, because spiritual seekers usually go through a long transition period of healing and changing, they usually have more conflict in their lives than they might think.

    Some points that we can keep in mind is if you are bothered by something your dharma friend has done or said, take responsibility for your feelings by speaking up as soon as you can. Look closely at your feelings and see how much of your emotion is being triggered by the experience in the present, or if it’s an old story unwinding its tape again. Chances are, it’s a combination of both. You need to speak up gently but firmly and tell the other what is going on inside of you so that they know who you really are and where you are at in the moment.

    Another common issue I have seen in my years in the dharma scene is someone using subtle insults couched in spiritual sounding terms. They are the ones with dry intellectual knowledge that never translate the knowledge into practice. They use jargons that are so ‘deep’ to spiritually attack you. Little do they know that the power of words combined with anger or dishonesty will set them up for unpleasant consequences later, and the sooner they come clean about it the better for all involved.

    The commitment to always taking responsibility for one’s own feelings and reactions, and acknowledging and apologizing to the other for the times when we haven’t done so is critical to maintaining good relationships with others who are also committed to staying conscious.It is also good for our own spiritual practice. The fact is, we are still human, and we can still hurt each other on an emotional level. And, we do hurt! We feel the entire range of human emotion, just like everyone else. Of course, we all understand that on a spiritual level there is no hurt, and that all experiences serve.

    I have only met Frederick on two occasions at Kepong Metropolitan Park when he led the motivational prayers during animal liberation event. It was during his earlier days when he joined Kechara. It is very refreshing to know that he has since progressed in his spiritual path and I rejoice for him. May Kechara continue to benefit and be the sanctuary for more ‘Fredericks’ to come.

  115. Grace Leong on Apr 8, 2014 at 1:17 am

    Meeting the 3 Jewels, learning the Dharma and taking refuge with my precious Guru have been the main subjects in my life for the last few years. People closest to me have commented “there’s nothing wrong with you, don’t get obsessed with trying to change “. Fortunately I never believed that. In my short spiritual journey I have come to realize some of my worst qualities. The source of my problems are within more then without, and I am trying very hard to overcome them, just so that those around me who has to tolerate them have better days. Rinpoche taught me that . Dharma is about transforming and improving oneself to make life easier for those around us. It does not necessary need to be complicated or mega projects, but just creating joy and peace daily in small ways to those we meet. When this teaching becomes a habit, all that we undertake, both small and large projects become easier. Because we place others as the focus and not ourselves. When we consistently mindfully do the right thing, the right results will manifest. In the short term, the results may not be as we expect but who is to say our expectations are accurate.

    I rejoice to see the positive transformation in Frederick. There are many such heroes and heroines in Kechara who are great inspirations to my spiritual journey. I rejoice for them.
    I will continue my practice to the best of my ability and truly hope to be able to create causes for Rinpoche to continue to turn the wheel of Dharma for the benefit of all. Thank you Rinpoche for making me contemplate hard on my practice and showing me all the methods to achieve an enlightened mind.

  116. henry ooi on Apr 8, 2014 at 12:31 am

    This article brings back memories of how I met Rinpoche some 17 years ago. There was no Kechara then nor were there premises where we could invite Rinpoche to give a dharma talk. Back then there were only around ten of us who were regulars to Dato’ Ruby Khong’s house for our weekly puja. Some of us, the old timers, are still here in Kechara while others have moved on. Being a small group we did not have many issues of what Rinpoche writes here of expectations of going to a dharma centre. After Kechara was founded more people joined and naturally more than before of the said issues were experienced. And now we are building Kechara Forest Retreat (KFR) to cater for and to benefit even more people hence many more issues are expected. What could make KFR successful would be what the present people in Kechara would do to receive new people and how to be of benefit to them. But to do that means we have to think of them and focus on them and not think and focus on ourselves like what Rinpoche says. Then Rinpoche’s motivation for Kechara to be of service to the public would be realized through dharma teachings and education leading to dharma practices. I would say this is also spirituality.

  117. Paul Yap on Apr 7, 2014 at 11:59 pm

    Rinpoche has basically listed out the right attitude to have as a practicing student in a Buddhist organization. “You didn’t join the dharma centre to change the members but to enlighten yourself”. I found this phase is particularly useful for me as I saw how critical I am since I started my dharma journey many many years ago, this teaching has reminded me always that the person who I should be criticizing the most is myself, the reason I study and work in a dharma center is because I want to improve myself, and not otherwise. If I only know how to complaining about others, how would that help in my dharma practice? Am I trying to find a place to get more recognition and look good? And where would that lead me? I have been thinking a lot of what Rinpoche has taught us in this article the last few years, the thinking process has made my mind very clear that I myself need to walk the talk, and lead by examples. If we requires others to be perfect, then we our self has to be perfect (and of course that won’t happen to me in this lifetime). So instead of complaining and blaming others for what we don’t like, I decided to find my own way creating success and making it happen, and that creates more happiness for me and the people surrounding me.

  118. Paul Yap on Apr 7, 2014 at 11:54 pm

    Rinpoche has basically listed out the right attitude to have as a practicing student in a Buddhist organization. “You didn’t join the dharma centre to change the members but to enlighten yourself”. I found this phase is particularly useful for me as I saw how critical I am since I started my dharma journey many many years ago, this teaching has reminded me always that the person who I should be criticizing the most is myself, the reason I study and work in a dharma center is because I want to improve myself, and not otherwise. If I only know how to complaining about others, how would that help in my dharma practice? Am I trying to find a place to get more recognition and look good? And where would that lead me? I have been thinking a lot of what Rinpoche has taught us in this article the last few years, the thinking process has made my mind very clear that I myself need to walk the talk, and lead by examples. If we requires others to be perfect, then we our self has to be perfect (and of course that wont happen to me in this life time). So instead of complaining and blaming others for what we don’t like, I decided to find my own way creating success and making it happen, and that creates more happiness for me and the people surrounding me.

  119. Choongs on Apr 7, 2014 at 11:44 pm

    Thank you Rinpoche. You have asked us to read, contemplate and practise the 27 Verses On Mind Training by the founder of our Gelug lineage Je Tsongkhapa every day and I did. This teaching is a gentle reminder to me. Time to incorporate it into my Sadhana.

  120. Lyn Phng on Apr 7, 2014 at 11:31 pm

    Thank you for this teaching Rinpoche. And for all the efforts of your kind sincere genuine students/Kecharians who help run the Centre to consistently encourages us lay members to read your blog and learn. I am grateful for that. Yes the Dharma centre is not a perfect place. There will be faults and “errant” people around all the time, but who are we to judge and complain? The teaching that struck me most was to “see these ‘errant’ students not as objects of disdain but of compassion and inspiration. That we have an opportunity to transform ourselves as an example to uplift and inspire others in the centre and not use them as excuses to fail.” This teaching is very deep for me. In turn I have also witnessed within Kechara the combined forces of a caring Guru and sincere result-oriented students to build Kechara to what it is today. And together with students like Frederick Law, the future does seem very bright for Kechara.

  121. mitra on Apr 7, 2014 at 10:49 pm

    Frederick law a good example.we have to fallow Rinpoche advices. thanks Rinpoche for the powerful teaching through this post.

  122. Fong on Apr 7, 2014 at 9:46 pm

    Having the patience to wait for results after studying and applying the dharma without mundane agenda is very important. Being able to be humble & listen to others especially the seniors, what more the Guru, be open to change, to focus outwards on others sounded like very difficult tasks to me. But as the days passed, I find that I just have to take that first small step. And, I have. Rinpoche is very compassionate in pushing us to help ourselves.

    That small step means helping others or even the dharma centre. The side effect of all this outward focus is that we understand more about ourselves, and in this way able to overcome our inner demons like anger, selfishness and fear. It also teaches us to express our gratitude to the people around us and especially our teacher in more ways than one. I have never been able to express my thanks as I am always unsure and needing to “do the right thing”. But, as Rinpoche always teach, there is not right or wrong, no black or white – just a matter of perspective. As such I am slowly learning to convey my thanks and gratitude.

    Thank you, Rinpoche for this teaching.

  123. Andrew James Boon on Apr 7, 2014 at 9:20 pm

    It is truly profound how an honest sharing from a sincere student can give rise to such a profound teaching on our spiritual journey.

    The teaching impacts each and every one of us in a different way, in the way it touches us individually on many multifaceted levels coming from our own experiences.

    For me personally, the seduction of samsara does indeed sometimes veil my spiritual journey to the point where I do lose sight of where I should go or sometimes even doubt the road I am on!

    However, what keeps me in check is reminding myself of THE truths which cannot be denied. The Patience of my Guru, The Generosity of my Guru. The Compassion of my Guru. The Unconditional Love of my Guru.

    The thing is, these are the very qualities we all seek in our daily interactions with people around us but for some of us, when these pure qualities manifest in our Guru right in front of us, we shun away, we question or we deny it and continue to “look” for these elusive qualities within samsara.

    Why this is so, could perhaps be a combination of many factors… factors of which our own Guru and even senior students are ever willing to point out… so my point is, we should always keep an open mind and “listen” to these pointers and not lose sight of the goal we all have no matter how varied.

    And at the end of the day, what is important for me is where I am within my journey, my progress as to who I am and where I am going and not letting my own insecurities and my negativeness get in the way of who I can be!

    Thank you Rinpoche for constantly making us see ourselves in the reflection that is your teachings!

  124. KH Ng on Apr 7, 2014 at 7:03 pm

    Dear Rinpoche,

    It is true that there are many imperfections in society and similarly in the Dharma Center. I have personally witnessed it myself. I am sure I am one of them as well and am grateful that others are tolerant with me when I “drop the baton” sometimes. I guess this is proof that we are all in samsara. It is true that many expect people in the Dharma Centers to be “tenth ground Boddhisattvas” ie perfect while we ourselves are not perfect. We expect instant results to our problems and expects others to solve the problems we created ourselves for us..which is illogical. The Dharma is the solutions and the Dharma never once promised instant solutions for our problems. The Dharma are to be applied with consistency and patience and things will change for the better for this life and the future ones; for others and for ourselves.

    I am grateful that I found a Guru who has been kind to me and others and I have been able to learn and practice the Dharma the best I can even though there are constant internal battles with my inner demons and delusions but I think the Dharma is winning by a very slim margin for now and hope the Dharma can conquer the demons in a landslide win this life. While I am winning, I leverage the condition to work hard for the Dharma, the center and others and that Rinpoche’s reminders to look are the good and do something for the negative side of things and people. If we can do that we can somehow convince others to do the same because we have some credibility and others have some belief in what we say, then it is a step in the positive direction and one more person we helped to practice the Dharma, which is the only and complete solution from samsara and sufferings.

    I wish Rinpoche stay healthy and I really miss you here in KL. I will do the best to continue to create the cause for Rinpoche’s return and long life!

    With love and care!
    KH Ng

  125. Joshua on Apr 7, 2014 at 6:50 pm

    Rinpoche has given us a realistic account of the real spiritual practice. Irregardless of whether the teacher is away or near to you, spiritual practice depends very much on our own effort. The Buddhas are unable to “magic wand” all sentient beings to get attainments instantly…but if He is able to do that, He would have done so long ago. Also, Rinpoche gave examples of people coming to centres or places of worship and wanting ‘unrealistic expectations’ from the Buddha which i personally thinks that it is very true due to lack of understanding of Dharma (Karma). So its important to share Dharma with them to correct their views on their traditional/culture beliefs. Thank you Rinpoche for spending the time to write this blog for thousands of readers to benefit from.

  126. Iryne Chong on Apr 7, 2014 at 6:42 pm

    Dear Rinpoche, I find inspiration in this blog about us not coming to the Dharma center to get others to help us with our hangups and expect our problems to be solved by others. Instead, we should be the light to help others. For me, I do find some who are like you described; with their hangups; but there are many senior students who are very good examples of good Dharma practitioners. I take these good students to be examples and I am fortunate enough that they have been kind to me and guides me. I do not know the Dharma very well but have been attending Sunday Classes to learn more. I will always fulfill Rinpoche’s instruction for me to work in KSA. It is hard work but I enjoy it very much and find lots of fulfillment that our work can help others and I always try to do my best.
    I hope Rinpoche will come back soon as we all miss Rinpoche.

    With Folded Hands!

  127. Casteven Lim (KH JB) on Apr 6, 2014 at 9:56 pm

    Rejoice Frederick and thanks Rinpoche for the powerful teaching through this post.

    Frederick do show us his faith to Rinpoche hence follow Rinpoche advices without Doubts and show his consistent practice with updates. This is the Best offering to Guru. Instead of that, he use his free time to volunteer in Kechara House is truly inspire others.

    Thanks Rinpoche with foleded hands once again that keeping on remind us through the teaching above.

    “When you blame, begrudge and seek vengeance against your teacher, dharma centre or fellow students, it shows that you have degenerated. Why? Wherever you go, you will meet the same circumstances. “But it shouldn’t be like that in dharma,” you may counter and you are right. But people in dharma are not tenth level Bodhisattvas! They are just like you and me, and maybe even worse prior to dharma. Change your mind, remain silent and transform. There were things I found should be changed or ‘wrong’ in Gaden Monastery when I first joined in 1987. But I found many things right also as time went on. I saw the illustrious masters Gaden Monastery in South India produced and realized the system in Gaden is not perfect but still very good. So I focused on the good points of Gaden Monastery and have grown to respect it very much. Enough that I don’t have to always find fault. There will be fault everywhere. Your karma invites fault. You live in a faulty realm. Your future lives will be surrounded by many problems and faults, and it will not end till you end it with the full awakening of Buddha-hood as Tsongkapa did. Buddha Shakyamuni started an incredible inner revolution and revelation. We are not permanently fixed in suffering, there is a way out. Start the inner revolution now. The revelation is that there is a way out and it’s inside of you. Start the ‘war’ on anger, bitterness, depression, selfishness within oneself now by applying Buddha’s teachings and gaining hope from the doctrine of cause and effect (karma). If you start the inner war, outer wars in your life will decrease. You will find peace.”

    Karma never end, no matter we already get improvement from practices we should continue and bring Dharma and Rinpoche teaching to more others.

  128. mima on Apr 6, 2014 at 7:44 pm

    Sinee I meet Rinpoche on youtube my life changed. Thank you so much for SP’s wonderful work offering us these incredible precious Dharma talks from Rinpoche since many years ago!

  129. Grace Leu(KHJB) on Apr 5, 2014 at 1:49 pm

    Thanks for Rinpoche’s sharing. Frederick set a good example to us even though he was full time working, with determination he able to complete the 100000 water offering, just have faith and do it! we are the creator for all the difficulty we facing now, only ourself can help us by mind transform, let go our ego and laziness.

  130. Frederick Law on Apr 5, 2014 at 12:42 am

    Dear Rinpoche,

    With heart-felt appreciation and folded hand, thank you for such a wonderful teaching which i never expect from my simple update.

    Yet from Rinpoche teaching, it is what myself had gone through for the past 3 year since i join Kechara, and started my Water Offering Retreat. If not for Rinpoche and Kechara, i would not dare think where i am now, and it is because of this affinity i have, i am able to engage in Dharma practice and understand more about Buddhism which i never would have thought 4 to 6 years back.

    In Rinpoche teaching it is important to let go of our ego and face our Karma and obstacles, Dharma is the remedy, Rinpoche is the Doctor that pin-point our mistakes or our problems, yet to fully recover from this our problem, we should first let go of our ego, and trust in the Doctor, which is Rinpoche, because Rinpoche sees the problem that is within us, which we could not on the surface level.

    I will take heed of Rinpoche advices and continue with my practice and also the following Tsongkhapa Retreat. With folded hand, i Thank You Rinpoche for this precious gift. May Rinpoche come home to Malaysia soon to continue to turn the Dharma Wheel, many of us here misses Rinpoche Dharma Teaching in Gompa, and we would love to listen to Rinpoche Dharma Teaching in Wisdom Hall in KFR.

    Thank You,
    With Love and Care,

    Frederick Law

    • Joy on Apr 8, 2014 at 3:37 am

      Firstly I would like to thank you Frederick for showing us that with sincere practice, there is results and like what Rinpoche said there will be “relief” if we apply the teachings!
      Your sincerity and practice will inspire many.

      Rinpoche’s teachings here reminds me of the teachings Rinpoche gave many years back when there was only KH1, and we had a 3 days marathon teaching in Damekhang House then in BU:

      The one thing we must remember and this teaching by Rinpoche is what made become a “Buddhist”, join Kechara and continue on the Dharma path in Kechara…

      “Opinions about you can change and you should make it change in front of everyone. Be a phoenix. Rise from the embers. Remember, no one but you created the problems. No one can further aggravate your problems unless you did not train your mind.”

      One thing is for sure, Rinpoche’s teachings are real life experiences, real remedies, sometimes harsh but truthful because no one else dares to care for us this much to point out of faults and issues so we face them and fix them. If we do not face them now, then wherever we go we take it with us and it will manifest time and again. There is no “running” or “escaping” it because it is in you and in me.

      From the time I first met, right up till now, Rinpoche’s motivation for us to do Dharma is mind transformation and no other offerings is higher than this. And when a student practices the teacher’s teachings that He has so kindly bestowed, adviced, remind, and patiently find creative ways to expound, we as students really need to take it in, contemplate and practice it. We may not change over night, as yes we’re not all Bodhisattvas, and all perfect, but no matter how many time we fall, most importantly is to get up and keep going and trying. If we quit, it is actually quitting ourselves and giving in on the very thing we fear most – “failure” and when we do this, there is no one really to blame but ourselves. And self-pity does not serve us because how long do we intend to stay in the black hole when there is light up there and we just gotta make the effort to climb out of that hole?

      False pride and false ego we all have, that is true, yes Dharma centres everywhere around the words have Pastors, Monk, Nuns, Students that do not fit the “perfect” idea concept of our projections, there will always be people like this cos this is samsara I’ve learnt. No point looking at them, cos if we start, it will never end because it is limitless. Better to change our perspective, so we can progress our “spiritual” path and focus on the “POSITIVES”, the people who inspires us, those who are doing good. Those who are not, I’ve concluded if I cannot talk to them because I’m not qualified, or because they just don’t have the karma to listen or because they just won’t listen, then karma teacher will naturally deal with them in time and this does happened.

      Those who entered the Dharma with the wrong motivations can change, those who fall can get up, those who say they cannot can become can… this I have seen throughout many years of Rinpoche teaching and patiently using skilful means to guide the students. Unfortunately for those who ran and quit or hide, that just shows they choose continuous pain and suffering as oppose to pain and suffering of the surgery now and heal to become better.

      Thank you Rinpoche for these wonderful teachings that I will consistently apply and share with others!

  131. Datuk May on Apr 4, 2014 at 2:09 pm

    Thank you Rinpoche for this powerful teaching and Frederick for making this happen for all of us. Reading this made me reflect on how often, although I rejoice for all the Kecharians whose prayers for help from our Protector, Lord Setrap are immediately granted, I always wondered why it is so difficult for me to overcome my obstacles. Initially I was disappointed and with more teachings from Rinpoche during the past 5 years, I realised that it is not about Lord Setrap not wanting to help me but rather my Karma is such that it will take longer and probably will be helped in ways I do not see it as help. The reason being that I am so fixed in how things should be.

    I have learnt the knowledge that the Dharma teaches us the method and maybe I have not been practising properly and so going through my life smoothly is slow in achieving.

    Nonetheless, from my experience as taught by my kind Guru, Rinpoche, keep at it and even when ”things” are not improving as perceived by my mind, I am better in all aspects of living. I have learnt to accept that life can only be better by focusing on making Kechara better for all who walk through our doors.

    This post enhances so much my belief in the Dharma and Rinpoche’s teachings, and may we as Kecharians keep on being aligned to Rinpoche’s vision and mission and make Kechara, the place of refuge and heaven on earth.

  132. sockwan on Apr 4, 2014 at 1:00 pm

    When we volunteer in a spiritual center, it is more than helping others, doing good for others. It has a deeper meaning, through helping others, we learn about our mind, then we transform for the betterment of ourselves. It is only by learning our mind, only we can have transformation.

    Since we are all not enlightened yet, we bound to have shortcomings, weaknesses, negative qualities. When we decide to walk on the path of spiritual practice, we are declaring a war with our inner enemy. There will be struggle, there will be moments we feel bad about ourselves. Then with the Dharma knowledge we have learned, we put that in practice to pull ourselves together to overcome the inner and outer challenge.

    There is no quick fix for the problems we have, no one can solve our problems. We have the solutions to all our problem, if we apply Dharma CONSISTENTLY, ultimately we will see the results.

  133. May Ong on Apr 4, 2014 at 12:18 pm

    We have known Frederick when he first came to Kechara, like everyone else who were new to Kechara and spirituality. Just like what Tsem Rinpoche had written above, we are the ones who has to decide the path for which we walk on. If we have decided the path to follow, follow it with our hearts, to test the methods out and to experience and see the results. Whatever outcome the results were, there is bound to be improvements in our lives, from dharma which was given, after effort has been put into it.

    All those live teachings from Tsem Rinpoche in Kechara gompa were very precious to many of us and we missed them alot.

    I thank Frederick for his sincere letter to Rinpoche and that his practice continues to be fruitful.

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Tsem Rinpoche


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Here is the latest news and pictorial updates, as it happens, of our upcoming forest retreat project.

The Kechara Forest Retreat is a unique holistic retreat centre focused on the total wellness of body, mind and spirit. This is a place where families and individuals will find peace, nourishment and inspiration in a natural forest environment. At Kechara Forest Retreat, we are committed to give back to society through instilling the next generation with universal positive values such as kindness and compassion.

For more information, please read here (english), here (chinese), or the official site:


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  • SamFoonHeei
    Tuesday, Feb 18. 2025 03:22 PM
    Historically Langmu monastery was the center of local religion, culture, economy and politics. Langmu Monastery is one of the most popular wild destinations in Sichuan as it provides excellent travel experience in nomads Tibet.It is a group of monasteries built at the border of Sichuan and Gansu Province. Founded in 1748 AD Constructed in 1748, belongs to Tibetan Buddhism. After years of extension and development, the temple today is composed of ten affiliated temples . It is a destination for strenuous pilgrimages and fascinating . A river, Bailong River, separates the township into two parts, one part in Gansu and another one in Sichuan. Wow Langmu monastery is a place where one can experience both Tibetan Buddhism and Islamic culture. Langmu Monastery is one of the largest to practise Dorje Shugden. That’s wonderful Kechara did sent to Langmu Monastery 600 sets of Dorje Shugden collateral in the Tibetan language. The monastery also ordered from Kechara an entire set of statues of Dorje Shugden.
    Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
  • SamFoonHeei
    Tuesday, Feb 18. 2025 03:20 PM
    Arjia Rinpoche is one of the most prominent Buddhist teachers and lamas to have left Tibet. He was recognized by 10th Panchen Lama as the 20th Arjia Danpei Gyaltsen, the reincarnation of Je Tsongkhapa’s father. He has trained with lineage teachers, such as the 14th Dalai Lama, the 10th Panchen Lama, and Gyayak Rinpoche. He had received many sacred teachings and ritual instructions from these great lamas. He was forced to leave his monastery and attend a Chinese school, yet secretly continued to practice and study with his tutors during the Cultural Revolution . Arjia Rinpoche went into exile and escaped to the United established a Buddhist Center for Compassion and Wisdom. Throughout his life, Arjia Rinpoche was tutored by specialized teachers in the area of Buddhist philosophy, sutra and tantra teachings, as well as in Buddhist art and architectural design.Since then Rinpoche has been giving teachings throughout the United States, Canada, Taiwan, India and Guatemala.
    For the sake of harmony and unity of the Tibetans , Rinpoche has advised the Tibetans to stop discriminating against Dorje Shugden practitioners. Arjia Rinpoche’s message of peaceful is consistent with the spirit of Buddhism and even spirituality in general. The ban against Dorje Shugden was imposed in 1996 and since that time, the has cause sufferings among the Tibetans in exile. No one should be discriminated against due to their religion or spiritual path. Dorje Shugden people, should be allowed choice of religion and be involved in the preservation of the Tibetan culture.It was during the 10th Panchen Lama’s Maha-Parinirvana 30th Anniversary, Arjia Rinpoche spoke bravely on fulfilling the Panchen Lama’s wishes.
    Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
  • SamFoonHeei
    Tuesday, Feb 18. 2025 03:18 PM
    nspiring story of Togden Yanga Rinpoche a master who are so devoted to dharma, doing long retreat for life. Togden Yanga Rinpoche, born in 1923, emerged as a prominent figure in the Drikung Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. His life’s journey was marked by profound dedication to spiritual practice and teaching. An acclaimed Yogi, Terma revealer and Scholar, residing in his native Ladakh.. He went into retreat for life,spending his life achieving liberation and enlightenment. Rinpoche has tirelessly helping sentient beings with his infinite compassion and enlightened activity.
    Interesting blog thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
  • SamFoonHeei
    Tuesday, Feb 18. 2025 03:16 PM
    Buddhism is a religion and philosophy that developed from the doctrines of the Buddha. Is a major religion in the world, originated in India in the 5th century BCE and is based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, also known as the Buddha. Buddhists believe that life is a cycle of suffering and rebirth. Having priests and pastors in each centers or place of worships or retreat centers around the world serving and spreading Buddha teachings with more and more people get to know more knowledge of Buddhism. Reading this blog , given me a more understanding of the role of Pastors or known as Priest in some parts of the world. There’s many Buddhist Priest around the world serving others leading services , performing ceremonies and rituals. Many people have benefited, having Pastors or Priests around helping them out with their teaching, and providing spiritual support. That’s awesome. Here at Kechara we too having Pastors making Buddha’s wisdom accessible to more people by giving spiritual guidance and sharing knowledge. In this way, the Dharma is preserved and made available to busy spiritual seekers. Interesting blog knowing some of those wonderful Buddhist priests around the world and many more to come spreading Dharma teachings..
    Thank you Rinpoche .
  • SamFoonHeei
    Tuesday, Feb 11. 2025 04:08 PM
    Compassion is always in season. Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet. Until he extends the circle of compassion to all living things. Animals have moral status, and animal suffering matters. No need to explain more as different people have different view. Let them be and say what they want.
    Thank you for this sharing.
  • SamFoonHeei
    Tuesday, Feb 11. 2025 04:06 PM
    Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing. Living a quiet life, often characterized by simplicity and a deliberate choice. A far away quiet environment can offer numerous benefits for one’s well-being and overall quality of life. Living a calm and simple life yet rich with inner meaning, personal growth, and a deep connection to oneself, one’s values . Those moment of quietness, free from the rush and noise of daily life, allows for self-reflection and a deeper understanding of our actions and their impacts. By taking a softer approach to living, we can focus more on our internal happiness, building our emotional health.
    Since learning Dharma and putting into practice have taught me to live simplicity free from the rush and noise of daily life.
  • SamFoonHeei
    Tuesday, Feb 11. 2025 04:04 PM
    The act of liberating animals helps us to develop the nature of not harming others, creating the awareness of not eating animals for the sake of attachment to meat and thus promoting a vegetarian lifestyle. When one releasing lives brings blessings to the whole family, a multitude releasing lives brings divine protection. Among all merits, releasing lives is indeed supreme. Beyond financial generosity , we also practice the generosity of Dharma and the generosity of fearlessness. Releasing lives embodies all three types of giving in one noble act which we should make use of the opportunity to do more. The merits of animals liberation are truly unparalleled.
    Reading this article by Daily Mail Reporter where a group of Tibetan Buddhists released 534 live lobsters into the Atlantic Sea. Rejoice Geshe Tenley and a group of Tibetan Buddhists releasing them one by one to freedom into the deep water.
    Thank you Rinpoche .
  • SamFoonHeei
    Tuesday, Feb 11. 2025 04:02 PM
    With these simple and easy memes . More people will get to know the awesome benefits of Dorje Shugden. Dorje Shugden is a fully enlightened being, he manifests in a worldly form in order to assist us quicker. Just by recalling his abilities is a blessing. Dorje Shugden is the special protector emanation of Manjushri that will help everyone regardless of race and religion when one rely on it sincerely .
    Thank you Rinpoche for all these creative, simplifying short memes.
  • meng
    Friday, Jan 31. 2025 07:28 AM
    Many people in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong have cheated for a long time DATUK YIP KUM FOOK has been deceiving people, from starting a furniture business in Taman Daya to becoming the chairperson of the MCA there, but the Malaysian government has not known of the matter.

    Today he is very rich having many houses and shop lots all over Kepong but the government is still silent, now he has a court case, he is a lawyer and he made or signed a fake land title to someone.

    Anyone who knows DATUK YIP KUM FOOK AND SIMON LOW KOK MENG, please try to stay away from them because those people can eat you all, the first one they do very well with you but behind their back they will eat you, please be careful before getting caught up in that

    By Meng, Taman Desa Jaya…Kepong
  • Samfoonheei
    Tuesday, Jan 28. 2025 12:48 PM
    A Chinese ghost marriage is a ceremony that unites a deceased person with a living or deceased person. The family of the deceased usually arranges the marriage. Despite its long history and unique practices, the original purposes of ghost marriages remain largely unknown. The ghost is a classical image in Chinese culture, have a history stretching back 3,000 years. This tradition dates back to the first Chinese dynasty, making it at least 2200 years old, while others even note that it’s roughly 3000 years old! Despite reports of it still being practiced in remote Chinese villages in China,Taiwan and certain Asian countries . Ghost marriages are acceptable and symbolic in especially in Taiwanese culture, with many social elements related to them. Interestingly enough Li Kim and team did a great research ,spoke to Professor Lin Mao-Hsien, a Taiwanese folklore scholar on these interesting tradition. Reading this article with a better understanding of the ghost marriages. The story of the man by the name Wu Wen-Da, who had been dreaming about a dead woman named Zheng Su Mei truly interesting.
    Thank you Rinpoche and Li Kim .
  • Samfoonheei
    Tuesday, Jan 28. 2025 12:46 PM
    Interesting account of the investigation of Supiyati an Indonesian woman’s body filled with needles, nails, and wires.
    After many efforts to find a cure in their hometown never found any success, Dark Magic is an incredibly powerful form of witchcraft that draws on malevolent powers.Black magic is a belief system that is not supported by scientific evidence. However, psychologists and neuroscientists have studied magic to understand how it affects people’s perceptions and beliefs. Regardless of the path forward, the study and understanding of black magic will undoubtedly remain a subject of enduring fascination and scholarly inquiry.
    Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
  • Samfoonheei
    Tuesday, Jan 28. 2025 12:44 PM
    The basis of the Buddha’s teaching is to be found in the Four Noble Truths. The Buddha teachings describe the nature of suffering and the path to its end. Suffering is unavoidable and affects everyone. Craving and ignorance lead to suffering. Whatever we do have consequences, so living in a way that minimizes harm can prevent future pain. Good to cultivate good qualities and abandoning non-virtuous thoughts and actions. Abandoning dishonest livelihood and living a life of right livelihood. Being kind and compassionate towards oneself and others. The Fourth Noble Truth is the truth of the Path that leads to the cessation of suffering.
    Thank you Rinpoche and Genla for this profound teachings.
  • Herbs Used for Spiritual Cleansing
    Tuesday, Jan 21. 2025 11:51 PM
    This is an insightful and well-researched piece that beautifully highlights the historical, cultural, and medicinal significance of herbs.

  • Samfoonheei
    Sunday, Jan 19. 2025 03:14 PM
    Dorje Shugden is a protector in Tibetan Buddhism, originally a minor protector in the Sakya school of Tibetan Buddhism. Later adopted by the Gelug school. Has been worshipped throughout history by several schools of Tibetan Buddhism. As a wrathful manifestation of Manjushri, the Wisdom Buddha, who grants wisdom, clarity, and concentration. A protector who fulfils wishes and prayers, brings material resources,healing, and protects from harm to those who sincerely rely on. Also helps us to clear obstacles, and attracts opportunities for success, growth and in many ways. Many practitioners have benefited ultimately for helping them stay on the spiritual path. Rely on Dorje Shugden consistently over times, we will see his graceful yet powerful assistance in our lives. The prayers is indeed very powerful and have me change my life.
    Thank you Rinpoche for this simplified daily prayer. Easy and convenient for everyone.
  • Samfoonheei
    Sunday, Jan 19. 2025 03:12 PM
    The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge. Part of being successful is about asking questions and listening to the answers. Asking questions is the first way to begin change. Knowledge shared is knowledge squared. A great way to learn by reading and asking various enlightened aspects of Tsongkapa. I am still learning even I have revisit this blog on and off. Still trying to remember names of great lamas.
    Thank you Rinpoche for this post.

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Concept: Tsem Rinpoche
Technical: Lew Kwan Leng, Justin Ripley, Yong Swee Keong
Design: Justin Ripley, Cynthia Lee
Content: Tsem Rinpoche, Justin Ripley, Pastor Shin Tan, Sarah Yap
Admin: Pastor Loh Seng Piow, Beng Kooi

I must thank my dharma blog team who are great assets to me, Kechara and growth of dharma in this wonderful region. I am honoured and thrilled to work with them. I really am. Maybe I don't say it enough to them, but I am saying it now. I APPRECIATE THESE GUYS VERY MUCH!

Tsem Rinpoche

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The Unknown

The Known and unknown are both feared,
Known is being comfortable and stagnant,
The unknown may be growth and opportunities,
One shall never know if one fears the unknown more than the known.
Who says the unknown would be worse than the known?
But then again, the unknown is sometimes worse than the known. In the end nothing is known unless we endeavour,
So go pursue all the way with the unknown,
because all unknown with familiarity becomes the known.
~Tsem Rinpoche

Photos On The Go

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According to legend, Shambhala is a place where wisdom and love reign, and there is no crime. Doesn\'t this sound like the kind of place all of us would love to live in?
5 years ago
According to legend, Shambhala is a place where wisdom and love reign, and there is no crime. Doesn't this sound like the kind of place all of us would love to live in?
108 candles and sang (incense) offered at our Wish-Fulfilling Grotto, invoking Dorje Shugden\'s blessings for friends, sponsors and supporters, wonderful!
5 years ago
108 candles and sang (incense) offered at our Wish-Fulfilling Grotto, invoking Dorje Shugden's blessings for friends, sponsors and supporters, wonderful!
Dharmapalas are not exclusive to Tibetan culture and their practice is widespread throughout the Buddhist world -
5 years ago
Dharmapalas are not exclusive to Tibetan culture and their practice is widespread throughout the Buddhist world -
One of our adorable Kechara Forest Retreat\'s doggies, Tara, happy and safe, and enjoying herself in front of Wisdom Hall which has been decorated for Chinese New Year
5 years ago
One of our adorable Kechara Forest Retreat's doggies, Tara, happy and safe, and enjoying herself in front of Wisdom Hall which has been decorated for Chinese New Year
Fragrant organic Thai basil harvested from our very own Kechara Forest Retreat farm!
5 years ago
Fragrant organic Thai basil harvested from our very own Kechara Forest Retreat farm!
On behalf of our Puja House team, Pastor Tat Ming receives food and drinks from Rinpoche. Rinpoche wanted to make sure the hardworking Puja House team are always taken care of.
5 years ago
On behalf of our Puja House team, Pastor Tat Ming receives food and drinks from Rinpoche. Rinpoche wanted to make sure the hardworking Puja House team are always taken care of.
By the time I heard about Luang Phor Thong, he was already very old, in his late 80s. When I heard about him, I immediately wanted to go and pay my respects to him. -
5 years ago
By the time I heard about Luang Phor Thong, he was already very old, in his late 80s. When I heard about him, I immediately wanted to go and pay my respects to him. -
It\'s very nice to see volunteers helping maintain holy sites in Kechara Forest Retreat, it\'s very good for them. Cleaning Buddha statues is a very powerful and effective way of purifying body karma.
5 years ago
It's very nice to see volunteers helping maintain holy sites in Kechara Forest Retreat, it's very good for them. Cleaning Buddha statues is a very powerful and effective way of purifying body karma.
Kechara Forest Retreat is preparing for the upcoming Chinese New Year celebrations. This is our holy Vajra Yogini stupa which is now surrounded by beautiful lanterns organised by our students.
5 years ago
Kechara Forest Retreat is preparing for the upcoming Chinese New Year celebrations. This is our holy Vajra Yogini stupa which is now surrounded by beautiful lanterns organised by our students.
One of the most recent harvests from our Kechara Forest Retreat land. It was grown free of chemicals and pesticides, wonderful!
5 years ago
One of the most recent harvests from our Kechara Forest Retreat land. It was grown free of chemicals and pesticides, wonderful!
Third picture-Standing Manjushri Statue at Chowar, Kirtipur, Nepal.
Height: 33ft (10m)
6 years ago
Third picture-Standing Manjushri Statue at Chowar, Kirtipur, Nepal. Height: 33ft (10m)
Second picture-Standing Manjushri Statue at Chowar, Kirtipur, Nepal.
Height: 33ft (10m)
6 years ago
Second picture-Standing Manjushri Statue at Chowar, Kirtipur, Nepal. Height: 33ft (10m)
First picture-Standing Manjushri Statue at Chowar, Kirtipur, Nepal.
Height: 33ft (10m)
6 years ago
First picture-Standing Manjushri Statue at Chowar, Kirtipur, Nepal. Height: 33ft (10m)
The first title published by Kechara Comics is Karuna Finds A Way. It tells the tale of high-school sweethearts Karuna and Adam who had what some would call the dream life. Everything was going great for them until one day when reality came knocking on their door. Caught in a surprise swindle, this loving family who never harmed anyone found themselves out of luck and down on their fortune. Determined to save her family, Karuna goes all out to find a solution. See what she does-
6 years ago
The first title published by Kechara Comics is Karuna Finds A Way. It tells the tale of high-school sweethearts Karuna and Adam who had what some would call the dream life. Everything was going great for them until one day when reality came knocking on their door. Caught in a surprise swindle, this loving family who never harmed anyone found themselves out of luck and down on their fortune. Determined to save her family, Karuna goes all out to find a solution. See what she does-
Very powerful story! Tibetan Resistance group Chushi Gangdruk reveals how Dalai Lama escaped in 1959-
6 years ago
Very powerful story! Tibetan Resistance group Chushi Gangdruk reveals how Dalai Lama escaped in 1959-
At Kechara Forest Retreat land we have nice fresh spinach growing free of chemicals and pesticides. Yes!
6 years ago
At Kechara Forest Retreat land we have nice fresh spinach growing free of chemicals and pesticides. Yes!
See beautiful pictures of Manjushri Guest House here-
6 years ago
See beautiful pictures of Manjushri Guest House here-
Beginner’s Introduction to Dorje Shugden~Very good overview
6 years ago
Beginner’s Introduction to Dorje Shugden~Very good overview
Fresh eggplants grown on Kechara Forest Retreat\'s land here in Malaysia
6 years ago
Fresh eggplants grown on Kechara Forest Retreat's land here in Malaysia
Most Venerable Uppalavanna – The Chief Female Disciple of Buddha Shakyamuni - She exhibited many supernatural abilities gained from meditation and proved to the world females and males are equal in spirituality-
6 years ago
Most Venerable Uppalavanna – The Chief Female Disciple of Buddha Shakyamuni - She exhibited many supernatural abilities gained from meditation and proved to the world females and males are equal in spirituality-
Thailand’s ‘Renegade’ Yet Powerful Buddhist Nuns~
6 years ago
Thailand’s ‘Renegade’ Yet Powerful Buddhist Nuns~
Mahapajapati Gotami – the first Buddhist nun ordained by Lord Buddha-
6 years ago
Mahapajapati Gotami – the first Buddhist nun ordained by Lord Buddha-
The Largest Buddha Shakyamuni in Russia | 俄罗斯最大的释迦牟尼佛画像-
6 years ago
The Largest Buddha Shakyamuni in Russia | 俄罗斯最大的释迦牟尼佛画像-
Sacred Vajra Yogini
6 years ago
Sacred Vajra Yogini
Dorje Shugden works & archives - a labour of commitment -
6 years ago
Dorje Shugden works & archives - a labour of commitment -
Mahapajapati Gotami, who was the first nun ordained by Lord Buddha.
6 years ago
Mahapajapati Gotami, who was the first nun ordained by Lord Buddha.
Mahapajapati Gotami, who was the first nun ordained by Lord Buddha. She was his step-mother and aunt. Buddha\'s mother had passed away at his birth so he was raised by Gotami.
6 years ago
Mahapajapati Gotami, who was the first nun ordained by Lord Buddha. She was his step-mother and aunt. Buddha's mother had passed away at his birth so he was raised by Gotami.
Another nun disciple of Lord Buddha\'s. She had achieved great spiritual abilities and high attainments. She would be a proper object of refuge. This image of the eminent bhikkhuni (nun) disciple of the Buddha, Uppalavanna Theri.
6 years ago
Another nun disciple of Lord Buddha's. She had achieved great spiritual abilities and high attainments. She would be a proper object of refuge. This image of the eminent bhikkhuni (nun) disciple of the Buddha, Uppalavanna Theri.
Wandering Ascetic Painting by Nirdesha Munasinghe
6 years ago
Wandering Ascetic Painting by Nirdesha Munasinghe
High Sri Lankan monks visit Kechara to bless our land, temple, Buddha and Dorje Shugden images. They were very kind-see pictures-
6 years ago
High Sri Lankan monks visit Kechara to bless our land, temple, Buddha and Dorje Shugden images. They were very kind-see pictures-
This is pretty amazing!

First Sri Lankan Buddhist temple opened in Dubai!!!
6 years ago
This is pretty amazing! First Sri Lankan Buddhist temple opened in Dubai!!!
My Dharma boy (left) and Oser girl loves to laze around on the veranda in the mornings. They enjoy all the trees, grass and relaxing under the hot sun. Sunbathing is a favorite daily activity. I care about these two doggies of mine very much and I enjoy seeing them happy. They are with me always. Tsem Rinpoche

Always be kind to animals and eat vegetarian-
6 years ago
My Dharma boy (left) and Oser girl loves to laze around on the veranda in the mornings. They enjoy all the trees, grass and relaxing under the hot sun. Sunbathing is a favorite daily activity. I care about these two doggies of mine very much and I enjoy seeing them happy. They are with me always. Tsem Rinpoche Always be kind to animals and eat vegetarian-
After you left me Mumu, I was alone. I have no family or kin. You were my family. I can\'t stop thinking of you and I can\'t forget you. My bond and connection with you is so strong. I wish you were by my side. Tsem Rinpoche
6 years ago
After you left me Mumu, I was alone. I have no family or kin. You were my family. I can't stop thinking of you and I can't forget you. My bond and connection with you is so strong. I wish you were by my side. Tsem Rinpoche
This story is a life-changer. Learn about the incredible Forest Man of India | 印度“森林之子”-
6 years ago
This story is a life-changer. Learn about the incredible Forest Man of India | 印度“森林之子”-
Part 2-Beautiful billboard in Malaysia of a powerful Tibetan hero whose life serves as a great inspiration-
6 years ago
Part 2-Beautiful billboard in Malaysia of a powerful Tibetan hero whose life serves as a great inspiration-
Part 1-Beautiful billboard in Malaysia of a powerful Tibetan hero whose life serves as a great inspiration-
6 years ago
Part 1-Beautiful billboard in Malaysia of a powerful Tibetan hero whose life serves as a great inspiration-
The great Protector Manjushri Dorje Shugden depicted in the beautiful Mongolian style. To download a high resolution file:
6 years ago
The great Protector Manjushri Dorje Shugden depicted in the beautiful Mongolian style. To download a high resolution file:
The Mystical land of Shambhala is finally ready for everyone to feast their eyes and be blessed. A beautiful post with information, art work, history, spirituality and a beautiful book composed by His Holiness the 6th Panchen Rinpoche. ~
6 years ago
The Mystical land of Shambhala is finally ready for everyone to feast their eyes and be blessed. A beautiful post with information, art work, history, spirituality and a beautiful book composed by His Holiness the 6th Panchen Rinpoche. ~
Beautiful pictures of the huge Buddha in Longkou Nanshan-
6 years ago
Beautiful pictures of the huge Buddha in Longkou Nanshan-
The reason-Very interesting thought-
6 years ago
The reason-Very interesting thought-
NEW Bigfoot cafe in Malaysia! Food is delicious!-
6 years ago
NEW Bigfoot cafe in Malaysia! Food is delicious!-
DON\'T MISS THIS!~How brave Bonnie survived by living with a herd of deer~
6 years ago
DON'T MISS THIS!~How brave Bonnie survived by living with a herd of deer~
Global Superpower China Will Cut Meat Consumption by 50%! Very interesting, find out more-
6 years ago
Global Superpower China Will Cut Meat Consumption by 50%! Very interesting, find out more-
You can download this beautiful Egyptian style Dorje Shugden Free-
6 years ago
You can download this beautiful Egyptian style Dorje Shugden Free-
Beautiful high file for print of Lord Manjushri. May you be blessed-
6 years ago
Beautiful high file for print of Lord Manjushri. May you be blessed-
Mongolian (Oymiakon) Shaman in Siberia, Russia. That is his real outfit he wears. Very unique. TR
6 years ago
Mongolian (Oymiakon) Shaman in Siberia, Russia. That is his real outfit he wears. Very unique. TR
Find one of the most beautiful temples in the world in Nara, Japan. It is the 1,267 year old Todai-ji temple that houses a 15 meter Buddha Vairocana statue who is a cosmic and timeless Buddha. Emperor Shomu who sponsored this beautiful temple eventually abdicated and ordained as a Buddhist monk. Very interesting history and story. One of the places everyone should visit-
6 years ago
Find one of the most beautiful temples in the world in Nara, Japan. It is the 1,267 year old Todai-ji temple that houses a 15 meter Buddha Vairocana statue who is a cosmic and timeless Buddha. Emperor Shomu who sponsored this beautiful temple eventually abdicated and ordained as a Buddhist monk. Very interesting history and story. One of the places everyone should visit-
Manjusri Kumara (bodhisattva of wisdom), India, Pala dynesty, 9th century, stone, Honolulu Academy of Arts
6 years ago
Manjusri Kumara (bodhisattva of wisdom), India, Pala dynesty, 9th century, stone, Honolulu Academy of Arts
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Videos On The Go

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  • Pig puts his toys away
    5 years ago
    Pig puts his toys away
    Animals are so intelligent. They can feel happiness, joy, pain, sorrow, just like humans. Always show kindness to them. Always show kindness to everyone.
  • Always be kind to animals-They deserve to live just like us.
    6 years ago
    Always be kind to animals-They deserve to live just like us.
    Whales and dolphins playing with each other in the Pacific sea. Nature is truly incredible!
  • Bodha stupa July 2019-
    6 years ago
    Bodha stupa July 2019-
    Rainy period
  • Cute Tara girl having a snack. She is one of Kechara Forest Retreat’s resident doggies.
    6 years ago
    Cute Tara girl having a snack. She is one of Kechara Forest Retreat’s resident doggies.
  • Your Next Meal!
    6 years ago
    Your Next Meal!
    Yummy? Tasty? Behind the scenes of the meat on your plates. Meat is a killing industry.
  • This is Daw
    6 years ago
    This is Daw
    This is what they do to get meat on tables, and to produce belts and jackets. Think twice before your next purchase.
  • Don’t Take My Mummy Away!
    6 years ago
    Don’t Take My Mummy Away!
    Look at the poor baby chasing after the mother. Why do we do that to them? It's time to seriously think about our choices in life and how they affect others. Be kind. Don't break up families.
  • They do this every day!
    6 years ago
    They do this every day!
    This is how they are being treated every day of their lives. Please do something to stop the brutality. Listen to their cries for help!
  • What happened at Fair Oaks Farm?
    6 years ago
    What happened at Fair Oaks Farm?
    The largest undercover dairy investigation of all time. See what they found out at Fair Oaks Farm.
  • She’s going to spend her whole life here without being able to move correctly. Like a machine. They are the slaves of the people and are viewed as a product. It’s immoral. Billions of terrestrial animals die annually. Billions. You can’t even imagine it. And all that because people don’t want to give up meat, even though there are so many alternatives. ~ Gabriel Azimov
    6 years ago
    She’s going to spend her whole life here without being able to move correctly. Like a machine. They are the slaves of the people and are viewed as a product. It’s immoral. Billions of terrestrial animals die annually. Billions. You can’t even imagine it. And all that because people don’t want to give up meat, even though there are so many alternatives. ~ Gabriel Azimov
  • Our Malaysian Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir speaks so well, logically and regarding our country’s collaboration with China for growth. It is refreshing to listen to Dr. Mahathir’s thoughts. He said our country can look to China for many more things such as technology and so on. Tsem Rinpoche
    6 years ago
    Our Malaysian Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir speaks so well, logically and regarding our country’s collaboration with China for growth. It is refreshing to listen to Dr. Mahathir’s thoughts. He said our country can look to China for many more things such as technology and so on. Tsem Rinpoche
  • This is the first time His Holiness Dalai Lama mentions he had some very serious illness. Very worrying. This video is captured April 2019.
    6 years ago
    This is the first time His Holiness Dalai Lama mentions he had some very serious illness. Very worrying. This video is captured April 2019.
  • Beautiful Monastery in Hong Kong
    6 years ago
    Beautiful Monastery in Hong Kong
  • This dog thanks his hero in such a touching way. Tsem Rinpoche
    6 years ago
    This dog thanks his hero in such a touching way. Tsem Rinpoche
  • Join Tsem Rinpoche in prayer for H.H. Dalai Lama’s long life~
    6 years ago
    Join Tsem Rinpoche in prayer for H.H. Dalai Lama’s long life~
  • These people going on pilgrimage to a holy mountain and prostrating out of devotion and for pilgrimage in Tibet. Such determination for spiritual practice. Tsem Rinpoche
    6 years ago
    These people going on pilgrimage to a holy mountain and prostrating out of devotion and for pilgrimage in Tibet. Such determination for spiritual practice. Tsem Rinpoche
  • Beautiful new casing in Kechara for Vajra Yogini. Tsem Rinpoche
    6 years ago
    Beautiful new casing in Kechara for Vajra Yogini. Tsem Rinpoche
  • Get ready to laugh real hard. This is Kechara’s version of “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane!” We have some real talents in this video clip.
    6 years ago
    Get ready to laugh real hard. This is Kechara’s version of “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane!” We have some real talents in this video clip.
  • Recitation of Dorje Dermo‘s mantra or the Dharani of Glorious Vajra Claws. This powerful mantra is meant to destroy all obstacles that come in our way. Beneficial to play this mantra in our environments.
    6 years ago
    Recitation of Dorje Dermo‘s mantra or the Dharani of Glorious Vajra Claws. This powerful mantra is meant to destroy all obstacles that come in our way. Beneficial to play this mantra in our environments.
  • Beautiful
    6 years ago
    Beautiful sacred Severed Head Vajra Yogini from Tsem Rinpoche's personal shrine.
  • My little monster cute babies Dharma and Oser. Take a look and get a cute attack for the day! Tsem Rinpoche
    6 years ago
    My little monster cute babies Dharma and Oser. Take a look and get a cute attack for the day! Tsem Rinpoche
  • Plse watch this short video and see how all sentient beings are capable of tenderness and love. We should never hurt animals nor should we eat them. Tsem Rinpoche
    6 years ago
    Plse watch this short video and see how all sentient beings are capable of tenderness and love. We should never hurt animals nor should we eat them. Tsem Rinpoche
  • Cruelty of some people have no limits and it’s heartbreaking. Being kind cost nothing. Tsem Rinpoche
    6 years ago
    Cruelty of some people have no limits and it’s heartbreaking. Being kind cost nothing. Tsem Rinpoche
  • SUPER ADORABLE and must see
    6 years ago
    SUPER ADORABLE and must see
    Tsem Rinpoche's dog Oser girl enjoying her snack in her play pen.
  • Cute!
    6 years ago
    Oser girl loves the balcony so much. -
  • Uncle Wong
    6 years ago
    Uncle Wong
    We were told by Uncle Wong he is very faithful toward Dorje Shugden. Dorje Shugden has extended help to him on several occasions and now Uncle Wong comes daily to make incense offerings to Dorje Shugden. He is grateful towards the help he was given.
  • Tsem Rinpoche’s Schnauzer Dharma boy fights Robot sphere from Arkonide!
    6 years ago
    Tsem Rinpoche’s Schnauzer Dharma boy fights Robot sphere from Arkonide!
  • Cute baby owl found and rescued
    6 years ago
    Cute baby owl found and rescued
    We rescued a lost baby owl in Kechara Forest Retreat.
  • Nice cups from Kechara!!
    6 years ago
    Nice cups from Kechara!!
    Dorje Shugden people's lives matter!
  • Enjoy a peaceful morning at Kechara Forest Retreat
    6 years ago
    Enjoy a peaceful morning at Kechara Forest Retreat
    Chirping birds and other forest animals create a joyful melody at the Vajrayogini stupa in Kechara Forest Retreat (Bentong, Malaysia).
  • This topic is so hot in many circles right now.
    7 years ago
    This topic is so hot in many circles right now.
    This video is thought-provoking and very interesting. Watch! Thanks so much to our friends at LIVEKINDLY.
  • Chiropractic CHANGES LIFE for teenager with acute PAIN & DEAD LEG.
    7 years ago
    Chiropractic CHANGES LIFE for teenager with acute PAIN & DEAD LEG.
    7 years ago
  • Leonardo DiCaprio takes on the meat Industry with real action.
    7 years ago
    Leonardo DiCaprio takes on the meat Industry with real action.
  • Do psychic mediums have messages from beyond?
    7 years ago
    Do psychic mediums have messages from beyond?
  • Lovely gift for my 52nd Birthday. Tsem Rinpoche
    7 years ago
    Lovely gift for my 52nd Birthday. Tsem Rinpoche
  • This 59-year-old chimpanzee was refusing food and ready to die until...
    7 years ago
    This 59-year-old chimpanzee was refusing food and ready to die until...
    she received “one last visit from an old friend” 💔💔
  • Bigfoot sighted again and made it to the news.
    7 years ago
    Bigfoot sighted again and made it to the news.
  • Casper is such a cute and adorable. I like him.
    7 years ago
    Casper is such a cute and adorable. I like him.
  • Dorje Shugden Monastery Amarbayasgalant  Mongolia's Ancient Hidden Gem
    7 years ago
    Dorje Shugden Monastery Amarbayasgalant Mongolia's Ancient Hidden Gem
  • Don't you love Hamburgers? See how 'delicious' it is here!
    7 years ago
    Don't you love Hamburgers? See how 'delicious' it is here!
  • Such a beautiful and powerful message from a person who knows the meaning of life. Tsem Rinpoche
    7 years ago
    Such a beautiful and powerful message from a person who knows the meaning of life. Tsem Rinpoche
  • What the meat industry figured out is that you don't need healthy animals to make a profit.
    7 years ago
    What the meat industry figured out is that you don't need healthy animals to make a profit.
    Sick animals are more profitable... farms calculate how close to death they can keep animals without killing them. That's the business model. How quickly they can be made to grow, how tightly they can be packed, how much or how little can they eat, how sick they can get without dying... We live in a world in which it's conventional to treat an animal like a block of wood. ~ Jonathan Safran Foer
  • This video went viral and it's a must watch!!
    7 years ago
    This video went viral and it's a must watch!!
    7 years ago
    This happens daily in slaughterhouse so you can get your pork and Bak ku teh. Stop eating meat.


Ask the Pastors

A section for you to clarify your Dharma questions with Kechara’s esteemed pastors.

Just post your name and your question below and one of our pastors will provide you with an answer.

Scroll down and click on "View All Questions" to view archived questions.

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This evening Kechara Kuantan sending groceries to two underprivileged families.Help others without any reason and give without the expectation of receiving anything in return.. Sam foon heei Kechara Kuantan group
2 days ago
This evening Kechara Kuantan sending groceries to two underprivileged families.Help others without any reason and give without the expectation of receiving anything in return.. Sam foon heei Kechara Kuantan group
20th February Kechara Kuantan Had our weekly Swift Return Pujafor HE Tsem Rinpoche May HE Tsem Rinpoche swiftly return to KFR at BENTONG... Kechara Kuantan.. Sam foon heei
3 days ago
20th February Kechara Kuantan Had our weekly Swift Return Pujafor HE Tsem Rinpoche May HE Tsem Rinpoche swiftly return to KFR at BENTONG... Kechara Kuantan.. Sam foon heei
Throwback 9th February 2025 Group photos at Kechara Kuantan,with Pastor Seng Piow
5 days ago
Throwback 9th February 2025 Group photos at Kechara Kuantan,with Pastor Seng Piow
Releasing fishes back to the water by Kechara Kuantan group yesterday. Saving thousands of lives.
6 days ago
Releasing fishes back to the water by Kechara Kuantan group yesterday. Saving thousands of lives.
16 February This morning we saved thousands of lives from pet shop. Released and giving them a chance back to nature.
1 week ago
16 February This morning we saved thousands of lives from pet shop. Released and giving them a chance back to nature.
1 week ago
9th February 2025
2 weeks ago
9th February 2025
8th Feb 2025 Dorje Shugden puja at Penang Chapel. Every Saturday @3pm. Do join us if you're at Penang. We're located at 49, Jalan Seang Tek, Georgetown. Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta.
2 weeks ago
8th Feb 2025 Dorje Shugden puja at Penang Chapel. Every Saturday @3pm. Do join us if you're at Penang. We're located at 49, Jalan Seang Tek, Georgetown. Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta.
Completed our weekly DS Puja led by Pastor Seng Piow ( 1st Feb 2025). Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta.
2 weeks ago
Completed our weekly DS Puja led by Pastor Seng Piow ( 1st Feb 2025). Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta.
8th February 2025 doing Lama Chopa Guru Puja at Kuantan center with Pastor Seng Piow and Dharma brothers and sisters. .... Sam Foon Heei .. (Kuantan)
2 weeks ago
8th February 2025 doing Lama Chopa Guru Puja at Kuantan center with Pastor Seng Piow and Dharma brothers and sisters. .... Sam Foon Heei .. (Kuantan)
Xin Nian Kuai Le! Gong Xi Fa Cai! (29th Jan 2025) May the year of the snake brings us spiritual growth through having good health and increased wisdom. May Rinpoche return swiftly to guide all beings into Dharma path. Thanks to everyone for your participation. Without the support from each and everyone, there's no Kechara Penang Study Group. By Jacinta.
3 weeks ago
Xin Nian Kuai Le! Gong Xi Fa Cai! (29th Jan 2025) May the year of the snake brings us spiritual growth through having good health and increased wisdom. May Rinpoche return swiftly to guide all beings into Dharma path. Thanks to everyone for your participation. Without the support from each and everyone, there's no Kechara Penang Study Group. By Jacinta.
Gorgeous offerings of flowers, fruits snacks and drinks. This can only be achieved through the generosity and efforts all members and sponsors, especially to our dedicated Penang member Choong Soon Heng who organised this. May all beings have inner and outer peace. Uploaded by Jacinta 29th Jan 2025.
3 weeks ago
Gorgeous offerings of flowers, fruits snacks and drinks. This can only be achieved through the generosity and efforts all members and sponsors, especially to our dedicated Penang member Choong Soon Heng who organised this. May all beings have inner and outer peace. Uploaded by Jacinta 29th Jan 2025.
As H. E. The 25th Tsem Tulku Rinpoche has mentioned: The lunar New Year is an auspicious occasion when we renew ties and rekindle joy with our loved ones. Hence, happy to see many families gathered together to usher the Lunar New Year at Kechara Penang and also appreciation for the guests that came from afar for this joyous occasion. By Jacinta
3 weeks ago
As H. E. The 25th Tsem Tulku Rinpoche has mentioned: The lunar New Year is an auspicious occasion when we renew ties and rekindle joy with our loved ones. Hence, happy to see many families gathered together to usher the Lunar New Year at Kechara Penang and also appreciation for the guests that came from afar for this joyous occasion. By Jacinta
People believe fireworks bring good luck and happiness. In welcoming lunar new year 2025, a burst of celebration with fireworks were set off at Kechara Penang Chapel too (sponsored by Mr. Ooi & family) . Kechara Penang members gathered around to enjoy this moment. Uploaded by Jacinta. 29th Jan 2025
3 weeks ago
People believe fireworks bring good luck and happiness. In welcoming lunar new year 2025, a burst of celebration with fireworks were set off at Kechara Penang Chapel too (sponsored by Mr. Ooi & family) . Kechara Penang members gathered around to enjoy this moment. Uploaded by Jacinta. 29th Jan 2025
Before puja, Pastor shared about consciousness beyond death, bardo and the stages of death. Hue and Betty (her brother) shared about the out of body experiences. These type of shared experiences offerred us opportunity to explore things from different perspectives. Thank you so much. Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta.
3 weeks ago
Before puja, Pastor shared about consciousness beyond death, bardo and the stages of death. Hue and Betty (her brother) shared about the out of body experiences. These type of shared experiences offerred us opportunity to explore things from different perspectives. Thank you so much. Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta.
Candles and flower were offered up during our puja. Thanks for taking up Penang Puja package this week. May sponsors' dedication be fulfilled and obstacles be cleared. Uploaded by Jacinta.
3 weeks ago
Candles and flower were offered up during our puja. Thanks for taking up Penang Puja package this week. May sponsors' dedication be fulfilled and obstacles be cleared. Uploaded by Jacinta.
Saturday 25th Jan 2025, Kechara Penang Study Group completed DS puja cum recitation of Namasangiti led by Pastor Seng Piow. Uploaded by Jacinta
3 weeks ago
Saturday 25th Jan 2025, Kechara Penang Study Group completed DS puja cum recitation of Namasangiti led by Pastor Seng Piow. Uploaded by Jacinta
18th Jan 2025, DS puja at Kechara Penang led by William. Uploaded by Kechara Penang Study Group member Jacinta.
3 weeks ago
18th Jan 2025, DS puja at Kechara Penang led by William. Uploaded by Kechara Penang Study Group member Jacinta.
Throwback 31 December 2024 Kuantan group had our monthly animals liberation done, saved thousands of lives from pet-shop. ..Sam Foon Heei
1 month ago
Throwback 31 December 2024 Kuantan group had our monthly animals liberation done, saved thousands of lives from pet-shop. ..Sam Foon Heei
Animals Liberation @ Kechara Ipoh Study Group - Guan Sun
1 month ago
Animals Liberation @ Kechara Ipoh Study Group - Guan Sun
Animal liberation took place at Gyenze Chapel, Kechara Forest Retreat. One of the birds flew out, and it seemed as if the bird was telling us, “I am free now.” ~ Alice
1 month ago
Animal liberation took place at Gyenze Chapel, Kechara Forest Retreat. One of the birds flew out, and it seemed as if the bird was telling us, “I am free now.” ~ Alice
Through the blessings from our Guru, His Eminence Kyabje Tsem Rinpoche, Kechara Ipoh Study Group members have gathered on Sunday morning and carried out Animals Liberation activity with Medicine Buddha mantra recitations. So Kin Hoe (KISG)
1 month ago
Through the blessings from our Guru, His Eminence Kyabje Tsem Rinpoche, Kechara Ipoh Study Group members have gathered on Sunday morning and carried out Animals Liberation activity with Medicine Buddha mantra recitations. So Kin Hoe (KISG)
11th Jan 2025 Kechara Penang Study Group weekly DS puja led by Pastor Seng Piow. Uploaded by Jacinta.
1 month ago
11th Jan 2025 Kechara Penang Study Group weekly DS puja led by Pastor Seng Piow. Uploaded by Jacinta.
Puja attendees @ DS puja on 4th Jan 2025. First puja of the year. Happy New Year! Do come and join us every Saturday, 3pm at 49, Jalan Seang Tek, Georgetown. Aspire to benefit before we expire! Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta
1 month ago
Puja attendees @ DS puja on 4th Jan 2025. First puja of the year. Happy New Year! Do come and join us every Saturday, 3pm at 49, Jalan Seang Tek, Georgetown. Aspire to benefit before we expire! Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta
The men are in action! Spring cleaning at Kechara Penang DS Chapel before DS puja. Tang offered muar Chee and meals to some of the members. Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta. 4th Jan 2025
1 month ago
The men are in action! Spring cleaning at Kechara Penang DS Chapel before DS puja. Tang offered muar Chee and meals to some of the members. Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta. 4th Jan 2025
4th Jan 2025 Spring cleaning at Kechara Penang DS Chapel @ 49, Jalan Seang Tek, Georgetown. Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta
1 month ago
4th Jan 2025 Spring cleaning at Kechara Penang DS Chapel @ 49, Jalan Seang Tek, Georgetown. Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta
4th Jan 2024, started off the year of 2025 with spring cleaning before Dorje Shugden puja. Kechara Penang Study Group uploaded by Jacinta.
1 month ago
4th Jan 2024, started off the year of 2025 with spring cleaning before Dorje Shugden puja. Kechara Penang Study Group uploaded by Jacinta.
The strong and powerful women that dedicated part of their lives in spiritual practice through attending weekly puja. 28th Dec 2024 Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta
1 month ago
The strong and powerful women that dedicated part of their lives in spiritual practice through attending weekly puja. 28th Dec 2024 Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta
Kechara Penang Study Group's biggest support and backbone have been them ~ highly motivated, devotional and selfless men. Thanks and grateful having you guys. Kechara Penang Study Group last puja of the year 2024 (28th Dec) , by Jacinta.
1 month ago
Kechara Penang Study Group's biggest support and backbone have been them ~ highly motivated, devotional and selfless men. Thanks and grateful having you guys. Kechara Penang Study Group last puja of the year 2024 (28th Dec) , by Jacinta.
Last puja of the year on 28th Dec 2024. Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta
1 month ago
Last puja of the year on 28th Dec 2024. Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta
Offerings offered during DS puja @Kechara Penang DS chapel. Uploaded by Jacinta.
2 months ago
Offerings offered during DS puja @Kechara Penang DS chapel. Uploaded by Jacinta.
#Throwback 30/11/2024 Kechara Penang Dorje Shugden puja cum Swift Return through recitation of Namasangiti. Uploaded by Jacinta
2 months ago
#Throwback 30/11/2024 Kechara Penang Dorje Shugden puja cum Swift Return through recitation of Namasangiti. Uploaded by Jacinta
#Throwback 23/11/2024 DS puja completed. Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta.
2 months ago
#Throwback 23/11/2024 DS puja completed. Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta.
#Throwback 9/11/2024 Kechara Penang Study Group completed DS puja, led by William. Uploaded by Jacinta.
2 months ago
#Throwback 9/11/2024 Kechara Penang Study Group completed DS puja, led by William. Uploaded by Jacinta.
#Throwback 2/11/2024 Kechara Penang DS puja, every Saturday @3pm. Uploaded by Jacinta.
2 months ago
#Throwback 2/11/2024 Kechara Penang DS puja, every Saturday @3pm. Uploaded by Jacinta.
Through the blessings from our Guru, His Eminence Kyabje Tsem Rinpoche, Kechara Ipoh Study Group has carried out our first puja in 2025. So Kin Hoe (KISG)
2 months ago
Through the blessings from our Guru, His Eminence Kyabje Tsem Rinpoche, Kechara Ipoh Study Group has carried out our first puja in 2025. So Kin Hoe (KISG)
#Throwback DS puja cum recitation of Namasangiti at Kechara Penang on 26th October 2024.
2 months ago
#Throwback DS puja cum recitation of Namasangiti at Kechara Penang on 26th October 2024.
19th October 2024. Puja as usual at Kechara Penang Dorje Shugden chapel. Every Saturday @3pm. Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta
2 months ago
19th October 2024. Puja as usual at Kechara Penang Dorje Shugden chapel. Every Saturday @3pm. Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta
12th October 2024, our weekly Saturday puja attendees. #Throwback Kechara Penang Study by Jacinta
2 months ago
12th October 2024, our weekly Saturday puja attendees. #Throwback Kechara Penang Study by Jacinta
#Throwback Kechara Penang Activities for the month of October 2024. Dorje Shugden puja was done on 5th October 2024.
2 months ago
#Throwback Kechara Penang Activities for the month of October 2024. Dorje Shugden puja was done on 5th October 2024.
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Dorje Shugden
Click to watch my talk about Dorje Shugden....