KB’s Wedding
Dear Rinpoche,
Sorry for sending my wedding pictures late to Rinpoche. With Rinpoche’s blessing, the wedding went very smooth and very fast.
My wedding will not stop me from doing dharma work.I will continue to serve Rinpoche and Kechara till i die.
I would like to thank the ladrang people for giving me their support and care all the time.
Thank you Rinpoche, please take care and I will see Rinpoche very soon.
Pusshpa pouring water around me, the Pandit will do a prayer
My turn to pour water around her.
Doing Puja in the Temple
Swearing to each other
Adding Sindu on her head, meaning she is my wife.
After Adding the Sindu
Pandit giving Blessing
Photo with the Pandit
My Cousin taking group photo with us.
I received these email pictures of my assistant Kb who just got married last week. Kb has been with me for over 5 years. He is honourable, hardworking, very honest, very gentle, extremely polite and never is after anything. No ulterior motives whatsoever. He is such a pleasure to work with and I think of him as a younger brother rather than an assistant. I treasure Kb very much and now I will treasure his wife also. Welcome to the Kechara family Pusshpa!!!
I am so happy to see these pictures. If Kb is ok and happy then I am ok.
Tsem Rinpoche
Offering by KB and Pusshpa
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Didn’t know KB is a married man. ? and also in Dharma. This shows the preciousness of Dharma that he must have realised within him. Congrats and rejoice
KB is one of those people who works behind the scenes and does not need any recognition.
I work in the residence of Tsem Rinpoche so I see KB almost every day. KB is an attendant to Rinpoche. He works very hard daily with no complains at all. And even though he has a wife who lives in Nepal, he is still very dedicated and devoted to Rinpoche and the Dharma.
Thank you KB for being an inspiration to me! Also the other Nepali boys Rajendra and Ram who works tirelessly to keep the Haven neat and nice!
OMG KB! I just stumbled upon this post. Many hidden treasures amongst Rinpoche’s blog.
KB is a real gem in the Ladrang family. He is always willing to help in whatever way possible, and is such a pleasure to work with. When sick, he will call to ask what is wrong, when anyone needs anything, he will be there to give. Lovely man. Also, he takes really good care of the mumus here in the Ladrang, and the care transpires to the birds in the aviary.
I’ve also met Pushpa when she visited. A lovely lady.
Thank you KB! You are awesome and I look forward to spending all my life in Dharma with you and our Kechara Family!
What a lovely wedding, filled with pujas, commitment and spirituality. 🙂
KB has been Rinpoche’s asistant for 5 years already. And Rinpoche likes him a lot as he is very harmonious with the Ladrang staff and does not create any problems in the Ladrang. Rinpoche treats KB more like a brother than an asistant. KB joined KPSS2 outlet first before coming to Ladrang. At that time KPSS2 has no extra staff and KB stayed and worked alone in KPSS2. Although KB is a Hindu Rinpoche does not discriminate and treats him very well all the same. When KB was getting married Rinpoche took care of everything for him. And also welcomed Pushpa his wife to the Kechara family. Later when KB came back he offered Rinpoche a Vajrayogini Thangka from him and his wife Pushpa.
KB you deserve all the happiness in the world and we’re so happy to see this news. Pusshpa looks like a little dakini and you are a daka, of course, always working so selflessly and with so much care for the dharma. It is an honour to know someone like you and so much can be learnt just from watching the way you work in the Ladrang. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you with the slightest angry expression on your face. I don’t think you’re capable of doing or thinking anything bad, ever!
I can’t imagine what the Ladrang or Kechara would be like without you there and we are all missing you tremendously while you are away. I know for sure Monlam misses having someone to call “kugpa” every 10 minutes haha and of course, Mumu and Oser must miss you terribly.
When we’re here in KL, KB is that single wonderful reminder to us of that whole wonderful spirit of Nepal – the devotion they have for spirituality, their simple happiness, easy-going nature and vast capacity for friendship and love. Namaste KB! Come home soon!
KB, Congrats. May you always take care of each other. Your wife is very lovely & pretty lady.
Wow KB, you are a grown man!
It is so nice to see these wonderful pictures of you and your lovely Pusshpa.
We all miss you very much in Ladrang and we hope to see you very very soon!
Congratulations KB and Pusshpa!
Jon 😀