Nicholas’ daughter’s 1st birthday
Dear Rinpoche,
Nicholas, Josephine, Natasha, Nadia, Martin, Su Ming, Bryan, Ethan and I are now in Boathouse to celebrate Nadia’s 1year old birthday.
Su Ming bought Balloons for the 2 kids. Martin, Bryan, Ethan and I bought gifts and jelly cake for the 2 kids.
Regards, James.
Nicholas, Josephine, Natasha and the baby girl Nadia.
Gifts for Birthday girl Nadia: a DIY Foot print clay from Bryan, Ethan and I, and a pair of shoe from Martin.
For Natasha, a Pencil box and stationery set from Bryan, Ethan and I, a Pink bag from Martin.
How kind of everyone to celebrate this birthday…what a nice sms sent to me by James. Thanks.
I am very happy for Nicholas, Josephine and family. I thank our friends for going together to celebrate and show love.
Tsem Rinpoche
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How great that Nicholas and Josephine are such great parents, and gave Dharma to their children at such a young age…Nadia was born into the Dharma! And especially with Kechara, their parents will never have to worry about them because Kecharians have so much love for their little family…their girls always have someone to play with and take care of them!
Nicholas 2nd daughter 1st birthday party was celebrated in one of Rinpoche’s student’s Adeline Lim’s Restaurant called Boathouse. This celebration is not the usual where there are many kids around. Infact it is only one other kid and that is the birthday girl elder sister Natasha. The people who attended the birthday celebration were Nicholas, Josephine, Natasha, Nadia (birthday girl) Martin, Su Ming, James, Ethan and Bryan. Nadia received gifts like shoes, balloons, jelly cakes and clay foot prints. The special thing about this birthday party is that there were only adults instead of children which normally will be celebrated with lots of children. The important thing is Nicholas and family is now a part of Kechara family.
Nicholas 2nd daughter 1st bikrthday was celebrated in one of Rinpoche’s student Adeline Lim’s Restaurant called Boathouse. This celebration is not the usual where are kids around. There is only Natasha the birthday girl’s sister only. The people who attended the celebration were Nicholas, Jlsephine, Natasha, Nadia(birthday girl) Martin, Su Ming, James, Ethan and Bryan. Nadia received gifts like shoes, balloons, jelly cakes and clay foot prints. The special thing about this birthday is that there were only adults instead of kids which normally will be celebrated with lots of children.
When Nicholas first came to Kechara House, he was a very successful executive working in Digi, father of lovely Natasha and husband to the ever gracious Josephine. It is a picutre perfect family that any conventional person would admire. Afew months later, Josephine became pregnant and before long little Nadia emerged. Then one day, we all received news that Nicholas would be resigning from Digi and joining Kechara fulltime to do dharma work. And to add icing to the cake, his beautiful wife Josephine supports his decision! I salute Josephine and i congratulate Nicholas for creating the precedent and setting a wonderful example for other “normal” yuppies to follow suit. Now Nicholas family has extended as he has fully embraced Kechara as his family.
When Nicholas first came to Kechara House, he was a very successful executive working in Digi, father of lovely Natasha and husband to the ever gracious Josephine. It is a picutre perfect family that any conventional person would admire. Afew months later, Josephine became pregnant and before long little Nadia emerged. Then one day, we all received news that Nicholas would be resigning from Digi and joining Kechara fulltime to do dharma work. And to add icing to the cake, his beautiful wife Josephine supports his decision! I salute Josephine and i congratulate Nicholas for creating the precedent and setting a wonderful example for other “normal” yuppies to follow suit. Now Nicholas family has extended as he has fully embraced Kechara as his family.
When I asked Nicholas what he has liked most about Dharma since he joined full time a few months ago, he told that it is so good to now that every single moment of every day is now spend for the benefit of others.
Like Cynthia, I love the fact that Nicholas has a family, 2 children and had a very prestigious job in one of the top companies in Malaysia. He told me by being in Dharma, he wants to inspire others to see that Dharma isn’t just for old, retired people with a lot of time on their hand. He told me, “You can’t wait for the right time, when you’re older, or freer or whatever. You just gotta do it man.”
And being a man that is true to his word, he did.
When i first met Nicholas, he was just a newbie to Kechara. He was one of the many that came to dharma through the channel of KSK. He was very commited and never fail for KSK rounds. I remember at one of the newbies party at solaris, My 2 kids, Nicholas, Josephine and I were sitting together. They chat the whole night and that’s how i get to know josephine. Then they started to joined Mr Ngeow Manjuhsri class on Sunday. Nicholas told me that he likes Kechara very much. He hopes that Josephine will like dharma too. After months later, i am not sure how , Nicholas has became the Kechara committee member. And now Nicholas is a fultime dharma staff in Kechara Care also the committee member of Kechara House. In his busy schedule in Kechara Care, he is still volunteering in KSK very often.
I am very happy for Nicholas to be in dharma now, all the way. He has his wife, josephine’s blessings that i think not many people has that kind of previllage. Josephine supported him all the way. The 2 adorable daughters are so fortunate to be in dharma in such a young age. May Nicholas and his family always be blessed by Rinpoche and the 3 jewels.
How lucky and nice for Nicholas to be able to celebrate his daughter’s birthday with both his family and Dharma family. I am sincerely very happy for him. Not everyone has such good fortune to live a life like Nicholas.
Nicholas is a young man who had a career in DIGI, a good husband, a good father and works for the benefit of others. He is FULL-TIME in the Dharma. I see him working till 2am almost everyday in Kechara Care Department ( and volunteers in Kechara House ( during weekends.
Josephine must be a very understanding wife to support him all the way in the Dharma. You guys really set a good example to many.