Generosity = Giving = Gifts
It is quite wondrous that the above three words all begin with the letter “G”. Verifying the definition and meaning of these three words will also lead us to conclude that they are closely linked.
I define these words as closely as I can with the meaning from the Oxford Dictionary.
GENEROSITY: The act of giving with plentiful abundance.
GIVING: Handing over, causing someone to receive, making available.
GIFTS: Something given or received without payment.
Then comes the deeper meaning, which is the result of the intention of GENEROSITY and GIVING, the GIFTS received without payment. Would it be the intention and motivation behind Generosity that makes the whole process of Giving either a conditional or unconditional gesture?
Conditional Generosity of Giving:
- Would be an act of giving with the agenda of garnering acknowledgement or fame by the giver.
- For the purpose of gaining something in return.
Unconditional Generosity of Giving:
- Would be an act of giving without any expectation of something in return.
- To be given even to someone who is not known to you or never will be known to you.
Gifts given should also be under consideration as either one of the above categories of Generosity.
In addition:
- The gift is best when it is needed and useful to the recipient. In this instance, the focus is on the recipient and the intention is noble.
- The gift is given because it is of no more use to the Giver. In this instance, it will be a gift of no value to the Giver.
It is commonly perceived in our minds that generosity is experienced when the gifts are tangible, visible and touchable.
But there are many people who are very generous with giving care, love and kindness in many ways and forms. These gifts are most cherished and remembered by their recipients. Gifts of such nature give empowerment and enhancement to the well being of the recipients. In essence, such gifts cannot be repaid except with appreciation and gratitude. Having gratitude makes one a better and less self-centered person.

Exemplary generosity and giving nature to emulate
From my personal experience of generosity and gifts given, the most impactful experiences were when I witnessed my Guru, H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche’s generosity in giving.
I remember whenever Rinpoche leaves his ladrang, he would pack water and dog food into his car. Wherever he saw stray dogs, he would stop the car and take food and water out to feed these poor animals as they were scavenging amidst rubbish dumps for food. This is something Rinpoche would do all the time.

Rinpoche buying up all the lottery tickets so the vendors get to go home happy.
Another instance was when we were in Bangkok, Rinpoche would stop by all the lottery ticket stalls and buy up all the tickets available. Rinpoche was never about winning the lottery but only to elevate the poor vendor of her/his wares so they could go home happy for the night.
One day, when there was a huge land slide on the highway to Bentong, and crews of workmen were busy removing the mud off the highway and working hard in the storm, Rinpoche went to the supermarket and bought food, drinks and snacks and personally went to distribute these items of comfort to the hardworking men. It was wondrous to see the happy faces. They were happy to have felt so much comfort and appreciation from someone whom they have never met in their lives, and whom they would never meet again.

Rinpoche distributing snacks and warm coffee to the workers who were working hard through the night
These are but a few instances of generosity which were extremely impactful to me – generosity in giving more than the material nature of the gift but also the appreciation of their circumstances.
In my personal point of view, it is the Dharma which Rinpoche gives to his students and to all who visit his blog that is the true nature of his generosity. The greatest gift of life is the gift of the Dharma.
Kechara is Rinpoche’s flagship of a place where generosity and giving is limitless and obtainable as long as you seek to be comforted by such generosity.
In conclusion, may all recipients of gifts given out of pure generosity be forever grateful and appreciative and may Generosity be forever available to have a better and equalised world.
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Being generous also makes us feel better about ourselves. Generosity is both a natural confidence builder and a natural repellent of self-hatred. By focusing on what we are giving rather than on what we are receiving. Acts of generosity, such as giving our time, talent or resources, and expecting nothing in return, have been proven to be good for our health. Generous individuals are personally more fulfilled, happier and more peaceful within themselves. Enrich our life and that of others by practicing generosity. That’s what I consider true generosity without anything in return.
Thank you Rinpoche and Datuk May for this sharing.
Generosity is something simple that everyone can do but yet not everyone do it.By giving foods and spend time to help others we are not only making other’s life better but it will beneficial to us.
Generosity is something that we need to practice in our life. Thank you very much for sharing this meaningful article.
Thank you Datuk May for this wonderful write up and clear explaination on Generosity=Giiving=Gifts.
Coming from a family member of givers from my dearly beloved grandparents ,I have experienced great joy and true happiness of giving as it brings joy and happiness to the receiver who needs it. It truly warms and melts our heart to see the happiness on their face.
By the way, what a coincidence that it’s all starts with “G”. 🙂
Thank you again Rinpoche and Datuk May for sharing this meaningful article. _/\_
Thank you Datuk May for sharing these 3Gs, Generosity = Giving = Gifts, which gave us have better understanding from the dharma point of view on it. I am agreeable with Datuk May that whatever have done and showed by our precious guru, H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche, were gave so much impact that are beneficial to us and there are always have something for us to learn from Rinpoche.
For most of the time, we can see Rinpoche practice generosity and always give gifts to the students, help the monastery and the poor and even the animals in the street. However, Rinpoche is most concerned to give dharma to everyone, the highest form of generosity. Only with dharma knowledge and practice dharma, we will have less suffering and achieve the ultimate path of enlightenment. These are the qualities of an enlightened guru can do for his students.
Thank you, Datuk May, for the sharing of the meaning of generosity. To me, the higher form of generosity is Unconditional Generosity of Giving, which is an act of giving without any expectation of something in return or giving to someone who is not known to you or never will be known to you. This, we see very clearly from the actions of His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche, who is known for his unconditional generosity. Rinpoche especially take care of the people who has lesser ability to take care of himself. He often time remind us to make sure the Nepalese boys and Guards who work for us get good food and the necessity. Rinpoche will also spontaneously apply his brand of generosity to the small vendors on the streets. In a world where everyone cares mostly for themselves, Rinpoche’s action is a sparkling gem among the coals.
Generosity is the first of the six perfections, and it is very important quality to develop. It has been said that a person that is materially and spiritually poor will not be able to fulfill his and others purposes. So someone who is generous can fulfill his and others purposes. Also if one is generous one can create much merit to helps them develop in their spirituality.
A generous spirit can attract many other people to assist us in spiritual endeavours. To bring dharma to others, sometimes many need to work together to make it fulfill quicker.
Thank you Datuk May for your sharing on “Giving” and “Generosity”.
Tsem Rinpoche has perfected spontaneous, abundant and endless giving, whether it b giving food to stray animals wherever he meets them, or giving gifts of food ,clothing and other much needed items for relief workers involved in natural disasters, and of course the best gift of all is the gift of Dharma.This is seen in the continuous flow of dharma from Rinpoche, through the blog.
Motivation is at the heart of giving. It determines whether our giving is sincere and without conditions.We should give without wanting to be noticed or to be praised or to receive a compliment,or get a good name or for other worldly reasons. The Perfection of Giving is characterised by compassion and selflessness.
In giving , we should think of the real needs of the receiver,not just give for the sake of giving.
Some people give with the intention of gaining something in return. But there are people, their well of generosity runs deep. Rinpoche is a great example in showing whole-hearted and unconditional generosity. The act of giving might be small in the eyes of giver, but it means a lot to the recipients. Good deeds during tough times especially not only be remembered but will transform people’s lives too. If we all could pay more attention to our surrounding, observe who are in need of help and give unconditionally, just like what Rinpoche offer food to stray animals and offer help to strangers, this world will full of appreciation, love and less hatred.
Thank you Datuk May for sharing this article. I do know some people who will only give when they have extra or only if they do not need the items. There are some who would keep giving even if they do not have much because they understand that his gift (whether it is time, resource, material, knowledge and etc) is for the benefit of others.
I think it all comes from each individual generousity, compassion and kindness. I believe all these good values can be practised and we can be better each day. We should not give up but be aware of our weakness and keep transforming to be better.
In this current era, where desires, greediness, jealousy and selfishness, have filled up the whole world and become the rules of surviving. Incredibly, there are a small amount of beings who have not been infected by the deadly poisons, who are still remain pure and kind like the a blooming lotus from the mud.
These lotus are showing compassion, kindness and generosity to all who they are meeting, without any expectations to receive returns in the future. They have only 2 motivations, to benefit another being and to hope that this being could follow the footsteps of giving and show kindness to others when they are in need.
Nothing is impossible, it’s just difficult.
Most of us have been brought up in a poisonous environment since small, some of the poisons such as selfishness and greedinees have became deep rooted. However, if by any chances, we are fortunate to see someone uninfected by the poisons and doing good for the world, we should observe and contemplate deeply, but not generate jealousy and anger when we see their results of giving have found real happiness and successes.
I wish all of us could see the truths behind this big drama going on 24/7 in our lives and start transforming before our parts are ended.
Thank you Datuk May for sharing the definition of generosity, giving and gifts. Normally there are people who will only give gifts generously when they are having good mood or strike with fortune. However, in order to give generously and consistently without any expectation in return at all times, it requires us a lot of pure motivation, effort, personal time and our self-consciousness about the essence of emptiness where everything in this world do not belong to us at the time of our death. Rinpoche has shown us many examples of how to benefit many people irregardless of how hard to get those things done. I sincerely want to thank Rinpoche as I am one of the fortunate ones to receive Dharma teachings and gifts from Rinpoche in order to bless me in my spiritual journey. May more and more people get rid of stinginess and selfishness by learning and practising the Dharma.
Thank you with folded hands,
kin hoe
It is said that, “A loving heart brings blessings. The more love there is, the more strength there will be.” Yes, naturally all of us have love in our hearts, and can claim to be generous, but we must broaden that love! As we are able to give more love to others, more blessings will come to us, especially when we can give more without any expectation in return and we feel happy! To perform a good deed with sincere gladness unconditionally, is to create blessings in a Dharmic way, as taught and shown to us by Rinpoche on endless of occassions, and through the Buddha-Dharma, which of course is “The greatest gift” of all given to us by our Guru! If only we can perfect the practice of the Buddha-Dharma, which is said to be not simply a religious belief, but the ideal balance of Philosophy, science, and literature, can we then hope to achieve “Buddhahood”. Only then can we maximize our life’s value and walk in the right direction as expected! Thank you so much Datuk May for the sharing.
Thank you Datuk May for sharing this article about the meaning of generosity, giving and gifts. These 3 words are indeed closely linked to one another and depends on the giver whether it is with or without conditions. It will be more meritorious if giving gifts without any conditions. I personally have experience the givers of gifts who are without condition for example our Guru, H.E. Tsem Rinpoche and the sponsors who sponsored my pilgrimage trip to Nepal. They are truly such kind people.
With folded palms,
Generosity is something simple that everyone can do but yet not everyone will do it. Some people are generous but bias on their generosity. They may only be generous with their family, friends and people they know.
When we are generous to others by giving food, spend some time to help others & etc, we are not only making other’s life better, with a strong and good motivation for our generous act, it will benefit ourself karmically too.
Agreed that Dharma is the greatest gift of life. Rinpoche is very generous to create a online platform for us to learn dharma. A lot of efforts, time and resources have been put in to make it such a comprehensive virtual learning space. We can learn from any where and any time. Thank you Rinpoche.
Thank you Datuk May for sharing with us on generosity. Is something that we need to practice in our life. A generous world will be a wonderful place to live.
Thank You Datuk May for the great sharing. What a coincidence that Generosity= Giving = Gift started with letter “G”. In fact, I feel that “Generosity” itself is big topic and it is important. I feel that the best way of Giving is without element of “Me”, “Gift” and “Receiver” in mind. Dharma is mind training for us to be better person. I am working hard toward this “generous” mindset without these worldly element and without expecting any return (do not feel hurt even our generosity is not appreciated).
I stuck a note with a list of elements of the Six Paramita on the wall near to my studying table to remind me all the time. The first element of Six Paramita is Generosity. Hence, it indicates to me that this could be basic or fundamental of the Six Paramita and I perceives it is important to collect merits in Dharma path so that we are able to receive the precious teaching all the time and be close to precious Guru.
Rinpoche walks the talk; He always show compassion and generosity to all beings to relief their suffering. The greatest gift is to spread Dharma to ease the suffering of all beings ultimately. Rinpoche and the writer team spend thousands of hours and a lot of sleepless night to compile the Dharma teaching in blog to benefit us. We should take sometimes out of our daily life to read the Dharma articles on blog, the articles are tailored to benefit us.
It is well said that “ Kechara is Rinpoche’s flagship of a place where generosity and giving is limitless and obtainable as long as you seek to be comforted by such generosity..” Please seize this golden opportunity to learn the precious Dharma teaching from precious Guru, H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche.
In most instances, there is usually the element of “Me” in common acts of giving. It is not common that people give without expecting anything in return. When talking about small sums, or rather, spare cash or no longer needed items, since big/small is relative, it is easy to give without expectations. But if it is a “larger” sum, then it is harder to do it without feeling the pinch and without expecting the act to bring some kind of mileage or return. It is ultimately the intention that determines how beneficial or meritorious the particular act of giving is.
When one has reached the stage where the “Me” element is no longer in focus and it is spontaneous, then one would have perfected the paramita of giving. But in order to reach that, we would have to start somewhere.
Beutifully linking to one another Generosity =Giving = Gifts with all G’s starting .Rinpoche always have a willing hand to help someone,any time ,any way regardless of race and religion whom all of us admired and be inspired.Rinpoche’s work of generosity and giving back to society showed us an example…to be generous, giving without agenda and give whatever it takes to do good and benefits to others.
Rinpoche greatest gift is sharing Dharma with all everyone world wide through his teachings on blogs.Its from the blog that i came to know Kechara.Help others without any reason and give without the expectation of receiving anything in return…..i will always remember Rinpoche ‘s teaching.
The heart of the giver makes the gift dear and precious once said by Martin Luther.
Thank you Rinpoche and Datuk May for sharing.
Dear Rinpoche and Datuk May,
Yes, when you touched someone’s life, it will reciprocate and benefit many. I agree that the greatest gift of all is the gift of Dharma. You will learn not only to save yourself and reach Enlightenment but also liberate others from samsara. With both hands folded,I thank Rinpoche for giving us so many methods to start our journey in finding ourselves. Despite material gifts, the best that Rinpoche has given me were teachings. Hundreds and hundreds hours of teachings being shared here in this blog and in Youtube. All are free. When we made mistakes, we were given prompt advice.
By the way, what a coincidence that it’s all starts with “G”.
Thank you Datuk May sharing what Rinpoche has done.Indeed, Kechara is Rinpoche’s flagship of a place where generosity and giving is limitless and obtainable as long as you seek to be comforted by such generosity..